单词 | roll with |
释义 | roll with例句释义: 全部 1. In churches, membership is often reduced to simply adding your name to a roll, with no requirements or expectations. 在教会里,教会会员往往沦为把名字加在会员册上罢了,没有任何要求与期望。 www.ebigear.com 2. "Sure, it would be better to have more grades, but law firms have got to roll with the punches, " he said. “当然,将会有更多的毕业生,而律师事务所也将面临选人方面的麻烦。”他说。 www.bing.com 3. At first I was confused and admittedly a bit angry, but then and there I realized it was an honest mistake and decided to just roll with it. 一开始我会有点困惑和生气,但我后来明白了那些都难免的误会,就顺其自然吧。 www.bing.com 4. "You cannot roll with me, " said the Big O. "but perhaps you can roll by yourself. " “你不能和我一起滚动。”大圆满说,“但是,也许你可以试着自己滚动呀。” blog.163.com 5. A note of surprise filled her voice at the prospect. "My attitude is to roll with what happens, " she said. 想到将要发生的事,她语音中充满了惊异。“我的态度是:事情发生了,设法应付,但避免正面冲突。” www.websaru.com 6. At the same time also improves ink transfer, band noise roll with a decrease in performance, easy to clean blade wear, etc. 同时还提矮了油不朱的迁徙本能机能、纹辊的易清洗本能机能,裁减刮刀磨损等。 www.bing.com 7. Cylindrical aluminum used in curtain wall construction, processed bi a unique roll, with a solid, corrosion resistance advantages. 圆柱铝板用于幕墙建筑,由独特辊压加工而成,具有牢固、耐腐蚀性等优点。 www.bmlink.com 8. Kevin Garnett hurried to meet Chris Bosh as the Heat power forward received a pass off a pick-and-roll with LeBron James. 热火队大前锋克里斯-波什在勒布朗-詹姆斯的掩护下接过传球,凯文-加内特急忙过来防守。 www.bing.com 9. A confident guy can roll with the punches and handle himself in all situations. 一个自傲的人可以收放自若、安闲应对各类场所场面。 yibar.com.cn 10. The plastic limit analysis and parametric design of a hollow cast steel roll with axle sleeve of the high-speed paper machine are studied. 研究了高速纸机中具有闷头的空心铸钢辊结构的塑性极限和参数设计问题。 www.dictall.com 1. Before then the firm had been on a roll, with Land Rover sales breaking records and Jaguars doing well after years in the doldrums. 在此之前,该公司的生意一直如火如荼,陆虎的销售破了记录,捷豹也在多年沉寂后发威。 www.ecocn.org 2. You just can't roll with the big three and a bunch of old dudes and expect to beat the best teams in the NBA. 你不能指望靠着三巨头加一群老人家去打败联盟最好的球队。 www.bing.com 3. Or you could just roll with it. Be flexible. See what happens. 也许你可以随机应变。别太固执,看看会发生什么。 www.for68.com 4. Double embossing unit, double paper stand with a double belt driving system for jumbo roll, with a pneumatic lifting of jumbo roll system. 双压花装置,双原纸架,配备双组皮带原纸输送系统,原纸气动上纸。 www.shengyidi.com 5. On Friday night, on the way home I met it, I saw it on a roll with its grass-like tail quickly and kept small. 星期五晚上,我回家的路上碰见了它,它一看见我就摇起了它那跟茅草似的小尾巴摇个不停。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Make a long slit in every roll with a knife. Brush with water and sprinkle with sesame or poppy seeds. 用刀子在面团中间划上一刀,刷上少许水洒上芝麻和罂粟子。 plumcafe.com 7. Change happens for a reason. Roll with it. It won't be easy, but it will be worth it. 变化总有原因。顺着它,不会简单,但是值得。 www.kekenet.com 8. He's also got a hastily plonked-together chicken salad sandwich on a white roll with one slice of tomato. 他还点了一个草草包起来的鸡肉沙拉三明治,放在一个上有一片番茄的白卷上。 www.bing.com 9. Mrs. Reagan's press secretary, described it, the U. S. first lady " is learning to roll with the punches" . 如同里根夫人的新闻秘书克里斯彭所形容,美国第一夫人“正在学习以柔克刚”。 dict.veduchina.com 10. Talk about furniture that's seriously able to rock and roll with life's little changes. 谈到能随着生活的变化而适应不同用途的家具。 www.elanso.com 1. The Earth's magnetic field participating in a slow roll with Planet X such that no one on Earth could deny that something is amiss. 地球的磁场参加一个行星X慢滚地球这样的,没有人可以否认的东西不对劲。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. I wish I had packed a huge turkey sandwich on a roll with mustard and mayonnaise and lettuce and tomato and cheese. 我饿极了。这里什么都没剩下。我真希望我带上了一个大火鸡三明治,里面夹着芥末、蛋黄酱、生菜、西红柿和干酪。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The balls fill the space between the two races and roll with negligible friction in the grooves. 球装在两套圈之间,且在滚道内滚动,摩擦力很小。 www.tdict.com 4. We have to try and except that these things will happen and roll with it knowing that they can and will be sorted out. 我们不得不试着来,只可惜问题仍将发生、发展,他们似乎知道会被妥善处理。 www.bing.com 5. The challenge is then to take the roll with defects and to make sure that they are not shipped to a customer. 当时面临的挑战是采取滚动与缺陷,并确保他们不运到客户。 boyejiguang.512121.com 6. When you're a host by default, you just have to roll with it. 只因为你是主人,你就必须这么做。 www.bing.com 7. "Have fun. " Even if things go sideways, roll with it. “享受演讲”。如果事情跑偏了,就随遇而安吧。 edu.sina.com.cn 8. Happy people roll with the punches. They know from experience that everything changes. 幸福的人不役于时,他们从经验得知,万物皆变。 www.ebigear.com 9. The new Chinese immigrants have to roll with the punches when they face adversities. 新来移民的老中,面对逆境时,需要从容适应。 www.moon-soft.com 10. life changes, roll with it. . . 生活一直在变,与之周旋吧… blog.sina.com.cn 1. Whether you become tongue-tied or are thrown a curveball question, roll with the punches . 你是否突然舌头打结说不出话来,或者,被问到一个出乎意料的问题,变得逆来顺受? dictsearch.appspot.com 2. But if you can relax, open your mind, and roll with the unexpected, new opportunities will unfold. 但是如果我们放松些,打开自己的思维,把握住那些不期而来的事,新的机遇就会展开。 www.suiniyi.com 3. As I grow, I'm more inclined to adopt a "roll with the punches" attitude. 在我的成长中,我更倾向于采取“忍让”态度。 www.bing.com 4. And if your tastes change, roll with it. 要是你的口味变了,跟着口味走吧! www.showxiu.com 5. May I offer you another bread roll with that? 我再给您来一些面包卷好吗? zhidao.baidu.com 6. Ross: We agreed we'd spent our lives together. Things change. Roll with the punches. I believe Julia's on the table. 我们也曾决定共度此生。但是世事难料,兵来将挡。我觉得就用朱丽亚,就这么定了。 sfile.ydy.com 7. They cycle and change. Roll with it. 我们要随它的改变而改变。 www.elanso.com 8. Life is tough, but you've got to learn to roll with the punches. 人生艰难,但你耍学会跌倒了再爬起来。 www.tjyz.org 9. Served on a Kaiser roll with lettuce, tomato, onion and French fries. 另配裹有生菜丝、西红柿、洋葱和炸薯条的凯撒卷。 img3.zhubajie.com 10. Bowl: a large wooden ball weighted or slightly flattened so as to roll with a bias. 保龄球:一种较重的轻度削平的大木球,以使球斜进滚动。 www.juyy.net 1. Glazed yeast-raised doughnut - shaped roll with hard crust . 发酵的、圆环形的、表面光滑的、有硬皮的面包卷。 www.bing.com 2. Just laugh, if you can, and roll with it. 如果可以的话,去大笑,去打成一片吧。 www.yinghanhuyi.com 3. But our forward thinking inventor has a solution early in 1995, the roll-with-the-punches Earthquake House! 但是,一位有远见的发明家早在1995年就提出了避震的解决方案——“能屈能伸”的抗震房屋。 yinghanhuyi.com 4. We need to import one half of the roll with plane of symmetry in the center of the roll cavity. 我们需要进口的一半轧辊与平面的对称中心的卷腔。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Nevertheless, they are learning to roll with the punches more, he believes. 不过他认为,投资者更多地学会了怎样适应。 chinese.wsj.com 6. You control pitch and roll with the accelerometer. 你可以用加速器控制强度和滚动。 www.bing.com 7. This is essentially a table roll with a sawtooth surface which pulses the wire. 这是一个必要的带锯齿表面的案辊,可以在网子上产生脉冲。 maxyeah.com.cn 8. Roll with the punches and change the plan to fit the new situation. 顺势而为并且调整计划以适应新的形势。 bbs.bikehome.net 9. Yeah, but that's our life, right? We just roll with the punches. 是啊,但这就是生活,不是么?世事难料。 myterminator.cn 10. Amanda: I understand. But you have to roll with the punches if you want to survive in this business. 阿曼达:我明白,但你如果想在这一行生存的话,就得逆来顺受啊。 www.tingroom.com 1. I had to give up my plan and roll with the changes. 我不得不放弃我的计划,跟着变化走。 www.elanso.com 2. It also allows us to forgive and forget, bury the hatchet, and roll with the punches. 健忘让我们宽恕和遗忘,捐弃前嫌,大事化小。 www.bing.com 3. "We just need to have faith and roll with the punches and do the best we can whatever happens, but it is looking scary, " one woman said. 我们需要有信念,需要勇往直前,无论发生什么,我们都要尽自己最大的努力。但现在的形势真是可怕。 www.tingroom.com 4. Things change, roll with the punches. I believe Julia's on the table. 世事难料,兵来将挡.茱莉亚,就这么决定 blog.hjenglish.com 5. The comedian made the audience roll with laughter. 那个喜剧演员让观众笑得打滚。 www.hxen.com 6. By the end of last year he seemed to be on a roll, with 77% of South Africans saying he was doing a good job. 截止去年末,他似乎进展不错,76%的南非人认为他做的好。 www.ecocn.org 7. The restaurant served a roll with the meal. 这家餐厅提供正餐时加有一个面包卷。 www.wordreference.com 8. I know you're so grieved at your son's death. But you should try to roll with the punch. 我知道你儿子的死使你悲痛欲绝,但你应该挺住。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Catherine: I have to roll with the punches? But I haven't seen any punches in our company, what can I do? 凯瑟琳:围着打孔机转悠?我没看到有什么打孔机啊,我又能做什么呢? www.tingroom.com 10. Life is the greatest gift of all, and you have to roll with the punches. 生命是最大的礼物,和你有推出与重拳。 baike.soso.com 1. You have to roll with the punches if you want to survive in this business. 如果你还想在这行混下去你就得逆来顺受。 www.24en.com 2. Learn to roll with the punches. 要学会应付困难 blog.hjenglish.com 3. All kinds of mechanical processing and finishing, cold roll, the roll, with support roll! 各种机械加工和精加工,冷轧辊,工作辊,支撑辊! www.tonke.cn 4. Roll with the punches and allow yourself to change tactics mid-stream. 收发自如,允许你自己中间改变策略。 www.bing.com 5. I tried at first to roll with the new age. 起先,我试图顺应新时代的潮流。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. When all this time you could've made a difference but you decided to roll with the party 每当这时你本能产生一些影响起到一些作用的时候你却决定和政党站在一起 wenwen.soso.com 7. Ms Lagarde has had four years to learn to roll with the punches as minister in the government of Nicolas Sarkozy. 作为尼古拉?萨科齐(NicolasSarkozy)政府的部长,拉加德已经有四年的时间学习如何应对各种冲击。 www.ftchinese.com 8. but Now Let's Get Ready To Rock 'n' Roll With The Smokin'-- 但是现在让我们一起感受摇滚的沸腾 www.tingroom.com 9. transfer paper (Note: Transfer paper comes in a roll like waxed paper, so you can share a roll with your friends. ) 转印纸(注:转印纸是一种像蜡纸的卷纸,所以你可以和你的朋友共同用一卷转印纸) ts.hjenglish.com 10. You got to roll with the punches and get to what's real 你逆来顺受,而且开始接触到真正的东西了 zhidao.baidu.com 1. End Quenching Curve of Steel Used for Cold Roll with Hardening Layer 深淬硬层冷轧辊用钢的端淬曲线 ilib.cn 2. You the wheels to my car, and I can't roll with you 你是我汽车的轮子,没有你我无法开启 zhidao.baidu.com 3. I wanna roll with him a hard pair we will be 想要和他一起摇摆我们会是坚强的一对 wenwen.soso.com 4. Comparing Indefinite Chill Cast Roll with High-Cr Cast Roll Used in Temper Mill 无限冷硬铸铁与高铬铸铁平整工作辊对比分析 ilib.cn 5. The New-type Highly Hard Roll with Dull Tooth Tops -- The Application of Plasma Surface Modification Technique 新型的钝顶高硬磨辊--等离子表面改性技术的应用 www.ilib.cn 6. Improvement for Spray Quenching Process of Grooved Roll with Integrally Differential Heating 开槽轧辊整体差温加热喷雾淬火工艺的改进 service.ilib.cn 7. Foundry Production of Squeeze Press Roll with Phosphor-boron Vermicular Cast Iron 磷硼蠕墨铸铁压榨辊的铸造生产 www.ilib.cn 8. Enjoy new experiences, and roll with it 享受新的认知和经验,并且融入它 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Realization of Bending Roll with Hydraulic Pressure for Shape Control 液压弯辊板形控制手段的实现 ilib.cn 10. Heat Treatment for Centrifugal Composite Cast Iron Roll with High Cr Content 离心复合高铬铸铁轧辊的热处理 ilib.cn 1. His hilarious antics and dry one-liners make you hold your side and roll with laughter; 欢闹的滑稽动作,他干的俏皮话让你握住你的一面,笑声辊; hi.baidu.com 2. Improvement and Application of Water-Proof Roll with Cavity Pavement 防水卷材空铺法的改进应用 www.ilib.cn 3. Pastrami Beef roll with tricolour vegetable 三色蔬菜牛肉卷 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Development and Application for Cold Roll with High Performance 高性能冷轧辊的研究和选用 www.ilib.cn 5. Casting forming of shaped roll with vacuum sealed mould 带槽轧辊真空密封造型铸造成型工艺 www.ilib.cn 6. Vietnamese rice paper roll with prawn and sweet chili sauce 越南虾仁卷配甜辣酱 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The good times roll with me right here 我正享受着欢乐时光 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Breaded Chicken Roll with Stuffing Butter of Kiev 基辅式黄油鸡卷 bbs.taoyo.cn 9. Breaded Pork and Asparagus Roll with Sesame Seeds 芝麻芦笋猪肉卷 marry.sh.liba.com 10. A pot-bellied daddy listens to rock and roll with his son; “啤酒肚”爸爸跟儿子一起听摇滚; www.chinese.cn 1. Replacing the Stone Roll with Ceramic Roll 用陶瓷包覆辊替代石辊 www.ilib.cn 2. fried chicken roll with mushrooms 炸口蘑鸡卷 blog.hjenglish.com 3. fried lobster roll with chicken liver 炸龙虾鸡肝卷 blog.hjenglish.com 4. Purple Rice and Egg Roll with Three Delicates 三鲜紫米蛋卷 www.meishichina.com.cn 5. Fried prawn roll with butter and mushroom 黄油蘑菇炸虾卷 www.zftrans.com 6. Fried Fish Roll with Chili and Lobster Sauce 豉椒炒鱼卷 wenku.baidu.com 7. fried pancake roll with meat filling 肉馅煎饼卷 zhidao.baidu.com 8. fried prawn roll with duck liver filling 炸鸭肝馅虾卷 blog.hjenglish.com 9. Production Line for Egg Roll with Filler 夹心蛋酥卷生产线 zhoujian16.b2b.hc360.com 10. fried prawn roll with mushrooms 炸口蘑虾卷 blog.hjenglish.com 1. Frittered duck roll with sesame 芝麻鸭卷 bbs.ccqtv.com 2. fried chicken roll with cheese 炸奶酪鸡卷 blog.hjenglish.com 3. Vegetable Roll With Fish Sauce 如意苦菜卷 www.whitehouse1390.com 4. Tenderloin of Beef Roll with Enoki 金菇牛柳卷 www.onsports.cn 5. Deep Fried Chicken Roll With Mango 香芒炸鸡卷 wenku.baidu.com 6. Pan fried chicken roll with walnut 桃仁鸡卷 www.gudumami.cn 7. Salted Egg Roll with Coconut Savor 椰香咸蛋卷 chenwenyan.lvyour.com 8. Deep-Fried Goose Liver Roll with Taro 荔茸鹅肝卷 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Veal roll with mushroom sauce 香菌小牛肉卷 www.amoney.com.cn 10. Squid roll with garlic flavor 蒜爆鱿鱼卷 www.chinesecookingworkshop.com 1. Egg and bacon roll with tomato sauce 番茄茄子熏肉卷 zhidao.baidu.com 2. fried prawn roll with cheese 炸奶酪虾卷 blog.hjenglish.com 3. Mocha Cake Roll with Red Bean Cream 红豆抹茶蛋糕卷 pinkyfantasy.spaces.live.com 4. Happy roll with egg & cream 快乐奶油蛋卷 www.hxen.com 5. As I roll with prodigy 我与胤滚动 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Egg roll with pork plate 猪肉蛋卷拼盘 wenku.baidu.com 7. roast duck roll with ham 烤火腿鸭卷 blog.sina.com.cn 8. And so I roll with her, ooh, 她左右我的全部,生活,和感情 bbs.ebigear.com |
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