单词 | private property |
释义 | 例句释义: 私有财产,私人财产,私有制,私人物业 1. With Bill Gates, "private property in the means of production" becomes meaningless, at least in the standard meaning of the word. 对于比尔·盖茨来说,“作为生产工具的私有财产”完全是一句空话,至少从其标准含义上是如此。 www.douban.com 2. When he proposed drawing up a set of regulations to govern private property, Mr. Ghani said, he was told by President Karzai to stop. 当他打算建立一套规则以规范这些私人财产时,甘尼先生说,总统卡尔扎伊要求他停止这样做。 www.bing.com 3. Certainly there was no attempt to abolish private property, nationalize commerce or collectivize the land. 可以肯定,共产党没有试图废除私有财产,实行商业国有化或土地集体化。 www.chinashakestheworldbook.com 4. Private property is no longer respected, either because governments seize the assets or because goods cannot be protected from criminals. 物权不再受到尊重,你的房子和资产要么是被政府征用,要么是落入趁机作乱的暴徒手中。 www.ecocn.org 5. It was not "protection" in the sense of owning some private property or private corporations owning a piece of the public domain. 这并非是拥有某种私人财产或私人公司拥有一块公有领域之意义上的“保护”。 www.wipo.int 6. Both sides agree that the private property of any individual would not be seized or usurped, except permitted by the laws. 双方同意任何私人的财产除非法律允许都不能被没收或侵占。 www.newforces.org 7. His comments Friday defending the right to build the center on private property were widely interpreted as a strong endorsement of the idea. 上周五他发言表示支持在私人土地上建清真寺的权利,而被广泛的认为是对建清真寺这个想法的强烈赞同。 www.bing.com 8. The authoritarian State has made it a principle that private property is no longer sacred. 政府的权威使得私人财产并非神圣不可侵犯成为原则。 www.bing.com 9. He must not insist on "rights" and must not behave as if his private property rights were still sacred. 他不能再坚持“权利”,也不能表现得像他们的财产权依旧不可侵犯那样。 www.bing.com 10. After all, China is a reforming communist state where private property rights were introduced just a few years ago. 毕竟,中国是一个在改革中的社会主义国家,几年以前才引进知识产权。 www.bing.com 1. Three years ago China added a clause to its constitution saying that private property was "not to be encroached upon" . 三年前,中国在宪法中添加了一款,该条款称,私有财产“不受侵犯”。 www.ecocn.org 2. local governments in the united states have always had a constitutional right to seize private property , with fair payment. 美国的当地政府常常用宪法权利占去私人财产,并付给同等的补偿。 www.ichacha.net 3. Reached on her mobile phone on the 26th March, Ms Wu said the house was her "private property" . 记者3月26日拨通了吴苹的手机。吴苹表示,这座房子是她的“私有财产”。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Police were also hampered by the fact that Kostric was on private property at the time, a church near the public meeting. 还有一个事实限制了警方的行动:威廉当时身处私人领地——公开会议会场附近的一座教堂那里。 www.bing.com 5. Local governments in the United States have always had the constitutional right to seize private property with fair payment. 美国当地政府经常用公平的赔偿来占有私有财产。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. Private property had disappeared, but people were not ready to drop marriage. 私有财产已经消失了,但是人们还没准备好放弃婚姻。 p0w3.spaces.live.com 7. Indeed, our particular concept of private property, which deters us from exhausting the positive resources of the earth, favors pollution. 停止我们耗尽地球的直接资源的私产概念,实际上助长污染。 www.worklish.com 8. And that includes the right to build a place of worship and a community center on private property in lower Manhattan. 这包括有权在曼哈顿南部的私人地产建伊斯兰朝拜场所和社区中心。 www.tingclass.com 9. Under such a system the primary job of government is to protect private property, enforce contracts and ensure rule of law. 在这种体制中,政府的主要工作是保护私有财产权,保障契约的进行,以及确保法治。 dongxi.net 10. The weakness of intellectual-property rights can be seen as part of a deeper problem: the weakness of private property rights in general. 知识产权的薄弱可以视为更深问题的一个方面:即私有财产权力的普遍薄弱。 www.bing.com 1. The right to own private property was considered a sacred right, since it was essential to the operation of the rewarded system. 鉴于运行这种体制的需要,人们对私有财产的所有权被看作是一个神圣的权利。 usacultures.blog.sohu.com 2. Fundamental to that sustained dynamism was the gradually improving status of private-property rights. 持续动力的根本来源是对私有财产权保护的逐步完善。 www.bing.com 3. There was to be no government, no private property, no marriage, no established religion. 他主张不要政府,不要私有财产,不要婚姻,不要确定的宗教。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Ms Wang in 2005 won that lawsuit and, with it, control of Chinachem, a private property developer, making her Asia's richest woman. 龚如心在2005年赢下了那场官司,从而获得了私人房地产开发商——华懋集团的控制权,从而成为亚洲最富有的女性。 www.ftchinese.com 5. "You will find, " Grant said, "that the terms as written do not allow it. Only the officers are permitted to take their private property. " 恕我冒昧,协议是禁止的,您可(再次)过目:条款中仅允许军官保留个人财产。 www.unsv.com 6. The present Communist attitude toward private property does not mean that they may not someday nationalize the land. 共产党目前对私有财产采取这样的态度,并不意味着他们将来不实行土地国有化。 www.chinashakestheworldbook.com 7. The only thing that all four of these models of capitalism have in common is that they recognise the right of private property ownership. 上述4种资本主义模式仅有的一个共同点是它们都承认私有财产所有权。 www.ecocn.org 8. The exclusive rights of usage of public resources obtained through responsibility contracts are no less than private property rights. 私人承包获得的公有资源在约定条件下排他的专用权,不是私产又是什么? blog.sina.com.cn 9. China's Communist party has long condoned a form of private property in the cities, unleashing a sometimes unseemly scramble for ownership. 中国共产党容许城市内存在某种形式的私有房产制度为时已久,有时这带来了无序、混乱的产权之争。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Private property is one of the most sensitive issues in the country today, and "Avatar" has given the resisters a shot in the arm. 私有财产已成为中国目前最敏感的议题之一,而「阿凡达」等于是替反抗者打了一剂强心针。 english.tw 1. Together with the bride to the house of the husband, the dowry became the woman's "private property" in her new home. 嫁妆跟随妇女由娘家到婆家,成为她们在新家庭中的“私产”。 www.dic123.com 2. The right to own private property does not exist in communist countries like Cuba, North Korea, and China. 私有财富地具有权在像古巴,朝鲜和中国如许地共产主义国度中也是没有地。 www.chinanvxing.net 3. Ownership in the market economy is no longer linked up with the remote origin of private property. 市场经济中的所有权不再与私有财产遥远的起源相连结。 www.bing.com 4. There the government does not attempt to protect all private property. Responsibility is placed largely on individuals. 澳洲政府不试图保护所有私人财产,要求个人负上大部份的责任。 www.bing.com 5. But according as these private individuals are laborers or not laborers, private property has a different character. 但是私有制的性质,却依这些私人是劳动者还是非劳动者而有所不同。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Owner of his own staff as their "private property" , free to drive. 老板把自己的员工作为自己的“私有财产”,随意驱使。 www.xiami360.com 7. In more or less detailed form it prescribes how the businessman may use capital which is still presumably his private property. 政府或多或少地规定了企业家使用资本的方式,尽管资本还被认为是他们的私人财产。 www.bing.com 8. Where the right to inherit private property is. recognized, two further issues of principle arise. 如果承认个人财产的继承权,就进一步产生了两个原则问题:在什么范围内所有人有权决定继承人; www.showxiu.com 9. that is to say , I do not question the right of society to deprive of my private property if chooses to do so . 也就是说,若没有我的允诺,社会是没有剥夺我私有财产的权利的。这是毋庸置疑的。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. China adopted the protection of private property laws related to people from the proletariat into a propertied class. 2004年中国通过了保护私有财产的相关法律,使国人从无产阶级转为有产阶级。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. As a matter of principle this is a revolutionary measure since the abolition of private property is a basic tenet of traditional socialism. 这是一次原则立场上的巨大变革,因为废除财产私有历来是社会主义的一个基本原则。 dict.bioon.com 2. Only taxation possessing the legitimacy of the law will not become a violation of private property rights. 只有具备法律上的正当性的征税行为,才不至于异化为对公民私有财产权的侵犯。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. French is not the private property of Frenchmen, and still less is English the private property of Englishmen. 法语不是法国人的私有财产,英语就更不成其为英国人的私有财产了。 wenku.baidu.com 4. administration legislation brazenly violates the legislative authority of the legal reservation on private property right. 职权立法公然侵犯法律保留对私有财产权的立法权限。 www.13191.com 5. Taking private property for public use, with fair compensation to the owner, through the exercise of the right of eminent domain. 把私有财产作为公共使用,对所有进行公平的报偿,通过征用权权利而获得。 www.showxiu.com 6. As the Eighth Commandment states, the right of private property must be strictly protected. 不可窃盗的诫命指出了个人的财产权必须要受到严格的保护。 shenqi8.org 7. The Hobbits live in a completely voluntaryist society, where private property is respected and so is the rights of every individual. 霍比人生活在一个完完全全的自愿主义社会里,在那里所有人的私有财产和个人权利得到尊重。 www.bing.com 8. Even in wartime, Jackson concluded, the U. S. President could not seize private property (in that case, the steel mills), Ginsburg said. 杰克逊的结论是,即使在战时,美国总统也不能征收私人财产(如此案中的钢厂)。 www.bing.com 9. During the Maoist era, private property of any kind was seen as theft from the masses, and so subject to just expropriation. 在毛泽东时代,任何私人的产权都看作是从群众中偷来的,所以都要被征用。 www.bing.com 10. It has been objected that upon the abolition of private property all work will cease , and universal laziness will overtake us . 有人反驳说,私有制一消灭,一切活动就会停止,懒惰之风就会兴起。 www.bing.com 1. Economic liberty, in the form of private property, dates in the Western European tradition from ancient Rome. 以私有财产为形式的经济自由源于古罗马时期的西欧。 www.america.gov 2. Property tycoons and private property owners wield huge influence on an undemocratic legislature. 地产大亨和私人业主在香港不民主的立法会有着相当大的影响力。 www.ftchinese.com 3. You do realize that China still doesn't legally have the concept of private property. In essence it's ALL government property. 中国仍然对私有财产没有法律概念的。本质上说一切都是国有的。 lt.cjdby.net 4. Criminal object is public or private property, including tangible objects, intangible objects and property of such certificate. 犯罪对象是公私财物,包括有形物体、无形物体以及财产性凭证等。 www.fabiao.net 5. As a civil basic right, constitutional private property right is prevalent, untransferable and integrated. 但是,私有财产权的公法保障,尤其是私有财产权的宪法保障还非常薄弱。 www.fabiao.net 6. Because most of the drafters owned property, protection of private property was a major objective. 因为大多数宪法起草者都拥有大量财产,所以保护私有财产便成为他们的主要目标。 www.zhengfa.sdnu.edu.cn 7. The movement back toward private property through lease rights in the 1980s proved to be an important step in the right direction. 事实证明,上世纪80年代通过家庭联产承包责任制向土地私人所有回归的运动是迈向正确方向的重要一步。 cn.wsj.com 8. As a result, in today's India there is no real right to private property and no protection against government land acquisitions. 结果,今天的印度没有真正的私有财产权,对政府的占用土地,民众得不到任何保护。 www.ecocn.org 9. First is the delineation of rights in terms of property, or private property rights. 第一类是以资产界定权利,也即是私有产权了。 gb.cri.cn 10. He says he was also one of China's first private property developers in the early 1990s. 他表示,自己还是20世纪90年代初中国第一批民营房地产开发商之一。广州是邻近的广东省的省会。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Land levy of village due to need of Public interests involves the forceful deprivation and restriction of private property right. 基于公共利益的需要对农村土地实行征收涉及对私有财产权的强制剥夺与限制。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 2. While many sites are on public land with unrestricted access, others are on private property, condemned or fenced off and should be avoided. 很多探险的场地都是在公共地方供人们自由出入。而其它的则是私人的地方,禁止使用或拦栅倒塌,这些地方都要避免进入。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. While the public law protection of private property, especially the constitution protection is still weak. 但是私有财产的公法保障,尤其是私有财产的宪法保障制度还非常薄弱。 www.13191.com 4. The tragedy of the commons as a food basket is averted by private property, or something formally like it. 食物篮子的公地悲剧,因为私产或类似的正式安排而避免了。 www.worklish.com 5. Neither is child private property of parents, nor is a passive person who only depends on charity and can't be independence. 儿童不是父母亲的私有财产,也不是一个只靠施舍而无法自立的被动者。 www.594wm.com 6. The protection of private property right has promoted the improvement of constitution and constitutional system of the western countries. 对私有财产权的保障,促进了西方国家宪法和宪政制度的完善。 www.dictall.com 7. Meanwhile, it ensured the private property clearly sacred and inviolably, reflected the essence of the bourgeois. 同时,它又明确保障私有财产神圣不可侵犯,体现了资产阶级的本质。 wenwen.soso.com 8. Private property means the individual have right to invest, dominate and earning. 私有财产权指公民个人享有的财产支配权,投资权和收益权。 www.fabiao.net 9. Private property and privacy rights should be protected at all times. 在任何时候,私有财产和隐私权应受到法律保护。 dongxi.net 10. The rule of law protects private property, lends predictability to investments, and ensures accountability for poor and wealthy alike. 法律保护私有财产,保护投资者的利益,保证富人和穷人都有的权利。 www.bing.com 1. The first, Mr. Ghani said, was his attempt to impose order on Kabul's chaotic system of private property rights. 第一次,甘尼先生说到,是他试图给喀布尔市混乱的财产所有权制度建立秩序。 www.bing.com 2. In other words, language is not necessarily the private property of those who use it. 也就是说:语言不一定是讲这一语言的人的私有财产。 3. The idea about private property in "Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844" is an important part of Marx's Historical Materialism. 《18科年经济学哲学手稿》中关于私有财产历史作用的思想是马克思唯物主义历史观形成的重要内容。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. Under capitalism, private property is the consummation of the self-determination of the consumers. 在资本主义制度下,私有财产是消费者自我决定的实现。 www.bing.com 5. Wood enterprise is not only the private property of entrepreneurs, wooden door is more should be the base of business enterprise staff. 木门企业不仅是木门企业家的私有财产,更应该是木门企业全体员工创业的基地。 www.tjwktr.com 6. China is growing richer, but this is still a country run by the Communist Party, which inherently distrusts private property. 中国正在变得富有起来,但仍然是由共产党统治的国家,因而本质上不信任私有财产。 www.bing.com 7. Listing 6 demonstrates the second option: using a private property of a request-scoped bean to temporarily cache the lookup result. 清单6显示了另一种选择:使用作用域为该请求的bean的私有属性临时缓存查找结果。 www.ibm.com 8. The Communists seized all private property, and employers provided workers with subsidized housing, the rent a pittance. 共产党掌握着所有个人财产,企业向员工提供补贴住房,员工只需缴纳微薄的费用。 www.ecocn.org 9. There are two important reasons, private property and higher profit rate of crops, for the bigger proportion of crops to livestock. 私有制以及种植业较高的利润率,是该州种植业比重高于畜牧业的重要原因。 www.caesv.cn 10. but it also means that there is less respect towards public, common infrastructure, compared with private property. 但同时也意味着,相对于私人财产,人们对公共、共有基础设施的尊重不足。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Thus, private property interests in land subject to the public trust are severely limited. 因此公共托管财产所有权管辖的私人财产利益受到严格的限制。 www.jukuu.com 2. competition, modern science, the rule of law and private property rights, modern medicine, the consumer society and the work ethic. 〝五百年来,西方国家搞好了6套杀手锏---竞争、现代科学、法治及私人产权、现代医学、消费社会形式,和工作纪律。 www.douban.com 3. Private property right serves private benefits, while public property right serves public benefits. 私有财产权用于满足私益,公有财产权用于维持公益。 www.dictall.com 4. "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" : life to equality, freedom, private property is sacred and inviolable. 《人权宣言》:人生来平等,享有自由,私人财产神圣不可侵犯。 wenwen.soso.com 5. You're on private property and you need to leave now. 你脚踏的是私家土地,现在需要你离开。 www.bing.com 6. Necessary principles should be followed when perfecting law-protecting system of private property. 国家对私人财产权法律保护制度的完善应该遵循必要的原则。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. To measure this, we use appraisals of official respect for private property rights and freedom from official corruption. 衡量这一点,我们使用的官方评价尊重私有财产权利和自由的官员腐败。 wenwen.soso.com 8. After Vinci died, the painting became the private property of French kings. 300 years later, Napoleon opened the 'Louvre' to the public. 达芬奇死后,此画就为历代法王拥有,直到300多年后,拿破仑开放了卢浮宫,公众才得以看到。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. It was on private property, so a strict liberal would struggle to object. 这个床垫属于私人财产,因此严格的自由主义者会竭力反对。 www.ecocn.org 10. All taxes including property tax made from depriving citizens of lawful private property rights in compulsory. 包括物业税在内的任何征税,都是对公民合法私有财产权的强制性剥夺。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. The philosophy basis of protecting private property lies in the practice of building all-round well-off society at the present stage. 现阶段保护私有财产的哲学根据在于全面建设小康社会的实践。 www.edu-hb.com 2. Private property has been severely restricted since the communist revolution in 1959. 自1959年古巴共产主义革命以来,私有财产是受到严厉禁止的。 www.hxen.com 3. The Communist Party makes fattens the public and deprives the private, not allowing the Chinese people to have sufficient private property. 空菜党肥公损私,不允许中国人民有足够的私人财产,泰王国人民则生活富足。 www.bing.com 4. Or the Fifth Amendment's prohibition against government takings of private property when rare species are allegedly facing extinction? 或者当稀有物种面临物种灭绝危机时,他们会制定禁止政府征用个人财产的宪法第五修正案? www.bing.com 5. Communism, a branch of socialism, is a social system, characterized by lack of private property. 共产主义是社会主义的一个分支,它是以没有私有财产为特征的社会制度。 www.bing.com 6. But, concerning the very principle of private property, the Revolution always respected it. 但是,大革命一直是尊重私有财产制度的原则的。 www.bing.com 7. all private property rights were damaged by the Russian and Chinese revolutions. 所有的私人财产权益都被俄国与中国的革命所破坏。 club.topsage.com 8. A private-enterprise economy is characterized by private property and rights concerned. 私营企业的经济以有关的私人财产和权利为特点。 iask.sina.com.cn 9. Raking in huge private property, the outstanding symbol of the characters. 私而攫取巨额财产的人物的杰出象征。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Early mankind lived under hunting economy, having no private property, nor ownership. 早期的人类在狩猎经济的方式下生存,没有私有财产,也没有所有权。 epub.cnki.net 1. Few variables are as reliably correlated with economic growth as respect for private property. 很少有其他变量会像“尊重私产”一样可靠地与经济增长相关。 www.bing.com 2. Bushmen no private property, the results are all working there were members of the tribe. 布须曼人没有私有财产,所有劳动成果均属部落成员共有。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Be aware of restrictions on skateboarding and private property restrictions before identifying sites. 不过在选定区域前必须注意滑板的运动限制以及私有财产的问题。 docs.google.com 4. Jamy warns there is a risk that kite-surfers can be arrested for crossing private property to reach the water. Jamy警告说,对于风筝滑行者来说如果为了飞行到水面而越过私人的地方会有被逮捕的危险。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. intentionally damaging public or private property. 故意损坏公私财物的。 www.hjenglish.com 6. Eminent Domain is the government's right to acquire private property without the property owner's consent. 指出,强制征用是政府无须财产所有人同意而获取私人财产的权力。 www.xzcet.com 7. The revolution made trade, commerce, and private property criminal acts. 革命使得贸易、商业和私人财产都成为犯罪活动。 blog.tianya.cn 8. The fish pond is a University of Southern Mississippi airport private property, and Dumont Sanders stay because of too much like the ponds. 这个鱼塘是南福罗里达州机场的私人物业,而迪蒙·桑德斯逗留的原因是太喜欢这个鱼塘了。 3us-old.enghunan.gov.cn 9. If you have sufficient capital without a private property for your family, would you prefer to buy one or spend the money on other aspects? 假如你有足够资金,家庭却未拥有私人物业,你会选择购买私人物业或花在其他方面?。 my3q.com 10. Mr Bongo made no distinction between Gabon and his private property. 庞戈先生并不区分加蓬和他的私人财产。 club.topsage.com 1. The second part analyze practical path of private property from conception and legal protection system. 第二部分通过观念上和法律保护制度两方面,对我国私有财产理论的实践路径进行了探析。 www.fabiao.net 2. There is a wide gulf between the old Bolshevik attacks on private property and the policy of the Chinese Communists. 老布尔什维克猛烈攻击私有财产的作法,同中国共产党的政策之间有很大不同。 word.hcbus.com 3. Under Chairman Mao, taxes on private property all but vanished along with private property itself. 在毛主席领导下,私有财产税与私有财产本身一起化为乌有。 www.bing.com 4. Then, how can one be assured of privatization under your government when you are yourself not keeping private property? 那么,如果您本人就不保留私有财产,人们又如何相信你们政府的私有化政策呢? hornbillfriendship.com 5. In the provinces, however, no private property in land exists, nor is there any free citizenship. 然而,在行省,没有私有财产存在于土地上,那里也不存在市民权。 romanlaw.cn 6. China, which made ownership of private property a constitutional right in 2004, has seen a boom in homeownership in recent years. 中国于2004年修改了宪法,私有产权获得了宪法保障。最近几年,私人购房规模大幅增长。 www.bing.com 7. The biggest characteristic of the people's commune is to abolish private property rights. 人民公社的最大特点是废除私有产权。 jztu.5d6d.com 8. In modern China, it becomes consensus to enhance the safeguard of private property. 在我国当下,加强私人财产权的宪法保障已成为一个基本共识。 www.lw23.com 9. Private property right and market are property rights. All these institutions arise from transaction costs. 私有产权及市场是产权,所有制度是因交易费用而起的,如果没有交易费用,没有制度。 champagne.edu.hk 10. private property are fully protected, whether China can have a real post-modern art? 私人财产得到充分保障,中国是否能产生真正的后现代派艺术? blog.artintern.net 1. And so we broke into the concept of the sacredness of private property. 因此我们打破了私有财产神圣不可侵犯的观念。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. In 2007, the party and state passed China's first property law, which legalized private property. 2007年,党和国家通过了中国的第一部物权法,承认私有财产的合法化。 www.bing.com 3. Two pigs is a violent assault on the very sanctity of private property itself. 偷两头猪更是对神圣的私人财产的侵犯 blog.sina.com.cn 4. nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation. 没有合理的补偿,私有财产不得取为公用。 www.bing.com 5. But they are also "subtractable" (or "rivalrous" ), like private property: if one person uses them, another's access is diminished. 但是它们同样也有“减少性质”(或者说“有竞争性”),像是私有财产:如果一个人使用了它们,那么别人使用的机会就少了。 www.ecocn.org 6. In reality, we have always lacked protection for private property. 实际上,我们总是缺乏对私有产权的保护。 www.ddeaw.com 7. The legal system of private property is undoubtedly the basic legal system of human society, related to the rise and fall of civilization. 所以可以认为私有财产权法律制度是人类社会的基本法律制度,关系着一国的兴衰。 www.fabiao.net 8. to private property and to keep what I earn? 保护私人财产和利润的权利? www.bing.com 9. The concept rests on the lack of private property as the apartments will be rented for the period from 1 day to 10 years. 考虑到私人财产的不足,公寓的出租期限可从1天增至10年。 www.bing.com 10. Lawful private property has a variety of way to obtain, it should be legally protected. 合法的私有财产有多种取得方式,应当受到法律的保护。 journal.lzptc.edu.cn 1. A private property named Callback is used to access the callback channel to the client. 名为Callback的私有属性用于访问指向客户端的回调通道。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Mono: Show great respect for private property; seldom borrow or lend. 一元:尊重个人财产;很少借还物品。 edu.sina.com.cn 3. Work still needs to be done to guarantee citizens' private property. 在保障居民个人财产问题上还有许多工作要做。 dongxi.net 4. The defacement or destruction of public or private property. 损坏或破坏公私财产的。 www.yxtvg.com 5. There is a need to strike a careful balance between facilitating redevelopment and protecting private property rights. 我们必须在促进重新发展与保护私有产权之间,取得审慎的平衡。 www.hplb.gov.hk 6. Insuring public or private property is a standard practice in most countries in the world. 在世界大多数国家里,承保公共财产或者私有财产都是保险公司的正常业务。 www.showxiu.com 7. The meaning of private property in the market society is radically different from what it is under a system of each household's autarky. 市场社会中的私有财产的含义与每个家庭自我满足系统下的私有财产是根本不同的。 www.bing.com 8. any destruction of private property along these lines. 任何对私人财产的破坏 www.tingroom.com 9. Theft is the object of public and private property ownership. 盗窃对象的公共和私人财产所有权。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. The knell of capitalist private property sounds. 资本主义私有制的丧钟就要响了。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Are there any limits on the accumulation of private property? 私有财产的累积有任何限制吗? cn1.myoops.org 2. In fact, the rule of civilization is from the establishment of private property. 人类文明的法则实际上是随私人财产权的确立而生。 www.bing.com 3. Police have also evicted tent-dwellers from some parcels of private property, in some cases by force. 警察也将住帐篷的人从一些私人领地中驱逐出去,有些时候会动用武力。 www.24en.com 4. Is it proper only to say that public property is sacred? Then how about private property? 光说公有财产神圣不可侵犯,这合适吗?那私有财产又当如何? www.yuloo.com 5. In addition, the monasteries owned a large amount of private property, including serfs and slaves. 活佛支配寺庙财产,并拥有很多私人财产,包括农奴和属民。 www.tibetinfor.com.cn 6. He should be grateful to the Fuehrer that he still has private property. 他应该为自己还拥有私有财产而对元首感恩戴德。 www.bing.com 7. President Bush ordered Friday that federal agencies cannot seize private property except for public projects such as hospitals or roads. 布什总统周五下令,除了诸如医院或者道路建设等公共项目外联邦机构不能占用私有财产。 e.pku.edu.cn 8. But not so on the criterion of market pricing, and the use of market price is uniquely associated with private property. 只有市场价格这个准则没有,而市价的使用是基于有私产的存在。 gb.cri.cn 9. For our children to face this debt, they will need free trade, private ownership, and respect for private property. 我们的后代面临这个债务的时候,他们会需要自由贸易,私有制度,以及对私产的尊重。 www.bing.com 10. In Lesson 5, we will see how the institution of private property solves this problem. 我们将在第5课学习私有产权制度是如何解决这一问题的。 www.bing.com 1. Are property rights a risk for investors, as the government doesn't officially allow the ownership of private property? 由于政府不允许土地私有,那这种性质的产权对于投资者来说是否是种风险? www.bing.com 2. Their essential feature is that they share one characteristic with private property and one with public goods. 它们的本质特征是一面是有着私有财产特质,一面又有着公共物品特质。 www.ecocn.org 3. Please take care of your private property. 请照看好私人财物。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Now the Nisga'a are pioneering the idea of private property among First Nations. 现在,在众多“第一民族”中,尼斯加人正成为房屋私有产权理念的开路先锋。 www.ecocn.org 5. It's our private property and I can look out of it as much as I like. 这是我们的私人财产,我什么时候愿意向外看都可以。 www.zftrans.com 6. It lands in private property on the opposite side. 最后,它落在了对面的私人庭院里了。 www.bing.com 7. This private property is closed to public use. 这私有财产不向公众开放。 www.bing.com 8. The government's hostility to private property has triggered a shortage of rented housing. 政府对私有财产的敌视引发了出租屋的缺乏。 www.ecocn.org 9. At the same time, the revenue of tax has grown dramatically recently, and it will surely damage the private property right. 近年来,我国税收收入迅猛增长,政府税权的扩张势必会损害私人产权。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. "It is Beijing's cultural heritage, " she says defiantly, "and it's my private property. " 她不服气地表示“这是北京的文化遗产,而且是我的私人财产。” www.stnn.cc 1. Also, because it is illegal to paint public and private property without permission, street artists usually work secretly. 并且,在未允许的情况下涂鸦在公共和私人的物品上是违法的,街头艺术家经常背地里工作。 www.unsv.com 2. Also, street artists usually work secretly because it is illegal to paint public and private property without permission. 此外,街头艺术家通常工作秘密,因为它是非法的,未经允许油漆公共和私人财产。 www.englishtang.com 3. A typical exercise of the eminent domain power occurs when the state takes private property in order to build a highway. 当州为了建立高速公路而征收私人财产,一类国家征用权的执行权发生了。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Respect for private property has penetrated the spirit of the people in all capitalist countries. 在资本主义国家,尊重私人产权已经深入人心。 www.bing.com 5. The field is private property . 这里是私人地产,请走开! www.dictall.com 6. Abolition of all forms of private property in ideas. 废除一切形式的、对于观点和思想的私人所有权。 bbs.cyuyan.com.cn 7. The constitution allows the expropriation of private property for "public use" , such as building a road. 美国宪法允许征用私有地产作“公共用途”,例如建造公路。 www.ecocn.org 8. The private property right is not only the base of human rights and the rule of law, but also the tool to promote the economic prosperity. 私有财产权是保障人权、建设法治的基石,又是促进经济繁荣的不可或缺的工具。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. We should improve the legal system for protecting private property. 完善保护私人财产的法律制度。 blog.hjenglish.com 10. This is vital for private firms based on emerging economies given the weak protection for private property. 这对于在新兴经济体的私营经济是至关重要的,因为这些经济环境中对私有产权的保护较弱。 www.bing.com 1. Smoking refuge areas set up by Japan's tobacco monopoly, safe on private property where the patrols can not go. 日本烟草专营商设立了吸烟区,很安全,是巡逻队无权进入的私人领地。 www.kekenet.com 2. I have stood firm on the merits of private property and the market for more than 40 years. 我坚信私产与市场对社会的价值,不止四十年了。 gb.cri.cn 3. Dargis: May I remind you this is private property? 达吉斯:你知道这是私人财产吗?。 video.2u4u.com.cn 4. The new laws will open up a private property market and enable Cubans to buy any car they can afford. 新的法律将开创一个私有财产交易市场,允许古巴人购买任何可以支付的起的汽车。 www.hxen.com 5. It is private property and here in the US we do have some rights. 这是我们的私人财产,而且在美国我们拥有这样的权利。 www.bing.com 6. In order to make innovation continuously, must protect private property rights, which is the most important. 为了使创新不断进行,一定要保护私有产权,这是最重要的。 www.yanjiang.com.cn 7. In this foundation, proposed several conception that improving our country private property rights civil legislation. 在此基础上,提出完善我国私有财产权民事立法的几点构想。 www.juhe8.com 8. This paper illustrates the impendency of law protection of private property rights in our country on the basis of the dispute. 据此,以双方主要争议为基础探讨在我国立法保护私人财产权的迫切性。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Private property solves people's problems every day. 私人财产权每天都在解决人们的问题。 www.bing.com 10. Views on interaction between the constitution and property rights in the light of the protection of citizens'private property ownership 从公民个人财产所有权的保护看宪法与物权法之互动 www.ilib.cn 1. On the Issue that Private Property Right Should be Drowned up in the Constitution 私有财产权的入宪问题研究 service.ilib.cn 2. The "#" land system had been disintegrated, the land belonged to private property; 井田制瓦解,土地归于私有; www.fabiao.net 3. A Study to the Relationship between Scientific and Technological Innovation and the Private Property Rights to be Written in Constitution 科技创新与私有财产权入宪的关系研究 ilib.cn 4. In Terms of Perfecting the Legal Consideration of the Private Property Protects 完善私有财产权保护的法律思考 ilib.cn 5. This is my private property. I am just teasing you. Wanna a bite? I say NO! 这是我的私有财产,我就逗逗你,想吃?我可不同意! blog.sina.com.cn 6. Historical considerations of the interaction between constitution amendment and private property rights 宪法修改与私人财产权保障的历史考察 www.ichacha.net 7. The General and Special Protection for the Private Property 私人产权的一体保护与特殊保护 www.8wen.com 8. reiterates that the content and the bound of private property right should be in conformity with the law; 重申了私有财产权的内容及界限应当符合法律; dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Understanding the relationship between abolishing private ownership and protecting private property 正确理解废除私有制与个人占有财产的关系 www.ilib.cn 10. The protection of private property rights has received more and more recognition in our country. 在我国,私有财产权的保护越来越受重视。 www.13191.com 1. Private Property Protection Written in the Constitution and the Building of Political Civilization 私产保护入宪与政治文明建设 www.ilib.cn 2. Improve and Perfect the System of Private Property Legal Protection after the Constitution Amendments 完善修宪后的私有财产法律保护制度 ilib.cn 3. On Constitutional Private Property Right and Its System of Guarantee of Constitutional Enforcement 论宪法上的私有财产权及其实施保障机制 ilib.cn 4. The Problems Concerning the Private Property Right Protection through the Constitution 有关私有财产权的宪法保护问题 ilib.cn 5. On the Private Attribute of the Private Property and Protection from the Laws of the Public and the Private 论私有财产权的私权属性及公、私法保护 www.ilib.cn 6. An Investigation of the Private Property of High-ranking Officials of the Guomindang Government 关于国民党政府高级官员私人财产的一例调查 www.ilib.cn 7. Jurisprudential Thinking of Protecting Principles of Private Property in the Constitution 关于宪法中私有财产保护原则的法理思考 www.ilib.cn 8. The Cost of Enshrining Private Property Rights Into China's Constitution 我国私有财产权的宪法成本 service.ilib.cn 9. Fully Understand the Important Role of Safeguarding Private Property in Bringing Every Positive Factor into Play 全面认识保护私人财产在调动一切积极因素中的重要作用 service.ilib.cn 10. Comment and Analysis on Establishment of Protection for Private Property Right in Chinese Constitution 对我国宪法确立私有财产权保护原则的评析 beta.ilib.cn 1. Protecting the Private Property Is the Inevitable Request in Building an Affluent Society Completely 保护私有财产是全面建设小康社会的必然要求 ilib.cn 2. On the Protection of Private Property in an Affluent Society by Criminal Law 论小康社会私有财产的刑法保护 ilib.cn 3. Towards A Correct View on the Private Property and "Exploitation" of the Socialist Society 正确看待社会主义社会的个人财产及“剥削”问题 www.ilib.cn 4. Construction on the act in good faith to deal with issues left over by urban private property work notice 建设部关于善始善终做好城镇私房地产遗留问题处理工作的通知 www.cnrealty.org 5. Right to just compensation for private property; 私产被征求偿权; www.sinobay.com 6. Hai Rui and present degeneration of grassland in Inner Mongolia--On historical defects of China's private property right system 孤独的海瑞与当代内蒙的草地退化--透视中国私人财产权利制度的历史性缺失 www.ilib.cn 7. Compensation of Reacquisition and Relocation of House and the Constitution Protection of the Private Property of the Citizens 房屋拆迁补偿与公民财产权的宪法保护 8. On the Advantages of the Constitutional Protection of Private Property 论私有财产权的宪法保护优势 ilib.cn 9. On the constitutional significance of private property protection 论保护私人财产的宪政意味 www.ilib.cn 10. Ethical Thoughts on Safeguarding Private Property by Constitution 宪法保护私有财产的伦理思考 service.ilib.cn 1. Private property rights protection under market economy condition 论市场经济条件下对私有财产权的保障 ilib.cn 2. Thoughts on the Constitutional Safeguard for the Private Property Right 浅析我国宪法对私产的保护 ilib.cn 3. Form of exclusive private property 排他性的私有财产形式 news.dic123.com 4. Brief Analysis of the Constitution Guarantee of Private Property 私有财产权宪法保障略论 ilib.cn 5. Analysis on Concept of "Private Property" in the Revolutionary Constitutions in China 中国革命宪法“私有财产”概念解析 www.ilib.cn 6. The Historical Development of the Constitutional Position of Private Property Rights 私有财产权的宪法地位及其历史发展 ilib.cn 7. So you would say that the right to private property, 因此,你会说,私有产权 www.bing.com 8. WESTBANK crime of intentionally sabotaging public or private property 故意破坏公私财物罪 bbs.24en.com 9. Private property that disables caching in proxies. Registered - 禁用代理中的缓存的专用属性 wenku.baidu.com 10. Research on Private Property Right Written into the Constitution 试论私产入宪的宪法权利问题 service.ilib.cn 1. stealing, swindling or seizing a small amount of public or private property; 偷窃、骗取、抢夺少量公私财物的; www.hjenglish.com 2. But in your existing society, private property is already done away with for nine-tenths of the population; 但是,在你们的现存社会里,私有财产对十分之九的成员来说已经被消灭了; dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The Private Property Right of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics 具有中国特色社会主义的私有财产权 scholar.ilib.cn 4. Discussing on the Legal Recognition and Protection to the Private Property Right 论私人财产权的法律确认与保护 ilib.cn 5. Legal Protection of Private Property Right during Housing Resettlement in City 城市房屋拆迁中私人财产权利的法律保护 scholar.ilib.cn 6. Two Properties of Urban Group won Best Landscape Award for Private Property Development 富城集团两物业获康文署私人物业最佳园林大奖 www.urban.com.hk 7. The Constitutional Protection of Private Property Rights 论私有财产权的宪法保护 ilib.cn 8. Thinking on private property-ownership into Constitution 关于私有财产权入宪的思考 www.ilib.cn 9. The Converse Vicissitude of Chinese Economy System and Private Property Right 中国经济制度与私有产权的逆向变迁 www.ilib.cn 10. The Collection and Requisition System of the Private Property on the Constitution 我国宪法上的财产征收征用制度 www.ilib.cn 1. On Constitutional Safeguard for the Right of Private Property 论私有财产权的宪法保障 ilib.cn 2. On perfecting the law institution on protection for private property 关于完善保护私人财产法律制度的思考 www.ilib.cn 3. Best Landscape Awards for Private Property Developments 私人物业最佳园林大奖 www.shkp.com.hk 4. The Protection of The Constitution and Private Property 论宪法与私有财产权保护 5. Opposite-Unity Between Private Property Right and Public Property Right 私有财产权与公有财产权的对立与统一 service.ilib.cn 6. TO Guarantee the Private Property Rights and Interests of Entrepreneurs 必须让创业者私有财产暨利益确有保障 service.ilib.cn 7. The Consideration on the Position of the Private Property Right in Our National Constitution 对我国私有财产权宪法地位的思考 www.ilib.cn 8. Course on the Constitutional Protection of Private Property 私有财产保护制度的宪法历程 service.ilib.cn 9. Comments on Interpretations of Public and Private Property in Criminal Law 评刑法对公、私财产之解释 www.lawinfochina.com 10. On the protective law Of China Citizen's Private Property 浅析我国对公民私有财产进行征用的法律保护 www.ilib.cn 1. A Comparative Research on Criminal Law Protection of Private Property 私有财产刑法保护的比较研究 ilib.cn 2. On the Constitutional Value of Protecting the Ownership of Private Property 论私有财产权保护的宪政价值 service.ilib.cn 3. Constitutional Protection of Private Property in New China 我国私有财产宪法保护制度的历程及启示 www.ilib.cn 4. On the Protection of Private Property of Anti-Japan Democratic Authority 论抗日民主政权对私有财产的保护 service.ilib.cn 5. The constitutional restraint of the regulation of private property by the government 政府规制私有财产的宪法限制 ilib.cn 6. On Private Property Rights and Socialist Public Ownership 论私人产权与社会主义公有制 www.ilib.cn 7. Discussions About The Necessity Of Equally Protecting The Private Property By Law 论依法平等保护私有财产权利的必要性 ilib.cn 8. On Characteristics and Thoughts of Legal Protective System of Private Property 我国私有财产权法律保护体系的特点及其思考 www.ilib.cn 9. A Discuss on the Confirmation of Civil Private Property in the Constitution 论公民的私有财产权入宪 ilib.cn 10. Rough analysis of perfecting the legal system of protecting private property right 浅析完善保护私人财产权之法律制度 www.ilib.cn |
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