单词 | print ... out |
释义 |
第三人称单数:prints out 现在分词:printing out 过去式:printed out 例句释义: 不断地印出,打印输出,打印出,打印出来 1. You can view on your computer, or print out to take with you to the gym. 您可以查看您的计算机或打印出与你采取的健身房。 img3.zhubajie.com 2. Print out the words "Defeat Resistance" and put it somewhere visible as you work. That will help remind you to be aware of Resistance. 打印有“打败阻力”的条幅,并且在工作时把它放在可见的地方。 www.elanso.com 3. A. I'm trying to change the paper size from A4 to A3 before I print out, but I can't seem to get into that screen. 我想打印前把打印纸尺寸由A4改成A3,可我不知道怎么进入那个界面。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. It is often helpful to print out the instructions so you can check off the installation steps as you complete them. 印出指示说明通常有用,这样你在完成了安装步骤之后,你可以核对一下安装步骤。 www.zzbaike.com 5. Live color laser printer should print out a color separation proof (in the form of a black and white). 不不彩色印活答在激光打印机上打印不入分色样张(不不彩色步不天的)。 www.bing.com 6. Service suppliers are able to set up the data in one place and print out the mail at a remote location, no matter how far away. 服务供应商可在一个地方创建个人数据并在另一处打印邮件,无论相隔多远。 www.xerox.com.cn 7. Here's the list again, in case you want to print out a short form of it. I'm going to - just to make sure I'm always eating my own dog food. 下面再列示这个清单以方便你简短打印。我打算——只是确保我一直运用我自己总结的方法。 www.bing.com 8. Two statements in the advice print out the fact that the employee's information was changed, along with the name of the employee. 随着雇员名字,通知中的两条语句打印出了雇员信息被改变的事实。 www.ibm.com 9. A woman at a shopping center kiosk smiles at a travel ad, prompting the device to print out a travel discount coupon. 一位妇人对购物中心的信息显示台上的旅游广告笑了,提示该信息台打印一张旅游优惠卷。 www2.ccw.com.cn 10. Print out this little collection and display it prominently to remind you to read them (on your fridge, bulletin board, etc. ). 打印出这些法则,摆在显眼的地方(如冰箱,电子公告板等)来提醒你。 share.ivegoo.com 1. You simply book online and print out your booking reference, then show it to the conductor on board the train along with your passport. 订票后你可以打印你的订票单,在站台上连同护照一并出示给列车员。 www.bing.com 2. When nurses need also can ask the system print out a report of the designated patient. 当护士需要时还可以要求系统打印出某个指定病人的病情报告。 nulung.com 3. Now we're able to pass the request to the processReceivedMessage method, which will parse and print out the message, as shown in Listing 10. 现在,我们可以将请求传递到processReceivedMessage方法,该方法解析并打印消息,如清单10所示。 www.ibm.com 4. Click to select parts of the dialogue to print out with or without the English translation. 可选择算或特定对白列印,以及是否包含英文翻译的列印。 66chi.com 5. The balance script will then add up all your transactions and print out a two-line balance summary for you. 然后balance脚本将合计所有交易,打印出两行余额汇总。 www-128.ibm.com 6. Please print out for redemption. Ticket cannot be redeemed without the printout. 请打印此信函以认领车票。无此信函将不得认领车票。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. if you are in need of your business card , especially to those who will take part in ~ ~ next month , please notify me to print out for you. 如果各位有印制名片的需要,特别是下月将参加展会的同事,请告知我。 www.ichacha.net 8. Once a user has created a trip they will be able to print out a personal planning pack from the Europcar outlet. 一旦使用者建立了自己的行程,他们可以通过Europcar营业点打印出个人的行程规划。 www.bing.com 9. The help command is usually available at the prompt and will print out more detailed help. 在此提示符下,通常可使用help命令,这将打印出更详细的帮助。 www.ibm.com 10. Be sure to save this email, print out a copy, or save the username and password in a location you will remember. 一定要保存此电子邮件,打印出来备份,或者保存用户名和密码到本地一个便于找到的位置。 wenwen.soso.com 1. Print out "I Love You" posters on your computer, put them on your garage door and on light posts around the neighborhood. 制作“我爱你”的海报,张贴在车库的门上以及社区的灯柱上。 www.hjenglish.com 2. The upper level is The System Management Mode, whose function is to inquire balance and print out the balance report, etc. 最上层为系统管理模块,该模块负责查询结算结果、打印结算报表等。 www.fabiao.net 3. Here is a simple means of iterating through the graph to print out portions of its associated data. 下面是通过数据图进行迭代的一个简单方法,可以用它指出与图关联的数据部分。 www.ibm.com 4. Can be in a folder or file name of the folder into the output file or directly print out the tool. 可以将文件夹或是文件夹中的文件名称输出成为文件或是直接打印出来的工具。 www.jisuxz.com 5. Please print out the confirmation webpage of the donation through e-Banking, and mail together with this form for an official receipt. 请把网上理财之确认捐款网页列印,连同此表格一并寄回,以便发出正式收据。 www.redcross.org.hk 6. If you feel satisfied, the following points purple button printer to print out for your coloring. 如果你觉得满意,点下面的紫色打印机按钮可以打印出来供你填色,比较适合小朋友玩,呵呵。 4455.cc 7. The result comes back in the item response, which we print out for our reference. 结果在此项目响应内返回,我们打印出此结果作为参考。 www.ibm.com 8. We began to write to each other and he sent me romantic poems that I used to print out. 就这样,我们开始给对方写信,他还发过来一些我过去时常打印的爱情诗歌。 www.bing.com 9. Users buy deals in advance and then print out a coupon that's used to redeem the deal. 用户提前团购,然后打印用于兑换该笔交易的优惠券。 www.bing.com 10. Print out the "registration form" the second page, cover the company seal, signed by legal representatives. 在打印出的《登记表》第二页,盖公司公章、法人代表签字。 george13901623260.blog.163.com 1. Our script will accept a single file as an argument, and will print out whether it appears to be a tarball. 我们的脚本将接受一个文件作为自变量,然后打印:该文件是否是一个tar文件。 www.ibm.com 2. The artwork incorporated delicate screen work and extremely fine reverse print out of the 4-color process with an additional gold. 精美的艺术品纳入屏幕非常精细的工作,扭转了4打印出与另外金色的过程。 zhqj.a1pak.com 3. Print- out A printed record of computer output by a printer . Synonymous with Hard copy . 用印字机印出记录的电脑输出。参阅上文。 www.bing.com 4. In this example, they simply print out a trace to show that the code is actually executed during server startup and shutdown. 在这个示例中,它们仅仅打印跟踪以显示在启动和关闭服务器时确实执行了这段代码。 www.ibm.com 5. The top-level error handler does not print out a message if ThreadDeath is never caught. 如果ThreadDeath没有被捕获,顶级的错误处理不会打印错误信息。 www.51goushu.com 6. This makes the print statement print out the character value, followed by a space character instead of a newline character. 这使print语句打印字符值时后面跟着空格字符,而不是换行字符。 www.ibm.com 7. It also has a big advantage over a message taken over the telephone-you cannot print out a telephone call. 而相对于电话接收信息,它也有一大优势--你不能把电话的内容打印出来,电子邮件却可以做到这一点。 www.zftrans.com 8. Micro Piezo printer is in the sprinkler head in with a different voltage control ink jet print out fine droplets. 微压电式打印机拔取的是在喷脚边用差别的电压把持墨水喷不入墨滴的打印方法。 www.bing.com 9. Which one would print out on a the smallest amount of paper? 打印出来哪一个用的纸张最少呢? www-128.ibm.com 10. Can I print out a variable's value within a stored procedure for debugging purposes? 能否在存储过程中为了调试打印出某个变量的值? imysql.cn 1. At the end of each grouping, we will print out the totals for that group. 在每一组的最后,打印出组的总数。 www.ibm.com 2. Whenever you enter a trade, print out the charts that led to that trade, and paste them on the left page. 只要你做了交易,就把当时的图打印出来,贴在本子的左面。 xuping723723.blog.163.com 3. Get the book, read it online, or at least print out Chapter 18 as an FO reference. 获取此书,在线阅读或者至少打印出第18章作为FO参考。 www.ibm.com 4. As it turns out, the view is also useful if you want to print out your process with all of the container activities expanded. 结果表明,当您希望打印输出展开了所有容器活动的流程时,该视图也是非常有用的。 www.ibm.com 5. Maps, click and print out the detailed driving directions, and keep it with you wherever you go. 地图,点击和打印出详细的行车路线,并保持与您随时随地。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. These forms should NOT be submitted electronically. Please print out the forms for submission. 表格并不能以电子方式提交,请列印后交回。 www.ird.gov.hk 7. A print out of the application requirements is not acceptable. 不能接受打印出来的申请要求。 www.bluemaple.ca 8. You can view the complete code listing, which includes the method used to print out the DOM tree; see Download. 可以查看完整的代码清单,其中包括用于输出DOM树的方法;请参阅下载。 www.ibm.com 9. listing 7 is a simple program to read and print out the contents of the database , sorted by the. 清单7是一个简单的程序,它从数据库中读出数据的内容,并将其打印到屏幕上,在打印时对。 www.ichacha.net 10. Each time you install the bundle, it will print out the numeric ID of that bundle. 每次安装bundle,引擎都会打印出该bundle的数字ID。 www.infoq.com 1. Print out your perfect day, and keep that in mind as you begin to make changes. 将你的完美一天印制出来,并且在你开始改变的时候印记在你的大脑中。 www.bing.com 2. Print out hard copies of your workout or print them for your clients. 打印锻炼的硬稿,或为客户打印。 www.acrocat.com 3. Do not print out any database specific information, especially about the schema, by fair means or foul. 不管使用什么手段,不要输出任何特定于数据库的信息,尤其是关于模式的信息。 www.ibm.com 4. The rest of the lines in the example define the stats function, call the function, and print out the results. 本示例中的其他行定义了stats函数、调用了函数,并输出了结果。 www.ibm.com 5. In this section we'll code a simple mediation to print out the contents of an incoming SOAP message. 在这一部分中,我们将编写一个简单的中介来输出传入SOAP消息的内容。 www.ibm.com 6. It also enables you to easily print out customized letters regarding these actions. 还能使用户方便地打印出与这些操作有关的自定义文字。 www.ibm.com 7. Print out all your statements. Analyze spending by categories. See what you planned to spend, and what you actually spent. 列印出所有的帐单,分类进行分析,看你计划怎么花钱,最后钱是怎么花出去的。 www.qeto.com 8. Before making any calls using the proxy, we print out a list of the methods exposed in the Amazon API. 在使用代理进行任何调用之前,我们先将AmazonAPI中公开的方法列表打印出来。 www.ibm.com 9. This means that you need to insert an extra newline after each block of PHP code to make it print out one newline . 这意味着如果要输出一个换行符,需要在每段PHP代码的结束标记后面多加一个换行。 www.bing.com 10. By August 1869 Edison had taken out a patent on a telegraph which could print out messages automatically. 到了1869年8月时,爱迪生已经获得了一项电报技术专利。通过这项技术,电文能被自动打印出来。 www.zftrans.com 1. Schools could print out copies, but that would not help the environment. 学校可以打印出副本,但是那并不能改善学生的学习环境。 www.unsv.com 2. How would you print out the data in a binary tree, level by level, starting at the top? 你将怎样以水平打印二叉树数据,水平,在顶开始? blog.sina.com.cn 3. Print out guest's bill, present it to guest and ask her or him to check and sign on the bill. 打印客人的账单,向客人出示并请她或他核对后在账单上签字 wenku.baidu.com 4. and through the printer to print out the corresponding measurement value and acceleration spectrum. 并可通过打印机打印出相应的测量值及加速度的频谱图。 www.18show.cn 5. So we only have the center part of the print out to deal with. 这样,我们只需要处理打印输出的核心部分就可以了。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. My laser printer is out of ink and I need to print out something urgent. 我的激光打印机没有油墨了,我须要打印一些紧急的文件。 www.hxen.com 7. Whenever I close a trade, I print out its charts again and mark up those signals that prompted me to exit. 无论何时我平仓,我再次打印图,并把提示出场的信号标记出来。 www.leson6666.com 8. Members of your workshop group can then go to the site and print out a copy of the essay and read it. 你们研讨会小组的成员可以接着到网站上去,把文章打印一份出来然后阅读它。 9. In Listing 4, we're going to extract a set of records that meet a certain criterion, and print out their values. 在清单4中,我们将抽取出符合特定条件的一套记录,然后打印出它们的值。 www.ibm.com 10. Based on the menu for choice, the program can carry out continuous calculation and print-out for different storage tanks. 程序采用了菜单选择,可对不同贮罐进行连续计算和打表。 www.chemyq.com 1. Repeat this process after exiting a trade - print out the charts and paste them up on the right page of the album. 交易结束后还要重复以下工作——把图打印出来,贴到本子的右面。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Written Goal Cards: The first is to download our Goal Setting Toolkit and print out the template on business card stock. 既定目标卡:第一步是下载我们的目标设置工具箱,在商业名片库中打印你要的模板。 www.bing.com 3. The first is a traditional Groupon, but on a low-cost product that makes it barely worth remembering to print out the coupon. 其中第一比团购是传统的Groupon式团购,但是商品过于廉价,以至于几乎很难让人记得去打印优惠券。 www.bing.com 4. Formatting string in the code above tells the program to use the first argument and print out the full month name for the date object. 告诉程序使用第一个参数并打印date对象的完整月名。格式化字符串。 www-128.ibm.com 5. w Print out results in HTML tables. Default table is two columns wide, with a white background. 以HTML表的格式输出结果。默认时,它是白色背景的两列宽度的一张表。 blog.163.com 6. Then you need to print out the current configuration default information, which should be saved to a file (see Listing 1). 然后,您需要列出当前配置的缺省信息,并将这些信息保存到一个文件中(请参见清单1)。 www.ibm.com 7. If you would like to print out the member variable values of an object for debugging reasons, read the paragraphs below. 如果因为调试需要,需要将对象的成员变量打印出来,请阅读下文。 in.php.net 8. These pragmatic people started to print out their own cheaper business cards to give them at presentations, exhibitions, conferences etc. 这些注重实效的人开始印刷便宜的名片给自己,在见面、展览以及会议等场合送出。 www.hjenglish.com 9. Next I helped her publishing house and print out the titles and the overall design of an initial idea. 接下来我帮她联系出版社并对书名和整体设计进行初步构想。 www.bing.com 10. I also added an option to print out the code generation model tree for a binding. 我还添加了一个选项,可以打印出绑定的代码生成模型树。 www.ibm.com 1. Alternatively, you can define that the print-out is to occur immediately when you create the purchase order. 你还可以在创建采购订单的时候自定义输出。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. In Part 1, we create a simple print out of results matching the query words specified. 在第1部分中,创建了匹配指定查询词的结果的简单打印输出。 www.ibm.com 3. You can then work with what class or just print out information about it; see Listing 11 for a simple example. 然后可以处理任何类或打印出它的相关信息。请参阅清单11中的简单示例。 www.ibm.com 4. Whenever I put on a trade, I print out its charts and mark key signals that prompted me to act. 无论何时我建仓,我会把图表打印出来,并把提示进场的信号标记出来。 www.leson6666.com 5. In 1823, he started to bile a machine that could do sums and print out the results. The machine was far ahead of its time. 1823年,他研制了一台可以计算并可以打印计算结果的机器,这在当时是十分先进的。 iask.sina.com.cn 6. Please find attached the new version of the title. Perhaps you can distribute this print-out within your institute. 并附上标题的新版本,以便你们可以在你们学会内分发。 www.bing.com 7. Typing a JavaScript expression into the debugger will compile the expression and print out the result. 在调试器中输入一个JavaScript表达式,便可以编译该表达式并打印出结果。 www.ibm.com 8. Run the snort command with the -v flag, which tells Snort to sniff network traffic and print out information to the console. 使用-v标记运行snort命令,这告知Snort嗅探网络流量,将信息输出到控制台。 www.ibm.com 9. Please print out and post the completed form with your sponsor to SOUTH EAGLES SPORTS ASSOCIATION . 请将此表格列印,并将填妥之表格连同捐款一并寄回至南鹰运动协会。 dict.bioon.com 10. It will print out a little longer than normal, as there are a lot of graphs. 这将打印出一点点的时间比正常的,因为有很多很多的图。 tinyurl.com 1. Overall, the area is mid urban and you should print out the vicinity map from the net rather than the skimpy map provided by the hotel. 总体来说这个地区算是中等城镇,你应该从网上列印附近的地图而不是看酒店提供的不很全的地图。 weike.taskcn.com 2. The Test class uses this class to print out the titles and average price of the paperback books. Test类使用该类输出平装书的书名和平均价格。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. When I print out the text file, each line runs over the edge of the page and looks bad. 我把文本文件打印到纸上,结果发现每行的长度都超过了页宽,这样子没法阅读。 www.bomoo.com 4. You could also print out recipes for the dishes you had at the BBQ so they can recreate them at home. 还可以印制出烧烤聚会上的菜谱让他们想念的时候在家就可以现做了。 www.bing.com 5. The input text will be echoed in green, and the debugger will print out the object as a blue hyperlink. 输入的文本将以绿色回显,调试器将以蓝色超级链接的形式打印出该对象。 www.ibm.com 6. Now that the hash is built for the current record, print out the selected fields. 既然已经为当前记录构建了散列,现在就可以打印选定的字段。 www.ibm.com 7. He cited the example of long e-mail messages, which he prefers to print out instead of reading on screen. 他还表示他本人在阅读长篇电子邮件时,就习惯将这些内容打印出来,而不是直接在液晶显示屏上阅读。 www.cnbeta.com 8. Print out the design of your choice and tape it around your can. 把你的设计图案打印出来,把它围在罐子上。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. This time, I was nervous. Tomorrow morning to pay operating today, do not print out, it means that tomorrow, can not pay. 这下,我才紧张了。明天早上要交的作业,今天不打印出来,就意味着明天交不了。 www.dota123.com 10. With this hash of domains with values of frequency counts, we sort the list by value and print out the first N links. 对于具有频率计数值的域散列,按照值对列表排序并打印前N个链接。 www.ibm.com 1. So, if you do have a package selected, then you print out the name of the package. 因此,如果您选定了一个包,那么就可以把它的名称打印出来。 www.ibm.com 2. Do a dry run, print out all the forms, and make sure you know how you will be filling in the details. 先练习,打印出所有的公司,确保你知道如何填写表格上的细节内容。 www.bing.com 3. Then, the parameter will be written into the computer automatically, and print out the test results according to the program. 并将测量数据输入计算机内,计算机按设定程序计算后将结果打印。 www.quickgem.com 4. Symbolic links have their target printed, and you print out the size of regular files. 对于符号链接,将显示其目标文件,并且还将显示普通文件的大小。 www.ibm.com 5. This is only an illustration of how to use code to write more code, not the most efficient way to print out a list of numbers. 这只是一个例子,如何使用代码来写更多的代码,而不是最有效的方式打印出来一列数字。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. However, the security thread genuine and watermarks is embedded, so this approach "print-out is easy to take a forged note. " 但是,真钞票的防伪线和水印是嵌入的,因此这种方法印出来的假钞很容易穿帮。 www.bing.com 7. Print out the design online, chop, fold and tape into shape, then add a role of film and you're shooting pinhole-style. 在线打印出设计图纸,裁切,折叠,拼贴成型,最后加上一卷胶卷你便开始施行针孔摄影。 www.bing.com 8. If you found them online, print out their profile and review any emails or phone conversations you have had. 假如你是在网上认识他们的,那把他们的资料打印出来,然后再看一遍你们之间通的所有电邮和电话。 www.bing.com 9. For each Request and Response, this class will simply print out the action and who it is to or from. 对于每个请求和响应,此类将直接打印操作及其发出者或接收者。 www.ibm.com 10. Would you be able print out a file for me? 不知你能不能帮我打印一份材料? www.24en.com 1. It is. Here, I'll give you a computer print-out of all the flights. Anything else? 是很容易。来,我会给你一份所有班机时间的计算机印表资料。还有其它事情吗? www.ivyenglish.com.cn 2. Now you can just wait for the SPE task to complete using spe_wait, and then print out the final value. 现在,只需用spe_wait等待SPE任务完成,然后打印出最终的值。 www.ibm.com 3. After using this tool to develop and plan a goal, you can print out your own goal sheet to guide and inspire you. 当你使用该工具将确立某个目标并做出计划后,你可以将其打印出来用于对自己的指导和激励。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 4. The disc stores enough information to offer a choice of routes and to print out maps of regions, or towns or individual streets. 碟片内储存有足够多的信息供选择行车路线,并打印出地区、城镇或各街道的地图。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. You can get a computer to print out multiple-choice assessments, but you cannot get the computer to produce of assess essays, can you? 你可以用电脑打印出多重选择的评估,但你不能用电脑产生出评估文章,能吗? goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. "Lifestyles are changing very quickly, " Mr Park said, highlighting the falling numbers of people who print out their photographs. “生活方式正迅速发生改变,”朴尚振表示,同时强调指出,冲洗照片的人在不断减少。 www.ftchinese.com 7. After passing in the query words array to the N word algorithm, we'll print out the results. 在将查询词数组传递给N词算法后,将打印出结果。 www.ibm.com 8. This will print out timing information to the terminal that executed the client script. 这将把时间开销信息打印到执行了客户机脚本的终端。 www.ibm.com 9. The debugger will print out the attributes of the JavaScript object as shown below in Figure 33. 调试器将打印出JavaScript对象的属性,如下面图33所示。 www.ibm.com 10. Applications print out bizarre error messages, freeze, or crash when they receive an incorrect file. 在收到不正确的文件时,应用程序会打印出莫名其妙的错误消息,死机,或者彻底崩溃。 www-128.ibm.com 1. Put the coke charge to the guest account, then print out the bill. 将可乐的费用挂入电脑然后将账单打印出来 wenku.baidu.com 2. And this is something you could print out to look at. 你们可以把这部分打印出来看 dongxi.net 3. To print out a memory histogram, we will invoke the jmap console app passing in our application's PID and the "-histo: live" option . 为了打印内存统计图,我们需要打开jmap控制台程序,并输入程序的PID和“-histo:live”选项。 www.infoq.com 4. Create a directory structure as follow, and print out the structure. 创建如下的目录结构并且打印出该结构 zhidao.baidu.com 5. We then instantiate 2 objects from these classes and print out information about them, including their class parentage. 接着,我们从这些对象中创建了两个对象实例,打印出它们的相关信息,包括它们的起源。 www.phpx.com 6. Whenever you enter a trade, print out the charts that prompted you to buy or sell. 不管你何时进行交易,把提示买卖喜好的图打印出来。 www.bing.com 7. Click on the buttons and drag the objects onto the base. When your done click on print to print out your creation! 点击按钮并且扯拽在基地上的对象。当您做的点击印刷品打印出来您的创作! dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Either type of station would print out an official ballot after a voter completes his or her selections. 在选民投票之后,无论哪种类型的工作站都应该打印出正式的选票。 www.ibm.com 9. And I put these songs of piano music print out and stays at home in the afternoon played a piano. 而且,本人把这些歌的钢琴曲谱打印了出来,就在待在家里弹了一下战书的钢琴。 shui.yo52.com 10. Feel satisfied with the printer can point lower left button to print out coloring. 觉得满意可以点左下角打印机按钮打印出来填色。 4455.cc 1. Does your fax machine print out immediately a transmission protocol? 你的传真机可以立即打印出传输协议吗? hxen.com 2. The Espresso Book Machine can print out about 145 pages per minute at a cost of about 1 cent per page. 这种叫做咖啡印书机的机器每分钟可以打印约145页,成本为每页1美分。 www.bing.com 3. Just print out the following instructions and save them for future reference. 请将下列指示印出并留作日后参考。 www.fedex.com 4. Here is a very good strategy. . . print out a bunch of grocery coupons and go to your local grocery store . 这里是一个非常好的战略…打印出一串杂货店的优惠券,前往您当地的杂货店。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The default template has motivational words on it that you can print out and keep in sight. 这默认模板上有关于动机的词汇,你可以把它们打印出来放在随处可见的地方。 www.bing.com 6. You can print out the forms and use them when lodging your visa application. 您可以在递交申请时使用该打印的表格。 www.embassyofireland.cn 7. This loop will print out the page number and page headers at each page break. 这个循环将在每一个分页处打印出页编号和页眉。 www.ibm.com 8. Inside the loop, you print out the error or warning information. 在循环中,输出错误或警告信息。 www.ibm.com 9. Please, print out the postal label for receiving the parcel. 请把这个邮件标签打印出来以便您查收包裹。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 10. You only need to set up, check your email, regular interval and print out any new messages. 您只需设置,让您的邮件检查,定期间隔和打印出任何新的消息。 www.jisuxz.com 1. print out the salary slip, take IIT receipt from tax office and then distribute to each. 打印工资单,从税务局取回税单,然后分发给每位员工。 www.gao8dou.com 2. Schedule : One- to two-page proposals (details below) are due before Lecture 8. Print out three hard copies and bring them to class. 时程:在课程八之前完成一至二页的专案计画,(细节如下)列印三份并且带到课堂上。 www.myoops.org 3. Photocopy or print out the ingredients list while at work and then buy groceries during lunch or on the way home. 上班空闲时,打印出原材料单;吃午饭时或回家的路上顺便采购。 www.bing.com 4. Print out the pattern pieces and enlarge to the right size. 将模板放大到合适的大小打印下来。 www.bing.com 5. for your Chinese translation of the Magic Flute - when do you prepare to publish or print out? 为了你的中译稿《魔笛》-啥时候出版印刷啊? blog.sina.com.cn 6. The IRS recommends that PDF files be provided for readers who want to download or print out the whole report. 投资者关系协会推荐向希望下载或打印整个报告的读者提供PDF文件。 www.ftchinese.com 7. After the customer has completed an online purchase, they can print out a paper receipt. 顾客完成网上购物后,他们可以打印一份收据。 www.englang.cn 8. If the line matches the regular expression, then you print out that line. 如果该行与正则表达式匹配,则打印该行。 www.ibm.com 9. This is simple enough; read in input files, store them in some way, then generate a random order in which to print out the lines. 这相当简单;也就是读入输入文件,以某种方式存储它们,然后生成一个随机顺序来输出那些行。 www.ibm.com 10. They put them through a machine, and you get a long print-out at the end. 她们把自己放到机器里面,最后你得到了一个硕大的打印品。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Yet we still write notes on paper and print out articles to read. 但我们仍然在纸上记下事情并且把文字打到上面阅读。 www.bing.com 2. Today, sublimation transfer ink can print out any product is very thin layer of ink, and prints the number is unlimited. 今天,升华转印油墨已经能在任何产品上印出很薄的墨层,而且印品数量不受限制。 www.bing.com 3. Please print out a copy. 请印一份出来。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. You let me turn to your father's e-mail, I will print out as soon as possible. 你让我转交给你父亲的邮件,我会尽快打印出来的。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. If necessary, please print out this page and follow the steps one by one. 如有需要,请把本页列印出来,然後跟著一步一步来做。 wenwen.soso.com 6. Click the "printer" icon two times to print out two copies of syllabus and Send to Dept. 步骤十四:按印表机符号两次,列印二份课程纲要送各系主任审查。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Print out Arrival Report of the day before, check and sign. 每天打印前一天的到达客人报表,核对并签字。 job.veryeast.cn 8. Tip: tell the attendees this so they don't print out the paper ticket! 小贴士:告诉地址这样他们不会打印纸质的票! www.bing.com 9. It will invoke the service and print out the echoed string on the console. 它将调用服务并在控制台上打印出回显字符串。 www.ibm.com 10. But "print-out bank notes are not available through anti-false pen check. " 但是印出来的钞票无法通过防伪笔检查。 www.bing.com 1. To print out each guide , laminated , keep behind each display. 打印每张指南,制作成薄板,贴在每个排面后面。 www.yuanmiao.com 2. The Bible does not print out your spouse's name or your job or the address of the home you should buy. 圣经没有说明你配偶的名字、你的工作,或你应该购买哪幢房子。 www.chinesetodays.org 3. In Figure 1, if x is equal to y, then both of the examples print out two lines with "hello" on the first line and "world" on the second. 在图1中,如果x等于y,那么两个实例都会打印出两个,第一行“hello”,第二行“world”。 www.ibm.com 4. JULY: Check your progress on the cash flow. Print out all your statements. 七月:检查你在现金流控制方面的进展。 c.wsj.com 5. Some might think that at this point you should print out the version in memory. 在这里一些人可能认为应该打印出内存中的版本。 www.ibm.com 6. Listing 14 shows how to print out the last error message in a text string. 清单24展示了如何打印文本字符串中的最后一个错误信息。 www.ibm.com 7. Perhaps you can distribute this print-out within your institute. 如有可能烦请在贵校散发此标题。 blog.m1905.com 8. Conversely, it's possible for cnee to print out keyboard events before Firefox has a chance to process the keystrokes. 与此相反,cnee可能会在Firefox有机会处理击键事件之前输出键盘事件。 www.ibm.com 9. But that doesn't mean you can print out your card and run to your local place and immediately shop. 但是,这并不等于你可以打印出你办卡地点,并立即向当地贵店。 actuafreearticles.com 10. The client will print out the data received from the server. 客户机将把从服务器接收到的数据打印出来。 www.ibm.com 1. Running this the first time new sources are updated will print out some warnings related to the availability of the sources. 首次执行时,新的来源若有更新将会显示一些关于可取得来源之警告讯息。 debian.fr 2. For print out my book, I need a mount of money, but I know I must try my best to earn more. 只有耐心等待伯乐的出现。我需要一笔收入,可以出版自己写的书,但我知道,我需要去努力赚钱。 blog.5d.cn 3. The -help option will print out the list of supported tag entries (frames in ID3). help选项将打印出支持的标签条目列表(ID3中的帧)。 www.ibm.com 4. 'Don't forget to print out the movie ticket for tonight. ' 别忘记打印出晚上的电影票。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Putting the net plate on the printer to print out suitable quantities of texture papers by oil(drawing 7). 将网版置于印刷机上通过油墨印刷出相应数量之同类花纹纸(图7); www.xiaobing.xinwen365.com 6. When finished, you can save to file, copy to clipboard or print out directly. 完成后,您可以保存到文件,复制到剪贴板或直接打印出来。 www.jisuxz.com 7. We need a main method to apply advice to our Example class, and print out some helpful status messages. 我们需要一个main方法将advice应用到我们的Example类,并打印出一些有帮助的状态消息。 www.infoq.com 8. Listing: Computer print-out of data or a file. 列表:电脑把有关数据或档案列印出来的情况。 chinafanyi.com 9. The results of the "print-out blurred image. " 结果印出来的图像模糊。 www.bing.com 10. The copy should be typewritten or a print out from a computer printer . 稿件须以打字机打出或以电脑打印。 www.bing.com 1. Please print out the forms below for applying. 请把下面的文件印刷後使用。 www.f-seikei.com 2. How do I print out a file? 我如何把文件打印出来? www.hjenglish.com 3. Also print out and sign attached NDA, before I release the details of the project. 同时打印出来,并签署保密协议附件,我才释放该项目的细节。 www.bing.com 4. I can use the printer to print out the short text messages. 我可以用打印机将短信息打印出来。 www.zzstep.com 5. You will then need to print out one or two records to check the data was stored correctly. 你需要测试一两个记录来看你存储的数据是否正确。 www.xici.net 6. In Listing 1, you can see the effort it takes to print out each element of a String collection using the Java language. 在清单1中,您可以看到使用Java语言打印String集合的每个元素需要做的工作。 www.ibm.com 7. You pay online, print out the email, and there you are. 你在网上付款,打印出电邮,然后就能得到票了。 www.ecocn.org 8. This would simply print out today's date in the specified format. 这将以指定格式打印出当天的日期。 www.ibm.com 9. Can also print out information for one or more records at a time. 也可以打印出来的资料,为一个或多个记录在一段时间。 xtdownload.com 10. You may use an online printer to print out the data . 你可以使用联机打印机把数据打印出来。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. A. Good work, Paul. Do you know how to print out what you have on the screen? 干得好,保罗。你知道怎么把屏幕上的内容打印出来吗? blog.sina.com.cn 2. Print out the application form. 列印申请表格。 ismarthost.com 3. The following example shows how to create and add values to a Queue and how to print out its values. 下面的示例说明如何创建Queue并向其添加值,以及如何打印出其值。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. This is ideal if you own a digital camera and can see the photos immediately and perhaps even print out the best ones. 若你拥有一台数码相机,你就可以很快地洗出完美的照片。 www.bing.com 5. Send him the print-out immediately by post. 立即邮寄打印出来的文件给他 zhidao.baidu.com 6. If you use a laptop computer to record data, you must still print out pages to paste into your lab notebook. 如果使用手提电脑记录数据,必须打印出来,贴在实验笔记本上。 www.myoops.org 7. Consider if you really need to print out emails or draft versions of documents you are working on. 考虑你是否真的需要打印出电子邮件或正在修改的文件草稿。 www.bing.com 8. Print out the same pattern of USD100 on a piece of CNY100. 打印一百美元的画面到一张百元人民币上。 www.fqart.com 9. Service Center staff every shift should print out our trace report and pay attention to the guest with the trace. 每个班次员工应打印当班发至宾客服务中心的跟踪报告,特别关注跟踪服务的客人及要求。 wenku.baidu.com 10. Paper Browser is a paper wireframing template you can download and print out. PaperBrowser是一种纸型线框化模板,你可以下载,也可以打印输出。 www.bing.com 1. A letter from a reader in the feedback section of this issue noted how he likes to print out parts of the digital PC Magazine. 在本期杂志中,有读者来信反馈称想打印某些内容。 www.bing.com 2. To learn even more, go back to each completed trade approximately three months after an exit and print out the current charts. 要想学到更多,每3个月复习一次以前的交易,并把现在的图打印出来。 xuping723723.blog.163.com 3. After the process completes, you can print out the results using the ant dump command. 完成此操作之后,您可以使用antdump命令打印输出结果。 www.ibm.com 4. The sub-menu in the document are new, open, save, print, out. 在文件的子菜单有新建,打开,保存,打印,退出。 bbs.zdnet.com.cn 5. Make sure you use the letter quality printer to print out those letters. 请务必使用优质字符打印机打印这些信件。 www.kekenet.com 6. So if you lose your tool in space, you can print out another one . 一旦你的工具在太空丢失了,你可以再打印一个。 www.hjenglish.com 7. the 800 number below or print out and send us the order form (click on the Order Form button to display the order form). 要注册,请拨以下的800号码,或打印出订单后寄给我们(单击“订购单”按钮以便显示此表单)。 www.jukuu.com 8. Download and print out the map here. 地图可以从这里下载。 musashi-nihongo.jp 9. Will print out the value for both inputs. 将打印出两个输入的值。 www-128.ibm.com 10. This code will simply print out "Failures! " if the tests didn't pass. 当测试未执行通过时,这段代码将会简单的打印输出“Failures!” www.infoq.com 1. If you order online, print out your receipt. 如果你在网上订货的话就打出你的收据。 www.elanso.com 2. You can also print out several reports and seating charts for reference. 你也可以印出几个参考报表和座位表。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. In the add text or print out the file before the accuracy. 在补充笔墨或是打印输入后再不兵文件精度提矮即可。 www.bing.com 4. The code must simply print out the tags in addition to the data. 代码除了显示数据之外,还必须简单地显示出标记。 www-128.ibm.com 5. In order to print out almost correctly. we have to add spacing to the HTML format. 为了正确地打印出差不多。我们必须添加间距为HTML格式。 www.bing.com 6. Empty chord sheet An empty sheet of chords templates to print out and use. 空弦表一个空洞的资产负债表琴声模板打印出来和使用。 xtdownload.com 7. The group even supplies flyers to print out and distribute. 这个组织还提供印好的传单以供分发。 www.ecocn.org 8. Print out the folio for guest. 为客人打印账单。 wenku.baidu.com 9. Direct online information you have the possibility to print out data sheets etc. 除了在线的信息之外,您也能够打印出我们的资料等等。 ws-schaefer.com 10. Remind your visitors they can print out your content. They may browse around your website while it's printing. 提醒您的访客,他们可以打印出您的内容。他们可浏览靠近您的网站,而它的印刷。 hi.baidu.com 1. the fac claims that they can't print out letters of light blue on dark blue bags. 工厂说在深蓝色的袋子上不能印出浅蓝色的字。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. What's even more amazing is it will print out a purchase label on the spot, because it knows the weight of the item. 更令人惊奇的是,它会当场列印一张购买标签,因为它知道物品的重量。 www.myoops.org 3. Please help me print out, thank you. 帮我复印一下,谢谢。 data.book.163.com 4. In case you wish to order on the web, print out pictures in the dresses you like and take them to a local shop. 如果想要网站上的礼服,把心仪的衣服图片下载下来,带到当地的裁缝店里。 www.bing.com 5. Listing 4 shows the printPassword subroutine, which is used to print out the password keys and timings for reference. 清单4显示了printPassword子例程,该子例程用于输出密码键和计时以供参考。 www.ibm.com 6. Listing 6. Loop through all cells and print out values. 清单6.循环所有单元格并打印值。 www.ibm.com 7. This will print out engine metrics every 5 seconds. 这将会每隔5秒种输出一次引擎指标。 www.ibm.com 8. Please print out and fill in this Form attentively. 请打印和殷勤地填装这个形式。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. For example, you can print out a Gantt Chart that includes all your projects. 例如,您可打印出包含所有项目的“甘特图”。 office.microsoft.com 10. The following code example shows how to create and initialize a SortedList object and how to print out its keys and values. 下面的示例说明如何创建并初始化SortedList,以及如何打印出其键和值。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. The -n switch is used when you want explicitly to print out data. 当您想显式打印数据时,使用-n开关。 www.ibm.com 2. Print out your goal in big words. 用大号字体将你的目标打印出来。 www.bing.com 3. Switch is used when you want explicitly to print out data. 当您想显式打印数据时,使用。 www-128.ibm.com 4. in the value attribute causes the tag to print out 3. 在价值属性的原因标记打印出来3。 www.taody.com 5. You should never run a one-liner outright; always print out what it will do before you actually run the command. 您永远不应立即运行一行程序;在您真正运行命令之前应该总是先打印出该命令会执行什么内容。 www-128.ibm.com 6. we can print out the information needed. 我们可以打印我们需要的信息。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Here are 10 questions to print out, answer and give some attention to. 这里有10个问题,打印出来,回答并给予一定的关注。 www.bing.com 8. whatever you input , it can print out. 你输入什么打什么哈 blog.sina.com.cn 9. And they say: well, this means somebody could print out my blog and make a book and sell it. 而他们会说:恩,这意味着任何人都可以出版我的blog,出书销售。 www.bing.com 10. Method 2 (Scissors) 1. Print out design. 2. 制作流程2(剪刀法):1。将提供的图纸打印出来。 tieba.baidu.com 1. You're going to risk another ten years to print out more blenders and pharma, more laptops and designer hats? 你还要冒着坐十年牢的风险,去印出更多的搅拌机和药片,更多的笔记本电脑和名牌帽子吗? www.bing.com 2. For example, you might want to print out an entire alphabetical list of employees by name. 例如,可以按姓名字母顺序打印出所有职工清单; hi.baidu.com 3. Now suppose I want to print out the date of the last day of the week of the month after the one that is 45 days from Y2K. 现在假设我希望输出这样一个日期:距离Y2K45天之后的某天在下一个月的当前周的最后一天的日期。 www.ibm.com 4. If you want to print out a food diary instead I have made a sample here for you Free Food Diary 如果你更想打印个饮食日记的话,我为你做了一个简单的“自由饮食日记”样本 www.bing.com 5. do not expose to sunlight as the film may start to print - out , thus affecting maximum density 不要在阳光下曝光,因为胶片可能会开始印出,这样就会影像了最大的密度。 www.ichacha.net 6. print out the bill, check, before any extension of a cross mark immediately contact the vendor; 打印出账单请检查,分机号前如有打叉标记的马上与供应商联系; www.dw188.com 7. When you have selected a data source, the console prompts you to specify the table from which you want to print out data. 在选定数据源后,控制台将提示您指定要从其中输出数据的表。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Now that you have modified the configuration file to print out a notification, run the knockAge script in daemon mode with the command 现在我们已经修改好这个配置文件,可以打印一条通知了,接下来使用下面的命令在守护模式下运行knockAge脚本 www.ibm.com 9. For a specified file, iterate through the file, and print out the names and values of resources, see the 循环访问文件并输出资源名称和值的代码示例,请参见 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. Automatically prepare and print out financial statements for both internal management and school supervision or audit; 为内部内部管理和学校的监督核实自动准备并打印各种财务报表; www.eciba.net |
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