单词 | rarely if ever |
释义 | rarely if ever例句释义: 全部 1. Older men often date younger women in an attempt to recapture this lost state of youthful adventure, but it rarely, if ever, works. 老牛经常希望通过和嫩草的约会中去尝试找回已经丢失的年轻刺激的感觉,但是这对很少,极少数人,起作用。 www.bing.com 2. Madoff treated him well, Nasi said, rarely if ever yelling at him, often coming to his desk to ask if everything was okay. 纳希说,马多夫对他很好,很少对他喊叫。还经常到他的办公桌旁,问他是否一切正常。 www.bing.com 3. Notice that off the court, Bryant rarely, if ever, displays the type of cockiness and arrogance he is accused of by his critics. 我们可以注意到,在场下科比很少会出现被那些人所指的傲慢与自大。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. One hears often of a "Beijing consensus" but rarely, if ever, of any Indian model of governance. 人们常常能听到“北京共识”,但是几乎没人提及印度的治理模式。 www.bing.com 5. If liquid or spray supplements are so much better, why are they rarely, if ever, used in published scientific research? 假如液体或喷雾形式的补充是这麽的好,为什麽这麽少被用在已发表的科学研究上呢? blog.sina.com.cn 6. If you're lucky you married someone who likes to talk things out like yourself, and both of you rarely if ever, get into arguments. 如果你的爱人是一个会跟你讲出他的秘密的人,那你非常的幸运,你们会很少争吵。 www.bing.com 7. But the recommendations of the consulting firms are not agnostic. They rarely, if ever, recommend cutting the heads of those who hired them. 但是咨询公司会给出什么方案也可想而知,他们从来不会建议雇主裁汰自己的高管,就算有这种情况,也少之又少。 www.kekenet.com 8. God rarely, if ever, seems to give me what I ask for. 神似乎甚少给我所祈求的。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. These cables, especially the power cable, rarely if ever go bad, but I have replaced a data cable or two. 尽管这些电缆很少出现问题,尤其是电力电缆,但我应经换了一两条数据电缆了。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Rarely if ever does a country's savings rate collapse quickly after reaching such a high level. 当一个国家的存款利率达到一个很高的水平后再迅速下跌是极为罕见的。 www.bing.com 1. Rarely, if ever, do we employ a concerted effort to help find workable solutions to social problems. 但我们很少利用共同的努力,来帮助找出对于社会问题可行的解决办法-如果在任何时刻有这样做的话。 www.023java.com 2. The evidence for a link between creativity and mental disorders has long been speculated but rarely, if ever, proven. 长久以来人们一直揣测创造性和精神障碍之间有所关联,但其证据,如果曾有的话,根本没有得到证实。 www.bing.com 3. She rarely, if ever sings simple background vocals, instead offering countermelodies or completely different points of view. 她并不是唱简单的背景和声,即使有唱也是非常少见的。相反,她总是和Rice对唱,提供一种完全不同的观点。 www.bing.com 4. He listed the dozens of accomplishments in a methodical, comprehensive way he had rarely, if ever, done before publicly. 他有条理地、详细地列出了几十项成就,而以前,他极少在公共场合这么做。 www.fortunechina.com 5. Asian companies used to rarely, if ever, come to American B-school campuses for recruiting season. 中国的公司以前不多,去美国的商学院来招聘很难得。 www.bing.com 6. For some, they rarely, if ever, eat food from any other culture. 对某些人来说,他们就算吃到其他文化的食物,这种机会也很少。 tw.biz.yahoo.com 7. State-run television channels offer highly favorable coverage of the party, and the courts rarely if ever rule against it. 国营的电视媒体高度赞扬该党,法院很少反对其政策。 www.bing.com 8. However, guerrilla warfare rarely, if ever, benefits the oppressed population or ushers in a democracy. 然而,即便有的话,游击战也极少会给受压迫的人们带来民主。 www.kle100.cn 9. Today's enterprise software systems are rarely (if ever) developed from scratch, line-by-line, in an IDE. 当今的企业软件系统很少是(如果有的话)在集成开发环境(IDE)中从零开始,一行行地被开发出来的。 www.ibm.com 10. Rarely, if ever, do couples on dinner dates appreciate the evolutionary psychology behind this ubiquitous activity. 情侣们很少会去想晚餐约会这一现象背后所体现出来的进化心理学。 www.bing.com 1. The most dangerous and toxic pesticides require special testing methods, which are rarely if ever employed by the FDA. 最危险的和具有剧毒的农药需要经特殊的测试方法,但这很少被FDA所使用。 www.bing.com 2. APA's letters rarely, if ever, received a response, but the communication served notice to Soviet officialdom that the world was watching. APA发出的信件极少能得回信,但通讯信向苏方政界传达了世界对此的关注。 www.bing.com 3. But nurses knew better from being at the bedside of the dying, my mother had said, and they were rarely, if ever, wrong. 但是护士由于经常工作在濒临死亡的人的床边,所以他们更能了解,我母亲曾说过这样的话,并且他们极少犯错。 dongxi.net 4. It also engages in cyber-spying and other offensive operations, something it rarely, if ever, discusses publicly. 国家安全局还从事网络间谍和其他的攻击性活动,但他们几乎从不在公开场合提及。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. For instance, you may rarely, if ever, be required to analyze the access plans for SQL statements. 例如,您可能很少被要求分析SQL语句的访问计划。 www.ibm.com 6. Its guidelines are vague, and it rarely, if ever, files formal complaints against studios or production houses. AHA的指导方针非常模糊,并且很少,几乎没有正式向电影工作室或制作单位提出投诉。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. In the real world, positive and negative feedback are intermingled and the two extremes are rarely, if ever, reached. 在现实世界中,正负反馈兼而有之,而极端的情况即使能出现也会比较罕见。 kk.dongxi.net 8. Also, two-page features and ads have a visible seam down the middle that rarely, if ever, matches up correctly. 此外,两页的特征和广告沿着中间有明显的结合,而且根本没有匹配正确。 www.bing.com 9. People filled with self-loathing typically imagine they dislike every part of themselves, but this is rarely, if ever, true. 充满自我厌恶的人通常以为他们不喜欢自己的每一个部分,但这几乎不是真的。 www.bing.com 10. JUST about the only thing that everyone can agree on in the Middle East is that the region has rarely, if ever, been in such a mess. 对中东地区,人们所能达成的唯一共识就是该地区很少——假如有过的话——这样的一塌糊涂。 www.ecocn.org 1. Of course, billionaires are rarely, if ever, that liquid. 当然,亿万富翁的资产很少具有如此高的流动性,甚至根本不流动。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Settings should represent information, such as an account name, that users set once and rarely (if ever) change. 设置应该表示一些信息,例如帐户的名称,用户只需设置一次,就很少会再去改动。 www.mobiletrain.org 3. But rarely, if ever, has a major yacht sold at an unreserved auction, meaning it will sell to the highest bidder regardless of price. 不过却很少有豪华游艇被无底价拍卖。无底价拍卖指的是无论价格多少,拍品都会卖给出价最高的竞买人。 www.bing.com 4. Proof of fraud in science rarely if ever comes from failure to replicate. 复制成果的失败被作为抄袭的证据是很少见的。 www.bing.com 5. Even the most daring Islamic comedians rarely if ever joke about the faith itself. 即便是最大胆的伊斯兰喜剧演员也很少拿信仰本身开玩笑。 www.ecocn.org 6. Yet research has shown that locks are rarely, if ever, contended for. 然而研究表明,锁很少被占用。 www.infoq.com 7. Drones have rarely, if ever, killed just the intended target. 无人攻击机很少,如果真有的话,仅仅杀死预定的目标,而不殃及池鱼。 www.bing.com 8. Rarely, if ever, did they ever respond directly to their critics, leastof all on prime-time network television. 他们也很少直接回应针对美联储的批评,即便是在网络电视上。 www.bing.com 9. Censorship is rarely, if ever, justified. 审查制度很少被证明是正当的。 edu.sina.com.cn 10. RARELY if ever hash company risen safest in so many ways as Google, the world's most popular search engine. 极少有公司能象世界上最受欢迎的搜索引擎公司谷歌一样,在如此短的时间内以如此繁杂的方法迅速崛起。 club.topsage.com 1. RARELY if ever has a company risen so fast in so many ways as Google, the world's most popular search engine. 作为全世界最流行的搜索引擎,Google在如此多的方面以如此快速度的增长,是很少有公司曾经达到的。 www.bing.com 2. From the days of Leopold, Congolese resources rarely if ever have benefited the people of Congo. 从利奥波德时代起,刚果的资源就很少造福刚果人。 www.voanews.cn 3. We rarely, if ever, worried about having enough money to last us until our next paycheck. 我们很少担心在下个月开工资前会没有足够的钱花。 www.bing.com 4. Patrons rarely (if ever) see us, yet we touch so many of them directly though records, indexes, subject headings, and other services. 读者很少能看到我们(我是说如果他们能看到我们的话),但是我们通过记录、索引、主题词和其他服务接触到许多读者。 www.bing.com 5. Neckties are rarely, if ever, cleaned. 人们洗领带的次数是很少的,有人甚至从来不洗。 chinese.wsj.com 6. All of this will occur quite quickly, and you will rarely if ever look back at this period of time. 所有这些都将快速清楚的发生,而你将几乎不再回头看。 y8h9t7f5r1.bokee.com 7. But they rarely, if ever, ate plant fiber. 但是他们很少吃含有植物纤维的食物。 www.bing.com 8. The problem with these models is that they rarely, if ever, factor in other traders as variables. 这些模型的问题是它们从来不把其他交易者当变数因素。 www.bing.com 9. Voice actors of the past were rarely, if ever, credited (or well paid) for their work. 过去,配音演员为剧组配音,却没有几个进入演职员表,也拿不到丰厚的薪水。 www.elanso.com 10. She rarely if ever plays the piano now. 她现在极少弹钢琴。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Because of factory tolerances and the unitized construction common to today's cars, this is rarely, if ever, the case. 因为工厂的公差和统一的建设到今天的汽车,这是很少,如果以往任何时候都如此。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. They couldn't afford vacations, rarely if ever went to the movies, and didn't have television until the mid- to late 1950s. 他们没有钱外出度假,看电影也是极少极少,20世纪50年代的中后期也还没有电视。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. This is something that is rarely, if ever, done in commercial MMO apps. 这种事情在商业MMO应用程序中即使发生过,也是非常罕见的。 www.ibm.com 4. But rarely if ever do the menu terms have any political meaning. 不过如果菜谱带有政治含义就不那么有趣了。 www.ecocn.org 5. Every day was a game of mental chess and we knew how to push each other's buttons, rarely if ever missing an opportunity to do so. 情绪波动总会带来损失,不管是有形的还是无形的。每天都像是在下一局棋,我们知道彼此的脾气,几乎从不错过任何让对方难受的机会。 www.ecocn.org |
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