单词 | restoration work | ||||
释义 | restoration work
例句释义: 恢复工作,复旧工作 1. In recent years some restoration work has been done on the Hagia Sophia, and a few of the mosaics have been uncovered. 近年来,人们对圣索菲亚大寺进行了复原工作,一些被灰浆掩盖的镶嵌画得以重见天日。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. To be fair, this could be due to the massive restoration work that the painting has undergone. 公平一点的来说,这一点也有可能是在这幅画上的大规模的保存复原工作所造成的。 jacobcrab.homeip.net 3. Both clubs are aware further negotiations are delicate, but restoration work towards smooth talks could lift the move off the ground. ? 两家俱乐部都清楚认识到进一步的谈判会是棘手的,不过朝向顺利谈判的相关修补工作将协助此次交易起航。 www.bing.com 4. In the current economic climate, do you see going back to restoration work as part of the natural ebb and flow of business? 在目前的经济环境,你将看到的一部分的自然消长和业务流回到恢复工作? www.igolfyou.cn 5. Moscow's Bolshoi Theatre reopens after six years of restoration work. 莫斯科大剧院历经六年修缮完工后重开。 www.ecocn.org 6. He then echoed a familiar Iraqi lament: "I wish the restoration work would start with electricity and water and sewage. " 他还用另外一句代表所有伊拉克民众大声疾呼,“我希望城市重建先能从水电供应以及污水处理基础设施开始抓起。” www.bing.com 7. The absence of a secondary waste stream is another attraction to use Cold Jet for restoration work. 没有二次废物流是吸引人们使用ColdJet执行修复工作的另一个原因。 www.coldjet.com 8. But here and there, I spied grand structures wrapped in bamboo scaffolding in preparation for restoration work. 我还经常看到有覆盖着竹制脚手架、准备翻修的大型建筑物。 chinese.wsj.com 9. The architects that specify restoration work will often not allow chemicals or abrasive cleaning methods not be used. 分配修复工作的建筑师经常不允许使用化学品或会产生磨损的清洁方法。 www.coldjet.com 10. They made the discovery while carrying out restoration work at Cairo's National Museum of Egyptian Civilization. 他们是在修复开罗的埃及文明国家博物馆时发现的。 www.hxen.com 1. A team of 11 members has already begun the restoration work, starting from the statue of Akhenaten carrying an offering tray. 一个11人小组已经开始修复工作,就从阿肯纳坦手拿祭盘的雕像开始。 www.bing.com 2. The torch and flame of the Statue of Liberty have been in a workshop on Liberty Island after being removed during restoration work. 对神像进行修缮时,火炬和火焰被移了下,来并被置于自由岛的某个车间内。 www.bing.com 3. do restoration work in accordance with the design requirements of the bridge management after the construction. 按照设计要求施工完毕后按桥梁管理部门的要求,做好恢复工作; zhidao.baidu.com 4. The 8m (26ft) high cave decorated with shells, mosaics and marble was found during restoration work on the palace. 这座八公尺高的洞穴里,有贝壳、马赛克拼花图案以及大理石做为装饰,发现的时间正巧是在进行宫殿的修复工作。 chihuahu.blogspot.com 5. bravo! what a beautiful blade and restoration work! 妙!很美的剑条和恢复工夫! hfsword.com 6. By chance, restoration work in 1956-1957 revealed a small natural grotto east-south-east of the sanctuary. 在1956-1957年的修复工作中,揭露了祭坛东南东的自然小洞穴。 holyland.ccreadbible.org 7. Staff members of the Cultural Institute introducing the restoration work of Mandarins House 文化局职员介绍郑家大屋的复修工作 www.amo.gov.hk |
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