单词 | region. | ||||||||||||||||
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region. 显示所有例句
例句释义: 区域,行政区,全部地区,面域,磁各向异性效应 1. She said the region needs to prepare for the impact of new economic shocks. 哈泽尔说,亚太地区必须作好准备应对新的冲击。 www.voanews.cn 2. When a region has such a diversity of problems, it is good to tidy-up in this way, get some problems behind you for good. 当一个区域有如此繁多的问题时,最好能以这种方式来处理,将某些问题永远甩掉。 www.who.int 3. China has worked out a plan to turn its vast impoverished western region into a promising land. 中国目前已出台计划,拟将贫瘠的大西部改造成为富饶的土地。 www.jukuu.com 4. paste , and drag and drop operations retain outlining information , but do not always persist the state of the collapsible region. 另外,“复制”、“剪切”、“粘贴”和拖放操作保留大纲显示信息,但不始终保持可折叠区域的状态。 www.ichacha.net 5. And there was talk of greater freedom, that people across the region would have the "freedom to live as you choose" . 同时,演讲中还谈论了更大自由度的问题,这将使得该地区的民众可以“自由选择自己的生活”。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. And when the men of that place recognized Him, they sent word into all that surrounding region and brought to Him all who were ill. 那地方的人一认出是耶稣,就打发人到四周全境,把一切有病的带到他那里, edu.china.com 7. Indeed, Japan is widely viewed as having the only nation in the region with a navy powerful enough to check China. 实际上,在这一地区,日本被视为唯一一个海军力量足以制约中国的国家。 cn.nytimes.com 8. This region's oil resources make it a key political and financial player. 这个地区的石油资源奠定了其在政治和金融方面的地位。 www.bing.com 9. Iran has not acted in ways that are conducive to peace in the region or to the prosperity of its own people, he said. 他说,伊朗还没有采取有益于地区和平或本国人民富强的行动。 www.america.gov 10. We hope that this was NOT the last tiger left in that region- but probably so. 我们也只能一厢情愿的希望这不要是当地的最后一只老虎,但事实极有可能不是如此。 www.bing.com 1. as a pacific nation , we benefit , as you do , from trade across the ocean and from the growing vitality of this region. 作为太平洋周边国家之一,我们和贵国一样受益于跨太平洋贸易,受益于这个地区日益壮大的生机和活力。 www.ichacha.net 2. Suppose this population migrates to a region, like the Upper Nile, where it is an advantage to be very tall. 再假设,种群迁往一个地方——如尼罗河上游,那里的人的特点是身材高大。 www.bing.com 3. in the light of this , it is important that the bank plays a catalytic role in mobilising resources within and outside of the region. 鉴于上述情况,亚银担负起区内与区外资源流动的催化者角色是重要的。 www.ichacha.net 4. He said the region from Portland, Maine, to Washington was running only 10 vehicles lower than last November. 他说,从缅因州波特兰到华盛顿的东北部地区,11月份的销售量只比去年同期减少了10辆。 www.ebigear.com 5. He said the Asia-Pacific region will be crucial for creating jobs in the US and shaping its security and prosperity. 他说,亚太地区对美国的就业、安保和繁荣都至关重要。 www.putclub.com 6. On Monday, there was Clara Aguilera, agriculture councilwoman for the region of Andalucia, pointedly biting into a whole cuke. 周一,有克拉拉阿奎莱拉,农业安达卢西亚地区的市议员,有针对性地黄瓜咬成一个整体。 www.englishtang.com 7. When Jesus had finished saying these things, he left Galilee and went into the region of Judea to the other side of the Jordan. 耶稣说完了这些话,就离开加利利,来到犹太的境界,约但河外。 www.bbintl.org 8. The fifth grade teacher's primary school in Vietnam's northern mountains region used to have no lights, no fans and a leaky tiled roof. 这位五年级教师教书的小学校位于越南的北部山区。那里曾经没有电灯,没有电扇,瓦片铺就的屋顶是漏水的。 web.worldbank.org 9. And this rumour of him went forth throughout all Judaea, and throughout all the region round about. 他这事的风声就传遍了犹太,和周围地方。 www.ebigear.com 10. Recently, the studies on them have been a hot region. Thus it is of great significance to comprehensively exploit the macro fungi. 近年来,对大型真菌色素的研究开发已成为一项热门领域,对真菌资源综合利用有着重要的意义。 www.chemyq.com 1. When Taliban took over this region, this was one of the few girls' schools that remained open. 当塔利班接管了这一地区,这是为数不多的保持开放的女子学校。 www.bing.com 2. The pain of appendicitis may be referred to any region of the abdomen. 阑尾炎的疼痛可能涉及腹部的任何部位。 wenku.baidu.com 3. Pollution problems could hardly be resolved with single river engineering, which need the cooperative control of every region involved. 单一河流的整治往往不能解决问题,而是需要整个区域的协同控制。 lib.cqvip.com 4. China is ready to participate in discussions on strengthening financial cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region. 中国愿意参加加强亚太地区金融合作的探讨。 www.china.org.cn 5. I take data to search the translation company of Peking region on the computer, can have to leave our company a little bit near of. 我拿着资料就在电脑上搜索北京地区的翻译公司,可有没有离我们公司近点的。 www.tianya.cn 6. And Mr. Bush invited him to the White House to get a status report on developments both in his region, and nationally as well. 布什总统邀请基尔来到白宫,请他谈谈南部政府和整个苏丹的最新情况。 www.voanews.cn 7. Brazil wants to be the dominant power in Latin America, while China's increasing trade with the region is turning it into a competitor. 巴西希望成为拉丁美洲的主导力量;而中国在该地区越来越多的贸易活动使自己成了巴西的竞争者。 www.ftchinese.com 8. And when they saw him, they pleaded with him to leave their region. 既见了,就央求他礼开他们的境界。 www.ebigear.com 9. As clouds may obstruct the observation, the image is usually constructed from a number of satellite observations over the same region. 由于云层阻碍观测,图像一般是由数次同范围卫星观测所合成的。 www.weather.gov.hk 10. Pain or discomfort in the epigastric region is often of gastrointestinal origin. 上腹区的疼痛或不适病因通常来自肠胃道; www.ceps.com.tw 1. Barge freight prices have soared on the Ohio River, one of the few waterways in the region on which grain is still being shipped. 作为该地区少数几条仍能运输谷物的水道之一,俄亥俄河的驳船运输价格已大幅飙升。 www.ftchinese.com 2. That Stalin was a Georgian did not save the region from his brutality. 虽然斯大林是格鲁吉亚人,但是格鲁吉亚并未因此而逃脱他的暴政。 www.ecocn.org 3. But the business is now better focused and it has a strong presence in the US as well as the Asia-Pacific region. 但现在的业务重点更明确,它拥有强大的存在,在美国以及亚太地区。 bzxw.a1pak.com 4. Drugs are a problem all over the world so this region is no different than any other region. 毒品是一个世界范围的问题,这一地区与其他地区毫无两样。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 5. The company expects to sell more than 400 cars in the region next year, he said, with China accounting for half that. 他说,公司预计明年在该地区将售出400辆以上轿车,其中中国约占一半。 c.wsj.com 6. therefore, it is possible for a lower privilege application to paint over the surface region of a higher privilege application window. 因此才使低权限应用程序能够对高权限应用程序窗口区域进行绘图。 blog.csdn.net 7. In an air traffic system that operates near capacity, any delays in one region tend to spread like ripples and trigger delays elsewhere. 在一个接近饱和状态的空中交通系统中,某一区域的任何延误都会像波浪一样传播并触发其它区域的航班延误。 www.bing.com 8. The United States will not be able to dictate the pace and scope of this change. Only the people of the region can do that. 美国不可能决定这项变革的速度和范围,只有当地的人民才能做到。 www.america.gov 9. Mr Gates said the US would maintain a strong military presence in the region, including sending a new combat ship to Singapore. 盖茨表示,美国将在该地区保持强大的军事存在,包括向新加坡派遣一艘新战舰。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Solar masses within a few light weeks. Only a black hole allows the presence of so much mass in such a small region. 个太阳质量,但直径只有数光星期之内的物体,只有黑洞才可能这么重而同时又这么细小。 www.lcsd.gov.hk 1. With an 18. 9% increase, Africa was the only region to see premium traffic rise. 唯一见证“两舱”出行上升的是非洲,增幅18. www.ecocn.org 2. It had been the region of their First Warpath, and it carried back the minds of both to scenes of tenderness as well as to hours of triumph. 这是他们第一次踏上征途的地方,它使他们俩想起了往日那些可歌可泣的动人场面和胜利的时刻。 3. And with China, Russia, Japan and India all feeling their strength, the region's powers are beginning to divide into two broad alliances. 而且由于中国、俄罗斯、日本和印度都感受到自己的实力,该地区的大国开始分裂成两大联盟。 www.stnn.cc 4. He said the scientists intend to test earlier pottery from the region for chemical proof. 他说,科学家打算检测来自该地区较早的陶器作为化学证据。 www.bing.com 5. In a region of China known for thousands of years of tea growing, a new crop is beginning to change the country's landscape: coffee. 中国茶都云南普洱市自古以来就以茶叶种植享誉海内外,不过现在一种新的作物正开始改变该地数千年的种植格局,这就是咖啡。 putclub.com 6. Sands, in a report in Fate Magazine, noted what seemed like an unusually large number of strange accidents in that region. 在命运杂志中的一项报告中,着重指出了在那个区域中像有不寻常的大量奇怪的意外事件存在。 scienceyi.5d6d.com 7. In his mind was a region of confusion, doubt and delight mixed, and this was the distance between himself and the plane. 他心里一片迷茫,交织着疑惑与兴奋,这就是飞机和他之间存在着距离。 www.elanso.com 8. As in other types of business, the region's local champions lack scale in a world where critical mass seems to matter ever more. 就像在其它行业中那样,该地区本地公司的佼佼者缺乏规模,而这个世界中临界质量看来更加重要了。 www.ecocn.org 9. "As I said, Tom's growth target for the Eastern region for next year is 15%. Now, does anyone object to moving on to South Central? Good. " 最后,弗兰克说,“就像我说的,明年汤姆负责的东部地区增长目标是15%。现在,有人反对继续讨论南部中心地区吗?没有人,很好。” www.bing.com 10. Amnesty International says a campaign of ethnic cleansing seems to have started to destabilize the region. 国际特赦组织称,种族大清洗运动似乎已经开始在该地区制造动荡。 www.hxen.com 1. The men said they were Indian, but the attacks appeared to ratchet up tensions in an already volatile region. 男子说他们是印度人,但是此次袭击使到本已敏感多变的地区更加剑拔弩张。 www.bing.com 2. Asteroids are minor planets, most of which circle the sun in a region known as the asteroid belt, between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. 小行星是较小的行星,它们中的大部分在火星和木星轨道间的小行星带中环绕太阳运行。 www.bing.com 3. Even more impressively, a region which had become a byword for financial instability mostly sailed through the recent recession. 更令人印象深刻的是一个曾经代表金融动荡的地区竟大致平稳度过了最近的经济衰退。 www.ecocn.org 4. The Malaysia-Indonesia maritime border row was one of the numerous border disputes in the region. 马来西亚与印尼的海上边界纠纷只是本地区数不清的边界纠纷之一。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 5. And if oil were spilled in the winter, cleanup would take place in the total darkness that engulfs the region during those months. 而如果石油在冬季泄漏,清理工作会在吞没此地区长达数月的黑暗中进行。 www.bing.com 6. Over the next five years the company will be investing $4 billion in the Asia Pacific region, with India and China absorbing most of that. 未来五年内,福特将在亚太地区,主要是中国和印度,投资40亿美元。 ecocn.org 7. Wal-Mart's Mr. Rose said the company has been communicating with its suppliers in the region. 沃尔玛发言人罗斯说,该公司一直在与该地区的供应商沟通。 cn.wsj.com 8. COSATU has asked governments in the region to refuse to have dealings with him, except to work towards a fair election. COSATU已经要求这个地区的政府和他断绝往来,除非是有助于公平选举的工作。 www.ecocn.org 9. It has sought to become a more substantial player in a region where the United States traditionally holds far more sway. 它设法在这个传统上美国的势力范围内扩大了影响。 www.ecocn.org 10. The temptation is to see this as a plague visited on the region from outside, which its governments are powerless to resist or cure. 诱惑是将其看作来自外部,袭击这一地区的天灾,对此政府无力抵抗或是消解。 www.bing.com 1. Like a classic run on the bank, money began to pull out of the entire region. They called it contagion. 就象一个银行的传统运营方式,资金被从整个这一地区抽走,他们把它叫做恶性蔓延。 www.dzxsw.com 2. I would not be surprised if the majority of certain global financial activities now originated in a few jurisdictions in this region. 如果说某些与全球金融活动相关的业务源头大部分都已集中在亚洲区内,我并不会感到惊讶。 www.info.gov.hk 3. The incident sparked violent and unrest which seems to have continued despite government promises of more investment into the region. 这一事件引发了暴力和动乱,尽管政府承诺会在该地区投入更多的资金但是暴力和动乱似乎仍将继续。 www.tingclass.com 4. Dai area is originally Dai-Rong ethic group region. It had been under Zhao state's rule during the Warring States Period. 代地原本是代戎活动的区域,战国时期一直处于赵国的治下。 lib.cqvip.com 5. Our region has an area equivalent to that of Switzerland and a population equivalent to that of Denmark. 我们大区的面积与瑞士不相上下,人口与丹麦相当。 3us.enghunan.gov.cn 6. The company said the wage deal offered to employees was among the highest in the region in similar industries. 诺基亚称,本次向工人们提供的工资协议是该地区同类行业中最高的。 www.bing.com 7. Our Asia area manager also got married this Summer. The party took place in the seacoast of our West of Loire Valley Region. 我们的亚洲区销售经理也是今年夏天结了婚。婚礼在卢瓦尔河谷的海岸西部举行了。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Mr Liu said the aim was to provide financial services for every town-level administrative region. 刘明康表示,目标是在每一个乡镇提供金融服务。 www.ftchinese.com 9. sometimes it causes the location of the office to be moved, or for you to be moved to a new region. 有时候,这会造成办公室地址搬迁,或者让你调动到新的地区。 www.hahaha365.com 10. The rest of the region will have to be equally robust if Mr Mugabe is to be coaxed into negotiating with the MDC and its leader. 如果穆加贝先生被哄到谈判桌前和MDC及其领导人谈判的话,这片区域的其它国家毫无疑问将干劲十足。 www.ecocn.org 1. 'Security and prosperity of our two great nations depends on the security and prosperity of the Asia-Pacific region, ' he said. 他说,两个伟大国度的安全和繁荣有赖于亚太地区的安全与繁荣。 chinese.wsj.com 2. While DeSutter did not have a specific region in mind, she did say, "in a perfect scenario one could imagine it on the Korean Peninsula. " 德萨特表示她并没有对特定的地区加以考虑,但她说:“在一种完美的假定中,我们可以设想在朝鲜半岛建立这种体制。” www.america.gov 3. In photographic photometry we use photographic plates of a certain region of the sky to determine the coordinates of the stars. 在照相测光中,我们利用所拍摄的天空某一区域的照相底片来测定恒星的坐标。 4. Obama said the third part of the U. S. strategy is comprehensive American engagement across the region. 奥巴马总统指出,美国的战略方案的第三部分是同整个地区进行全面接触。 www.america.gov 5. Jobs was one of the pioneers of Silicon Valley and helped establish the region's claim as the global centre of technology. 乔布斯是硅谷的先驱之一,在他的帮助下该地区荣膺建成了全球技术中心。 www.bing.com 6. As is known to all that the freezing-heaving mechanism of tunnel surrounding rock is a common problem of the tunnel in the cold region. 隧道围岩冻胀变形机理是寒区隧道工程常见的问题之一。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. To have him survive would be a humiliation for Washington at a moment and in a region where its words still have great impact. 让他将在一个生存的时刻,在这个区域里的话仍然有很大的影响了华盛顿的屈辱。 www.englishtang.com 8. The quality of the partners and the banks financing the developments, he said, "indicates how well Tesco is perceived within the region" . 布莱克表示,顶尖的合作伙伴和出资银行,“表明特易购在这个地区形象极佳”。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Violence against women is not confined to a specific culture, region or country, or to particular groups of women within a society. 对女性施加的暴力不局限于某种特定文化、地区和国家,也不局限于一个社会中的某一群妇女。 www.bing.com 10. In his speech, Wu said that the Asia and Pacific Region is at a very important place in the world. 吴邦国在致辞中说,亚太地区在世界上处于十分重要的地位。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 1. Western Region has always been a region where a number of religions exist side by side. 西域地区总是会有很多的宗教信仰存在。 www.bing.com 2. "I don't see our improving military relationship in this region in the context of any other country, including China, " said Mr Gates. 盖茨表示:“我不认为,我们改善在这一地区的军事关系,与包括中国在内的其它任何国家有关。” www.ftchinese.com 3. As the animation plays, activity first builds up in the genital area of the sensory cortex, a response to being touched in that region. 正如短片显示的那样,大脑活动先从负责生殖器官那部分的感觉皮层开始,触发了此区域的感应。 www.bing.com 4. Let me say at the outset that this proposal is made with no single region, no single class, no single racial or religious group in mind. 请允许我在开头便说明,这一建议的提出不带有对任何个地区、阶级、种族或教派的考虑。 www.zftrans.com 5. On the region label, look for the name of any region type that might be assigned to that content region. 在区域标签上,查找任何可能分配给该内容区域的区域类型的名称。 office.microsoft.com 6. A masked interpreter shares checkpoint duty in a Pashtu-speaking region where the Punjabi-dominated army is not always welcome. 一名戴着面具的翻译在普什图语地区分担检查的工作,因为以旁遮普语为主的部队在这里并不总是受欢迎。 www.bing.com 7. A wintry blast is bringing cold air down and dumping up to a foot of snow on some parts of the region. 寒流带来了冷空气,并给部分地区带来一英尺的降雪。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Policy makers across the region have voiced concern about the darkening outlook and declared themselves ready to respond. 亚洲各国决策者则已对黯淡的前景表示担忧,并宣称做好了应对准备。 cn.wsj.com 9. Just as a sunspot was turning away from Earth on Sept. 8, the active region erupted, producing a solar flare and a fantastic prominence. 9月8日正当太阳黑子开始远离地球的时候,活跃区域又发生一次爆发,同时出现一个明显的突起。 www.bing.com 10. The state news agency Xinhua said the violence erupted on Sunday afternoon in the capital of the restive Xinjiang Uighur autonomous region. 中国国家通讯社新华社报道称在动荡的新疆乌鲁木齐自治区首府的暴乱发生在周日下午。 bbs.veduchina.com 1. The president said he visited Mr Duzer during his campaign tour to the region because he had been encouraging blood donors in his community. 总统说他之所以在竞选巡演经过此地时拜访杜泽先生,是因为杜泽一直对所在社区的献血者们进行鼓励。 www.bing.com 2. He said the same region of the brain has been found in prior studies to play a role in motor control. 他说在此前的研究中发现,此区域还负责动作控制。 www.bing.com 3. In his speech, Wu said that the Asia and Pacific Region is at a very important place in the world. 吴邦国在致辞中说,亚太地区在世界上处于十分重要的地位。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 4. Western Region has always been a region where a number of religions exist side by side. 西域地区总是会有很多的宗教信仰存在。 www.bing.com 5. "I don't see our improving military relationship in this region in the context of any other country, including China, " said Mr Gates. 盖茨表示:“我不认为,我们改善在这一地区的军事关系,与包括中国在内的其它任何国家有关。” www.ftchinese.com 6. As the animation plays, activity first builds up in the genital area of the sensory cortex, a response to being touched in that region. 正如短片显示的那样,大脑活动先从负责生殖器官那部分的感觉皮层开始,触发了此区域的感应。 www.bing.com 7. Let me say at the outset that this proposal is made with no single region, no single class, no single racial or religious group in mind. 请允许我在开头便说明,这一建议的提出不带有对任何个地区、阶级、种族或教派的考虑。 www.zftrans.com 8. On the region label, look for the name of any region type that might be assigned to that content region. 在区域标签上,查找任何可能分配给该内容区域的区域类型的名称。 office.microsoft.com 9. A masked interpreter shares checkpoint duty in a Pashtu-speaking region where the Punjabi-dominated army is not always welcome. 一名戴着面具的翻译在普什图语地区分担检查的工作,因为以旁遮普语为主的部队在这里并不总是受欢迎。 www.bing.com 10. A wintry blast is bringing cold air down and dumping up to a foot of snow on some parts of the region. 寒流带来了冷空气,并给部分地区带来一英尺的降雪。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. "I don't see our improving military relationship in this region in the context of any other country, including China, " said Mr Gates. 盖茨表示:“我不认为,我们改善在这一地区的军事关系,与包括中国在内的其它任何国家有关。” www.ftchinese.com 2. As the animation plays, activity first builds up in the genital area of the sensory cortex, a response to being touched in that region. 正如短片显示的那样,大脑活动先从负责生殖器官那部分的感觉皮层开始,触发了此区域的感应。 www.bing.com 3. Let me say at the outset that this proposal is made with no single region, no single class, no single racial or religious group in mind. 请允许我在开头便说明,这一建议的提出不带有对任何个地区、阶级、种族或教派的考虑。 www.zftrans.com 4. On the region label, look for the name of any region type that might be assigned to that content region. 在区域标签上,查找任何可能分配给该内容区域的区域类型的名称。 office.microsoft.com 5. A masked interpreter shares checkpoint duty in a Pashtu-speaking region where the Punjabi-dominated army is not always welcome. 一名戴着面具的翻译在普什图语地区分担检查的工作,因为以旁遮普语为主的部队在这里并不总是受欢迎。 www.bing.com 6. A wintry blast is bringing cold air down and dumping up to a foot of snow on some parts of the region. 寒流带来了冷空气,并给部分地区带来一英尺的降雪。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Policy makers across the region have voiced concern about the darkening outlook and declared themselves ready to respond. 亚洲各国决策者则已对黯淡的前景表示担忧,并宣称做好了应对准备。 cn.wsj.com 8. Just as a sunspot was turning away from Earth on Sept. 8, the active region erupted, producing a solar flare and a fantastic prominence. 9月8日正当太阳黑子开始远离地球的时候,活跃区域又发生一次爆发,同时出现一个明显的突起。 www.bing.com 9. With this reasoning, will technological progress help landscape get out of the region? 如此推论,技术进步会不会促使景观逐渐摆脱地缘的引力? www.jchla.com 10. When other satellites photographed the surface of Mars, the pictures of the Cydonia region revealed that the face was just an eroded mesa . 后来其他卫星也对火星表面拍摄了照片,而塞东尼亚地区后来拍摄的照片揭示那张脸只不过是风化了的平顶山。 www.bing.com 1. A masked interpreter shares checkpoint duty in a Pashtu-speaking region where the Punjabi-dominated army is not always welcome. 一名戴着面具的翻译在普什图语地区分担检查的工作,因为以旁遮普语为主的部队在这里并不总是受欢迎。 www.bing.com 2. A wintry blast is bringing cold air down and dumping up to a foot of snow on some parts of the region. 寒流带来了冷空气,并给部分地区带来一英尺的降雪。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Policy makers across the region have voiced concern about the darkening outlook and declared themselves ready to respond. 亚洲各国决策者则已对黯淡的前景表示担忧,并宣称做好了应对准备。 cn.wsj.com 4. Just as a sunspot was turning away from Earth on Sept. 8, the active region erupted, producing a solar flare and a fantastic prominence. 9月8日正当太阳黑子开始远离地球的时候,活跃区域又发生一次爆发,同时出现一个明显的突起。 www.bing.com 5. With this reasoning, will technological progress help landscape get out of the region? 如此推论,技术进步会不会促使景观逐渐摆脱地缘的引力? www.jchla.com 6. When other satellites photographed the surface of Mars, the pictures of the Cydonia region revealed that the face was just an eroded mesa . 后来其他卫星也对火星表面拍摄了照片,而塞东尼亚地区后来拍摄的照片揭示那张脸只不过是风化了的平顶山。 www.bing.com 7. He was more drawn to the literature of bygone Europe than to that of his own region. 他更倾心于往昔的欧洲文学,而忽视了本土文学。 8. Although Lindbergh flew over the region for days, he never located the boat in question. 虽然林德伯格在那片区域飞行了好几天,但是始终没有找到绑匪所说的那条船。 str.ausbio.com 9. The state news agency Xinhua said the violence erupted on Sunday afternoon in the capital of the restive Xinjiang Uighur autonomous region. 中国国家通讯社新华社报道称在动荡的新疆乌鲁木齐自治区首府的暴乱发生在周日下午。 bbs.veduchina.com 10. Most residents of the region in central Java province east of Jakarta are farmers, some of whom are reluctant to leave their land. 在爪哇省中部,雅加达东部的这些居民大部分是农民,他们中的一些人不愿意离开他们的土地。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. When other satellites photographed the surface of Mars, the pictures of the Cydonia region revealed that the face was just an eroded mesa . 后来其他卫星也对火星表面拍摄了照片,而塞东尼亚地区后来拍摄的照片揭示那张脸只不过是风化了的平顶山。 www.bing.com 2. He was more drawn to the literature of bygone Europe than to that of his own region. 他更倾心于往昔的欧洲文学,而忽视了本土文学。 3. Although Lindbergh flew over the region for days, he never located the boat in question. 虽然林德伯格在那片区域飞行了好几天,但是始终没有找到绑匪所说的那条船。 str.ausbio.com 4. Ultraviolet light heats the edges of the dark cloud, releasing gas into the relatively empty region of surrounding space. 紫外线能够加热黑云的边缘,将气体释放到周围的宇宙空间里。 www.bing.com 5. The state news agency Xinhua said the violence erupted on Sunday afternoon in the capital of the restive Xinjiang Uighur autonomous region. 中国国家通讯社新华社报道称在动荡的新疆乌鲁木齐自治区首府的暴乱发生在周日下午。 bbs.veduchina.com 6. Most residents of the region in central Java province east of Jakarta are farmers, some of whom are reluctant to leave their land. 在爪哇省中部,雅加达东部的这些居民大部分是农民,他们中的一些人不愿意离开他们的土地。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. With the worst clearly behind us, and with signs of a strong economic recovery in the region, the mission of this group has still not ended. 虽然最坏的时间已经过去,而且区内经济更出现强劲复苏的迹象,但小组的任务尚未完结。 www.info.gov.hk 8. How much had the region moved on 20 years after the great revolutions of autumn 1989? 1989年的伟大革命已经过去20年,那里发生了多大的变化呢? www.bing.com 9. Traditionally the American presence in the region on its own has been a strong guarantor of stability. 过去,美国在亚洲地区的存在本身就是稳定的强力保证。 chinese.wsj.com 10. But this caveat should not cloud the central issue: a coup in a region which has shed authoritarianism should not be allowed to stand. 但是该警告不该模糊了核心问题:在被独裁主义遮蔽的地区发动的政变是不允许存在的。 www.bing.com 1. Most residents of the region in central Java province east of Jakarta are farmers, some of whom are reluctant to leave their land. 在爪哇省中部,雅加达东部的这些居民大部分是农民,他们中的一些人不愿意离开他们的土地。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. With the worst clearly behind us, and with signs of a strong economic recovery in the region, the mission of this group has still not ended. 虽然最坏的时间已经过去,而且区内经济更出现强劲复苏的迹象,但小组的任务尚未完结。 www.info.gov.hk 3. How much had the region moved on 20 years after the great revolutions of autumn 1989? 1989年的伟大革命已经过去20年,那里发生了多大的变化呢? www.bing.com 4. Traditionally the American presence in the region on its own has been a strong guarantor of stability. 过去,美国在亚洲地区的存在本身就是稳定的强力保证。 chinese.wsj.com 5. But this caveat should not cloud the central issue: a coup in a region which has shed authoritarianism should not be allowed to stand. 但是该警告不该模糊了核心问题:在被独裁主义遮蔽的地区发动的政变是不允许存在的。 www.bing.com 6. The mountainous region of Kunar borders Pakistan and is often a transit point for Taliban between the countries. 库纳尔与巴基斯坦边界山峦叠嶂,是塔利班在两国运输的要塞。 www.bing.com 7. North Korea's relationships in the Northeast Asian region could also improve as it abandons its nuclear weapons and programs, he said. 他说,随着北韩放弃核武器和核项目,它与东北亚地区各国的关系也可以得到改善。 www.america.gov 8. Davies said he has requested additional funding from the U. S. Agency for International Development for relief efforts in the region. 戴维斯说,他向美国国际开发署要求提供更多的资金,以便用于该地区的救援工作。 www.america.gov 9. This includes maintaining a strong partnership with Israel while supporting Israel's lasting integration into the region. The U. 这包括与以色列保持强有力的伙伴关系,同时支持以色列和该地区的长期融合; www.bing.com 10. The outer chamber is adapted to contain one of a feed solution and a liquid extractant and defines a containment region. 该外室用于容纳萃取进料和液体萃取剂中的一种,并限定容纳区域。 ip.com 1. North Korea's relationships in the Northeast Asian region could also improve as it abandons its nuclear weapons and programs, he said. 他说,随着北韩放弃核武器和核项目,它与东北亚地区各国的关系也可以得到改善。 www.america.gov 2. Davies said he has requested additional funding from the U. S. Agency for International Development for relief efforts in the region. 戴维斯说,他向美国国际开发署要求提供更多的资金,以便用于该地区的救援工作。 www.america.gov 3. This includes maintaining a strong partnership with Israel while supporting Israel's lasting integration into the region. The U. 这包括与以色列保持强有力的伙伴关系,同时支持以色列和该地区的长期融合; www.bing.com 4. The outer chamber is adapted to contain one of a feed solution and a liquid extractant and defines a containment region. 该外室用于容纳萃取进料和液体萃取剂中的一种,并限定容纳区域。 ip.com 5. There appears to be a small region on either side of the body's median plane (which bisects the body vertically) where people have trouble. 这似乎显示,人体正中面(将人体垂直分割成左右两半)的两侧都有一小区死角。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Part of a space station solar panel is visible at image upper right; behind the panel, a bright region indicates the Sun low on the horizon. 右上角还能看到一小块空间站的太阳能电池板;在电池板后面,绿色的部分表明太阳光就在地平线下面。 www.bing.com 7. It would "unlock huge potential to increase energy efficiency and reduce emissions" in the region, she said in a statement. 她在声明中称,它将“释放该地区提升能源效率和减排的巨大空间”。 cn.reuters.com 8. One is to say that the vector field is a gradient in a certain region of a plane. 一个是向量场,在给定平面区域内是梯度场。 open.163.com 9. A complex mountain region surrounds the mine, and there seem to be anti-aircraft positions protecting the area. 矿场附近是地形复杂的山区。而且这个地区附近好像有防空区域。 bbs.a9vg.com 10. The two-day contest attracts swimmers from all over the country to the northeast region where it's especially cold this time of year. 为期两天的比赛吸引了全国各地的冬泳爱好者来到这个东北地区,这里每年这个时候极为寒冷。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. One is to say that the vector field is a gradient in a certain region of a plane. 一个是向量场,在给定平面区域内是梯度场。 open.163.com 2. A complex mountain region surrounds the mine, and there seem to be anti-aircraft positions protecting the area. 矿场附近是地形复杂的山区。而且这个地区附近好像有防空区域。 bbs.a9vg.com 3. The two-day contest attracts swimmers from all over the country to the northeast region where it's especially cold this time of year. 为期两天的比赛吸引了全国各地的冬泳爱好者来到这个东北地区,这里每年这个时候极为寒冷。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. One bit of good news is that governments in the region are trying to address over-fishing. 唯一的一点好消息是,亚洲地区政府正在着手解决过度捕捞问题。 www.ebigear.com 5. On this historic anniversary of our alliance, America looks to Thailand as a leader in the region and a partner around the world. 在我们两国结盟的这个历史性纪念日,美国将泰国视为这个地区的一个领袖以及美国在全世界的一个伙伴。 www.america.gov 6. Obama said the United States to see the world economic situation changes, the Asia-Pacific region bears great potential for development. 奥巴马说,美国看到世界经济形势发生变化,亚太地区蕴藏很大发展潜力。 www.englishtang.com 7. State Department spokesman Gonzalo Gallegos said the United States is sending an envoy to the region. 美国国务院发言人加莱戈斯(GonzaloGallegos)说,美国将派遣一名外交使者前往该地区。 www.america.gov 8. About the changing of the Delta region, the lives of the ordinary peoples on this land have the most say in the matter. 关于三角洲地区的变化,那些生活在这块土地上的普通老百姓是最有发言权的人了。 www.chinadialogue.net 9. It also presents a succinct account of a case study of conservation in a rainforest region in Colombia. 同时,本文简要地呈现了一个哥伦比亚地区雨林保护的案例研究。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. Through these studies, we wish to be able to clarify the trends of the income gap in central agricultural region between farmers. 通过这些研究,希望能够弄清楚河南省农户收入差距的演变趋势。 www.13191.com 1. State Department spokesman Gonzalo Gallegos said the United States is sending an envoy to the region. 美国国务院发言人加莱戈斯(GonzaloGallegos)说,美国将派遣一名外交使者前往该地区。 www.america.gov 2. About the changing of the Delta region, the lives of the ordinary peoples on this land have the most say in the matter. 关于三角洲地区的变化,那些生活在这块土地上的普通老百姓是最有发言权的人了。 www.chinadialogue.net 3. It also presents a succinct account of a case study of conservation in a rainforest region in Colombia. 同时,本文简要地呈现了一个哥伦比亚地区雨林保护的案例研究。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. Through these studies, we wish to be able to clarify the trends of the income gap in central agricultural region between farmers. 通过这些研究,希望能够弄清楚河南省农户收入差距的演变趋势。 www.13191.com 5. NADIM SHAHADI: "I believe that the trigger for this was the fall of the statue of Saddam Hussein. This was a huge shock to the region. " 我认为这一切的导火索是萨达姆塑像的倒下,这是对该地区的一个巨大冲击。 www.ebigear.com 6. A name can be hidden by an explicit declaration of that same name in a nested declarative region or derived class (10. 2). 名字被嵌套的声明区域或派生类(10.2)中相同名字的显式声明所隐藏。 blog.csdn.net 7. And when the men of that place knew him, they sent into all that region round about, and brought unto him all that were sick. 那里的人一认出是耶稣,就打发人到周围地方去,把所有的病人带到他那里。 www.spring4life.org 8. Then the whole town went out to meet Jesus. And when they saw him, they pleaded with him to leave their region. 合城的人,都出来迎见耶稣。既见了,就央求他离开他们的境界。 www.bbintl.org 9. "Is all this region inhabited? " asked Joe. “这地区有人居住吗?”乔问道。 www.jukuu.com 10. President Morales said he had come to pay homage to the Indian fighters for independence born in the region. 总统说,他来到这里是为了向拉丁美洲独立战争中的在该地区出生的印第安战士表达敬意。 liaozhai.pujia.com 1. And when the men of that place knew him, they sent into all that region round about, and brought unto him all that were sick. 那里的人一认出是耶稣,就打发人到周围地方去,把所有的病人带到他那里。 www.spring4life.org 2. Then the whole town went out to meet Jesus. And when they saw him, they pleaded with him to leave their region. 合城的人,都出来迎见耶稣。既见了,就央求他离开他们的境界。 www.bbintl.org 3. "Is all this region inhabited? " asked Joe. “这地区有人居住吗?”乔问道。 www.jukuu.com 4. President Morales said he had come to pay homage to the Indian fighters for independence born in the region. 总统说,他来到这里是为了向拉丁美洲独立战争中的在该地区出生的印第安战士表达敬意。 liaozhai.pujia.com 5. Press Secretary Jay Carney said the discussions would cover the range of developments across the region. 白宫发言人卡尼说,这次会谈包括整个中东地区的事态发展。 www.voanews.cn 6. This, in turn, has given "Hezbollah a state-like existence and capacity that is unlike any other militia anywhere in the region, " he said. 他说,这实际上赋予了真主党类似国家级的生存力和能力,显然有别于中东地区任何其他民兵组织。 www.america.gov 7. Over the next 22 years, it says, the region will need up to nine trillion dollars in new infrastructure to meet its energy needs. 报告说,在未来22年里,亚太地区需要花费9万亿美元用于改善基础设施,以满足能源需求。 www.voanews.com.cn 8. Hunting Herding and hunting were the means of existence to the ancestors of the snowy region. The skill is still being practised now. 牧猎,雪域先民的生存方式,技艺一直流传至今。 english.china.org.cn 9. The total value works out to US$234 a subscriber, which he said is the lowest figure in the Asian-Pacific region. 目前该公司的市值相当于每个用户234美元,他说这在亚太地区是最低的。 news.139shop.com 10. SADC's leaders, especially its younger ones, are increasingly loth to see their region dragged down by an ageing autocrat. 南共体的领导人们,尤其是少壮派,看到自己的地区被一个老朽的独裁者拖得疲惫不堪,对他越来越深恶痛绝。 www.ecocn.org 1. This, in turn, has given "Hezbollah a state-like existence and capacity that is unlike any other militia anywhere in the region, " he said. 他说,这实际上赋予了真主党类似国家级的生存力和能力,显然有别于中东地区任何其他民兵组织。 www.america.gov 2. Over the next 22 years, it says, the region will need up to nine trillion dollars in new infrastructure to meet its energy needs. 报告说,在未来22年里,亚太地区需要花费9万亿美元用于改善基础设施,以满足能源需求。 www.voanews.com.cn 3. Hunting Herding and hunting were the means of existence to the ancestors of the snowy region. The skill is still being practised now. 牧猎,雪域先民的生存方式,技艺一直流传至今。 english.china.org.cn 4. The total value works out to US$234 a subscriber, which he said is the lowest figure in the Asian-Pacific region. 目前该公司的市值相当于每个用户234美元,他说这在亚太地区是最低的。 news.139shop.com 5. SADC's leaders, especially its younger ones, are increasingly loth to see their region dragged down by an ageing autocrat. 南共体的领导人们,尤其是少壮派,看到自己的地区被一个老朽的独裁者拖得疲惫不堪,对他越来越深恶痛绝。 www.ecocn.org 6. "We're going to be in a position to more effectively strengthen the security of both of our nations and this region, " he said. 奥巴马说:“我们将会更有效率地加强澳大利亚和整个地区的安全。” dongxi.net 7. The straight-line portion of the diagram up to almost the yield point is known as the elastic region of the diagram. 从图表中的直线开始上升一直到屈服极限点是弹性变形区域。 www.tianyablog.com 8. Mill buyers in this region report that their orders are very healthy, as they gear up for what is always a busy fall season. 轧机买家在这一地区的报告说,他们的订单是非常健康的,因为他们装备自己,为什么是总是一个繁忙的秋天。 bzxw.512121.com 9. But Russia beat her to the punch in discussions of that troubled region. 但俄罗斯在那个麻烦地带促成的会谈,给了希拉里女士重重一击。 www.bing.com 10. The absolute stress value determined within the epicentral region of a strong earthquake is usually less than that of the region outside it. 大震后在震中区测得的应力值比离震中较远处测得的应力值要低。 www.geophy.cn 1. But Russia beat her to the punch in discussions of that troubled region. 但俄罗斯在那个麻烦地带促成的会谈,给了希拉里女士重重一击。 www.bing.com 2. The absolute stress value determined within the epicentral region of a strong earthquake is usually less than that of the region outside it. 大震后在震中区测得的应力值比离震中较远处测得的应力值要低。 www.geophy.cn 3. Defoe was an enthusiast for Latin America and persuaded the British government to set up a company to trade with the region in 1711. 迪福是拉丁美洲的狂热爱好者,并说服英国当局在1711年成立公司与当地进行贸易往来。 bbs.ecocn.org 4. Germany cannot defy the gravity that has pulled much of the EU region close to recession, and some parts of it to negative GDP growth. 德国不能否认这重力,它已经把欧洲很多地区接近于不景气,其中一些地区到GDP的负增长。 www.bing.com 5. This was designed to produce a focal region over an extended distance along the transducer axis. 这样做的目的是产生一个中心区域的扩展距离沿传感器轴。 www.syyxw.com 6. Again, ask for all frequencies necessary for you to heal and release to be added to this region by my 'Marias. 再一次,请求你治愈和释放所必须的所有频率通过我的“Maria”们加入到这个部位里。 ssoachinese.spaces.live.com 7. In his interview, Mr. Lee said the growth of China and India would help bolster Singapore, as it lifts economies across the region. 李光耀在采访中说,中国和印度的经济增长提振了该地区的各个经济体,也有望推动新加坡的发展。 c.wsj.com 8. With Jiangxi region, Business card printing and membership card manufacturing workers are bound to be ushered in a new development period. 随着江西在中部地区的崛起,制卡和会员卡制作业必然会迎来一个新的发展时期。 www.bing.com 9. "Wine is a bit absent in this region, which poses a bit of a problem. " “在这个地区,酒有点儿缺失,这提出了一点儿问题。” www.ftchinese.com 10. Stocks extended gains as the European Commission said the region's economy may grow almost twice as fast as previously forecast this year. 股市延续上涨势头,由于欧盟委员会表示,欧洲地区今年经济增长速度可能是此前预测的两倍。 www.bing.com 1. "Wine is a bit absent in this region, which poses a bit of a problem. " “在这个地区,酒有点儿缺失,这提出了一点儿问题。” www.ftchinese.com 2. Stocks extended gains as the European Commission said the region's economy may grow almost twice as fast as previously forecast this year. 股市延续上涨势头,由于欧盟委员会表示,欧洲地区今年经济增长速度可能是此前预测的两倍。 www.bing.com 3. After eight years of fighting in Darfur, the army is still trying to clear pockets of rebel fighters in the vast desert region. 达尔富尔地区经过8年多的冲突,政府军仍在清剿藏于广袤沙漠地区的叛乱份子。 www.bing.com 4. The gamma probe has long been used for scanning a region of the body. 长期以来加马侦检器曾一直被使用于局部身体的扫描。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. With a revived opposition mounting a number of large protests, the Islamic Republic ought to be looking across the region with trepidation. 当重新活跃起来的反对派力量发起一些大规模抗议活动,伊朗这个伊斯兰共和国本应该战战兢兢地审视着整个地区。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Patterns of staining were consistent throughout tubular compartments and did not appear to be localized to any particular region. 在整个管形的间隔间不纯色的模式是调和的并且没在看来局部性到任何特别的区域。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. According to a Bush spokesperson, the participants focused on the nature of the enemy and the challenges in the war-torn region. 据布什代言人说,与会者集中讨论了在遭受战争破坏的地区前景和敌人的特性。 dict.bioon.com 8. Speaking from Tripoli, Lebanon, he said the strong Israeli response has radicalized Arab public opinion in the region. 他在黎巴嫩的的黎波里接受采访时说,以色列激烈的报复行为使中东地区的阿拉伯民意变得更加激进。 www.ebigear.com 9. On the Korean peninsula, 'any aggression is a threat to the interests of every country in the region, ' she said. 她称,朝鲜半岛出现的任何挑衅行为都会对亚洲所有国家利益构成威胁。 bbs.ebigear.com 10. Smurfit Kappa Recycling has appointed Deborah Porter-Walker to be the company's commercial manager for the East Midlands region. 墨菲特卡帕回收已委任德博拉波特,沃克是该公司的中东部地区的商业经理。 bzxw.512121.com 1. Sudan, perhaps more than any other country in this region, seems to have a destructive capacity to sink back to the worst days of its past. 苏丹可能比这一区域的任何其他国家的毁灭力量都更强,让这个国家重新回到了自己历史上最为惨痛的岁月。 cn.nytimes.com 2. Particles from outside this region can fall in, cross the event horizon, and will never be able to leave. 来自外面这个区域的粒子能落进去,越过活动视界,而将永远不能够离开。 chinaufo.com 3. The boundary of the charge region for a proton is not sharp like the surface of a billiard ball. 质子电荷飞域的边界并不象弹子球的表面那样分明。 4. Ecological Farm is an agricultural production system set up in a specific region by virtue of ecological theory and natural conditions. 生态农场是根据生态学的理论,充分利用自然条件,在某一特定区域内建立起来的农业生产体系。 yxfynn.67.idc9904.com 5. She was admitted with a palpable non-pulsating mass in her left inguinal region and pain and cyanosis in her left lower limb. 她承认了明显的非脉动群众在她的左腹股沟区疼痛,发绀,并在她的左下肢。 www.syyxw.com 6. "The virus needs at least one constant region, and that is the essence of calling it the Achilles heel, " he said. 这种病毒至少需要有一个区域是恒定不变的,这也就是为什么称其为致命弱点的原因了。 www.bing.com 7. That may one day lead Americans to ask why they invest so much in a troubled region with such poor returns. 也许有一天美国人会自问,为什么美国要在这样一个麻烦不断而回报又如此之低的地区投入如此巨本? www.ecocn.org 8. For many reasons, " he said, starting with the fact that the population in Syria is much more diverse than in the rest of the region. " 他的首要理由就是,比起该地区的其他国家,叙利亚拥有更加复杂多样的人口构成。 www.bing.com 9. I am glad to see that governments around the region are already taking steps to prevent Avian Flu from becoming a pandemic. 我欣慰地看到这个地区的各个政府正采取措施防止禽流感爆发成大规模流行病。 www.america.gov 10. He added that the US did not comment on intelligence matters but that "North Korea missiles programmes are of concern to the region" . 他补充称,美国没有就情报问题置评,但“朝鲜导弹计划关系到整个亚洲地区”。 www.ftchinese.com 1. It is possible to perform accurate magnetization analysis by considering the magnetic state of an incomplete magnetic region. 能够考虑不完全磁化区域的磁化状态而进行高精度的磁化分析。 ip.com 2. Cell phone networks were down in much of the region, and vast lakes formed by the tsunami rendered roads impassable. 手机网络的下降大部分地区,并通过提供道路无法通行的海啸形成的巨大湖泊。 www.englishtang.com 3. The Macao Special Administrative Region, in the light of its economic development, shall make labor policy and improve labor law on its own. 第一百一十五条澳门特别行政区根据经济发展的情况,自行制定劳工政策,完善劳工法律。 cq.netsh.com 4. Pakistan army gunship helicopters relentlessly pounded insurgent positions since the clashes broke out in the border region a week ago. 自从冲突在一星期前爆发以来,巴基斯坦军队的武装直升机一直在对暴乱分子活动地点进行无情的打击。 www.ebigear.com 5. SEU is the result of that electriferous particle cast the sensitive region of integration circuit parts of an apparatus. SEU是由带电粒子投射到集成电路器件的敏感区域引起的,通常会导致器件内部寄存器内容的改变,或内存位翻转。 www.fabiao.net 6. The underlying failing is weak and indecisive government across the region, which needs years of good government if it is to catch up. 整个地区潜在的问题是政府软弱,缺乏决策力。如果需要改变这个问题,则需要很多年的正确领导。 www.ecocn.org 7. Western diplomats are ready to try more imaginative approaches in looking for political solutions in the region and in Afghanistan itself. 西方领导人准备尝试更富想象力的方法,以求形成适用于该地区及阿富汗的政治解决方案。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Information about this era is scarce, but it is likely that peoples collectively known as the Yue inhabited the region. 了解这个时代是稀少的,但它很可能是民族统称为越有人居住的地区。 q.sohu.com 9. 55 And they ran about that whole region and began to carry around on mats those who were ill to any place where they heard that He was. 可六55就跑遍那一带地方,听见他在何处,便将有病的人,用褥子抬到那里。 edu.china.com 10. A lot of research conducted on this region by European universities and other institutions is often not shared. 欧洲大学和其他研究机构在该地区进行的许多研究常常没有共享。 www.scidev.net 1. For America's existing allies in the region, that means helping to usher them out even when their successors are something of a gamble. 对美国在该地区的现有盟友来说,这意味着帮助引导他们走下权力舞台,尽管其继任者的行为仍是变数。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Greece is prepared to ask euro- region governments for a bridge loan as $11. 3 billion in bonds come due next month. 希腊准备要求欧元地区各国政府给予一个过渡性贷款,因113亿美元的债券下个月到期。 www.midlandfinancial.com.hk 3. In the depth of the crisis, as trade for a while seized up, the region, as one of the most trade-dependent in the world, saw growth plummet. 世界深陷金融危机时,随着贸易的短暂中止,这个世界上最依赖于贸易的地区之一的经济增长便出现了大幅下降。 www.ecocn.org 4. Reluctance to cosy up to communists of any stripe is still a reflex in most of the region. 在这个地区还有一些不满意共产党领导的政党在这里活动。 www.ecocn.org 5. It on to the grid-arrow, until Guangxu under the China-North Korea is China's northeastern region of a fine local records. 它上至格矢之通,下迄光绪中朝,是中国东北地区的一部上乘的志书。 www.enun.cn 6. Having read so much about relief camps and activities, it was rather shocking for me that this region seemed utterly neglected. 之前已经看了很多救灾营还有救援活动的报导,但没想到这地方完全被忽略,真叫人震惊。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 7. "The Arab revolutions have scrambled power dynamics and shattered security forces across the region, " she said. “阿拉伯革命力量已经争夺权力而且使在该地区的安全部队精疲力竭,”她说道。 www.kekenet.com 8. Their house was a great cube of old brick with a dormered roof, a fine specimen of the prosperous early farmhouses of the region. RudtadUrdie。)他们的房子是一个方方的开着顶窗的老式砖屋,是这一带早期曾经繁盛过的农舍的极好的标本。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Our debt market, although more developed than those of many others in the region, is by no means an effective back-up for the banks. 香港的债券市场在亚洲区算是较为成熟,但仍未能对银行体系发挥有效的支援作用。 www.info.gov.hk 10. The court in the region is divided into 12 areas, each area is divided into a cent area again, the each cent area has a judge at least. 地区法院分成12个区,每个区又分成一个或多个分区,每个分区至少有一位法官。 www.shehuiminsheng5.com 1. China has in the past engaged in invasions and wars in the region, and its presence is still felt to be something of a strategic threat. 中国已经在该地区的侵略和战争中从事过去,还是觉得它的存在,是作为一个战略威胁的东西。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. By comparison, what happens to the region of spacetime around the singularity seems as though it should be rather straightforward. 相较之下,要解释在奇异点周围发生的事情,似乎较为直接而容易。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Mausoleum burial buildings of every age, by region, by class differences to be discussed in Guer coherent. 各个时代的皇陵墓葬建筑,按地域、按等级差别加以论述故而条理分明。 paper.pet2008.cn 4. When all the present oilfields are exhausted, it is possible that this cold region may become the scene of oil activity. 当所有现今的油田都枯竭了的时候,这一严寒地区可能会成为石油竞争活动的场所。 yy.china-b.com 5. At least, when she had one interesting enough to recount at breakfast, it was always related to her nostalgic memories of the banana region. 至少当她有了一个有趣到值得在吃早餐的时候复述的梦的时候,那个梦总是跟她对香蕉区的记忆有关。 www.biodic.cn 6. As if Israel's predicament in a region that may soon become more hostile is not bad enough, two more fears are nagging away. 由于另外的两处担忧正逐步消退,以色列面临的困境似乎没有那么糟糕。但在那个地区以色列会越来越难以走出这个困境。 www.ecocn.org 7. It indicates that the supernova explosion took place in the complicated and dense environment of a star-forming region. 这幅图片表明,这个超新星爆发是在恒星形成区内部繁杂密集的环境当中发生的。 bbs.astron.ac.cn 8. The danger posed by terrorist, separatist and extremist forces to the region's security cannot be rooted out in a short time. 恐怖主义、分裂主义、极端主义势力对地区安全的危害短期内难以根除。 www.hotdic.com 9. We stand ready to work with the United States and other countries in the region to promote a peaceful and prosperous Asia-Pacific. 我们愿与美国和亚太各国共同努力,为促进地区的和平与繁荣发挥作用。 bbs.e5zj.com 10. The Hunan-Jiangsi border region geography is intricate. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the area is often in severe social unrest. 湘赣边区地理环境错综复杂,明清时期,该区域处于频繁剧烈的社会动荡之中。 paper.pet2008.cn |
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