单词 | put together |
释义 |
第三人称单数:puts together 现在分词:putting together v. assemble,piece together,construct,build,fabricate 例句释义: 编辑,拼拢,比较考虑,使结婚,装配,把……放在一起,加在一起 1. It claims, for an additional fee, to be able to put together a portfolio of the best hedge-fund managers. 他声称,只要另外支付管理费,就会获得最好的对冲基金经理们的投资组合。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. What I was trying to do is I try to get students start to think, put together their own thoughts. 我想做的就是让学生们开始自己思考,让他们有自己的想法。 www.hjenglish.com 3. My only advice was that he should put together a good team and try to do what he thought was right for the country. 我唯一的建议就是应该团结一个好的领导团队,努力去做那些他认为有利于国家的事情。 www.bing.com 4. When I saw that little boy tonight, I knew what I could do for him, and I put together a dozen of my very best roses. 今晚当我看到那个小男孩时,我知道我该怎么做了,我把最好的玫瑰送给了他。 www.dreye.com.cn 5. I can put together a few simple chords and a couple of melodies so that at least some of the tunes are recognizable. 我可以弹一些简单的和弦旋律,所以至少有些音调还是可以辨认的。 www.bing.com 6. Spain, whose GDP is almost double that of the three rescued countries put together, has long been a source of concern. GPD几乎是这三个受援助国GPD总和两倍的西班牙就因此长久以来广受关注。 www.ecocn.org 7. When Jim asked me to put together something on refactoring, I had to ask him what that really meant. 当Jim要我讲一讲重构时,我问他重构究竟意味着什么。 www.chinaitpower.com 8. We also recommend that you take a look at a video one of our engineers put together that reviews many of the key features described here. 我们还建议您查看我们的工程师整理的视频,其中讨论了这里描述的许多关键特性。 www.ibm.com 9. Apiary Inspector Peter Kaczynski came out of retirement to put together this rapid response unit for the State of Victoria. 已经退休的养蜂场的督察员彼德,立刻在维多利亚成立回应单位。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. You're going to put together some PHP image-manipulation code that will allow you to create an ID-card image suitable for lamination. 您将整合一些PHP图像处理代码,这些代码将允许您创建适合贴膜(lamination)的ID卡片图像。 www.ibm.com 1. There was also disagreement over the role of Iraqi exiles who have come back to try to help put together a new government. 对于返回伊拉克帮助组成新政府的流亡者所起的作用也有不同的意见。 2. Sure. I'll ask her to put together a tentative schedule by the end of this week. 当然,我会让她在这周准备好一个暂定的日程表。 www.englang.cn 3. Taking over Sun, he said this week, provides Oracle with all the pieces to put together systems that reach from "application to disk" . 本周他表示,对Sun公司的收购使得甲骨文拥有了装配计算机系统的所有部件,从“应用软件到磁盘硬件”。 www.ecocn.org 4. I never have courage put together with you, but my heart at the moment still love you. 我再也没有勇气跟你提出在一起,但是我的心此时此刻依然爱这你。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. If you want to go all out on your website, you can put together shopping cart technology, but that be pricey to start out with. 如果你想全力以赴把站点做好,你可以利用一下购物车技术,但开始时费用会有点儿搞。 www.8875.org 6. In the two or three months before a new election can be held, he might try to put together a "grand alliance" of the main parties. 在新一轮选举开始前的两三个月中,他可能会尝试构建一个由主要政党组成的“大型联盟”。 www.ecocn.org 7. And yet, we are far more complex than any piece of furniture or computer program we have ever had to put together or install. 然而,我们却比组合一个家具的部件或安装电脑程序要复杂得多。 www.bing.com 8. Minster are trying to put together a package deal that will end the dispute. 部长们正在力图寻求能解决争端的一揽子交易。 hi.baidu.com 9. "We just want to offer healthy entertainment for the youth . . . This is all in early stages. The company has not been put together yet. " “我们只是希望为年轻人提供健康的娱乐方式……这些都处于早期阶段,合资公司目前还没有成立。” www.ftchinese.com 10. These rooms can be put together as needed (wardrobe, curtains, light weight wall) and thus change to two or three bedroom apartments. 这些房间可以在需要的时候通过橱柜,门帘,轻质墙壁等的变动而变为两室或是三室的公寓。 project.zhulong.com 1. No such system has been put together at this sort of depth before, so getting it to work is unlikely to be easy. 因为之前,一直没有如此规模的装置一同放入如此深的水底,所以要完成这个任务不可能轻松。 www.24en.com 2. Let me take a picture of you guys. My mom wants me to put together, like a scrapbook full of memories. 我想帮你们拍张合影,我妈妈希望我把这些收集起来,做成回忆纪念册。 tieba.baidu.com 3. "Half-Life 2" , which came out in 2004, took six years to develop, whereas new episodes can be put together in a year or so. 2004年发行的《半条命2》花费了六年时间开发,而游戏的新章节仅需一年左右就可完工。 www.ecocn.org 4. One of the big goals of this meeting was to put together a deal to reduce green house gas emissions. 这次会议的其中一个重大目标就是就减少温室气体排放达成协议。 bbs.koolearn.com 5. It's really close to every attraction, the staff is amazing they really help you to put together an itinerary. 它离每个景点都很近。员工的服务令人惊讶,他们会帮你综合情况制定旅游路线。 www.taskcn.com 6. Put together, all that makes the general election of 2010 inconveniently unanalogous to any other. 总之,所有的当前状况使2010年的大选不会那么容易与以往任何的相同。 www.ecocn.org 7. There's a proposal to actually put together an institute. This is what's going to take a bit of money. 还有一个计划建议组织一个机构,可是这将会需要点钱。 www.ted.com 8. To see all this in action, you'll put together a trip-planning page in which the user can type in a source and destination airport. 为了进行演示,您将组建一个旅行计划页面,在该页面中,用户可以输入出发地机场和目的地机场。 www.ibm.com 9. We - an international team - helped the children to put together a musical, with a story about hope and love. 我们这个“联合国”团队今年帮助孩子们准备了一出歌舞剧,剧情是一个有关希望和爱的故事。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Both calls focused on financial projections, company valuations and an analysis of the deal put together by the company and its advisers. 两次会议讨论的重点都是公司及其顾问提交的财务分析、公司估值和对交易的分析。 cn.wsj.com 1. And as the sun arose you were part of that light and had left behind everything that thought had put together. 太阳升起时,你便是那光的一部分,将思想所构筑的一切丢在脑后。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Can be almost meaningless, and does not require translation, but do not translate too short, long points, the best words I put together. 意思差不多就可以了,不需要直译,不过千万不要翻译的太短了,长点最好,我凑字数。 wenwen.soso.com 3. Lapham's Quarterly put together this graphic showing just how much food a dollar will get you. 摘自《拉帕姆季刊》这张图上汇总了一美元可以买到的食物。 dongxi.net 4. Bones: The victim's apartment is like an archaeological dig. We should be able to put together a picture of his life from his effects. 受害者公寓就像一座考古遗址,我们可以根据他的影响力拼凑出他的生活写照。 www.douban.com 5. And I said to him what I was doing, that I was going to go study architecture because it was art and mathematics put together. 我告诉了他我在做什么,以及接下来我要学习建筑,因为它是艺术和数学的结合。 www.ted.com 6. It is pretty easy to get the point that your team needs to put together its strategy for many of your enterprise systems. 要理解团队需要整理用于许多企业系统的策略,是一件相当简单的事情。 www-128.ibm.com 7. It's best to stay focussed and concentrate on your own work, trying to put together the perfect weekend, one step at a time. 保持精力、专心于你自己的工作是最好的办法,设法将这些结合在一起,一步一步的组成一个完美的周末。 www.f1-zone.net 8. Bankers and investors are lining up to put together financing deals when better market visibility emerges. 银行家和投资人已经准备好在市场状况改善时,达成这些融资项目。 cn.reuters.com 9. 'Regardless of what happens to my credit, we've managed to put together the best safety plan that I possibly could. ' 她说,我感觉非常幸运,不管我的信用会遇到什么问题,我们毕竟已经制定了能够制定的最好避险计划。 c.wsj.com 10. I'm really proud of what our team put together and eternally thankful to all of you for embracing what we were trying to do. . . 我真的很自豪,我们的剧组会永远感谢你们所有人为了我们所做的所有努力… myterminator.cn 1. He said developing Asian countries should follow the example of Singapore, South Korea and China to put together investment plans. 他表示,亚洲发展中国家应当学习新加坡、韩国和中国的做法,制定总体投资计划。 www.ftchinese.com 2. I felt a sense of relief that we were that the plan that the President has put together very patiently, very carefully. 我觉得有些儿松了一口气,总统的计划周详谨慎。 ting.24en.com 3. If you live in a historic town you may be able to research town history and discover enough interesting stories to put together a real tour. 如果你住在一个历史悠久的小镇,你也可以搜寻你那里的历史平且发现足够多有趣的事情,所有的这些在一起就能形成一个真正的旅行。 www.bing.com 4. Now that you know all that, it's time to put together all you've learned and create a Perlin Noise function. 既然你知道了全部这些,现在是时候把他们组合在一起了,你将学会并创建一个柏林函数。 www.game798.com 5. Become accustomed to put together own happiness in not seen before city! Have no heart-broken, resemble the similar man in breeze only! 习惯了在陌生的城市里拼凑自己的幸福!没有心碎,独像风一样的男子! bbs.ny1988.com 6. This is the main idea that I am trying to put together, but Im not sure how much more information is needed upfront to you. 这是主要的想法,我想他们放在一起,但我不能确定有多少前期需要更多的信息给你。 www.bing.com 7. Within minutes you can quickly piece together an infrastructure that would potentially take weeks to put together in a real-world IT shop. 您可以在几分钟内快速地获得一个基础设施,而这在真实的IT工作室中可能会花费几周时间。 www.ibm.com 8. hence the patient's inability to set the hands of a clock, to play chess, or to put together jig-saw puzzles. 因此病人的无能设定时钟的手,玩西洋象棋,或放一起捷格舞-锯子的难题。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. China in recent years the myth of the two countries have an in-depth study, but it has never been put together for a comparison. 近年来我国对两国的神话都有深入的研究,但是从未将其放在一起进行对比。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Richard Carmona, the U. S. Surgeon General, only about a third of Americans have even tried to put together a family-health history. 据美国公共卫生部部长理查德·卡莫纳博士所说,只有三分之一的美国人试图整理他们的家族健康记录。 www.examda.com 1. I love history - and especially the medieval period, so lists like this are a real pleasure to put together. 我喜欢历史——尤其是中世纪时期的历史,所以把这些东西罗列下来对我而言是无与伦比地快乐。 www.elanso.com 2. Just a work of art put together without the use of a nail, nothing modern used at all. 没有一根钉子,没有任何现代的手段,一件艺术品就这样完成了。 www.zftrans.com 3. The Filipino character is actually a little bit of all the cultures put together, yet deeply rooted in Asian traditions and values. 事实上菲律宾人的性格有一些将所有文化混合在一起的味道。 www.philembassy-china.org 4. It's not easy to put together a championship-caliber roster. 的确不太容易组建一个争夺冠军球队的轮番阵容。 bbs.club.sohu.com 5. Over the weekend, from Saturday to the early hours of Monday morning, we worked hard to put together the financial stability fund. 整个那个周末,从星期六到星期一早晨,我们很努力地将金融稳定基金组成成一个整体。 www.bing.com 6. To make ideas your own you need to take them apart to understand how they were put together and why they were put together in a certain way. 借鉴别人的想法,你需要将其分解开来,以弄清楚它们是如何结合在一起的,以及为何它们以此方式结合。 www.bing.com 7. We've put together a slideshow of some of our favorites, including one, "False Negative, " that's never been seen anywhere yet. 我们把最喜欢的封面中的几张做成了幻灯片,其中包括一张此前从未展示的“错误否定”。 www.bing.com 8. But the care with which this has put together, with a leather strap to hold it, could suggest the former. 但是由于放在一起的细心呵护,用一根皮革绳索捆扎支撑它,使人想起先前的创造者来。 www.douban.com 9. China already has a bigger network than any other country in the world and will soon have more than all the rest of the world put together. 中国已拥有比其他任何国家都庞大的交通网络,不久之后将发展到比世界其他国家的总和还庞大。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Then we helped put together the Series B round a year or two later, and worked with them on the Series C round that closed in December 2009. 一两年后,我们帮助促成了第二轮融资,并与他们合作进行了2009年12月结束的第三轮融资。 www.fortunechina.com 1. While on its own, each object might look minute. When many are put together in the public area, they show themselves to be of great value. 每一个物品单独呈现时看起来很渺小,当很多个一起被摆在公共区域时,它们展现出耀眼的价值。 www.zhishiduo.com 2. It was taken to pieces, like a toy-puzzle for a young Devil, and was put together again when the occasion wanted it. 它可以像个拆卸玩具一样分成零件给年轻的魔鬼玩,而到形势需要时又可以重新装配使用。 www.kuaiyilin.com 3. The great astronomer Edmund Halley eventually persuaded Newton to put together the results of his work on the laws of motion. 著名的天文学家埃德蒙·哈雷,最后说服了牛顿让他总结在运动定律方面的研究结果。 www.bing.com 4. You think the A. U. will put together a conference like this? 你能想象非洲联盟(A.U.)会召开这样一个会议吗? www.ted.com 5. Some mechanical engineers spend their time disassembling machines to see how they were originally put together. 有些机械工程师花时间拆卸机器以了解最初它们是如何组装起来的。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 6. Noun compounds: Two or three words that have been put together to form one new word usually carry the stress on the first word. 复合名词:两个或三个单词一起组成一个新的单词,重音在第一个音节。 www.tingclass.net 7. It had been put together by lawyers and executives who supervised investigations at Fortune 500 companies. 这本册子是由监督财富500强企业进行内部调查的律师和高管编撰而成。 www.bing.com 8. The hut was made of wood prefabricated in England and put together by the ship's crew within eight days of landing. 小屋的木制部件都是在英国制造,后来在登陆南极8天内由船上的探险队员们拼装成。 www.bing.com 9. He added that the company wanted Mr. Gorman to have time to put together his team. 麦晋桁还说,公司希望戈尔曼从容组建他的团队。 c.wsj.com 10. Richard: You know, maybe I'll put together some photos of Grandpa as a "welcome" present. 你知道吧,我或许可以把爷爷的几张照片拼在一起,做成一个“欢迎”字样的礼物。 www.ebigear.com 1. So the authors put together a far richer model to help decide which side of a currency trade to be on. 因此作者将更丰富的模型组合在一起来帮助决定哪一方的货币交易应该被保留。 club.topsage.com 2. They cannot be in any other arrangement unless the puzzle has been taken apart and put together incorrectly. 这个步骤不能解决非两对中心互换的情况——除非该魔方被拆散后又被错误地安装过。 bbs.mf8-china.com 3. The genetic diversity of Africans probably exceeds that of the rest of the world put together. 非洲人的基因多样性很可能超过了世界所有其他地方(基因多样性)的总和。 www.ecocn.org 4. It turns out that there are really two levels of categorization that you'll need to put together a sensible physical layout for your site. 实践证明,为站点组合一个合理的物理布局,您实际上需要两个级别的分类。 www.ibm.com 5. However, we couldn't put together a list of Vista annoyances without including some methods to make UAC just a little less annoying. 不过,我们可不能列出一个不包括一些使UAC不那么烦人的方法的Vista烦人项目列表。 www.bing.com 6. You know, most of the collection here was put together during the Ching dynasty. 这里大部份的收藏品是在清朝时期整理集中的。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. I need a DNN Developer to put together a simple DNN website with a very professional finish. 我需要一个DNN的开发放在一起完成一个非常简单的DNN的专业网站。 www.bing.com 8. Because of the intuitive interface, players will be able to put together complex sequences of symbols in a matter of seconds. 因为直观的图形化界面,玩家可以在几秒内构建负责的符号序列。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. This bookshelf fits into a box which can be brought onto a bus and takes say, 20 minutes to put together. 这个装在盒子里的书架可以带上公共汽车,并且,用20分钟就可以将它组装起来。 www.24en.com 10. In the event something does happen within the next few years, we have put together a Solar Storm Survival Guide which can be downloaded. 在未来几年内发生的事件的东西,我们都放在一起,可以下载一个太阳风暴生存指南。 www.sinovision.net 1. Many economists believe that consumers will have to spend more freely for the economy to put together a stronger recovery. 许多经济学家认为,消费者将会更自由的支配开支,推动美国经济复苏。 www.bing.com 2. These fuel rods are then put together to form larger packages, and a number of these packages are then put into the reactor. 把很多的燃料棒放在一起形成一个大体积的包裹,然后把很多个这样的包裹放进反应器。 www.bing.com 3. I mean I haven't seen many episodes, so, I don't know how it will be put together but shooting it was just a lot of fun. 我是说我还没有看很多集,所以,我不知道他们会怎么剪辑(编辑剧集),但是拍摄的时候很有意思。 www.douban.com 4. he's always singing the blues about how poor he is , but the truth is has more bucks in the bank than the two of us put together. 他老是诉苦,说他多么穷。可是,事实上,他银行里的钱比我们两人的加在一起还多。 www.showxiu.com 5. Some of my fondest memories are when I've put together a large group of friends and did nothing but hang out. 有时候我会召集一大帮朋友,什么也不干,只是一起晃悠晃悠,这成了非常美好的记忆。 www.bing.com 6. In our approach in Ethiopia, we've decided to put together the entire ecosystem, or environment, in which trade takes place. 而我们决定在埃塞俄比亚采取的方法,是要把整个生态系统或是整个贸易发生的环境纳入一起考虑。 www.ted.com 7. Steig writes, "His mother was ugly and his father was ugly, but Shrek was uglier than the two of them put together. " 史泰格写道:「他的老妈很丑,老爸也很丑,可是史瑞克比他们俩个加起来还要丑。」 www.24en.com 8. Evernote will give you a blank editor for you to put together a note. 我们就可以在空白编辑区写笔记了。 www.bing.com 9. Once all that has been put together - you can now choose the setting for your stadium. 一旦所有的被放在一起——现在你可以选择设置你的体育场。 bbs.winning11cn.com 10. The oddities lists are always popular and are a pleasure to research and put together so I felt bound to do another. 由于怪异事件清单很受欢迎而且将其放在一起以作研究是一件令人愉快的事,因此我觉得有必要再做一份。 www.elanso.com 1. You could also use it to put together a simple news and information site. 还可以使用它来组合简单的新闻和信息站点。 www.cnblogs.com 2. I still remember one of the very first meetings we put together to discuss gang violence with a group of community leaders. 我仍然记得我们最初组织的一次同社区领袖讨论团伙暴力问题的会议。 www.america.gov 3. He never founded a college, but all the schools put together cannot boast of having as many students. 他从来没有建立过一所学院,但所有学校学生人数的总和,也不及他的门生。 blog.163.com 4. When he put together the equations of general relativity back in 1916, Einstein applied them to the universe as a whole. 1916年他得到了广义相对论方程,并将宇宙看做整体进行计算。 www.bing.com 5. When I saw that little boy tonight, I knew ho that voice was, and I put together a dozen of my very best roses. 今晚看到那个小男孩的时候,我知道那个声音是谁的了。于是我整理了一打最好的玫瑰。 bbs.kuanye.net 6. We are the staff and pupils of a junior school in England, who have put together several pages to help you learn more about our culture. 我们的工作人员和学生的初中学校,在英格兰,他们把几页,帮助您更多地了解我们的文化。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. contraction is two words put together and made into a shorter word with the same meaning. 缩写式就是将两个词组合起来形成一个更短的具有相同意义的词。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Wiggio's tools aren't anything new, but the way they're put together make them very easy to work with. Wiggio的工具虽然没有巨大的创新,但是这些工具的组织方式使得它很容易操作。 www.elanso.com 9. So I thought I would put together some important milestones of my own usage and show you how email has changed from those early days. 我想我应该把自己使用电子邮件的一些重要里程碑事件整理在一起,告诉大家电子邮件这些年月有多少变化。 dongxi.net 10. Put together falling asset prices, rising defaults and tighter credit and it is hard to see how the economy will bounce back quickly. 资产贬值,违约上升加上紧缩信贷,我们很难看出经济如何能快速地复苏。 www.ecocn.org 1. The company put together the components as requested at the last minute before delivery. 公司依据先前的定制配件将电脑组装好后就立刻发货。 www.ecocn.org 2. You gain a variety of basic techniques that you can use to put together attractive and sophisticated Web environments using SVG. 您将了解到各种基本技术,使用SVG将其结合起来可以创建富有吸引力的、复杂的Web环境。 www.ibm.com 3. 'What the Chinese are going to try to do is to put together a draft and circulate something tomorrow, ' he told reporters last night. 昨晚,ChristopherHill告诉记者:“目前中国正在努力起草该文件,并于明天同其他与会各方探讨文件细节。” www.bing.com 4. Over the years judges have put together various cases in an attempt to finger Mr Chirac. 过去的几年中,法官们搜集各种罪证试图将希拉克先生绳之以法。 www.ecocn.org 5. He says he hopes a new party leader will be able to put together an effective government once he leaves office. 奥尔默特表示希望前进党新领导人在他辞去总理之后能立即组建一个有效政府。 www.voanews.cn 6. This burger eventually found its way back to McDonald's rebranded, restyled , and actually put together for you, as the Big N' Tasty. 这种汉堡包最终找到自己的出路,重回麦当劳更名,重新设计,实际上为你们而包装,就像那个至尊汉堡。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. With all this equipment put together, I started cleaning up the floor in front of the bathroom and the one in the restroom. 这些工具准备好之后,我便开始清扫起浴室前的通道和洗手间的地面来。 sm2000.org 8. And I've tried to put together something that's a good start for this. 我一直试着整理出一些东西来开个好头。 www.ted.com 9. Along with a flexibility to be adapted to whatever type site you are looking to put together. 它具有非常大的灵活性,能够适应任何类型的网站。 blog.163.com 10. The flare peaked in July 2010, outshining all the stars in the galaxy put together, and then faded, but was still aglow a year later. 2010年7月份,闪光的亮度达到顶峰,其亮度超过了该星系中所有恒星加在一起的亮度,然后逐渐变暗,然而在一年之后仍然在发光。 www.bing.com 1. Until two months ago, she was a low-key businesswoman, but her team put together a slick and energetic campaign backed by populist policies. 就在两个月前,她还是一名低调的商界女性,但她的团队策划了一场娴熟而活力十足的竞选,并辅之以一些迎合民意的政策。 www.ftchinese.com 2. In the end, he put together a three-and-a-half hour recording of 3, 412 volunteers saying the names of every student who died. 最后,他收集到了一段由3412志愿者合作完成的长3个半小时的录音,“念”出了每一名地震中死去的学生的名字。 kk.dongxi.net 3. But I thought I'd put together a little list of what mom-and-pop stores can do to attract younger customers. 但是我觉得我只是将一些能吸引年轻客户的夫妻店提供出来。 www.bing.com 4. Through the Word we are put together and shaped up for the tasks God has for us. 通过这个记录把我们放在一起,为了我们把我们塑造成上帝拥有的任务。 www.bing.com 5. The sun may look larger to us than all the other visible stars put together, but in fact it is much smaller than some of them. 太阳看起来显得比所有看得见的星星合在一起还要大,但事实上它比某些星星要小得多。 www.1stenglish.com 6. A bold mission is put together to stop the ruthless invading forces, but will it be enough to stop the vastly superior forces? 一个大胆的使命是共同制止无情的侵略势力,但是否足以停止大大优于势力? zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org 7. The EU-IMF loans package has been put together to help pull Greece out of its debt crisis. 欧盟和国际货币基金组织的“一揽子”贷款被联合在一起来帮助希腊摆脱债务危机。 www.bing.com 8. Within the WTO, Beijing has already put together an African coalition large enough to torpedo specific rules it opposes. 在世贸组织中,北京集结了强大的非洲同盟,足以使它所反对的个别法规失效。 www.bing.com 9. We thought the names of two incredibly hot guys put together could be the best name for a porn star. 我想两个帅家伙的名字放到一块儿对于一个成人影星来说再合适不过了。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Studied individually, each has its own characteristic; put together, they form the simplicity and directness of a peasant. 细分起来,每一部分都很有特色,合成一下就变成了农民的朴实。 bbs.wwenglish.org 1. Memorable , above all, was the day on which Victor carried his bat, after having put together a score of182 . 尤其值得纪念的是,那一天维克多在获得182分之后,仍未被判出场。 www.bing.com 2. He would put together a group of men and call them his council of dads. 他将会选一群男人,让他们当女儿的咨询爸爸。 www.bing.com 3. discipline. Or, as one model puts it, "It's like a giant complicated jigsaw puzzle you have to put together all the time. " 就像一个模特说的,“这个行业就像一个复杂的七巧板,你必须随时都把它们拼在一起。” bbs.enfamily.cn 4. We put together oranges and apples in a basket one of our vendors had brought the department for Christmas. 我们把桔子和苹果装在一个篮子里,那是我们医院的其中一个供应商送给急诊部的圣诞礼物。 www.bing.com 5. Mr Riley's X-Power, by contrast, is put together from thousands of leftover parts and a chassis that he imported from Italy. 相比之下,赖利的X-Power是由数千种剩余零部件和从意大利进口的底盘组装起来的。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Once upon a time, you were noisy, and all of us put together. 很久以前,你可是很吵闹的,我们大家都给你吵坏了。 bbs.iyaya.com 7. General condition, to the single user residential speaking, it is not recommended to put heating and air conditioning put together. 一般条件下,对单用户住宅来讲,不建议将供暖和空调放在一起。 www.anhuidadu.com 8. "We would be looking more broadly at different traits to put together a system of classification, " said Ms McCarthy. 麦卡锡小姐说,“我们将寻找更多的不同特征以将其整理成一个分类系统。” www.tianya.cn 9. "There are difficulties, but not that many elements to put together a basic deal, " he said. “有困难,但要达成一项基本协议并不那么难,”斯特恩说。 www.english88.com.cn 10. Help your child to interpret what she sees - to think of explanations for the events depicted and to imagine how the show is put together. 帮助你的孩子理解他所看到的东西。思考那些对所描述的事件的解说,并且设想一下电视剧是怎样组合在一起的。 www.ebigear.com 1. On the night before, put together a list all the tasks I need to get done for the next day. 在前一天的晚上,把我第二天需要完成的任务集中到一个表上。 www.bing.com 2. It was very satisfying to have put together such a system yourself. 组装这样一个系统是相当有满足感的。 www.vvcha.cn 3. In terms of design and look , the site needs to be attractive, colourful. and well put together. 在设计和外观方面,该网站需要保持吸引力,丰富多彩。和福祉放在一起。 www.bing.com 4. Teachers to put together reports and presentation materials, also organize all the work products. 老师们汇总项目团队的项目报告、演示材料、以及工作成果。 evergreeneducation.org 5. Without one brick of this world, the big world would not exist. The world exists by many bricks put together; every brick is important. 宇宙是由许多砖头所砌成的,所以每块砖头都很重要,少掉我们世界这块砖头,宇宙也不会存在。 sm2000.org 6. Memory's being like is broken off of mirror, connect own face also immediately broken, no one can re- put together to put together. 记忆像被打碎的镜子,就连自己的脸也随之破裂,没有人能重新拼合起来。 blog.tianya.cn 7. Plone enables you to put together almost any Web site and easily update it. 通过Plone,您可将几乎任意的网站集中起来,并能够轻松的更新。 www.procedurelife.com 8. By the end of October 1886, the statue had been put together again and it was officially presented to the American people by Bartholdi. 到1886年10月底,这座雕像被重新组装起来,由巴索尔地正式赠送给美国人民。 www.joyen.net 9. So to help you walk through a fresh new day, the Active Word has put together this second volume of the 365 Devotional. 因此,为了帮助你走过每个崭新的一天,《活语》已经完成了《365日灵修日引》的第二卷编辑工作。 www.bing.com 10. An enriched environment is one in which 12 rats are put together in a large cage filled with a variety of play objects. 所谓优越的环境就是把十二只老鼠都放在一个有各种各样玩具的大笼子里。 www.showxiu.com 1. It wasn't just a tent anymore. Made with clay, it was well put together. 我们的新家再也不是帐篷了,而是用粘土造的房子。 www.bing.com 2. With a good agent you can have just a few of your wealthiest regions each producing more tax income than the rest put together. 有几个好的人民公仆你就可以凭借几个最富裕的地区,每个都可以提供比其余地区税收总和更高的收入。 www.clanlong.com 3. With this in mind, let's now put together a quick XSL stylesheet, to convert the XML output of Listing 2 into a simple HTML page. 明白这一点后,我们来快速制作一个XSL样式表,将清单2的XML输出转换为一个简单的HTML页面。 www.ibm.com 4. That left less than three weeks to put together an unprecedented deal structure. 留下了不到3周时间来达到一个空前的交易结构。 www.bing.com 5. The IFC and the German government have put together a $500m fund to help microfinance firms with refinancing. 国际金融公司(IFC)和德国政府共同设立了一个5亿美元的基金以帮助这些微型金融机构再融资。 www.ecocn.org 6. By the end of D-Day, the Allies had control of all five beaches, but much of the jigsaw remained to be put together. 当D日过去后,盟军已经控制了所有5个海滩,而且大部分地区拼接在了一起。 www.bing.com 7. Starting with the crossword helper created in Part 1, let's put together a quick script to help you with your Jumble. 从在第1部分中创建的纵横字谜助手开始,让我们整合一个快速脚本以帮助您构建Jumble。 www.ibm.com 8. Instead, put together a simple set of steps using tools that integrate and work well with the current set of tools that everyone uses. 相反,应该提供一系列简单的步骤,在其中使用能集成大家当前使用的一系列工具且能与之良好协作的工具。 www.ibm.com 9. When you have more euro-zone economies in trouble than out of it, there's no way to put together a fiscal package to fix the mess. 当有更多的欧元区经济体陷入困境,除了用一套一揽子财政政策来解决问题以外,别无他法。 www.ecocn.org 10. It was a huge learning curve for use to put together and we faced a number of technical challenges. 把所有的东西合起来使用需要很陡的学习曲线,而且我们过去的确遭遇过大量的技术挑战。 www.infoq.com 1. Decisions on how templates are used to put together rendering can vary depending on the target device. 根据目标设备的不同,有关如何使用模板来综合考虑呈现方式的决策也会有所不同。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Marshall has put together a seven-step program designed to restore loving communication between the two halves of a couple. 作者总结了七步法来使夫妻双方重建爱的交流。 www.bing.com 3. But they did not put together the tacit and academic moral problem to research. 但是,他们都没有把隐性知识和学术道德问题结合起来研究。 www.fabiao.net 4. 140 of these cars arrived in the U. S. today (they were put together in Cologne, Germany). 如今,已有140辆Fiesta(投产于德国科隆)抵达美国。 www.elanso.com 5. We have put together a list of a few different celebs and what vehicles you will see them behind the wheel of. 我们已经制定了一个清单,几个不同的明星大腕和什么车你会看到他们背后的车轮。 usa.315che.com 6. Greece is still struggling to put together a stable government. 希腊还在为政府维稳而挣扎不已。 www.ecocn.org 7. Not that mattered though, because she walked around like she was better than all of us put together. 不过这些都没关系,因为她走起路来趾高气扬,好像我们所有人加在一起都不如她似的。 www.putclub.com 8. These three parts as long as knot to put together systematically, can constitute a complete telephone correspondence system. 这三个部分只要有系统地结合起来,就能构成一个完整的电话通信系统。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. If you're selected to plan the office Christmas party, put together a group to help you out. 如果你选择举办办公室圣诞节舞会,那么可以组织一个团队来帮助你。 www.elanso.com 10. "He was starting with a blank sheet of paper, " said Mr Turkewitz. "The legislation had been put together very quickly. " 图尔凯维茨表示:“开始的时候,他手里只有一张白纸。后来立法很快就出台了。” www.ftchinese.com 1. Usually you have to put together a resume and wait to hear something. 一般情况下你不得不先拼凑起一份个人简历,再等待消息。 www.hotdic.com 2. Put together in cooperation with the world's top producers, his debut album came out in 2000. 与世界顶尖级的制作人合作,罗南在2000年推出了自己的第一张专辑《罗南》。 www.cctv.com 3. Here are a few tips we've put together to help you learn English well. 以下是我们归纳的一些小建议,它们将有助于你学好英语。 iask.sina.com.cn 4. It is nearly impossible to put together a majority coalition for a bill that challenges those essential structures. 要想在国会组织一个多数联盟提出一项法案来颠覆这种深层次的力量,几乎是不可能的。 www.bing.com 5. Deciding to stay for a night nearby, Jamey set about forming a project to photograph the bridge as it's put together step-by-step. 杰米打算在附近停留一夜。他开始准备大桥拍摄计划,来点滴记录大桥的合龙。 www.bing.com 6. Earlier Thursday, the S. E. C. scrambled to put together an emergency rule to force major investors to disclose their short sales daily. 早在星期四,美国证券交易委员会紧急发出规定强制主要投资者公开她们的每天短期销售额。 bbs.xmfish.com 7. End, three melt to put together and use to the modern day porcelain and ceramics of design of development put forward new of request. 最后,把三者融合起来,对现代日用陶瓷的设计的发展提出了新的要求。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Dealers are increasingly being asked to put together collections for wealthy Americans who want to diversify away from paper investments. 那些富有的美国人为了使投资更加的多元化,愈来愈要求经销商们把有投资价值的收藏品都归总起来。 xiaozu.renren.com 9. I am trying to put together the wreckage. 我正设法去挽救我们残破的婚姻。 www.ycu.edu.cn 10. The profit opportunity here is so unique and urgent that I've put together a full video report on what I've found. 这里的获利机会是如此独特而紧迫的,我已和大家共享了关于我的发现完整的视频报告。 eineksy.blog.sohu.com 1. if you have all the facts about lupin , you can deduce he won ' t stay long , her spell simply put together the pieces for her. 如果你有有关卢平的一切资料,你就可以推断出他不会待的长久,她的预言仅仅的把事实拼凑起来。 www.ichacha.net 2. The opposition Party (Labour) dismisses the Charter as a "back of the envelope" policy, hurriedly put together without due consideration. 反对党(工党)则斥之为一个未经充分考虑,匆匆忙忙地凑合起来的涂在信封背面上的政策。 www.jukuu.com 3. Each of these broadcasts is put together by a producer, who decides what stories will air, at what length, and in what order. 这些节目都有一个制作人负责,由制作人决定播出内容、时间长短及先后次序等。 www.america.gov 4. I know better than all the cardinals put together. A word of a living pope is worth more than the sayings of a hundred dead ones. 我比所有的主教都清楚,现任教皇的一句话胜过百位已逝教皇。 www.bing.com 5. My associates and I have put together an excellent package for a trip to visit Chicago, USA during the Annual Chicago Dental Show. 我和我的同事们组织和整合了一系列很棒的活动伴随在一年一度的美国芝加哥牙科展览会议期间。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The goal is to put together GEMCaP signatures that rival clinical nomograms that include standard pathologic and clinical data. 目标是把GEMCaP标记整理在一起包括标准病理和临床数据。 news.dxy.cn 7. All this information was put together to create a detailed map of the brain. 所有的这些信息被整合起来创造了一幅人类大脑的详细的图景。 dongxi.net 8. The World Bank tried to put together a global set of statistics for the year 2005. 而这一次世界银行试图采用覆盖全球的统计数据来修订2005年的报告。 www.ebigear.com 9. An investigation found that part of the generator's circuit breaker had been put together backward. 调查发现,发电机的断路器部分被装反了。 chinese.wsj.com 10. Although he managed to put together a fairly decent, if sometimes comical, English sentence. 他还是想方设法组成颇为象样、有时也不免令人好笑的英语句子。 dict.veduchina.com 1. So I wanted to show you a clip, and then I was going tell you a little bit of how it got put together. 所以我想展示一个片段,然后向大家简单的介绍一些它是如何拼贴成的。 www.ted.com 2. connect, fasten, or put together two or more pieces. 把两个或多个物体联合,扣紧或连在一起。 www.jukuu.com 3. You put together machines and water, and you get landscapes that look like this. 运用机械及水,得到了现在这样一幅图景。 www.ted.com 4. With the bones I try to put together a bird that can summon the sun. 我试图用骨骼拼成一只能够呼唤太阳的禽鸟。 www.en84.com 5. Mr Obama almost certainly has the wherewithal to put together policies on a wide range of subjects. 奥巴马先生几乎肯定拥有了必要的资金,从而针对广阔范围的主题来整理政策。 www.ecocn.org 6. Hence the decision of Britain's biggest medical-research charity to put together the consortium that has just reported. 因此,英国最大的医学研究慈善机构决定进一步将上述协会的各种构想进行归纳总结。 www.ecocn.org 7. The CAW is understandably upset at the ultimatum, but it is struggling to put together a proposal to help preserve what jobs it can. 这是可以理解的啼不满的最后通牒,但它正在努力把建议,以帮助维护工作可以。 usa.315che.com 8. Do you think you could put together something on that topic? 你能否就这个话题给我们做个讲座? joejoewu.blogchina.com 9. Researchers usually put together with the number and character study, it is because there is no essential difference between the two object. 研究者通常将数字识别和英文字符识别放到一起研究,是因为这两者是没有本质区别的。 www.fabiao.net 10. Now, you can put together a simple search function that will take a search term and output the VXML required to list the results found. 现在可以创建一个简单的搜索函数,它可以接收搜索项,输出VXML以列出搜索结果。 www.ibm.com 1. As you expand rapidly into this new milieu, you can learn more about how your reality is put together. 当你迅速地扩展进入这个新的环境,你可以学习到更多关于你们的实相的一切。 leo2208.blog.163.com 2. She had more animation in her little finger than you two put together. 她比你们俩人加在一起还要活跃得多。 www.jukuu.com 3. I want you to call your assistant. Have her put together a list of anyone who had access to that video. 我要你打电话给你的助手让她把能接触到那份录像的所有人都列出来 www.kekenet.com 4. The personal curriculum you put together for yourself can be a combination of on-line training and experimentation. 您的个人课程可以是在线培训和实验的组合。 www.ibm.com 5. His share was more than all the others put together. 他的份额超过所有其他人的总额。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. After Athena's death, and in my search to help it all make sense, I put together a personal action plan that followed six simple steps. 雅典娜死后,为了让这一切有意义,我做了调查,遵照6个步骤,制定了个人行动计划。 www.bing.com 7. The Texan sisters behind Hable Construction gave us an easy tasty Country Style Chocolate Chip cake to put together. 家住哈勃建筑公司后舍的德克萨斯姐妹花为我们送上一款简易又不失美味的食谱:乡村风味巧克力屑洒金蛋糕。 www.bing.com 8. If you've read that article, you should have a basic idea of how Tapestry works and a good sense of how its core API is put together. 如果曾经阅读过那篇文章,应当对Tapestry的工作方式有了基本的理解,并了解了如何把它的核心API组合在一起。 www.ibm.com 9. This name is constructed using the name of the deployed EAR file, put together with the name of the client application JAR file. 该名称是使用已部署EAR文件名和客户机应用程序JAR文件名放在一起构造的。 www.ibm.com 10. The next thing the partnership have to do is put together a plan for how they will develop Uganda's resources. 合作双方要做的下一件事,就是拟定一份开发乌干达资源的计划。 www.ftchinese.com 1. My share was more than all the others put together. 我的股份比所有其他人的合在一起还要多。 www.kekenet.com 2. Could he enlist enough volunteers to put together a Puppy Express to transport Snoopy by stages across five states? 他能找到足够的志愿者组成横跨5个州的小狗快运吗? edu.sina.com.cn 3. The first step in developing the Ajax slide show is to put together the REST data service. 开发Ajax幻灯片的第一步是结合REST数据服务。 www.ibm.com 4. Your ability to set the right goals and put together a solid business plan will, in the end, make or break you as an online entrepreneur. 你制定正确目标的能力和一个稳固的商业计划可以使你成为出色的线上企业家。 www.elanso.com 5. Could I just take a few moments to show you this short presentation I put together in regards to the Linderman Building. 我能占用你一小段时间给你展示一下这个我整理的简短的关于林德曼建筑的陈述吗? www.kekenet.com 6. I and my good friend Robert put together under the grasslands of the White Tara sound, we were followed by a study sheep herders. 我是和我的好朋友罗伯特一起下放到白音塔拉草原的,我们俩跟着一户牧民学放羊。 bookapp.book.qq.com 7. Keep the car-shopping clientele happy and keep your profits high to put together a speed demon worthy of the racetrack. 保持购车的顾客高兴,让您的高利润放在一起制作值得赛道的速度恶魔。 www.jieda5.com 8. Slide Show Studio provides an easy way for users to put together a slide show using digital pictures and digital music. 144下载幻灯片放映和数字音乐工作室提供一种简单的方式为用户的照片放在一起幻灯片使用数字。 kondishenprom.info 9. Private dealers are now in a rare position to put together some good inventory. 如今私人交易商以一种罕见的姿态将几件好的藏品一块儿拿出来进行拍卖。 www.ecocn.org 10. A sports bar in Oslo , Norway was hoping to put together a special Jackson-themed menu to accompany its celebration. 挪威奥斯陆的一家体育酒吧为了配合仪式,准备推出一个特别的杰克逊主题菜单。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The ginger, Keep small amounts of oil pan, garlic, salt, sugar, cooking, stir fry put together a few continued speculation into ribs. 锅里留少量的油,把蒜、盐、糖、料酒一起放进去翻炒,翻炒几下后放入排骨继续炒。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 2. Withdraw craft, equipments and control knot of producing the forerunner to put together currently the local Chinese herbal medicine. 把目前国内中药提取生产先进的工艺、设备及控制结合起来。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 3. Think African governments will put together a conference like this? 你能想象非洲政府会召开这样一个会议吗? www.ted.com 4. Please spend the time to put together a detailed proposal and only those who can show me results will be considered. 请花时间整理了详细的建议,只有那些谁可以告诉我会考虑的结果。 www.bing.com 5. The team's electric car with a cardboard frame was put together with equipment donations from local businesses and recycled junk. 这个团队的带有纸板框架的电动汽车是由来自当地企业和废品收购站的设备捐赠者共同捐赠的设备组成的。 www.bing.com 6. When it came time to put together the set list for Desert of Desolation, we found another opportunity to do swarms. 当荒芜沙漠系列开始筹备后,我们发现了另一个机会来制作成群生物。 7. Disney and von Braun also worked to put together the TV show Man in Space. 迪士尼与冯布朗还合作录制电视剧“人类在太空”(ManinSpace)。 www.america.gov 8. Like many other nations, China has been scrambling to put together evacuation plans for its citizens stuck in crisis-torn Libya. 和其它许多国家一样,中国正忙于制定计划,从深陷危机的利比亚撤出本国公民。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Another team put together a satellite image map to help the rescue effort, and to connect supply donors with rescue areas in need. 另一个小组整合了卫星地图信息以帮助搜救工作,以及把捐赠供应者和搜救地区之需求者匹配在一起。 www.wzksw.com 10. The pressure to put together a second bail-out package for Greece remains intense. 各方仍面临巨大压力,要拼凑出第二个救助希腊的方案来。 www.ecocn.org 1. It's completely overrun, managed still to pull together some sandbags to put together a sturdy wall though. 这里已完全被毁坏,但是仍然有用一个个沙包叠起来做成结实的护墙。 games.sina.com.cn 2. And we've put together a handy "To-Do" list; it's very short. I've been talking about it over the last couple of weeks. 我们一起已经有了“待办事项”清单,它非常短。而在过去几周我一直在谈论它。 www.bing.com 3. Boxer was an enormous beast, nearly eighteen hands high, and as strong as any two ordinary horses put together. 布克瑟身材高大,大约有两米高的个头,身体强健与两匹普通马相当。 www.bing.com 4. A group of big funds had even put together a management team to explore a bid for ResCap, one of the sources said. 其中一个消息来源表示,一群资金雄厚者也已组织了一个管理团队来研究对ResCap出价。 cn.reuters.com 5. Potential growth is determined by limits on the availability of labor, capital, and how effectively the two can be put together. 潜在增长率是由可利用劳动力和资本存量的额度以及二者结合的有效度来决定的。 chinese.wsj.com 6. Those libraries are a lot more likely to be robust than something you put together in-house. 那些库可能比您在房间里装配起来的东西更为健壮。 www-128.ibm.com 7. I've put together a quick and dirty guide for new Apple users that explains some of the ways the Mac operating system differs from Windows. 我为新的苹果电脑用户草草写就了一篇指南,解释了Mac操作系统与Windows的一些不同之处。 chinese.wsj.com 8. The very observation of thought is the observation of your whole being and this very being is put together by thought. 对思想的观察就是对你整个生命的观察,这个生命正是被思想组合在一起的。 j-krishnamurti.org.cn 9. No it doesn't. To me it's just a couple of sounds put together. 没特别的意义,对于我来说,这就是几个音拼凑在一起。 en.v.wenguo.com 10. Japan's share of America's trade, at 5. 6%, exceeds that of all the current TPP partners put together. 日本对美贸易占到美国外贸总额的5.6%,这比重超过目前所有TPP成员的总额。 www.bing.com 1. Should I put together a big public soiree or can I really raise funds with just a small home-based event? 我应该放在一起一大型公共晚会或者我可以真正提高资金的事件只是一个小的家庭式? group.mtime.com 2. On lacks Robinson on their body such to put together the vigor and to the happy life rigid pursue faith likely greatly. 在他们身上就大大缺乏像鲁滨逊那样的拼劲和对美好生活执著追求的信念。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. With the worldwide attention Olivia's work has drawn, the Boulers and AOL have put together a print edition of her work. 随着全世界对奥利维亚作品的关注,布勒一家和美国在线公司一起印刷了她的作品。 voa.hjenglish.com 4. Sway from side to side step to be satisfied Frisch put together a new concept in physics - a new class of nuclear reaction - fission. 迈待纳踉弗里施一起提出了一个物理学上的新概念—一类新的核反应—裂变。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Then, I put together a simple table with a paragraph containing the in-place editable data. 然后,我插入了一个简单的表,其中有一个包含可就地编辑的数据的段落。 www.ibm.com 6. Alisa: I am very fortunate to have a team of professionals to help me put together an album that I can be proud of. 很荣幸有一群专业的音乐人来帮助我完成了这个(对我来说)很值得骄傲的专辑。 www.95magazine.com 7. The equipment packing cases shall be put together to be disposed of and cleaned if possible. 设备包装箱集中收集处理,尽可能地进行清理。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 8. The advantage of the interface mechanism is that you can put together a contract quickly without implementing any of the methods. 接口机制的优点是可以将契约快速集中在一起而无须实现任何方法。 www.ibm.com 9. But when all those factors are put together and the economists crunch the numbers, it ends up being a net positive, but a small one. “但当所有那些因素放在一起并且经济学家处理了大量数字时,它最终的结局是确实有一点,但很小的一点”。 www.bing.com 10. AQR has put together some indices (and financial products) to try to take advantage of the effect. AQR将许多指标(和金融产品)结合在一起,试图对其结果加以利用。 www.elanso.com 1. Maxwell Smart: I used to look like two of my moms put together. 麦克斯:我以前长得像……两个我妈妈加起来。 jpkc.wzu.edu.cn 2. Suddenly I felt somewhat sad to part with the collection I have put together following forty years of efforts, love, and passion. 我猛省我用40年的心血和热爱征集的藏品将离我而去,一时我有点感伤。 www.ebigear.com 3. To the CSBA president, it is "striking" that the administration has not put together a more detailed version of the NSS. 对于CSBA总统,政府还没有组建一个有关NSS更详细的版本是“惊人的”。 www.etiri.com.cn 4. Five formats plus a strip, to be put together as modular units, squared-off to create a continuous surface on floor or walls. 五种规格加上一个长条,成为模块单位,形成正方形铺满地面或者墙壁的表面。 www.areachina.com 5. The contact model and spacing distance between the samples are strongly affected on the magnetic flux when two magnets put together. 两磁体放置过程中,接触方式和放置时的间隔距离对合金磁通均有明显影响。 www.boshuo.net 6. More than anything else, techies view the contents news outlets painstakingly put together as an annoyance. 科技界人士把内容看作比任何东西都需要更多精力来整合的表现途径。 www.bing.com 7. Immediately after the signing of LeBron, people questioned whether or not Miami could put together a full team. 签完勒布朗后,立即有人质疑是否可以将他放在迈阿密中组成一个完整的团队。 210006090160.ctinets.com 8. We have put together a team that is working closely with your planet's Spiritual Hierarchy and a firm timetable is being agreed upon. 我们已经成立了一个小组,正在与你们的星球的精神体(指盖亚)制定密切的时间表。我们也在继续和地球盟友工作加速阴谋集团的覆灭。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. On a typical day's shooting, the crew will come in and rig the equipment and help put together sets. 通常情况下,在一天的拍摄过程中,剧本人员要负责架设各种设备,帮助布置场景。 www.bing.com 10. We helped them put together the perfect solution: an outdoor cocktail lounge. Here's what went into it. 我们帮助他们把完美的设施放在一起:把一个室外的鸡尾酒长沙发放入屋内。 www.ebigear.com |
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