单词 | recur |
释义 |
过去式:recurred 第三人称单数:recurs 现在分词:recurring 例句释义: 再发生,反复出现,重现,复发,重演 1. If cough persists for more than one week, tends to recur, or is accompanied by a fever, rash or persistent headache, consult a physician. 如果咳嗽坚持在超过一个星期,倾向于复发,或由热病,轻率或坚持头疼伴随,咨询医师。 www.4goodlife.us 2. It is the most common form of bladder cancer and, although reasonably easy to treat, it has a tendency to recur. 这是一种最常见的膀胱癌,尽管相对容易治愈,其复发的几率也很大。 www.ecocn.org 3. These principles recur throughout this book and are introduced here to give you an overview of what economics is all about. 这些原则重复贯穿于这本书中,向你们介绍对经济学的一个总体的看法。 www.21mishu.com 4. TCC can arise anywhere in the urothelium, but is most common in bladder. TCC is often multifocal and has a tendency to recur. 泌尿道癌可发生于泌尿上皮覆盖的部位,最常见于膀胱,呈多灶性并常有复发的倾向。 terms.shengwuquan.com 5. He said he guaranteed the attention of server security, similar incidents will not recur. 他说他保证以后注意服务器安全,不再出现类似的事件。 bbs.renyu.net 6. Patients may need to stay on the drugs for weeks or months to make sure the problem does not recur, he said. 他说,病人可能需要连续用药数周或数月,以确保不会复发。 cn.nytimes.com 7. In addition, this sickness easy to recur, after the surgery, should the regular reexamination, every three months reexamine one time. 此外,本病容易复发,手术后应定期复查,每三个月复查一次。 www.010fk.com 8. Most doctors believe that this disease is difficult to delay to heal, and apt to recur, quite influence the patient's life quality. 多数医者认为本病迁延难愈,且易复发,颇影响患者的生活质量。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 9. He did not seek medical attention, the pain did not recur, and there were no cardiological or neurological sequels. 并未因此就诊,疼痛从未再发生,并没有心脏病或神经系统性后遗症。 www.21jk.com.cn 10. Everyone must have heard a classic song - "Yesterday Once More" , but yesterday will not recur. 大家一定都听过一首经典的歌曲——《昨日重现》,然而,昨日不会重现。 wenwen.soso.com 1. Such karma was cleared in the experience, and such human annihilation of such a deliberate nature shall not recur again. 这类业力在这个经历中被清理,而这样一种故意屠杀的人类毁灭将不再重演。 www.lingyuan.net 2. Any problem as yet unsettled that tends to recur in your thoughts during the day is a suitable subject. 当天的任何问题,只要是挥之不去、犹疑不定的,即是最好的应用题材。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. There, a dedicated technician tests the drive to see whether a detected fault is likely to recur. 还有一个专门的技术人员对硬盘进行测试,看检测到的故障会不会再次上演。 www.ecocn.org 4. Some Portuguese books also, and among them two or three popish prayer-books, and several other books, all which I carefully recur'd. 此外,还有几本葡萄牙文的书籍,其中有两三本天主教祈祷书和几本别的书籍。所以这些书本我都小心地保存起来。 www.tdict.com 5. If cough persists for more than 1 week, tends to recur, or is accompanied by fever, rash, or persistent headache, consult a doctor. 若是咳嗽持续跨越1周,往往会复发,或者是发烧,皮疹,或陪同持续头痛的情况下,请就教年夜夫。 www.jf609.com 6. Vulvovaginal candidiasis(VVC)is a kind of vulvovaginal inflammation caused by candida infection, which has high incidence and easy to recur. 外阴阴道念珠菌病是由念珠菌感染引起的常见的外阴阴道炎症,发病率很高,且治疗后极易复发。 www.chemyq.com 7. Born all blundering blurred malice, recur into abandon after the heart of flowers, fragrance and taste, thin thin lonely romantic! 与生俱来的所有浮躁被模糊淡忘成弃后,重现芬芳的心灵花香,便细细的品,细细的孤独风流! www.tiantianbt.com 8. The liver abscess did not recur after resection of the colonic tumor. 施行肿瘤切除手术后,肝脓疡未再复发。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Done right, a new European architecture may ensure that such a crisis does not recur. 做得对,一个新欧洲架构或许能确保这样的危机不会重演。 www.ecocn.org 10. Cough tends to recur or is accompanied by high fever, rash or persistent headache. 咳嗽趋向于再出现或是伴随有高温,红疹或是持续的头痛。 www.231tao.com 1. An alarm has an initial time, a setting for how often it should recur (only counts in minutes are possible), and a number of times to recur. 警报有一个初始时间、一个警报重发频率的设置(只能以分钟计算)和重发次数。 www.ibm.com 2. The same old favorites recur year in year out with monotonous regularity. 相同的决心以单调的规律年复年地出现。 www.tdict.com 3. The best estimate for total eclipses is to say they recur at the same location about every 360 years on the average. 最好的估计,在同一个地点能再次看到日全食的时间间隔平均约360年。 english.31931.cn 4. "Breast cancer is so common that mutations that recur at a 5 percent frequency level still involve many thousands of women, " he says. 乳腺癌发生率很高,因此哪怕只是5%的突变率仍然会影响成千上万的女性患者。 news.dxy.cn 5. Although the theme of fear and its overwhelming power would recur in his later work, Hobbes's early years were largely free of anxiety. 虽然主题的恐惧和其压倒性的力量将再次出现在他后来的工作,霍布斯早年主要是免费的焦虑。 lwdx123.com 6. It may or may not recur next time the sun shines on the skin. 它可能会或可能不会再发生,下次太阳照在皮肤。 hk.myblog.yahoo.com 7. Your attitude to the advice of the psychiatrist will affect whether your nightmare recur or not. 你对心理医生的忠告采取什么态度会影响到你的噩梦是否再来。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. This function starts with the Clojure special form loop, which creates a target for the recur at the end of the function. 此函数从Clojure特殊形式的loop开始,它将为函数末尾处的recur创建一个目标。 www.ibm.com 9. When his wife left him he had to recur to drinking. 当妻子离他而去时他只好借酒浇愁。 www.hjenglish.com 10. And with stock markets and wealth soaring, the recession already looks like bad memory unlikely to recur anytime soon. 随着股市上升和财富骤增,衰退似乎已经是不大可能很快重现的糟糕记忆。 c.wsj.com 1. Like Wagner, he gives each of his characters leitmotifs that recur and recur in their streams of thought. 瓦格纳一样,他给他的字符leitmotifs,每个在他们的思想流,复发和复发。 www.englishtang.com 2. The best way to ensure quality is to write tests that validate data and algorithms and verify that prior mistakes do not recur. 确保质量的最佳方法是编写验证数据和算法并确认以前的错误不再重现的测试。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. I shall recur to the subject later on . 我稍后再回头谈这个问题。 dict.wenguo.com 4. Sadly it's a condition which, although it has the odd period of remission, is likely to recur every two years. 这种(疾病的)情况虽然偶尔会缓解一段时期,但不幸的是它很可能每两隔年就会复发。 dict.kekenet.com 5. Ad hoc mergers work for a while, but demands for help tend to recur. 合并会管用一阵子,但看起来还需要更多的帮助。 www.ecocn.org 6. Ovarian cancer has been challenging to treat because it tends to recur frequently and develop resistance to treatment. 卵巢癌很难治疗,复发率高而且治疗过程中容易产生耐药。 news.dxy.cn 7. evaluating the need for action to ensure that non conformities do not recur. 评价确保不合格不再发生的措施的需求; blog.sina.com.cn 8. If we do not take such steps, our risk will surely increase, and explosions of rage, manipulated or spontaneous, will recur. 如果我们不采取这些步子,我们的风险肯定会增加,被人操纵或自发的愤怒将会重演。 forum.nationonline.com 9. No, there must be some other way. . . And then she remembered the terrible fever that might recur and became more worried. 不,一定会有其它办法的……。她想要是热病复发了,那就更糟糕了。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The realization of Chinese political modernization must recur to the impact of outside forces and effective inside conformity ". " 中国政治现代化的实现,必须借助于外力撞击并进行有效的内部整合。 www.lw23.com 1. The woeful experience of the 1980s, when unemployment kept on rising for so long, is unlikely to recur. 失业率持续长时间上升,这一上世纪80年代的悲惨局面不太可能重演。 www.ecocn.org 2. Although there remained a slight chance that the growth might recur, the odds were much greater that his immune system would destroy it. ? 尽管还存在着肿瘤重新长出的可能,但这种可能性微乎其微,更可能的情况是,他的免疫系统将有效地摧毁肿瘤。 wiki.jukuu.com 3. But because elemental properties in the periodic table recur periodically, chemists can predict that it is highly reactive to water. 但由于元素特性在周期表中周期重现,化学家们可以预言它能与水激烈反应。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 4. Let us recur not to that impious man-how hateful to both of us! 让我们不去回想那个邪恶的人吧--我们两个都那么讨厌他! chinafanyi.com 5. Rather, the important thing is having shots of similar length that recur in a regular pattern throughout a film. 确切地说,重要的是让一部电影中的镜头保持差不多的长度。 www.bing.com 6. You can create tests to verify that fixes to problems are permanent and that the same problems don't recur. 您可以创建测试来验证问题修复是永久性的,并且同样的问题不会重现。 www.ibm.com 7. The medicine takes orally conveniently without any toxic and side effects, difficult to recur after recovery, definite therapeutic effect. 口服方便,无任何毒副作用,制愈后不易复发,疗效确切。 ip.com 8. Archetypes are universal concepts and patterns that recur within a domain or across domains. 原型是在某个域或多个域中重复出现的通用概念和模式。 www.ibm.com 9. Let's recur to what you mentioned just now. 让我们回到您刚才提到的话题上。 www.56y.cn 10. The same exact circumstances may not recur any time soon, but more heatwaves are inevitable, even without climate change. 也许短期内不会发生完全一样的情况,但是即使没有气候变化,出现更多热浪也是不可避免的。 www.bing.com 1. return, revert, recur, recrudesce These verbs refer to coming or going back, as to a place, position, or condition. 这些动词指回来或回到某地方、位置或状态。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Other social scientists seek to develop general laws by examining patterns of behavior that recur throughout time. 其他社会科学家们是通过分析反复出现的行为模式,从中总结出一些基本规律。 www.zftrans.com 3. Therefore, take measure which rational take medicine, prevent infection and treat in stage by TCM can drop the recur rates of NS. 由此提出防治措施,即除合理用药、预防感染外,中药分阶段治疗也能有效地降低其复发率。 www.chemyq.com 4. Let us recur to what was said at this morning's meeting. 让我们回忆一下今早会上所说的。 www.hotdic.com 5. Because giant tsunamis recur, they also look at historic and scientific records, going back up to 4, 000 years if possible. 因为巨大的海啸的再现,他们也回顾历史及科学记录,可以追溯到4000年前。 ying-wy.blog.163.com 6. Among them, chemotherapy has an irreplaceable function on the prevention of tumor recur and metastasis. 其中,化疗在根治恶性肿瘤,防止复发和转移方面起着不可替代的作用。 www.fabiao.net 7. If multiple projects employ the same architectural style, the assumption that issues recur will likely hold. 如果多个项目采用相同的架构风格,那么问题发生的假设很有可能成立。 www.infoq.com 8. The path of a planet appears to consist of loops that recur regularly. 行星的轨迹呈现出规律重复的环形。 dict.veduchina.com 9. This has raised eyebrows in Europe, where the practice has yet to recur. 这让仍然存在这种行为的欧洲感到惊奇。 www.ftchinese.com 10. History will not recur , what recur is exactly a human natural instinct constantly . 历史不会重演,不断重演的却正是人类的本性。 www.bing.com 1. Dear teacher, dear students, I am pleased to send you my speech, the topic of my presentation is: yesterday will not recur. 尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们,我很高兴为大家送上我的演讲,我演讲的题目是:昨日不会重现。 wenwen.soso.com 2. Prosecutions would affirm the rule of law and the country's determination that such lapses from wisdom and morality should never recur. 起诉会维护法制,证实美国决心永远不会再次做出这种背离智慧和道德的行为。 www.ftchinese.com 3. He set out to analyze not only what dreams are most common, but what dreams recur regularly. 他打算分析出做梦不仅仅是最普遍的现象,而且想知道什么样的梦境经常有规律地反复出现。 www.kekenet.com 4. It is clear that the same difficulties will recur in all the towns of the favoured state. 显而易见,同样的困难还会在被选中的那个州的各个城市之间发生。 5. Recur: v. if something, especially something bad or unpleasant recurs, it happens again. (尤指不好或不快之事)再次发生: www.hxen.com 6. We also recur to the new methods in XML signature and encryption, to enhance message-level security. 采用XML数字签名和加密技术,加强了消息层安全。 www.juhe8.com 7. Will this farce recur every time the debt ceiling needs raising? 每次需要提高债务上限的时候,都会上演这种闹剧吗? www.ftchinese.com 8. We can't create the miracle. But we can only learn to believe that someday the brightness will recur. . . 奇迹是不能被设定的。但我们该学会相信,相信光明终会重现… blog.sina.com.cn 9. Although the polyp excises, so long as the inflammation existence, after excising the polyp, will recur. 息肉虽然切除,只要炎症存在,切除息肉后还是会复发。 www.010fk.com 10. She didn't think about all the reasons why it was impossible, not the least of which was her own infirmity, which might recur at any time. 她没有考虑全部不可能的因素,至少是她自己虚弱的身体,随时都会犯病。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Issues of discrimination and proportionality recur in every war. 歧视和适度的问题,出现在每一场战争中。 www.bing.com 2. The term business cycle is used to describe the ups and downs in general business activity that recur over time. 商业周期这个术语用来描写每隔一段时间发生的一般商业活动的扩展和收缩。 metc.gdut.edu.cn 3. If we do not, that opportunity may not recur for decades. 如果我们未能如愿,那么数十年内可能都不会再有这种机会。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The respective officer should, upon considering the happening, analyze and try to find a solution, so that, such complaint does not recur. 有关主管人员应当在考虑所发生的情况后,对整个事件加以分析幷找出解决的办法,以免再次发生类似投诉。 dict.bioon.com 5. The realization of "Core Labor Standard" has to recur to the Constitutional fundamental rights. 要实现“核心劳工标准”必须借助我国宪法中的权利内容。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Once the drugs are stopped, however, symptoms typically recur. 但是一旦停止用药,症状就会复发。 www.bing.com 7. the formation of urinary calculi, especially in cases where they tend to recur. 用于预防尿路,特别是易发部位的结石的形成。 swyyfy.wlkc.zjtie.edu.cn 8. The same old favourites recur year in year our with monotonous regularity. 相的决心年复一年,周而复始地出现。 www.bing.com 9. Symptoms tend to recur in a predictable pattern. 症状复发有规可循。 www.bing.com 10. Part four, describing the structure of the supply chain of Goldsense enterprise and the business flow recur to the flow chart. 第四部分,用流程图分析了高信公司供应链构成、公司业务流程。 www.qianluntianxia.com 1. the mandibular prognathism symptom done not recur. 未见下颌前突复发。 www.juyy.net 2. Therefore, only after reduction to ensure the future of drug therapy does not recur. 因此只有经过减药治疗期才能保证以后不复发。 www.106jsw.com 3. They tend to recur and may worsen, leading to multi-infarct dementia or stroke. 这种小中风可多次复发并越来越严重,最后导致多发性梗塞痴呆症或中风。 tr.bab.la 4. Let us recur to the subject later on. 让我们稍后再重回到我们的主题。 dict.ebigear.com 5. To recur or visit often, especially as a ghost. 尤指鬼魂重回或常去。 freelance1978.bokee.com 6. Despite surgery, mucoceles often recur, warranting long-term follow-up. 即使是采用外科手术,粘液囊肿也常常复发,需要一个长期的随诊。 www.dxyer.cn 7. The case studies confirmed that many issues recur. 这些案例研究确定了很多重现的问题。 www.infoq.com 8. Of course, many problems recur at various periods. 当然,有许多问题会在不同的时期反复提出。 9. Farthest and closest full moons recur in regular cycles. 最远和最近满月的出现是有规律周期的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Fortunately, gout is treatable, and there are ways to reduce the risk that gout will recur. 幸运的是,痛风是可以治愈的,而且有很多种方法减少痛风再发的可能性! www.ebigear.com 1. That engine failure was the team's first in 2006. What has been done to ensure it doesn't recur? 这是车队在2006年首次遇到的引擎故障。为了确保类似的情况不再发生,车队做了些什么? f1.sports.sohu.com 2. Themes such as divine power, the natural elements, secular ambitions, recur constantly and express more than pure geography. 像神力、自然元素、世俗野心等这样的主题会持续不断地反复出现,所表达的也不光是纯粹的地理学而已。 www.bing.com 3. The noble qualities and deeds of Kong Fansen often recur to me. 孔繁森的崇高品质和事迹经常在我脑海里再现。 www.nexoncn.com 4. Recur at a specified time interval. 按指定时间间隔重复发生。 www.ibm.com 5. The scientific revolutions that recur in long cycles are a phenomenon that is built into human nature. 长周期重现的科学革命是构成人类天性的一种现象。 www.sea3000.net 6. Episodes of mania and depression typically recur across the life span. 阶段性的躁狂和抑郁通常在一生中反复发作。 www.bing.com 7. It is absolutely necessary for the oppressed people to recur to revolutionary violence if they want to achieve their liberation. 被压迫的人民要得到解放,使用革命暴力是绝对必要的。 www.dictall.com 8. They then recur, I give them that same drug every week. Another 30 percent will respond. 有人复发了,我每周给他们相同的药物,又有30%的人有反应。 www.ted.com 9. Conclusion: For patients undergo an operation, it is very important to prevent them recur, to do good nursing before and after operate. . . 结果:有效的护理措施有利于碎石术的顺利进行,并对预防复发有积极作用。 www.chemyq.com 10. Finally: 31 examples time cure, make a follow-up visit not recur, the anus fistula form and sequela and so on anus incontinence. 结果:31例均一次治愈,随访无复发、肛瘘形成及肛门失禁等后遗症。 www.chemyq.com 1. Such illusions can recur even after some time in space. ? 这种错觉甚至在太空航行一段时间后会再次出现。 wiki.jukuu.com 2. In this paper, the spread of starting control points is recur based on Monte Carlo method. 利用蒙特卡洛法来重现导弹启控点散布。 www.dictall.com 3. There is a danger that the disease may recur in later life. 日后这种病有复发的危险。 www.hxen.com 4. TurnTo recur in cycles or at periodic intervals . 在周期中或周期性间隔中重复出现。 www.bing.com 5. A number of themes recur. 许多主题重现。 www.ecolion.cn 6. There is a danger that the disease may recur . 这种病有可能复发的危险。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. but demands for help tend to recur. 但是往往需要反复出手救援。 bbs.translators.com.cn 8. They then recur, I give them that same drug over 96 hrs by continuous infusion, another 20 or 30 percent will respond. 又复发了,我还是给他们同样的药物96小时以上连续输注,又20或30%的人有反应。 www.ted.com 9. It can recur the malfunction through simulating the record time. 对回放过程进行时间模拟,准确重现故障现象; www.fabiao.net 10. She'll first appear in episode 312 and recur. 她将会在第三季12集首次登场,并在之后多次出现。 www.hjenglish.com 1. fac-tors recur year after year. Cyclical factors, on the other hand, follow very closely to the economic cycles of the market. 顾名思义,季节因素每年重复,而周期因素则与市场的经济周期密切相关。 www.jukuu.com 2. Recriminations after financial crises have a long history, and they recur in regular cycles. 金融危机一过秋后算账的现象有很长的历史了,它们循着规律性的周期一再出现。 www.bing.com 3. The bleeding is more severe than usual and the attacks of pain recur every 7 to 10 minutes. 出血增多了,而且阵发性腹痛,每7到10分钟1次。 www.ebigear.com 4. In order to recur the seismic wave, a perfect control system is necessary. 为了使地震波精确再现,必须有一个完善的控制系统。 www.lw23.com 5. he did not recur in thought to new york or the flat 他再也没去想纽约或者他的公寓。 www.ichacha.net 6. Once this disease is contracted, one can never be really carefree again, for the fever without an instant's warning, can recur at any moment 一旦染上这病,你再也不能无忧无虑了,因为这种高热没有丝毫预兆,任何时候都可能复发。 dict.ebigear.com 7. Flare up: (of an illness)recur or show sudden burst of light. Anger or violence 突然激动、发怒等或(指疾病)复发 blog.hjenglish.com 8. Take specific action to make sure the problem cannot recur, typically through error proofing ? Capture Lessons Learned 采取特殊措施以保证问题不再发生,代表性的错误论据取得课程学习。 wenku.baidu.com 9. A Recur Arithmetic of Expectation Substituting Forecast Value to Nonlinear Bayesian Dynamic Models 非线性动态模型中均值代替预测值的一种算法 service.ilib.cn 10. Treatment over 15 Cases of Recur Hepatolenticular Degeneration with Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine 中西医结合治疗复发性肝豆状核变性15例 www.ilib.cn 1. run through: occur intermittently and persistently, recur; pervade 间断而持续地发生,复现;充满 blog.hjenglish.com 2. Soybean will recur bright vision in 2007: simple analysis of the main factors affecting soybean 2007年大豆将重现亮丽景象——影响大豆主要因素浅析 www.ilib.cn 3. Take specific action to make sure the problem cannot recur, typically through error proofing 采取措施保证该问题不会重发生,特别是通过防错法 wenku.baidu.com 4. The values of CT perfusion image in differential diagnosis between NPC local recur and local radiofibrosis patients CT灌注成像技术在鼻咽癌放疗后局部复发和纤维化的鉴别诊断价值 www.ilib.cn 5. Professor LU Zhi-Zheng'S Experience to Treat Recur Common Cold Through Spleen-Stomach 路志正教授从脾胃论治反复感冒经验 ilib.cn 6. The recur reason, prevent and therapy of nephritic syndrome in children 小儿肾病综合征复发原因及防治 www.cnki.com.cn 7. course of disease in eczema Eczema is tendency to recur and persistence 湿疹有复发和持久性的倾向 wenku.baidu.com 8. Take specific action to make sure the problem cannot recur, typically through errorproofing ? Capture Lessons Learne 采取特殊措施以保证问题不在发生,代表性的错误论据取得课程学习。 wenku.baidu.com 9. New energy stocks double recur to bearish tendency 两新能源概念股借势股价翻倍 ilib.com.cn 10. Recur means to occur or come up again, often repeatedly: Recur意指经常重复地产生或发生: zhidao.baidu.com 1. the limits of the environment on economic development will recur between 2007 and 2009; 到2007—2009年,环境对经济的限制作用将又逐渐显现; www.ecologica.cn 2. therapist adolescent send in recur 治疗专家青少年寄送复发 www.hxen.com 3. Deadly Blood Clots Likelier to Recur in Men 致命的血液栓塞易在男性中复发 www.sinoas.com 4. Make the task recur at regular intervals 使任务以固定时间间隔重复执行 office.microsoft.com 5. Here are some of my meals that recur again and again: 这就是我重复遵循的饮食规律: www.bing.com 6. To tend to persist or recur: 持续存在或不断重复出现: zhidao.baidu.com 7. Make the task recur based on completion date 根据完成日期重复执行任务 office.microsoft.com 8. the electric lamps went out so we had to recur to candles to light the room 电灯灭了,我们不得不借助蜡烛来照明。 www.ichacha.net |
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