单词 | a knot | ||
释义 | a knot
例句释义: 纠结点 1. Something is a knot when you reserve it, a scar when it's opened. If you don't understand my silence, you will never understand my words. 有些事情,不谈是个结,谈开了是个疤。如果你不懂我的沉默,你也永远不会明白我说的话语。 bbs.fobshanghai.com 2. In this I did not fall on the land, the hot weather but always cannot stop the heart inside that autumn, it is heart of a knot. 生活在这片没有秋季的土地上,炎热的天气却总是无法阻挡心中揣着的那份秋凉,那是心中的千秋结啊。 www.bing.com 3. Practical gals wore their hair tied up in a roll and covered with a headscarf tied in a knot at the front. 讲求实际的女孩们将头发卷成卷,用头巾打结,固定在前额。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. I had to push the balloon over the end of the hose, and then tie a knot to keep the water in. It was a bit tricky. 我必须把气球套在水管尾端,然后用绳子系上,保证水流进去。这是一个小技巧。 www.netfm.com.cn 5. The crisis, he said, was like a rope with a knot in the middle: the more each side was pulled, the more the knot would tighten. 他说,危机好比一条中间打上结的绳子,两头越拉,绳结越紧。 6. 'A knot! ' said Alice, always ready to make herself useful, and looking anxiously about her. 'Oh, do let me help to undo it! ' “一个结!”爱丽丝说。由于她总是热心帮助别人的,因此就焦急地四周寻找,“哦,让我帮你解开。” www.bing.com 7. Dehn showed how a presentation of the group of a knot can be read off from a projection of the knot into a plane. Dehn指明了一个纽结的群的一种表示如何由该纽结在平面上的一个投影看出。 www.jukuu.com 8. But Robert has a knot on his shoulder that's about the size of your yo-yo. His mother is very upset. She's taken him to the doctor. 但是罗伯特的肩上肿了一块和你溜溜球一般大小的疙瘩,他妈妈很气愤,已经带他去看医生了。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. which, after a few moments sank slowly down upon the trees until every twig seemed to have a knot at the end of it. 稍停一会,再慢慢的落到树上直到树的每个枝桠的末端都有着一个结。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. It had tangled me all up in a knot every time I had looked at it in the daytime. 在白天,我每瞧它一次,便被它搅得昏头昏脑。 1. Regardless of what you do with the surface of a torus, you cannot make a knot. 不管你如何处理园形突起状的表面,你无法制造一个结。 springhero.wordpress.com 2. Sucre walks behind T-Bag as a new inmate, Annie the Trannie, saunters out of his cell wearing his shirt tied in a knot around his stomach. Sucre走在T-Bag的后面,有一个新犯人Trannie,又称Annie,游荡着走出他的牢房,身上装的衬衫在腹部打了一个结。 www.bing.com 3. His companion was older, clean-shaved, with a lined ascetic face. His hair had been pulled back and tied in a knot behind his head. 他的伙伴年纪大些,没有蓄须,阡陌交通的脸上透着一副禁欲相,他的头发盘成小结一把梳在脑后。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. "I just. . . this is . . . " Kim tried to say, but the tears filled here eyes and a knot tightened her throat. “我只是……这是……”吉姆试图说上几句,但是泪水已经溢满她的眼眶,她的喉咙被收紧被堵住了。 mansioushi.blogcn.com 5. For his hair was completely shaved except for in the center. This small scrap of long hair was twisted into a knot on top of his head. 因为他的头发除了中间那一块,其他部位几乎全剃光了,而那一小片长头发在他的头顶上也被编成一个结。 bbs.ycwb.com 6. In a figure, a Borromean chain, does it not appear to us that the minimum is always constituted by a knot of four? 以一个图形,一个波罗米因结的锁链,我们难道不觉得,最小量的环结,总是由四个一组所形成? springhero.wordpress.com 7. When she come up to me, I saw her trousers, and found the trousers was tied a knot at the place beneath her thighs. 走近了,我看到她的裤管,从大腿处就打了结。 www.bing.com 8. Something is a knot when you reserve it, a scar when it's opened. 又供工做,没有讲是个结,讲开了是个疤。 www.kancaimi.cn 9. But although there is one, it is distinguished from a simple ring, for this writing represents for you the flattening out of a knot. 虽然只有一条线,它跟一个简单的环截然不同,因为对你而言,这个书写代表一个结的摊开来。 springhero.wordpress.com 10. A bluish ribbon of light stretching left to right across the picture might be a knot of gas ejected by the supernova. 一个从左延伸至右穿过整幅图片的蓝色缎带可能是由超新星喷发出的气体形成的集结体。 www.bing.com 1. Your hair is long and such a lovely auburn that it'll look perfect in a knot at the back. 您的头发长,而且是好看的红褐色,如果把您的头发在后脑勺挽成一个蝴蝶结,那真是完美无暇了。 2. The author used the technique of the sketch for we painted his lean, riddled with wrinkles and the appearance of a knot in one's heart. 作者用素描的笔法为我们描画了他瘦削、满布皱纹和疙瘩的外形。 iask.sina.com.cn 3. Restore guan kilns celadon is like a piece of a knot in one's heart plugging in the same YeHongMing's heart, that he could not sleep. 恢复南宋官窑青瓷就像一块疙瘩一样堵在了叶宏明的心里,使他也不能寐。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Laughing on purpose, no one needs to bend themselves into a knot, " Mrs. Rosewood laughed. " And time has taught me I took the right road. 有意地大笑罢了,没人真的要将身体弯成一个结,”罗斯伍德夫人大笑道,“而且时间告诉我,我的人生选对了方向。 www.joyen.net 5. At the center of the display is an Israeli Merkava-4 tank, with its gun turret tied in a knot. 展区中央是一辆以色列梅卡瓦四型坦克,它的炮塔已经被堵死。 dongxi.net 6. So give him a sock with a knot tied in it or an old shoe. 所以给他一个袜子与结绑在它或旧鞋子。 iask.sina.com.cn 7. "Okay, okay. Don't get your knickers in a knot. " Matt grinned at me. “好吧,好吧,你们还没有想到解决办法吗?”兔子咧嘴对我笑着说。 landaishu.zhongwenlink.com 8. That made him scowl. "Give that tongue of yours a rest unless you'd rather I tied it in a knot. " 这让他露出了怒容。“让你的舌头消停会儿要么我就把它打个蝴蝶结。” blog.sina.com.cn 9. A knot or piece of material placed at various measured lengths on a lead line to indicate the depth of the water. 测标系在测深绳上已测定过长度的不同位置之处的结或一种物质,以此来测定水深 zhidao.baidu.com 10. I had a lot of red a knot in one's heart on leg of the back after prothorax arm recently, it seems seems to still spread, what is that! ! 我最近前胸胳膊后背腿上起了好多红疙瘩一片一片的,看样子好像还蔓延,那是什么啊!! dictsearch.appspot.com 1. You let me stand heartbreaking place, gently make a knot, sewing. 你让我站在心碎的地方,轻轻打一个结,缝缝补补。 tieba.baidu.com 2. One of key problems of constructing parametric fitting curves is to compute a knot for each point. 构造参数拟合曲线的关键问题之一是为每个数据点指定一个参数值(节点)。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. He felt his heart shrink, just like when something bad happens, a knot in his throat, that made his breath hard. 他感到心脏骤然收紧,就好像发生了什么糟糕的事情。他的喉咙被堵住了,使得他难以呼吸。 mansioushi.blogcn.com 4. "Nothing, " I said, her tone causing a knot to swell in my throat. “没什么,”我说。她的语气让我的喉咙有些堵。 www.bing.com 5. A lot of a knot in one's heart grows at a draught on forehead recently, feel still some are prickled , what reason be? Should how purify? 最近额头上一下子长出好多疙瘩,摸上去还有些刺痛,是什么原因啊?该怎么去除? dictsearch.appspot.com 6. In an interview after the ceremony Mr. Murakami, his bushy hair tied in a knot, seemed exuberant. 在仪式结束后村上隆接受采访,他的头发在脑后盘了一个辫,看起来很精神。 www.bing.com 7. You want everyone to think that you're fine, and your stomach is in a knot. 你想让所有人认为自己没事,而你自己的胃却在打结。 www.bing.com 8. Adie pulls her hair back and twists it into a knot. 爱狄将头发往后一拢,拧几下,打了个结。 word.hcbus.com 9. The instantaneous lo leads Zhang Jin Bao still prevaricate, some aversion of a knot the brows. 一时瞧过张金宝还躺着,有些嫌恶的一皱眉。 www.fenyouwang.com 10. Why when some people are standing, can calcaneal have the little a knot in one's heart of a lot of white? 为什么有的人站着的时候,脚后跟会有很多白色的小疙瘩? dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Thus, how well a Chinese knot has been tightened can demonstrate the skill and artistic merit of a knot artist. 因此,有多么出色中国结已经加强能够证明的技巧和艺术价值的结艺术家。 q.sohu.com 2. NASA scientists are citing as one evidence of change from one map to another the unraveling of a "knot" in the magnetic ribbon. NASA的科学家以一副地图到另一幅地图发生的变化为证据,揭示了这个磁性带子里存在着“节点”。 apps.hi.baidu.com 3. Imagine a thick piece of rope with a knot in it. 不妨设想一下,有一条粗绳,上面打了一个结。 www.bing.com 4. Sisters tie a beautified holy thread, called 'rakhi' on their brothers' wrist which symbolizes a 'knot of security & protection'. 姊妹会在她们兄弟的手腕上绑一条叫做rakhi的美丽圣线,象征「平安保护之结」。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 5. There was a knot of tension in his stomach. 他感到一阵紧张。 www.tingroom.com 6. Pull the ends of the ties through the hole, and tie a knot with the ends to create a loop for hanging. 将毛线打结的线头穿过纸板中间的孔,并将线头末端打结形成一个挂环。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. And you all move backwards and forwards in between in the two until you've got yourself thoroughly tied in a knot. 你们都是这么来回移动,直到把你们自己完全陷入一个结里。 open.163.com 8. Hearts were able to secure a knot has been inextricably linked. 心里便有了个结,一直都解不开。 www.dota123.com 9. Mathilda: (stoking her stomach) In my stomach. It's all warm. I always had a knot there and now. . . it's gone. 玛蒂尔德:(揉着胃)我的胃,它现在很暖和,以前我总觉得这在打结……现在没了。 tieba.baidu.com 10. "A knot! " said Alice, "Oh, do let me help to undo it. " 爱丽丝道:“你没有刀吗?让我给你找一把罢!” jpkc.qdbhu.edu.cn 1. Zhang of the mouth, those characters, punched a knot at tip of tongue, and finally also quietly swallow. 张了张嘴,那些文字,在舌尖打了个结,终又无声无息地咽下。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. I balled myself into a knot and moaned . 我把身子抱成一团,呻吟着。 www.bing.com 3. These faults were rumoured (said) to form a cross precisely under the ruined temple, forming a knot of geological instability . 谣传这些缺陷造成了很多地质不稳定问题。并在损毁的神殿下形成了十字架的形状。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. On the dais, the teacher lounged on his meditation bench in a weathered Patagonia hoodie, his gray hair tied in a knot. 在讲台上,身着巴塔哥尼亚帽衫的老师躺在修行台上,灰白的头发打成了一个结。 www.bing.com 5. She felt a knot in the pit of her stomach. 她感到心窝一阵紧揪。 get.3322.net 6. I in the two horns in various cotton played a small hole, again the rope wear in, make a knot. 我在棉絮的两个角上各打了一个小洞,再把绳子穿进去,打一个结。 www.268r.com 7. adam lambert can you tie a knot in a cherry stem with your tongue? 你能用你的舌头把樱桃梗打结吗? page.renren.com 8. a knot at the end of a cord or rope that can slip along the cord or rope around which it is made. 绳子尾端的能够顺着它所环绕的绳子滑动的结。 kaoyan.hjenglish.com 9. Heart of the imbroglio, open solutions, is a knot untied, was robbed . 心上的纠葛,解的开,是结,解不开,是劫。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Mathilda: In my stomach. It's all warm. I always had a knot there and now. . . it's gone. 玛蒂尔达:我的胃,它现在很暖和,以前这儿有个结……现在没了。& blog.sina.com.cn 1. Why can finger have indescribable inside a knot in one's heart? Itch and ache what can you still get a heart? 手指头为什么会有莫名其妙的内疙瘩?还会钻心的痒和疼?。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Loop that end of the rope through this and make a knot with it. 将绳子从这端到那端末尾绕成圈,再打个结系紧。 www.tdict.com 3. Day after day, I woke up with a knot in my stomach knowing I had to face the "monster. " 每天醒来,想着自己还要面对这么一个不可理喻的怪物,都让我内心感到异常难受。 www.bing.com 4. In order to have a ring of string, you to make a knot, preferably a sailor's knot. 为了要有一个绳之环,你必须制作一个结,最好是一个水手结。 springhero.wordpress.com 5. He asked me to tie a knot in a rope. 他让我在绳上打个结。 kaoyan.hjenglish.com 6. He tied the two ropes together with a knot. 他打个结把两根绳子系在一起。 www.kekenet.com 7. Tie the two ropes together with a knot. 将两条绳子打个结系在一起。 www.szteacher.net 8. How does ultraviolet ray grow little a knot in one's heart to do on allergic face? 少晒太阳,涂抹氧化锌软膏。紫外线过敏脸上长小疙瘩怎么办? www.showxiu.com 9. It is generally believed that people made records by tying a knot in a rope. 当时做记录比较普遍的的做法是使用打结的绳子(来做记录)。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Find someone, opened a knot, recovered a lost love that will never. 找到了某个人,打开了某个心结,寻回了以为永远失去的爱情。 hi.baidu.com 1. Inflate the long balloon, leaving 10 cm uninflated, and tie a knot. 将长气球打气,尾端留十公分打结。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. A knot that joins a rope to a rope or another object. 连结两条绳子或一条绳与另一物体的结。 dict.hjenglish.com 3. When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. 当你到了绳子的尽头,就打一个结,挺在那儿吧。 www.jukuu.com 4. You have to thread and tie it into a knot. 你要穿好线并打好结。 www.elanso.com 5. a knot for tying the ends of two lines together. 把线的两头连在一块的结。 www.hotdic.com 6. Fasten the thread off with a knot. 把线打个结扎牢。 wenku.baidu.com 7. It is like a knot of serpents coiled round thy neck. 它就像是一堆缠住你脖子的毒蛇。 www.bing.com 8. There is inside me (and with sadness I have seen it in others) a knot of cruelty borne by the stream of love. 在我心里有一个因爱的川流而产生的残忍的结(我很悲伤地看到它也存在于其他人心中)。 blog.5d.cn 9. I can hear a knot of people whisper in the next room. 我能听见一小群人在隔壁低声细语。 edu.sina.com.cn 10. Sometimes really tired, in order to prevent nap, with a rope, a department, a knot in the beam with straight hair, let neck. 有时实在太累,为了防止打瞌睡,他用一根绳子,一头系在梁上,一头结着头发,让头颈正直地吊住。 fw.t135.com 1. A knot sometimes forms in a tired muscle. 疲乏的肌肉上有时会起硬块。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Gather them and tie them in a knot. 把它们收集起来打成一个结。 www.hxen.com 3. Red ribbon forms a knot in the centre of the cogwheel. 齿轮的中心交结着红绶。 www.24en.com 4. The wool tied a knot to the dog is very painful is specially becomes the very tight time. 毛打结对狗来说是非常痛的特别是变得很紧的时候。 tw.myblog.yahoo.com 5. Why can crus have little red a knot in one's heart? How can ability get rid of? 为什么小腿会有小红疙瘩?怎样才可以除掉?。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. He tied a knot with the two ropes to make one long rope. 他把两根绳子打了个结连成一根长绳子。 jpkc.znust.edu.cn 7. Each pearl can tie a knot, matches an upscale necklace box. 每逐单个珍珠会打结,配单个高级项链盒。 www.yjdigit.com 8. So take a piece of roving about 16 ins long and pull it apart longways so you have two 16ins long bits and tie a knot in the middle of one. 所以你需要要一块粗纱约16英寸长,把它开,那么你就有两根了,在一根中间系一个结。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. She tied her belt with a knot. 她把带子打了个结。 www.hotdic.com 10. The boy was tied up inside in a knot of apprehension. 孩子的内心世界由于担忧而感到惴惴不安。 www.dictall.com 1. The boy was tied up inside in a knot of apprehension. 孩子的内心世界由于担忧而感到惴惴不安。 www.dictall.com 2. He makes a knot in the end of the string. 他在绳子末端打了个结。 www.hotdic.com 3. In these teams, we completed the mission not only and outstandingly, is also a knot under deep comity. 在这些团队中,我们不但出色地完成了任务,更是结下了深厚的友谊。 iask.sina.com.cn 4. A knot of young Chinese had gathered outside. 一群中国年轻人聚集在外面。 www.bing.com 5. To undo or loosen (a knot or something knotted). 解开或松开(一个绳结或纠结在一起的某物) zhidao.baidu.com 6. Do you know how to tie a knot in a tie? 你知道要怎样打领结吗? blog.hjenglish.com 7. He tied the two ropes in a knot. 他把那两根绳子打成一个结。 8. The flare-up is coming from a knot of hot gas, called HST-1, embedded in the jet. 闪光来自嵌入喷流中的一个称为HST-1的灼热气体节。 www.astronomy.com.cn 9. Please tie a knot at the end of rope. 请在绳子的一端打个结。 www.tingroom.com 10. Don't get your knickers in a knot. 一个结,不要让你的短裤。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Some things, not a knot, said a scar. 有些事,不说是个结,说了是个疤。 wenku.baidu.com 2. A knot of people was standing on the footpath outside his units. 一群人站在他家门外的小路上。 dict.veduchina.com 3. Why does he not rather say that he is a knot? 为什麽他不乾脆说,他是一个人生之环结呢? springhero.wordpress.com 4. Can you help me tie a knot on the back of my dress? 可以请你帮我在我背后衣服上系一个蝴蝶结吗? www.wwenglish.com 5. A knot of friends waved HIM good-bye. 一群朋友向他挥手告别。 dict.ebigear.com 6. I tied the rope in a knot. 我给绳子打个结。 www.etjy.com 7. Tie a Knot in the Equator? 给赤道打个结? www.beiwaionline.com 8. For example, if you throw a plastic bag away, tie it in a knot so animals cant get in. 比如说,在你丢掉塑料袋的时候,记得把它打个结防止动物就钻进去。 www.elanso.com 9. Can you tie'em in a knot? 你可以将他们打一个结? www.bing.com 10. She understood his meaning, but that a knot in the mind deep in my heart, she didn't want to do so! 她很明白他的意思,但那颗疙瘩深埋在心里,她也不想这么做啊! www.bing.com 1. There is a knot in the board. 这块木板上有个结。 www.godict.com 2. "Someone must know where she is, she couldn't have just left, " said Rick as he started to feel a knot in his throat. “一定有人知道她在哪里,她不会就这么走了。”瑞克觉得自己的喉咙收紧了。 mansioushi.blogcn.com 3. Can you tie a knot? 你会打结吗? blog.sina.com.cn 4. A few thickly dotted little a knot in one's heart had on the lip, what is this? What method can be treated? 嘴唇上起了一些密密麻麻的小疙瘩,这是什么?有什么办法可治?。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Paste the wrap around your body and tie a knot around the side of your chest; double knot so that it'll secure your dress not to slip off ; 将布料围住身体一周,在胸部侧边的位置打结,再打一次结以确保裙子不会滑落下来; www.hjenglish.com 6. A knot educates, the amusement is the ocean park of Hong Kong in the sample product there park of the whole body. 一个结教育,娱乐于一身的样板主题公园就是香港的海洋公园。 wenwen.soso.com 7. to tie a knot in a piece of string 绳子的结 www.ebigear.com 8. tie a knot in a piece of rope 在绳子上打结。 www.jukuu.com 9. The Signature of a knot 纽结的号差 service.ilib.cn 10. So i stood with a knot in my stomach, 所以我就这么站着,胃里有个打不开的结 zhidao.baidu.com 1. I can tie a knot in a cherry stem 我可以用舌头把樱桃梗打个漂亮的结 wenwen.soso.com 2. tie them in a knot 把它们系成一个结 www.hxen.com 3. A knot in a tense muscle 紧张肌肉中的硬结 get.3322.net 4. There set in the tree a knot twisted and turned 树上缠阒一个纵横交错的死结 www.hjenglish.com 5. A knot in one's handkerchief 在手帕上打个结 soumail.com 6. Tie a rope in a knot 在绳上打个结 get.3322.net 7. feel a knot in the pit of one's stomach 心窝一揪 wenku.baidu.com 8. I tied a knot in Suzy's hair; 我在苏西的头发上打了个结 www.bing.com 9. Tie a cord a knot 把绳子打个结 www.powerdict.com |
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