单词 | rancour |
释义 |
n. acrimony,bitterness,malice,resentment,spite 例句释义: 怨恨,怨毒,冤仇,敌意,深仇 1. It both rose to the moment and transcended it: after days of noise and rancour, he carved out a moment of calm. 在多日的喧嚣和仇恨之后,他超越了悲伤,在这一刻他的演讲升华了,奥巴马让一切恢复平和。 www.bing.com 2. It was as if all the rancour of the mid-terms had been turned off like a switch. 表面上看,中期选举的积怨如开关键一按,转瞬即逝。 www.ecocn.org 3. Indeed, much of the BJP's rancour over his alleged giveaway was a bid to rally itself after a disappointing election. 事实上,人民党对辛格对巴让步表现出敌意,主要是为了在这次令他们失望的大选后重振士气。 www.bing.com 4. Meanwhile, the two parties cranked up the rancour over health care, with each accusing the other of exploiting voter anger on the issue. 同时两党继续就医改问题针锋相对,互相指责是对方激起了选民的不满。 www.ecocn.org 5. By the side of Victor Emmanuel every quarrel should be forgotten, all rancour departed. 在维多·伊曼纽尔身旁,一切争执都应当忘记,一切宿恨都应该抛弃。 6. Their desire to catch up by doing business with America and other former foes has helped dispel any lingering rancour. 他们渴求通过与美国及其他前敌对国家做生意追赶上来的愿望有助于消除任何长期的怨恨。 www.ecocn.org 7. For three decades it has been the subject of intense debate and rancour, preventing as many as 400 million births - mostly of baby girls. 三十年来独生子女政策一直饱受争议和反对,因为它阻止了四亿婴儿的出生——大部分是女婴。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. But such rancour has largely been absent from discussion about President Barack Obama's response to the unfolding drama in the Arab world. 但在有关巴拉克?奥巴马(BarackObama)如何回应阿拉伯世界正在上演的戏剧性事件的讨论中,基本上看不到这种激愤的影子。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Far from adding star power, BillClinton has proved a source of rancour and controversy. 这次他没有施展出自己的明星魅力,却成为了敌意和论战的源头。 www.ecocn.org 10. Americans often complain about the rancour in their political debate. President Obama is daily reviled, seldom mocked. 美国人常常抱怨本国政治辩论中的怨恨之意——美国总统奥巴马(Obama)天天被人谩骂,却鲜少遭人嘲弄。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Despite this shift, Taiwanese politics has lost little of its rancour. 尽管焦点转移,但台湾政治的深仇大怨一点也不少。 www.bing.com 2. Either way, the bill has revived the rancour that long reigned between Rio and the rest of Brazil. 无论哪一种方式,该法案再次激化了里约州与巴西其他各州之间长期存在的积怨。 www.24en.com 3. Partisan rancour could paralyse action on taxes and lead to a dramatic fiscal tightening. 国内党派对立,敌意深重,会无力采取一致的税收政策,导致大幅财政紧缩。 www.ecocn.org 4. What David Goldblatt describes as a "vast buzzing cacophony of rancour" is many fans' chance to air their opinion about the game they love. 许多球迷有机会谈谈他们所喜欢的比赛,不过他们的声音被大卫·戈德布拉特描述为“夹杂着愤怒的喧嚣吵闹声”。 lixiaomin88888888.blog.163.com 5. An ability to raise contentious issues without rancour. 有能力唤起不带有怨恨的争论话题。 wenku.baidu.com 6. The profession itself is suffering from guilt and rancour. 这个职业本身也经受着内疚与仇恨的折磨。 www.ecocn.org 7. Shed hate and rancour, they hurt you more than they do others. 放下憎恨和敌意,他们伤害你比伤害别人多 zhidao.baidu.com 8. This is a relationship steeped in historical rancour. 双方历史上积怨很深。 www.ftchinese.com 9. What did the makers of America believe about God and religion? The subject is stirring the very rancour they wanted to avoid 美国国父们怎样看待上帝和宗教?这个话题引发了他们一直想避免的怨恨情绪 www.ecocn.org |
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