单词 | proxied | ||||||||
释义 | proxied
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 代理,对象永远是一个被代理,代理方式 1. All proxied objects must provide a location (at least through a parent attribute) so that permission declarations can be found. 所有被代理的对象必须提供一个定位(至少也要通过一个父属性)以便权限声明能够被发现。 forum.ubuntu.com.cn 2. Voluntary disclosure is proxied by an aggregated disclosure score of non-mandatory strategic, non-financial and financial information. 自愿公开就委托给一个非法定策略的、非金融和金融信息的合计公开评分组织。 maomaoxue.com 3. Placing this tag inside of a Spring bean declaration notifies Seam that the Spring bean should be proxied, or wrapped, as a Seam component. 将此标记放置于Springbean声明之内会通知SeamSpringbean应该被代理或包裹成一个Seam组件。 www.ibm.com 4. To limit any such exposure, a white list is in place and must explicitly list which URL patterns are permitted to be proxied in this manner. 为了限制此类暴露,提供了一个白名单,必须显式列举哪些URL模式允许以这种方式代理。 www.ibm.com 5. After all of the proxied MBeans have been detected, the Master Agent tool tells the General Agents to start sending events. 检测到所有经过代理的Mbean,主代理工具将告知普通代理开始发送事件。 www.ibm.com 6. With proxied deployment, you get all that the OpenLaszlo system has to offer. 使用proxied部署方式,可以得到OpenLaszlo系统所能提供的所有特性。 www.ibm.com 7. This section covers that topic, and also addresses concerns over which deployment model might work best for you, proxied or SOLO. 本节将谈到这个话题,并且还会点明哪种部署模型最适合您,是proxied还是SOLO。 www.ibm.com 8. With the dynamic proxy approach, all validation logic should be transparent to the clients of the proxied classes. 使用动态代理方法,所有的验证逻辑对于代理的客户,都应当是透明的。 www.ibm.com 9. The various mediation points allow loosely coupled services to be proxied or "gatewayed" by a service bus. 各种中介点支持松散耦合服务通过服务总线进行代理。 www.ibm.com 10. If the request is coming from the example. com domain, the request is proxied onto the next application or host. 如果请求来自example.com域,会通过代理将请求发送到下一个应用程序或主机。 www.ibm.com 1. The framework does not need the source code of the proxied classes, but only the binaries. 框架不需要代理类的源代码,只需要二进制文件就可以。 www.infoq.com 2. The navigation bar attached to the top of all proxied pages (by default) will include a link to download all the source files. 缺省情况下,所有代理页面顶部附带的导航栏将包括下载所有源文件的链接。 www.ibm.com 3. The test does not continue until the specified number of proxied MBeans are detected. 在完成指定数量的经过代理的Mbean的创建前,测试并不会继续。 www.ibm.com 4. Spring AOP was not suited for advising fine-grained objects-objects need to be Spring-managed or proxied programmatically. SpringAOP不适合通知细粒度的对象——对象需要由Spring管理或者通过编程被代理。 www.infoq.com 5. Incoming process request will be proxied through these filters decorating the process with the behavior implemented in the Activity Filters. 输入的流程请求将会由这些过滤器所代理,用活动过滤器(ActivityFilters)中的行为实现来装饰流程。 www.infoq.com 6. Allows enumeration of the proxied object's properties by index number to retrieve property values. 允许使用被代理的成员序号来查询成员的值。 bbs.blueidea.com 7. A connectivity provider represents an ESB which groups of services can be proxied in. 连通性提供方代表一个ESB,其中代理了很多组服务。 www.ibm.com 8. From the developer's perspective, objects running on the other virtual machine are merely proxied remote objects. 从开发者的角度来看,运行在其他虚拟机上的对象仅仅是代理的远程对象而已。 www.infoq.com 9. Line 14: Since this adapter will use annotations, it will be a trusted adapter, meaning that it will be a proxied object. 第14行:既然该适配器要使用,那么它就是一个被信任的适配器,也就意味着它将是一个被代理的对象。 forum.ubuntu.com.cn 10. Allows enumeration of the proxied object's properties by index number . 允许使用序号来检索被代理的对象成员。 dict.veduchina.com 1. Because media requests are not proxied in SOLO deployment, only Flash, JPG, and MP3 media types are supported by SOLO applications. 由于在SOLO部署方式下媒体请求不是代理的,因此SOLO应用程序只支持Flash、JPG和MP3媒体类型。 www.ibm.com 2. This means the MethodInterceptor interface handles requests from users to access a proxied bean. 这意味着MethodInterceptor接口处理来自用户的请求以访问执行过代理的bean。 www.ibm.com 3. Set up additional coding and systems that are required for running the J2EE Web application on proxied networks. 建立在有代理的网络上运行J2EEWeb应用程序所需要的附加的编码和系统。 www.ibm.com 4. Changes in quality, proxied by the IP variables, are important determinants of prices in China over the period 1985 to 2006 as a whole. 在1985年至2006年之间,由IP变量代表的特征变换是价格变化的一个重要决定因素。 www.boshuo.net 5. In addition to using HTTP proxy blacklists, you might choose to automatically block all proxied requests. 除了使用HTTP代理黑名单之外,还可以选择自动阻塞所有被代理的请求。 www.ibm.com 6. When each General Agent has finished creating their MBeans, it waits until all of the proxied MBeans are created. 当每个普通代理完成了其Mbean的创建后,将等待所有经过代理的MBean创建完成。 www.ibm.com 7. Now any Person defined in the Spring context will be automatically proxied if the pointcut expression matches one or more methods. 如果切入点表达式匹配一个或多个方法,任何定义在Spring上下文中的Person会被自动代理。 www.infoq.com 8. Other features needed by the Linux kernel, such as networking or video access, are proxied externally. Linux内核所需的其他特性(比如连网或视频访问)通过外部代理来实现。 www.ibm.com 9. Recall from the "Accessing proxied Java objects" section of Part 3 that I configured two Acegi beans named publicCatalog and privateCatalog. 在第3部分的“访问执行过代理的Java对象”小节中,我配置了两个Acegibean,分别名为publicCatalog和privateCatalog。 www.ibm.com 10. A proxied connection on the workstation's port of 10000 is created. 在工作站的端口10000创建了一个代理连接。 www.ibm.com 1. Access to the display is also proxied. 对显示器的访问也要通过代理。 www.ibm.com 2. Additional coding and system setup for proxied networks 针对有代理的网络的附加编码和系统配置 www.ibm.com |
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