单词 | relatedness | ||||||||||||
释义 | relatedness
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 相互关系,关联性,关系需求 1. BESIDES ANALYZING chain letters, our relatedness measure has been used in a wide range of settings. 我们的亲疏测量法,除了分析连锁信外,已经在许多不同的情境中应用过。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. When a man listens without judgment but with empathy and relatedness to a woman express her feelings, she feels heard and understood. 男人如果能不加判断,感同身受地倾听女人传达感觉,她会觉得自己被爱与了解。 gaoqiaoling.blog.163.com 3. Outside one another as the phenomena in this phenomenal world are, they form a totality, and are wholly contained in their self-relatedness. 现象界中相互外在的事物是一整体,是完全包含在它们的自身联系内的。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. C. Some reptile species are said to brumate, or undergo brumation, but the relatedness of this phenomenon with hibernation is not clear. 某些爬虫类物种据说蜕皮,或经受蜕皮,只是这种现象与冬眠联系起来不是清楚的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. There can be no doubt about the relatedness of thimble to thumb. 顶针毫无疑问是与拇指Thumb一词有关。 www.bing.com 6. C. difficile isolates were characterized by ribotyping and multi locus variable-number tandem-repeat analysis to determine relatedness. 艰难梭菌菌株的特点是核糖分型和多位点可变数目串联,重复分析,以确定相关性。 icchina.org.cn 7. Good relevancy requires a sophisticated approach, including objective matching criteria supplemented by popularity and relatedness factors. 要获取既准确又相关的信息需要从精细的角度考虑,包括客观的配对标准,辅以其流行及相关的因素。 lib.hku.hk 8. Business relatedness and performance: a study of managerial perceptions By: Pehrsson, Anders. 业务相关性与绩效:管理观念研究。 lib.ccec.edu.cn 9. This relatedness is the basis for metonymy and euphemisms are used to stand for the euphemized subjects. 这种联系是转喻的基础,委婉语用来指代其婉指对象。 www.fabiao.net 10. Mediated by language, subjects form communicative community among themselves, and realize the communicative relatedness in speech acts. 主体间通过语言的媒介,构成交往共同体,并在言语行为中实现其交往关系。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Obviously, the management of emotion from both the purpose and contents can be met the employees' relatedness needs. 很明显,无论是过程,还是结果,情感管理就是为了满足员工的相互关系需要。 www.nychinaren.com 2. Relatedness needs involve relationships with other people and are satisfied through the process of mutually sharing thoughts and feelings. 联系的需要是指与别人的关系以及通过相互共享思想和情感来获得满意。 glx.nit.jx.cn 3. Both of us, since the relatedness was slight, felt sad and turned away from each other. 因为这亲缘关系很微小,我们俩都感到很伤心,互相不理对方。 www.ecocn.org 4. The theory holds that well-being depends in large part on meeting one's basic psychological needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness. 该理论认为幸福主要依赖满足一个人对自主权、能力和人际关系的基本的心理需求。 www.bing.com 5. Stubbornly confronting each other, we were pondering the relatedness of the species. 我们在思索物种之间的亲缘关系,彼此之间互相顽固的对抗。 www.ecocn.org 6. The ranking system groups documents of a search result based on their relatedness, meaning that they are directed to similar topics. 该排列系统基于它们的关联性而将搜索结果的文档分组,意味着它们被指向相似的主题。 www.bing.com 7. Theother factor is relatedness: our need to feel close to other people. 另一个要素是相互关系需求:我们需要感觉和他人很近。 www.suiniyi.com 8. According to empirical studies, SDT put forward three basic psychological needs: autonomy, competence and relatedness. 通过实证分析,自我决定理论鉴别出三种基本心理需要,即自主性需要、能力的需要和归属的需要。 www.fabiao.net 9. Marriage is out of fear, relatedness is out of love. 婚姻是出自于恐惧,而联系是出自于爱。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. This paper proposes a kind of relatedness algorithm, which analyzes the resources from the own contents and users dynastic behaviors. 基于此,本文提出了一种主题文本资源间相关度算法,主要从资源本身及用户动态使用行为两方面深入分析。 www.ztxb.net.cn 1. The coordinated development of education and economy is global, relatedness, synthesis and practicalness. 教育与经济的协调发展具有全局性、关联性、综合性和实践性。 www.13191.com 2. To some extent, the relevance between topics and resources reflects the relatedness between resources and users inquires. 主题图中资源与主题间的相关度在一定程度上反映了资源与用户查询需求间的相关程度。 www.ztxb.net.cn 3. These people have lost their close relatedness with nature, lack genuine spiritual communication and live in vanity and despair. 他们失去了与自然的紧密联系,人们彼此缺乏真正的交流,内心充满绝望。 www.13191.com 4. This makes the relatedness range from 0 for unrelated files to 1 (or 100 percent) for identical files, regardless of length. 亲疏值从0(毫不相干的档案)到1(完全相同的档案),与档案的长度无关。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Analysis on the Relatedness Between the Physique Indices of the World-level Excellent Male High Jumpers and their Achievements 世界优秀男子跳高运动员的各项身体素质指标与其运动成绩间的灰色关联度分析 www.ilib.cn 6. Of the relatedness of dominant populations and ecological factors in the secondary succession forest communities of Jinyun Mountain 缙云山森林次生演替中优势种群的特性与生态因子的关联度分析 www.wanfangdata.com.cn 7. Analysis on Main Climatic Factor Effecting Chemical Control of Dendrolimus tabulaeformis Tsai et Liu with Degree of Relatedness 应用关联度对影响化学防治松毛虫危害的主导气候因素的分析 www.ilib.cn 8. Relatedness Analysis of the Sound Value and the Other Measurement Attributes 公允价值与其他计量属性关联性分析 www.ilib.cn 9. The Analysis of the Generalized Gray Relatedness in PE Application 广义灰色关联度体育应用探析 www.ilib.cn 10. Personal Experience in Teaching Linear Relatedness 关于线性相关性的一点教学体会 service.ilib.cn 1. The Priming Effects of Semantic Relatedness in Sentence Context 句子语境中语义联系启动作用的研究 www.ilib.cn 2. The Influence of Spatial Information on Semantic Relatedness Judgment 空间信息表征对语义相关判断的影响 www.ilib.cn 3. New Progress in the Research on Relatedness Effect in Memory Illusion 关联性记忆错觉研究的新进展 www.ilib.cn 4. Review on Relatedness Effect in Memory Illusion of DRM Pattern DRM范式的关联性记忆错觉的研究综述 ilib.cn |
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