单词 | redone |
释义 | redone是redo的过去分词
过去式:redid 过去分词:redone 第三人称单数:redoes 现在分词:redoing v. rebuild,recreate,start again,repeat,restart 例句释义: 重做,重新布置[装饰],重新执行,红色一摄像机系列,红一 1. Among the current assignments will be one or two projects that may bounce back to you and need to be redone. 在现有的任务将是一个或两个项目,可能退回给你,需要重做。 bbs.chinatarot.com 2. This process can be repeated as often as is required, and up to the last 10 changes can be undone and redone . 该程序可以重复进行,能够撤销或重做最近的10次修改。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. way as Undo works. You can select as many operations to redo as desired and all operations up to that specific one will be redone . 恢复的工作方式和撤销一样,你可以像所期望的那样选择恢复多个操作,那么在指定操作之前的所有操作都可以恢复。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Ball physics have been redone from scratch this go round so the ball will spin, bounce and generally move how it should. 球的物理因素被重新制作,这样球将旋转,反弹和整体地按照应该的方向运行。 www.playfifa.com 5. The Indian clinical trials don't meet current Food and Drug Administration standards and need to be redone for the U. S. market. 印度的临床试验未能满足美国食品和药物管理局(FoodandDrugAdministration)目前的标准,因此需要针对美国市场重新进行临床试验。 c.wsj.com 6. It had been redone on the cheap in the late 1970s, and the space was not used well. 它一直重做了70年代末便宜,空间没有很好地利用。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Of course, that there may be good enough that you'll have to re select the spot color, spot color according to the steps redone version. 当然这个不败果也不定有不尽人意的边际,那你不离给重陈拔取专色,再依步调重陈制作专色版。 www.bing.com 8. That means the LOAD operation cannot be redone during the rollforward phase of a database recovery. 这意味着在数据库恢复的前滚阶段无法重新执行这个LOAD操作。 www.ibm.com 9. You need a bow press to do the areas around the cams, but center serving can be redone without a press. 您需要弓新闻在凸轮附近做区域,但是中心服务可以被再做,不用新闻。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. If the tail of the log is damaged, changes since the most recent log backup must be redone. 如果日志尾部损坏,则必须重做自最新日志备份之后所做的更改。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Today, I was at my boyfriend's house while his plumbing was being redone. 今天,我在男朋友家里,而他家的水管正在维修。 tieba.baidu.com 2. Some studies can't be redone for a more prosaic reason: the authors won't make all their raw data available to rival scientists. 一些研究无法重复是由更普通的原因导致的:作者不愿向同行公布所有原始数据。 www.qeto.com 3. When the computations were redone a day later, incorporating orbital information from an old photograph, the threat vanished. 第二天,在他加入旧相片的轨道资料并重新计算后,威胁解除了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The paper can be sent to the factory for the production of tissue paper, or redone into fine writing paper or cover art paper. 压缩后的纸张可以被送到生产卫生纸的工厂,也可以被重新制作成精美的书写纸或封面纸。 www.bing.com 5. Like life, which is only a series of moments that cannot be redone. 就象生命,只是时间的序列,它不能重复,只能瞬间捕获。 ccca.hk 6. The reading and writing parts of the naturalization test have also been redone . 新移民测试卷中读和写的部分也重新设计过。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. In most cases, most of the work is committed and does not have to be redone. 多数情况下,大部分任务已提交,不需要重做。 www.ibm.com 8. A collaboration scope is different in that steps contained within can be skipped by business users, or redone. 协作范围的不同之处在于,业务用户可以跳过或重做其中包含的步骤。 www.ibm.com 9. Meanwhile, other printers also missed deadlines, and about 170, 000 books that were badly glued had to be redone , Danish officials said. 同时,丹麦官员说,其他一些印刷商也拖延交货,还有约17万册由于书页严重粘黏不得不返工。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Missing a once-in-a-lifetime chance leads to regret, or creativity. Because what can't be redone can still be outdone. 错过使我们人生中曾经出现过的一个机会,它会导致遗憾或者创造力。因为那些没办法重做的东西至今还是值得我们去超越的。 www.bing.com 1. Consider the context of the actions you allow to be undone or redone . 考虑你所允许的撤消或重做操作的环境。 www.mobiletrain.org 2. Gets a value that indicates whether the most recent undo action can be redone. 获取一个值,该值指示是否可重做最新的撤消操作。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. almost all units redone, all lords, soldiers, militias, bandits, sea raiders, etc. (tweaked by Altman some more). 几乎所有的单位重做,所有上议院,军人,民兵,土匪,海突击等(扭曲的奥特曼一些)。 bbs.mountblade.com.cn 4. The lawns and gardens too will get a beauty touch, and the pavements redone with lighting. 草坪和花园也将被美化,路面也会重新平整。 www.tryjohn.com 5. Eastern Health is not releasing the results of tests that were redone for 176 patients who died since their original tests. 东部卫生组织并未公布初次测试后死亡的176名患者的重测结果。 www.med66.com 6. Yes, but the budget will have to be redone. 是啊,但预算得重做了。 www.bing.com 7. We agree to the expert's opinion, the topic has been changed to "interaction" , the relevant terms have also been redone. 我们同意专家的意见,题目已经改为“相互作用”,文中相关的用词也做了修改。 it.zhishi.sohu.com 8. Otherwise redone so, the wall will leave nails the eyes. 不然返工的话,墙上就要留下钉眼了。 www.brar.cn 9. You must go over all the products by yourself, and those unqualified must be redone. 一个过筛子,质量不合格的产品一律返工。 www.nciku.com 10. Maximum amount of log to be redone on the mirror. 对镜像服务器重做的最大日志量。 technet.microsoft.com 1. Low-quality work generates inferior results and often has to be redone. 工作质量低便产生劣质结果,接着往往就要从新做起。 www.bing.com 2. New terrains have been added, and terrain tile sets redone . 新的地形已经增加,地面瓷砖重做了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. RedOne, Gaga's primary producer, hails from Morocco and has an outsider's take on American music. Gaga以前的制作人Redone来自摩洛哥,以外来者的身份进军美国乐坛。 www.bing.com 4. Redone player reaction AI to manager being pleased or delighted after loss or poor result. 重新设置了,当比赛失利或者表现糟糕,教练却对球员却大加赞赏后,球员的反应。 www.cmren.com 5. I've completely redone our compiler specs in a much better format. 我用一种更好的格式重写了编译器配置。 www.infoq.com 6. I wish to use the site for another niche and as such, i need the theme redone. 我想用另一利基网站,因此,我需要重做的主题。 www.bing.com 7. A whole day's work had to be redone. 一整天的工作都必须返工。 www.hxen.com 8. New Scenes: Every town and village has been redone (once again! ) to make the player feel like they're in the old West. 新场景:所有城镇和村庄的场景都修改了一次,使玩家更感觉身临其境,在古老的西部穿梭。 www.mountblade.com.cn 9. It's within walking distance of the city center and the college and it's recently been redone . 从这里走一段路就到市中心和学院了,而且最近刚重新装修过。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. After the completion of assembly, products will be put into storage if they pass the inspection, or they will be redone. 和“产品装配完成后经检验合格则入库,否则返工。”这两句话译成英语怎么说?谢谢! goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 1. Finally, note that if you have selected to compare a map file with the current build, the comparison will be redone whenever a build occurs. 最后要注意的是,如果选择了用图文件与当前构建进行比较,那么每次进行构建时,就会重新进行比较。 www.ibm.com 2. The starting menus are redone entirely. 开始菜单完全重做。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Each log record is redone once and only once. 每条日志记录仅重做一次。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. All French armors are redone. 所有的法国盔甲是重做。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. If can be redone, what should I do? 如果可以重来我该怎么办? wenwen.soso.com 6. She went to the expense of having her hair redone. 她花钱请人重做了头发。 www.b2b99.com 7. Help with change management: When some requirements change, we want to know which test cases should be redone to test this change 协助变更管理:当一些需求发生了变化时,我们就要去了解哪个测试用例应该重做,以测试该变化。 stevenno.1.blog.163.com 8. Four completely redone and enhanced Roman factions 完全重做四个罗马派系 game.ali213.net |
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