单词 | prisoner of war |
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复数:prisoners of war 例句释义: 战俘,俘虏,战争囚徒,战俘奖章,战争囚犯 1. I was angry about it, especially since he said it in the presence of our ambassador, Pete Peterson, who had been a prisoner of war. 我对此非常生气,尤其这些话是当着我国大使皮特·彼得森的面说的,彼得森曾是一名战俘。 www.bing.com 2. A week later, Lisa Dial received a cable from the Navy Department saying that her husband was missing and might be a prisoner of war. 一周后,丽萨·戴尔收到了美国海军部发来的电报,上面说他的丈夫失踪了,可能被俘。 www.bing.com 3. Later that year, his plane was shot down during an air mission over Hanoi and he was taken as a prisoner of war. 同年晚些时候,他在河内执行飞行任务时飞机被击落,自己也成了战俘。 www.bing.com 4. He is nothing if not stubborn; nobody survives five-and-a-half years as a prisoner-of-war in Vietnam without a steely will. 他相当固执。如果没有如钢铁般的意念,没有人可以作为一个战俘在越南生存五年半之久。 www.ecocn.org 5. After escaping execution, Tarik, a Bosnian prisoner of war, immigrates to the United States looking to leave his past behind. 塔瑞克,一个从战火中逃出的囚犯,远赴美国求生,并企图逃离过往的伤痕; dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Old Tom's caught the prisoner of war and he's sitting on his head waiting for the army to arrive and take bugger away. 老汤姆已抓住那个战俘,现在正骑在那家伙头上,等着军队去把那个畜牲带走呢。 7. Colditz was one of the most famous German Army prisoner-of-war camps for officers in World War II. 在二战期间德军用以关押敌方军官的战俘营当中,科迪兹是最著名的几所之一。 www.bing.com 8. Like a prisoner of war, Justin kept repeating his name, his rank, and the telephone number of his candidate's campaign headquarters. 像一个战俘一样,贾斯廷不断重复他的名字,他的职位,和派遣他的候选人竞选总部的电话号码。 blog.163.com 9. For a time, my mother was living in Welwyn Garden City and I remember the Italian prisoner of war camp. 有一振子我和妈妈住在(英国)韦林花园城,我记得这里有一个关押意大利战犯的集中营。 www.bing.com 10. A wounded foreigner, most likely a prisoner of war, was apparently buried alive with his hands tied behind him (opposite). 一个受伤的外来者,极有可能是一个战俘,手被捆缚在背后后活埋。 www.bing.com 1. I remember being in the prisoner of war camp, starving and doing hard labour, and thinking I might not make it. But look at me now. 我还记得在战俘营里的那段日子,不仅要忍饥挨饿,还要从事苦力劳作,我以为自己熬不过去了,但看看现在的我。 www.24en.com 2. He was a prisoner of war during the Vietnam conflict and he points out that that war started with U. S. troops acting as advisers. 他指出,越战开始的时候,美国部队正是以顾问的角色参与那场战争的。 www.voanews.cn 3. One 89-year-old man who was held by the Japanese as a prisoner of war told Ms. Lung he waited all his life to tell his story. 一位89岁的老人告诉龙女士,他被日本人当作战俘关押过,他等了一生的时间就为了把自己的遭遇告诉世人。 www.bing.com 4. When the prisoner of war tried to escape, a guard fired a gun at him. 那战俘试图逃跑时,一名卫兵向他开了一枪。 infos.edulife.com.cn 5. John said his time as a prisoner of war camp gives him the drive to try any new activity he wants in his later years. 约翰说,在战俘营里的经历促使他在后来的日子里尝试任何他想尝试的新事物。 www.bing.com 6. But first, he reflects on his life as a prisoner of war in the Far East and the extraordinary resilience the experience gave him. 但是首先,他回忆了他在远东的战俘生活,以及这段经历给他的回馈。 dongxi.net 7. The Lakota are one of many tribes that were moved off their land to prisoner of war camps now called reservations. 拉科塔人是众多被迫离开家园的一支印第安人。他们沦为战俘,被驱赶到集中营里,也就是所谓的保留地。 www.ted.com 8. And Biden acknowledged McCain's military service as a prisoner of war in Vietnam, but said Obama would be a better leader. 同时拜登也认可麦凯恩在越战中作为战俘的军队经历,但他说奥巴马才是更好的领导人。 www.hxen.com 9. McCain was shot down over North Vietnam and was held as a prisoner of war under brutal conditions. 麦凯恩在越南北部被击中,成为战俘,并忍受残酷恶劣的战俘生活条件。 www.ebigear.com 10. During the Vietnam War, Jim was captured and held as a prisoner of war, at which time he was beaten and tortured. 越战期间,吉米被俘了,关进了战俘营,在那里他遭到了毒打刑法。 www.bing.com 1. Davis said one segment will feature a testimonial of McCain's years spent as a prisoner of war during the Vietnam War. 戴维斯说,其中一个部分将是对麦凯恩在越战中被囚禁多年的一段生活的褒奖。 www.voanews.cn 2. If I become a prisoner of war, I will keep faith with my fellow prisoners. 如果我当了战俘,我将恪守对兄弟战俘的信用。 dongxi.net 3. When questioned, should I become a prisoner of war, I am bound to give only name, rank, service number, and date of birth. 如果我成为战俘后受到审问,我只能说出我的姓名、军衔、服役编号和出生日期。 dongxi.net 4. Under provisions of the Geneva Convention, a prisoner of war is also subject to certain rules imposed by the captor nation. 根据日内瓦公约,战俘也受到某些捕获方的规定约束。 www.xici.net 5. It is sometimes referred to as Prisoner of War Camp Number 334, and it is where the Lakota now live. 它的别名是334号战俘集中营。这里就是现在拉科塔人的居住地。 www.ted.com 6. Instead, McCain recalls his experience as a prisoner of war during the Vietnam War and urges voters to fight for their beliefs. 而是回忆起自己在越南战争中的囚犯经历,并且敦促选民为自己的信仰而战。 blog.hjenglish.com 7. He remained a prisoner of war for the next twenty-four years. 他在此后的24年作为战犯继续被囚禁。 www.bing.com 8. John McCain has had even less, having spent his adult life as a pilot, prisoner-of-war and politician. 而麦凯恩甚至更少,他的成年时光主要用在当飞行员,战俘和政客去了。 www.ecocn.org 9. This article also added up amounts of prisoner of war and refugees who were massacred in Nanjing assault and after the fall of Nanjing. 本文还对第十六师团在南京攻击战中以及南京陷落后的屠杀俘虏及难民的人数作了初步统计。 10. When repatriated , a prisoner of war will not be condemned for having obeyed reasonable captor rules, such as sanitation regulations. 当被遣返时,战俘不会因为遵守敌方的合理规定而被追究责任,比如卫生方面的规定。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. On May 13, 1864, a Confederate prisoner of war, who had died at a local hospital, was the first soldier buried at Arlington. 在1864年5月13日,一名南方联盟的战犯在地区医院去世,他是第一个埋葬在阿灵顿的士兵。 www.24en.com 2. When Obama was in kindergarten in Indonesia, McCain's plane was shot down over Vietnam and he became a prisoner of war. 当奥巴马在印尼,麦凯恩的飞机被击落幼儿园,他在越南成为战俘。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. His experiences as a prisoner of war have left him marked for life. 他当战俘的经历给他精神上留下终身难忘的创伤。 www.hotdic.com 4. Clifford Acree, a retired Marine pilot, was held as a prisoner of war by Iraq and tortured in 1991. 克利福德阿克里,退休海军陆战队飞行员,举行了一个战俘,伊拉克和折磨在1991年。 www.showxiu.com 5. As a prisoner of war, Captain Kapaun helped save other prisoners from being shot. 作为一名战俘的卡普兰队长帮助拯救其他囚犯使其不被射杀。 www.bing.com 6. Prisoners are still born into prisoner of war camps long after the guards are gone. 虽然监狱看守早已不在了,在这个战争集中营里,仍然不停地有新的战俘诞生。 www.ted.com 7. His comrades perish, and Alfie becomes a German prisoner of war. 战友遇难,阿尔菲自己成了德国人的囚犯。 www.ecocn.org 8. If a German soldier is made a prisoner of war he will tell his name and rank if he is asked for it. 德国士兵作为俘虏时,如果被询问,可以说出自己的姓名和军阶。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. the prisoner of war escaped from the jail. 那个战俘从牢笼中逃了出来。 blog.hjenglish.com 10. Less open to doubt was the value of being a prisoner-of-war in America. 再有,就是他在美国做战俘时学到的价值观。 ecocn.org 1. ln 1298 Marco became a prisoner of war at Genoa in italy. 1298年马可成了意大利热那亚战争的阶下囚。 wenwen.soso.com 2. Documents suggesting that Boy Scout founder Lord Baden-Powell illegally executed a prisoner-of-war have been sold for 文献资料显示,童子军创始人巴登鲍威尔勋爵非法处决战俘。 www.enread.com 3. When he had killed the guard , the prisoner of war quickly dragged him into the 那个战俘杀死卫兵以后,迅速地把尸体拖进了灌木从。 wenku.baidu.com 4. Heroic undertaking of a voluntary-army prisoner of war 一名志愿军战俘的惊世壮举 www.ilib.cn 5. defense prisoner of war missing personnel office 国防部战俘失踪人员办公室 www.ichacha.net 6. Harbouring secrets: German prisoner of war at Stanhill Camp, Lancashire 藏匿着的秘密:兰开夏Stanhill战俘营的德国战俘。 www.bing.com 7. Like a prisoner of war 就像一场战争中的俘虏 zhidao.baidu.com |
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