单词 | reboots |
释义 | reboots是reboot的复数
复数:reboots 例句释义: 重新启动,重启,重新开机,重启系统 1. Now that you've redirected the GRUB configuration, check that the system reboots and that the menu is still displayed correctly. 现在已经完成了GRUB配置的重定向,接下来将重新启动系统,检查菜单显示是否仍然正确。 www.ibm.com 2. After the system reboots and you complete installation, set the system up to boot the way you want. 系统重启并完成安装后,设置系统按所需的方式启动。 www.ibm.com 3. The Type property contains the type of shutdown that was initiated . This event pertains to both shutdown as well as reboots of the system . 此类型属性包含开始了的关机类型。此事件与关机和重新启动系统都相关。 www.bing.com 4. Without these lines, the permissions and ownership of our pseudo-terminals would be preserved across reboots. 如果没有这几行,则在重引导系统之后,仍然会保留伪终端的许可权和所有权。 www.ibm.com 5. While this may not seem like a positive, tmpfs data is not preserved between reboots, because virtual memory is volatile in nature. 这看起来可能不象是个积极因素,tmpfs数据在重新启动之后不会保留,因为虚拟内存本质上就是易失的。 www-128.ibm.com 6. A client can connect to the server to get a few files and then disconnect, or a client can have the connection open until it reboots. 客户端可以连接到服务器,获取几个文件,然后断开连接;客户端也可以一直保持连接,直到重新启动。 www.ibm.com 7. At this point, the scinstall utility configures all cluster nodes and reboots the cluster. 到此,scinstall工具配置了所有集群节点,并重启了集群。 www.bing.com 8. As these messages need not be persistent across reboots, the solution to this problem is to use tmpfs. 由于在重新引导时这些消息不需要持久存储,所以这个问题的解决方案是使用tmpfs。 www.ibm.com 9. The downside of this method is that two reboots are needed in case of a fallback. 这个方法的缺点是回滚时需要两个启动方式。 www.ibm.com 10. The reboot command reboots the system immediately. 命令立刻重新引导系统。 zhuhaibobb.blog.163.com 1. file does not appear to exist. The switch downloads and installs the software and then reboots. 若release.plist文件没有出现,也不要惊慌,此交换机会下载和安装软件,然后重新引导。 www.ibm.com 2. However, unexpected reboots and system lock-ups can result in significant corruption of recently-modified data. 然而,意外的重新引导和系统锁定可能会导致最近修改数据的明显毁坏。 www.ibm.com 3. It persists across subsequent reboots if you run the bosboot command before the next system reboot. 如果在下一次系统重新启动前运行bosboot命令,所做的更改将延续到后续重新启动以后。 www.ibm.com 4. Ksplice is an enterprise software company making reboots a thing of the past. Ksplice是一个使重新启动成为历史的企业级软件的公司。 www.bing.com 5. Auto-Run: The app is launched automatically when the system reboots. 可以支持自动运行:需要启动时自动重新启动系统。 bbs.51wda.com 6. Table 1 showed several TDB files that persisted across reboots and that should be backed up. 表1显示了几种在重启持久存在并应该备份的TDB文件。 www.ibm.com 7. When it reboots you'll come to the GRUB screen as shown in Figure 1. 重启时会跳出如图1所示的GRUB屏幕。 www.ibm.com 8. Something is wrong with my computer, it reboots after shutting down again and again. 我的电脑出问题了,自动关机后又自已重新启动。反复如此。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 9. It also eliminated the need for many reboots when people installed software or changed system settings. 它也消减了很多之前的Windows在安装软件或更改系统设置之后必须重启系统的麻烦。 www.bing.com 10. Amazon won't schedule system reboots very often, and only do them when absolutely necessary, it said. 亚马逊不会经常性的进行系统重启,只是在绝对必要时进行此操作。 labs.chinamobile.com 1. Focusing on the present reboots your mind so you can respond thoughtfully rather than automatically. 关注当下重新启动你的心智,因而你能够考虑周到地作出反应而不是机械地反应。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Reboots the phone immediately after the launch with no extra questions, so be careful. 重启手机后,立即启动,没有额外的质询,所以要小心。 www.sj263.com 3. Always do a Hard-Reset after flashing (before the installation) and leave the phone alone until in reboots (silent-UC). 始终闪烁后做一个硬复位(在安装前)和休假,直到重新启动(静音柏克莱分校的电话单)。 www.qdppc.com 4. But when I tried the Samsung Series 5, a "Chromebook" that runs Google's Chrome OS, it kept locking up and requiring reboots. 但是我尝试了一下三星系列五,一个可以应用谷歌浏览器操作系统的“浏览器本”,它一直是锁定状态,并要求重新启动。 www.bing.com 5. Your computer will restart. Remove the Client Add Pack disk. All users will be disconnected when the server reboots. 计算机将重新启动。请取出客户端许可证添加软件包磁盘。所有用户都将在服务器重新启动时断开连接。 finer2.com 6. Your computer will restart. Remove the upgrade disk. All users will be disconnected when the server reboots. 计算机将重新启动,请取出升级盘。所有用户都将在服务器重新启动时断开连接。 blog.csdn.net 7. All reboots should be postponed until after the Visual Studio 2008 installation is complete. 所有的重启都要等到安装完VisualStudio2008之后再执行。 www.infoq.com 8. When your computer reboots, select Ubuntu at the boot screen. 当您的计算机重新启动时,在启动屏幕上选择Ubuntu。 www.bing.com 9. In extreme cases, this type of attack can cause hangs, lock-ups, reboots, blue screens, and other mischief. 在比较严重的情况下,这种攻击会造成挂起、锁定、重启和蓝屏等。 www.ibm.com 10. So far, five reboots in total. 到现在,共有五次重新启动。 www.bing.com 1. There will be a 5 minute outage sometime during that half hour while our router reboots. 轮到我们的路由器重启时,5分钟内项目将不可访问。 www.equn.com 2. To set these to be persistent across system reboots, enter "vmo -p -o maxperm%=10 -o maxclient%=10. " 为了使这些设置在系统重新启动后仍然保留,输入“vmo-p-omaxperm%=10-omaxclient%=10”。 www.ibm.com 3. Reboots are also required to add processors or memory. 添加处理器或内存还需要重新引导。 www.ibm.com 4. If you choose to cancel and your device is unresponsive with black screen just hold the power button until it reboots, this is normal. 如果你选择取消那么黑屏是没有关系的,只要按住开关按钮直到他重启,这是正常的。 bbs.hiapk.com 5. In some applications, the delays from server reboots are unacceptable. 在某些应用程序中,服务器重新启动的延迟是不可接受的。 www.ibm.com 6. This forces an attacker to take more drastic measures to reboot the server, and will prevent accidental reboots at the same time. 这将强迫攻击者使用更加激烈的方式来重启服务器,同时还能防止意外的重启。 translations.launchpad.net 7. Enter save config flash -- Saves the configuration and make it persistent across reboots. 输入saveconfigflash——保存配置,使配置在重启之后还存在。 www.ibm.com 8. Enter save configuration primary -- Writes switch configuration to flash in order to survive reboots. 输入saveconfigurationprimary——把交换机配置写入flash,这样重启也不丢失。 www.ibm.com 9. The primary one is that regular reboots assure that the machine is configured to boot correctly. 其中最主要的是正常的重启能够保证机器被配置得能正确的启动。 www.bing.com 10. Because the wtmp also contains information about reboots and shutdowns, you can list that information, too (see Listing 16). 因为wtmp还包含关于重新启动和关闭的信息,所以您也可以列出这些信息(请参见清单16)。 www.ibm.com 1. I already had Spybot and AVG installed but each update required reboots, probably because they had new interfaces or scan engines. 系统中安装了Spybot和AVG,但它们每次更新都需要重新启动Windows,可能是因为它们有了新的接口或扫描引擎。 www.bing.com 2. One disadvantage of tmpfs is that all data is lost when the system reboots. tmpfs的一个缺点是当系统重新引导时会丢失所有数据。 www.ibm.com 3. Press F1 from the console when the storage node reboots to enter the BIOS. 当存储节点重新启动时在控制台上按F1键进入BIOS。 www.ibm.com 4. Reboot Buddy 2. 1 automatically reboots the PC at the set time or on command. 重新启动好友2.1自动重新启动电脑在设定时间或命令。 xtdownload.com 5. When it reboots, if you are using analog output, you need to type in ydl480i at the kboot: boot prompt. 在它重新引导时,如果您使用的是模拟输出,就需要在kboot:boot提示符后面输入ydl480i。 www.ibm.com 6. The service saves its state so that it can continue through multiple reboots if necessary. 该服务可保存自身状态,如果需要,在进行多次重新启动后,服务仍能继续运行。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Therefore, log messages go to RAM rather than to flash, and they are not preserved across reboots. 因此,日志消息写入RAM而不是闪存中,在重新引导时不会保留它们。 www-128.ibm.com 8. WORLD Increased the Experience Rates gained when a server reboots 增加每次服务器重起的经验值 www.shadowbane.com.cn 9. Restricting system reboots through the console 限制系统从控制台重启 www.beyooo.com 10. It is clear that African growth is part of the solution that reboots the global economy 很明显,非洲的增长是全球经济复苏解决方案的一部分。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Hard reset button Reboots the camera, including clearing its memory 重新启动红外成像仪,包括清除它的内存数据 www.iitec.net 2. Added support to make sort options sticky across console reboots 增加重启后保持分类选项的支持 www.chinahobby.net 3. Automates the file system conversion during reboots 在启动过程中自动转化 wenku.baidu.com 4. Automates the file format process during reboots 在启动过程中格式化进程 wenku.baidu.com |
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