单词 | providers |
释义 | providers是provider的复数
复数:providers 例句释义: 供给者,需供养家庭的人,提供器,供应商,提供程序 1. The fortunes of a certain Web site, in other words, might depend on how much it could pay network providers, rather than on its popularity. 换言之,特定网站的收入,可能取决于它能向网络供应商支付多少,而非其受欢迎程度。 www.bing.com 2. Officials say the company evaluated a number of third party media providers to do the same job but decided to build the system itself. 相关官员表示,Travelport曾经对一些第三方媒体供应商进行考核,让其执行同样的工作,但最终决定自己开发出这个系统。 www.bing.com 3. Service consumers and providers connect to the master or to a dependent ESB to access services throughout the network. 服务使用者和提供者连接到主ESB或某个依赖ESB,以访问整个网络中的服务。 www.ibm.com 4. It said that some business process outsourcing providers in India are experiencing attrition rates of up to 50% a year. 报告说,印度有些业务流程外包服务提供商的员工流失率每年高达50%。 chinese.wsj.com 5. While you're trying to develop or understand a program design , one of the best ways to think about objects is as " service providers . " 当你开发一个程序或者分析一个程序的设计时,理解对象的最佳方式是把它们当作“服务的提供者”。 www.bing.com 6. This book describes a concise and up-to-date treatment program for insomnia intended for a range of health care providers. 这本书描述准备给多种保健提供者的失眠的一个简明和最新的治疗计画。 www.tzhealth.com 7. If I am the least bit worried, I can use my various providers or other services to post a WordPress blog right from my own server. 就算我有一丁点的担忧,我可以使用各种供应商或其他服务商来通过我的服务器发送一篇WordPress博文。 dongxi.net 8. In general we do not have or request information on the privacy policy practices of any of our affiliates, links or service providers. 一般而言,我们没有或要求提供资料的隐私政策的做法对我们子公司联系或服务提供商。 9. One reason, say analysts and service providers, is that consumers are only beginning to understand the possibilities of the new technology. 其中一个原因,分析家和服务供应商,是消费者才刚刚开始了解新技术的可能性。 wenwen.soso.com 10. Although providers are trying to converge their services, the data from each service has typically remained in a separate database. 虽然提供商尽力融合他们的服务,但是来自每个服务的数据通常存放在单独的数据库中。 www.ibm.com 1. The Bank wants the Customer to be aware that the Bank receives commissions from providers and commissions may vary by provider and product. 本行欲客户明白,本行会向保险提供者收取佣金,而佣金可应有关提供者及产品而有所差异。 www.americanexpress.com 2. Is a list of exceptions to the log providers. The exception specifies the events that are not logged that otherwise might have been logged. 是日志提供程序的异常列表,即不应记录但却可能被记录的事件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. It's worth noting that the company rarely announces exclusive partnerships, so it may actually form ties with other video providers as well. 值得注意的,Facebook很少宣布独家合作伙伴关系,因为他可以有更多的视频提供商的合作关系。 www.bing.com 4. Both are strategically reducing the role of mobile operators to that of "connectivity providers" . 两家公司都把移动运营商的角色定位为“联网服务提供者”。 www.cnbeta.com 5. There are a lot of hotel booking engine technology providers and, for the most part, they all seem to have the same basic booking interface. 在很大程度上,许多的酒店预订引擎技术供应商似乎提供千篇一律的基本预订界面。 www.bing.com 6. Furthermore, they might be specific to particular providers of a service, not the interface of a particular service itself. 进一步地,它们可能明确一个服务特定的提供者,而不是特定服务的接口自身。 www.ibm.com 7. At least two providers are defined; these providers have been defined by the WebSphere Business Integration Monitor for internal use. 至少有两个提供者已被定义,这两个提供者是由WebSphereBusinessIntegrationMonitor为内部使用而定义的。 www-128.ibm.com 8. British internet providers are keen to offer such a service, the cost of which would be rolled into the monthly bill. 英国的网络供应商热衷于提供此项服务——服务的成本将流进每月的缴费单。 www.ecocn.org 9. New customers, whether bundling services or not, usually get the best deals, so it may be necessary to switch providers. 新客户,不管是否选择捆绑业务,都会得到最优惠的服务,所以有必要的话,可以经常换供应商。 www.hjenglish.com 10. Email service providers must allow for a smooth transition from a real world scenario to the internet, for those who are petrified of it. 面对那些对网络世界不开窍的人,电子邮件服务提供商需要保证从真实世界的场景到因特网上的场景转变是流畅的,不易察觉的。 www.bing.com 1. When microblogging first began in China, service providers invited celebrities to open accounts and that seems to have ignited the wildfire. 当微博第一次在中国开始启动的时候,服务供应商邀请名人开立账户,星星之火点燃起来。 www.bing.com 2. The effort made to quantify the qualitative nature of the relationship the client has with its service providers. 关系绩效评定试图将客户与服务提供商之间定性的关系量化。 chinasourcing.mofcom.gov.cn 3. After only a few years, Porton has become one of the leading China-based Contract Research and Manufacturing Services (CRAMS) providers. 经过短短几年的快速发展,博腾发展成为国内领先的创新药研发和生产服务外包企业。 companyadc.51job.com 4. Qatari-owned Al Jazeera is the best known of the racier channels, but it is only one of a dozen 24-hour Arabic-language news providers. 卡塔尔国营的半岛电视台就是最为出名的种族主义频道,但是它只是众多24小时阿拉伯语新闻提供者之一。 www.ecocn.org 5. People underestimate how much cloud providers present a challenge to IT as it "s practiced today in most organizations. " 云计算供应商已经对大多数企业内部的IT业务构成了挑战,不过人们往往低估了这些挑战。 roll.sohu.com 6. An implementation of the Java Cryptography Extension A list of cryptographic service providers can be found at the Sun Web site. Java密码扩展系统的一个实现在Sun的网站中可以找到密码服务提供者的目录。 www-128.ibm.com 7. Microsoft has a large and diverse community of experienced solution providers that will be ready to help you after the Project conference. Microsoft拥有大批形形色色、经验丰富的解决方案提供商,他们将在举行了Project发布会议后随时为您提供帮助。 office.microsoft.com 8. Business processes that are proven and generalized for a diverse set of applications would be good candidates for service providers. 经过验证和大众化,能够适应一整套不同应用方案的商业程序很可能成为一个好的服务提供者。 www-128.ibm.com 9. Such behaviour places ratings into the heart of policymaking, a role that rating providers did not seek. 此类举措使评级机构处于政策决策的核心,而评级机构并无意寻求扮演这一角色。 www.ftchinese.com 10. "It depends on how the travel technology providers choose to participate in this marketplace, " he said. “这依赖于旅游科技提供商如何利用这种平台,”他表示。 www.bing.com 1. As you know, humans historically have proved to be the providers of choice. 你知道,人类历来都是不错的备选者。 dongxi.net 2. The quality of the company philosophy: do not need no sense of the quality of the staff, do not need no quality assurance providers. 公司的品质理念:不需要没有品质意识的员工,不需要没有品质保证的供应商。 tonke.cn 3. He added that he did not want to see internet service providers "unfairly burdened" by the new system. 他补充说,他不想看到网络服务供应商被新系统“不公平地拖累”。 www.bing.com 4. It used to be that [UK] providers could lend 120 per cent of the value of a property but those products are no longer available. 过去(英国)抵押贷款供应商可以贷出相当于物业价值120%额度的贷款,但如今这些产品都没有了。 www.ftchinese.com 5. He said work also is underway to increase the number of providers on Boeing's MRO network (currently six) to boost gear overhaul capacity. 波音称,正在努力增加波音的MRO网络的供应商数量(目前为6个)以增强起落架的大修能力。 www.china-cam.cn 6. L2TP is an extension of the Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol used by Internet service providers to enable a VPN over the Internet. L2TP是点对点隧道协议的扩展,Internet服务提供商使用它来启用Internet上的VPN。 docs.info.apple.com 7. Even companies that are not traditionally services providers like Amazon. com are beginning to develop a surplus service capability. 甚至像Amazon.com这样的非传统服务提供者也开始开发剩余能力。 www.infoq.com 8. And broadband Internet providers would be barred from discriminating against content and would have to be open about their policies. 此外,禁止宽带供应商对网络内容带有歧视,同时要求公开他们的政策。 www.unsv.com 9. ASP. NET role management is designed to enable you to easily use a number of different role providers for your ASP. NET applications . NET成员资格专为使您可以轻松地将多个不同的成员资格提供程序用于您的ASP。NET应用程序而设计。 www.bing.com 10. A service is often made available redundantly by multiple providers. 经常通过多个提供程序来实现服务冗余。 www.ibm.com 1. To be able to reach all patients and ensure that they receive high-quality care, all types of health-care providers are to be engaged. 为能达及所有患者并确保他们获得优质保健,将吸收所有类型的卫生保健提供者的参与。 www.who.int 2. Format providers define the characters used for formatting by the format specifiers , but do not define the specifiers themselves . 格式提供程序定义格式说明符用于格式化的字符,但不定义说明符本身。 www.bing.com 3. By using OLE DB providers, you can keep data in its native format and still be able to access it in a simple operation. 您可透过使用OLEDB提供者,让资料保持其原型格式,并仍可使用简单作业存取。 technet.microsoft.com 4. Figure 3 depicts such a logical architecture where the service providers and service consumers communicate through a logical bus. 图3描述了一个这样的逻辑体系结构,其中的服务提供者和服务使用者通过逻辑总线进行通信。 www.ibm.com 5. Translator: Multiple requestors are set up to have their requests routed to specific providers for a given request. 转换器:设置多个请求者以将它们的请求路由到特定的提供者。 www.ibm.com 6. Unsurprisingly, most internet providers strongly prefer their customers not to call, or offer advice only via a premium-rate line. 因此毫不奇怪,大多数因特网提供商强烈倾向于其客户不打电话,或者仅通过付费声讯电话提供建议。 www.ecocn.org 7. A malfunctioning provider toward the beginning of the order can negatively affect providers at the end of the order. 订单的开端故障提供程序会产生负面影响提供商顺序的末尾。 technet.microsoft.com 8. Later as part of WS-I Basic Profile V1. 1, it was recommended not to depend on it, but some service providers continued to do so. 后来这个定义成为WS-IBasicProfileV1.1的一部分,我们建议不要过分依赖它,但是有一些服务提供商仍然采用这种方式。 www.ibm.com 9. Additionally, you might have subscription management interfaces or non-hosted event providers located on remote servers. 此外,可以有位于远程服务器上的订阅管理界面或非宿主事件提供程序。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. The Bank identifies insurance providers and products that may be of interest to the Customer. 本行会为客户认定一些客户可能感兴趣的保险提供者及产品。 www.americanexpress.com 1. For the bus to act as a Web service requestor, sending Web service messages to providers, it must be configured with a resource adapter. 至于充当Web服务请求程序的总线,向接收程序发送Web服务消息,它必须以资源适配器来配置。 www.ibm.com 2. Under today's law, in which private firms can only act as service providers for Pemex, that investment would be much higher, he says. 他表示,依照现今的法律,投资将比过去高得多,民营公司只能担任Pemex的服务提供商。 www.ecocn.org 3. Most providers will offer a simple and inexpensive solution that allow you to run your own "virtual store" . 大多数提供商会提供允许你运行自己的“虚拟存储器”的简单和价格划算的方案。 www.86oo.com 4. The Internet Service Providers Association said it would not comment until the court had made its decision. 互联网服务提供商协会声明,在法庭做出判决之前,该协会不做任何评论。 www.bing.com 5. A select number of larger online game providers have created proprietary game architectures dedicated to a select set of their game titles. 大型联网游戏的提供者中的一大部分已经创建了专用的游戏体系结构,用于他们的游戏名称集合的一部分。 www.ibm.com 6. All concerned health providers and agencies coordinate their efforts through a group known as the Health Cluster. 所有相关卫生服务提供者和机构通过一个称为“卫生部门”的小组来协调工作。 www.who.int 7. But she soon decided to restrict herself to planning events and connecting clients with providers of outside services if necessary . 但很快她就决定集中精力只做活动策划这块业务,至于其它服务,必要时她会考虑外包给第三方。 www.bing.com 8. Combined with annual reconstitution, this tends to represent new industries earlier than other index providers. 若能做到这一点,再加上每年重新调整成分股构成,这个指数会比其它指数提供者更早地代表新的行业。 www.ftchinese.com 9. This study result hopes to be able to provide references for relevant service providers and academic researchers. 冀希此研究结果能提供相关业者与学术研究者之參考。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. Providers looking to base some lending on deposits also like commitment products, since the money is locked in for some time. 提供这项业务的公司打算用储蓄来放贷,因为资金会被冻结一段时间,就像提供担保产品一样。 www.ecocn.org 1. Google China said the data for its local Google Maps service was acquired from external data providers in accordance with Chinese law. 谷歌中国(GoogleChina)表示,遵照中国法律,其本地谷歌地图服务的数据来自外部数据提供商。 www.ftchinese.com 2. ADSI is the set of interfaces that Microsoft provides as a flexible tool for working with a variety of network providers. ADSI是Microsoft提供的一组接口,作为使用各种网络提供程序的灵活的工具。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. The product is said to be in the early planning stages, as negotiations with major content providers are reportedly ongoing. 这个产品据说还在最初的计划阶段,据报道,与主要内容提供商的谈判也在进行中。 www.bing.com 4. All this information creates some hard choices for mothers-to-be and their health-care providers. 所有这些资讯让各位准妈妈和她们的保健医生面临着一些艰难的选择。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Even though it will be aimed at service providers, if OpenStack is widely used, customers would be able to deal with providers the same way. 尽管它确实会被导向这些云服务提供商,可是随着OpenStack被广泛应用,客户的需求也可能会被同样引起重视。 www.linux-ren.org 6. New Zealand recently suspended a law under which Internet service providers would have been required to crack down on illicit copying. 新西兰最近暂停施行一项法律,根据该法律,互联网服务提供商将被要求对非法复制行为采取严厉措施。 www.bing.com 7. Out of the box developers get providers for both ADO. NET and File Systems, the latter used to synchronize directories and files. 和文件系统提供程序,后者用于同步目录和文件。 www.infoq.com 8. The SEIU represents workers at the bottom of the income scale, including janitors, nurses, custodial workers, and home-care providers. SEIU代表低收入工作者,包括门房、护士、清洁工和家中看护人员。 www.america.gov 9. Service consumers and providers access services throughout the network through one of these ESBs. 整个网络的服务使用者和提供者通过其中的一个ESB来访问服务。 www.ibm.com 10. Each of the implementations are referred to as 'providers', and these providers know about the details of the relevant protocols. 每个实现都被称作“提供者”,这些提供者知道相关协议的细节。 www.infoq.com 1. But the company is still losing out, because its exclusive deals with phone service providers bring in revenue after the phone is sold. 但是,公司还是在赔钱,以你为它同电话服务提供商达成的独家协议会在购机后还会带给它收入。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 2. Another source of supply is large technology providers that are trying to manage their IP more actively. 另一个来源是那些大型技术供应商,他们往往是为了更积极的管理自有知识产权而出售专利。 www.ecocn.org 3. Rivalry between access providers offers the best protection against the erection of new barriers to the flow of information online. 接入提供商间的竞争能最有力的抵制在信息流动的网上树立新的障碍。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. To win a place in the top club of financial centres, Dubai must attract not just providers of capital but users, too. 为了在顶级金融中心中赢得一席之地,除了资本的提供商,迪拜还需要吸引资本的使用者。 www.ecocn.org 5. Moreover, big cloud providers have no interest in turning computing into a true commodity. 此外,大型云供应商也对把计算能力转化为真正的商品毫无兴趣。 www.bing.com 6. This issue may affect direct-dial connections to a corporate network, to a university network, or to some Internet service providers (ISPs). 此问题可影响与公司网络、大学网络或某些Internet服务提供商(ISP)的拨号连接。 support.microsoft.com 7. This approach leads to a combinatorial explosion of connections between the service consumers and providers in an SOA system. 这种方法会导致公开SOA系统中服务使用者和提供者间的连接。 www.ibm.com 8. Identity providers are now making it easy for 3rd party content sites to turn content consumption into a social activity. 身份认证的提供者(Identityproviders)现在很轻松地就可以让第三方内容站点将内容的消费行为转变成社交活动。 www.bing.com 9. Providers will seek to burnish returns by pushing mobile broadband and mobile payments services, the bank predicted. 汇丰预计,运营商将努力推广移动宽带和移动支付服务,以求提高回报率。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Now Lynette makes monthly payments to providers and to a collection agency that amount to one-third of her paycheck . 现在琳尼特每月要向高利贷者和代收款公司偿付的金额相当于他的薪水的三分之一。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. But private banks are not the only providers of these services. 但私人银行并非提供这些服务的唯一机构。 www.ftchinese.com 2. A clinic or hospital is not a restaurant. The customer is not always right, and providers need to deny requests for antibiotics. 诊所或者医院不是饭店,病人不是顾客,并不是完全正确,医生需要回绝病人不合理的要求。 bbs.huanqiu.com 3. Service providers contemplating web-delivery of existing or new multi-tenant services are often faced with a number of design choices. 在为现有或新的多租户服务设计web交付时,服务供应商常常面对许多设计选择。 www.ibm.com 4. Luckily, most shared Web-hosting providers include Python support, so it is possible to deploy Django applications in this scenario. 好消息是,大部分Web宿主服务器都支持Python,因此在这个场景中可以部署Django应用程序。 www.ibm.com 5. However, some content providers do not provide full feeds. Others tack on ads at the end of full feeds to provide some incoming revenue. 然而,有些内容提供者并不提供全文输出,也有些在全文输出后面添加了一些广告以获取收入。 www.bing.com 6. in this context it might be necessary to develop the necessary legislation for non-state service providers. 在这方面,必须为非政府服务机构制定出必要的法规。 www.gztrc.edu.cn:8080 7. Xinhua News Agency is trying to build a global platform of news providers using television and the Internet. 新华通讯社也在试图通过电视和网络的途径,建立一个国际性的新闻发布平台。 www.bing.com 8. Almost all the content providers who recognize that the content resources, teachers'capacity, who will be able to control the market. 几乎所有的内容提供商都认识到,谁的内容资源更丰富,整合能力更强大,谁就能控制市场。 www.bing.com 9. We are pleased to be one of the region's premier providers of broadband. We have unique assets that are not easily replicable . 我们很高兴已成为区内首屈一指的宽频供应商之一,拥有难以被取代的独有网络资产。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The company also is working with content providers to package applications that it expects Chinese consumers to use. 摩托罗拉同时也正与内容供应商合作,对其预计中国用户会使用的应用程序进行整合。 c.wsj.com 1. The company also is working with content providers to package applications that it expects Chinese consumers to use. 摩托罗拉同时也正与内容供应商合作,对其预计中国用户会使用的应用程序进行整合。 c.wsj.com 2. High Speed Telecommunications(3) Before you run out to buy one of these devices, the providers have to settle the standards question. 高速通信(3)人们去购买其中一种装置之前,供应商须解决标准问题。 www2.ccw.com.cn 3. Wireless providers will also be allowed to block applications or services, providing that they are not competitors. 无线提供商在证明了相应服务和应用不是其竞争对手的情况下,也可以对其进行封锁。 www.bing.com 4. However, those providers often do not return messages to Integration Services that provide enough information to begin troubleshooting. 但是,这些访问接口常常不向IntegrationServices返回消息,从而不能为着手故障排除提供足够的信息。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Meanwhile the communications providers themselves questioned the cost of the scheme and whether it was even technically feasible. 同时,通讯服务提供商则质疑该方案的成本以及技术上的可行性。 www.bing.com 6. Eclipse. org: Eclipse is an open platform for tool integration built by an open community of tool providers. org:Eclipse是用于由工具供应方的开放团体所建立的工具集成的开放平台。 www.ibm.com 7. Preference will be given to providers who are flexible, quick, smart and ready to start immediately! 将优先考虑供应商谁是灵活,快速,智能,并准备立即开始! www.bing.com 8. The next conference should be of a bigger scale with more developers, the end customer, and the service providers participate. 下一次会议应该有更大规模和更多的开发者、客户、中间商参加进来。 www.tywiki.com 9. There have been some issues with some providers when trying to provision 100 nodes. 现在有些提供商的节点数超过100就会出现一些问题。 www.infoq.com 10. The Internet no longer is considered only a mass-published media where a small number of content providers make and send out news. Internet不再看作仅是一个大众出版媒体,在此媒体上只有数量很少的信息提供者制造和发送新闻。 www2.ccw.com.cn 1. Legislation to impose net neutrality on broadband providers has never been an attractive idea. 通过立法强制宽带供应商遵守网络中立原则,从来就不是一个有吸引力的想法。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Speaking: What would be the advantages and disadvantage of buying all of these financial products from the same providers? 如果从同一个供应商那购买这些金融产品,有什么不利和有利之处 www.hjenglish.com 3. Decoupling means the service providers and consumers interact with one another only through the NMR mechanism. 解耦意味着服务提供者和使用者只通过NMR机制进行交互。 www.ibm.com 4. Non-hosted event providers must be able to read instance data and write event data. 非宿主事件提供程序必须能读取实例数据和写入事件数据。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. How Netflix eviscerated Blockbuster is an old story, but now other traditional entertainment providers are facing the same threat. Netflix击败竞争对手Blockbuster的事已成旧闻,但其他传统娱乐服务供应商现在也面临同样的威胁。 chinese.wsj.com 6. Many providers choose to maintain that their software is always in Beta, as they are continually evolving and improving the product. 很多提供者选择将他们的软件一直维持在Beta状态,因为他们在不断地革新和改进产品。 www.ibm.com 7. The focus of the investigation is the "preferred lender" lists that financial-aid officials compile to help students choose loan providers. 调查的焦点是“精选贷款公司”名单,该名单由财政资助官员编制,用于帮助学生选择贷款公司。 www.ecocn.org 8. The MPS says it will cooperate with phone operators and service providers to cut off the roots of these mobile network-based porn sites. 公安部表示,将与手机运营商和服务提供商密切合作,彻底根除这些基于移动网络的色情网站。 blog.cntv.cn 9. Provide a standard mechanism that lets service providers and service consumers talk to one another through the service bus. 提供一种标准机制,让服务提供者和服务使用者通过服务总线相互对话。 www.ibm.com 10. The name of a provider specified using the provider attribute of a profile property could not be found in the Providers collection. 未能在Providers集合中找到使用配置文件属性(Property)的provider属性(Attribute)指定的提供程序名称。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. The name of a provider specified using the provider attribute of a profile property could not be found in the Providers collection. 未能在Providers集合中找到使用配置文件属性(Property)的provider属性(Attribute)指定的提供程序名称。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Class is simple, containing only a few basic methods and properties that are common to all providers. 类很简单,只包含一些所有提供程序所共有的基本方法和属性。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. An agricultural miracle has turned a country of 85m once barely able to feed itself into one of the world's main providers of farm produce. 农业奇迹把这个8500万的几乎难以喂饱自己的国家转变成全球几个主要农产品出产国之一。 www.ecocn.org 4. The following table describes the location of the logs to which Integration Services log providers write. 下表介绍了IntegrationServices日志提供程序要向其写入信息的日志的位置。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. He explains that in Egypt, Internet users connect to the outside world through a small number of providers with international links. 他解释说,在埃及,互联网用户只能通过少数几家拥有国际线路的宽带供应商与外界联系。 www.tingroom.com 6. Note: The location of your root web directory in the filesystem on your web server will vary across hosting providers and operating systems. 注:你的网络服务器上的文件系统上的根目录位置在主机供应商和操作系统中会有所不同。 www.zzbaike.com 7. Higher volatility has increased clients' trading frequency, and demonstrated the money-making opportunities for both traders and providers. 更大的波动性增加了客户交易的频率,并向交易商和提供商展示了获利的机会。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Lotus Expeditor can be thought of as a client-side portal, where components from different providers are aggregated locally. 可以将LotusExpeditor看作是客户端门户,不同提供方的组件可以在这里进行本地聚集。 www.ibm.com 9. Another example is switching between providers located in differing geographical or network locations, depending on a time schedule. 另一个例子是根据时间表在位于不同地理位置或网络位置的提供者之间切换。 www.ibm.com 10. The right way to deal with it is to work with the providers to figure out how can we make the system less wasteful, more efficient overall. 正确的方式是,与保险提供方一起商量,计算出怎样再减少一些这一制度浪费,再提高一下总体效益。 www.bing.com 1. The right way to deal with it is to work with the providers to figure out how can we make the system less wasteful, more efficient overall. 正确的方式是,与保险提供方一起商量,计算出怎样再减少一些这一制度浪费,再提高一下总体效益。 www.bing.com 2. Elance requires you to have a valid and verified credit card, because that's how you're going to pay your service providers. 你需要为Elance提供一个有效且经过验证的信用卡账号,因为这是你向服务商支付费用的途径。 dongxi.net 3. This does not affect trusted signon type custom providers, providing that the underlying provider can be authenticated to in the normal way. 这不会影响到受信的单点登录类型的定制提供者,前提是底层的提供者可以正常方式验证通过。 www.ibm.com 4. Bitzer International is one of the world-leading providers of compressors, with it's headquarter in Germany. 比泽尔集团是世界一流的压缩机制造厂商,总部设在德国。 www.findgs.com 5. On top of that, there are various media service providers who temporarily make application platforms available to end clients. 另外,有各种各样的媒介服务供应商暂时性地做这种面向终端客户的应用平台。 www.bing.com 6. I can feel the love of our neighbors since the briquette providers are increasing during the winter season . 在严寒的冬季里,供应我们煤球的善心人士不断增加,让我深深感受到同胞之爱。 www.bing.com 7. IP Allow List providers maintain lists of IP addresses that are definitively known not to be associated with any spam activity. IP允许列表提供程序维护已确定不会与任何垃圾邮件活动关联的IP地址列表。 technet.microsoft.com 8. In recent years phone companies have jumped into a market previously dominated by cable-TV operators and satellite-TV providers. 近年来,电话公司开始闯入这个原本被有线电视和卫星电视运营商所占据的市场。 chinese.wsj.com 9. A configuration exception occurred while attempting to create and initialize an instance of one of the configured personalization providers. 在尝试创建和初始化某个已配置的个性化设置提供程序的实例时发生配置异常。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. Traditional businesses are targeting The Long Tail niche markets for growth and finding themselves in competition with niche providers. 传统的企业以长尾(TheLongTail)小市场的增长为目标,发现自己在与很多小提供商竞争。 www.ibm.com 1. Traditional businesses are targeting The Long Tail niche markets for growth and finding themselves in competition with niche providers. 传统的企业以长尾(TheLongTail)小市场的增长为目标,发现自己在与很多小提供商竞争。 www.ibm.com 2. If bad debts prove to be more severe than expected, more banks will need another dose of capital, with governments the only providers. 如果坏账情况比预期的更为严重,将有更多银行需要额外注资,而政府是唯一的提供者。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Veolia Environmental Services is one of the world's leading providers of Industrial Cleaning and Waste Management Services to industries. 威立雅环境服务是全球提供工业清洗和环境管理服务的领先者之一。 www.haoqiantu.cn 4. Sovereign Health Care is one of the UK's longest established providers of health care cash plans to individuals and businesses. 王者医疗是英国创办时间最长的医疗资金计划供应商,它的服务对象包括个人和企业。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. This establishes the dependencies between the service consumers and providers and establishes the coupling in the system. 这建立起服务消费者和提供者之间的依赖关系,并且在系统中建立耦合。 www.ibm.com 6. KUKA is one of the world's leading providers of flexible production systems, robots, tools and dies, components for automated manufacturing. 库卡是世界几家顶极为自动化生产行业提供柔性生产系统,机器人,夹具,模具及备件的供给商之一。 www.qt51.cn 7. In the next article , we ll tidy up the content label providers and use sorting and filtering on the viewers . 在下一篇文章中,我们将整理内容标签提供程序,并对查看器进行排序和过滤。 www.bing.com 8. While it is possible to configure custom URL providers that implement other protocols, they are outside the scope of this discussion. 虽然也可以配置定制的URL提供程序去实现其他协议,但那超出了我们所讨论的范围。 www.ibm.com 9. Internet service providers want to be able to charge more for heavy Internet traffic or users who want special services. 网络服务供应商希望对大流量和需要特别服务的用户收取更多费用。 www.bugutang.com 10. Zoho is one of the leading providers of SaaS collaborative tools for the enterprise and consumers alike. Zoho是企业和个人网络协作工具的主要提供商之一。 www.bing.com 1. Zoho is one of the leading providers of SaaS collaborative tools for the enterprise and consumers alike. Zoho是企业和个人网络协作工具的主要提供商之一。 www.bing.com 2. Therefore, their becoming spiritual help providers can be seen as a metamorphosis of the lives of the two participants. 因此成为一位灵乩的助人者,是两位研究参与者生命的蜕变与转化。 www.cetd.com.tw 3. Another requirement needs to be satisfied to pick out the lowest cost one from all the providers with satisfied response time. 需要满足另一个要求,才能在满足响应时间的所有提供商中挑选最低成本的提供商。 www.ibm.com 4. The following is a partial list of third-party providers that have products that are used to clean data in a variety of ways. 以下是第三方提供商的部分列表,使用他们的产品可通过多种方式清理数据。 office.microsoft.com 5. All this has the effect of making consulting and industry expertise a more important part of providers' armoury . 所有这些都让咨询与产业专家在供应商的幕僚中地位变得更加重要,同时也导致外包企业评估方式的改变。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Numerous smaller access providers have been doing so for quite a while. 许多较小的接入服务提供商这么干已经有一阵子了。 www.ecocn.org 7. Their focus should not be on how the providers will be implemented, nor on how the coordinators could be implemented. 他们不应关心提供程序将如何实现,也不用考虑协调程序可以如何实现。 www.ibm.com 8. Put yourself in the shoes of an incumbent storage vendor that has traditionally sold its hardware to IT buyers and service providers alike. 比如你可以设身处地地假设自己是某家知名存储厂商,主要向IT买家和服务提供商销售硬件。 www.fortunechina.com 9. Complicating matters further, providers of cloud computing do not allocate actual servers or separate processors to each customer. 使情况更为复杂化的是云计算的服务商并不为每个客户分置计算机和固定的服务器。 www.ecocn.org 10. He says service providers want to be able to charge more because they build networks out to their customers across the country. 他表示,服务供应商希望收取更多的费用是因为他们为全国的客户建立了网络。 bbs.bugutang.com 1. The FBI made it clear this week that it wants Internet service providers to keep track of your web surfing behaviors. 联邦调查局本周明确表示他们希望互联网接入服务提供商(ISP)可以保留用户的上网记录。 www.bing.com 2. So far, the problem with many third-party content providers has been that there is no sensible method to invoice customers. 到目前为止,问题与许多第三方内容提供者是没有易察觉的方法开发票顾客。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 3. Network providers do not guarantee a certain quality of service, but merely promise to do their best. 网络供应商并未保证特定质量的服务,而仅仅承诺了尽其所能。 www.ecocn.org 4. As a reminder, discuss the supplements and medications you take with your health care providers and follow their advice. 提醒你按医护人员的建议服用药物和补充药物。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. But it is galling that the profitability of the banks was partly founded on an excessive reliance on central banks as liquidity providers. 但银行的盈利能力部分地建立在对作为流动性提供者的央行的依赖之上也是令人不安之事。 www.ecocn.org 6. A cross-industry trade portal supported by the collaboration of a number of supply chain product and service providers. 一个跨产业的贸易门户网站是依靠大量的供应链产品和服务提供者来支持的。 www.doc88.com 7. Store providers should comply with that behavior, but Entity Framework does not enforce this behavior. 存储提供程序应遵循此行为,但实体框架不强制执行此行为。 msdn.microsoft.com 8. In fact, the interactions between service providers and consumers has many levels in which the concept of joint action applies. 事实上,在服务提供者和消费者双方的交互中,在很多层面上都应用了联合的概念。 www.infoq.com 9. To be successful in the long term, daily deal providers will have to show sustainable value for their customers. 为了要在长期竞争中获胜,提供日常服务的供应商就必须向顾客展现出持久的服务质素。 www.bing.com 10. Aid providers can find out where exactly on an incoming ship their medical supplies are, saving hours hanging round the docks. 援助人员可以精确地找到药品供给位于来船的哪一部分,从而节省了在码头闲荡的时间。 www.ecocn.org 1. Throttling and dispatching enables you to better control how service requests are addressed to target service providers by ESBs. 节流和分派使您能够通过ESB更好地控制如何将服务请求发送给目标服务提供商。 www.ibm.com 2. The verdict raises the pressure on internet service providers as they get stuck between the authority of the censors and the law. 上述判决加大了对中国互联网服务商的压力,它们被夹在网络审查部门的权威与法律中间。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Some key providers use a smart card as a means of verifying your identity and preventing your key from being stolen. 部分金钥提供者使用智慧卡,用来验证识别,并防止金钥遭窃取。 technet.microsoft.com 4. 2Big2Send enables you to send large files across the internet bypassing the limits imposed by email providers. 2Big2Send使您能够突破电子邮件服务商对文件体积的限制,通过互联网发送大个头的文件。 www.bing.com 5. Gets a value that indicates whether the specified type is compatible with the type description and its chain of type description providers. 获取一个值,该值指示指定的类型是否与类型说明及其类型说明提供程序链兼容。 technet.microsoft.com 6. Libraries and their e-content providers will continue to develop toolbars to put our useful services at the fingertips of users. 图书馆和电子内容提供商将继续开发工具栏,将我们有用的服务放在用户指边。 www.bing.com 7. To attract and serve an expanded customer base, telecom service providers are pursuing services and solutions that target the long tail. 为了吸引和服务不断扩大的客户基础,电信服务供应商追求着眼长尾的服务和解决方案。 www.ibm.com 8. Aggregator Web sites typically gather information from a number of different providers and aggregate them in a client-side mashup. 聚合器网站通常从多个不同的提供商收集信息,并将其聚合为客户端Mashup。 www.ibm.com 9. While debt providers certainly will assess a company on its own merits, the company's backers will play a big role in that assessment. 债权人会用他们的标准评估公司,而公司的支持者在这评估中起到非常重要的作用。 www.bing.com 10. This year there has been a resurgence in open enrolment programmes: 50 providers have been ranked. 今年,开放式招生课程类别中的商学院数量有所上升,达到了50所。 www.ftchinese.com 1. New SQL Trace events have been added to help analyze the interaction of distributed queries and OLE DB providers . 另外还添加了新的SQL跟踪事件,以帮助分析分布式查询和OLEDB访问接口之间的交互。 www.bing.com 2. Note: This is not about how the service is implemented, but rather the interaction between the consumers and providers of this service. 注意:这不仅仅包括服务是怎样执行的,还有该项服务消费者与提供商之间的交流。 www.ibm.com 3. Governance structures are repeatable touchstones that ensure that both providers and clients will set and live up to expectations. 治理结构是一种可重复的标准,它可以确保供应商和客户达成目标。 www.ibm.com 4. The loosely coupled architecture separates service providers and consumers, and allows data events to be independent from applications. 松耦合架构将服务提供者和消费者分离,并允许数据事件独立于应用程序。 www.ibm.com 5. The service documents and artifacts for enabling the services to be shared are managed by the registries and connectivity providers. 用于支持服务共享的服务文档和工件由注册表和连通性提供方管理。 www.ibm.com 6. In about two years, Android created a platform that attracts application developers, service providers and hardware manufacturers. 在大约2年的时间里,Android平台吸引了应用开发者、服务提供商和硬件厂商。 dongxi.net 7. Does the Company require outside service providers to provide written confirmation they are meeting security criteria? 工厂的服务外包商书面确认符合安全标准 wenku.baidu.com 8. Recursive composition provides one method of aggregating services from various providers into a single solution. 递归组合提供一种将来自不同提供者的服务聚集到单个解决方案的方法。 www.ibm.com 9. It is possible to add multiple type description providers for the same type or object. 您也可以为相同型别或物件加入多个型别描述提供者。 msdn.microsoft.com 10. This situation seems quite different from the point of view of commercial information providers. 从商业资讯供应商的角度来看,却是另一番景况。 docs.google.com 1. Azure, like the other cloud providers, will have to prove to be productive in order to be truly cost effective. 和其他云提供商一样,为了证明为其付出的成本是有效的,Azure需要证明它是有生产力的。 www.infoq.com 2. Vietnam has agreed to cut tariffs, quotas, and agricultural subsidies and to open up a range of services to foreign providers. 越南同意降低关税、配额与农业补贴,以及对外开放某些服务业。 www.america.gov 3. Work must be scheduled across the service providers to ensure that they are kept busy and are working at appropriate times and periods. 必须能够在服务提供者之间调度任务,这样才能保证提供者保持忙碌状态并在适当的时间和阶段内工作。 www-128.ibm.com 4. Local navigation service providers are betting on the Compass system to carve out a bigger niche at home. 本地的导航服务提供商正投资于指南针系统,希望能够在国内的大市场中分到一杯羹。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. A service gateway looks like a service but is only available for use on partitions and not service providers. 原型服务网关看起来像一个服务,但是它却只是对划分可用的,而对服务提供者是不可用的。 www.ibm.com 6. It would also enable authorities to force Internet service providers to keep communications logs for up to 60 days. 根据新法律,相关部门还可以要求网络服务供应商保留网络通讯记录60天。 bbs.e5zj.com 7. Twice already, Lucin has switched providers for this back end, but without any interruption in service to its customers. Lucin已经两度为这个后端改变了供应商,但却没有中断任何针对客户的服务。 www-128.ibm.com 8. She commented further: "These guidelines help pediatric healthcare providers to understand the use of ABPM in monitoring children's BP. " 她还提到:这项指南帮助儿科健康保健人员接受使用动态血压来监测儿童血压。 news.dxy.cn 9. In addition, some content providers may allow you to sign-up for background-delivered content channels. 此外,一些内容提供商可能会允许您注册为背景,提供的内容渠道。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Comparing cloud-computing prices is tricky, but observers of the market report that AWS is typically one of the lowest-cost providers. 要比较不同公司云计算服务的价格非常困难,但这一市场的观察家们认为亚马逊是这种服务的几家最低成本供应商之一。 www.bing.com 1. But different enterprises for third party logistics providers provide system and service integration request is not the same. 但是不同的企业对第三方物流商提供系统和服务一体化的要求并不相同。 www.docin.com 2. Note that the name of the LDAP authentication provider class is org. acegisecurity. providers. ldap. LdapAuthenticationProvider . 注意LDAP身份验证提供者类的名称为org. www.ibm.com 3. Some Internet service providers require you to manually complete logon by typing a series of commands in a terminal window. 部分Internet服务提供商要求您在终端窗口中键入一组命令,手动完成登录。 angel.w15.5tom.cn 4. They are trying to become information providers. 他们试图成为信息提供者。 www.ecocn.org 5. It has been adopted by many commercial X providers too and thus can be assumed as a standard for modern applications. 现在它已经被许多商业X提供者采纳,因此现代应用程序可以假设它是一个标准扩展。 mxtctp.sourceforge.net 6. At least NBN Co. promises not to filter content. That, it says, is the job of service providers. 不过NBN公司至少承诺说不会过滤内容,这是服务提供商们的工作。 www.ecocn.org 7. But that doesn't mean those rivals won't join Cisco's UCS ecosystem, particularly as it continues to branch out to more storage providers. 不过,这并不意味着这些竞争对手不会加入思科的UCS生态系统中,特别是在思科不断招揽越来越多的存储提供商。 www.cnw.com.cn 8. We evaluated third-party providers, but determined we could best meet the needs of our customers through a direct relationship. 我们对第三方供应商进行了评估,但最后决定我们可以通过内部的人员最好地满足客户的需求。 www.bing.com 9. IDC service providers engaged in promotion, did not return. IDC服务商搞促销,确实不要利润。 www.chinavalue.net 10. With our solutions we are able to address the specific issues facing food manufacturers, logistics service providers and retailers. 运用我们的解决方案,可以解决这个困扰食品生产商、物流服务商和零售商的难题。 www.vanderlande.com 1. Yet many female providers relish the opportunity to work for a woman. 然而很多女性供应商却很喜欢为女性工作的机会。 www.bing.com 2. Unlike the case of selection providers, there is no specific interface for property change providers to implement. 与选择提供器的情况不同,属性改变提供器不需要实现特定的接口。 www-128.ibm.com 3. The U. S. alone plans to spend $7. 2 billion to put broadband into rural households, schools, libraries and health-care providers. 美国计划投资72亿美元,将宽带接入扩大至农村家庭、学校、图书馆和医疗机构。 www.bing.com 4. As mentioned earlier, JACC provides a standard approach to plugging external authorization providers into a J2EE container. 正如前面所提到的,JACC提供了一种标准方法来将外部授权提供程序插入到J2EE容器中。 www.ibm.com 5. Published: Composite applications can be users and providers of services that are published in a directory. 已发布:组合应用程序可以为已经在目录中发布的服务的用户和提供者。 www.ibm.com 6. Retrieves a collection of UI Automation providers representing all the column headers associated with a table item or cell. 撷取表示与资料表项目或储存格关联之所有资料行行首的UI自动化提供者集合。 technet.microsoft.com 7. Yet Internet service providers and carrier networks that move data across the globe continue to do business with these crooked firms. 然而,互联网服务提供商和在全球传输数据的电信网络继续与这些坏蛋公司做生意。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Fortunately, this has not gone unnoticed by cable providers and ISPs, who are investing in IPv6 but not rolling it out aggressively. 幸好,网络供应商与ISP早就注意到了这一点,他们已经在IPv6上投入了很多,但却没有大张旗鼓地宣传。 www.infoq.com 9. An essential tenet of an SOA ecosystem is to foster a seamless and transparent connectivity between service consumers and service providers. SOA生态系统的一个重要原则是促进服务使用者和服务提供者之间无缝和透明连接。 www.ibm.com 10. WMI providers hosted by an application are called decoupled providers. 应用程式所装载的WMI提供者称为低耦合提供者。 technet.microsoft.com 1. With a huge boom on their hands for several years, overhaul providers are expanding their capacity to meet this unprecedented market. 拥有好几年大量订单的大修承修商,正在扩充能力,以满足深不可测的市场。 www.china-cam.cn 2. SSL is the encryption used to secure your communications with banks, e-mail providers and anything else you don't want to be snooped. SSL是一种加密手段,用于保障你和各种机构之间联系的安全性,包括银行、电子邮件供应商以及任何你不想泄露隐私的机构。 dongxi.net 3. The operational phase supports the interactions of service domain as a broker with its service requestors and providers. 操作阶段支持服务域作为代理与服务请求者和服务提供者进行交互。 www-128.ibm.com 4. However, it has also said that it is going after other communication-service providers, notably Google and Skype. 但政府还表示要对付其他的通信服务供应商,尤其是谷歌和Skype。 www.ecocn.org 5. Child care provider students prepare to be primary providers of home. family. residential. or institutional-based child care services. 托儿专业的学生主要提供家庭住宅和机构的托儿服务。 www.114liuxue.cn 6. Web service clients and applications can invoke services from various providers in and outside of the organization. Web服务客户端及应用程序可以从组织外不同的提供商那里调用服务。 www-128.ibm.com 7. When countries with external deficits run out of foreign providers of private credit, they become dependent on foreign sovereigns. 当拥有外部赤字的国家没有了外国私人信贷的供应者时,它们转而依赖外国主权信贷。 www.ftchinese.com 8. European telecoms equipment providers did it to less than great effect when third-generation networks first ramped up. 第三代网络蓬勃兴起时,欧洲电信设备供应商们就是这么做的,但效果并不明显。 www.ftchinese.com 9. A great many companies, called Internet Service Providers (ISPs), provide dial-up access to the Internet for a modest fee. 很多被称之为因特网服务提供商的公司,以不算高的收费提供因特网拨号访问。 www.csairk.com 10. Now the Fuyao Group has developed into a full range of automotive safety glass service providers. 现在的福耀集团已发展成为全方位的汽车安全玻璃服务供应商。 www.tonke.cn 1. Even if you're perfectly happy with your cloud provider, your partners, customers and suppliers will likely use different cloud providers. 即使您对您的云供应商非常满意,您的合作伙伴、客户和供货商仍可能使用不同的云供应商。 www.ibm.com 2. Now it is are one of the world's leading providers of mobile phones and is admired as a leader in innovation. 而现在它是全球领先的手机生产商之一,被人尊崇为创新方面的领袖。 www.bing.com 3. Now ESCC is one of the leading providers of distance learning courses on Russian education market. 现在欧洲函授学校在俄罗斯教育市场是一个领先的远程学习课程供应商。 www.showxiu.com 4. They were one of the area's lowest cost providers of solar panels, system design and supervision. 他们是一个地区成本最低的太阳能电池板供应商,系统设计和监督。 word.hcbus.com 5. They also indicate that there is still room for manufactures and service providers to improve the quality of their products and services. 它们同样也表明了生产商和服务提供商们仍然有空间来提高产品的质量和服务的水平。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Do not grant unnecessary permissions, and protect the user name and password used by non-hosted event providers. 不要授予不必要的权限,保护非宿主事件提供程序使用的用户名和密码。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. You can let her contact with local service providers to see where the problem 9. Your room have electricity? 你可以让她和当地的服务商联系,看看问题出在哪里9。你的房间有电吗? js.e-dou.cn 8. Civil action against misrepresentation should deal well with the relation between the interests of investors and information providers. 虚假陈述的民事诉讼要处理好保护投资者与维护信息披露义务人的正当权益之间的关系。 www.magsci.org 9. However, content providers who give away their works can be limited due to the interoperability issues between some devices. 但是,出售其作品的内容提供商却有可能因设备间缺少互操作性而受到限制。 www.ibm.com 10. Experts of Power Management for portable systems and automotive from major semiconductor and components providers around the world. 世界主要半导体和元件供应商的便携系统和汽车电源管理专家。 pdcevent.com.cn 1. "Our interviews with seed providers and farmers indicate that GM rice seeds have been sold for the past two years, " Sze told SciDev. Net. “我们对种子供应商和农民进行了采访,采访表明转基因水稻种子已出售了两年。”施鹏翔告诉本网站记者。 www.scidev.net 2. The department is now finalising its analysis of the trial and will be discussing with internet providers how to implement the system. 内务部正在赶制公测分析,同时将与网络提供商讨论如何推行该项系统。 www.bing.com 3. In contrast, other free- mail service providers either do not provide client access, either free of charge. 相比之下,其他免费邮箱服务商要么不提供客户端访问,要么收取费用。 dict.kekenet.com 4. The state-owned commercial banks (SOCBs) are the most active providers of the loans, and foreign bank branches the least active. 国有商业银行是最活跃的贷款提供商,而国外银行在越南的分行则提供的最少。 www.ecocn.org 5. The xperf command-line tool can be used to control all the ETW trace providers in a system, including all the kernel events. Xperf命令行工具可以用来控制ETW事件的提供者,包括所有的内核事件。 www.cnblogs.com 6. Even though the practice is widespread, recruiting private providers to run publicly-funded services is politically contentious. 尽管这种做法被争相效仿,从政治上讲,让私营投资者经营公立机构的做法还是存在颇多争议。 bbs.ecocn.org 7. In the United States, experts at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention urge medical providers to test Asian-American patients. 美国疾病控制与预防中心的专家强烈要求医疗人员检查亚裔美国患者。 www.hxen.com 8. Second, it is greatly expected to benefit content providers by increasing interoperability through a standardized Java platform. 其次提高了互用性,通过创建标准化的Java平台使内容提供商从中获益。 www.aplixcorp.com 9. This mechanism allows for a performance optimization in Oracle Server, and provides for common code that works across multiple providers. 此机制可以优化Oracle服务器的性能,并提供可以在多个提供程序之间工作的通用代码。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. Additionally, different change management providers can be swapped with virtually no code impact to the change management consumer. 另外,不同的变更管理提供者可以与变更管理消费者进行通信,而不会对代码产生什么影响。 www.ibm.com 1. I suppose in theory a government could shut down all cell-phone and landline operators and all the Internet service providers. 从理论上讲,我相信政府有能力关闭所有的移动电话、电缆制造和网络运营商。 bbs.chineyeah.com 2. Health providers are also working on the medical funding programs for it to adapt and recognise virtual consultations soon. 健康提供者也同时在寻求这项科技所需的医疗基金也会使用虚拟的谘询。 www.newdaai.tv 3. Some service providers have certain restrictions on the site traffic, so that when a large amount of site visits will not be a normal visit. 有些服务商对网站流量有一定限制,这样当网站访问量较大时将无法正常访问。 www.xiami360.com 4. KUKA Schweissanlagen Group is one of the world's leading providers of flexible production systems for the automotive industry. 库卡焊接系统集团是全球汽车工业的主要几家柔性生产系统供应商之一; www.baidajob.com 5. Serialization providers can provide custom serializers for a particular type of object or set of types of objects. 序列化提供者可以为特定的物件型别或物件型别集提供自订的序列化程式。 technet.microsoft.com 6. In traditional telecom industry, operators earn money at a simple and direct way. They play roles of network infrastructure providers. 在传统的电信产业中,运营商的盈利模式简单而直接,运营商的角色是网络基础设施提供者。 search.gucas.ac.cn 7. The cloud has brought with it new architectures and platforms that service providers have yet to make identity-aware. 云带来了新的架构和平台,需要服务提供者添加身份相关性。 www.infoq.com 8. Providers who fail to recognize that ALL providers billing insurers for services rendered are under some form of investigation. 供应商谁不承认,所有供应商的帐单保险公司提供的服务是某种形式的调查。 wenwen.soso.com 9. Does not maintain the relationships between the nodes; rather, it delegates this to the site map providers. 不维护节点之间的关系;它将此任务委托给站点地图提供程序。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. The following example produces the providers snapshot report for all applications hosted by an instance. 以下示例将为实例承载的所有应用程序生成提供程序快照报表。 technet.microsoft.com |
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