单词 | put ... on |
释义 |
第三人称单数:puts on 现在分词:putting on 例句释义: 假话,穿上,上演,戴上 1. No matter how much water you put on it, it will never get soaked. 不论你对它倒多少水,它永远不会湿透。 www.duozhiqin.com 2. He fixed a drink, quietly put on the tea and let him "on behalf of wine to tea" , not embarrassed because drinks do not drink. 看他喝不动了,就悄悄换上茶,让他“以茶代酒”,不至于因喝不下酒难堪。 www.tradeask.com 3. As she was driving me home, she pulled into a lay-by to put on her rings. Then she leaned over towards me. 当她载着我回家的时候,她停在了路边戴上了她的戒指,随后她依偎着我。 www.bing.com 4. Her face took on the semblance of a look of happiness as she put on her hat to go below. 当她戴上帽子走下楼去时,她脸上露出了高兴的模样。 5. She put on her things, and shook hands with Gerald without once meeting his eyes. And she was gone. 她收拾起自己的东西。她与杰罗尔德握手时,避开了他的视线。她走了。 6. If I had delayed my speech, it would have sent a message to the American people that their business had been put on the back burner. 如果我再推迟这个演讲,就相当于给美国民众传递这样一个信息——他们的事情并不重要。 www.bing.com 7. While the company of the prophets was meeting with him, he said to his servant, 'Put on the large pot and cook some stew for these men. 先知门徒坐在他面前,他吩咐仆人说,你将大锅放在火上,给先知门徒熬汤。 www.ebigear.com 8. Well, I used to be size fourteen, but I've put on a bit of weight recently, so may be sixteen. 额,我过去穿14码,但是我最近重了一点,所以可能要16码。 www.hxen.com 9. Also, he must change out of his street clothes and put on a gray jumpsuit when he wishes to see visitors. 他也必须脱下他的休闲服穿上一件灰色的连身裤,当他愿意见访客时。 ying-wy.blog.163.com 10. Half an hour later, Marguerite, pale as death, put on her fur-lined cape and left the ball. 半个小时以后,玛格丽特脸色苍白得像死人一样,她穿上皮大衣,离开了舞会。 www.bing.com 1. But put the pack against one of the trees and we jointed up the rod, put on the reels, tired on leaders and got ready to fish. 但是把背包挂在一棵树上后,我们就开始接鱼竿,装线轴,挂上铅弹,准备钓鱼。 bbs.qiuyang.com 2. The news of its discovery comes just a week after another "lost" El Greco work was put on display in Poland. 就在人们得知基督受洗图被发现前一周,另一幅“遗失”的埃尔·格列柯的作品在波兰展出。 www.neworiental.org 3. But Germans are no longer so ready to be put on the moral defensive or to view the Nazi era as the defining episode of their past. 但是德国人再也不准备在道德上为自己辩护或者把纳粹时代视为对他们的过去起决定作用的时期。 www.ecocn.org 4. Put on a coat, come to a cool and beautiful world, a morning oncoming plunged, with a little bit of snow aroma. 穿上大衣,来到了一个凉爽而美丽的世界,一股寒气迎面扑来,还带着一点点雪花的芳香。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. He wanted to pop out to the corner shop, but realised he would have to put on a smart shirt and trousers, despite the intense humidity. 他想出去到街角的店铺里买点东西,但是意识到尽管天气湿度极大,他还得穿上漂亮的衬衫和裤子才能出门。 www.ecocn.org 6. seems the boss wants me to put on a tie and begin acting like an executive. 看来老板要重用我,希望我西装革履像个行政部门官员。 www.jukuu.com 7. Last night, critics said the plans should be put on hold until a major safety assessment had been conducted. 昨晚,批评人士指出,该计划应于主要的安全评估完成后开始实施。 www.ebigear.com 8. This may be due to a lack of knowledge as it has always been reported that dairy is fatty and can cause you to put on weight. 这也许是认识不足的缘故,因为乳品使人肥胖并导致体重增加的报导已司空见惯。 www.suiniyi.com 9. He told me that following his last, flat-ish decade, he had recently put on a spurt, and was now singing better than ever before. 他告诉我,经历了过去平淡的10年后,他最近突飞猛进,现在唱得比以往任何时候都更好。 www.ftchinese.com 10. In your friend and her friends in front of a total not to put on a pair of big men Laihuan to call it. 在你的朋友和她的朋友面前不要总一摆出一副大男人呼来唤去的样子。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Nevertheless, I counted down the days until the end of the field hockey season, vowing never to put on a pair of running shoes again. 尽管如此,我都会数着距离曲棍球赛季结束还剩几天,并发誓绝不再穿上跑鞋。 www.lqqm.net 2. It got dark outside, and he put on his clothes and went for a pint in the pub at the top of her road. 天黑了,他穿上衣服走到她家路口的酒吧喝酒。 www.bing.com 3. It does no good to put on airs against the Ontological proof, as it is called, and against Anselm thus defining the Perfect. 表面上人们无论如何高叫反对所谓本体论的证明,并反对安瑟尔谟对最完善的存在的规定,其实仍无济于事。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. lot of good to see the sheep, and said: "The sooner you put on your clothes, go on like this, you will have frozen to death of. " 许多好心的羊看见了,说:“你快点穿上衣服吧,再这样下去,你会被冻死的。” wenwen.soso.com 5. This kind of body, should be quite easy to put on the clothes, but must avoid the tight-fitting clothing or the low waist trousers. 这种体型,应该是比较容易穿衣的,但要避免紧身衣裤或低腰长裤。 beriney.com 6. It's also nice to put on a few personal messages to let people read and see what you are about. 提供一些个人信息能够让人们阅读并且了解到你是怎样的一个人,这也很不错。 www.lfc.org.cn 7. He once refused to speak to his wife for several months because she told him to put on a winter coat. 一次,就因为妻子让他添件冬衣,他便数月不肯同她讲话。 www.bing.com 8. Her obsession seemed to go way beyond a simple desire to know whether to put on a coat or carry an umbrella the next morning. 她的执念似乎远超过单纯想知道隔天早上是否该穿外套、是否该带雨伞的渴望。 9. I also put on a black gown, and remember that it did not fit perfectly, and that it interfered with my movements considerably. 我也穿上了黑袍,我记得它不太合身,严重地妨碍了我的行动。 www.bing.com 10. Common questions we hear are, how much information should I put on a page and how big is a web page? 我们经常听到一个问题:网页中应该呈现多少信息,网页内容应该有多大? www.redlinux.org 1. You do not have to be a movie star, but if you have put on a few holiday pounds, take action now before things get further out of hand. 你未必要长得像电影明星一样光鲜亮丽,但如果你因为节假日的纵欲而变胖了,要趁早采取点行动遏制自己体型的走样。 www.bing.com 2. David Stern now had a face to put on his international movement, a player whose character was as high as his talent level. 斯特恩从此不再为NBA的国际化而愁眉苦脸了,因为现在已出现了一个声望与篮球天赋都很高的国际球员。 club.sports.sohu.com 3. Whenever I put on my coat and get ready to go outside, my nephew sticks to me like white on rice. 每次我穿上外套准备出门,我外甥就紧紧地跟在我屁股后面。 tieba.baidu.com 4. The delivery costs 6mb no matter how much you order, and they specifically put on their website that you DON'T HAVE TO TIP. 外卖费为6元,无论你点了多少东西,并且他们特别在网站上写了不用给小费。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. While I waited for her to arrive I changedmy shirt and put on my good suit. 在我等她的时候,我换上了我的衬衫,穿上了我比较好的套装。 www.bing.com 6. So I picked up the paper, it was more bad news. More hearts being broken or people being used. Put on my coat in the pour in' rain. 所以我拿起报纸,但它坏消息更多。许多心在破碎,还有人们被利用。穿上我的外套站在倾盆大雨中。 qac.yappr.cn 7. The plans of four once-famous opera singers to put on a concert at their retirement home go wrong as buried grudges come to the surface. 四位过气的歌剧演员计划在他们的养老院办一场演唱会,但随着过去压抑的恩怨浮出水面而难以实施。 www.bing.com 8. Weight is usually the main cause of snoring so shedding excess fat around the neck will stop extra pressure being put on the airways. 受压通常都是打鼾的主要因素,因此减少颈部周围过量的脂肪能够为呼吸道减压,从而减少打鼾。 www.bing.com 9. And I'm ready to watch whatever show she wants to put on. 而我已经准好备看她所谓的表演了。 www.bing.com 10. "It is possible to put on the TV and really engage with a child verbally, " says Christakis. “有可能可以在电视上放针对儿童的节目,真正提高儿童的口头表达,”克里斯塔基斯说。 www.docin.com 1. Mrs. Lopez put down the telephone and put on her coat. Then she and Mr. Lopez closed the store and ran to the train station. 罗培兹夫人连忙挂断电话,穿上了大衣,然后她和罗培兹先生关闭店铺,向地铁站跑去。 etjy.com 2. I do not know whether it were sorrow for him, but his cousin put on as sad a countenance as himself, and returned to her father. 我不知道是不是为他难过,可是他的表姐跟他一样地哭丧着脸,回到她父亲身边。 www.putclub.com 3. John got up very early in the morning. He put on his jacket, sat down at his desk and began to do his homework. 约翰早晨起床很早,他穿上夹克,就坐在桌旁开始做家庭作业。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. Morning comes. The stepmother wakes up the children. She gives them both a piece of bread, and tells them to put on their clothes. 到了早上,后母叫醒两个孩子,她给他们一人一片面包,要他们穿上衣服。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn 5. Skinner didn't stop her, instead turning to the franchisee to ask him how hard it would be to put on a tie. 斯金纳没有阻止她,而是转向那位特许经营者,问他带上领结是多难的事吗? www.bing.com 6. Instead of this card, another blue card is now put on the left side of the first feeding place and a red card to its right. 然后换上新的卡片,把一张蓝色的卡片放在原来卡片的左边,另一张红色的卡片放在右边。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Back then, I told you I will work hard to support you, to have a marvelous wedding with you and put on a lovely ring on your beautiful hand. 我以前对你说过,要为你奋斗,养你一辈子,为你办风光的婚礼,为你戴上美丽的戒指。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. If it were only a gem, I could break it into a hundred pieces and string them into a chain to put on your neck. 假如它是只是一块宝石,我就能让它破碎成千百颗粒,再把它们串成项链佩戴在你的脖子上。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The singer believes Britney's teenage career was the key factor in her downfall, with the pressure put on her too much to handle. 这个歌手认为小甜甜青少年时期的经历是导致她现在事业下滑的关键,有太多压力使她无法掌握。 tieba.baidu.com 10. But my dad would change out of his usual work clothes and my mom would get a little dressed up and put on some lipstick. 不过我爸会换下他平常工作穿的衣服,我妈也会打扮一下,还会涂些口红。 www.bing.com 1. Remember how the flight attendant tells you to put on your own oxygen mask before helping others? 记住飞机上的服务员告诉你的,在帮助别人之前先带好自己的氧气罩。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Now you are able to write these Chinese Characters even though you think what you put on the paper are not writing but drawing. 你会说兔年春节好,也会写出这几个中国字。用你的话讲是画中国字。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. It would be very unseemly if the corpses had to put on immortality under the gaze of mere sight-seers. 万一游客正在参观的时候,那些木乃伊在他们眼前一下子都进入永生的境界,岂不是很尴尬吗? dict.wenguo.com 4. She came out from the tub , put on some nice dresses hoping she could please him with her best looking. 她从浴盆里站起来,穿上一些好看的衣服,希望自己以最好的姿容使他愉悦快乐。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Priest Aginor hurriedly put on his robe and began to wake up the others. He would need help if the Lord Protector was to be saved. 神父阿吉诺立刻披上长袍,唤醒了其他人,为了去救护国公,他需要大家的帮助。 bbs.ngacn.cc 6. No matter how much you put on. 不管你往身上喷多少。 www.kekenet.com 7. Astronomers predict that this year's Leonids will put on an excellent show tonight. Try to get out of the city and see them. 天文学家预测今晚狮子座流星雨将会很盛大,试着走出城市去看看吧。 tieba.baidu.com 8. Then Mulan put on a lovely dress and told her soldier friends that she was a girl. The soldiers were all surprised. 花木兰穿上了自己可爱的女儿装,然后告诉她的士兵朋友们她是一个女孩,所有的士兵都非常吃惊。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. The girl got up and sat in front of the mirror. She dressed up in a red dress and then started to put on makeup. 女孩起床坐到了梳妆镜前,她穿上了大红袄,对镜贴花黄。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. After I put on my makeup, I'll be ready to go with you to the restaurant. 我化好妆后,就准备和你去饭馆。 www.tingroom.com 1. Due to long time no sunshine, the miners out of the well will be put on a $450 pair of sunglasses to protect his eyes. 由于长时间未见阳光,矿工出井时都会戴上一副造价450美元的太阳镜以保护眼睛。 sp1717.com.cn 2. Put on your lifejacket, which would help you to stay up if you fall out of the boat. 穿上救生衣。这样在你万一从船上跌到水里时,它会帮助你不沉到水下去。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. moment the door closed, had begun to put on her clothes swiftly and nervously . 门一关上,爱玲就开始迅速地,怯生生地穿衣裳。 www.bing.com 4. If it were unique a gem I could breach it into a hundred sections and cord them into a alternation to put on your neck. 如果它是一块宝石,我就能把它碎成千百颗粒,穿成项链挂在你的颈上。 www.tiqin.org 5. Hardcore Japanese erotic photography is not the right thing to put on a Valentine's card or to see on a first date - is it? 那些直白的日本色情摄影是不能放在情人节卡片上或是在初次约会时瞧的——是吧? www.bing.com 6. It's an active process, and just as you would if you put on tinted glasses, you can guess how the editors' leaning shapes your perception. 这是一个积极活动的过程,就像你,如果你戴上了有色眼镜时,就可能想象到编辑是怎样对你观点倾向进行塑造的。 www.bing.com 7. Ada Ida insists on passing remarks: 'Look what a nervous tic that man has. And look how much powder that old woman's put on. ' 安达一直在发表评论:“看那个男人神经抽搐,看那个老女人抹了多少粉。” www.bing.com 8. The moment that Donna heard the news, Cheryl later told me, she rushed to put on a wedding dress that she had been saving for years. 谢丽尔后来告诉我,唐娜听到消息后,迅速跑去穿上了她存放了多年的婚纱。 www.bing.com 9. She took my hands and led me in, and showed me a picture of my brother and I with her and her husband she'd put on her wall. 牵着我的手把我带入她的家里,她还给我看挂在墙上的那张照片,那正是我哥哥,我,她以及她丈夫的合影 www.bing.com 10. Once you've decided what restrictions you want to put on your work, it's pretty easy to identify the closest CC license. 一旦决定了想要给作品使用的限制,确定最接近的CC许可会很容易。 www.ibm.com 1. The best way to regain face was to put on a show of indifference, to let people know he wasn't worried about his job. 还他一个满不在乎,表示饭碗并不关心,这倒是挽回面子的妙法。 tr.bab.la 2. When the participants left, the experimenters measured how much hot sauce they put on the plate. 当被试离开后,实验者测量了他们在盘子里倒了多少辣酱。 www.bing.com 3. It's important to put on your own oxygen mask before trying to help anyone else. 在你帮助别人以前,很重要的一点就是请带上你自己的氧气面罩。 www.elanso.com 4. If Britain can put on a show its people can be proud of, it may create a sense of optimism that will breathe new life into the economy. 若是英国能够办出一场国人都能感到骄傲的盛事,也许创造出来的乐观感就能让经济重生。 www.ctcvn.org 5. When a man and a woman go in or out of a room together, a man should also help the woman take off or put on her coat. 当他们同时进门或出门的时候,男士别忘了接女士脱下来的风衣或帮她拿外套。 cul.zhishi.sohu.com 6. I leaned on the bedrail looking down at her. She asked if I could help put on her socks. 我斜靠在病床栏杆那里俯下身子看了看她。老太太问我是否能帮住她穿上袜子。 yuxiaoxu.spaces.live.com 7. As a cadre of the Party, I have gone so far as to put on a rival show against my own organization under the delusion of a cheat. 身为一名党员干部,竟然在一个骗子的迷惑下,和自己的组织唱起了对台戏。 www.kaiwind.com 8. Tell her to put on her coat - it's cold. 告诉他穿上她的外套。天儿冷。 bbs.ebigear.com 9. It looks like he will at least try. But first, he's got to put on a good show so he can gain everyone's trust and become Chuck's guardian. 他至少会尝试一下的,不过首先他必须好好演场戏好取得众人的信任并成为Chuck的监护人。 www.hjenglish.com 10. The sun was near the sun, floating in the clouds in the sky are changing color, to the land put on red clothes. 太阳已经靠近西山,飘浮在天空中的云彩,正在改变着颜色,给大地换上了鲜艳的衣裳。 www.bing.com 1. People put on their wraps and began to talk in matter-of-fact voices. But I was gravely occupied with the memory of the young man. 人们披上外衣,若无其事地谈论起来,而此时我的思绪却已完全被那位青年所占据。 blog.renren.com 2. You don't have to put on a suit and tie, unless you want to, but at least put on something you'd be willing to leave the house in. 你不需要穿上西服,打上领带除非你想那样,但是至少穿上一件你愿意走出屋门的衣服。 www.elanso.com 3. The President charged head down at the bill introduced by the opposition, with the result that it had to be put on ice. 总统不顾一切地抨击反对党提出的议案,结果它被搁置了。 spdc.shnu.edu.cn 4. did not answer, but she went upstairs, put on her little black bonnet, and went to the bank. 凯利太太没有回答,可是她上楼去了,然后又戴上她那黑色的无边小软帽到银行去。 tr.bab.la 5. It is so cold outside that I decide to put on a warm sweater. Things got so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet. 外面太冷了以致于我决定要穿上一件温暖的毛衣。外面太冷了以致于我决定要穿上一件温暖的毛衣。 wenku.baidu.com 6. There is no good in arguing with the inevitable. The only argument available with an east wind is to put on your overcoat. 对于不可避免的事,不要想去逆转。风刮起来,穿上你的外套就是了。 hu870qi.blog.163.com 7. Michael: I don't care what you wear but don't ask me to put on such a hideous thing! 迈克尔:我不管你穿什么,但是不要让我穿这样一件可怕的东西! www.xianzai.cn 8. He helped her to put on her coat. 他帮她穿上大衣。 www.bing.com 9. Mata: A lot of interest in him, we're hovering around to see what price gets put on him. If it's too inflated, we'll go elsewhere. 很多俱乐部对他有兴趣。我们在观望看看他究竟要多少钱。如果太贵,我们就去其他家… www.lfcbbs.com 10. It was also put on the broken bricks hat resting on the road below them, and then waiting to see who had a meeting kicking it around. 还有人把砖头放在破帽子下面搁在马路当中,然后等着看谁来了会踢它。 www.6m.com 1. did not answer, but she went upstairs, put on her little black bonnet, and went to the bank. 凯利太太没有回答,可是她上楼去了,然后又戴上她那黑色的无边小软帽到银行去。 tr.bab.la 2. It is so cold outside that I decide to put on a warm sweater. Things got so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet. 外面太冷了以致于我决定要穿上一件温暖的毛衣。外面太冷了以致于我决定要穿上一件温暖的毛衣。 wenku.baidu.com 3. There is no good in arguing with the inevitable. The only argument available with an east wind is to put on your overcoat. 对于不可避免的事,不要想去逆转。风刮起来,穿上你的外套就是了。 hu870qi.blog.163.com 4. Heart seems to be severely pulled a few people to, Grandma is a woman, she's tough stance is put on. 心仿佛被人狠狠揪了几把,奶奶也是女人,她的强硬态度也是装出来的。 bookapp.book.qq.com 5. Froggy hops out into the snow for a winter frolic but is called back by his mother to put on some necessary articles of clothing. 乔治想去外面的雪地里玩,却被妈妈叫了回来,让他添一些必需的衣服。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Michael: I don't care what you wear but don't ask me to put on such a hideous thing! 迈克尔:我不管你穿什么,但是不要让我穿这样一件可怕的东西! www.xianzai.cn 7. He helped her to put on her coat. 他帮她穿上大衣。 www.bing.com 8. Mata: A lot of interest in him, we're hovering around to see what price gets put on him. If it's too inflated, we'll go elsewhere. 很多俱乐部对他有兴趣。我们在观望看看他究竟要多少钱。如果太贵,我们就去其他家… www.lfcbbs.com 9. It was also put on the broken bricks hat resting on the road below them, and then waiting to see who had a meeting kicking it around. 还有人把砖头放在破帽子下面搁在马路当中,然后等着看谁来了会踢它。 www.6m.com 10. In just a few years at the bank, someone had put on dozens of unhealthy pounds. 于是,在银行工作不消数年,有人已经长了数十磅赘肉。 blog.jrj.com.cn 1. It was also put on the broken bricks hat resting on the road below them, and then waiting to see who had a meeting kicking it around. 还有人把砖头放在破帽子下面搁在马路当中,然后等着看谁来了会踢它。 www.6m.com 2. In just a few years at the bank, someone had put on dozens of unhealthy pounds. 于是,在银行工作不消数年,有人已经长了数十磅赘肉。 blog.jrj.com.cn 3. I'll wear Christmas hat, put on her mother's cloak, just like a Santa Claus! 我再戴上圣诞帽,穿上妈妈的披风,还真像一个圣诞老人呢! www.268r.com 4. How come he felt as if something had gone wrong, what specific, he did not want, he just want to put on and the baby out. 可他怎么觉得好像有哪里不对劲,具体什么,他并没有多想,他现在只想把月月和宝宝救出来。 www.bing.com 5. You know, when you put on a mask, you don't have skin color, you're just a hero like everybody else. 你知道,当你戴上面具,你就没有肤色,你就和其他的英雄一样。 udn.com 6. Gelfand says that her Oxfam experience helped her to understand just how much attention ngos put on getting their story told. 盖尔芬德说,在乐施会的经历使她明白非政府组织为得到媒体报道倾注了多大精力。 www.bing.com 7. One enterprising father put on his wife's bathrobe and tucked the bottle under his arm while holding the baby in a breastfeeding position. 有一个有创意的爸爸穿上他妻子的浴袍,并把奶瓶夹在他的胳膊下面,同时以妈妈亲喂的姿势来喂宝宝。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Once, in the winter, when we were all preparing to attend a concert, I saw my mother put on a fur coat and take out a bottle of perfume. 一次,在冬天,我们要去听音乐会,妈妈穿上了法兰绒大衣,同时,从衣柜里,拿出一瓶香水。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Fantine alone refused to swing. "I don't like to have people put on airs like that, " muttered Favourite, with a good deal of acrimony. 只有芳汀一个人不肯打秋千。“我不喜欢有人装这种腔。”宠儿气愤愤地说。 www.zftrans.com 10. The reason why so much land is being cleared now is that we fear that more restrictions will be put on how much forest we can fell. 我们现在抓紧时间开垦那么多土地,是因为担心会出台更多限制森林砍伐的措施。 www.bing.com 1. Fantine alone refused to swing. "I don't like to have people put on airs like that, " muttered Favourite, with a good deal of acrimony. 只有芳汀一个人不肯打秋千。“我不喜欢有人装这种腔。”宠儿气愤愤地说。 www.zftrans.com 2. The reason why so much land is being cleared now is that we fear that more restrictions will be put on how much forest we can fell. 我们现在抓紧时间开垦那么多土地,是因为担心会出台更多限制森林砍伐的措施。 www.bing.com 3. After what I just put on the board, you may think you know everything. Don't. 我在黑板上画出这个图表的标记,你以为你一目瞭然。请不要这样认为。 springhero.wordpress.com 4. Meanwhile, the expected meeting of minds between America's newly invigorated trustbusters and Europe's also seems to have been put on hold. 与此同时,刚刚受到鼓舞的美国反垄断官员们与欧洲同行的预期会晤似乎也已经被搁置了。 www.ecocn.org 5. You know your kids have grown up when: your daughter begins to put on lipstick and your son starts to wipe it off. 当你女儿开始涂口红,而你儿子擦去口红时,你就知道他们已经长大了。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 6. Just as they were bound to put on her clothes, her husband came. 就在他们给她套上拘束衣的时候,她丈夫进来了。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 7. When she approached the gate of the noisy town, Lizette shut her eyes and took off the hat long enough to put on the scarf. 当她靠近那个嘈杂的城市的城门的时候,莉莎特闭上了眼睛,把帽子拿掉好把围巾戴上。 www.bing.com 8. It's been a catastrophe of unprecedented proportions but senior management can only put on a brave face. 这是一场空前的灾难,可高层只能摆出勇敢的面孔。 www.ftchinese.com 9. The crisis passed, but the next morning Clyde's condition was still grave. Gussie sat there exhausted, trying to put on a bright face. 危机过去了。但第二天早晨,他的病情仍然严重。格西坐在那儿,精疲力竭,还要装出一副欢快的笑脸。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. He squares his shoulders and warns the nervous looking inmate in front of him to put on his jail face. 他厌恶地看着排在他前面的一个紧张不安的犯人,告诫他要装得强硬点。 www.bing.com 1. The crisis passed, but the next morning Clyde's condition was still grave. Gussie sat there exhausted, trying to put on a bright face. 危机过去了。但第二天早晨,他的病情仍然严重。格西坐在那儿,精疲力竭,还要装出一副欢快的笑脸。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. He squares his shoulders and warns the nervous looking inmate in front of him to put on his jail face. 他厌恶地看着排在他前面的一个紧张不安的犯人,告诫他要装得强硬点。 www.bing.com 3. He knew about Moore's law, of course, which states that the number of transistors you can put on a microchip doubles about every two years. 他了解摩尔定律,该定律认为集成电路上的晶体管数量每两年就会翻一番。 www.bing.com 4. Huang was the leader, so he had to put on a happy face that belied his disappointment. He says there was no excitement for him that day. 作为队伍的领导,黄伟必须用喜悦掩饰自己的失望。他说,出发那天,没有什么事让他兴奋。 www.china.org.cn 5. Masked soldiers took his cellphone, shoved him into a van and took him to an air force base, where he was put on a plane. 头戴面具的士兵们拿走了他的手机,将他推入车内并押送至空军基地的一架飞机上。 q.sohu.com 6. And she arose, and went away, and laid by her vail from her, and put on the garments of her widowhood. 犹大就给了她,与她同寝,她就从犹大怀了孕。她玛起来走了,除去帕子,仍旧穿上作寡妇的衣裳。 www.cardiffccc.org 7. North Korea's shock October test may have been an attempt to produce a smaller warhead to put on a missile. 北朝鲜10月突击试爆,也许就在试图生产一种小型核弹头,安装在导弹头上。 www.ecocn.org 8. She was disappointed by her failure in the examinations, but she put on a bold front and said she would ask to take them again. 考试不及格使她很失望,但是她做出不在乎的样子,并说她要去要求重新考试。 www.bing.com 9. While Johnny has tried to put on a brave face for his children, the source said friends are concerned about him. 约翰尼试图在孩子们面前表现得勇敢一些,知情人说他的朋友都很关心他。 www.hjenglish.com 10. Schools vary in how much emphasis is put on the prelims and how difficult they are to pass. 资格考试重要性如何,通过的难度多大,均视学校不同而定。 blog.ce.cn 1. Schools vary in how much emphasis is put on the prelims and how difficult they are to pass. 资格考试重要性如何,通过的难度多大,均视学校不同而定。 blog.ce.cn 2. It is tempting to let others judge you, tempting to ask, "What do you think? " as you put on an outfit or sketch a portrait or play a tune. 人们总很倾向于由别人来评价自己。当穿上一套新衣服、画了一副新作或是奏毕一曲,总很容易问:“你觉得怎样?” www.bing.com 3. It would also like to put on the clothes and a master's degree master's degree, and I completed an unfulfilled wish! 也想穿起那硕士的衣服和硕士帽,完成一个我未了的心愿! xuzhanming0819.spaces.live.com 4. "The blame put on China, Brazil and India is nothing but a red herring to distract people's attention from the real problem, " he said. “把罪名安插在中国、巴西和印度,只不过是转移视线的把戏。”他说道。 cn.reuters.com 5. She put on her coat, opened the front door and was about to speak to me, but the words never left her. 她穿上外套,打开门,想要和我说什么,却什么也没说出来。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. In her room she had a fancy to put on her "freak" dress. 她到了房间里忽发奇想,穿上了自己的一件“奇装。” 7. 'Three children got together, ' he said, 'and decided to put on a play, ' whereupon his performance began. ‘三个小孩在一起’他说,‘决定上演一出戏剧,’于是他的表演开始了。 www.bing.com 8. Michael orders the men to put on their bleached coveralls and that he'll be back in a moment. Michael叫同伙们把漂白过的制服穿上,他离开一下,马上就回来。 www.bing.com 9. I decided to go for it, though I continued to question myself as I put on my biking clothes and got my bike out of the basement. 虽然当我穿上运动衣并把自行车从地下室取出来时,我还是不确定,但我最终决定要尝试一下。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Experts in nuclear plant design say that this warning refers to the enormous stress put on the containment structures by the rising water. 核电站设计专家说,这一警告直指由于提高围阻体内冷却水水位可能给围阻体带来极大的压力。 www.bing.com 1. Experts in nuclear plant design say that this warning refers to the enormous stress put on the containment structures by the rising water. 核电站设计专家说,这一警告直指由于提高围阻体内冷却水水位可能给围阻体带来极大的压力。 www.bing.com 2. That is only the place where the collar is put on at night to keep me chained up; it chafes a bit, but one soon gets used to it. 而这只是其中的衣领是在晚上将继续我带上铁链的地方,它查费斯了一点,但很快得到一个习惯了。 wenwen.soso.com 3. Someone alerted the police, but Ayesha's father ordered her to put on high heels to look taller and a veil to hide her face. 当时有人报警了,但是Ayesha的父亲命令她踩在轮子上这样可以看起来高一点,然后又叫她用面纱遮住脸。 www.bing.com 4. put on =pretend She said that she felt ill, but she was just putting it on. 她说她生病了,其实她只是装出来的。 www.veryen.org 5. It was like a butcher shop on a hot day mixed with earth and with the unavoidable taint that China seems to put on everything. 像是个大热天里的肉店,混合着泥土味儿和中国看起来给一切东西带来的腐坏气息。 www.bing.com 6. You don't have to put on any special clothes, just a sweater and jeans , but obviously you need a lot of time to set up the equipment . 你不必穿什么特殊的服装,只穿运动衫和牛仔裤即可,但显然你需要一些时间来安装设备。 k8edu.com 7. Before I move on, I'm just going to put on the board another cycle, and I'm going to urge you to work through that on your own. 在我继续之前,我要在黑板上,画另一个循环,我希望你们,能自己去推导它,它已经被详尽地推导过了。 open.163.com 8. Well, I read this at home before I left for the office and decided to put on my finest suit, crisp shirt and tie. 噢,我是在上班前在家里读到这个东西的,于是我决定穿上我最好的西装、干练的衬衫,并打上领带。 www.ftchinese.com 9. should the amount of donation be trivial and if the donor has no need for a receipt, the donation shall be registered and put on file. 捐赠数额较小,捐赠人提出不需要收据的,应当登记造册入账。 www.gzlo.gov.cn 10. He made a stealthy glance at the girl and put on sort of airs of starting to read. 他偷看那个女孩儿一眼就装模做样的看起报纸来了。 www.putclub.com 1. He made a stealthy glance at the girl and put on sort of airs of starting to read. 他偷看那个女孩儿一眼就装模做样的看起报纸来了。 www.putclub.com 2. But this New Year, resolve to be a healthy weight and knock off the pounds that this holiday season may have put on. 但是在这个新年里,决心要有一个健康的体重和减少在这个假期里可能增加了的体重。 www.bing.com 3. Carole Wright, 54, was unable to put on her own shoes because of her size two years ago. 今年54岁的CaroleWright,两年前曾经因为太肥胖,连自己穿鞋都困难。 bbs.oralpractice.com 4. All the stereotypes that the regime was trying to put on us through their so-called propaganda, or mainstream media, are proven wrong. 当局通过他们所谓的宣传机构或是主流媒体灌输给我们的所有的陈词滥调全都破灭了。 www.ted.com 5. The flower of new era is aspersed is no longer before the old style of an one handle, they began to put on beautiful jacket. 新时代的花洒不再是以往一头一柄的老样式,它们开始穿上了漂亮的外衣。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. When the youth had slept his fill, he got up by the first light of morning, and wanted to put on the ass's skin, but it was not to be found. 当清晨的第一缕曙光照进卧室时,年轻人从梦中醒了过来,他跳下床,想穿回驴皮,但是怎么找都找不到。 www.voiceofgb.com 7. Occasionally, we put on a show as if to convince ourselves our secrets are really all that terrible. 有时,我们制造假象,说服自己我们的秘密并没有那么糟糕。 wyqhwp.blog.163.com 8. In my day, if I were to put on a pair of trousers like they do now, lightning would strike me. 我那时候,要是我也穿上像他们穿的一样的裤子,就会遭雷劈的。 blog.163.com 9. He tried to put on an air of deliberation, as one who might really buy; but his eyes showed gloom. 他想装出在考虑的样子,像是真能买似的,但他的眼里却流露出忧愁。 www.jukuu.com 10. Lincoln put on his glassed, took from his inside coat pocket the two small sheets of paper on which he had written his speech. 林肯戴上眼镜,从上衣夹层的口袋里掏出两张小纸片的讲话稿。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The yarn is now ready to BE put on a suitable package in the winding zone. 最后纱线进入卷绕区,并被卷绕到一个合适的卷装上。 dict.ebigear.com 2. No way, it seems to be a , the children put on a cotton-padded jacket on as soon as possible, toward the toilet to . 没办法,看来是憋不住了,孩子就赶快披了棉袄,一溜小跑地奔向厕所。 www.bing.com 3. we ' re working 24 hours a day , seven days a week and put on extra staff , " he said . " we won ' t let anyone down . 他说“我们每天工作24小时,每周七天并请了一些临时工,我们不会完不成订单的”。 www.ichacha.net 4. So, once she had made up her mind, she put on her little shoes and went out of the house. 所以,一旦她下定决心,她穿上了小鞋子,就离开了那个房子。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. The best thing about this story, beyond the laughable price he put on Mona Lisa, was the excuse he told justice. 除了他给这幅名画定的荒唐价格外,这个故事另一件有趣的事是他告诉法官他行窃的理由。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. At night, the children could not wait to put on colorful make-up clothes, wearing strange masks, put on a "Jack Light" . 夜幕降临,孩子们便迫不及待地穿上五颜六色的化妆服,戴上千奇百怪的面具,提上一盏“杰克灯”。 www.nexoncn.com 7. Great. You should be able to put on a real show to impress them. Why not take them on a tour of the new factory? 好的.你可以让他们大开眼界了.为什么不带他们参观新工厂? www.bing.com 8. That's what you were at the Rubbles ' New Years' party. You put on this stone has hat. Oh, you were a riot, remember? 这是你在瑞博家的新年晚会上。你把灯罩当帽子戴在头上。你那时多么有趣,还记得吗? dictsearch.appspot.com 9. If the bonfire is burning big and hot, it has no trouble consuming the additional wood that you put on it. 如果篝火燃烧的大而热,那么消耗掉您加入的额外木头是没有问题的。 www.ibm.com 10. Montessori is not a system for training children in academic studies; nor is it a label to be put on educational materials. 蒙特梭利既不是训练儿童科研能力的体系,也不是印在教学资料上的标签。 hi.baidu.com 1. Todd : No doubt it's not a simple thing to put on a "phantom show" . 托德:毫无疑问,要上演一场“幽灵秀”一定不是一件简单的事情。 bbs.enfamily.cn 2. Even traders who normally trade from an office don't have to be in the office to put on or take off their trades. 即使是在办公室交易的交易者也没有必要一定在办公室交易。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The Panic galvanized the big bankers to put on a concerted putsch for a Lender of Last Resort in the shape of a central bank. 危机促使银行巨头们齐心协力发动一场“政变”,联手建立一个中央银行来作为他们的守护天使。 www.bing.com 4. The best way to see Paris is on foot. Skip the metro, put on a good pair of walking shoes, and check out the sights. 领略巴黎最好的方式便是徒步旅行。乘换地铁,穿双好的休闲鞋,而后领略沿路的风景。 www.yappr.cn 5. The driver tried to interfere, but he pinned him down in his seat with one elbow, and put on full speed. 司机想动手制止,可蟾蜍用一只胳臂把他按牢在坐位上,动不得。车全速行驶起来。 www.bing.com 6. She put on her silken gown before going to BED. 睡觉前,她穿上丝质的睡衣。 dict.ebigear.com 7. It's not necessary to put on a suit, but something more than sweatpants and a tshirt might help you feel more on-task. 它没有必要把西装穿上,但一些稍正式的衣服总比运动裤和T恤更让你感觉你在工作。 www.bing.com 8. Using a flashlight, I saw that after about two hours, the pork chops were nearing an edible temperature and went inside to put on some rice. 大概两小时后,我用手电筒照见猪排差不多接近可以吃的温度了,就走进屋准备煮上一些大米。 www.bing.com 9. So I put on a headset and created a band of two (the minimum number of players for a band tour) with me doing both guitar and vocals. 所以我戴上耳麦,创建了一个两人的乐队(乐团巡回表演的最少人数),我一人分饰吉他和主唱两个角色。 www.elanso.com 10. A monkey's paw with a spell put on it by an old fakir can grant three wishes for a person. 一只被老和尚施过咒语的猴爪可以满足人的三个愿望。 www.voiceofgb.com 1. and he describes "performances" put on by passengers directed at him yet meant to look innocuous to others. 他形容:乘客的表演只针对他,而对别人无害。 i.dahe.cn 2. I put on quite a bit before I returned to Singapore and I have only my own gluttonous nature to blame! 我穿上被回到新加坡的我前的相当一点点,而且我有只有我自己的暴食自然责备! ks.cn.yahoo.com 3. Mr Rochester was in such a hurry that he only allowed me a short time to put on my wedding dress and veil. 罗切斯特先生那么心急,只给了我很短的时间让我穿上结婚礼服、戴好面纱。 www.chinaedu.com 4. One of his first acts was to put on hold all regulations issued by Mr Bush that have not yet gone into effect. 而上任后的第一把火,便是命令凡布什总统发布但尚未生效的各项规定暂缓执行。 www.ecocn.org 5. After tweaking to make it just right, it was put on a floppy disc and inserted into a computer-controlled mill to cut a template. 经过调整,使之恰到好处,这是把软盘和光盘插入到计算机控制的工厂削减一个模板。 www.cfli.cn 6. Because you do not know your customers where they put on while machine-gun fire, the so-called "rather victimizes an 1000, released a not. " 因为你不知道你的客户在哪里,只好端起机关枪一阵扫射,所谓“宁肯错杀一千,不可放走一个”。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Although the Iranian nation has the authority and legal right to put on trial the British military people, Iran will [instead] acquit them. 尽管伊朗有权力、也有权利去审判这些英国军人,但伊朗将赦免他们。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Hold on. I need to put on the charcoal. Now I'm ready to fire up this barbecue. Where's the lighter fluid? 等一会。我需要加上木炭。现在我要点火烤肉了。火机油在哪里? www.kekenet.com 9. Will any country ever be able to afford to put on such a spectacle? 有任何国家能像中国这样上演这样的奇景观吗? bbs.house365.com 10. A far more reasonable approach is simply to put on the bravest smile you've got, and admit that you've not the center of the known universe. 更理性的做法无非是尽可能把微笑挂在脸上,承认你并非这个世界的中心。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. As he has a bad cold, he has put on nothing but a bowl of porridge. 他因为重感冒,今天只喝了一碗粥 zhidao.baidu.com 2. The company was originally planning to boost aluminium output from 4m tonnes to 7m tonnes but at least some of this has been put on ice. 力拓加拿大铝业公司原本计划把铝业的产出从400万吨提高到700万吨,但部分计划至少要被推迟。 www.bing.com 3. Even the horse that used to put on my old and worn shoes does not dream such an empty hope. 即便是那匹以前穿着我那双又旧又破的鞋子的马,也不会去做这样空想的白日梦。 www.chnxs.com 4. Why do they have to put on show business news so early in the day? I'm really not in the mood to hear it. 他们为何一早就播放演艺界新闻?我真的没有心情听。 china.hongen.com 5. I put on gloves and went behind the head of the bed where the other intern, too, was having difficulty with the intubation . 我带上手套,绕到床头后面。在那里的另一个实习医生也在插气管上遇到了问题。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. One of a number of mummies found in a cliff-face sarcophagus is put on display in the Museum of the Nation before an exhibition in Lima. 这是在秘鲁岩层石棺中发现的一批木乃伊。它被陈列在秘鲁首都利马的国家博物馆里准备展出。 forum.ikaka.com 7. Only one solution for the company was to put on additional cars. 该公司的唯一解决之道就是增加新车。 www.hxen.com 8. The children put on their coats and Betty carefully put the money into her outside pocket. 孩子们穿上大衣,贝蒂小心翼翼地把钱装进她的口袋里。 www.netfm.com.cn 9. I'm sad, hurt, angry, mad, disappointed. But you know what? I'll put on a smile and move on. It will hurt but I will survive. 我伤心了,受伤了,生气了,愤怒了,失望了。但是你知道吗?我会面带微笑,继续生活。伤会痛,但我还要生存。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Marlon: The kids won't let me forget it. Okay, time for bed! Go brush your teeth and put on your pajamas. It's lights out in 15 minutes. 孩子们肯定是不会忘的,他们会提醒我的。好吧,该睡觉了!去刷牙,然后穿上睡衣。15分钟内就要关灯了。 www.remword.cn 1. To the negative effect that block brings, most manufacturer adopted lash-up to put on record, reduce the loss the smallest. 对于封网带来的负面影响,多数厂商都采取了应急备案,将损失减少到最小。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. No one dared put on attitude around Robert, because he was obviously smarter than they were and yet had zero attitude himself. 没有人会对Robert有所抱怨,因为他显然比任何人都要聪明,难得的是还没有任何脾气。 www.bing.com 3. Put on upbeat music and dance to it a little. 打开欢快的音乐,伴着音乐跳一会舞。 www.bing.com 4. I cannot, therefore, feel that he deserves to be put on a level with the best philosophers either of Greece or of modern times. 因此,我觉得他是不配和古代或近代的第一流哲学家相提并论的。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. When going into or out of a room, men should be initiative to help women take off or put on their outerwear. 进出门时,男子主动协助女士脱下或穿上外衣。 blog.xinchaoliu.net 6. The latest report from UNAIDS* suggests that almost one in five of those put on the drugs stops taking them within a year. UNAIDS最近的一份报告说,几乎五分之一的服药患者在一年内停止了服药。 www.ecolion.cn 7. NOBODY else in the computer industry, or any other industry for that matter, could put on a show like Steve Jobs. 在计算机行业或任何其他行业里,没人能像史蒂夫?乔布斯那样对待举行一次产品展览会。 www.yayan123.com 8. Do you know I've put on 5 kilos since going out with you. 你知道我开始和你约会以后增加了五公斤吗? listen.ciwong.com 9. One day a friend of his came out of his study. Dinner was put on the table but Newton did not come out of his study. 一天,一位朋友来与他一起进餐。饭菜都端上桌了,可是牛顿还呆在书房里没出来。 www.rrting.com 10. You put on the belt and turn into a girl. Then when the assassins find us, we tell them the king slipped out a secret door or something. 你穿上腰带然后变成女孩。接着等刺客找到我们,我们告诉他们国王从秘门之类的地方逃掉了。 www.anetcity.com 1. I know what to put on top of a bagel to make it a tantalizing treat. 我知道在百吉饼上面放些什么原料能使它美味可口。 www3.060s.com 2. "Yes, " he said, "they pay so much more than these things are worth. They put on so much show. " “真的,”他说,“他们花的钱远远超过了这些东西的价值。他们是在大摆阔气。” www.bing.com 3. But he added that while the company supported the quota system, it would like to see it put on a firmer footing. 但他补充说,尽管英美烟草公司支持这个配额制度,但它希望这个制度建立在更牢固的基础上。 www.tobaccochina.com 4. One end of the push crew is put on a bracket, and the other end is extended out of one side of the stove body and connected with a crank. 推料螺杆的一端架在支架上,推料螺杆的另一端突出于炉体一侧,并与摇把相连接。 ip.com 5. The only thing we re sure is that when we put on a pair of sneakers, we feel light-hearted, light-footed and ready to play. 我们能肯定的唯一的事是当我们穿上运动鞋,我们会感到轻松愉快,脚步轻便和准备好去运动。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 6. He put on an air of indifference , which didn't deceive anybody for a moment . 他装出漠不关心的样子,这一点也骗不了任何人。 www.bing.com 7. When the young man awoke at the first light of morning, he got up and wanted to put on the donkey skin, but he could not find it. 年轻人睡醒后,就着晨光一翻而起,想穿上那张驴皮,但没找着。 www.ebigear.com 8. So well done, Beijing. You've put on an amazing spectacle and I think you've helped change your country's story for the better. 干得漂亮!北京。你为我们带来一场精彩的盛宴,也给自己的国家博得了一致的赞誉和宝贵的正面形象。 blog.gxsky.com 9. A man in Ohio proposed to his girlfriend by paying to have an ad put on the side of a bus which said "Laura, will you marry me? " 一位俄亥俄州男子向女友求婚的方式,是付费放广告在公车侧边,上面写著:「罗拉!你愿意嫁给我吗?」 eng.daniel-gu.ws 10. Made of aluminum, titanium, and awesome it would be the perfect compliment for the new clear hood you just put on the Ferrari. 它用铝和钛金属打造,简直酷毙了,像是在法拉利上放了一个新的透明车篷,棒极了。 www.bing.com 1. The instructor began to put on the airs of the city , he wanted to appear cosmopolitan . 这位教师开始摆出城里人派头,他想显出自己是四海为家的。 www.bing.com 2. I put on my bonnet and sallied out, thinking nothing more of the matter. 我戴上帽子出发,不再想这事了。 www.putclub.com 3. At once I put on the pink dress, which didn't match my red face well, and was ready to go. 当我把那件与我已经憋红的脸一点也不相配的粉色裙子穿上时,我们准备好出发。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. You know, usually wear swimsuit is also need maintenance of you know? ? When put on a swimsuit. 你知道吗,平时穿的泳衣也是需要保养的你知道么? www.wiip.cn 5. He tried to put on his old assured air, but it was almost gone. 他试图装出平日里那副自信的样子,但几乎做不到。 www.kekenet.com 6. I always tried to do the very best I could to be up to the confidence put on me. 是我必须面对的。我总是设法做到最好,并为此给自己投入相当的决心。 tieba.baidu.com 7. 'If you put on your hat as a [software] developer or publisher, ' it can be easier to make products that work on the iPhone, he said. 他说,如果你是一名软件开发员或是软件发行者,研制iPhone所使用的产品将会更容易一些。 c.wsj.com 8. The hazards: The gonads are the most sensitive area, but some patients take the shield you put on their lap and pull it up to their face. 关于危险:生殖腺是最敏感的部位,有些病人会要求你在他们的身上盖上防辐射毯子,一直盖到脸上。 www.bing.com 9. He now put the money into his pocket, and proceeded to put on the other shoe; but his surprise was doubled on finding the other coin. 到现在,他把他的口袋里的钱,并开始把另一只鞋,但他感到意外的是在寻找其他的硬币一倍。 www.kancaimi.cn 10. If a woman were on her way to her execution, she would demand a little time to put on make-up. 女人在走向断头台途中,会要求一点时间来化装。 www.sgwritings.com 1. Paying little heed, they put on him a pair of soft red shoes, which, however, were coarsely made. 两足缠过,众宫娥草草做了一双软底大红鞋替他穿上。 www.zftrans.com 2. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. 黑夜已深,白昼将近。我们就当脱去暗昧的行为,带上光明的兵器。 bible.popcastle.com 3. Since we began to sell things on EBAY, I just tried to put on two ads. One on ebay. fr, and the other on ebay. uk. 自从我开始在ebay上买东西,我一般都是放两个广告,一个在ebay法国,一个在ebay英国。 dzh.mop.com 4. Do not you have to put on the title page the name of the site, unless you are using it to build a brand name. 不要在每页标题上放你得站点名称,除非你正用这名字打造一个品牌。 www.82g.com.cn 5. So the wolf came into the room and ate up the old lady. Then he put on her nightdress and cap and got into bed. 于是狼走进房间,把老婆婆吃了。接着他穿上她的睡衣,钻到床上。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Seeing their mother put on her bonnet the younger children clamoured to go with her. 看见妈妈戴上了帽子,小孩子们就一起叫嚷起来,要跟她一起去。 www.ebigear.com 7. In the heart, but have a to put on to rejoice, rejoice his alteration decision, have no too late. 心中,却有一抹庆幸,庆幸他改变决定,没有太晚。 www.fenyouwang.com 8. This to put on make-up the grade, only supplies the external use, do not use in injecting. 本品为化妆品级,仅供外用,不得用于注射。 blog.jinti.com 9. So you thought that the old man was going to storm, to put on a big voice, to shout no, and to lift his cane at all that aurora. 你以为老头又要大发雷霆了,大吼大叫,不答应,并且拿起拐杖就打新一代。 www.ebigear.com 10. Fall girl's feet has come, autumn grass received a girl's invitation to put on a golden evening gown, to a girl to the party in autumn. 秋姑娘的脚步已经来到,小草接到了秋姑娘的邀请,就穿上了金黄色的晚礼服,去秋姑娘家参加晚会了。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. He moved from his seat only once, rising then to put on his overcoat, for the theatre was cold. 期间他仅从座位上挪动过一次,那还是因为剧院里冷而起身去穿他的大衣。 wanzy9.blog.163.com 2. You may have to put on a little weight where you don't want it to have a more youthful looking face. 你要是想有一张更加青春的脸,那就得在你身上增加一些不受欢迎的肥肉。 www.bing.com 3. Put on your apron. Spread old newspaper on your worktable. Now you are ready to decorate your drum. 围上围裙,把旧报纸铺在工作台上,接下来就准备做鼓了。 www.hjenglish.com 4. I would advise you merely to put on whatever of your clothes is superior to the rest, there is no occasion for any thing more. 我劝你只要在你自己的衣服里面,拣一件出色的穿上就行,不必过于讲究。 www.hjenglish.com 5. It is no surprise to see mining projects put on ice, while prices of metals, demand from factories and funding for expansion are in retreat. 在金属价格、工厂需求及扩张资金日渐萎缩之际,采矿项目的搁置并不令人意外。 www.ftchinese.com 6. We are not primarily put on this earth to see through one another , but to see one another through . 我们活在世上,主要不是为了彼此看穿对方,而是为了互相克服困难。 www.bing.com 7. The first step to keeping up with a Gemini date is to put on your running shoes. Ready for change, fast and furious? 和双子座约会的第一步是穿起你的跑鞋,赶紧大步追上这个善变的对象。 www.ebigear.com 8. When King Hezekiah heard this, he tore his clothes and put on sackcloth and went into the temple of the Lord . 希西家王听见,就撕裂衣服,披上麻布,进了耶和华的殿。 www.ebigear.com 9. What's more, he was the greatest distributor of the ball to ever put on the gloves. 更重要的是他是在众多放下手套的球星中对足球贡献最大的一位。 www.bing.com 10. One thing he disliked even more was calling retailers to see if an item was in stock , only to be put on hold for what seemed an eternity . 令他更讨厌的事情是,当给零售商打电话问询自己想买的东西是否有存货时,使他没有想到的是似乎要等很长的时间才能得到结果。 www.bing.com |
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