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the pros and cons 事物的利与弊;支持与反对the advantages and disadvantages of sth
例句释义: 全部 1. And, you know, not living under the rule of communist or fascist oppressors. I'm not pro-American, but I'm not pro self-deception either. 你要知道,这不是在共产党或者是法西斯统治下受压迫的生活。我虽然不亲美,但是我不自欺欺人。 www.ltaaa.com 2. The quid pro quo, though, might be the departure of Mr Albanese less than two years into his tenure. 不过,交换条件也许是艾尔巴尼斯在上任不到两年之际离职。 www.ftchinese.com 3. For all the talk of a pro-Russian mood in the east, none of the Russian oligarchs has been allowed to gain control of its industrial assets. 尽管在乌克兰东部地区人民的亲俄情绪高涨,但他们并不允许任何俄罗斯的寡头政治家掌控该地区的工业资产。 www.ecocn.org 4. Just as wealth and success on the field go hand in hand in today's pro soccer, so can disaster on the field bring disaster at the bank. 就像当今足坛财富与战绩携手同行,球场上的失败同样会导致财政上的崩溃。 www.bing.com 5. Pro-players would be able to flank an enemy from 3 sides, while sneaking a unit in the enemy's back. 职业竞技玩家可以兵分三路侧翼包夹对手大军,还能在敌军后方派出了一个单位去进行骚扰。 bbs.17173.com 6. Zardari, who is often accused of being too pro-American, met with Clinton today but did not appear with her in public. 扎尔达里常被指为过分亲美,他在今天与希拉里见面,但没有与她在公众前露面。 www.bing.com 7. Rapprochement with pro-democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi appears to be going well since she was released from prison almost a year ago. 民主领袖昂山素季被释放将近一年来,政府与之和解的进程进展顺利。 www.bing.com 8. The statement said the EU travel ban and asset freeze on sanctions list of new officers and a pro-Gaddafi, the Libyan airline. 声明中说,欧盟将在旅行限制及资产冻结的制裁名单中新增一名亲卡扎菲人员及利比亚一家航空公司。 www.englishtang.com 9. Wei said Yi was the first Chinese player trained in France to sign a pro contract and he hoped there would be more like him in the future. 韦迪说弋腾是第一个在法国训练并签署职业联赛合同的中国球员,他希望今后有更多人像弋腾一样。 en.cnxianzai.com 10. A left-hander with a booming forehand, Nadal had been known as a clay-court specialist since playing his first pro tournaments in 2001. 阿左投手,蓬勃发展的正手,纳达尔被称为自2001年,他打第一场职业比赛红土专家。 www.ccebook.net 1. Well, that's a mouthful trying to tell you guys that pro-China is not anti-West per se. 好了,所有的这些话其实是想告诉你们,亲中国不一定是反西方。 www.xilu.com 2. One doesn't need to be pro-smoking to wonder where it ends: at what point does government stop trying to save us from ourselves? 人们没有必要支持吸烟,并且想知道到哪才是尽头:政府什么情况下才会停止设法将我们从自己手中中挽救出来? www.tobaccochina.com 3. The report concludes, controversially, that the rules did not add to the pro-cyclical nature of the financial system. 这份报告总结称,会计准则并未计入金融体系的顺周期性。这一结论引起了争议。 www.ftchinese.com 4. So much necessary violence in Pro football build up in the plays a towering hatred against their opponents. 职业橄榄球比赛中许多必要的冲撞以致队员逐渐对他们的对手积怨如仇。 5. With the three main parties all pro-EU and euro, it is hard to see how the True Finns could fit into a coalition. 由于芬兰的三个主流党派都支持欧盟和欧元,所以正统芬兰人党如何能够和他们在一个执政联盟共事还很难说。 www.ecocn.org 6. You may not want to be a pro-star athlete, but essentially in order for you to achieve your best, your body needs to be at it's best. 你也许并不想成为一个职业运动明星,但实际上你要想做到最好,首先你的身体要达到它的最佳状态。 www.bing.com 7. But the Republicans seem to have gone furthest in subordinating considerations of competence and merit to pro-life purity. 但是民主党似乎牺牲了最多的称职和优势的考量而换取反堕胎的忠贞立场。 www.ecocn.org 8. "How much more pro-Second Amendment can you be when you allow guns in a place that's serving tequila? " she asked. “都允许在喝龙舌兰酒的场所持枪了,你还能再怎么支持宪法《第二修正案》?”她问。 cn.nytimes.com 9. On a visit to Turkey, French President Nicolas Sarkozy said the violence by pro-Gadhafi forces is unacceptable and should not go unpunished. 在对土耳其的访问中,法国总统尼古拉斯·萨科齐表示亲卡扎菲势力的镇压行为是不可容忍的,应该接受惩罚。 www.bing.com 10. While a large number of pro-government armed tribesmen have gathered in the suburbs, ready to confront the demonstrators. 另有大量亲政府的武装部落人员也集结在郊区,准备对抗示威者。 www.englishtang.com 1. But a change of culture will be needed and a more pro-active relationship with the media should be high on his or her's agenda. 但是俱乐部的文化的改变还是需要的,和媒体保持更积极主动地联系将成为他或她的首要议程。 bbs.qieerxi.com 2. Quote: I laughed at him. I was actually insulted that he would challenge me, a pro, to a game of horse with his left hand. 事实上,我不断嘲笑他,就凭他,用一只左手也敢向我挑战。 www.soccerbar.cn 3. Contact and Phone number types remind you to call or send message to someone directly from Handy Alarm Pro notifier view. 联系人和电话号码类型提醒您打电话或发邮件给直接从临手持报警通知的看法。 www.opda.net.cn 4. But it's unlikely the U. S. or other major nations would back such a quid pro quo. 但美国及其他主要成员国不太可能支持这样的交换条件。 www.tianyayidu.com 5. Surface passivation by chromate for the hot dip galvanized plate is applied to prevent the surface oxidation during the pro-cess time. 热镀锌板表面钝化(铬酸盐钝化),主要是为了防止在使用过程中其表面被氧化。 www.chemyq.com 6. The difficulties of the next year or two will, no doubt, reawaken the pro-euro lobby. 今后一两年的困境无疑将重新唤醒那些支持加入欧元区的支持者。 www.crazyenglish.org 7. The anti-dropping against roller is provided with a pro-pressure device used for pressing the rails or other continuous and level supports. 防坠对滚轮设有压紧路轨或其他连续而平整的支撑物的预压力装置。 ip.com 8. It's so hard to stay on the tour, but that's what I'm hoping for. I'm practising with a few different pro players to get as ready as I can. 在巡回赛中前行是件很难的事,不过那仍是我期待的。我正和一些不同的职业选手练习以保证达到最好的准备状态。 www.bing.com 9. The pro says he gave the president tips on his golf stance and his swing, both of which were conspiring against him. 这位职业球手说,他给了总统一些关于高尔夫站姿和挥杆动作的建议,奥巴马这两方面都有问题。 chinese.wsj.com 10. Finishing the Doha round could also help his administration flaunt its pro-business credentials, which have been under question of late. 完成多哈回合也有助于表明他的政府是支持企业的,最近这一点一直受到质疑。 www.bing.com 1. Pro-Mubarak youths were interviewed and allowed to claim that the anti-Mubarak protesters were all foreigners and Jews. 亲穆巴拉克运动年轻人接受采访并受许可宣称反穆巴拉克的抗议者都是外国人和犹太人。 wen.org.cn 2. So it was no surprise when he told a pro-immigration rally in Las Vegas last month that reform could wait no longer. 因此,他上月在拉斯维加斯支持移民的集会上表示移民改革迫在眉睫毫不令人意外。 club.topsage.com 3. It may look as if Grant is now as devoted to pro-celebrity golf as he is to acting, but the star is still misdirecting the crowd. 格兰特现在似乎像热爱演戏一样热衷于职业明星高尔夫球赛,但他还是在误导大众。 www.bing.com 4. At the time, do not know what my mother would like, the day before school in the Pro and suddenly I transfer the. 当时,不知道妈妈想了些什么,在临开学的前一天,突然给我转学了。 wenwen.soso.com 5. Barring some sort of accord between the pro- and anti-Thaksin factions, the streets of Bangkok are primed for a new round of mass protests. 除非支持他信和反对他信的人可以达成某种协定,否则曼谷街头还是会爆发新一轮的大规模抗议。 dongxi.net 6. Such an Iraq would not be a pro-American state but it would at least be a state. 如此,虽然伊拉克不会成为一个亲美国家,但至少还能是一个完整的国家。 www.ecocn.org 7. Pro-blogging is big part of my own freelance writing business and responsible for at least 50% of my monthly income. 写博客是我自由撰稿人生涯的很大一部分,关系着至少50%的月收入。 www.ebigear.com 8. Tully was only forty-eight, an old-school political pro and a fine man we had all come to adore and depend on. 塔利才48岁,是一个传统的职业政客,一个不错的人,我们都渐渐喜欢上了他,也很倚重他。 www.bing.com 9. However, this is often interpreted as implying that all public speech must be either pro-or-con some very specific proposal. 但是,这经常被认为是暗示:公众演讲必须是对于某项具体的建议的正面的或者是反面的反映。 www.elanso.com 10. At the beginning of the WWI, the U. S. was impartial neither in action, nor in thought. It pursued a policy of pro-Ally partiality. 第一次世界大战开始时,美国宣布保持中立,但在行动和思想上都没有做到中立,美国真正奉行的是支持同盟国的政策。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. If the father have any opinions, I would not hesitate to wash his feet to the clinics to save his mother say that I am only pro. 如果爸爸有意见的话,我也会毫不犹豫地给他也洗洗脚,省得他说我只和妈妈亲。 wenwen.soso.com 2. In a 2006 staff survey, 68% said the pro-bono activities made them prouder to work at the company. 据2006年的一份员工调查显示,68%的人表示:支持公益活动可使他们在公司工作更为自豪。 www.ecocn.org 3. In the long run, notwithstanding the mountains of argument pro and con, a tariff is irrelevant to the question of employment. 尽管有成堆的支持和反对的意见,长期而言,关税与就业问题是无关的。 dongxi.net 4. While that might have seemed like the pro I just referred to, it doubles as a potential con. 这看上去似乎是我刚刚提到的优点,但是它同时也潜藏着缺点。 www.ibm.com 5. But the president who nominated her is also pro-choice, and he deserves to be able to choose Cabinet officials who reflect his priorities. 但提名她的总统也主张堕胎合法化,而且他应该能够选择可反映其重点的内阁官员。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. Turkey's friends agree that as a seasoned diplomat with determinedly pro-Western views, Mr Gul would make a fine head of state. 居尔是一个富有经验的外交官,并持坚定的亲西方观点,这使得土耳其的盟友们认为他可以成为一个不错的国家首脑。 www.ecocn.org 7. Please sign in and add your comments below and tell us what you think about the WCF PRO concept. 请登录并添加您的评论如下,请告诉我们您想周转基金专业概念。 usa.315che.com 8. Russia's pro-Kremlin Duma or lower house of parliament rushed through the necessary legislation in less than a week. 俄罗斯支持克里姆林宫的杜马,或者说是众议院,在一个星期内就匆忙地通过了必需的相关立法。 www.bing.com 9. Mr Blair, for all his political qualities and purportedly pro-European views, has never been a comfortable operator on the EU stage. 尽管其政治才能和据称支持欧盟的观点,布莱尔从来不是欧洲舞台上一个自在的操作员。 www.ftchinese.com 10. One of those sentenced to death was said to be a member of a pro-monarchist group. 据称,其中一名被判刑者是反君主主义组织的成员。 www.kekenet.com 1. Shove it Scarlet. No one wants to hear your pro western ideology and subjectivity. If you were starving, you would eat anything. 闭嘴吧。没人想听你们这些只会臆想的西方本位主义者的话。假如你快要饿死了,你会什么都吃。 www.tianyayidu.com 2. By the time she shot Attack of the Clones, Portman was an old pro at acting against blue screen backgrounds. 到了她拍摄《克隆人的进攻》的时候,波曼已经是个在蓝幕前表演的行家里手了。 starwarsfans.cn 3. Again, he said the fundamental problem is demand, and if anything the Obama administration has been too pro-business. 他又一次说,根本问题是需求,奥巴马政府反倒是过于亲商了。 c.wsj.com 4. This proved to be just a tip of the iceburg, when allegations drew in more players and officials from various pro clubs. 当指控拉入各类职业俱乐部的更多球员和官员时,这被证实只是冰山的一角。 www.hxen.com 5. Sheryl : No, I'm pro-honesty here. I just think, you know, it's up to you. 不是,我是说真的。我只是想,你知道,应该由你决定。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. Build a tree in memory Pro: Easy to program Con: You quickly run out of memory using this method. 在内存中建立一个树。优点:编程容易,缺点:利用这种方法你很快就会用完所有内存。 dict.kekenet.com 7. It has been suspect chopped Yang said the old man's son, a father and the father of a little dragon long strong "pro-corner. " 据被嫌疑人砍伤的杨老汉的儿子介绍说,父亲与龙久烈的父亲有点“拐角亲”。 www.koreanbbs.com 8. You wouldn't think, lookin' at him. Caught his wife in bed with some golf pro. Greased 'em both. C'mon, boy, back to work. . . 看外表是看不出来,把妻子与一个高尔夫球手捉奸在床,开枪打死了他们。来吧,孩子,回去干活。 zebraxu-skyblue.spaces.live.com 9. Mormon who has flip- flopped on both abortion and civil unions, and said he was "effectively pro-choice" as recently as two years ago. 一个在堕胎及民事结合问题上举棋不定的摩门教徒,并且他近来声称自己和两年前一样大力支持堕胎。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. I was lucky I had a father who was an ex-pro and a mother who worked hard to give all of her kids every opportunity. 我很幸运,我有个是专业足球运动员的父亲以及一个努力让他的所有孩子得到每一个机会的母亲。 hi.baidu.com 1. Jesper Koll, economist at Merrill Lynch, said: "The golden age of pro-market reform is over. " 美林(MerrillLynch)经济学家叶斯珀?科尔(JesperKoll)表示:“亲市场改革的黄金时代已经结束。” www.ftchinese.com 2. In this extreme sport, just how much water can these pro athletes sweat through? 在这项在超级运动里,究竟那些专业运动员拼下来到底能出多少汗呢? www.bing.com 3. Stainless steel material production, The design is beautiful, Operation is flexible, Easy to fold, environmental pro. . . 采用优质不锈钢材料生产,设计美观,运转灵活,容易折叠,环保质优价廉。 product.ch.gongchang.com 4. Isn't it just a little ironic to see a group of pro-lifers throwing eggs at an abortion clinic? 那些反堕胎人士朝人流诊所砸鸡蛋是不是有点挖苦? tianyami.net 5. When a skater is feeling low, she should be able to cry on her pro's shoulder. I can't even do that. 当一个运动员感觉不好时,她应该能趴在教练的肩上哭一场,可是我没有这样做。 edu.qq.com 6. Pro-Gadhafi forces continued to launch airstrikes on Ras Lanuf, with at least four more strikes reported on Tuesday, according to witnesses. 据目击者说,支持卡扎菲的队部继续对拉斯拉努夫发起空袭,据报导周二至少又进行了四次空袭。 c.wsj.com 7. firstly, you have to pro-actively communicate with others, rather than waiting for your classmates or people around you to talk to you. 首先,你要主动的与人交流,而不是等待身边的人或者同学来跟你说话。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. But if pro-Qaddafi insurgents manage to kill just a few foreign oil workers, international investors could shy rapidly away. 但假如亲卡扎菲叛乱分子杀害几个国外石油工人,国际投资商可能马上撤资离开,避而远之。 bbs.ecocn.org 9. By being more pro-active, the Chinese might have been able to influence the policies that ultimately come from the American side. 如果采取更积极主动的策略,中国人有可能影响最终出自美国方面的政策。 3us.enghunan.gov.cn 10. was let go from her job as the director of a pro-bono legal services program for a social service provider, she took on a nanny position. 离开了在一家社会服务提供商担任一个无偿法律服务项目主任的工作后,她接受了一份保姆工作。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 1. Easy to use: Game Jackal Pro provides the user with a powerful and easy to use interface to go gaming "cd free" . 解放你的游戏,即时进入玩“无光盘”游戏时代:GameJackal提供用户威力巨大简单使用的界面来玩“无光盘”游戏。 www.slysoft.com 2. Most anti-slavery men did not vote, because their names had been kept off the voting lists by pro-slavery officials. 绝大多数反对奴隶制的人没有投票,因为他们的名字都被支持奴隶制的官员从选举票中踢出去了。 www.bing.com 3. Mr. Obama also reassured pro-immigrant groups he has no intention of trying to round up and deport those who are in the country illegally. 奥巴马总统也使那些先前居住在美国的移民放心,他没有意图围捕非法居住在这个国家的移民或是驱逐出境。 www.elanso.com 4. "Intel's pricing and rebate policies are legitimate, pro-consumer business practices in a vibrant market setting, " he said. “英特尔的价格折扣政策是合法的,这种商业做法在充满生机的市场环境中有利于消费者,”他说。 www.bing.com 5. Candidates must be experienced, able to work to targets, pro-active, self organising and able to write articles to a professional standard. 应聘者必须具备丰富的行业经验,目标明确、积极主动、自律性强,能够撰写具备专业性水准的文章。 www.workmeng.com 6. From an old pro! I sort of feel you have already said everything that needs to be said. What are we left with? 源自一个老的赞成意见!我几分的感觉你们已经提到了应该解释下的每件事情。我们是不是落下了什么? blog.sina.com.cn 7. If he is allowed to crush the opposition, it would chill pro-democracy movements across the Arab world. 如果他被允许对反对者进行镇压,那么在阿拉伯世界推行支持民主的行动将会遇到更大的阻碍。 www.bing.com 8. In large amounts it is thought not to be an antioxidant but a pro-oxidant, the opposite of its intended effect. 人们认为当大剂量摄入维生素C时,它就不是抗氧剂而是氧化促进剂---正好与预期效果相反。 surfrain.blog.163.com 9. A small group of pro-government protesters threatened the crowd with sticks, and eyewitnesses said the two sides clashed. 一小群支持政府的示威者用棍棒威胁人群。目击者说双方发生了冲突。 c.wsj.com 10. If Communism had not fallen, the full story of four remarkable pro-Soviet spies would perhaps never have been told. 如果共产主义没有垮掉,前苏联四个杰出间谍的故事就不会这样广为人知。 www.bing.com 1. I am happy, arms around her mother at night than to stop pro-straight, just forget the existence of the father. 我好高兴,晚上搂着妈妈直亲个比停,简直忘记了爸爸的存在。 bookapp.book.qq.com 2. She said she hoped that their bad reputation can be reversed and help push conservation legislation pro-shark. 她说希望鲨鱼的坏名声得以平反,也希望能帮助推行保护鲨鱼的立法活动。 www.bing.com 3. I wasn't aware that escort services were pro-cyclical, but I shall take your word for it. 我并没有注意到三陪服务是顺周期性的,但我会相信你的话。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Video game giant Konami have released the front cover of the latest version of Pro Evolution Soccer featuring our very own Fernando Torres. 游戏世家科纳米已经发行了最新一款实况足球的封面,而封面的主角就是我们的托雷斯。 lfcbbs.fans1.com 5. Bryant once said that if he had stayed in Italy, he would have stuck with soccer and would have tried to become a pro soccer player. 布赖恩特曾经说过如果他一直呆在意大利的话,他可能会坚持将足球踢下去,努力成为一名职业足球运动员。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. PRO's: Easy to set-up and understand, client has consistent lot size. 评论:易于安装和理解,一致的客户很多大小。 blog.cnfol.com 7. The professional's version is called the G-Trainer Pro, made by Alter-G, and was first used by the Washington Wizards two years ago. 这种恢复方法的专业叫法是G(重力)训练,靠改变重力来训练,首次用这种恢复方法是两年前的奇才队。 www.kobechina.com.cn 8. As the pro-Mubarak forces pressed into the space, the protesters formed a human chain to try to keep them out of the area. 由于亲穆巴拉克部队进入空间按下时,示威者组成人链,以尽量保持该地区出来。 www.englishtang.com 9. The former pro quarterback turned fame on the gridiron into a career in national politics and a crusade for lower taxes. 前议员曾是著名的四分卫并把该容易延伸到政治生涯上,他还支持降低税额。 www.showxiu.com 10. This would have suggested that although PRO 2000 was not a complete answer, it might be a useful part of the armoury. 这说明尽管PRO2000不是最令人满意的答案,但有可能是一种有效成分。 www.ecocn.org 1. You don't need to be a pro at golf to strike it lucky in this round; you just need to have luck on your side and pick the right Gophers. 您不必成为一个亲在高尔夫球罢工它幸运在这一轮,你只需要在你的运气有副作用,并选择正确的明尼苏达。 word.hcbus.com 2. To that end the American government has earmarked scores of millions of dollars to help Iranian "civil society" and pro-democracy groups. 为了达到次目的,美国政府拨款了成百上千万的美元来帮助伊朗的“全民社会”与亲民主团体。 www.ecocn.org 3. Last winter Gazprom appeared to blackmail Ukraine's new pro-Western government by cutting off the country's gas amid a dispute over prices. 去年冬天,Gazprom公司在一场燃汽价格的争议中,曾以“断气”相要挟,敲诈乌克兰当时新近成立的亲西方政府。 www.ecocn.org 4. I was surprised to see a white woman wearing a pro-choice button and holding a black baby in her arms. 我吃惊地看到一个佩戴支持堕胎小徽章的白人妇女手里抱着一个黑皮肤的孩子。 www.bing.com 5. Every time I lobbed a suggestion, she'd smack it back at me like a tennis pro. 每次当我抛出一个建议,她就会打回来,就像职业网球选手。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Responsibility is a verbal counterfeit for a substantial quid pro quo. It is an attempt to get something for nothing. 是实体代用品的言语伪装,试图不付出而取得一些回报。 www.worklish.com 7. None of that takes into account the professional, semi-pro and quality amateur content being created on the web. 没人在乎是专业人员,或是半专业人员还是业余的爱好者正在创造互联网上的内容。 www.bing.com 8. Calls for a more pro-poor, pro-labour stance strike a strong chord with the party's rank and file. 对更亲穷人、亲劳工立场的呼吁强烈打动了非国大的支持民众。 www.ecocn.org 9. Candidates must be experienced, able to work to targets, pro-active, self organising and able to counsel students. 应聘者必须具备丰富的行业经验,目标明确、积极主动、自律性强,能够为学生提供咨询服务。 www.boleme.cn 10. At a congress of the pro-Kremlin United Russia party, he graciously agreed to head its party list at the general election in December. 在支持普京的统一俄罗斯党的一次会议上,普京欣然同意领导该党参加十二月全国大选。 www.ecocn.org 1. China is also profoundly opposed to any prospect of Korean unification that might bring a strongly pro-American ally to its border. 从内心而言,中国也不愿看到朝鲜半岛统一的前景,那样的话,其边境线上可能就会多了一个美国的忠实盟友。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Here's a portrait of Steve Jobs made out of parts of a Macbook Pro, issued by web design company Mint Digital. 这幅乔布斯的肖像是由苹果的笔记本电脑的各部分组成的,由网页设计公司薄荷数码制作完成。 www.hjenglish.com 3. Justin wasn't born a great kisser, but he's learned how to be a pro. Find out his technique! 贾斯汀·比伯的一流吻技虽然不是天生的,但是通过后天努力也是达到了专业级造诣。看看他是怎么练习的吧! www.hjenglish.com 4. The bile resistance gene of the invention can be used for selection and genetic modification of pro biotics strain of lactic acid bacteria. 本发明的耐胆盐基因可用于乳酸菌益生菌株的筛选和遗传改造。 www.bing.com 5. Pro- euthanasia supporters say that mercy killing has long been a feature of Western societies but has been kept secret. 赞成安乐死的人说,安乐死早就是西方文明社会的一种特征,只是秘而不宣而已。 www.hotdic.com 6. But democracy activists have to be careful not to be labeled "pro-American, " because that would destroy their credibility. 但那些民主活动人士要小心了。小心别被贴上“亲美”的标签。 www.bing.com 7. He carved out a niche as a pro-Western liberal, in contrast to his hard-line father and siblings. 他成长为一个亲西方的自由派,这一点与其走强硬路线的父亲和兄弟姐妹明显不同。 c.wsj.com 8. Rafael turned pro when he was 15 and by 2003, he was one of the top 50 ranked men's tennis players in the world. 15岁时,纳达尔成为职业网球运动员。到2003年,进入世界男子网球运动员排名前50名。 tieba.baidu.com 9. But there is one thing that both the anti- and pro-soy camps seem to agree on: Fermented soy is good for you. 但是有一件事似乎是支持方和反对方都同意的,发酵后的大豆对人身体有好处。 www.bing.com 10. Using file integrity monitoring is a pro-active means of being aware of any changes to critical system files. 文件完整性监视是一种积极的方法,可以使你及时了解到系统重要文件的改变。 www.bing.com 1. Indeed, the parties are engaged in a competition to see who can be the most pro-Israeli. 事实上,两党正投身于一场竞争,看谁更加亲以。 www.ecocn.org 2. We aim to strengthen our sense of pro-environment by means of this activity. 通过本次活动提高同学们的环保意识。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 3. In Starcraft, pro-players like Bisu, Nada, and Savior had strong Micro and a good sense of time management. 在星际争霸当中,职业竞技选手如Bisu,Nada以及Savior都有很强的微操能力和良好时间意识。 bbs.17173.com 4. Turn where we may, within, around, the voice of great events is pro-claiming to us: Reform, that you may preserve. 我们应该根据重大事件向我们启示的方向行动:改革,就可以维持下去。 www.for68.com 5. His opinion is one of the many feelings, pro or con, that people hold about their personal involvement in a physical fitness program. 人们对于个人参加体育锻炼所持意见很多,赞成的或反对的都有,他的观点只是其中的一种。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. But Gresser of the Democratic Leadership Council, a pro-trade Democratic group, said he doubted that would happen. 但民主党领导委员会成员Gresser称,他不太相信这会发生。 cn.reuters.com 7. The administration, led by one of a handful of Mandarin-speaking premiers outside Beijing, is instinctively pro-China. 本届澳大利亚政府的领导人是北京以外少数几个能讲汉语的总理之一,在本能上是亲华的。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Fan devotion is may be increased by the fact that they are the only big pro team in town. 球迷也对这样一支唯一的‘职业球队’忠心耿耿。 www.lebroncn.com 9. Some Turks grumbled privately that Mr Uribe (apparently Mr Ban's choice) might be too pro-American to be objective. 一些土耳其人抱怨Uribe(明显是潘基文指派)可能会过于亲美而不够客观公正。 www.ecocn.org 10. On election day, hundreds of men from Missouri crossed the border into Kansas. They voted illegally, and the pro-slavery candidate won. 选举那天,来自密苏里的数百人拥进堪萨斯,他们非法投票致使支持奴隶制的候选人获胜。 www.unsv.com 1. As the revered son of pro-democracy leaders Beningo Aquino Jr. and Corazon Aquino, Noynoy is uniquely positioned to stand up to the bishops. 作为民主派领袖阿基诺Beningo小崇敬和阿基诺的儿子,Noynoy是独特的地位,站起来的主教。 www.englishtang.com 2. Older women seem to be as solidly pro-Clinton as blacks are solidly pro-Obama. 老年白人女性对希拉里的支持程度丝毫不亚于黑人对奥巴马的支持。 www.ecocn.org 3. Bourns, chairman of trade body Great British Chicken, said he was also firmly in the pro-egg camp. 大不列颠鸡肉商会的主席Bourns说他将坚定地站在先有蛋的阵营。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. 'As someone who lives in a liberal, pro-woman world I thought I would find Saudi a very different place to be, ' Misch continues. “作为一个生活在自由,尊重妇女的世界的人,我觉得沙特是个与众不同的地方。”米诗继续说道。 dongxi.net 5. NATO said the unmanned aircraft destroyed a multiple rocket launcher used by pro-Gadhafi forces near Misrata. 北约说,这架无人机摧毁了米苏拉塔附近亲卡扎菲部队的多管火箭炮发射器。 www.voanews.com.cn 6. Radical Iraq, he thought, would be used as a battering ram against all moderate pro-Western regimes in the area. 他认为奉行激进方针的伊拉克将被人利用成为攻击该地区一切持温和方针的亲西方政权的急先锋。 7. Those who had been playing pro-social games were significantly more likely to help their partner by selecting easy puzzles. 那些玩亲社会游戏的人就明显倾向于给他们的搭档选择容易的谜题。 club.topsage.com 8. The central tension on most issues is between the US and China. But the world is not splitting into a pro-American and pro-Chinese camp. 在大多数问题上,美国和中国是国际关系紧张的焦点,但世界并没有分裂为“亲美”和“亲华”两大阵营。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Allow me to be here on behalf of our department to warmly welcome Pro. Wang give us English study lectures. 请允许我代表我们系欢迎王教授给我们做英语学习讲座。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Generally, signature design means that the signature pro will show up for the grand opening and hit a few balls. 通常情况下,“签名设计”只是意味着签名的职业球手会出席盛大的开杆仪式并在上面挥上几颗球而已。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Aso is a pro-American leader whose party faces a serious political challenge if it does not address domestic economic fears. 麻生是一位亲美的领导人,不过如果他所在的政党不解决国内民众对经济的担忧,那就会面临严峻的政治挑战。 www.ebigear.com 2. April 1988: Suu Kyi returns home to attend to her ailing mother just as pro-democracy protests erupt against the military junta. 1988年四月:素姬返回家中照顾患病的母亲,当时民主游行爆发,抗议军队政权。 www.aitrans.net 3. Pro-Lisbon campaigners hinted that Ireland would be ejected from the European mainstream if it voted No again. 投赞成票的人暗示到,如果爱尔兰再次唱反调,欧洲主流就会与其划清界限。 www.ecocn.org 4. The decision came a day before he was due to be questioned in parliament about the alleged payment of bribes to pro-government MPs. 该决定做出的前一天,按照安排,首相应在议会回答有关向前政府议员贿赂的指控。 www.voanews.cn 5. The systems are able to run the latest operating systems, including Windows Starter Edition, Windows XP Pro, and Linux. 系统可运行最新的操作系统,包括WindowsStarterEdition、WindowsXPPro和Linux。 50x15.amd.com 6. I' d like to see more pro-saving policies in the US, and I think they would reduce the current account deficit. 我希望看到美国更倾向储蓄的政策,我认为这些政策减少经常账户赤字。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. When loyalist forces bombed the outskirts of Benghazi a week or so ago, scores of pro-Qaddafi gunmen suddenly surfaced. 差不多一周前,当政府军轰炸班加西郊区时,突然冒出数十个支持卡达菲的持枪分子。 www.ecocn.org 8. Often a cash flow projection for discounted cash flow analysis is referred to as a pro forma cash flow. 用于折现现金流通分析的现金流通预测,通常都称为预编现金流通。 www.infopetro.com.cn 9. Is there any proof that the money is from corrupted sources? No, definitely not. So let's not be misled by the Pro-blue media. 现在有证据说阿扁这笔钱是贪污来的吗?没有,完全没有,大家不要被统媒的明示暗示所误导了。 www.showxiu.com 10. As a result, pro bono organizational directors report the constant pressure to be out in the legal community " proselytizing " new recruits. 因此,公益组织的董事们说他们时刻承受着到法律从业者中“甜言蜜语拉拢”新晋律师的压力。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. None of those trends has so far halted or reversed pro-competitive market reforms. 迄今为止,上述趋势均未阻碍或逆转促进竞争的市场改革。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Why do you think the pro's today all seem to have them? 为什么你认为亲的今天似乎都让他们? www.bengtie.com 3. About a week ago, I blogged about Facebook opening up their CPC advertising via Facebook Flyers Pro. 一个星期前,我在我的博客中提到,facebook通过他们的flyerpro平台提供CPC的广告。 www.bing.com 4. Beijing's torch relay has been marred by scuffles and protests by pro-Tibet activists in London, Paris and San Francisco over the past week. 北京的火炬接力已经玷污的混战和抗议,由亲西藏活跃分子,在伦敦,巴黎和旧金山,在过去一个星期里。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. He said pro-poor policies, under the government's mantra of "inclusive growth" , were at the centre of his economic programme. 他表示,支持穷人的政策(根据政府“包容的增长”原则),是财政部经济计划的核心。 www.ftchinese.com 6. As sonic booms continued to reverberate in the protesters' ears, the pro-military chants ceased entirely. 在超音声爆音在抗议者耳旁回荡时,那些支持军队的圣歌完全停止了。 www.bing.com 7. It's not unusual for people to try to bilk pro athletes out of money. It's a little odd when the crook is a cook. 人们设法诈骗职业运动员的钱并不罕见,但如果那骗子是个厨师就有点儿奇怪了。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. A pro-rebel website said the Sri Lankan army had suffered its heavy casualties during intense fighting. 一个公开叛党分子活动的网站表示在此次激战中,斯里兰卡军队遭受了巨大人员伤亡损失。 www.bing.com 9. Mr. Rayburn: Really? I've seen her act like a pro on the soccer field, but I was worried about her performance in school. 真的吗?我曾看到她在足球场上表现得象个职业球员,可是我担忧她在学校的表现。 bbs.fobshanghai.com 10. Does anyone know where I can get a good deal on a Prius. With me being a pro photographer now I think its fitting. GoGreen谁知道我在哪里可以买到优惠的丰田Prius。作为我这个专业摄影师的必备。 www.ihaomy.com 1. One way pro's do this is to use a giant silkscreen in between the sun and the subject to get a softer effect. 一般专业摄影师会用在阳光和被摄主体之间加一个遮光罩来得到柔化的效果。 www.vansky.com 2. Thanks to various Pro modules, a high degree of specialisation in different market segments is possible. 由于它还拥有多种专业性的模组,可以针对不同的行销阶段进行高度专门化的处理。 www.bing.com 3. And so he asked the PGA, which governs the pro tour in golf, to be able to use a golf cart when he competed in professional tournaments. 所以,他请求职业高尔夫球协会(PGA),这个管理职业巡回赛的组织允许他参赛时能够使用高尔夫球车来代步。 www.justing.com.cn 4. Without nuclear power and with other fuels filling in its share pro rata, emissions from generation would have been about 11 billion tonnes. 当核能被放弃,而其份额被其他燃料按比例填补时,发电所排放的二氧化碳将达到110亿吨左右。 www.hxen.com 5. They bore the brunt of the violence a year ago, even if there were armed pro-Thaksin provocateurs. 而在一年前,红衫军虽然是拥有武装的他信支持者,也首当其冲地遭受暴力。 www.bing.com 6. Fully achieve rapid assembly and disassembly of the facilities built for the Pro series developed into a new era. 完全实现快速组装和拆卸的便利,让临建进入系列化开发的新纪元。 www.alsox.com 7. Some features of the surplus process were discussed and, the general expression and the upper bound of the final bankrupt pro. . . 讨论了盈余过程的一些性质,得到了最终破产概率的一般表达式和上界,该模型对保险公司的实际运营具有一定指导作用。 www.boshuo.net 8. Moscow's approaches, he said, have been strictly in line with what the Kremlin says is its pro-market policy. 他说,莫斯科的做法一直严格遵循着克里姆林宫所称的市场化政策。 www.bing.com 9. It depends of my mood. If I full of energy, I don't care how to win and by what means, I just will win at any level (including Pro). 这些都取决于我的心情,如果我充满能量,我不在乎用什么方式去赢得胜利,我会赢得任何级别的比赛(包括职业级别) www.pcgames.com.cn 10. In a few paragraphs, discuss David's intentions in this piece of pro-Republican, pro-French propaganda. 用几句话讨论大卫这段亲共和、亲法宣传的意图所在。 www.myoops.org 1. "I gave up a good singing career for pro baseball, " Lasorda said, who will sing for his supper certainly before paying for it. “为了职业棒球赛,我放弃了以此黄金唱歌生涯,”莱索达说。他将在他的晚餐之前献唱。 www.kobechina.com.cn 2. Foreign affairs used to be the business of the pro-detente foreign ministry. 过去,外交事务由倾向缓和国际关系的外交部负责,外交部被嘲弄成“卖国部”。 www.ecocn.org 3. Capital civilization is the object result of the capital movement, which containing the pro and con power function behind it. 资本文明化是资本运动的客观结果,其背后包含着正、反两方面的动力作用。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. Kenny on, "said Hakim (Olajuwon) less than your butt kicked is because you Cou too close, so I think you can be pro-his buttocks. " 对肯尼说,“哈基姆(奥拉朱旺)踢不到你的屁股是因为你凑得太近了,所以我想你可以亲他的屁股。” dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Indeed, the pro-SOB arguments are so persuasive that there ought to be quotas to ensure every company has a beast in the boardroom. 的确,支持SOB存在的理由太有说服力了。每家公司都应建立配额制度,确保董事会里有一个烂人。 www.ftchinese.com 6. It was the decentralizing economic reform of 1957, which adopted the territorial principle and led to pro-nationalist localism. 1957年的经济改革,因采行领土原则而导致有民族主义意味的地方主义。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Pro: NFL preseason games sell out in Mexico and Japan, and last year a regular season game in London was the hottest ticket in town. 正方观点:NFL联赛的季前赛门票在墨西哥和日本卖到脱销;去年在伦敦,它的常规赛门票也是当地最热卖的! www.bing.com 8. The New Performance Rating system provides the most accurate rating system seen in Be A Pro yet. Make a bad pass and get punished for it. 新的表现评定系统提供一球成名里最精确的评定系统。一次不好的传球就得因此受到惩罚。 game.ali213.net 9. As another small group of pro-regime supporters began chanting at the ruins of the school, the thud of big guns continued to rumble. 在学校的废墟附近,又一群卡扎菲支持者开始反复喊着口号,同时还伴着(远处)大口径火炮发出的隆隆声。 inezha.com 10. Surely if he had been trained by a pro, rumors of Shindou would have come to them. 当然假如他被一个职业者训练,Shindou的谣言就会走近他们了。 post.baidu.com 1. Highly motivated and able to work pro-actively in an ever-changing environment? 高效推动力和适应环境的能力? english.myjob.com.cn 2. Sure, iPad costs less than a Macbook or MacBook Pro, but those laptops run a real desktop operating system, while iPad packs iPhone OS. 当然,iPad比Macbook或MacBookPro的价格要低,这些笔记本都运行着一个真正的操作系统,而iPad却是用的iPhoneOS。 www.bing.com 3. But Mr Obama is being badgered by fiercely pro-Israeli groups at home to look more kindly on the prospect of a preemptive Israeli attack. 但是奥巴马在国内与声势浩大的亲以组织纠缠不清,看起来如果以色列主动发起攻击,他也不会大发雷霆。 www.ecocn.org 4. Evaluability Extent to which an activity or a pro -gram can be evaluated in a reliable and credible fashion. 可评估性可评估性是指在多大程度上能够用可靠的和可信的方式对一项活动或一个计划进行评估。 www.fane.cn 5. But now it appears that other governments around the world are taking a more pro-active approach to stopping the influence of the Internet. 但现在看来,世界上其他国家的政府都采取了更加积极的方法来阻止互联网的影响力。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Had Al Gore held Arkansas or West Virginia or his own Tennessee, all strongly pro-gun, he would have won the election. 当年戈尔要是能控制住阿肯色州、西弗吉尼亚州或他所在的田纳西州(这些全都是坚决支持个人有权拥有枪支的州),或许就能问鼎大选。 www.ecocn.org 7. 'The behavior of the rating agencies is entirely pro-cyclical, ' he said. 他说,评级公司的行为完全是“顺周期”的。 c.wsj.com 8. A stand-alone commentator can't keep up with a team of pro writers cranking out up to 30 posts a day. 独立评论员无法与一个一天可以写出30篇文章的职业团队相抗衡。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The first example comes from the "Performance" section of the Mac Pro website, and is a perfect example of a well-constructed tab element. 第一个例子来自MacProwebsite的“Performance”section。这是一个良好构建的选项卡(tabs)元素的完美例子。 www.bing.com 10. He was unable to make much pro GRE ss, hard as he tried. 虽然他尽了力,却无法取得很大进步。 www.enun.cn 1. Gallup attributes the new numbers to Republicans' purifying their views: 70% now call themselves pro-life, up 10 points in a year. 盖洛普将此归结至共和党人对他们观点的净化:70%的共和党员现在认为自己是婴儿生命权主义者,并且这个数字在以每年10个百分点的速度上升。 www.bing.com 2. For those who wish to sit for the MBA people, the pro forma allowed to choose a suitable training course. 对于有志于报考MBA的人来说,在备考阶段可以选择一所适合自己的培训班。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. But public cynicism about government requires that the next President builds ac- countability into his spending pro-grams. 但民众对政府冷嘲热讽,使下任总统有必要对其支出计画建立负责任的态度说清楚讲明白。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Rock & Roll and pro basketball grew up (in Chucks), and All Stars finally came in colors. 摇滚和职业篮球长大,(在卡盘),并最终在全明星的颜色来。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. By that time, I will also have implemented this on Pro Blog Design, so you'll be able to use my setup as a template for your own . 到那时,我已经将它应用在专业blog设计上,这样你就可以用我的设计作为你自己blog的模板。 www.elanso.com 6. Now, the island's pro-independence figures can only urge Taiwanese to be wary of China's apparent goodwill gesture. 现在,岛内挺独人物只能提醒台湾人不要被大陆表面的善意所迷惑。 www.bing.com 7. For one Chinese Duke student, Wednesday's pro-Tibet and pro-China protests did not end when the participants went home. 对于一名杜克的中国学生来说,周三支持西藏和支持中国的抗议并没有在参与者回家后而结束。 bbs.tiexue.net 8. Trying to mediate between Chinese and pro-Tibetan campus protesters, I was caught in the middle and vilified and threatened by the Chinese. 当我试图在中国的和支援西藏的校园游行者之间调停的时候,站在中间立场的我被中国人抓住、诽谤和恐吓。 big5.china.com 9. Electronic lock due to its high secrecy, use flexibility, high safety coefficient by the majority of users in the pro-gaze. 电子锁由于其保密性高,使用灵活性好,安全系数高,受到了广大用户的亲睐。 wenwen.soso.com 10. To take a pro-active approach in organizing events in terms of manpower planning, budgeting, RSVP and the consolidating of events. 在活动安排上采取积极的工作态度,管理人力安排、预算、出席人员名单等事项。 www.lietou.com 1. Pro SEO 's would not be so obvious and stupid as to blatantly use keywords as a person's name when the links are no followed . 如果网页链接不会被打开的话,专业的搜索引擎优化是不会这么直白和愚蠢的公开使用关键字做人名的。 www.bing.com 2. As governor, he protected his state's pro-choice laws, pledging he would not impose his views on the majority. 作为马萨诸塞州州长他保护“选择权利派”的法律,他不会把自己的观点强加于他人。 www.bing.com 3. This is the crux of the matter, otherwise, would the pro-and as a vulgar pedant. 这是问题的关键,不然的话,就会把亲和当做低俗的迂腐。 www.xiami360.com 4. Ask for a quid pro quo: "I can help you with this, but I'm going to need your help with this other task. " 要求一个补偿物:“我能帮你这些,但我需要你帮我完成其他的任务。” www.elanso.com 5. Girl thinking: "The German people would rather pro-old woman, do not kiss me. " 女人想:“这个德国人甘心亲老妇人,却不亲我。” www.stocks88.com 6. Go home and discuss it with your mother, make one of your pro-con lists? 回家和你妈讨论一下,然后列一份赞成或反对的单子?。 www.sfileydy.com 7. Hu is a prominent advocate of a new, green economy and of a pro-active approach to reducing carbon emissions. 胡鞍钢也是新绿色经济和采取积极方式减少碳排放的著名倡导者。 www.eucma.org 8. In London overnight there were violent clashes outside the Houses of Parliament involving pro-Tamil demonstrators. 在伦敦,支持泰米尔人的示威者在议会大厦外举行抗议,暴力冲突整夜持续不断。 www.bing.com 9. You knew this workout had to be high on the list. After all, it's one of pro boxers' favorite ways to train. 你知道的,这项运动应该排在靠前的位置,毕竟这可是拳击运动员最喜欢的一种训练方式。 www.bing.com 10. Tell people to put up with, you are a high profile, on a pro bullying under the ghost-like, ah terrible! 叫老百姓去忍受,你们却是一副高高在上的姿态,一副媚上欺下的鬼样,厉害啊! wenwen.soso.com 1. Hollywood celebrities are urging the United Nations to help win the freedom of Burma's detained pro-democracy leader, Aung San Suu Kyi. 好莱坞名流敦促联合国帮助缅甸被拘押的民主派领导人昂山素季获得自由。 www.way2english.com 2. Meanwhile, clashes have been continuing on the road to Sirte, one of the few Libyan towns still under the control of pro-Gaddafi forces. 同时,通往苏尔特的道路上的冲突仍在继续。这是仍在亲卡扎菲的力量控制之下的少数几个利比亚城镇之一。 www.tingroom.com 3. She knows that there are millions who know every single detail of every pro fight her father fought. 她知道有数百万人对她父亲拳击生涯的每个细节都耳熟能详。 www.jukuu.com 4. Any such transfer could attract the attention of the authorities if it involved a quid pro quo or economic advantage. 如果牵涉到补偿物或经济利益,任何此类转让都会引起监管当局的注意。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Good command of English Able to work independently and pro-actively, self-motivated and highly disciplined. 良好的英语交流能力;具有独立工作的能力,积极主动,良好的能动性及自律能力。 www.yjbys.com 6. A pro-government activist in Venezuela has handed herself over to the authorities a day after a violent attack on an opposition TV station. 一名委内瑞拉前政府活动分子向当局自首,因一天前曾暴力袭击一家反对党电视台。 www.enread.com 7. i don`t know why he so serious this time, you know, most of time, it`s just pro forma. 我不明白为什么他这次这么认真,大多数情况,你只要意思上过得去就行了。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. I live and grew up in the states so your assumption that I write pro-China out of fear or the government is pure wishfull thinking again. 我在美国生活并在美国长大,所以你的假设我写褒扬中国是出于恐惧或政府(估计是指政府指使)纯属又是胡思乱想。 3us.enghunan.gov.cn 9. It is interesting to note on him in the Pro plane accidentally slipped before, but also humor, that let him think of the Chicago weather. 有趣的是,他在临上飞机前不小心滑了一跤,还幽默地说,这让他想起了芝加哥的天气。 wenwen.soso.com 10. Who have the same desire to have pro forma can also share your information through the network, mutual resolve the confusion pro forma way. 有着相同愿望的备考者们也可以通过网络共享自己的资料,互相解决,备考路上的困惑。 ask266974732.chinaoptic.com.cn 1. Roger Federer's forehand is the most beautiful, versatile, and powerful weapon in pro tennis. It may also be the most misunderstood. 费德勒的正手是职业网球选手中最漂亮最多变最致命的,也许也是最玄妙的。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. It was my first time, but she was like a pro. 我是第一次,但她像个专家。 www.24en.com 3. And I found that the pro-Chinese sentiment was right. But so was the anti. 然后我发现“喜欢中国”的情绪没错,可惜,“反对中国”也对。 www.bing.com 4. Islamist insurgents and pro-government forces in Somalia are fighting in an area near the presidential palace in the capital, Mogadishu. 索马里的伊斯兰反叛武装分子和亲政府部队在摩加迪沙的总统府附近的一个区展开战斗。 www.51voa.com 5. But they will not be resolved by imposing pro-cyclical policies on Spain or any other Eurozone country. 但解决办法并不是在西班牙或欧元区其它国家强行实施顺周期财政政策。 www.bing.com 6. Needless to say, the most intelligent and pro-social step would be to engage immediately in curricula reform. 毋庸置疑,最明智的和专业的做法就是着手进行课程的改革。 www.bing.com 7. From small to large, my mother has always been our favorite people around the most pro, being, Zhilengzhire. 从小到大,妈妈一直是我们身边最亲最爱的人,嘘寒问暖,知冷知热。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Stress, she says, causes the body to release pro-inflammatory cytokines, immune factors that initiate responses against infections. 她认为,压力导致机体释放预炎症细胞因子(pro-inflammatorycytokines),这是种为抵抗感染而产生初始反应的免疫因素。 www.bing.com 9. And these roads were put in to ease traffic (try selling any pro-traffic scheme in London today). 这些大道被用于缓解交通压力(你可以试试如今在伦敦提出这样的建议)。 dongxi.net 10. Although pro-Israel groups accuse the agency of being infiltrated by Hamas, the United States still contributes to it. 虽然支持以色列的团体指责救济署正被哈马斯所渗透,但美国依然对其进行援助。 www.ecocn.org 1. More information can be found at the LLBLGen Pro website where there are documentation, tutorials, videos, demos and a selection of demos. 更多的信息可以在LLBLGenPro网站上找到,那些也有文档、练习、视频、示范和一个精选的教程。 www.infoq.com 2. English learner 2: Not really. I am not that satisfied with the salary and the pro-motion seems to be far away. 其实并不然,我对现在的工资待遇还不太满意,升职也是遥遥无期。 bilu.blog.163.com 3. For each of these pro-grains, environmental improvement rapidly decreased with the increase of the input. 对每一类环境规划,环境改善均随投入的增加而迅速减少。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. An ambassador (from a pro-European country) says the combination of majority voting and co-decision could be a "very dangerous process" . 一位大使(来自亲欧洲国家)说将“多数通过”和“共同决策”结合起来可能是“非常危险的过程”。 www.bing.com 5. The methods of building pro-poor were discussed. Hospital vision and theory should help staff creating the concept of pro-poor. 提出全方位创建惠民性医院的方法:明确建院方向,提升理论引导力,让惠民的理念根植在员工心中; kns50.chkd.cnki.net 6. OBJECTION: Discussion of a simple and practical production technology of Pro- mot ing Hepatocyte Growth Factors. 目的:探讨一种简单、实用的促肝细胞生长素溶液的生产工艺。 www.chemyq.com 7. In courting pro-privacy voters, the centre-right tries to make it seem that the menace is data collection by business, not by the state. 为了迎合支持隐私保护的选民,中右派试图让事情看起来好像真正构成威胁的只是企业收集信息的行为,而不是政府的相关行为。 www.ecocn.org 8. Rice said the pro-democracy charters must help the people of the Americas and Africa and in the wider world gain a "future of freedom. " 赖斯说,民主宪章必须有助于美洲及非洲人民,必须在世界范围内催生“自由的未来”。 www.america.gov 9. With King Pahlavi's pro-western policy, its nuclear program was backed up by the U. S and its western allies. 由于当时的巴列维国王推行亲西方的政策,其核活动自始就得到美国等西方国家的帮助。 paper.pet2008.cn 10. One of us is now a full-time pro bono lawyer for the Beijing families without Beijing hukou. 我们中的一员现在在公盟做免费公益的法律咨询和公民教育,给那些没有北京户口的外来家庭维护权益。 xiaozu.renren.com 1. He said that Chen Shuibian had nothing to do except push a pro- "independence" timetable. 他说陈水扁除了推进支持“独立”的时间表外,什么也没有做。 www.jxenglish.com 2. Pro-Israeli critics of the governors' report argue that the period was not representative of the conflict as a whole. 理事调查报告中亲以色列批评家表示,那段时期并不能代表整个的(巴以)冲突。 www.ecocn.org 3. When night fell, pro- testers used laser beams to paint giant Chinese characters for "incompetent" on the side of the presidential palace. 入夜后,示威者使用激光灯,将“无能”字样打在总统府墙上。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The United States agreed, so long as re-entry talks took account of the OAS's pro-democracy principles. 美国同意该项决定,只要重新加入该体系的谈判把美洲国家组织支持民主的原则考虑在内。 www.ecocn.org 5. In this study we could just as easily argue that all the apparently 'bad' lying people are doing may well be of the 'good' pro-social sort. 在这次的研究当中我们可以毫不费力地有理由认为:那些表面上“坏坏的”说谎者也许是在做着一些使自己更为合群的事情。 www.bing.com 6. The inquiry was dropped, but the pro-government press has continued to vilify the group. 该调查虽已搁浅,但亲政府的媒体依旧在持续攻击透明国际组织。 www.ecocn.org 7. This is exactly the Kafkaesque world that the pro-democracy protesters were trying to abolish. 这恰恰是卡夫卡世界里的企图废除民主抗议者。 www.bing.com 8. "Recruiters promise a proud young man that he'll be a starter and a star, showcased for the pro scouts" (Pete Axthelm). “征兵人员向一位自豪的年轻人保证他会由一个新手变成行家里手,成为一个职业童子军”(皮特·阿克西尔姆)。 wenwen.soso.com 9. The outrage led to a new election and the formation of a shaky pro-Western coalition government. 百姓怨声载道,从而导致了后来的新一轮选举,并形成了如今这个根基不稳的亲西方集团政府。 www.ecocn.org 10. He makes pro-forma statements about upholding the rule of law, at a time when authorities have launched a new crackdown on activist lawyers. 他说了些坚持依法治国之类的套话,而此时当局正在对维权律师发起新一轮打压。 chinese.wsj.com 1. I agree with Becker that the Administration's pro-union policy is no help, but it's not clear that it will amount to much. 我同意贝克的观点,现在政府亲工会的政策没什么帮助,但是尚不清楚其是否会具备一定重要性。 www.bing.com 2. A strong organizational capacity, ability to plan and response capabilities. Human passion, force and influence of pro. 具有极强的组织能力、计划能力、应变能力。为人热情,具有亲合力和感染力。 www.haoqiantu.cn 3. Snip -It Pro, the Ultimate Snippet Manager makes you more productive by allowing you to easily organize, find and share your code library. 26下载剪断它,终极片段Manager使你更加让您轻松组织,查找和共享您的代码库。 kondishenprom.info 4. Often they're scrawny or chubby or or acne covered, and more than a few fit into the stereotypes you might envision of a pro gamer. 很多时候他们或者瘦骨嶙峋或者身材圆胖或者满脸青春痘,没几个符合你心目中职业运动员的标准。 www.forbeschina.com 5. Apple laptops all have dual-core chips, and Apple's Mac Pro workstations can accommodate up to two four-core chips. 苹果笔记本电脑都采用双核芯片,而苹果MacPro工作站电脑最多可容纳2个四核芯片。 www.bing.com 6. " Such as " pro and will cause the company's setback, the company is not conducive to implementation of the system. 比如“亲和会造成公司的倒退,不利于公司制度的执行。” www.xiami360.com 7. From films to television and book-publishing, Iran's official culture is now dominated by a small, pro-government clique. 现在伊朗的电影电视和出版业等表达官方意识形态的机构都被一小撮支持政府的党派控制着。 www.ecocn.org 8. Stability was the slogan of a pro-government rally held Saturday in front of the city's railroad station. 在周六城市的火车站前举行了集会,稳定成为了这场亲政府集会的口号。 www.bing.com 9. Must be independent, pro-active, self-motivated with strong organizational, interpersonal and communication skills both written and verbal. 能够独立工作,主动积极和自我激励的工作态度;良好的组织能力,人际关系和口头及书面语言沟通能力。 www.lietou.com 10. As part of the easing of the pro-Malay policy, Mr Najib suggested rules on foreign investment in the services sector would be relaxed. 作为放松亲马来人政策的一部分,纳吉布指出服务业的外国投资规定将会有所松动。 www.ftchinese.com |
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