单词 | representative office |
释义 | 例句释义: 业务处,代表处,代表办事处,外国企业代表处 1. The European Commission representative office in Kuala Lumpur was unable to comment on the matter. 欧洲委员会的代表在马来西亚首都吉隆坡办事处无法就此事发表评论。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Carve a name stamp and a financial stamp in the name of the representative office in Guangzhou at the Public Security Bureau in Guangzhou. 以广州办事处的名义向广州市公安局申报幷雕刻办事处公章及财务章。 www.by-cpa.com 3. John: He wants to ask a question. If he set up a resident representative office in China, what are the regulations on its business scope? 约翰:他想问一问如果在华设立一个常驻代表机构,业务范围上有什么规定? www.hdbbs.net 4. A representative office of a Haitian company in Beijing promised to help Chen get a visa for the United States. 海地某公司驻北京代表处承诺帮助陈岩取得美国的签证。 www.ebigear.com 5. The account of a representative office shall not include any item of income except for the money allocated by its parent enterprise. 办事机构账户除母企业的拨款款项外,不得出现任何收入款项。 www.lawyer86.com 6. Matsuo's bank has also received permission to open a representative office in the U. S. , which it will set up in San Francisco. 松尾的银行也获准在美国开设代表处,首先是在旧金山。 www.bing.com 7. On behalf of the Australian Government, I wish to congratulate the Institute on the establishment of a Beijing Representative Office. 我代表澳大利亚政府,对研究院北京代表处的成立表示祝贺。 www.en84.com 8. the general representative mentioned in the present Measures shall mean the principal responsible person of a general representative office. 本办法所称总代表,是指总代表处的主要负责人。 szlawyers.chinalawinfo.com 9. It said it was applying for a branch licence in Singapore, where it has a representative office, and looking at opportunities in India. 该公司表示,正在申请在新加坡开设分支机构的牌照(目前在那里有一个代表处),并在印度寻找机遇。 www.ftchinese.com 10. SCR provides products and services throughout China, together with her China representative office and its strategic partners. SCR已经通过其在中国的代表处和战略伙伴在中国市场上提供产品和服务。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The representative office established by a group to which a foreign insurance company belongs. 外国保险公司所在的集团公司设立的代表机构。 www.putclub.com 2. Note: This form is to be completed in both Chinese and English in duplicate when applying for the amendment of the representative office. 注:申请变更常驻代表机构时填写此表,一式二份,中英文对照。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Note: This form is to be completed in duplicate when applying for the amendment of the representative office in both Chinese and English. 注:常驻代表机构申请变更时填写此表,一式二份,中英文对照。 www.bjmbc.gov.cn 4. Apply for the in the name of the representative office in Guangzhou from the Technique Intendance Bureau in Guangzhou. 以广州办事处的名义向广州市技术监督局申请组织机构代码证。 www.by-cpa.com 5. Representative Office shall engage in business activities in the name registered with the Registration Authority. 代表机构应当以登记机关登记的名称从事业务活动。 www.bing.com 6. A representative office must announce its establishment and any change to its registration through media appointed by the AIC. 代表机构设立,变更的,应当在工商管理部门指定的媒体上向社会公告。 www.fairylaw.com 7. At least 2 year working experience in shoes field, preferably experience from similar position in supplier or representative office. 至少两年鞋类产品的工作经验,最好在工厂或类似的贸易公司担任过类似职位。 hr.wtojob.com 8. Pfaff-silberblau Hangzhou Representative Office is seeking for a talented person to join the company. 百富西尔博公司杭州代表处正在寻找英才加盟。 company.zhaopin.com 9. application form signed by the main principal of the law firm for establishing the representative office and sending representatives. 该律师事务所主要负责人签署的设立代表处、派驻代表的申请书。 www.showxiu.com 10. The term "chief representative" as mentioned in these Measures refers to the principal responsible person of a representative office. 本办法所称首席代表,是指代表处的主要负责人; www.lawinfochina.com 1. In each ratification of the establishment of a permanent representative office, the longest resident period given will be three years. 常驻代表机构一次审批的驻在期限最长为三年。 www.24en.com 2. Your resume says you have had a experience working in a foreign representative office in Shanghai, may I ask why you left? 你的简历上说你曾经有在上海外企中工作过,为什么你离开了呢? wenku.baidu.com 3. We learn from your representative office in Beijing that you are one of the major dealers in the food industry. 从贵公司驻北京代表处得知,贵方是与食品工业相关的主要经营商之一。 wenku.baidu.com 4. Yes. After my graduation from university, I worked as a Customer Service Coordinator in a foreign representative office. 有,在我大学毕业后,我就到一家外企代理处做了一名顾客服务协调员。 www.englishto.com 5. Find the Beijing municipal government representative office in Beijing, stop me to reflect problems. 找北京市政府代表北京办事处,阻止我去向秘书处反映问题。 www.bing.com 6. CIRC may issue a disciplinary warning to a representative office involved in providing false information or concealing important facts . 第三十九条代表机构提供虚假信息或者隐瞒重要事实的,给予警告。 www.bing.com 7. The company: Leading foreign brand of irrigation equipment. The position is open in our representative office in Beijing. 公司:国外灌溉设备知名企业。该企业北京代表处需招聘以下职位 www.dlzp.net 8. Foreign banks can only open one representative office covering the vast Chinese territory. 外国银行只能开办一个覆盖中国大部分地区的代表处。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The U. S. Trade Representative office has threatened to take China to the World Trade Organization about its export restraints. 贸易代表办公室威胁在中国的出口遏制问题上将会求诉世界贸易组织。 www.bing.com 10. The subordinate companies legal representative office for economical responsibility audit, various special investigation, etc. 对下属公司法人代表离任进行经济责任审计、各种专项调查等。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Now the Guangzhou Representative Office is looking for a Candidate to sit for the position of Project Executive. 为了配合公司业务拓展,现广州代表处诚聘所述人员一名。 www.haoqiantu.cn 2. Now the Guangzhou Representative Office is looking for a Candidate to sit for the position of Project Manager. 为了配合公司业务拓展,现广州代表处诚聘项目主任、项目经理职位。 www.rencai.net 3. In serious cases, the registration certificate of the representative office can be revoked. 情节严重的,代表机构的登记证书将被吊销。 www.fairylaw.com 4. Robert: What documents are needed for registration of a resident representative office? 罗伯特:注册登记常驻代表机构要提交哪些文件? www.hdbbs.net 5. Even sophisticated multinationals could set up a representative office in hours without concern for continuous paperwork. 即使是老牌跨国公司也能在数小时内设立一个代表处,而无需担心会有大量的文件需要准备。 www.bing.com 6. Open an account in any bank in Guangzhou in the name of the representative office in Guangzhou. 以广州办事处的名义在广州任意一间银行开户。 news.9ask.cn 7. I: Your resume says you have had one year experience working in a foreign representative office in Shanghai, may I ask why you left? 你在简历上写到你曾经在上海的一个外商代理处工作了一年。我能问一下你为什么要离开那里吗? www.chinadaily.com.cn 8. The cultural art and creative youth centre is based in Kampala, Uganda with a representative office in Congo. 青少年文化艺术和创意中心位于乌干达的坎帕拉,在刚果有一个代表部门。 www.newdaai.tv 9. Marks as needed may be obtained from: Guangzhou representative office, underwriters laboratories Inc. 所需标志可从:广州代表处,包销实验室股份有限公司处获得。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Tax official: in this case, your representative office is responsible for your company. 在这种情况下,你办事处要替公司承担责任。 jyds.gov.cn 1. The foreign staff members of a representative office shall handle the formalities for residence under the pertinent laws upon entry. 代表处的外籍工作人员入境后应当按照有关法律规定办理居留手续。 www.bing.com 2. The current positions would be for the Dr. Reddy's Representative Office in Shanghai. 现在招聘职位的是瑞迪在上海的代表处。 www.haoqiantu.cn 3. draft dealer's contract, translation, and administration affair management in Beijing representative office. 起草文件,翻译文件,和处理代表处的其他事宜。 www.jobuu.com 4. Suitable for representative office, branch office, start-up business, project office, temporary office and emergency back up office. 地区代表处、分公司、筹备处、项目办公室,临时办公室及紧急支援办公室。 www.juyy.net 5. List of managers and associated persons or representatives of the branch office or representative office. 二分支机构或代表人办事处经理人及业务人员或代表人名册。 www.cntranslators.com 6. The representative office in Shanghai has been set up with a focus on sourcing of auto parts and assemblies from China for exports to India. 我们去年在上海成立代表处,其目的是专注于向中国采购汽车零部件及总成并出口到印度。 www.haoqiantu.cn 7. This month, Hantec Group added a third representative office to China as it opened its Wenzhou office. 本月上旬,亨达集团在中国温州开设内地的第三个代办处。 www.t6pr.com 8. A representative office can change its office location within the same administrative area it resides only. 第二十九条代表机构只能在所在城市的行政辖区内变更办公地址。 www.bing.com 9. The U. S. representative office in Hangzhou NSDQ listed company, headquartered in New York. 美国NSDQ上市公司在杭代表处,总部在纽约。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. We are a registered company in Cyprus and now stationed in Shenzhen as a representative office for China. 我们总公司在塞浦路斯注册,在深圳设驻中国的办事处。 china.alibaba.com 1. Not merely the representative office , it also include the establishment of management and business , the site of assignment and agent . 不仅是代办处,还包括管理和营业机构、作业场所和代理人。 www.bing.com 2. Who are responsible for the examination and approval of setting up a resident representative office? 常驻代表机构的设立审批机关是谁? wzj.saic.gov.cn 3. Need foreign representative office pay city maintenance and construction tax and educational surcharge? 外国代表机构需要缴纳城市维护建设税和教育费附加吗?。 www.showxiu.com 4. Provimi China representative office is based at Beijing and the production plants are located at Jiangsu, Guangxi and Chongqing provinces. 普乐维美中国的代表处设立在北京,生产工厂分别位于江苏、广西和重庆三个省市。 www.foodexpo.cn 5. For the non-life market entry, a second Representative Office in Jinan was also established in 2009. 为进入中国的非寿险市场,在中国济南的第二家代表处也在2009年设立。 company.zhaopin.com 6. Employees of representative office shall abide by Chinese laws and regulations, with high integrity and clean record. 第十五条代表机构工作人员应当遵守中国的法律法规,品行良好,无不良记录。 www.chinalawedu.com 7. It's head office shall bear responsibility for any unsettled matters the resident representative office involved in. 常驻代表机构的一切未了事宜,由其总管理机构承担责任。 www.lawyer86.com 8. Date of establishment and detailed address of the branch office or representative office. 三分支机构或代表人办事处设立日期及详细地址。 www.cntranslators.com 9. A representative office shall have official premises, necessary office facilities and full-time staff. 第十九条代表机构应当有独立、固定的办公场所和专职的工作人员。 www.chinalawedu.com 10. Our Beijing Representative Office and our Tianjin JV company are currently seeking high caliber individuals to join us. 我公司北京代表处及我公司天津公司诚挚希望有志之士加入。 www.hicoo.net 1. APEM Shanghai Representative Office is responsible for sales and marketing operation of APEM Group in great China area. 法国APEM上海代表处负责APEM集团在大中华区的销售与市场运营。 www.yingjiesheng.com 2. A chief representative shall stay in the representative office to take charge of the daily routine. 首席代表应当常驻代表处主持日常工作。 www.bing.com 3. ShenZhen Representative Office of Canada Megabloks Co. , Ltd. was established in 2002, with the headquarter in Montreal, Canada. 加拿大美高公司深圳代表处成立于2002年10月,总部在加拿大蒙特立尔。 www.jobui.com 4. Our company China Link Ltd Beijing Representative Office, is a company registered in Gibraltar, UK. 我公司为英国环瑞国际公司北京代表处。 www.youchengchemical.com 5. Representative office of German Wangen Pump, provides high-quality sales and after-sales service. 代理德国王恩泵业公司螺杆泵在中国的销售及维修服务。 www.chinacoat.net 6. Taxpayer : I see. are there any other kinds of representative office applicable for this method ? 纳税人:还有哪些代表处要按换算的办法纳税? www.va1314.com 7. Cinda Corporation, Hefei Representative Office v. China National Pharmaceutical Group Corporation, et al. 信达公司合肥办事处诉中国医药集团总公司等借款担保合同纠纷案。 www.bing.com 8. Article 19 The unsettled matters shall be responsible for by its stock exchange after a representative office is cancelled. 第十九条代表处撤销后,未了事宜由其交易所承担责任。 www.bing.com 9. A maximum of three employees of foreign nationality are allowed in each representative office . 第十七条每个代表机构的外籍工作人员最多不得超过人。 www.bing.com 10. Taxpayer: does the establishment mean the representative office? 纳税人:您说的机构是指代办处吗?。 www.examw.com 1. John: Miss Wang, a British supplier of our company wants to set up a representative office in China. 约翰:王小姐,我们企业里的一个英国供货商想在华设立一个代表机构。 www.hdbbs.net 2. There are different ways in which a representative office may be taxed but the most common basis is the cost-plus-basis. 代表处缴税有多种方式,但是最普遍的是基于成本加缴税。 www.youlawyer.com 3. Shan Capital headquarters in Shanghai, also has a representative office in Shenzhen, China. 禹杉投资的总部在中国上海,深圳设立代表处。 www.121job.cn 4. Taxpayer: our representative office has just established recently, can you introduce the method of levying on the representative office? 纳税人:我代表处刚刚成立,想了解代表处的征税办法。 www.ctaxnews.com.cn 5. Article 13 The chief representative of a resident representative office should reside in China to take charge of its routine work. 第十三条常驻代表机构的首席代表需常驻中国主持日常工作。 www.yanmon.com 6. No preferential tax treatment for opening a representative office (RO) in Shanghai or Pudong. 在上海或者浦东设立一个代表处(RO)没有税收优惠政策。 www.youlawyer.com 7. SHANGHAI REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE RAYMOND LTD. 瑞蒙德有限公司上海办事处。 exhibitors.emagecompany.com 8. Tax declaration for company and representative office every month. 为公司及代表处每个月进行纳税申报; www.job956.com 9. Article 6 The formal application form for the establishment of representative office is provided by CIRC. 第六条拟设代表处的正式申请表由中国保监会提供。 www.24en.com 10. The approval documents for the Representative Office are revoked or it is ordered to close down. 代表机构依法被撤销批准或者责令关闭。 www.bing.com 1. The representative office of CLNG is located at Ming Wah International Convention Centre in Nanshan, Shenzhen. 代表处设立在深圳市南山区明华国际会议中心。 www.cjol.com 2. ShangHai Representative Office of MeriChem HongKong Limited ? 香港美利凯有限公司上海代表处? wenku.baidu.com 3. ESTABLISHMENT OF REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE IN HO CHI MINH CITY, VIETNAM. 友发国际在越南成立代表办事处。 ir.zaobao.com 4. Does a resident representative office have the legal person status? 常驻代表机构具备法人资格吗?不具备。 wzj.saic.gov.cn 5. As a global leader in the field of Bismuth chemical, we had set up Representative Office and Sells Company in Shenzhen and Shanghai. 作为全球铋化工行业的龙头企业,本公司已在中国深圳和上海分别成立了办事处和销售公司。 dict.bioon.com 6. NYSE was the first foreign exchange to receive approval from the Chinese government to open a representative office in China. 纽约证交所是第一个获得中国政府批准在中国设立办事处的证券交易所。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Article 17 A maximum of three employees of foreign nationality are allowed in each representative office. 第十七条每个代表机构的外籍工作人员最多不得超过3人。 www.24en.com 8. When will the Beijing representative office close? 北京代表处大约是在什么时候关闭? goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. Certificate for the lawful use of the premises of the Representative Office. 代表机构驻在场所的合法使用证明。 www.bing.com 10. Riber China is a sales representative office of Riber in Shanghai. 瑞博(中国)是其在上海的销售代表处。 www.opendb.com.cn 1. Riber China is a sales representative office of Riber in Shanghai. 瑞博(中国)是其在上海的销售代表处。 www.opendb.com.cn 2. Introduce the method of levying on the representative office? 对代表处的征税方法有几种? jyds.gov.cn 3. IHS BEIJING REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE Booth No. IHS香港有限公司北京代表处。 www.cippe.com.cn 4. Can a resident representative office sign contracts in its own name? No. It can't . 常驻代表机构可以以本身的名义签订合同吗?不可以。 bbs.exue.com 5. Taxpayer : I look. are there whichever additional kinds of representative office applicable for this method ? 纳税人:还有哪些代表处要按换算的办法征税? blog.zol.com.cn 6. Which Property was the first Australian property company to establish a representative office in China in 2005. 澳大利亚威驰房产有限公司是第一家于2005入驻中国设立永久办事处的澳洲全资公司。 special.zhaopin.com 7. We set our headquarter in Hongkong and we have our representative office in Xiamen, China. 公司总部在香港,在厦门设立代表处。 www.xmrc.com.cn 8. currently , we have shanghai and guangzhou representative office in china which are mainly in charge of after - sale service. 目前,本公司在上海和广州都设立了代表处,主要负责联络中国国内业务和国内的售后服务。 www.ichacha.net 9. In China, Mitsui Babcock has its regional head office in Shanghai, representative office in Beijing and project team in Wuhan. 在中国,我们的公司总部设立在上海,同时也设立了北京代表处和武汉项目组。 www.yingjiesheng.com 10. Taxpayer : you are welcome to our representative office . 纳税人:欢迎您到我们办事处来。 www.ebigear.com 1. MHI opened its Middle East Representative Office in Dubai in 2006. 2006年三菱重工开设中东代表处在迪拜。 www.chuandong.com 2. CCPIT REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE IN U. K. 驻英国代表处。 bbs.tradeknow.com 3. CLNG has set up a representative office in Shenzhen, which is responsible for domestic affairs of CLNG and global liaisons. CLNG在深圳设有代表处,负责处理其在国内的相关业务及国际联络工作。 www.cjol.com 4. Opening a representative office in China is the first step a foreign bank takes before investing larger amounts in China. 在中国开办代表处,对于外国银行而言,这是它们在中国进行更大投资之前所采取的第一步行动。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. From March 2011, the costs and formalities of establishing and operating a representative office in China may increase. 月起,设立和经营驻华代表机构的成本和手续可能会有所增加。 www.fairylaw.com 6. This is the second overseas representative office of the HKMA. 这是金管局设立的第二间海外代办处。 www.info.gov.hk 7. Taxpayer: The ABC representative office locating in china. 纳税人:美国ABC公司北京代表处。 dict.ebigear.com 8. Representative Office in China of French HappyLife Brief International Laundry Group LTD. 法国百福莱洗衣国际集团有限公司中国代表处。 www.bjxdxy.com 9. Business seemed to be normal at the Rio Tinto Shanghai Representative Office in Hong Kong New World Tower, which is located downtown. 力拓上海代表处的业务似乎是正常的,在香港新世界大厦,位于市中心。 www.tianya.cn 10. I've lost my passport. Do you have the phone number of Taiwan's representative office here? 我遗失了护照,请问本地台湾代表办事处电话几号? lvyou.host263.org 1. And than please fill in your working unit and telephone number here. ABC representative office? Good. What position are you in? 在这儿添您的工作单位和电话。您的职务? jyds.gov.cn 2. Star plus head office is in Hong Kong and has Representative office in Shenzhen and Ningbo. Total staff strength is around 50 employees. 我司的总部在香港特别行政区,在中国深圳与宁波均设有代表处,共有职员50名。 www.yjbys.com 3. Since 1982, the first representative office was established in Beijing, the development in China of SMBC has been 27 years' history. 自1982年在北京开设代表处以来,日本三井住银行在中国的发展已有27年的历史。 www.xyzp.net 4. Second, it's reported that Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in Japan was inaugurated today. Can you comment? 第二,据报道,“台北驻日经济文化代表处札幌分所”今天举行了揭牌仪式,中方对此有何评论? www.fmprc.gov.cn 5. Taxpayer : excuse me , I am the chief representative office Beijing representative ofice of ABC company in JAPAN . 纳税人:我是日本ABC公司北京代表处首席代表。 www.ebigear.com 6. Application for the establishment of a resident representative office shall be supported by the following certificates and materials 二.申办常驻代表机构应提交如下文件和材料 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Reply of China Insurance Regulatory Commission on Changing the Name of Netherlands Insurance Company Limited Beijing Representative Office 中国保险监督管理委员会关于荷兰安智保险有限公司北京代表处变更名称的批复 www.lawinfochina.com 8. The Representative Office fails to engage in business activities in the name registered with the Registration Authority; 未按照登记机关登记的名称从事业务活动的; blog.sina.com.cn 9. Opening of the HKMA Representative Office in London 金管局伦敦代表办事处开幕 www.info.gov.hk 10. The representative office shall move into its official premises within three months from the date on which the approval document is issued; 代表处应当自领取批准书之日起3个月内迁入固定的办公场所; www.24en.com 1. The Procedure of Setting up an Representative Office in Guangzhou in the name of the Enterprise outside China 境外公司在广州设立办事处程序 www.xya3.com 2. (5) a duplicate certificate of approval and a certificate of registration of the resident representative office; 该企业常驻代表机构的批准证书及登记证复印件; www.jukuu.com 3. Whether the representative office engages in publicity or holds any market promotion activity oriented to individuals; 代表处是否进行广告宣传,是否面向个人开展推介活动; www.foreignercn.com 4. Whether the application materials filed by the representative office are truthful or accurate; 代表处申报材料的内容是否真实、准确; www.foreignercn.com 5. Whether the representative office goes through complete formalities for any alteration thereof; (五)代表处变更事项的手续是否完备; www.bing.com 6. Mondragon Corporation Cooperative Beijing Representative Office 西班牙蒙德拉贡联合公司北京代表处 resource.emagecompany.com 7. House leasing contract concerning the business site of the representative office in Guiyang(original); 驻筑机构办公地点租房协议(原件); www.gzec.gov.cn 8. Letter of China Banking Regulatory Commission on Approving Comerica Bank to Set up Shanghai Representative Office [Effective] 中国银行业监督管理委员会关于批准美国联信银行有限公司设立上海代表处的函[现行有效] www.lawinfochina.com 9. Deutsche Genossenschaftsbank Shanghai Representative Office 德国中央合作银行上海代表处 mycapital.blog.hexun.com 10. demonstrated outside China's representative office demanding that the mainland release two jailed dissidents 在中联办外示威,要求释放两名异见人士 www.ebigear.com 1. Shanghai Representative office of England Northeast Economic Development Department 英格兰东北经济发展署上海代表处 www.sjtunttc.com 2. The completeness of the procedures for the changes made by the representative office; (一)代表机构变更事项的手续是否完备; www.bing.com 3. Fujitsu Microelectronics Pacific Asia Limited Beijing Representative Office 香港富士通微型电子亚太有限公司北京代表处 www.csbole.com 4. Deutsche Genossenschaftsbank Beijing Representative Office 德国中央合作银行北京代表处 mycapital.blog.hexun.com 5. Australia Representative Office, Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Shanxi Province, P. R. China 中国山西省国际贸易促进委员会澳洲办事处 m114.51immi.com 6. Application Form for the Registration of the Cancellation of the Representative Office; 代表机构注销登记申请书; www.bing.com 7. Letter of China Banking Regulatory Commission on Approving Bank of India to Set up Beijing Representative Office [Effective] 中国银行业监督管理委员会关于批准印度银行设立北京代表处的函[现行有效] www.lawinfochina.com 8. Documents concerning the overseas parent enterprise of the representative office 与设立代表机构的境外企业有关的文件 wenku.baidu.com 9. Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Shanghai Representative Office 美国大都会人寿保险公司上海代表处 mycapital.blog.hexun.com 10. CLIMAX MOLYBDENUM CHINA CORPORATION SHANGHAI REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE 美国克莱迈克斯钼业中国公司上海代表处 wenku.baidu.com 1. Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company Shanghai Representative Office 美国国宏互惠保险公司上海代表处 mycapital.blog.hexun.com 2. Letter of China Banking Regulatory Commission about Approving the Banco de Chile to Establish Beijing Representative Office [Effective] 中国银行业监督管理委员会关于批准智利银行股份有限公司设立北京代表处的函[现行有效] www.lawinfochina.com 3. Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States 驻美国台北经济文化代表处 hirecruit.nat.gov.tw 4. The Representative Office fails to adjust the premises as required by relevant departments of the PRC government; 未按照中国政府有关部门要求调整驻在场所的; blog.sina.com.cn 5. Prudential Corporation PLC Guangzhou Representative Office 英国保诚保险公司广州代表处 mycapital.blog.hexun.com 6. Lehman Brothers Incorporated Beijing Representative Office 美国雷曼兄弟公司北京代表处 mycapital.blog.hexun.com 7. Orient Corporation Guangzhou Representative Office v. Zhongshan Industrial Raw Materials Company, et al 东方公司广州办事处诉中山市工业原材料公司等借款担保合同纠纷案 www.lawinfochina.com 8. Snowball Business Consulting Co. , Shanghai Representative Office 海南斯洛勃尔集团雪球咨询公司上海代表处 blog.sina.com.cn 9. STAMFORD LAW CORPORATION BEIJING REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE, SINGAPORE 新加坡腾福律师事务所驻北京代表处 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Liberty International Holdings Inc Shanghai Representative Office 美国利宝国际控股公司上海代表处 mycapital.blog.hexun.com 1. Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Beijing Representative Office 美国大都会人寿保险公司北京代表处 mycapital.blog.hexun.com 2. The Representative Office ceases to engage in business activities at the expiry of the term of operation; 代表机构驻在期限届满不再继续从事业务活动; www.bing.com 3. China Certification & Inspection (Group) Co. , Ltd Chita representative office 总经理陈天武中国检验认证(集团)有限公司驻赤塔代表处 wenku.baidu.com 4. certificate of approval for establishment of representative office (replica in duplicate); 办事处批准证书(复印件,一式两份); www.yanmon.com 5. Westlake Global Technology Solutions Inc. Beijing Representative Office 美国威华国际科技公司北京代表处 www.01hr.com 6. Korea Resources Corporation Beijing Representative Office 大韩矿业振兴公社北京代表处 chongqing.mofcom.gov.cn 7. Prudential Corporation PLC Shanghai Representative Office 英国保诚保险公司上海代表处 mycapital.blog.hexun.com 8. Prudential Corporation PLC Shenyang Representative Office 英国保诚保险公司沈阳代表处 mycapital.blog.hexun.com 9. Allianz, Beijing Representative Office - China Operations 安联保险北京代表处 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Application for the Registration of the Establishment of Representative Office; 代表机构设立登记申请书; www.bing.com 1. Liberty Mutual Insurance Company Chongqing Representative Office 美国利宝互助保险公司重庆代表处 mycapital.blog.hexun.com 2. Asia-Pacific Representative Office, International Council of Shopping Centers 国际购物中心协会亚洲分局 www.commerce.sh.cn 3. Japan Bank For International Cooperation Beijing Representative Office 日本输出入银行北京代表处 mycapital.blog.hexun.com 4. KYOCERA CORPORATION BEIJING REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE 日本京瓷株式会社北京代表处 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Corrosion Materials Beijing Representative Office 美国腐蚀材料公司北京代表处 www.achemasia.net 6. The representative office established by a foreign insurance company; 外国保险公司设立的代表机构; www.24en.com 7. Certificate for the Cancellation of Tax Registration for the Representative Office; 代表机构税务登记注销证明; www.bing.com 8. Prudential Corporation PLC Tianjin Representative Office 英国保诚保险公司天津代表处 mycapital.blog.hexun.com 9. Prudential Securities Inc Shanghai Representative Office 美国培基证券有限公司上海代表处 mycapital.blog.hexun.com 10. Prudential Corporation PLC Beijing Representative Office 英国保诚保险公司北京代表处 mycapital.blog.hexun.com 1. Japan Nagasaki Prefecture Shanghai Representative Office 日本长崎县上海事务所 www.ccpit-yantai.org 2. Canada-China Council For Cooperation And Development Beijing Representative Office 亚奥商会加拿大-中国合作发展促进总会北京代表处 www.bjall.com 3. TM International Bank Company Limited Guangzhou Representative Office 泰华国际银行广州代表处 mycapital.blog.hexun.com 4. Prudential Insurance Company of America Beijing Representative Office 美国宝德信保险公司北京代表处 mycapital.blog.hexun.com 5. Liberty Mutual Insurance Company Beijing Representative Office 美国利宝互助保险公司北京代表处 www.search.hc360.com 6. Nanyang Commercial Bank Limited Shanghai Representative Office 南洋商业银行上海代表处 mycapital.blog.hexun.com 7. Principal Life Insurance Company Beijing Representative Office 美国信安相互人寿保险公司北京代表处 mycapital.blog.hexun.com 8. Philia Consulting Shanghai Representative Office 法国非利亚咨询公司上海代表处 www.wood2005.com 9. Barclays Capital Limited Shanghai Representative Office 巴克莱资本有限公司上海代表处 mycapital.blog.hexun.com 10. Eastman Chemical Company Shanghai Representative Office 伊士曼化工公司上海代表处 info.coatings.hc360.com 1. New York Life International Inc. , Guangzhou Representative Office(USA) 美国纽约人寿国际公司广州代表处(美国) www.gzstats.gov.cn 2. Military representative office probes into new measures in military POL transportation 驻济南铁水路军代处探索军油调运新举措 english.chinamil.com.cn 3. Nippon Life Insurance Company Guangzhou Representative Office 生命保险公司广州代表处 mycapital.blog.hexun.com 4. Sumitomo Life Insurance Company Beijing Representative Office 日本住友生命保险北京代表处 mycapital.blog.hexun.com 5. Bank of Communications Frankfurt Representative Office 交通银行法兰克福代表处 big5.mofcom.gov.cn 6. Chief Representative HKMA London Representative Office 金管局伦敦代表办事处 www.info.gov.hk 7. Barclays Capital Limited Beijing Representative Office 巴克莱资本有限公司北京代表处 mycapital.blog.hexun.com 8. Barclays Bank Private Limited Company Beijing Representative Office 英国巴克莱国际银行北京代表处 mycapital.blog.hexun.com 9. TM International Bank Company Limited Beijing Representative Office 泰华国际银行北京代表处 mycapital.blog.hexun.com 10. China Nanjing International Limited Representative Office in Jordan 中国南京国际经济技术合作有限公司驻约旦代表处 www.bjwto.org 1. China Geo-Engineering Corporation Representative Office in Thailand 中国地质工程集团公司驻泰办事处 www.bofcom.gov.cn 2. LECO Corporation Shanghai Representative Office 美国力可公司上海代表处 www.greatugv.com 3. Credit Lyonnais Guangzhou Representative Office 法国里昂信贷银行广州代表处 mycapital.blog.hexun.com 4. Administration Manager in Representative Office 外资代表处行政经理 jobs.zhaopin.com 5. Fluke Corporation Beijing Representative Office 美国福禄克公司 www.co-list.com 6. Shanghai Representative office of Paris Industrial And Commercial Chamber 二.巴黎工商会上海办事处 www.sjtunttc.com 7. The name of representative office; 常驻代表机构的名称; www.wecomesh.com 8. Nippon Life Insurance Company Shanghai Representative Office 生命保险公司上海代表处 mycapital.blog.hexun.com 9. Bank Dagang Nasional Indonesia Beijing Representative Office 民商银行北京代表处 www.bicpa.org 10. American Hardwood Export Council-China Representative Office 美国阔叶木外销委员会-中国代表处 www.woodchina.cn 1. Aeon Credit Service Company Limited Shanghai Representative Office 日本Aeon信代财务公司上海代表处 mycapital.blog.hexun.com 2. Metropolitan Bank And Trust Company Shanghai Representative Office 菲律宾首都银行上海代表处 mycapital.blog.hexun.com 3. Bank of America, National Association Dalian Representative Office 美国美州银行大连代表处 mycapital.blog.hexun.com 4. Asahi Mutual Life Insurance Company Shenzhen Representative Office 朝日生命保险相互会社深圳代表处 mycapital.blog.hexun.com 5. The Notification of Establishing Representative Office in Shanghai 在上海成立外资公司代表处告知书 www.exlaw.cn 6. NTUC Income Insurance Co-Operative Limited Beijing Representative Office 职总英康保险合作社北京代表处 mycapital.blog.hexun.com 7. Credit Lyonnais Shenzhen Representative Office 法国里昂信贷银行深圳代表处 mycapital.blog.hexun.com 8. Global Solutions Beijing Representative Office 塞拉利昂环球资讯公司北京代表处 www.51book.org 9. Documents concerning the representative office 与代表处有关的文件 www.banking.hsbc.com.cn 10. Cultural Division - Taipei Representative Office in Belgium 驻比利时代表处文化组 hanweb.fpg.com.tw 1. Global Parts Engineering LLC Shanghai Representative Office 美国环球配件工程公司上海代表处 mefaculty.tongji.edu.cn 2. Nippon Life Insurance Company Beijing Representative Office 生命保险公司北京代表处 mycapital.blog.hexun.com 3. Metropolitan Bank And Trust Company Beijing Representative Office 菲律宾首都银行北京代表处 mycapital.blog.hexun.com 4. Asia Life Assurance Society Limited Beijing Representative Office 亚洲人寿保险有限公司北京代表处 mycapital.blog.hexun.com 5. Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited Beijing Representative Office 泰国盘谷银行北京代表处 mycapital.blog.hexun.com 6. DEMA Engineering Company China Representative Office 美国力马工程公司中国代表处 www.issaintercleanchina.com 7. Dolby Laboratories Inc Beijing Representative Office 美国杜比实验室有限公司北京代表处 it.sohu.com 8. Sumitomo Bank Limited Shenyang Representative Office 住友银行沈阳代表处 mycapital.blog.hexun.com 9. Swiss Life Insurance and Pension Company Beijing Representative Office 人寿保险和养老金公司北京代表处 mycapital.blog.hexun.com 10. LG Insurance Company Limited Tianjin Representative Office 乐金火灾海上保险公司天津代表处 mycapital.blog.hexun.com 1. LG Insurance Company Limited Beijing Representative Office 乐金火灾海上保险公司北京代表处 mycapital.blog.hexun.com 2. Credit Commerical De France Shanghai Representative Office 法国商业信贷银行上海代表处 mycapital.blog.hexun.com 3. Canada Caregiver Service Inc Beijing Representative Office 加拿大家政护理服务公司北京代表处 so.01hr.com 4. Lyondell Greater China, Lte. Beijing Representative Office 美国利安德大中华有限公司北京代表处 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Beijing Representative Office Of Pacific Linkage (China) Limited 宝信(中国)有限公司北京代表处 www.fzbole.com 6. Industrial Bank of Japan Limited Guangzhou Representative Office 日本兴业银行广州代表处 mycapital.blog.hexun.com 7. Canadian Imperial Bank Of Commerce Beijing Representative Office 加拿大帝国商业银行北京代表处 mycapital.blog.hexun.com 8. Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi Limited Guangzhou Representative Office 东京三菱银行广州代表处 mycapital.blog.hexun.com 9. Salomon Smith Barney China Limited Beijing Representative Office 所罗门美邦中国有限公司北京代表处 mycapital.blog.hexun.com 10. Credit Lyonnais Beijing Representative Office 法国里昂信贷银行北京代表处 mycapital.blog.hexun.com 1. Jardine Lloyd Thompson Group PLC, Guangzhou Representative Office(UK) 英国怡和保险顾问集团有限公司广州代表处(英国) www.gzstats.gov.cn 2. Application Form for Personnel of the Representative Office of Foreign Enterprises(Form1) 外国企业常驻代表机构人员申请表(表1) www.goldentianjin.net.cn 3. Sumitomo Bank Limited Beijing Representative Office 住友银行北京代表处 mycapital.blog.hexun.com 4. SIRF TECHNOLOGY, INC. BEIJING REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE 美商瑟孚科技服务有限公司北京代表处 blog.sina.com.cn 5. MFB Europe Machinery Shanghai Representative Office 德国MFB欧洲机械公司上海代表处 detail.china.alibaba.com 6. Representative Office In Beijing Documents Required 办理驻京机构需要的文件 www.hkgbridge.com 7. Credit Commerical De France Beijing Representative Office 法国商业信贷银行北京代表处 mycapital.blog.hexun.com 8. TIS Securities (HK) Limited Chengdu Representative Office 金鼎综合证券(香港)有限公司成都代表处 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The foreign enterprise cancels the Representative Office; 外国企业撤销代表机构; www.bing.com 10. Agency Organization or office PRC (Representative office) 代理机构或中国办事处(代表处) www.cccf.com.cn 1. Britain Miki Travel Limited Beijing Representative Office 英国美期旅游公司北京代表处 www.bjall.com 2. Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada Chongqing Representative Office 加拿大永明人寿保险公司重庆代表处 www.cq.cei.gov.cn 3. JS Cresvale International Limited Shanghai Representative Office 日盛嘉富国际有限公司上海代表处 mycapital.blog.hexun.com 4. Representative Office of Handan Municipal People's Government in Shenzhen 市政府驻深圳办事处 2004.hd.gov.cn 5. Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi Limited Chengdu Representative Office 东京三菱银行成都代表处 mycapital.blog.hexun.com 6. Haze Power Supply Equipment Ltd. Beijing Representative Office 海志创力电源设备有限公司北京代表处 www.bjall.com 7. Remarks at the Opening of Global CCS Institute's Beijing Representative Office 在全球碳捕集和封存研究院北京代表处成立仪式上的讲话 www.en84.com 8. Sumitomo Bank Limited Dalian Representative Office 住友银行大连代表处 mycapital.blog.hexun.com 9. UVA International AB Beijing Representative Office 瑞典裕万国际公司北京代表处 www.eecce.com 10. KANNO SHOICHI BEIJING REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE, JAPAN 日本管野庄一律师事务所北京代表处 blog.sina.com.cn |
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