单词 | regime-change |
释义 |
例句释义: 政权改变,政权更迭,政权更替 1. So if the British wanted a regime change in say Iran it was a matter of a few gun boats and a couple of battalions of troops. 因此,如果英国希望一个地方的政权发生更迭,比如说伊朗,这不过就是几船的枪和几个营的部队的问题。 www.ltaaa.com 2. In waking up to what has been taking place, they have stopped the dark Ones in their tracks and opened opportunities for a regime change. 因为人们觉醒于那些所发生的一切,他们已经停止了黑暗势力的脚步,打开了机会的大门给一个划时代的改变。 apps.hi.baidu.com 3. "A nuclear state like this will not abandon its weapons without regime change, " he said. 他表示:“只要政权不变,像朝鲜这样的核国家是不会放弃它的核武器的。” www.ftchinese.com 4. But he points out that President Obama must walk a fine line: encouraging democratic change without threatening regime change. 但他指出,美国总统奥巴马必须走一线:不会威胁民主制度的变化令人鼓舞的变化。 bbs.5i5i.cn 5. What Beijing wanted was for the rebels to collapse, with Gaddafi back in charge of the whole country and no "regime change" . 北京方面想要的是溃败的反政府军以及卡扎菲的回归控制整个国家,以及没有所谓“政权更替”的出现。 www.bing.com 6. None of these countries is currently taking the dangerous course of actively seeking regime change. 这些国家中,没有一个采取寻求政权转换这项危险的行动。 www.ecocn.org 7. As a general proposition, I do not believe military force should be used for regime change. 和大众建议一样,我认为军事力量不应该用于政权更迭。 dongxi.net 8. Baseball needs a regime change. Leaders at the top need to be held accountable for a sullied game. 棒坛高层需要来个大换血。棒坛丑闻要有人负责,不能和稀泥。 www.suntzu4u.com.tw 9. This time it didn't work: Rioters rejected the arrangement and demanded regime change, not just a quick meal. 然而这次宣讲失效了:抗议者们拒绝这种安排并要求更换政权,不再仅仅是一顿饭就能打发的了。 dongxi.net 10. But the United States says "regime change" is not the goal of the coalition. 但美国表示“政权更替”不是联军的目的。 www.ebigear.com 1. He implied that regime change in Iraq might be followed by regime change in North Korea and Iran. 伊拉克政权变更,朝鲜和伊朗也许会紧随其后。 www.ecolion.cn 2. As long as NATO's goal is regime change, which appears to be the case, any bargain with Qaddafi's regime is off the table. 既然北约的目标是推翻卡扎菲政权,则与卡扎菲进行谈判的可能性就不存在了。 dongxi.net 3. To this group of rogue military types, armchair revolutionaries and opportunists, the endgame is not elections, but regime change. 对这帮流氓军人以及不切实际的革命和机会主义来说,最后的阶段不是选举,而是政权的改变。 www.ecocn.org 4. On balance, employees at underperforming parts of the empire probably have the most to fear from eventual regime change. 总体来说,这个传媒帝国表现不佳业务中的员工,或许最应该对最终的“政权更迭”感到担忧。 www.ftchinese.com 5. "That's a regime change question, " he said, "I'm still young. " 他回答:“这是政体改变的问题。我还年轻。” www.englishtang.com 6. But regime change there took eight years, thousands of American and Iraqi lives, and nearly a trillion dollars. 但是,八年时间、数千名美国人和伊拉克人逝去的生命、近一万亿美元的开支。 www.360doc.com 7. It would do nothing to help regime change in Tehran. 这对德黑兰的政权更迭毫无帮助。 www.ecocn.org 8. There certainly are people who are pushing for a more aggressive policy, for a policy of regime change, fora policy of military strikes. 当然,有人力图推行一个更具侵略性、一个给伊朗带来政权变更和军事打击的政策。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. The authorities in Havana consider it part of a long-standing US policy to subvert the revolution and bring about regime change. 哈瓦那当局认为这是美国试图颠覆古巴革命,进行政体变革的长期政策的一部分。 www.voanews.cn 10. And his refusal to allow U. S. forces to seek "regime change" in Libya further underscored that his new doctrine carried strict limits. 他对于允许美军寻求利比亚“政权改变”的拒绝,进一步点明了他的新理论在执行中会进行严格的限制。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Because of the regime change of central government, it had weak governance in Xinjiang. 中央政府因自身的更迭,对新疆的政治统治羸弱。 www.zidir.com 2. But broadening our military mission to include regime change would be a mistake. 但是,把我们的军事使命扩大到包括政权的更迭,将会是一个错误。 www.america.gov 3. The next step in Russia's invasion script, of disinformation and annexation, is regime change. 俄罗斯入侵图谋(靠散步假情报和武力吞并)的下一步是更换政权。 www.ftchinese.com 4. But when it comes to dealing with potential regime change in North Korea, western leaders find themselves in little better condition. 但在应对朝鲜潜在的政权更迭方面,西方国家领导人发现自己的处境也好不到哪里去。 www.ftchinese.com 5. It should be open to any AU plan consistent with regime change. 这应该体现在所有非盟关于政府更替的计划上。 www.bing.com 6. Perhaps the bigger risk for China, and the rest of Asia, is what regime change in Libya means for stability in the wider Middle East. 对中国和亚洲其他国家来说,更大的风险或许是利比亚政权更迭对中东更广大地区的稳定意味着什么。 cn.wsj.com 7. Add in the fact that the move was taken ahead of the upcoming Party Congress meeting and this smacks of regime change of the highest order. 除此之外,这一举措是在十七大即将召开之前出台的,而最高层会出现少许权力变动。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Yet many Moroccans have been frightened by the attempted regime change in Libya and Syria. 然而许多摩洛哥人对利比亚和叙利亚的政权变更的企图感到震惊。 www.ecocn.org 9. China is not interested in regime change in North Korea. Behaviour change is what Beijing wants. 中国无意改变朝鲜的政权,它希望改变的是朝鲜的行为方式。 www.ftchinese.com 10. The unresolved question now is whether the mission is protecting civilians or forging ahead with regime change. 现在悬而未决的问题在于,联军是应该要保护平民百姓,还是要加速促进利比亚的政权转移。 www.lihpao.com 1. Still, regime change will inevitably produce governments that are less compliant to Washington, and less hostile to Tehran. 尽管如此,政权更迭将不可避免地产生这样的一些政府:它们对美国不那么顺从,同时对伊朗也不那么敌视。 www.bing.com 2. There was 'mission creep' [in Libya]. A plan to protect civilians became an operation aimed at regime change. (在利比亚)出现了‘使命偏离’,本来是保护平民的计划,却变成了推动政权更迭的行动。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The first US military intervention of the post-cold war era, the 1989 invasion of Panama, was a war for "regime change" and democracy. 冷战后时代美国的第一次军事干预——1989年入侵巴拿马,是一场为了“改变政体”和民主而战的战争。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The new Soviet policy of non-intervention allowed the eastern European states to produce internal regime change by peaceful means. 苏联新的不干预政策,使得东欧各国得以通过和平手段对内进行政权改革。 www.bing.com 5. I think the talk of international monetary regime change and the renminbi as an invoicing currency is largely political posturing. 我认为,有关国际货币体系改革以及把人民币作为结算货币的说法,大体上是一种政治姿态。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Gates went on to repeat what his boss, President Barack Obama, has said, that regime change comes best from within. 盖茨重复了他的上司——也就是奥巴马总统的话。奥巴马说过,政权的变化最好由内而外发生。 www.bing.com 7. Right now the final touches are being put on a proposal for a United States regime change. 现在美国政府政权更替的提案正在做最后的表决。 hi.baidu.com 8. Other proposals range from targeting individuals involved in human-rights abuses to making regime change official policy. 其它的草案涉及打击侵犯人权的个人,到要求政权改变官方政策等一系列措施。 www.ecocn.org 9. White House spokesman said it is not U. S. policy to bring about regime change in Libya. 白宫发言人说,美国的政策不是让利比亚更换领导人。 www.voanews.com.cn 10. The relentless regime-change rhetoric of some of George Bush's officials will have encouraged Mr Kim to duck for nuclear cover. 一些布什政府幕僚无情的政体颠覆言论将会激起金正日拿核武器作为掩护。 www.ecocn.org 1. Meanwhile, the Kremlin has various military tools with which it can pursue its goal of regime change. 同时,克林姆林宫之于追求它所期待的政权更替仍然保有多种军事手段。 www.bing.com 2. In the paranoid decades of military rule, members of Myanmar's junta told diplomats that they feared an American invasion and regime change. 在军事统治草木皆兵的那几十年间,缅甸军政府对外交官们讲,他们担心美国入侵,颠覆他们的政权。 cn.nytimes.com 3. Unlike in neighbouring Iraq, sectarian rifts have not so far played a big role in Syria's attempt at regime change. 与近邻伊拉克不同,教派纷争到目前为止还未曾在叙利亚尝试的政权更迭中占主导地位。 www.ecocn.org 4. Most of the other Vulcans fell somewhere in between support for and opposition to nation building or regime change. 火神派其他多数成员的立场介于支持与反对国家建设或改朝换代之间。 dongxi.net 5. A mission to protect life became an intervention in a civil war, or one more war to effect regime change. 一场捍卫生命的使命演变成对内战的干预,或者成为导致改朝换代的又一场战争。 dongxi.net 6. Today everybody agrees that they do not want regime change. 今天大家都同意,他们不想改变政权。 www.englishtang.com 7. Yet an outright collapse in Brent as a result of Libyan regime change is unlikely. 然而,布伦特原油价格不太可能因利比亚政府的变更而全盘崩溃。 chinese.wsj.com 8. At times it seems Twitter is useful for literally two things only: pathetic self-affirmation and regime change. 有时候Twitter毫不夸张的说,只对两件事情有用:可怜的自我肯定和政权更替。 www.bing.com 9. Mr Blair's critics say that he was intent on regime change in Iraq no matter what. 布莱尔的批评者说,无论如何,他意图改变伊拉克的政权。 www.ecocn.org 10. As late as November, he was still saying that Britain's objective was "disarmament, not regime change" . 晚至11月,他还在说英国的目标是“解除武装,而不是政权更迭”。 www.bing.com 1. But the Muslim Brotherhood, the most organized political force in the kingdom, says it wants no part of regime change. 但是这一王国中最具组织的政治力量穆斯林兄弟会表示不想要任何的政权更迭。 www.kekenet.com 2. Much as it resents the behaviour of North Korea's Kim Jong Il, China is not pushing for regime change. 虽然中国对于朝鲜金正日的所作所为非常愤恨,但并不寻求其政权改变。 www.ecocn.org 3. Before the change, but China's internal regime change, rulers, were viewed as a foreign invasion. 以前的改朝换代,只是中国内部的政权更换,满清入关,则被视为外侵。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Regime change may not be sanctions' aim; behaviour change may suffice. 政权更迭也许不是制裁的目标所在,迫使他们做出改变才是最终目的。 www.ecocn.org 5. Yet Turkey has enough trouble coping with the PKK, let alone getting embroiled in regime change. 但土耳其在处理PKK的问题上已经遇到很多麻烦了,更不用说要卷入政权更迭。 xiaozu.renren.com 6. The muscular American approach to effecting regime change has few takers these days. 这些日子很少会有人接受美国的强硬方式来达到国家政体改良的目的。 www.ecocn.org 7. Obama: Libyan mission not to seek 'regime change' . 奥巴马称,对利比亚采取军事行动不是为了政权变更。 www.17tx.com 8. So regime change in Libya fall might offer China new opportunities. 所以利比亚的政权更迭可能会给中国提供新的机会。 cn.wsj.com 9. Thecertainly all people who arepushingfora more aggressive policy, forapolicy of regime change, for a policy of military strikes. 肯定有些人想要推行更具有侵略性的政策,推行对伊朗进行政权变革的政策,推行军事打击的政策。 www.bing.com 10. Regime change in order that the possibility of future events. 以此表示今后出现政权交替的可能性。 www.englishtang.com 1. It is not regime change. It is not a policy of economic strangulation. 外界并未寻求政权更迭,也不是经济上的钳制政策。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Mr Kim is damaging China's interests, but enough for China to try regime change? 金正日正在损害中国的利益,但中国是否足够引起重视,甚至还需要朝鲜改变政权吗? www.ecocn.org 3. "Singularity signals a regime change - it's a sign that a major, abrupt change is about to occur, " says Prof Sornette. 索尔内特教授表示:“单一性意味着体制的转变——它是突然的重大转变即将发生的征兆。” www.ftchinese.com 4. Interestingly, Israel may not want regime change in Damascus either. 有趣的是,以色列可能也不希望在大马士革出现政权变更。 www.bing.com 5. There is no wild talk of promoting democracy, or even regime change. 书中也没有关于推进民主或政体转变的狂热对话。 www.bing.com 6. A banner displayed in Trafalgar Square calls for "regime change. " 特拉法加广场悬挂的横幅号召“更换政权”。 dongxi.net 7. Washington has openly called for regime change in Iran. 华府已公开呼吁伊朗更换政权。 www.ebigear.com 8. Regime change is a hope, rather than an aim of the operation. 改变政权是一种愿景,而不是此次军事行动的目标。 www.ecocn.org 9. Above all, he was from the outset opposed to regime change in Iraq. 总而言之,他从一开始就反对改变伊拉克的政体。 www.bing.com 10. Foreign need to continue, even if regime change or the Prime Minister must maintain diplomatic continuity. 外交需要持续性,即使更换政权或首相也必须保持外交的持续性。 www.englishtang.com 1. In discussions with America about how to handle North Korea, China has emphasised that talk of regime change is taboo. 在于美国探讨如何处理北朝鲜的问题时,中国强调任何关于政权更替的谈话都是禁忌。 www.ecocn.org 2. We also told the Americans that we were not with them for regime change through military means. We would only take part in a peace process. 我们也明确告诉美国,如果他们想通过军事手段搞政权更迭,我们不赞成,我们只支持和平进程。 www.ebigear.com 3. An "axis of evil" branded ripe for "regime change" . “邪恶轴心”“政权更迭”的时机已经成熟。 www.ecocn.org 4. Because of the different interests and political parties, the government by the league is stable, often make regime change frequently. 由于各政党代表的利益和政治主张不同,由党派联盟组成的政府不易稳定,往往使政权更迭频繁。 www.45key.cn 5. Click the Regime change button, or try again later. 点击政权改变按钮,或以后再试。 www.xici.net 6. In Libya, on the other hand, it was the European powers that took the military lead in bringing about regime change. 另一方面,在利比亚,在引发政权更迭的过程中,是欧洲势力取得了军事领导权。 www.bing.com 7. Other countries, such as China, simply call for protecting civilians without endorsing regime change. 至于其他国家,例如中国,只是呼吁在不改变政权的前提下保护平民。 dongxi.net 8. North Korea is a bully and needs a regime change. 北朝鲜是个小霸王,他们的制度该修理了。 bbs.huanqiu.com 9. Both wars were aimed in part at regime change. 两场战争的部分目的都是政权更替。 www.ecocn.org 10. He has a long record as a friend of Israel and as an advocate of regime change in Iraq. 长期以来,他对以色列态度友好,而且拥护伊拉克的政权更迭。 bbs.ecocn.org 1. Regime change in the worst country on earth should be planned for, not just hoped for 我们应该着手计划,而不是仅仅希望推翻世界上最惨国家的政权 www.ecocn.org 2. Regime Change and Foreign Policy: Portugal, Indonesia and the Self-determination of East Timor by Paulo Gorj? O 政体变化和外交政策:葡萄牙、印尼和东帝汶的半自决 yxworld.51.net 3. Round 5: The Arab League should take the lead in promoting regime change in Libya 第5轮:阿拉伯联盟应在利比亚政权更迭中起到主导作用。 wenku.baidu.com 4. Regime Change of Financial Structure and Finance Reform in China 中国金融结构的变迁和金融改革 www.ilib.cn |
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