单词 | printed | ||||
释义 | printed是print的过去式
第三人称单数:prints 现在分词:printing 过去式:printed
例句释义: 印刷,印花布,图片,版画,印染,出版,印刷的,打印数字,印有 1. It was printed in small numbers as the publishers did not realise they had found a best-selling author. 这本书的发行量很小,因为出版商没有意识到他们找到了一位畅销书作家。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Ms. Peel printed the plan, and after mulling it for a few weeks, the Weeks agreed to move to a senior-living community in Memphis. 凯茜把规划书列印出来发给大家,经过几个星期的深思熟虑,她父母同意搬去孟菲斯市的老年生活社区。 c.wsj.com 3. There's so much wrong about this cartoon I'm not sure what the editor was thinking when he allowed it to be printed. 这卡通太不适当了,我实在不确定编辑允许出版时在想什么? zh.globalvoicesonline.org 4. Have your printed ad or commercial ready to be delivered and produced to fit the format. 准备好你的印刷广告和电台广告,根据形式需要进行播放和生产。 www.bing.com 5. A contact print is in the size of a book, but it can be used to enlarge pictures or to have the picture printed on it directly. 一张大底片有一本书那么大。可以放像,也可以直接印像,那是真正意义上的实现影像。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The photograph Tiernan snapped of him was printed in newspapers around the world. 随后,蒂尔南为他拍的照片印在世界各地的报纸上。 www.bing.com 7. While it is invisible in the final printed piece, you'll need to be able to see it during page construction. 虽然在印刷成品中看不到栅格,但在构建页面的过程中你还是需要能看见它。 www.bing.com 8. Several hundred of these little blue slips I had printed up, a few days after Ray's death. 在雷去世后的这几天,我已经印发了几百张这样的蓝色小纸条了。 www.bing.com 9. "Those remarks ought to be printed" , he said with a cold laugh, "and recommended to all tutors" . “那些话应该印出来,”他带着冷笑说,“而且推荐给所有的教师。” 10. Do not think that this is nothing but a chest animal images printed pullover ordinary cartoon. 别以为这不过是一款胸前印制了动物图像的普通卡通套头衫。 wenwen.soso.com 1. of integrated circuit packages that are mounted to a printed circuit board commonly referred to as motherboard. 电脑通常含有多数采用集成电路安装的软件包,这些软件包被安装到通常被称为主板的印刷电路板上。 wenku.baidu.com 2. Printed-circuit boards used to be works of art, and the PCB designer was an artist as well as a technician. 在过去,一块印刷电路板就是一份艺术品,印刷电路板的设计人员不仅仅是一名技术人员还是一位艺术家。 blog.qingdaonews.com 3. So, these gloves are a little bit small on me, but here it is. You can actually see that kidney as it was printed earlier today. 到后面来一点这些手套有点小,好了你现在能看到这个肾脏我们今天早些时候打印的。 www.ted.com 4. Once or twice a week the changes can be incorporated into the document and a new one printed. 一周一次或两次将更改合并到文档中和新的印刷文档中。 www.ibm.com 5. At the bottom we have an example of that copper tone. The fabric has been Bloch printed and brushed on the back as well. 在最下面我们有一件样品带有黄铜色调。这块面料经过满地印花,反面有拉绒整理。 www.cnfashion.net 6. Certain restrictions need to be put in place due to the sensitive nature of the data that could be printed. 由于可打印数据的敏感特征,需要进行某些限制。 www.ibm.com 7. It may be surprisingly large; people overvalue physical stuff. There should remain some market for printed books, at least. 人们总是过高地估计他们看到的东西的价值。不过印刷品市场倒是不会完全消亡。 www.bing.com 8. For the first two, you may have no choice but to go with an AV free presentation, so have a printed copy of your notes with you. 对于前两种情况,你只能用简易型音频或视频无线器来演示文稿,这时你需要一份打印稿。 www.bing.com 9. At this point she realized that she hadn't yet read Murong Xuecun's speech that I had printed for her. 这时候她才想起来她还没读我给她打印的慕容雪村的演讲。 www.bing.com 10. Cut-off The maximum length of sheet that can be printed on a web press and equivalent dto the circumference of its impression cylinder . 卷筒纸印刷机所印最长纸度,亦步亦趋是压力圆筒的周长。 www.bing.com 1. the card was printed and mailed out on 5564. That card has not been returned to TSC as being undeliverable as of this day. 您的卡片在5564这天已经寄出。至今这张卡并没有以没有接收人这个理由退还给TSC。 wenwen.soso.com 2. one of the United States, as there have been printed on the cover is the American side has all the scratches, rework. 一个是美国的,由于印品封面出现了划痕,被美方全部返工。 www.bing.com 3. Trite praises came flowing into the books or to be printed onto pages only made the important issues difficultly understood and dim wisdom. 已被写入书本的以及即将被写入档案文件的陈腐过时的评论,只会使重要的事情变得晦涩费解。 auto.zhishi.sohu.com 4. In an unprecedented move, several newspapers printed Wen's comments the next day, openly challenging censorship orders. 几家报纸居然采取前所未有的行动,隔天刊登温家宝的评论,公然挑战审查指示。 www.hrw.org 5. Martin had a printed form thrust at him by an unpleasant official. 一位讨厌的官员将一份印刷表格猛地伸到马丁面前。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. FAAS has been used to determine Lead in different samples , however, few reports concerning Lead in paint samples have been printed. 原子吸收法已广泛应用于各类试样中铅的分析。但用在油漆中,国内外报道甚少。 www.chemyq.com 7. How much is the postage for this printed matter to the US? 寄往美国这些印刷品要多少邮费? 8. The front of the card says Happy Birthday To You and includes an attached bead in the shape of a heart with the word Smile printed on it. 该贺卡的正面印有“生日快乐”字样,并且包括一个附在上面的印有“微笑”字样的心形木珠。 db.21food.cn 9. the price was small , but it was the first article he had written , his very first attempt to express his thought on the printed page. 报酬虽不高,但那却是他的第一篇作品,他第一次想变作铅印的试作。 www.ichacha.net 10. Analysts said the economics of the online news business will not support the infrastructure or newsroom that the printed paper supports. 业内人士分析称,该公司在线新闻业务的收入将不再用于补贴本应由纸质报纸支持的基础设施或编辑室。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. printed and spoken language symbol systems which, far from disappearing, are being integrated into a larger array of symbolic environments. 印刷和语言符号~系统,远离消失,被整合到一个更大的象征性的环境。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. And of course in services, what we're trying to do is help our customers have less need for printed pages. 当然,在服务中,我们的目标是帮助顾客,减少对打印纸张的需求。 open.163.com 3. By the end of the century, printed cards began to replace written letters due to improvements in printing technology. 到了十八世纪末,由于印刷技术的进步,印刷的卡片开始代替了手写的文字。 www.examda.com 4. At work, he found a number of authorities in Henan province, Shenzhen, top-grade art books, printed, and increased spending. 在工作中,他发现,河南不少单位都跑到深圳印制高档画册,既麻烦,又增加了费用。 www.bing.com 5. "How much does it cost to have an obituary printed" ? asked the woman. “登一篇讣告多少钱?”一位女士问。 big5.cri.cn 6. The name of the cigarette brand would be printed in a uniform font at the bottom of the package. 卷烟品牌的名字将会以统一的字体印制在包装的底部。 www.tobaccochina.com 7. If all printers were determined not to print anything till they were sure it would offend nobody, there would be very little printed. 如果所有的印书人都要保证不会冒犯到任何人才肯印书的话,他们就没什么可以印的了 www.bing.com 8. First and foremost , the company refilled. At the end of the day we filed with the right numbers . It was a typo that was printed. 首先,我们公司已更正了相关数据,那是一个打印错误,在最后一天我们发布的是正确的数据。 www.bing.com 9. That book was "The Old Man and the Sea, " and the issue of LIFE where it was first printed went on to sell 5. 3 million copies in two days. 这本书就是《老人与海》,而刊登了《老人与海》的那期《生活》杂志则在2天内狂销了530万本。 dongxi.net 10. "It's been brought to my attention that the Sun has printed a story with quotes from me, " he said. “我得到消息说太阳报出版了一篇关于我参加采访的文章”,他说。 www.lfc.org.cn 1. Since our national anthem used to be Australia's as well, he didn't need to refer to the words, which had been helpfully printed on a sheet. 由于英国国歌曾经也是澳大利亚国歌,他都不必去参照被周到地打印在纸上的歌词。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Common properties include the name of the author, keywords, the number of words in the document and the last time the document was printed. 共同属性包括名称,作者,关键字,字数在文档中,也是最后一次的文件打印出来。 www.orderble.com 3. The decorative picture printed on the boat reflects the content and form of folk art transforming with the change of age. “船饰画”反映了时代变迁给民间艺术所带来的内容和形式上的更新。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. Think of a reference book as a printed memory, organized for your use when your memory does not contain the information you seek. 想想参考书的印刷记忆体,为您的组织时使用的记忆不包含的信息寻求。 wenwen.soso.com 5. Six weeks before the book was to be printed, the publisher called to tell me he was afraid he was going to have to cancel its publication. 书准备开始印刷的前六个星期,出版商打电话告知我说恐怕书的出版要取消了。 www.bing.com 6. It was reported to have been printed at a time when Mao was trying to elicit Lin's support during the Cultural Revolution. 据报导,这枚邮票是在文革时期毛泽东努力争取林彪支持的时候印制的。 c.wsj.com 7. What surprised Stanly was that Michelle just dressed herself in a light uniform suit with the old lace printed on it that day. 婆婆意外地发现,米歇尔当天穿的是一身浅色的制服套裙,上面烫有老式花边。 www.1x1y.com.cn 8. According to a chart printed in The Times of London, Carole Middleton's father was a builder and her mother a store clerk. 根据伦敦《泰晤士报》(TheTimes)上的一幅图表,卡洛尔?米尔顿的父亲是一名建筑工人,母亲则是商店店员。 dongxi.net 9. the other is the first (or printed) on paper, and then apply it to the side of the box lid, known as the standard posters. 另一类是先画(或印)在纸上,再贴在盒盖的一侧,称为标贴画。 www.bing.com 10. For your convenience, waybills can be printed with your company details and the destination address if the receiver is a regular customer. 为了您的方便,如果收件人是定期客户,运货单能列印您公司的细节及目的地地址。 www.ups.com 1. Newspapers printed stories that said it was easy to become rich. All you had to do was pick up the gold from the ground. 报纸大量发表有关淘金的故事,这些故事说,到那淘金是很容易致富的,你到了那个地区后,你所有做的一切就是拾起地上的黄金。 www.bing.com 2. The complimentary close may not be followed by the name of the company if it is previously printed on the letter-head. 如果公司名称在信头中已经打印好,一般在谦称之后就可不用紧跟着公司名称。 www.hxen.com 3. Normally this color may not be on the sample board as you see on the front where there are only 5 colors printed and no grey is given. 正常情况下,这种颜色不会象你所见到的那样印在样板正面,而是只有5种颜色,且没有灰色。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. The second and third styling rules hide those parts of the content that did not need to be in the printed document. 第二个和第三个样式规则隐藏那些在打印文档中不需要的内容部分。 www.ibm.com 5. "We feel the printed pails help to reinforce the sense of a strong family brand, " said Fraser Key. “我们觉得印刷水桶有助于加强责任感一个强大的品牌家族表示,”弗雷泽关键。 www.a1pak.net.cn 6. The clearly printed instructions and effective perforation make it easy to remove the front panel for shelf display. 印刷的明确指示和有效的穿孔可以很容易地删除前面板的货架展示。 bzjs.512121.com 7. 'Very few people were looking for the kind of growth numbers that were actually printed, ' he said. 他说,很少有人期望能实现不错的增长,即使增长数据就明明白白地摆在那里。 www.chinaacc.com 8. I term the soft moonlight was pouring in, and the mottled shadows seem to have printed on my mind. 我一任那柔和的月光倾泻在身上,而斑驳的树影却也似乎印在了我心里。 www.bing.com 9. Retailers are reported to be ready to get reproductions out on the streets and the image printed on souvenirs. 有报道称,零售商们准备发售复制品,并将制造印有照片的纪念品。 www.360doc.com 10. To facilitate modification and annotation of the image, the triangle coordinates are printed out to be applied to the image later. 为了便于对图像进行修改和注释,将输出三角形坐标以便稍后应用到图像中。 www.ibm.com 1. The next day, the San Francisco Chronicle newspaper printed four words in French across the front of the paper. 第二天,法国横跨旧金山纪事报印在纸张的前四个字。 www.maynet.cn 2. Remembering her scars, he called it "To write love on her arms" and printed the unusual slogan on T-shirts to raise money for her treatment. 想到她身上的伤痕,他给文章起名为《在她手臂上写爱》,并将这条不同寻常的口号印在了T恤衫上,为她的治疗筹款。 www.bing.com 3. Also, there was mistakenly printed a large "hickey" or spot in one of the City of Hope circles in the center of the front panel. 此外,还有一个大“吻痕”或点被误印在了其中一份希望城市圆,在前面的中央位置。 www.m148.net 4. Moments later, the chip's contents appear on the screen, ready to be compared with those printed in the booklet. 芯片里的内容显示在屏幕上,以备与印刷在护照册子上的资料做对比。 www.ecocn.org 5. Printed out, it is also the entry ticket to the embassy, controlling outsiders' access to one of the main terrorist targets in London. 将其打印出来便是大使馆的入场券,这将那些不受欢迎者拒之门外,毕竟这里是伦敦最主要的恐怖袭击目标之一。 www.ecocn.org 6. Bonus point: I sometimes wonder why I'm only able to edit my own writing after it has been printed out, in 3-D form. 另外:我有时会纳闷,为什么只有拿着实实在在的纸,看着被打印的稿子时我才能修改文章。 www.bing.com 7. Manny printed out a random ABX sequence for each of our two listening sessions and kept it in sealed envelopes until the actual test began. 曼尼打印出一个随机abx序列,为我们每两听会及保存在密封的信封,直到实际测试开始的。 www.hifidiy.net 8. Some of the fonts that you use in a printed publication may not be easy to read online. 书面出版物中使用的某些字体可能不便于联机阅读。 office.microsoft.com 9. Head The edge of a page or book, parallel to and above the printed matter; also used to indicate the upper positions on any form of binding. 平行印纹及在它之上的书页边缘,亦用来表示任何装订形式的上边。 big5.cgan.net 10. It's easy to see what will be printed on every page, which will help you avoid multiple printing attempts and truncated data in printouts. 查看每页上要打印的内容也很方便,这有助于避免多次打印尝试和在打印输出中出现截断的数据。 office.microsoft.com 1. Europe and America from simple color swatch, lines create a strong visual impact that this type of product is easy to use printed card. 泰西夸不小以繁明的色块、线条给人工不败刚烈的触觉攻击,这类产物便于用刚印制卡。 www.bing.com 2. The result of this query (at the time of writing, at least) is two version texts printed directly after each other. 查询结果(至少在本文撰写之时)是两个版本的文字,直接显示在彼此之后。 www.ibm.com 3. Each one should be able to be personalized with your contact information and printed in black and white or color as needed. 每一个能得到你的联系信息、个性化的黑白或彩色印刷需要。 discover.amazing-network-marketing.com 4. The child carefully printed his name in capitals at the bottom of his picture. 那孩子在他那张图画的下面用印刷体大写字母仔细地书写了自己的名字。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. It is possible to have group of these records collected and printed. 也有可能把一组这样的档案收集并打印出来。 www.qeto.com 6. Unless colors have been printed onto the surface, plain weave fabrics are generally considered to be reversible. 如果织物没有染色,一般认为平纹织物的正反面是相同的。 www.tdict.com 7. A week later, her complete report was printed in the newspaper, including the names of the shops that she had visited. 一星期之后,她这篇完整的报道刊登在报纸上,连同她去过的那几家酒店的名字也登了出来。 he.ah.vnet.cn 8. A distinct set of copies of an edition of a book distinguished from others of that edition by variations in the printed matter. 特刊,特辑一本书在印刷材料上不同于其它版本的一套特殊的版本 zhidao.baidu.com 9. On the printed page, when a 40ish, naked man shows up in a meadow and charms a little girl, it's magical and you go with it. 在小说中,赤裸的四十岁上下的男人出现在草地上,迷住了小女孩,这是有神奇魔力的,我们也能接受。 www.bing.com 10. The Song form of government was as important as the increasing availability of printed material in fuelling the desire for literacy. 宋朝的政治体制跟印刷材料的增多都助长了人们对文化的渴求。 www.bing.com 1. " his mother asked. " Daddy picked them up and looked underneath, " he replied. " I think it's printed on the bottom. “爸爸把他们提了起来,看了看下面,”他答道,“我想它们的屁屁应该有印记什么的。” www.xici.net 2. The newspaper must be printed on time, the newscast must go on the air, and mistakes cannot be allowed to go through. 报纸必须准时付印,广播电视必须按时播出,而编辑不能放任错误。 www.america.gov 3. Although some of the material you read will be very persuasive, do not fall under the spell of the printed word as authority. 即使你所阅读某一部分材料非常有说服力,也不要将印刷字当作具有魔力的权威,俯身膜拜。 www.bing.com 4. How much is the postage for this printed matter to France? 寄印刷品到法国要多少钱? www.hxen.com 5. Of course, the alleged rapist has no protection. His name is printed. And if he is a Kennedy, he is dragged through the mud. 当然,强奸嫌犯不受保护。他的名字被登出来。如果他是肯尼迪家的人,他就会更遭殃。 www.hotdic.com 6. Learning to read involves all that each individual does to make sense of the world of printed language. 学习阅读涉及所有每一个人想法去弄明白世界上的印刷文字。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. Text repeated at the bottom of every printed page. 文本重覆在每打印的页底端。 olive18.wordpress.com 8. So today we have paper money, with numbers printed on it to show how much the money is worth. 所以今天我们用纸币,上面有数字表示它的面值。 www.chinaedu.com 9. Throughout the centuries up to today, the Bible continues to be the most read, translated and printed book in all languages. 随著时间的推移,直到今天,圣经仍是书中之书,被翻译和印刷成各种语言。 tw.myblog.yahoo.com 10. The sun's daughters kissed him: they want to put the ice princess printed on his face with the BingWen heat melt, make it disappear. 太阳的女儿们吻着他:她们想要把冰河的公主印在他脸上的那个冰吻用暖气融化掉,使它消失。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Line numbers printed on the left side make it easy to refer to a certain part of the document. 打印在左边的行号使得参考文档的某一部分变得容易。 www.ibm.com 2. Then from her pocket would come forth printed copies of that fateful composition, and my ears begin to redden and tingle. 这时她就从口袋里掏出那首印好的致命的歌曲,我的耳朵就开始红了起来,并伴有耳鸣。 www.bing.com 3. Trimmed size The size of a printed piece after trimming . Also referred to as Finished size . 裁切尺寸印刷品裁边后的尺寸。亦称为完成尺寸。 www.bing.com 4. The data is entirely binary and unprintable, so it has been printed out with the non-printable characters in hexadecimal format. 因为该数据完全是二进制且不可输出,所以已经以十六进制格式的非输出字符输出了。 www.ibm.com 5. If you have a Wacom or iPad, it's quite easy to trace some of your own photos or printed text in a manner that reflects this style. 如果拥有一部Wacom或iPad平板电脑,你就可以相当容易地描绘出你自己的图片或者某种意义上能够反映此类风格的书写文本。 www.bing.com 6. This information can be organized as a table and printed out in a report format. 这些信息还可以被组织成一张表格、并以报表的形式打印出来。 hi.baidu.com 7. The body of a printed work as distinct from headings and illustrative matter on a page or from front and back matter in a book. 正文与题目和解释性文字或封面与封底相区别的印刷著作主体 zhidao.baidu.com 8. At first he did not bother having his individual and company name printed in Chinese on the reverse side of his business card. 一开始,他没想在公司名片的背面印上自己和公司的中文名字。 app.fortunechina.com 9. There are certain things that are vital in a printed file that are either irrelevant in a digital file or can be fudged quite a bit. 对于印刷文本来说十分重要的参数也许与数字化文件不相关或者是可以被忽略。 www.bing.com 10. It is finished with a plug-in closure that imitates the stem of a chilli and a gravure-printed shrink sleeve provides product information. 这是完成一个插件关闭的模仿干的辣椒和凹印印刷收缩套提供产品信息。 www.512121.com 1. His hair is dishevelled and he wears a Kennedy-Nixon T-shirt with the word "LOVE" printed on it in pink, a hood and tracksuit bottoms. 他的头发乱蓬蓬的,身上穿着一件印有肯尼迪和尼克松图案和一个艳粉色的“爱”字的T恤,一件帽衫,下穿一条宽松裤。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. To help debugging, at the end of a program run, all the known variables and their current contents are printed. 为了帮助调试,我们在程序运行的末尾把所有已知的变量及其当前内容都打印了出来。 www.ibm.com 3. PCB Designer is a cost effective, easy to use electronic printed circuit board PCB layout application. 印刷电路板的设计是一个符合成本效益,易于使用的电子印刷电路板PCB布局的应用。 xtdownload.com 4. He also noted that if it was on the finished product as printed on the inside of the disc, the disc will try printing directly scrap. 此外,何师长教师还提到,如果是试印光盘纯在不败品里背,不即不兵试印光盘间接报废。 www.bing.com 5. An index is an alternative way to read a printed text, but it is only one of many ways to read a hypertext. 索引是阅读印刷文本的二选一的方式,但对于阅读超文本来说,它只是许多方式中的一种而已。 www.bing.com 6. Should a bank want to, it would be able to match every note it issued with the serial number printed on it. 如果银行愿意,它可以在其发行的每张钞票上印制这样的匹配序列码。 www.ecocn.org 7. "We're not ready to walk away from the printed product, " explains Ann Moore, the boss of Time Inc. 时代集团的首席执行官安·摩尔表示:“我们尚未打算把印刷产品束之高阁。” www.ecocn.org 8. Many of his gowns are built on a base of printed silk beneath multiple layers of chiffon , giving the appearance of a watery overlay . 他的许多礼服设计基本上是用印花丝质布衬在多层雪纺绸下,以形成水波状的表层外观。 www.zxxyy.com 9. A playing CARD, usually printed with a picture of a jester, used in certain games as the highest - ranking CARD or as a wild CARD. 纸牌中之王牌通常印有逗乐小丑图画的纸牌,在某些游戏中用作最大王牌或百搭牌 dict.ebigear.com 10. As printed electronics emerges as a force to be reckoned with, its future will be dependent on high-performance semiconductor inks. 由于可印刷电子开始成为不可忽视的力量,其未来将依赖于高性能的半导体墨。 www.chuandong.com 1. But his own folder was startlingly close to empty. Inside there was only a single printed sheet. He read it twice. 但是他的文件夹惊人的接近空的。在里面只有一张印刷小纸条。他读了两次。 www.easeparts.com 2. Take your printed notes into a quiet room, shut the door, and eliminate all distractions. 带着你写好的笔记去一个安静的房间,关上门,排除一切杂念。 www.bing.com 3. Many ebooks are sold nowadays with bonuses, which you usually do not get with a printed book. This adds value to your purchase. 目前有很多电子书出售时还附有奖金,你买印刷的书通常得不到的,这就给你的购买增加了价值。 wenwen.soso.com 4. Perhaps a book is just a cluster of symbols, printed and bound and distributed, or not. 也许,图书只是一些象征,印刷、装订、销售,或者失败。 www.bing.com 5. In the days since the earthquake, the Bank of Japan has printed trillions of new yen. 自地震发生以来,日本央行已经新印制了数万亿日元。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The boy laboriously printed his name on each book card and then handed them to her with a look of utter disgust. 男孩费劲地用印刷体把名字写在每一张借书卡上,然后一脸厌恶地把书递给她。 www.netfm.com.cn 7. Instead, the user relies on reflected light, as he would if he were reading a sheet of printed paper. 相反的是,用户依赖于反射光,就像他正在读一张正常打印出来的文章一样。 www.ecocn.org 8. Tip To see how the new margins will affect the printed worksheet, click Print Preview on the Margins tab in the Page Setup dialog box. 要查看边距对打印的工作表有何影响,请单击“打印预览”。 office.microsoft.com 9. Other printed matters referred to in these Regulations include documents, data, charts, tickets, certificates, visiting cards, etc. 本条例所称其他印刷品,包括文件、资料、图表、票证、证件、名片等。 law.chinalawinfo.com 10. The utility model is composed of a double-hole panel, screws and a printed board with elements, and a second distributer circuit is adopted. 本实用新型是由双孔面板、带元件的印制板和螺钉构成,采用的是二分配器电路。 ip.com 1. Some were really good printed materials with high quality papers, but alas, they were all rubbish to me. 虽然有些设计非常高水准,也用了特好的纸张,但它们对我来说都是没用的垃圾。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. One or two lines or words at the end of a paragraph that are printed separately from the rest of the paragraph. 文字段尾部的一、二行或一、二个词与该段的其它部分分开打印。 cb.kingsoft.com 3. "The problem is when the killing correlates to real life, " said Mr. Chen, who asked that the name of his company not be printed. “问题是当杀人影响道现实生活的时候。”陈先生说这话的时候表示不要将他公司的名字打出来。 www.bing.com 4. Because the screen mesh size is relatively low, as printed on the pulp for penetration of good, not easy to plug the loopholes in the mesh. 因为丝网纲数比力矮的印版,印浆的分泌性好,网眼不难畅通。 www.bing.com 5. Tore temperature: lift up the pressure on the press machine rod, pattern printed part of the burns you tear out of the backing sheet. 温撕:抬起烫画机的压力杆后,等图案印制部分不烫手了就可以撕下底纸。 www.bing.com 6. One common method is to have printed or duplicated sheets on which the characters are listed with the possible categories for each. 一个普通的方法是用印刷纸或复写纸尽可能把每个征状的范畴列成一张表格。 www.jukuu.com 7. Look , the magazine is printed so beautifully ! Yes, You know, new printing techniques have recently come into use . 看,这本杂志印得多精美!是啊。最近,新刷技术已经开始使用了。 www.bing.com 8. India is dashing in old clothes, as printed on the landscape seems to be cloudy and rainy days. 印衣服则衣服显得不新,印风物则似是不阴晦不天。 www.bing.com 9. The following table appears in the printed Annual Report on the facing page of the Chairman's Letter and is referred to in that letter. 下面这张表格出现于刊印在主席书信对页(指对面一页)的年度报告中,在那封信中提到了这张表格。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Performance data can be printed to a log file, stored in a round-robin database, or made available through a Java API. 性能数据可以打印在日志文件中、存储在轮询数据库中、或者通过JavaAPI来使用。 www.infoq.com 1. Not a moment's rest will any of the men enjoy until the last paper is printed. 不到最后一张纸印好,他们谁也不会有一分钟休息的。 lz.book.sohu.com 2. Miss Sedley tried to read, but could hardly bring herself to go into the book, the very sight of the printed pages was distasteful. 赛得笠小姐试着读书,可是看不进去,一看到印刷的书页她就觉得讨厌。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. In the past, the red envelope was just a simple red packet, without any characters printed on it. 过去,红包只是一个红纸套,上面没印任何字。 www.zftrans.com 4. The system, mainly consisting of local structural analysis and global analysis , is capable of recognizing printed mathematical expressions. 该系统主要由局部结构分析和整体结构分析两个模块组成,能够较好地识别印刷体数学公式。 www.showxiu.com 5. Therefore, only a few days after the completion of the printed, and then check the bond of reasonable. 因此,只有完成印制后数天,然后检查粘结度,方为合理。 www.bing.com 6. Cupid is often printed on the card, who is winged infant without wearing anything, poised to shoot his arrow into a heart. 丘比特经常被印在卡片上,他是一个赤身裸体、长有翅膀的婴儿,手里拿着箭,摆出一副要射心的姿势。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The printer: Each had a copy printed with an exact account of the other's merits. 印刷者:“我们把彼此的优点做了最精确的拷贝。” hudeil.blog.tianya.cn 8. Among them was a large, flowery birthday card with "To my wonderful wife" printed on the front. 在它们中间有一个大型的华丽的生日卡片,正面印着:“给我贤惠的妻子。” zhidao.baidu.com 9. The system features new, wider print heads, enabling blisters up to 210 mm wide to be printed. 该系统具有新的,更广泛的打印头,使水泡至210毫米宽的打印。 512121.com 10. Nowadays, the rate of the correct identification is up to 97% theoretically when the OCR system is used to recognize printed-text. 近年来,OCR技术日渐成熟,目前的OCR识别系统对印刷体文本的正确识别率理论值可达97%左右。 www.fabiao.net 1. Cards arrive factory-printed and laminated, complete with the unique security marks embedded beneath the surface. 卡到达工厂印刷和层压,以独特的安全标志嵌入在表层下面告终。 www.21csp.com.cn 2. Throughput : The first figure displays the throughput time of the last board to be printed . 第一个数字显示最后一片板子逗留在印刷通过时间。 www.bing.com 3. On the staircase near the ground level lobby is a mobile fence with the name of the sole agent Shan On Engineering printed on it. 在近地下大堂楼梯上有一块活动围板,上面印有代理商长安工程的名字。 yourvideophone.com 4. All unconsciously the ideas they derive from the printed pages are stored up, to be worked over by the imagination for their future profit. 在全然不知不觉中,他们从书中吸取的知识积累起来,经过想想象力的加工,对将来大有用处。 www.hjenglish.com 5. These black-backed cards are officially printed by the U. S. Playing Card Company and can be used in any number of card routines. 这些黑支持的卡片由美国纸牌公司正式地列印,可能被使用在任一个卡片惯例的数字。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. For OCR, the developer is trying to machine-read the text in a printed receipt. 对于OCR,开发人员会尝试机器阅读一个打印收据上的文本。 www.ibm.com 7. To make all of the original order harmonic colors work well on the surface now printed matter, first choose the correct level curve. 要使原稿上的所有阶调和色彩都能够很好地表现在印刷品上,首先选用正确的层次曲线。 www.bing.com 8. It had never been printed, and nobody outside the choir had ever seen the music, which was kept carefully guarded. 它也从来没有被印刷出版过,因此除了这个唱诗班没有人见过乐谱,那本乐谱一直受到严格保管。 wenwen.soso.com 9. Half must wait to be printed andbecome a guide for the breaking news of the next day. 另一半就要等待印刷,变成第二天突发新闻的线索。 www.bing.com 10. Other symptoms may include stack traces printed to standard error and standard out with the program actually halting. 其它症状可能包括打印到程序标准错误和标准输出的堆栈跟踪实际停止了。 www-128.ibm.com 1. Will cause the stack trace of every managed thread to be printed. 将显示每个托管线程的堆栈跟踪。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. The FA were forced into a last-minute repair job after tens of thousands of Wembley flags were printed with the wrong teams on. 足总被迫在最后时刻更换温布里上万面旗帜,因为上面的对战球队印刷错误了。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Most of prepress dept output the plate, they would not know the plate would be printed by which press. 大多数印前部门输出印版时并不知道该印版在哪台印刷机上印刷。 www.cnprint.org 4. colour: At least for portable devices such ase-books, colour intensity and colour ranges are not of the quality of printed documents. 颜色:至少对于便携设备如电子书来说,颜色的强度和范围比不上印刷文件的质量。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Binding, use the adhesive and printed soft cover, often used in the phone book, coming out in paperback, catalogue and similar products. 无线胶订,使用胶粘剂以及印好的柔软封皮,常用于电话本、平装本、目录册及类似产品。 www.bing.com 6. He was also interested in poetry and prose engraved or printed by officials in various places around the country during the Ming Dynasty. 他也有兴趣诗歌和散文镌刻或印刷的官员在不同的地方在全国各地在明代。 q.sohu.com 7. It shall also provide a penalty receipt unifiedly printed by the Municipal Finance Bureau when a fine or the confiscated money is collected. 收缴罚没款时,应当出具市财政局统一印制的罚款收据。 www.zftrans.com 8. Reports provide a flexible way for you to display and summarize your data in a printed document . 报表提供了一种在打印文档中显示和汇总数据的灵活方式。 www.bing.com 9. When to Western Han Dynasty, the hollow brick can be in vogue, still used in building the grave, in which part is printed with the image. 至西汉时,空心砖得以盛行,仍多用于筑墓,其中部分印有图像。 www.fabiao.net 10. It was on this day in 1690, the first paper money was printed up in the colony of Massachusetts. 在1690年的今天,时值英国殖民地马萨诸塞州印制出世界上第一张纸币。 www.bing.com 1. At the end of a day's work, a summary of those patients affected by the reports will be printed in the diagnosis and treatment. 在一天的工作结束后,一份总结那些病人受到诊治的报告会印出。 www.bing.com 2. Even though an e-book is easier to carry than a dozen printed books, it is usually still heavier than a single paperback volume today. 重量:即使电子书比一打纸质书容易携带,但电子书通常要比单册平装书要重很多。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. That printed out the name of a callback method each time the method was called. 它可以在每一次调用回调方法的时候打印方法的名称。 www-128.ibm.com 4. His family reported him missing the next day and printed posters that they distributed around the neighborhood. 第二天,他的家人报了案,并在附近到处粘贴寻人的告示。 www.bing.com 5. The suggestive sheerness of this shirt is juxtaposed with an androgynous bow tie and a bright printed skirt. 这件透视衬衫搭配中性领结和亮色印花裙,效果很好。 www.tesoon.com 6. They have it printed in a newspaper. The cost is usually a few dollars. 他们将这刊登在报纸上,一般只花费几元钱。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. You guys either should not be provided with visa or you guys should be finger printed if you are even allowed to visit my sacred motherland. 你们这群人就不该发给你们签证…你们真被允许踏上我神圣祖国的土地,那也应该留下指纹。 ltaaa.com 8. Unfortunately the manuscript itself was burned only a few years later and the printed version was a somewhat garbled one. 不幸的是稿子几年以后给烧毁了,印刷出来的本子又是被篡改过了的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Broadcast writers must be wary of language that might be correct on the printed page, but sounds ridiculous when read aloud. 广播电视记者必须警惕那些印在纸上毫无问题,但读出来会荒唐可笑的文句。 www.america.gov 10. 'Many of the articles printed over a picture of me that is more than a little distorted, ' Collins explained. “在过去的几个月里印有许多文章都有我的照片,”柯林斯在星期一发布的消息里说。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The card, with a picture of Brussels sprouts on the front, is made from potato starch paper and printed with food coloring. 该卡用土豆淀粉纸制成,封面上印的是芽甘蓝蔬菜照片,印刷颜料同样可食用。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 2. The label of a rodenticide product shall also be printed or pasted with the rodenticide logo and anti - counterfeiting logo as stipulated. 杀鼠剂产品标签还应当印有或贴有规定的杀鼠剂图案和防伪标识。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. A pair of wires connected to the printed circuit board connect the bridge rectifier to a power supply. 一对连接到印刷电路板上的导线把桥式整流电路与电源相连。 www.bing.com 4. In addition, animal figure check printed on animal calls pronunciation will be able to hear the code of real animals. 另外,动物图签印上动物叫声的发音码,便能听到动物的真正叫声。 www.bing.com 5. Staff should be aware of a variety of printed business card printing and membership card-making machine and the computation of his wages. 印制职员答不懂百般制卡和会员卡制作机的不梢能机能及工价的筹算尺度。 www.bing.com 6. In the common cases, you can't see any marks and pictures in the shallow printed area, which has no influence on the cigarette brand effect. 在正常视觉情况下,浅印区看不出任何痕迹和图案,对烟标效果绝无影响。 www.lanjiangroup.com 7. "There would be very little printed, " he noted, if publishers produced only things that offended nobody. 他强调,如果出版商只登载那些无异议的观点,“那出版还有什么意义呢?” www.bing.com 8. Between the two main sources, Internets and printed materials, I hold that Internets are better than printed materials to get information. 在互联网和印刷材料之间,我认为互联网是更好的获得信息的方法。 wenku.baidu.com 9. Yellow printer One of the four printing plates in a subtractive colour process which is to be printed in yellow ink. 在减色法彩印内的四个印版之一。它用黄墨施印。 big5.cgan.net 10. From the printed newspaper as the core into a transition phase of the "dual-core" , which in turn to the Internet. 从以报纸为核心变成过渡阶段的“双核心”,进而完全以互联网为核心。 www.bing.com 1. He printed the names of every donor, including schoolchildren who donated pennies. 他刊登每一位捐赠者的名字,包括捐赠了几分钱的学童。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 2. To pay for costs resulting from the Indian War, the British sought to raise revenue through a stamp tax on printed matter. 为了支付印第安人战争所造成的巨大开支,英国想通过对印刷品征税的方法来增加国家收入。 www.tdict.com 3. When users fill out their name and select a cost center, this information will appear automatically at the bottom of the printed form. 当用户填写姓名并选择成本中心时,此信息就会自动出现在打印出的表单的底部。 office.microsoft.com 4. Self-service ticketing systems came into the device moved to sensitive paper printed itinerary to maintain the original paper. 自助售票值机设备采用热敏纸打印的行程单维持原纸张不变。 www.bing.com 5. They would have to communicate the name change to the entire company and change all their printed material to reflect this updated URL. 如果改变域名,他们必须将域名变更情况通知公司中的所有人,还要修改所有印刷资料,以反映新的URL。 www.ibm.com 6. A printed and bound dictionary starts going out of date the moment the text is sent to the typesetters. 一本编撰修订好的辞典在送去排版的那一刻起就已经过时。 www.bing.com 7. On Tesco's tiramisu dessert (printed on the bottom of box): Do not turn upside-down. 特意购提拉米苏甜点餐盒的背面印着:请勿倒置! www.bing.com 8. and an image processor that filters and polishes the converted data into a coherent, crisp image that can be stored, displayed or printed. 以及一个能够对转换过后的数据进行过滤及修饰,以供图像存储显示与打印的图像处理器。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Dot is printed matter can be an expression of the suites hierarchy, levels of light and shade-thin (South) fundamental unit boundaries. 网点是达不败印品能表示不入书背条理不相等、色阶调浓淡(明暗)分界板滞的根基单元。 www.bing.com 10. And the late delivery of ballot papers, which were securely printed abroad, delayed the voting by a week. 在外国安全印制的选票纸由于迟到送达,使投票后延了一周。 www.bing.com 1. When things go wrong, governments have always printed money, at least in the last few decades. 当事情出了问题,政府一直印钱,至少在过去的几十年。 bbs.dyhjw.com 2. The customer can exercise total control over its printed images with a few clicks thanks to the latest communication technologies. 客户可以行使其印制图片点击几由于最新的通讯技术的全面控制。 bzxw.512121.com 3. when, for the rectangular bar code symbol should be printed on the bottom of the central authorities. 当包拆为长方形时,条码标记答印在箱不顶的洋央。 www.bing.com 4. Characters printed in magnetic ink on cheques identify the bank and branch where the account is kept. 从支票上用磁性墨水书字的字符,能辨认出开户行和分行。 dict.ebigear.com 5. Data stored in magnetic or other media shall be supported by back-up files and hard copies of the data shall be printed on a regular basis. 由磁性或者其他介质存储的各种数据和资料,应有备份,并定期打印成书面形式保存。 www.lawyee.net 6. They had never been printed. A phonograph record was spinning near a bronze phoenix. 留声机上的唱片还在旋转,旁边有一只青铜凤凰。 www.putclub.com 7. The conceptual space of a printed book is one in which writing is stable, monumental, and controlled exclusively by the author. 在印刷书籍的概念空间,书籍稳定不变,浩瀚而不朽,而且绝对由作者作主。 www.bing.com 8. Screen printing labels is characterized by a strong, inks may be the icing on the strong UV ink printed film products. 网印标签的特点是墨色浓重,立体感强,可采用uv油墨印制薄膜产品。 www.bing.com 9. The next step in the process is known as "intaglio, " where the first lettering is printed, along with the bills' faces and backs. 该过程的下一步是被称为“凹版”,其中第一个字母是印刷,随着法案的脸上和背部。 www.bugutang.com 10. Each pre-installed Windows COA features the Microsoft product name printed near the top of the label and a 25-character product key. 每张预装WindowsCOA在标签顶部附近均印有Microsoft产品名称,并且印有25个字符的产品密钥。 www.microsoft.com 1. Or how the name lists in the style sections are printed in five single-spaced columns, compared to the typical two double-spaced. 与两倍行距的样式相比,或者在五个单倍行距专栏列出名字更有风格。 www.elanso.com 2. Just as fast food will not take the place of traditional food, nor will printed books be replaced by electronic books. 正像快餐不能取代传统食物一样,印刷书也不会被电子书所取代。 blog.163.com 3. Of course these have to be handled differently and I simply printed them as inverted text on paper. 当然,这些要处理不同,我只是印在纸上的文字倒他们。 www.shoudian.com 4. The guard is usually implemented with shielded relays and traces on a printed circuit board. 保护通常是通过屏蔽继电器实现的,并且布线在印制板上。 www.eefocus.com 5. In this late age of print, writers and readers still conceive of all texts, of text itself, as located in the space of a printed book. 在这个印刷时代的后期,当定位于印刷书籍的空间时,作者和读者还是会想像到所有的文字,想象到文字本身。 www.bing.com 6. The financial reform of 1534 made a copeck the basic coin, and there was a horseman with a lance printed on it. 1534年的财政改革确立戈比为基本硬币,其上印有手持长矛的大公浮雕像。 www.bing.com 7. Is less than the output line width, the next print position immediately follows the number of spaces printed. 小于输出行的宽度,则下一个打印位置将紧接在数个已打印的空格之后。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Offset printing process, the paper turns displacement is printed matter produce echoes one of the main reasons for the failure. 胶印历程洋,纸张移交的位移是印品不销生轻影障碍的次给来因之一。 www.bing.com 9. The body of valves is printed by powdered epoxy, can be prevent the corrosion and rusting, can be used to sewage system. 阀体采用粉体环氧树脂涂装,可防止阀体的腐蚀及生锈,并可用于污水系统。 www.myjidian.com 10. simply present the error slip printed from the kiosk to any of our customer services representative , or call our 24 - hour. 只需将打印出来的操作错误表,交给我们的客户服务员即可,或联系我们的24小时。 www.ichacha.net 1. If you include semicolons with nothing between them, the missing section is printed using the format of the positive value. 如果有几个分号,但分号之间没有任何内容,则缺少的部分使用正值的格式显示。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. They would be able to detect him from this printed description. 他们能根据报上所说的外貌特征把他认出来。 3. The card, with a picture of Brussels sprouts on the front, is made from potato starch paper and printed with food colouring instead of ink. 卡的封面是抱子甘蓝的图片。卡是用土豆淀粉纸做的,并用食用色素替代油墨上色印刷。 www.hjenglish.com 4. I finished the piece, corrected it, printed it up and faxed it to New York, five hours short of my deadline. 我比截稿时间提前了五个小时完成了这篇文章,作了些修改,把它打印出来,然后用传真件发到了纽约。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. To be frank, our commodities have always come up to our export standard and the packages are excellent designed and printed. 老实说,我们的商品一直能达到出口标准,连包装也是设计精美,印刷精良。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Plato feared that our memories would atrophy with the coming of the printed word -- and perhaps he was not so far wrong! 柏拉图担心我们的记忆会随着印刷字的出现而萎缩,也许他没有错得那么多! dongxi.net 7. "Rhapsody in Blue" made George Gershwin famous all over the world. Several hundred thousand copies of the printed music sold immediately. 乔治.格什温创作的《蓝色狂想曲》闻名全世界,其唱片立即销售了数十万张。 www.bing.com 8. Below you can see 20 examples of printed ads that will demonstrate what I said. 下面你将看到20个平面广告范例,它们会证明我所言不虚。 www.bing.com 9. It had been privately printed by the author. 这是作者私人印刷的。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. A printed shirt dress with a large leather belt, combined with a dark colored blazer, suits you and your tailored style perfectly. 印花衬衫配以皮制宽腰带,外面再套上一件黑色运动夹克,这样的装扮相信对于追求完美剪裁的处女座来说是再适合不过了。 www.kekenet.com 1. It is possible to have a group of these records collected and printed. 可以把一组这机关报档案收集并打印出来。 dict.yeshj.com 2. The bottle inside is double safety sealed with a printed outer shrinkwrap film and a printed inner bottle freshness seal. 瓶子里面是双安全与外部拆封印刷胶片和印刷内部瓶新鲜印章。 bjp.diula.com 3. Failure of blind via is one of the main causes of an open circuit in printed circuit board(PCB). 盲孔开裂是导致印制电路板(PCB)电气断路的主要原因之一。 www.dictall.com 4. If the news is no longer printed on the paper, just another media interface to render, this society does not have substantial losses. 如果新闻不再印在纸上,只是换一种媒介界面来呈现,这个社会并不会有实质性损失。 www.bing.com 5. But I did not spend very long on the thought, basking instead in the pride of seeing my work printed in the magazine. 但这个想法没有持续太长时间,很快被我见到自己作品发表在杂志上的自豪情绪所取代。 www.bing.com 6. In spot-color ink deployment should be in the dark-coloured light which has been printed. 在专色油不朱的调配上答拔取深色不浓印的不圆法。 www.bing.com 7. There was no TV, no piped music, no traffic on the road outside, no tourists (except me) and not even a menu (and, later, no printed bill). 餐馆里没有电视机,没有管乐队,没有汽车的噪音,除了我之外也没有别的游客,甚至连菜单和打印的账单也没有。 www.bing.com 8. The printing product (a plurality of assembly printing plats) which needs to be printed with the laser hologram can be finished at once. 所有需烫印镭射全息的印刷产品(若干拼版面均可)都能一次完成烫印。 ip.com 9. the frames you see on the wall downstairs are part of a series i printed out from the construction of the house. 楼下墙上的相框中的画是建造这个房子的时候我打印出来的照片。 www.bing.com 10. If a robot falls off the edge of the grid the word "LOST" should be printed after the position and orientation. 如果一个机器人从格网边缘跌落,则应在输出坐标和方向之后输出“LOST”。 www.cnblogs.com 1. Name of the company if it is previously printed on the letterhead. 公司名称如果是以前印制的信笺。 wenwen.soso.com 2. Printed on the package are a few words. Complaints, if any, are to be addressed to the manager. 包裹上印了几个字。如果不满意的话,应该向经理去诉说。 www.etmeet.com 3. Based in Edgerton, Wis. , the company printed advertisements on the side panels of trucks. It opened in 1998 and closed in March. 立基于威斯康新州的爱德吉顿,公司做卡车侧板广告印刷业务,于1998年开业,于2010年3月倒闭。 www.bing.com 4. Headers and footers are predefined pieces of text that are printed at the top or bottom of a sheet outside of the sheet area. 页眉和页脚是预定义的文本,打印在页面的顶部或底部、工作表区域之外。他们以同样的方式设置。 ooo.pingju.org 5. Dark brown glass bottle is hand painted in very light yellow-green tone and text elements are printed on the surface. 暗棕色玻璃瓶是很轻的黄绿色的基调和文本元素手绘印在表面上。 www.gtn9.com 6. This string gives the default region to be repeated at the left of each printed sheet. Please use the Print Setup dialog to edit this value. 本字符串给定了默认要在每一张打印的纸的左边重复的区域。请在打印设置对话框里编辑该值。 translations.launchpad.net 7. When I got off the plane, the first thing I saw was my family, excitedly waving posters printed with a strange message. 当我下了飞机,一眼就看到了我的家人,各个兴奋地挥舞着印着奇怪内容的牌子。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 8. In the first blush of new love, they threw caution to the wind and their printed maps in the garbage. 初涉爱河之时,他们将小心谨慎抛到九霄云外,把实体地图也扔在了车库里。 www.bing.com 9. When you print in grayscale or black and white , the background may not be printed if it interferes with the slide contrast . 以灰度或黑白模式打印时,如果背景干扰幻灯片对比度,则可能不会打印背景。 www.bing.com 10. The amplifier can be detached from a printed circuit board by means of the integrated plug strip . 放大器带有集成的插头,可以与印刷电路板分离。 www.bing.com 1. Mortensen, like the rest of Li's team, wore a yellow T-shirt with Chinese characters printed on it. He wasn't sure what they said. 和李娜团队其他成员一样,莫滕森也穿着一件胸前印着中国字的黄色T恤。 c.wsj.com 2. The vodka is filled into a custom-moulded glass bottle with an aluminium roll-on pilfer-proof cap with litho-printed plain paper labels. 伏特加是填补了一个定制型玻璃瓶的铝卷上窃取防爆帽石普通纸张印刷的标签。 www.a1pak.net.cn 3. One hundred of the stamps sold to the public became known as "inverts" , for the plane was printed upside down. 因为蓝色的飞机被印颠倒了,仅仅有一百枚这种“倒转”邮票卖给公众。 edu.21cn.com 4. Total number of pages printed through GDI on a print queue since the last restart. 自从上次重新启动后,在打印列队上通过GDI打出的总页数。 www.fan6.net 5. The printed label material is trimmed and then seamed or welded to turn it into a tube. 印刷标签材料是修剪,然后缝或焊接把它变成一个管。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. but actually everything in the universe is already printed within the seeds of wisdom before the whole cosmos came into being , even. 事实上,甚至在宇宙形成众生以前,所有万物就都已经被种下智慧的种子。 www.ichacha.net 7. The information is transmitted by means of the printed word or over the air. 这种信息是由印刷文字或通过广播电视来传送的。视来传送的。 wenku.baidu.com 8. Example 5: there is a duty to carbonless paper printed customer 200 open for 16 bicombinant. triunion. tetratherapy. how much paper copy? 例5:有一客户印无碳纸联单200本求16开二联。三联。四联。五联多少纸款? www.bing.com 9. No more will money be printed which has no real value, but instead only where it is backed by precious metals. 那些被印刷出来的“钞票”并无真实的价值,而仅仅是那些“贵重金属”的替代品。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. RESOLUTION - Printed photographs should be scanned at a sampling frequency of at least 300 pixels per inch. 分辨率-打印出的照片应按高于每英寸300像素的抽样率进 wenku.baidu.com |
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