单词 | recycle |
释义 |
第三人称单数:recycles 现在分词:recycling 过去式:recycled 例句释义: 回收利用,再利用,再次应用,再循环,再生,循环再生 1. By the next year, the management of the factory plans to increase the production capacity and recycle up to 5000 tons of tires per year. 在未来的一年中,工厂的管理层计划增加产量并且计划每年回收再利用5000吨的轮胎。 www.bing.com 2. If your hotel doesn't recycle, consider taking your empty bottles or other items home with you to recycle them there. 如果酒店没有循环使用的垃圾处理方法,请考虑把空瓶子或者其他物品带回家做循环垃圾处理。 www.bing.com 3. At this point everything is ready to recycle the TM1 server and activate the LDAP authentication. 现在,一切就绪了,可以重新启动TM1服务器并激活LDAP身份验证。 www.ibm.com 4. Aluminum shavings sound like something that might be easy to recycle but they aren't. 铝的刨花听起来像是一些可以很容易被重复使用的物质,然而不是这样的。 www.elanso.com 5. Can you think of any other ways to reuse and recycle marketing material for better campaigns? 那么你是否还想到其他办法,可以重新利用,再应用营销旧材料来做个更棒的营销、促销活动的呢? www.ef.com.cn 6. The collar is environmental friendly and easy to recycle, therefore the disposal cost can be changed into profit. 衣领是环境友好,易于回收,因此处置费用可分为盈利改变。 www.cuttingtool-qd.512121.com 7. Sensitive to the mood of her subjects, she had decided not to lash out on any new frocks, but to recycle the old ones. 考虑到国民情绪,女皇决定不再对新款式服装一掷千金,而是穿以前穿过的衣服。 www.bing.com 8. The recycle time of the authentication key is at least one-third, and not more than one-half, that of the cookie time-out value. 身份验证密钥的再循环时间至少是Cookie超时值的三分之一,并且不得超过一半。 technet.microsoft.com 9. CARBONITE has been used to recycle Au element in waste water for an electronic company in Ningbo. 本产品已应用于宁波某电子公司含金废水的处理及金离子回收。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Reduce Reuse Recycle is all very well, but still the garbage is piling up in landfills. 减少,回收,再利用的政策虽然有效果,但是垃圾场的垃圾还是堆积如山。 www.elanso.com 1. On top of that, I don't have to subscribe to anything and I don't have anything to recycle or throw away. 最重要的是,我不需要订阅任何东西而且也没有任何东西需要回收或者扔掉。 www.elanso.com 2. You know all the pesky ads that pile up in your mailbox and eventually end up in your recycle bin? 你知道那些堆在你邮箱中,并最终会被删除的讨厌的广告吗? www.bing.com 3. It's easy to recycle plastic, just take it to your local plastic collection point. 塑料杯的回收很简单,把它放到当地塑料制品回收点就可以了。 www.bing.com 4. A prepaid plastic recycling envelope is included in the box, making it easy to recycle your newly obsolete phone. 盒子内包含了一个预付的可回收塑料封盖,让其可方便回收你刚废弃的手机。 www.bing.com 5. Therefore, it is not always possible to recycle updated portions of the application and maintain run time integrity of the application. 因此,并非始终可以回收应用程序的更新部分并维护应用程序的运行时完整性。 www.ibm.com 6. Don't make it easy for anyone rummaging through your garbage or recycle bin to put the pieces together to gather your personal information. 不要让任何人有机会从你的垃圾筐和回收站里面得到这些所有的碎片从而拼凑起来你的个人信息。 www.elanso.com 7. Host: Well, look, I'm from California, where it's pretty automatic to recycle, you know, even for those of us who are older. 主持人:噢,看,我来自加利福尼亚州,在那里循环利用是自然而然的事,即使对我们那些年纪更大的人而言也是如此。 www.joyen.net 8. The consequences could be disastrous unless action is stepped up to properly collect and recycle materials, the agency warned. 联合国环境规划署警告说,除非有步骤地采取合理的材料收集和回收措施,否则后果将是灾难性的。 www.bing.com 9. The company will also recycle old computers and monitors from other manufacturers with the purchase of a new Mac. 消费者购买新的Mac电脑时也可将其他厂家生产的旧电脑和监视器交苹果回收。 www.ebigear.com 10. HDPE bottles do not break as glass can and are also recyclable so we urge you to please recycle them. 高密度聚乙烯瓶不会象玻璃那样易破,也可以回收利用,因此请回收他们。 www.usletao.com 1. A private situation control allows you to start, stop, or recycle a private situation on the monitoring agent with a request. 私有情景控制允许您使用请求启动、停止或再循环监控代理上的私有场景。 www.ibm.com 2. Even if you think you already recycle all you can, there are always more ways to improve! 即使你认为已经回收了所有可回收的废品,仍然有很多地方可以改进。 www.britishcouncil.org.cn 3. "The ideal would be to take the whole battery apart, clean up the material and recycle them back to battery-grade. " “最理想的是电池整体分离,清洗后,做为新电池,循环使用。” www.bing.com 4. They include a pricier Fairtrade range that includes stickers of mosques around the world and a book on why Muslims should recycle. 这些基于公平贸易的价格较高的商品包括世界各地清真寺的贴纸和关于穆斯林为什么必须重复利用物品的书籍。 www.ecocn.org 5. In this paper, the concept of remanufacturing was introduced, also the recycle and remanufacturing engineering of product were studied. 文章介绍了再制造的概念,并对产品的可回收性、再制造工程进行了探讨。 www.chemyq.com 6. The plastic strips and the cardboard are also easy to recycle, all cleanly separated from each other. 同时,很容易被分开的纸板和编织带也极易回收利用。 www.cctv.com 7. Efforts to recycle foreign reserves out of the country now appear to be concentrated on the QDII programme. 如今,将外汇储备导向国外的努力似乎正集中在QDII计划身上。 www.ftchinese.com 8. So they tapped into their desire to protect the environment, and started a campaign to recycle aluminum cans to pay for the ceremony. 因此,他们挖掘到他们的愿望,保护环境,并开始了一场运动,回收铝罐支付仪式。 www.bozhiyongdai.com 9. Conducted by concept of eco-industry engineering, construction of recycle economy in typical mining of Xuzhou city is researched. 在生态工业工程理念指导下,以徐州市为例,进行典型资源型(矿区)城市循环经济建设研究。 www.chemyq.com 10. The easiest way to maintain a consistent user interface, is to recycle as much of it as possible. 维护一个协调一致的用户界面最简单的办法就是,尽可能地重复使用它。 www.bing.com 1. Neil: The main reason to recycle things is to help protect the environment. By using something again and again we use fewer resources. 我知道了,回收再使用有利于环境保护,节省有限的资源。比如我们回收再使用一次性的方便筷,就可以少砍伐一些树木。 www.ebigear.com 2. Therefore, we, everyone will have to start from me, put the battery useless or discarded plastic bags to a designated recycle bin. 因此,我们每个人都要从我做起,把没用的电池或塑料袋丢弃到指定的回收站。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Recycle aluminum cans, glass bottles, plastic, and cardboard to reduce your home's carbon dioxide emissions by 850 pounds a year. 回收铝罐,玻璃瓶,塑胶和纸板,每年将可以为你的家庭减低850磅的二氧化碳排放量。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. I have no say over the configuration of the office and unless I am told to recycle or photocopy on both sides, I am not going to. 对于公司的布局,我没有发言权,而除非我被告知回收纸张或双面打印,否则我不会这么做。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Use rechargeable batteries instead of single-use batteries. It will help you save money on trying to recycle spent alkalines. 使用充电电池,而不是一次性电池。这会帮你节省回收已用碱性电池的钱。 www.bing.com 6. Sulfate reducing bacteria is one of the important microorganisms in the globe, due to their action in sulfur recycle. 硫酸盐还原菌在硫元素的地球生物循环及环境保护中都发挥着重要作用。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. Now, environmentalists and entrepreneurs are attempting to recycle plastic back to its main component - oil. 现在,环境学家和企业家尝试对塑料的主要成分——油进行循环使用。 www.showxiu.com 8. Some of us recycle a bit, try to take public transport, take holidays closer to home. 我们一部分人进行再生活动,尝试着使用公共交通工具,到离家不远的地方度假。 www.chinadialogue.net 9. At the crossroads, we can only choose the road-----recycle economy which provides us with the only chance of survival. 在难以抉择的十字路口,我们只有选择为我们提供最后唯一的生存机会之路——循环经济。 www.fabiao.net 10. The alternative would be a politically explosive operation to recycle fleeing outflows via public sector inflows. 另一种选择是采取一种很容易在政治上引起争论的操作,凭借流入公共部门的资金,将外逃资金再循环起来。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Solid waste incineration technique has been widely used for its entire disposal, heat energy recycle and metal recycle. 垃圾焚烧技术具有垃圾处理彻底,可回收热能及废金属等优点得到了广泛的应用。 www.chemyq.com 2. The Foundation is working on developing waterless, hygienic toilets that do not rely on sewer systems to gather up waste and recycle it. 比尔及梅琳达·盖茨基金会正致力于开发一种无需用水、清洁卫生的厕所,这种厕所不必依靠污水管道系统就能收集废物,而且可以让废物实现重新利用。 dongxi.net 3. Gordon: Then she got me to help her clean her apartment and recycle her old products. 戈登:然后她让我帮她打扫她的公寓和对她的旧东西进行废物再利用。 www.bing.com 4. Toss or recycle what you don't absolutely need and put items you no longer use, need or like in a pile to donate. 扔掉或回收利用一下一些你不需要的东西,把你不再用的东西也可以整理好捐献出去。 www.bing.com 5. The children are taught to flatten the empty milk cartons and recycle them . 学校教育学生将空牛奶盒展平,然后将其回收。 www.bing.com 6. With Windows 8, the days of booting into a desktop full of app icons, file folders and that darned Recycle Bin are over. 在Windows8的桌面上,布满了一系列的应用程序图标,传统的文件夹和回车站已经不见了。 www.bing.com 7. recovering heat from the wet air, and returning to the heat source for recycle. The technique has such advantage as low energy consumption. 热风循环系统将湿空气的热量捕捉下来,重新进入热源,进行循环利用,节省了能源,降低了能耗。 ip.com 8. FIFA will recycle much of that money into football development worldwide. FIFA会将收入的绝大部分循环投入到推动世界足球运动发展中。 www.ecocn.org 9. The Nutrient Recycling Soil Saving Program is, as the name implies, a way to recycle nutrients and save soil. 正如它的名字一样,回收养分保持土壤计划是回收养分保持土壤的一个途径。 www.bing.com 10. This uneven pattern is the result of protecting favoured departments, which can recycle any efficiency savings they find. 一些部门可以回收任何一种效率他们认为有效的存款,保护这些特权部门直接导致出现一种不均的模式。 www.ecocn.org 1. The world's resources are finite, so we are trying to recycle reusable resources. 世界的资源是有限的,我们将尽量回收利用可持续资源。 safe.coscon.com 2. Strongly promote Green Shipbuilding among the Green tache of design, process, management, supply chain and recycle. 在绿色的设计、工艺、管理、供应链与再使用等环节中、大力推进绿色造船; www.13191.com 3. And I ultimately want to recycle that, put it back into the loos, maybe wash hands with it, I don't know. 我还想更进一步来回收利用这些水,或许用来洗手吧,我不知道。 www.ted.com 4. Vapors generated during the operation of a pump on recycle or during recirculation can cause tank overpressure. 在泵循环或再循环操作期间产生的气体会导致罐超压。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. After startup, it will use the wind resistance created by running to recycle. 汽车启动之后就会利用行驶产生的风阻力进行循环。 www.yxbiz.com.cn 6. When you or site visitors delete any of these items from a Web site, the items are placed in the Recycle Bin. 当您或网站访问者从网站删除上述任意项目后,这些项目都会被放入回收站中。 office.microsoft.com 7. Nerys: Well we should try to recycle all our waste paper. That would save the company a lot of money and help the environment. 内里斯:我们应该把所有废纸回收再利用。这会为公司节省不少钱,而且有助环保。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. cutting the abnormal section with a die to recycle the flexible flat cable to be scrapped. 冲切掉所述异常段,以回收利用该待报废软排线。 ip.com 9. In terms of hardening product, the nature of the product makes it very easy for engineers to cut and modify the design and recycle itself. 在强化产品的性质,使它的产品很容易工程师削减和修改设计和回收利用本身。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. The recycle bin does not capture deletions made over a network or even many deletions made on a workstation. 回收站不捕捉缺失所取得的一个网络,甚至很多缺失所作的工作站。 xtdownload.com 1. YOU reduce, reuse and recycle. You turn down plastic and paper. You avoid out-of-season grapes. You do all the right things. 你降低,回收,再利用。你减少使用塑料制品和纸张。你避开过季的葡萄。你做着都是对的事情。 www.bing.com 2. Call your local grocery and retail stores to see where you can recycle your plastic bags. 致电当地杂货店和零售商店,看一下在何处回收塑料袋。 www.kekenet.com 3. On my way out, my interviewer asked me to recycle something for him. I agreed. It was my resume. 在面试结束我转身要离开的时候,面试官叫住我说,请我帮他处理一个可以循环利用的东西——我的简历。 bbs.internet.org.cn 4. The cooling tower does this, and enables the CPI to recycle most of the water it requires with a reasonable capital investment. 冷却塔正是这样做的,并且能使CPI得以循环利用大部分的水,它需要一个合理的资本投资。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. As for me, I have been trying to recycle as much as possible, and want to give up air travel. 对于我来说,我已经在尽可能地做到回收利用,而且准备放弃乘飞机。 www.chinadialogue.net 6. You very carefully take those metals, take those plastics and try to recycle each one of them separately. 要非常小心地处理这些金属、塑料,并且争取将他们每一项分开回收利用。 www.bing.com 7. The reverse logistics is an important part of the modern logistics, including the recycle logistics and the reject logistics. 反向物流包括回收物流和废弃物物流等,它是现代物流活动的一个重要组成部分。 www.commerce.sh.cn 8. The company makes machines that recycle plastic waste into artificial fiber. 这家公司生产工业回收设备,将塑胶废料回收成人造纤维。 www.bing.com 9. This symbol can be incredibly useful when it comes to figuring out what you can and can't recycle, but it doesn't tell you the whole story. 这个标志在找出哪些能回收哪些不能回收上特别有效,可是它没有给出全部信息。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 10. You may have the bin to recycle the usual items, so it's a lot easier to remember to deal with it when it's full. 你可能会准备一个箱子来回收平常的回收物,这样当它满的时候你就会很容易想起来该处理了。 www.elanso.com 1. Anytime you change or upgrade a piece of office electronics, recycle it in a responsible way. 你要随时更换或升级办公室的电器,以合适的方法回收。 www.bing.com 2. Just to be on the safe side, you ought to delete the email, and the attachment , from your computer and then empty your Recycle Bin. 安全起见,你应该把电脑里的邮件和附件删除,同时清空回收站。 www.8875.org 3. Alex Martinez : "I was messing around with the Guardian and found a novel way to recycle the magazine" AlexMartinez:“我正没事摆弄着《卫报》,突然想到一个将杂志废物再利用的新奇办法。” www.bing.com 4. Improving the fractionating system, the absorption stabilizing system and large recycle ratio operation can raise the yields of light oils. 完善分馏系统、吸收稳定系统及大循环比操作,可以提高轻质油收率; www.zshg.com 5. Similar activities have been started in Europe and Greater China area. Challenges: to improve the rates of recycle and reuse. 已经在多个欧洲国家开展同类回收活动。在中国大陆、台湾和香港地区亦已起步,课题:逐步提高回收率和再利用率。 www.chinaeol.net 6. As long as China wants to keep its exports to the U. S. strong, it must recycle the trade surplus back into the U. 只要中国还想维持强劲的对美出口,就必须要将贸易顺差所得回填至美国。 www.enfamily.cn 7. The polystyrene-supported selenium bromide can be regenerated and used efficiently for recycle after simple treatment. 该方法具有操作简单、反应条件温和等优点,聚苯乙烯负载硒溴试剂可有效地再生和循环使用。 www.13191.com 8. Several recycle methods of CO2 were introduced, improving methods from grand companies were presented as well to advance the recovery. 本文介绍了几种常用的CO2回收利用方法及世界各大公司利用这些方法进行改进的效果,从而提高了CO2的回收利用率。 www.dictall.com 9. The system usually operates with free collection of recycled waste, promoting the idea that "the more you recycle, the less you pay" . 在该制度内,可回收垃圾的处理是免费的,也就是说该制度遵循的是“多循环,少交费”原则。 www.common-talk.com 10. ECHO YAN : ^_^ nothing just reading then sleep, recycle like this. 什么都不想呀,就读书然后困了睡觉,如此循环。 my.chinese.cn 1. It is pressing for U. S. permission to recycle plutonium from spent power-reactor fuel, originally supplied by the United States. 它迫切要求美国同意,可以从动力反应堆乏燃料中回收钚——这些乏燃料起初是由美国供应的。 dongxi.net 2. Recycle cans, bottles, plastic bags and newspapers if circumstances allow you to. 如果环境允许的话,请循环使用罐子,瓶子,塑料袋和报纸。 m.anoah.com 3. Water system integration with regeneration recycle can reduce freshwater consumption and wastewater discharge to the practicable maximum. 考虑再生循环的水系统集成可以最大限度地节省新鲜水用量,并同时减少污水的排放。 www.chemyq.com 4. When you cannot recycle, make sure trash ends up in cans and not on the ground in your playground or park. 当不能回收利用时,确保将垃圾扔在容器里,而不是扔在运动场上或者公园里。 www.bing.com 5. Finally, the main influencing factors of refrigeratory 's recycle process and corresponding control measures are described. 最后得出了冰箱回收处理过程中主要影响因素以及相应的控制措施。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. The next hurdle is sorting the goods, deciding which to refurbish and re-use and which to dismantle and recycle. 下一个障碍在于给货物分类,决定哪些货物要翻新后再利用,哪些要分解回收。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The template back arris system is convenient to process, install and dismantle, and can be used in recycle manner with low cost. 该模板背楞体系便于加工、安拆方便、快捷,可周转使用,成本较低。 ip.com 8. In Asia, Hong Kongers recycle more than mainland Chinese and Japanese, but far less than South Koreans. 在亚洲,香港人比内地中国人和日本人回收的废品更多,但远不如韩国人。 c.wsj.com 9. Simple Operation. No complicated controls; no sludge recycle; performance does not depend on operator skill. 操作简单。没有复杂的控制设施;没有污泥回流;操作员的技术对运行没有决定性影响。 www.1x1y.com.cn 10. The process used to recycle non-deposited powder through the gun for reuse (after mixing and sieving). 通过喷枪循环使用(筛分和混合后)没有沉积的粉末的过程。 hi.baidu.com 1. As for potato packages, if they are to be banned, there should be replacement available or plastic recycle system in place. 假设我们要禁止薯片包装袋,那一定要有可替代品或者考虑塑料回收再生。 dialogue.iflove.com 2. Out of desperation and love, I found some creative ways to recycle the overflow of artwork. 出于无奈和对孩子们的爱我发现了一些重新再利用这些多余的绘画作品的富有创造性的方法。 www.elanso.com 3. Later, we'll have to get rid of it, sort through all of it, take time to throw it away or recycle it or donate it. 以后,我们还要处理它们,给他们分类,花时间去丢掉,或者再循环利用,或者捐赠。 www.bing.com 4. Cleaning processes and steps for the recycle cooling water system in coking plant without stopping production operation were introduced. 详细介绍了循环冷却水系统在不停车情况下的清洗方法和步骤。 www.chemyq.com 5. As a follow-up, a recycling box was placed in each classroom building to recycle used batteries. 随后在每个教室里安放回收废电池的箱子。 361.golb.blog.163.com 6. Dry cleaner bags fall into the same category where it is better to reuse than attempt to recycle. 干洗袋属于同一类别的地方,这是更好地重用比企图循环。 www.ganxi-ganxiji.cn 7. The Regulations establish the qualification permit system for recycle and treatment on wasted electrical appliance and electronic products. 设定了废弃电器电子产品处理资格许可制度。 www.capitallaw.cc 8. I would like to recycle and I also want to promote continuity, " he declared in the theme address at the opening plenary session. " 但我想要再次循环磨练,同时我也喜欢去促进连续性,〞他在向开幕式全体会议提出年度主题时声。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Tesco's plan is to recycle waste within its own supply chain while still keeping its fashion credentials. 特易购打算回收利用其供应链中的废物,同时依然保持其时尚地位。 www.bing.com 10. A set of absorption heat pump is designed to recycle these heat for preheating brine and reduce the steam consumption. 本文的目的是设计一套吸收式热泵回收这部分热量,用来预热盐水,达到降低蒸汽消耗的目的。 www.chemyq.com 1. Further strides would be welcome: the financial crisis is proof that America cannot usefully recycle the world's excess savings. 我们期待人民币能有更大进步,因为金融危机证明美国不能有效循环利用世界过剩储蓄。 www.ecocn.org 2. Can have lower case of Copy shortcut and Copy filename Added option "Use Recycle Bin to store deleted files" 加入了选项“使用资源回收筒去贮起删除的档案” westwood.fortunecity.com 3. Circular economy demands restructuring economic system by the rule of material recycle and energy flow in natural ecological system. 循环经济倡导按照自然生态系统物质循环和能量流动规律来重构经济系统。 www.airiti.com 4. If the recycle bin is enabled for the site, list items can be recovered after they have been deleted. 如果对网站启用了回收站,可以恢复已删除的列表项目。 office.microsoft.com 5. You can cease to be so wasteful and conserve and recycle more. 你们可以停止再如此浪费而保护资源并再生利用。 lingyuan.net 6. Please recycle when possible, do not dispose as household waste. 请尽量将旧电池供循环再造,切勿当作家居废物处理。 zuoye.patuu.com 7. Mr. Liu, current Process Engineering Manager, will take fully responsibility of recycle project to work together with project team. 刘先生,现任过程工业经理,将继续与项目团队一起为循环项目负全责。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. As an important industry of Recycle economy, renewable chemical fiber industry in the "low carbon economy" again play a role. 作为循环经济的重要产业,再生化纤行业将在“低碳经济”中再次发挥作用。 texclo.net 9. The manipulative fundamental of New Recycle Economics is reconsider, reduce, reuse, recycle, repair, which are called by a joint name is 5R. 新循环经济理论的操作原则是5R原则,即再思考原则、减量化原则、再利用原则、再循环原则、再修复原则。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. But let's say that after emptying the recycle bin, you realize that you need that document after all. 但是,假设在清空回收站以后,您又意识到还是需要这个文档。 www.ibm.com 1. Mothers and daughters don't always have the easiest relationships, especially when the daughters try to recycle the mothers with the trash. 母亲和女儿并不总是有最单纯的关系,尤其是当女儿尝试把母亲扔进垃圾桶的时候。 www.bing.com 2. Reverse logistic forms a completed system by managing the abandoned products with the way of science, including recycle-processing-reuse. 逆向物流侧重于从科学的角度对废弃产品的回流过程进行管理,包括回收—处理—再利用的过程,它们环环相扣,形成一个完整的体系。 paper.pet2008.cn 3. He could even recycle his Accenture slogan: "Go on. Be a Tiger! " 他甚至可以改变埃森哲的广告词,“继续雄起!” www.ecocn.org 4. There are so many ways to move items out of a space: trash, recycle, donate, sell or shred. 有很多种方法可以帮你来移除物品:垃圾桶拉,回收再利用拉,捐赠掉拉,卖掉啦又或者是直接破坏掉拉。 www.bing.com 5. I for one look forward to enjoying a "Vostok" atop Mars' Olympus Mons (but I promise to recycle the empties). 我本人就期待着在火星的奥林珀斯山顶上享用一杯“东方号”啤酒(但我保证回收利用空瓶)。 www.bing.com 6. While a regular DELETE would delete the rows, it would not actually cause DB2 to recycle the space. 虽然常规的DELETE将删除这些行,但是它不会真正让DB2回收这些空间。 www.ibm.com 7. Since the program is run from a console window, the deleted files are not stored in the Recycle Bin. 由于在程序运行在控制台窗口中,已删除的文件不会存储在回收站。 technet.microsoft.com 8. Reversible computing promises to remove fundamental performance bottlenecks in computing and recycle energy. 可逆计算有望消除计算机处理和能力循环这两个最基本的性能瓶颈。 www.8875.org 9. And with all the wonderful technology we have we can do things that are much more efficient: conserve, recycle, etc. 依靠我们所有的这些神奇的技术我们可以做更有效的事情:生态保护,循环利用等。 www.ted.com 10. A great deal of water is consumed in petrochemical plant and recycle cooling water takes up about 90% of the overall water. 石油化工装置在生产过程中需耗用大量的水。其中,循环冷却水约占生产总用水量的90%。 www.chemyq.com 1. At home, in the office, or when travelling, make sure you recycle plastic bottles. 在家,在办公室,或者在旅行的时候,请务必记得回收塑料瓶子。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Open your presents carefully and recycle or reuse the wrapping papers the next year. 小心拆开礼物,将包装纸留待来年循环再用。 www.wwf.org.hk 3. If the cache size is less than the set value, Lotus Quickr does not recycle the cache. 如果缓存大小小于此设置值,LotusQuickr无法回收缓存。 www.ibm.com 4. The controller may not function correctly after test, however, it should work normally after reset or recycle of the supply. 该控制器可能无法正常工作后,测试,但是,应该正常工作后,重置或回收供应。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. The application that realized cleaner production, recycle economy and sustainable development was introduced in the article. 通过实例介绍,实现了清洁生产、循环经济和可持续发展的目的。 www.chemyq.com 6. Design the material storage plan along the assy line and the recycle of material bins or racks between warehouse and the assy line. 设计物料在生产线旁的摆放,仓库和生产线之间料箱与料架的周转计划。 www.jobui.com 7. The intent is to recycle the amines during this process but some may escape increasing their atmospheric concentration. 胺类在此工艺中是循环使用的,但实际上部分胺类将不可避免地逃逸出来从而引起其大气浓度的提高。 www.qiyeku.com 8. To avoid the political nightmare of imposing a bin tax, it relies purely on rewarding people for the weight of rubbish they recycle. 为了避免加征垃圾税的政治恶梦,它仅仅采取了如下办法:根据人们回收垃圾的重量,给予人们相应奖励。 www.ecocn.org 9. A new concept for the nuclear fuel recycle system: application of the fluoride volatility reprocessing. 核燃料循环体系的新概念:氟化物挥发后处理的应用…[中国核科技信息与经济研究院]。 10. They recycle cans, bottles and paper meticulously, sorting them into the bins collected by municipal trucks in American cities. 他们每天细心地回收易拉罐、玻璃瓶子、废纸,将它们分类后放进垃圾箱,美国市政环卫卡车会将垃圾箱运走。 dict.ebigear.com 1. Owners can not help doubting why not to put the useless auto parts into recycle bin, yet recover and put back to use as component? 车主们不免疑问,已经报废的汽车零部件不该如废铜烂铁一般送到回收站吗,为何反而让它们重新回归成为汽车的组成部件? www.cnautotime.com 2. Do not eat freshness packet. Keep in bottle. Please recycle. 瓶内小包是保鲜剂,不可食用,请完好无损留于瓶内。 www.taobaotemai.com 3. Windows history erased includes current downloads, images, temporary files, index. dat files, clipboard, and recycle bin. 历史上抹去的Windows目前包括下载,图像,临时文件,Index.dat文件,剪贴板,回收站。 xtdownload.com 4. Enterprises shall use advanced technologies, processes and equipment to recycle waste water generated in production. 企业应当采用先进技术、工艺和设备,对生产过程中产生的废水进行再生利用。 www.bing.com 5. Companies that recycle the valuable parts of bankrupt companies are doing well, too. 对于那些回收破产公司具有价值资产的公司来说,形势也是一片大好。 www.bing.com 6. Recycle Ann Arbor bids competitively for, and consistently wins, the city contract to provide recycling services. RecycleAnnArbor为供给垃圾回收利用服务的城市合约竞价,一贯地胜出。 blog.163.com 7. Not necessarily-it may no longer reside in your recycle bin, but it still exists on the computer. 不一定——也许它不再出现回收站里,但它仍可能存在于计算机中。 www.ibm.com 8. The product manufactories hope to recycle and reuse reusable discarded consumable packages to reduce management cost and mold good image. 为了降低经营成本和塑造企业形象,产品制造商希望回收再利用可再用废弃消费品包装物。 www.fabiao.net 9. Salt out and distillation process was used to recycle isopropanol from isopropanol wastewater. 采用盐析-蒸馏工艺,从异丙醇废液中回收异丙醇。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. with the reusing of waste residue, waste gas and tailings, the recycle of resources can be realized. 通过废渣、废气和尾矿的回收利用可实现资源的再循环。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. XX manufacturing department avoid pollution to the environment through limitation of waste product and recycle. XX制造部通过限制废品、促进回收,来防止污染。 bbs.fobshanghai.com 2. Growing food in glass high-rises could drastically reduce fossil-fuel emissions and recycle city wastewater that now pollutes waterways. 在玻璃外墙装饰的摩天大楼里种植粮食作物将大大减少化石燃料的排放,循环利用城市废水,而不是像现在那样直接排入下水道。 www.bing.com 3. Liquid recycle formula is given through tentative study on electrochemical coloring technology on stainless steel. 对电化学不锈钢着色工艺进行试验研究,提出溶液再生调整公式。 www.chemyq.com 4. Students collect plastic bottles to recycle, so they make a contribution to protecting the environment. 学生们收集塑料瓶来回收利用,所以他们在为保护环境作出贡献。 wenku.baidu.com 5. Designate an area outside where all of your recycle bins can be stored. 在户外划定一个区域专门放垃圾桶。 www.bing.com 6. Paper bags come from a renewable resource, but they require more energy to produce, transport and recycle than plastic bags. 纸袋来自可再生资源,但他们需要更多的能源生产,运输和回收比塑料袋。 www.512121.com 7. Objective: To explore lymphatic recycle of thoracic duct and the mechanisms of tumor metastasis through left supraclavicular lymph nodes. 目的:探讨胸导管的淋巴回流和左锁骨上淋巴结肿瘤转移的机制。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. Autophagy is a biology process that recycle the macromolecular substances and maintain cell stability by self digestion. 自噬是细胞通过自我消化实现大分子物质的循环再利用,维持细胞自身稳定的生物学过程。 www.shouducm.com 9. Smart systems that deliver only the power needed or recycle sewage for water and energy. 更加智能的电力系统、更加有效的污水回收和水供给系统,以及能源设施。 www.bing.com 10. The economic profits of recycle of excess hydrogen chlorine in VCM production by compound adsorption- desorption were analysed. 分析了采用组合式吸收—解吸工艺回收VCM中过量的氯化氢气体的经济效益。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. This plant mainly produced disperse dye, recycle dye and organic pigment which comprises mostly phthalocyanine pigment and dye. 该染料厂以生产分散染料、还原染料和有机颜料为主,有机颜料主要为酞菁系列颜料和染料。 www.366translation.com 2. Only when the business development, market a directional entered recycle stage, choosing to further expand the market is desirable. 只有当业务发展到一定阶段,某一块定向的市场步入了良性循环阶段,设点以进一步扩大市场才是可取的。 www.bing.com 3. Late-night comedy shows recycle jokes about the amount of money the US has borrowed from China. 深夜喜剧节目一再炒冷饭,重复美国向中国借了多少债的段子。 www.ftchinese.com 4. A "Recycle your paint" page, which links through to good to give directions from there house to my locality of business. 一个“资源回收你的画”页面,通过链接提供良好的方向从那里的房子我的公司所在地。 www.bing.com 5. The detergency of some powdered laundry detergents and been evaluated by the results of the related recycle washings. 通过循环洗涤方法评价洗涤剂的二次去污能力。 d.wanfangdata.com.cn 6. roger that , you guys looking for a blue recycle vehicle. 收到,你们要找的车在蓝色垃圾车后面。 www.douban.com 7. At last, countermeasures to developing agricultural recycle economy in Qinhuangdao are presented. 最后,提出了秦皇岛市发展农业循环经济的对策。 lib.nwnu.edu.cn 8. Further strides would be welcome: the financial crisis is proof thatAmericacannot usefully recycle the world's excess savings. 人们在期待更大的跨越:美国的经济危机证明了美国无法有效地回收利用世界超额储蓄。 xiaozu.renren.com 9. Make a list of small things you can do around your house to conserve energy and water, stop waste, and recycle. Then start doing them. 把你家周围有助于节能、节水、防止浪费和废物利用,而你又力所能及的那些小事列一个清单,然后逐一实施。 www.bing.com 10. These Living Machines recycle wastewater by filtering it through a system of bacteria and plants. 这些LM系统通过由细菌和植物组成的系统对废水进行过滤回收。 www.bing.com 1. Also, you might want to make sure that the application domain does not recycle multiple times during deployment. 此外,您可能会想要确定应用程式定义域不会在部署期间回收多次。 msdn.microsoft.com 2. Jackie: We recycle newspapers, bottles, jars, plastic, cardboard, . . . 杰琪:我们回收报纸、瓶子、罐子、塑料制品,还有厚纸板…… www.joyen.net 3. Golf courses can be designed to recycle their water through wetlands and use fewer chemicals. 高尔夫球场应设计成通过湿地而能使水循环使用,并少用化学药品。 edu.sina.com.cn 4. The status and development tendency of recycle and reuse of auto material in auto industry at home and abroad are analyzed. 分析国内外汽车材料回收与再利用的现状,并指出其发展趋势。 www.chemyq.com 5. This gives you an opportunity to recover accidentally deleted files from the Recycle Bin and restore them to your computer. 这样您有机会在回收站中恢复意外删除的文件,并将其还原到计算机。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 6. The leading travel booking sites simply recycle photos and property descriptions they receive from the hotels themselves. 那些领先的旅游预订网站也仅仅只是反复利用那几张酒店提供的图片以及酒店描述。 www.bing.com 7. When you delete a document on your Windows operating system, it goes directly to the recycle bin. 在Windows操作系统中,当删除一个文档时,该文档直接进入回收站。 www-128.ibm.com 8. Combined the operating conditions, this thesis presents the design method for solids recycle devices in dense transport bed. 结合密相输运床的运行条件,本文给出了回料装置设计方法。 www.fabiao.net 9. filtering the aqueous solution to extract metals in the aqueous solution and evaporating the aqueous solution to recycle the alcohol. 过滤水溶液以分出其中的金属,蒸发滤液以回收醇。 ip.com 10. Parents get it and for kids getting in to help parents see it It's a very virtual recycle. 就像是父母得到东西,拿给孩子,孩子再帮父母,是一个很好的良性循环。 open.163.com 1. That you won't be for long means it won't be long before you'll have to recycle your rubbish. 你不会等很长时间意味着过不了多久你就会回收你的垃圾。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The hot in-place recycle of HMA has significant social and economic benefits as a method of highway maintenance. 就地热再生作为一种旧路维修方法,经济效益和环境效益明显。 www.fabiao.net 3. And, while damage is slowly repaired, it makes sense for states to recycle part of the funds themselves. 而且,当损害慢慢修复时,让一些州省自行将部分基金循环起来是有道理的。 www.bing.com 4. In the coming years, development of precalcining technique will continue along the way of recycle economy and sustainable development . . . 新型干法水泥生产技术的继续发展,将按照我国水泥工业走循环经济和可持续发展道路的要求进行。 www.chemyq.com 5. My younger sister is an avid environmentalist. She insists we recycle everything. 我的小妹妹是个积极的环保主义着,她坚持我们对所有的东西都进行废物利用。 www.xianzai.cn 6. You may deal with the dead or dying, healing, and good business practices in which you reform or recycle what is obsolete. 你也许要解决关于死亡、治疗,实践对过时品旳改良或回收。 d.yk173.com 7. I was just sitting here making a list of ways I could recycle paper products. 我坐在这儿正在列可以回收废纸的清单。 www.bing.com 8. Recycling by medicine enterprises is one of main way to recycle family out -dated drug currently. 医药企业对家庭过期药品进行回收处理是目前社会上重要的药品回收处理可行途径之一。 lib.cqvip.com 9. Maybe you recycle what you can and then move on. But if you can reuse your ordinary stuff, that's even better. 也许你循环使用你能循环使用的东西,但如果你也能循环使用日常用品那就更好了。 www.elanso.com 10. Application value of enteral nutrition combined with external biliary recycle in the treatment of severe acute pancreatitis. 肠内营养联合胆汁回输在重症急性胰腺炎治疗中的应用价值。 www.kuenglish.info 1. It's cheap and extremely versatile but, very simply, we use too much of it and don't recycle it enough. 它便宜,用途极其广泛,只不过我们使用的太多、太过频繁、回收利用不够。 www.bing.com 2. Europe and Japan have initiated "take back" laws that require electronics manufacturers to recycle their products. 欧洲国家与日本已经开始实施其“回收法”,即电子产品的制造商需要回收其生产的产品。 www.ecocn.org 3. This plan mainly uses the condensation recycling installment to recycle the afterheat which discharges by boilers. 本方案主要采用冷凝回收装置将锅炉所排放的烟气余热进行回收再利用。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Wall material production enterprises shall recycle non-toxic harmless solid waste or building waste in production. 墙体材料生产企业应当利用无毒无害的固体废物、建筑废物生产墙体材料产品。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. At the command prompt to delete the file is not moved to the Recycle Bin, which will be permanently deleted. 在命令提示符下删除的文件不会移至回收站,而将被永久删除。 www.xiami360.com 6. It was found coconut shell can be used to produce coconut charcoal. It not only make the trash recycle. 现发现椰子果实外壳可供加工生产椰碳之用途,不但使废物充分利用,又可达到环境保护。 blog.china.alibaba.com 7. Yup. Recycle your old mobile phone and get up to 750 air miles in exchange. 对的。回收你的旧手机,可以兑换高达750英里航空线。 www.bing.com 8. Environment Policy: Abidance the law, Reduce the pollution, Recycle, Save resources. 环境方针:遵守法规,减少污染,循环利用,节约资源。 www.unsv.com 9. overseas layouts are complex systems engineering, recycle, only to realize sustainable development. 海外布局是复杂的系统工程,只有实现良性循环,才能持续发展。 www.bing.com 10. This paper introduces the technics measure of oil film bearing bush's repair and recycle, the key procedures are introduced in detail. 介绍了油膜轴承衬套返修的工艺手段,针对关键工序作了详细的介绍。 www.dictall.com 1. When the recycle time has passed, the Client Access server moves to the next key. 如果再循环时间已到,客户端访问服务器将转移到下一个密钥。 technet.microsoft.com 2. The constitution of the electric control system with PLC for plastic recycle plant was introduced. 介绍了用PLC控制的塑料再生生产线的电气控制系统的组成。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Sulfur recycle catalyst activeness decline reason and its preventive measures are analyzed. 分析了硫磺回收催化剂活性衰退的原因及防止措施。 www.chemyq.com 4. This product realizes both high beneficiation ratio and high recycle ratio in separating weak magnetic minerals. 该机分选弱磁性矿石实现了精矿品位高和回收率高的双高优点。 www.baimao.com 5. Marrying a divorced man is ecologically responsible. In a world where there are more women than men, it pays to recycle. 和有过婚姻的男人结婚是对生态意义上负责的行为。世界上女人比男人多,所以循环利用是合理的事。 club.eladies.sina.com.cn 6. The recycle methods of waste polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) were discussed. 介绍聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)废料回收利用的几种方法。 www.chemyq.com 7. So they resist pressure for currency appreciation and recycle the inflow predominantly into US liabilities. 因此它们抵制货币升值的压力,并对流入资本再次循环利用,使之大部分投向了美国国债。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Plug-In To eCycling works with companies to offer consumers more opportunities to donate or recycle their used electronics. Plug-InToeCycling这个项目与许多公司合作提供了许多让顾客捐助或回收他们用过的电子产品的机会。 www.bing.com 9. Yet such spending usually fails, and the problems recycle themselves through the generations. 但这类支出常常达不到预期效果,所以这些问题在一代又一代人身上不停地重演。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Permanently deletes recycle bin contents, temporary files, document history, plus many more PC tracks. 永久删除回收站的内容,临时文件,文件的历史,加上多的PC轨道。 xtdownload.com 1. Broken glassware should be placed in the containers difficult to cut through waste collected and sent to the Recycle Bin. 破碎的玻璃器皿应放于不易划破的容器内收集并送废液回收站。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Meanwhile, using a filtering device to recycle the system oil to keep it clean is also available. 同时,也可用滤油设备对整个液压系统进行循环过滤,净化液压系统的油液。 www.boshuo.net 3. For 20 years, Japan has been able to recycle savings to pay for its fiscal deficits. 20年来,日本已能回收存款来支付其财政赤字。 tieba.baidu.com 4. Commercial Web machine through the dryer or heat cooling system, you can recycle over 90 percent of energy-saving. 商业轮转机通过对干燥装置或冷却系统热量的循环利用,可以节能90%以上。 www.bing.com 5. Furthermore, it's environmentally friendly to recycle the abandoned beverage bottles and solve the problem of sharpening pencils. 另外,瓶盖卷笔刀既回收利用了废弃的饮料瓶,又解决了削铅笔的问题,非常环保。 www.bing.com 6. Most people think recycle, recycle, recycle - but remember the mantra is actually reduce, reuse , recycle. 很多人一想到环保,就想到了回收,回收,回收。但是,记住,真正的王道事实上是减少(使用),再利用,回收。 www.elanso.com 7. To recycle glass back into bottles, however, it needs to be sorted by colour. 然而,为了把回收的玻璃用于制造玻璃瓶,我们需要对玻璃根据颜色进行分类。 www.ecocn.org 8. An UV photo-digestion system for the determination of total phosphorus in recycle waters was described. 样品经紫外光反应器消解后,形成正磷酸,以磷钼蓝的形式测定。 www.chemyq.com 9. latest design can recycle caprolactam directly and remove residue automatically. 最新的设计,回收己内酰胺直接利用,自动除渣。 www.1x1y.com.cn 10. We hope that we will be able to establish a system where can recycle garbage securely. 在未来,我们希望我们能够建立一个环保地回收垃圾的系统。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. However, we won't await our doom. We have been going all out to find every possible way to recycle waste. 然而,人类不会坐以待毙,人们已经和正在想尽一切办法处理、回收和利用垃圾,变废为宝。 www.chemyq.com 2. Besides the air, the farms would also recycle and purify gray water, which is wastewater from sinks, bathtubs and drinking fountains. 除了空气,昆虫型农场还能回收和净化来自水池、浴缸和饮水机的生活污水。 www.bing.com 3. We have to recycle newspapers, old magazines and old boxes in a green box. 我们得在绿色的箱子里回收报纸、旧杂志和旧盒子。 m.anoah.com 4. Resolved an issue that caused a full IIS web role to recycle when the diagnostics store was full. 解决了诊断存储满了时导致完整的IISweb角色循环利用的问题。 www.infoq.com 5. Where to Recycle in Torrance, California, helps city residents to easily find recycling centers based on the items they wish to recycle. 提供在加州托兰斯的回收地点,可帮助该城市的居民简单的找寻回收中心以回收适合的回收项目。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 6. Use the packaging material after it is easier to recycle, degradation and reducing environmental pollution, put an end to the community. 使用后的包装材料要容易降解和回收利用,减少环境污染,杜绝对社会造成危害。 www.bing.com 7. Commuters at the station will be able to recycle drinks cans, plastic bottles and newspapers in the bins. 通勤者在该站将可循环再用的饮料罐,塑料瓶和报纸,废纸箱。 www.a1pak.net.cn 8. Java must recycle objects if you want to avoid Domino server crashes caused by running out of memory. 如果希望避免因为内存不足而造成Domino服务器崩溃,则必须使用Java回收对象。 www.ibm.com 9. The experimental result indicated: The overflow quality is acceptable, and it may recycle the massive coal resources. 实验结果表明出水水质良好,并可回收大量的煤炭资源。 www.chemyq.com 10. The reverse-osmosis process is increasingly being used not just for desalination, but to recycle wastewater, too. 逆渗透法工序不止是在海水淡化工业得到越来越多的应用,它在废水再生工业界也大展身手。 www.bing.com 1. No cluster resources can be running on the node you are upgrading because Exchange Setup will need to recycle the Cluster service. 在要升级的节点上不能运行群集资源,因为Exchange安装程序需要反复使用群集服务。 technet.microsoft.com 2. The paper summarizes the new technology for recycle of waste plastics and its p. . . 本文综述了国内外废旧塑料资源化新技术及其进展。 www.chemyq.com 3. When finished with the code in these articles, be sure to recycle it for greener reporting. 完成这些文章中的代码后,确保回收它,以便实现更绿色的报告。 www.ibm.com 4. There is not enough storage memory to save your data. Delete some files and empty your recycle bin. Then try again. 没有足够的存储内存来保存数据。请删除一些文件并清空回收站,然后再试。 www.jukuu.com 5. Electric power generation by waste incineration has been the growing trend of environment protection and resource recycle. 垃圾焚烧发电是环境保护、资源再利用的发展趋势之一。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Waring : Custom box record delete will not be put into the recycle. 华林:自定义记录中删除将不会付诸循环。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. This machine is composed by three parts: automatic paper feeding tectorial pre-coating film and cutting recycle. 该机由自动送纸、涂膜覆合和裁断回收三部份组成。 www.showxiu.com 8. For economic reasons, it is a common practice to recycle a portion of the exhaust air back into the same area. 由于经济上的原因,回收一部分排出的气体进入到相同区域是常见的情况。 zhoushengsuo.blog.163.com 9. Certificate scope: recycle and disposal for solid wast and relevant managment activities. 认证范围:固体废弃物的回收、处置及相关管理活动 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Fighting against corruption by exploiting recycle materials! 我们要通过探索环保材料来对抗堕落! www.mahoo.com.cn 1. The conversion-per-pass is generally low, thus necessitating gas recycle to increase overall product yield. 其单程转化率一般是低的,因此有必要使气体循环以提高总的产品收率。 www.infopetro.com.cn 2. The European Container Glass Federation has launched an online campaign to urge consumers to recycle glass. 欧洲玻璃容器协会发起了一个在线的运动,促请消费者回收玻璃。 jgdmj.a1pak.com 3. The device can recycle and utilize the tetrachloroethylene steam distilled from the distilling box. 本实用新型可将蒸馏箱蒸馏出的四氯乙烯蒸汽回收利用。 ip.com 4. Recycle and reproduce the grinding and granulating of degrading plastic films and angle materials. 对降解塑料薄膜与角料粉碎、造粒的回收再生产。 www.chemm.cn 5. The flexibility to use various techniques to more efficiently use the Recycle Bin, to make it better for their own services. 灵活地利用各种技巧可以更高效地使用回收站,使之更好地为自己服务。 www.xiami360.com 6. The purchase behavior has a significant effect on after-purchase factors including use behavior and recycle behavior. 购买行为对购买后的使用行为和处理行为也存在显著影响。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. To stand up this straw man the president's critics recycle the same small crop of incriminating quotations time and again. 为了树立起这一假想敌,所谓的总统批评家们不得不一再地回收引用那些为数不多的有罪之言。 www.ecocn.org 8. Disposal Company will collect disposed kitchen waste , card board and copy paper for recycle purpose . 经处理的厨房废品,纸板及复印纸将由专业处理公司收集用于再利用。 www.bing.com 9. Recycle your car oil at a recycling depot or petrol station; it contains lead, nickel and cadmium. 到回收站或加油站回收利用你的汽车废油;它含有铅、镍和镉。 tieba.baidu.com 10. The current legislations on obsolete computers recycle, system and its environmental hazard in China have been discussed. 分析了国内废旧电脑的环境危害、立法和回收利用现状。 www.chemyq.com 1. It also puts forward the key techniques during the recycle course of old room air conditioners and other old home appliances. 家用空调器等废旧家电的回收再利用,对全球的可持续发展具有重要意义,已经受到国内外的高度重视。 www.dictall.com 2. EPR stressed the recycle responsibility of the manufacturer. EPR制度强调生产商的回收责任。 www.fabiao.net 3. Effective use of packaging waste can achieve humanization and enjoyments on the side of consumer in the process of packaging recycle. 有效利用包装废弃物,使消费者在重复利用包装的过程中得到人性化与趣味化的享受; journals.hut.edu.cn 4. A manufacturing firm has unbelievable difficult to perform those recycle processes separately. 从我国实践来看,制造企业很难独立运营这些回收环节。 www.fabiao.net 5. The major drawback of paper disk is water resistance and transparency, recycle after usage with high reuse value. 纸圆盘最主要的缺点耐水性差和不透明性,使用过后即回收再利用价值高。 airiti.com 6. This summer, TerraCycle's R &D department has been shredding diapers, looking for a way to recycle used ones. 这个夏天,TerraCycle的研发部门不停的撕扯尿布,寻找一种回收利用旧尿布的方法。 dongxi.net 7. VEOLIA Water has been granted a license from the NSW Government to recycle and sell wastewater from the Fairfield Sewage Treatment Plant. 威立雅水务近日获得澳大利亚新南威尔士州政府的许可,将在费尔菲尔德污水处理厂处理并销售再生水。 www.bing.com 8. The ionic liquid anchored catalyst mainly avoids the outflow of catalyst, and realizes its recycle and reuse. 离子液体载催化剂主要避免催化剂的流失,并实现循环使用; www.ceps.com.tw 9. In this paper, a precise method is derived to calculate the volumes of recycle reactors with variable volume. The present method is. . . 文章给出了等温变容循环反应器体积的精确计算方法,适用于任意膨胀率、任意循环比和任一级反应动力学系统。 www.chemyq.com 10. Gravity return of secondary sludge and effluent recycle (when desired) to pretreatment tank. 二级污泥重力回流和出水回流(如果需要)到预处理池中。 www.1x1y.com.cn |
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