单词 | add-in |
释义 |
例句释义: 附加程序,外加程序,增益集,插件,外接程序 1. Ensure that the name that you specify in the registry must not match the name of any form regions defined in the add-in. 确保您在注册表中指定的名称与外接程序中定义的任何表单区域的名称不匹配。 technet.microsoft.com 2. If an application does not load your add-in when you try to debug it, the application might have hard disabled or soft disabled your add-in. 如果应用程式在您尝试进行侦错时并未载入增益集,表示应用程式可能已经硬停用或软停用增益集了。 technet.microsoft.com 3. Line them up in a pattern, these white dots add in the flamboyant effect. A few rays can be added to make the gems seem more real. 按照一定的方式规则的排列起来之后,这些光点就体现出光华灿烂的效果了。可以再加上一些光线,增加宝石的逼真度。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. At this point, you're ready to add in JavaScript, images, and live navigation. 现在,可以添加JavaScript、图片和活动导航了。 www.ibm.com 5. Enter a meaningful name for your add-in and a location in which to save the new project ( see Figure 2 ) . 输入有意义的加载项名称和保存新项目的位置(请参见图2)。 www.bing.com 6. Add in a relatively mild winter in the United States, which reduced demand, and there appears to have been a glut. 另外,因美国这个冬季相对暖和,需求相对减少,所以天然气似乎供过于求。 www.bing.com 7. To do so, add IN clauses to specify the dbspace for each table you do not wish to place in the main file. 为此,添加IN子句以便为不希望放在主文件中的每个表指定dbspace。 www.ianywhere.com 8. Add in a certain degree of blue at the iris, this is the part that shows the colour of the eyes. Remember to brighten it a bit. 在虹膜主体加入一定的蓝色,能看出眼睛颜色的主要就是这一部分,注意稍稍的提亮。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. And if I add in the fact that the neighbour is known to be a drunkard who sometimes does crazy things help you to change your mind again? 如果我在补充说其实迈克的邻居是酒鬼,会时不时做些疯狂的事,你又会怎么想? www.bing.com 10. Phenylalanine is not easy to nitrify, so it is necessary to add in a little vitriol oil. 苯丙氨酸不易硝化,需加少量浓硫酸后才能够发生黄色反应。 www.bbioo.com 1. Add in a clause that allows you both to exit out of this project up to a certain point if the collaboration is not working. 说明你们可以在合作在某种程度上无法进行下去的时候退出这次的项目。 www.bing.com 2. The emphasis is on play: it's easy to add in planets, zoom in and out, change the physical constants, save and load configurations, etc. 它的主题在于它的可玩性:可以方便地增加行星,对场景进行缩放,修改物理常量,保存和加载配制,等等。 osl.bsw.net.cn 3. If you wanted to add in other vocabularies, it would be easy to do so as long as you set up the appropriate prefix mappings. 如果想要增加其它词汇,你只需简单地设置适当的前缀映射就可以了。 www.infoq.com 4. If Outlook does not load your add-in when you try to debug it, Outlook might have hard disabled or soft disabled your add-in. 如果Outlook在您尝试调试外接程序时没有加载它,Outlook可能会硬禁用或软禁用您的外接程序。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Activates an add-in in an external process, in a new application domain, and with a specified trust level. 在外部进程中(且在新应用程序域内)激活具有指定信任级别的外接程序。 6. Add in printing, distribution and the rest of the steps necessary to bring an issue to market and the total bumps up to 1. 82 pounds. 加上已出版的,正在发行的和送往超市发行的过程中剩余的总数加起来增加到了1.82磅。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. If the add-in database had not been copied to the user's Access folder, it will not appear in the list. 如果有未加载数据库复制到用户访问文件夹,它将不出现在列表。 support.microsoft.com 8. Think in terms of a subway map, but add in layers of data like water and sewer lines, power grids, and real time traffic information. 例如,在地铁地图上增加其他一些数据,如供水和排水管道、电网和实时交通信息等。 www.ibm.com 9. Add in trying to predict how these changes will affect the spread of disease, the results become even less certain. 加上试图预测这些变化将如何影响疾病的传播,结果变得更加不确定。 www.scidev.net 10. He suggested to Malcolm McDowell, who played Alex de Large, that he add in a little dance spontaneously during the next take. 他建议大亚历克斯的扮演者马尔科姆·麦克道威尔在下一个场景时加上一点自然而然式的舞蹈。 www.bing.com 1. Alleged " make frowsty package " , add in many decorate project namely, make consumer looks not clear, also look not to understand. 所谓“打闷包”,就是把多个装潢项目加在一起,使消费者看不清、也看不懂。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Add in a couple of fringe Islamist parties and you could be looking at an Islamist majority in Egypt's first parliament. 再加上若干边缘的伊斯兰党派,埃及首届议会很可能由伊斯兰主义者占多数。 www.ftchinese.com 3. If you are feeling up to it, add in a few sit-ups and push-ups. 如果你觉得还可以的话,增加一些仰卧起坐和俯卧撑。 www.bing.com 4. The following code must be executed in an Add -in ; it cannot be executed in a macro . 下面的代码必须在外接程序中执行;它不能在宏中执行。 www.bing.com 5. You can debug an Outlook add-in that contains a form region just as you would debug other Visual Studio projects. 可以像调试其他VisualStudio项目一样调试包含窗体区域的Outlook外接程序项目。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. If you feel you haven't learn it you can put a circle around the item and add in to the list for a future day. 假如你感觉你不能够学到,你就围个圆圈在这个项目上并把他加在名单上以后解决。 www.shanghaining.com 7. Under the add-in model, the host and add-ins operate as if their own lifetime management was controlled by the garbage collector. 在外接程序模型下,宿主和外接程序运行起来就好像它们自己的生存期管理由垃圾回收器控制一样。 technet.microsoft.com 8. Click Add in the User Properties section, and add a property with the name Preferred, a type of string, and a value of yes. 在UserProperties部分中单击Add,并添加一个名为Preferred的属性,其类型为string,值为yes。 www.ibm.com 9. It was great because you could put a lot more information on a website than you could in a small add in the Yellow Pages. 这个方法好极了,因为和黄页上一块小小的广告相比,你可以在网站上放上多得多的信息。 www.bing.com 10. The selected Add-In has not been confirmed to be ' Command Line Safe' , and may require some user intervention ( possible UI ) . 选定的外接程序尚未被确认为“命令行安全”,可能需要一些用户干预(可能通过用户界面)。 www.bing.com 1. Set the debugger to break on all exceptions if you want to see when add-in exceptions are thrown. 如果您想查看外接程序异常是何时引发的,请设置调试器在所有异常上中断。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. That Web Part is registered when you install the Reporting Services Add-in used for running a report server in SharePoint integrated mode. 该Web部件在您安装ReportingServices外接程序(用于在SharePoint集成模式下运行报表服务器)时注册。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. A publisher is a developer who has created a macro, ActiveX control, add-in, or other application extension for use by you and other people. 发布者是创建宏、ActiveX控件、加载项或其他应用程序扩展以供您或他人使用的开发人员。 office.microsoft.com 4. Add in regenerative braking capability (being able to recharge while decelerating) and that's some smart battery tech. 其智能电池管理技术已经有了再生制动能力(即当车辆减速时,能为车辆充电)。 www.bing.com 5. Wash the chicken breast and dry up with a kitchen towel. Thinly slice and add in cornstarch . Mix them thoroughly with your hand. 鸡胸肉洗净,用厨房纸巾擦干水分,切成薄片,再调入玉米淀粉,用手抓匀。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Add in an insatiable appetite for scarce land, water and minerals and a monsoon of bribes is forecast. 对稀缺土地、水和矿产的需求加上贪得无厌的胃口,可以预见贿赂风的盛行。 www.ecocn.org 7. Add in mushrooms. Stir-fry for a while. Add in seasonings. Let it simmer for a while until the sauce is thicken. 加入蘑菇。翻炒一会儿。加入调料。煨一下直到调料成为粘稠状。 www.bing.com 8. That's enough cable to strangle most of California, but by all means feel free to add in your own cable trivia down in the comments. 加利福尼亚州使用的大部分电缆就是这些了,如果你想增加更多的,阅读下面的注释部分。 www.bing.com 9. If I add in the fact that his neighbour cut his lawn under similar conditions would you change your mind? 如果我又说在同样情况下,他的邻居却修剪了草坪,你们会改变想法吗? www.bing.com 10. The sample comes with a detailed Word doc that provides insight into the requirements of such an add-in. 随示例一起提供了一份详细的Word文档,对这个插件的需求进行全面的分析。 www.infoq.com 1. The while statement seems like a reasonable place for this, so you add in a new set of parentheses to get the following source. while语句看似适合用在这里,因此添加一组新括号,得到以下源代码。 www.ibm.com 2. Add in a rag-bag of other ideas and you easily reach some $150 billion of new spending a year, well over 1% of GDP. 这只破布口袋里再添些其它七七八八的点子,很容易就到了每年1500亿的新开支,远远超过GDP的1%。 www.ecocn.org 3. Comments are very easy to add in FrontPage. 在FrontPage中添加注释非常简单。 office.microsoft.com 4. If you know who created the add-in file, ask the creator for the password. 如果您知道谁创建加载项文件,创建者要求提供密码。 support.microsoft.com 5. When you create and modify OneNote files, it is possible that an add-in could embed some metadata into the file. 在创建和修改OneNote文件时,加载项可能会在文件中嵌入一些元数据。 office.microsoft.com 6. Cleaning up the completed project so that the add-in no longer runs automatically on your development computer. 清理已完成的项目,使该外接程序在开发计算机上不再自动运行。 technet.microsoft.com 7. But I should add in his behalf that one way and another, not in stamps, he made his million in the fullness of time. 但我在这里要代表他附加一点说明,即后来他终于通过做这样那样的生意(不是邮票生意)赚到了上百万美元。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Drop in a bit of oil and add in some dumplings. 滴入几滴生油,然后放入适量饺子。 www.bettyskitchen.com.cn 9. When you open a file or load an add-in that contains macros developed by any of these sources, the macros are automatically enabled. 在打开一个文件或加载一个加载项时,如果其中包含由这些源开发的宏,这些宏就自动被启用。 office.microsoft.com 10. An entry for each form region and an associated value that represents the name of the Outlook add-in. 每个窗体区域的注册表项,以及表示Outlook外接程序名称的关联值。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. If it finds any, it reads the XML file and provides the Add-In Manager with the information needed to start the add-in when it is clicked. 如果找到相应文件,则会读取XML文件并向“外接程序管理器”提供在单击外接程序进行启动时所需的信息。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. For more information about this project template, see Outlook Add-in Project Template. 有关此项目模板的更多信息,请参见Outlook外接程序项目模板。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. This page allows you to specify certain behavior options for your add-in. 此页使您可以指定外接程序的某些行为选项。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. TestDriven. net: This Visual Studio add-in can navigate to any code element inside Reflector with a single click. 扩展程序这个视觉的演播室可能驾驶到在反射器里面的所有代码元素与唯一点击。 blog.163.com 5. Add in the sense of shade, metals are reflective, therefore have stronger sense of light and dark. 画出亮暗的光感,金属比较犀利,因此光暗的对比也会比较强烈些。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Heat up a heavy skillet with oil over the medium heat. Add in garlic and pepper corns . Stir until fragrant. 中火烧热炒锅中的油,先将蒜片和花椒爆香,再下入鸡肉片滑炒至变色散开。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Rapidly cool down the mix-up to prevent enamel separation , and add in preservative if necessary. 快速冷却以防止油质分离,必要时加入防腐剂。 tieba.baidu.com 8. As you can see, when you debug an add-in, another instance of the Visual Studio IDE opens to host the running add-in. 正如您所看到的,当调试外接程序时,VisualStudioIDE的另一个实例将打开以承载正在运行的外接程序。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Do not use Unicode characters in the project name if you want to use the default Setup project for Outlook add-ins to deploy your add-in. 如果要使用Outlook外接程序的默认安装项目来部署您的外接程序,请不要在项目名称中使用Unicode字符。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. Application and deployment manifests make it possible for an add-in to update itself with the latest assembly. 应用程序和部署清单使外接程序能够使用最新的程序集更新自身。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Tag specifies whether or not the add-in must be preloaded. 标记指定是否必须预加载外接程序。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. This tag allows you to specify that an add-in must be loaded after Visual Studio starts. 此标记允许指定在VisualStudio启动后必须加载外接程序。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. You can repeat the last command, CREATE MEMBER, for as many times as the number of members you need to add in each subscription set. 根据必须在每个订阅集中添加的成员数目,可以多次重复上一个命令,即CREATEMEMBER。 www.ibm.com 4. In the bottom-up approach, you define the process by creating primitive activities first and then add in the sequence later. 在自底向上方式中,您先通过创建基本活动来定义流程,然后再将活动添加到sequence中。 www.ibm.com 5. Sift the flour into a mixing bowl, add in sugar, vanilla sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Mix well. 面粉过筛到盆里后,加入砂糖,香草糖,烤粉,苏打粉和食盐,完全混合均匀。 www.bettyskitchen.com.cn 6. You should see PowerPoint with your add-in loaded, displaying the task pane with its list of categories. 应看到加载了加载项的PowerPoint,显示带类别列表的任务窗格。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. The add-in assembly and all referenced assemblies must be granted full trust in the security policy of each end user. 外接程序程序集和所有的引用程序集必须在每一个最终用户的安全策略中被授予完全信任。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. This class provides a reference counting mechanism for the add-in by obtaining a lifetime token to its contract. 这个类别会藉由取得合约的存留期语汇基元,提供增益集参考计数机制。 technet.microsoft.com 9. Doing so enables the add-in and allows any software by that publisher to be always trusted . 这样做会启用加载项并允许始终信任该发布者发布的任何软件。 www.bing.com 10. Theoretically, you can create a new add-in by copying bits and pieces from the original add-in to your new add-in, and fixing up references. 理论上说,可通过将位和片段从原始加载项复制到新加载项并调整引用,来创建一个新的加载项。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Tag specifies the full name of the class used to connect to the add-in, including the namespace containing the class. 标记指定用于连接到外接程序的类的全名,此名称包含带有类的命名空间。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. If the runtime isn't already loaded, then whatever version of the CLR used to compile an add-in is loaded into memory. 如果运行时没有事先装载,任何用来编译插件的CLR版本都会被装载进内存。 www.infoq.com 3. The Value field should have an equals sign, followed by the name of the function that will start the Menu Add-in. 值字段应具有等号,跟函数将启动菜单外接程序的名称。 support.microsoft.com 4. Fashion is just like a formula. But nowadays we add in the culture and traditional arts of many more countries. 之前所谓潮流,都好似一个方程式,但依家就加入好多国家文化同传统艺术。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. First picture decompression, and then add in the above OSD, the final encoding into a JPEG format image files. 先把图片解压,然后在上面添加OSD,最后编码成JPEG格式的图片文件。 word.hcbus.com 6. 'You could add in the health consequences as well. ' 当然还有对健康的不良影响。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. This tag contains binary data that specifies the icon that will display for your add-in in the Visual Studio Help About dialog box. 该标记包含二进制数据,可用来指定将在VisualStudio“帮助”的“关于”对话框中为外接程序显示的图标。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Add in the cash that the Fed has been hosing into the banking system and we are bound to see growth in 2009. 加上美联储一直在往银行系统中输血,我们应该能在09年看到增长。 www.bing.com 9. And she adds: "For decades, this used to be the mausoleum of dead things. But you add in human creativity, and they come alive. " 她还补充道:“数十年来,这里一直是存放一些死物件的地方。但是,如果你赋予它人类的创造性,它们就会复活。” www.ftchinese.com 10. If the location of the add-in assemblies change, the application manifest on the client computer must be updated. 如果外接程序程序集的位置发生更改,则必须更新客户端计算机上的应用程序清单。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. The steps are specific to the particular add-in, and there is no simple generalized solution. 特殊的加载项有特定的步骤,并没有简单的通用解决方案。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. It sets the base directory for the application domain to be the location of the add-in assembly. 对于要做为增益集组件之位置的应用程式定义域,它会设定其基底目录。 technet.microsoft.com 3. Chop until the whole mixture has combined. Add in the rest of ingredients for the filling and mix until the mixture is elastic. 放入碗里,加入馅料中的其它材料,搅打至有弹性。 www.bettyskitchen.com.cn 4. Any extras you can add in terms of making the website more secure for both us and our members will undoubtedly secure your bid. 你可以添加任何额外的使网站更适合我们和我们的成员的安全,无疑将保护您的出价条件。 www.bing.com 5. Saute garlic and onions in some oil, add in beef dices and cook until half done, add in champagne to cook for a while. 用少许油炒香蒜茸、洋葱碎,后加入肉粒略炒至五成熟,再加入香槟酒煮滚。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. We either make a blanket filter change, or add in a custom rule for the specific package or class under investigation. 我们或做出适用于所有情形的过滤器修改,或为特定包或类添加定制规则。 www.ibm.com 7. The Extensibility project templates create a project in the solution and a setup project for distributing the Add-in. 扩展性项目模板在解决方案中创建一个项目,并创建一个用于发布外接程序的安装项目。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. You should run the Remove Hidden Data add- in on files when you are ready to publish them . 应该在准备发布文档时对它们运行“删除隐藏数据”加载项。 www.bing.com 9. This add-in provides easy-to-use tasks that leverage SQL Server 2005 Data Mining to perform powerful analytics on your spreadsheet data. 这个增益集利用SQLServer2005资料采矿,对试算表资料执行强大的分析能力,让工作更容易。 www.microsoft.com 10. If you do not see the section or the links, the Reporting Services Add-in is not installed on the computer or the feature is not activated. 如果您没有看到该部分或链接,则表明未在计算机上安装ReportingServices外接程序。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. The cost of tap water, even if you add in a filter, is microscopic compared to the cost of bottled water. 即使你买个过滤器,自来水的花费,与瓶装水的花费相比还不是九牛一毛。 www.elanso.com 2. Because of these issues, there is not much of a benefit to implement a COM smart tag in a VSTO add-in. 因为存在这些问题,在VSTO外接程序里实现一个COM智能标记是一件吃力不讨好的事情。 www.cnblogs.com 3. Depending on the size of your add-in, this could result in a lot of redundant code being loaded into memory. 要取决于你外接程序的大小,这很有可能导致大量的冗余代码装载到内存里。 www.cnblogs.com 4. Each add-in is loaded exclusively into its own application domain in an external process. 每个外接程序以独占形式加载到外部进程中其自己的应用程序域。 5. But if I add in the co-pays I'll have, it turns out the dental insurance costs more. 但是如果加上那些相关费用,那牙齿保险会花费更多。 www.elanso.com 6. These registry entries provide information about the add-in and point to the application manifest for the add-in. 这些注册表项提供有关外接程序的信息,并指向外接程序的应用程序清单。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Begin with easy jogging. Add in a few light stretches, and then do several 100-meter strides, accelerating smoothly to race pace. 首先是简单的步行,舒展关节,然后做几个100米跨栏,以增加赛跑时节奏的平稳。 www.bing.com 8. NOTE: If the equal sign is missing, Access tries to run a macro in the user's database rather than a function in the add-in database. 注意:如果等号后面是缺少,Access尝试在用户数据库而非函数在添加单元数据库中运行宏。 support.microsoft.com 9. Team Foundation provides a Microsoft Project add-in that connects your project plans with your team project. TeamFoundation提供了一个MicrosoftProject外接程序,可将项目计划与团队项目连接起来。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. Add in healthy doses of non-sparkling, room temperature water throughout the day and you've got a recipe for perfection. 每天增加健康量的无气泡矿泉水,常温水,你就拥有完美的食谱。 www.hxen.com 1. All of these project templates include a Setup project that you can use to deploy your add-in. 所有这些项目模板都包括一个可用来部署外接程序的安装项目。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. The new Report Viewer Web Part is included in the Reporting Services Add-in that you install on a SharePoint technology instance. 新的报表查看器Web部件包含在SharePoint技术实例上安装的ReportingServices外接程序中。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Add in China's lack of male educators and the book has a strong argument: Chinese boys are developing in a predominantly female environment. 书中还有一个强烈的观点:中国的早期教育缺少男性老师,因而中国男生是在一个女性掌控的环境中成长起来的。 bbs.sparke.cn 4. Place remaining lemon half, artichoke and its stem in a large pot, fill with enough water, add in coarse salt and olive oil. 半个柠檬、雅芝竹及其梗部同置锅中,加入适量清水,下海盐和橄榄油; blog.163.com 5. Heat 1 tsp olive oil in wok, put in bean cake for shallow-frying for a while, then add in seasonings. 下橄榄油1茶匙起炒锅,先放豆乾略炒一会,然后加入调味料。 www.hkheadline.com 6. Your add-in really requires some simple interface, perhaps a toggle button on the Office Fluent Ribbon, to show and hide the task pane. 您的加载项实际需要一些简单的界面(可能是OfficeFluentRibbon上的一个切换按钮)来显示和隐藏任务窗格。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. When creating your own page or modifying an existing page, you can add in your own widget, selecting from a list as shown in Figure 4. 在创建自己的页面或修改现有的页面时,您可以添加自己的小部件,并从列表中进行选择,如图4所示。 www.ibm.com 8. This picture shows a panel of the Add-In Wizard, a New Project type of wizard which leads you through a series of steps to create an add-in. 此图片显示了“外接程序向导”的一个面板,即一个“新建项目”类型的向导,它引导您通过一系列步骤创建一个外接程序。 www.kuenglish.info 9. To make a (XML) query on an XML document, but add in some constraints from another document, you can't just merge the two queries. 为了执行一个针对XML文件的查询,你还得针对它的配对文件补充特定的限制条件,你不能仅仅简单地把两个查询合并到一块。 www.bing.com 10. A picture or object that you add in notes page view will appear on your printed notes page, but not on your screen in normal view. 在备注页视图中添加的图片或对象会在已打印的备注页中显示,而不在标准视图中显示。 office.microsoft.com 1. they then add in direct consumption of such services as recreation and aesthetic appreciation of the natural world. 他们然后在如娱乐和天然的世界美学赏识的服务直接消费方面增加。 iask.sina.com.cn 2. This tag specifies the text that will display for your add-in in the Visual Studio Help About dialog box. 该标记指定将在VisualStudio“帮助”的“关于”对话框中为外接程序显示的文本。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Add in glutinous rice powder, sugar and spinach juice to form a smooth dough. Then add the shortening and knead until the dough smooth. 然后加入糯米粉、细砂糖、菠菜汁搅拌成团。加入白油搓揉至表面光滑即为皮。 ielts.hjenglish.com 4. While macros can include forms, references, and classes, an add-in or wizard might be more appropriate. 虽然宏可以包含窗体、引用和类,但使用外接程序或向导可能更合适。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Survey and design the latter part of the site needs to add in the remote sensing survey has allowed geologists to better avoid the omission. 勘测设计后期,在需要的地段补充进行遥感勘察,可以使地质工作更加完善,避免疏漏。 paper.pet2008.cn 6. Enabling some items may require you to reload or reinstall an add-in program or reopen a file. 启用某些项目可能需要您重新加载或重新安装加载项程序或重新打开文件。 it.bab.la 7. Alternatively, the add-in may appear as a toolbar button or a menu command, depending on how the add-in was programmed. 或者,外接程序可能会显示为工具栏按钮或菜单命令,具体取决于外接程序是如何编程的。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Describes a calculator add-in that performs addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division calculations for the host. 介绍为宿主执行加、减、乘和除计算的计算器外接程序。 technet.microsoft.com 9. Heat the sesame oil in a skillet, add in the sauce and stir until thickens . Return the carrots and chickens, cook until thoroughly heated. 炒锅置中火上,烧热香油,下芡汁,不断搅拌,直到汁浓稠。将胡萝卜和鸡肉丁回锅,翻炒均匀即可。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Add in the fact that the move was taken ahead of the upcoming Party Congress meeting and this smacks of regime change of the highest order. 除此之外,这一举措是在十七大即将召开之前出台的,而最高层会出现少许权力变动。 www.ftchinese.com 1. It allows you to add in new information without messy scratching out or squeezing in. 不必通过烦乱的查找、插入就能够增加新的信息。 z.tougao98.com 2. This method is called when an add-in loads or unloads from Visual Studio. 从VisualStudio加载或卸载外接程序时调用此方法。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Annualize normal wages, add in the supplemental wages, and compute tax on the total. 按年计算正常薪资,加上附加薪资,然后计算此总额的税收。 yeebang.com 4. Slowly add the sugar water into the dry ingredients and stir to combine. Add in salad oil and mix until the dough becomes soft and tacky. 将糖水倒入粉类中搅拌混合,然后加入沙拉油搅拌成柔软但粘稠的米团。 bulo.hjenglish.com 5. I would also like to add in a plug-in architecture soon to support developers in extending the environment to better suit their needs. 我还想尽快加入插件架构以支持开发人员扩展应用并更好地满足他们的需求。 www.infoq.com 6. Try to add in incentives like a trip to a fun place for lunch. 当然也要努力增加一些有趣的项目例如出去走走或是找个好玩儿地方吃午饭。 www.bing.com 7. The MapPoint Add-In has been described as "an entry-level mapping solution, " not designed to compete with enterprise level solutions. MapPoint插件则被描述为“入门级的地图解决方案”,非企业级解决方案。 www.infoq.com 8. When you open a template or load an add-in from the Startup folder, macros within the file may be automatically enabled. 当从“启动”文件夹打开一个模板或加载一个加载项时,文件中的宏可能会自动被启用。 office.microsoft.com 9. Creating an adapter that enables a host to use an add-in built for a previous version of the host. 创建一个适配器,该适配器使宿主能够使用为以前版本的宿主生成的外接程序。 10. It is just something that Tariq was able to add in, said purchasing manager Hassan Younis. 这只是事情塔里克能够加入,采购经理哈桑说,尤尼斯。 bzxw.512121.com 1. Add in the option of places like Raleigh and Austin, and the road to a Detroit comeback looks much longer and uncertain. 如果把罗利和奥斯汀等城市列入候选名单,底特律的复兴之路似乎更漫长,更不明朗。 www.ecocn.org 2. Since it is a view, you can add in your predicates to constrain the output result to what you need. 由于它是一个视图,因此可以加入谓词,以限制输出结果,使之符合要求。 www.ibm.com 3. Add in the importance of the mother in family health, education, and upbringing, and it is easy to see why educating women is so important. 再加上母亲在家人健康、育及养育上所扮演的吃重角色,不难看出女性教育如此举足轻重的原因。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. We are now ready to add in the details. 我们可以开始添加细节了。 www.bing.com 5. Add in the cost, the ease of use, and the ineffable flavor and incandescent flame afforded by coals, and there is only one way to go. 新增的成本,易用性和不可言喻的味道和白炽火焰给予的煤,且只有一条路可走。 www.englishtang.com 6. Transfer the trotter from the presser cooker to the wok and bring to a boil. Add in dried chilies and flavoured with salt. 将汤水与猪蹄一起从高压锅转至锅里,烧开后,加入干辣椒,用盐调味。 www.showxiu.com 7. Used for running the add-in in the debugging environment. 用于在调试环境中运行外接程序。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Because you cannot associate an add-in with a solution file through the registry, you must use code to do it. 由于无法通过注册表将外接程序与解决方案文件相关联,因此必须使用代码执行此操作。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. The add in did not generate any data to import. 该插件没有产生任何数据导入。 www.baisi.net 10. This allows you to select a programming language in which the add-in will be written. 这使您可以选择将用来编写外接程序的编程语言。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Add in diced tomatoes and dry parsley. Flavoured with a little salt . 倒入蕃茄丁,加入欧芹末,加入少许盐调味。 www.bing.com 2. More than 60% of web-based forms that I've encountered add in extra steps along the way, ones not included in the progress indicator. 我遇到的六成以上的表单都会在填写过程中添加更多的步骤,而这些步骤没有包含在进度标识中。 www.bing.com 3. In Solution Explorer, find the node that corresponds to the add-in class that the template created for you (ThisAddIn. Vb or ThisAddIn. Cs). 在SolutionExplorer(解决方案资源管理器)中,找到对应于模板为您创建的加载项类的节点(ThisAddIn.vb或ThisAddIn.cs)。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Each client computer must have a set of registry entries that are required to run the add-in. 每一台客户端计算机必须具有运行外接程序所需的一组注册表项。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. To which I would add, in my experience, organic food simply tastes better! 我还想在说一点,依我个人的经历来看,有机食品真的更加美味些! www.elanso.com 6. FileGenerator : This add-in can be used to dump the disassembler output to files for any Reflector supported language. 这扩展程序可以被用于倾销反汇编程序产品到所有反射器支持的语言的文件。 blog.163.com 7. Click the Project tab, select all the project assets, then click Add In to add all the project assets into the repository. 单击Project选项卡,选择所有项目资产,然后单击AddIn以将所有项目资产添加到存储库。 www.ibm.com 8. First add milk, honey, olive oil, salt and pumpkin puree in the pan of your bread machine. Then add in flour. 牛奶,蜂蜜,橄榄油,盐和南瓜泥放入面包机容器内,加入面粉。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Add in the frozen dessert products available , improving fusion layer , increase fragrance absence of melting performance . 在冷冻甜食制品中添加可提供热聚变保护层,改进香味逸散,提高熔点的性能。 www.bing.com 10. Soft disabling can occur when an add-in produces an error that does not cause the application to unexpectedly close. 当增益集将产生一个错误,并不会导致未预期地关闭应用程式时,会发生软停用。 technet.microsoft.com 1. The name of the application manifest for the add-in. 外接程序的应用程序清单名称。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. WinFastPowerOff is an add-in for WinFast TV tuners to can shut down the computer by the remote control. WinFastPowerOff是一个附加的丽台电视调谐器可以关闭计算机的远程控制。 xtdownload.com 3. But the add-in is not abrupt, and one article introducing the chivalric spirit in ancient China is put there as supplementary reading. 但是文章并不是突兀地添加到课本里,其中有介绍中国古代侠义精神的文章作为辅助阅读材料。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The ATP is an optional add-in which is not enabled in a typical Excel installation. ATP是一个可选的加载项,在典型的Excel安装中不会启用。 www.microsoft.com 5. Click Add in to add all the elements to the repository, including all of your changes. 单击Addin,以将所有元素添加到存储库,包括所有更改。 www.ibm.com 6. Put in shredded taro, stew for a short while, then add in baby cabbage, wait until just cooked, add in seasonings and serve. 放入芋丝,稍煮一会后再加入娃娃菜,待菜刚熟,即可加入调味料饮用。 www.hkheadline.com 7. You may be prompted to open and close Outlook before the Live Meeting Add-in for Outlook appears. 在用于Outlook的LiveMeeting外接程序出现之前,可能会提示您打开和关闭Outlook。 www.microsoft.com 8. Gradually add in the hot milk into the custard-yolk mixture. Return the custard mixture to the pot and cook until thicken. Leave to cool. 把热奶慢慢加入吉士蛋黄混合物中,边加边搅,再回锅以慢火煮至变糊状即可熄火,待凉。 www.showxiu.com 9. The expression would allow you to also add in the customer name for each order. 表达式使得你可以为每个订单增加相应的客户姓名。 www.infoq.com 10. These registry entries point to the location of the application manifest and provide additional information about the add-in. 这些注册表项指向应用程序清单的位置并提供有关外接程序的其他信息。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Going on the "To Do" List: Add in birthday reminders to the calendar and send out cards or make a phone call. “需做”清单:在日历中加上生日提醒,到时寄张卡片或打个电话。 www.elanso.com 2. Add in dividends, and that represents a tidy return on the original investment of $660m (including subsequent take-up of share issues). 加上股息,6.6亿美元初始投资(包括后来获得的股票)的回报相当可观。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The entry must still be defined though, to serve as a base for the user-defined schema to add in underneath. 不过本条目还要用来作为为在其下添加用户自定义模式的基础,因此它仍然要被定义。 wiki.ubuntu.org.cn 4. Stir-fry the onion with olive oil over the medium heat until the onion transparent, about 3 minutes. Add in minced garlic and chili. 用中火以橄榄油炒香洋葱末至透明状,约3分钟,加入蒜末和辣椒,炒至蒜呈金黄色。 www.hjenglish.com 5. Add in a few slight variations, and altogether, Facebook-related queries accounted for 4. 42 percent of searches this year. 包括一些细微的变化,Facebook相关的查询共占今年搜索的4. www.bing.com 6. We add in raisins and oil and milk, and all kinds of things to make bread, from a simple food into kind of a support for calories. 我们加入葡萄干,油和牛奶,以及所有的东西去做面包,从一个简单的食物到一种卡路里的补给品。 www.ted.com 7. However, you often neglect (or are unable) to add in the appropriate level of precision into your models. 然而,您经常忽视(或不能)在模型中加入适当级别的精确度。 www.ibm.com 8. For Outlook solutions, create the registry keys required to run the add-in on the client computer. 对于Outlook解决方案,创建在客户端计算机上运行外接程序所需的注册表项。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Add in the rest of the flour gradually, until the dought product gluten. 再逐步加入剩下的面粉,至筋性产生。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the workbook is running as an add-in. 获取或设置一个值,该值指示工作簿是否作为外接程序运行。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. On dialog box displays the URL that is associated with the request to which you attach the request add-in. 一个对话方块会显示URL,此URL与附加要求增益集的要求相关联。 msdn.microsoft.com 2. Add in Coke's buying clout and opportunities for cost savings in packaging and ingredients should be considerable. 再加上可口可乐的购买实力,在包装和配料方面节省成本的机会理应相当可观。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Data Mining Templates for Visio: This add-in enables you to render and share your mining models as annotatable Visio 2007 drawings. Visio的数据挖掘模板:此插件让你可以使用可注解的Visio绘图来呈现和共享你的数据挖掘模型。 www.infoq.com 4. Furthermore, it is used to call other automation code in the add-in. 此外,该方法还用于调用外接程序中的其他自动化代码。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Add in the sifted flour, cinnamon, baking powder and hazelnut powder into the butter mixture. Then add in chocolate drops and mix. 加入过筛后的面粉,肉桂粉,烤粉和榛子粉拌匀即可。最后加入巧克力拌匀。更详细。 dict.bioon.com 6. action is required. this computer has an add-in graphics card, but the monitor cable is plugged into the integrated video connector. 这台电脑有一个附加图形卡,但是显示器线缆连接到集成视频卡接口。 wenwen.soso.com 7. The add-in does not load until either the user starts it through the Add-In Manager or the add-in is set to load on startup. 在用户通过外接程序管理器启动外接程序或者将外接程序设置为在启动时加载之前,不会加载此外接程序。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. When you add in the possibility of needing to rework the application for a larger (plural! ) audience, it pays off even more. 如果有可能需要对应用程序进行重构,以适应更大的用户群,那么这种努力会有更大的回报。 www.ibm.com 9. This contract defines the methods that the host application and its add-in will both use. 此协定定义宿主应用程序及其外接程序都将使用的方法。 technet.microsoft.com 10. Heat up a skillet with oil, adding pork. Stir until almost cooked. Add in chopped ginger, onion and pickled chellolli until fragrant. 炒锅中放适量油把肉丝炒至快熟,加入姜蒜末以及泡椒末炒喷鼻。 www.soxun.me 1. I think it's still in the hands of the white people, and let me add, in the hands of the Afrikaners. 我觉得权利依然还是在白人的手里,让我补充一句,那些欧洲裔白人才掌握着权利。 www.bing.com 2. Add in the water and mix to form a ball. Knead until the dough are smooth and elastic. Cover and let stand for 30 minutes. 加入温水搅拌成团。然后用手揉搓志匀滑且有弹性。用湿巾或是保鲜膜盖住醒面30分钟。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Please add in PM what would be your cost to develop the current simple version for android. 请PM我这将是你的成本,发展当前的机器人简单的版本。 www.bing.com 4. Click "Add" in the Form properties block; use the view shown in Figure 11 to add form properties. 在Form属性部分中单击“Add”;使用如图11所示的视图添加表单属性。 www.ibm.com 5. These types (classes) make up the add-in view pipeline segment and the host view of the add-in pipeline segment. 这些类型(类)组成外接程序视图管线段以及外接程序管线段的宿主视图。 technet.microsoft.com 6. When you call into the InfoPath object model from an add-in, you use types that are provided in the primary interop assembly for InfoPath. 从外接程序调入InfoPath对象模型时,将使用在InfoPath的主互操作程序集中提供的类型。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. The contract segment in the middle of the pipeline is loaded into both the host's application domain and the add-in's application domain. 位于管线中间的合约区段会载入至主应用程式之应用程式定义域和增益集的应用程式定义域。 technet.microsoft.com 8. If the behavior persists, make sure that you not running another zip utility or add-in program. 如果该行为不变,请确保您没有在运行其他压缩实用工具或加载项程序。 office.microsoft.com 9. The add-in must be in the same application domain as the host. 增益集必须位在主应用程式的相同应用程式定义域中。 technet.microsoft.com 10. To select more than one font to add , in step 6 , hold down the CTRL key, and then click each of the fonts you want to add . 若要选择添加多个字体,请在步骤6中按住Ctrl键,然后单击要添加的每一种字体。 www.bing.com 1. When the contract object is disposed, the add-in will be available to be reclaimed by garbage collection. 在释放该协定对象时,便可以通过垃圾回收来回收外接程序。 technet.microsoft.com 2. Add in eggs, stir with a dipper, until boiling. Add desired seasonings . 最后打入鸡蛋,以杓搅拌一下,直至汤煮沸。可加调味料。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Only the add-in view, contract and add-in-side adapters are loaded into the add-in's application domain. 只有外接程序视图、协定及外接程序端适配器加载到该外接程序的应用程序域内。 technet.microsoft.com 4. The Add-In Wizard lets you supply a display name and description for your add-in. “外接程序向导”让您可以为外接程序提供显示名称和说明。 technet.microsoft.com 5. Add in political sensitivities, and it is no surprise that European regulators are eyeing the credit rating agencies. 加上政治敏感性,欧洲监管机构把目光投向评级机构(CRA)也就不足为奇了。 www.ftchinese.com 6. ViewFolderSize is Windows Explorer add-in, which adds ability to view folder's content size as well as file size. viewfoldersize是Windows档案总管加载项,其中新增的能力,以查看文件夹的内容,大小,以及文件的大小。 xtdownload.com 7. Add in state and local-government borrowing, and the total approaches 110%. 加上国家和地方政府的借款,总额将占到110%。 www.bing.com 8. The principal function is to add, in addition to the suppliers, the producers of the product and their references. 主要作用将增加,除供应商之外,产品的生产商和他们的参考。 www.shine-it.net 9. Sift the flour, salt, cinnamon and baking soda into the egg mixture. Add in peaches and walnuts. Mix thoroughly. 面粉,盐,肉桂粉和烤粉混合过筛到到鸡蛋混合物里。然后加入蜜桃和核桃混合均匀。 forum.macrotia.com 10. After installing the Visio WBS Chart COM add-in, its toolbar is displayed in Microsoft Project. 在安装VisioWBS图表COM加载项后,其工具栏将显示在MicrosoftProject中。 office.microsoft.com 1. Sometimes, I'll add in some feta cheese or other vegetables if I have them on hand. 有时候,我加一些羊乳酪或者我手头有的别的蔬菜。 www.bing.com 2. Heat up a skillet with oil. Add in chopped ginger and garlic, stirring until fragrant. 炒锅放入少许油,入姜蒜末爆香,加入鸡汤烧开。 www.bettyskitchen.com.cn 3. If an add-in cannot load for some reason, then it cannot be loaded from the web. 如果某个外接程序由于某种原因无法加载,则无法从网站加载它。 technet.microsoft.com 4. Good thing she didn't add in mango or something in there, poor kid would be a smoothie . 幸亏派特洛没有加“芒果”在名字中,不然她就做了一个水果奶西。 tr.bab.la 5. popular folk ancient tea. Generally, also somebody's tea boil, add in tea fruit or drugs to adjust to achieve some tea or cure effect. 一般都煮真茶,也有人除茶叶之外,另加果品或药物,以调剂茶味或为了达到某种治病效果。 space.taobao.com 6. Use this add-in to convert any cost field to euros or other units of currency. 使用此加载项可以将任何费用字段转换为欧元或其他货币单位。 www.microsoft.com 7. Add in what never even makes it to the cupboard or the refrigerator, and the scale of the problem is considerably larger. 再加上那些甚至都没放到碗橱或冰箱就被扔掉的食物,这一问题已经相当严重了。 www.ecocn.org 8. On the Choosing 'Help About' Information page, check the Yes, I would like my Add-in to offer 'About' box information check box. 在“选择‘帮助’中的‘关于’信息”页中,选中“是的,我希望我的外接程序提供‘关于’对话框信息”复选框。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Even if you cannot use VSTO to create a smart tag, you can still use features in a VSTO add-in from the smart tag. 即使你不用VSTO创建智能标记,你仍然能够使用VSTO外接程序里智能标记的一些特性。 www.cnblogs.com 10. c . add - in accumulator , reduces ripple controlling of hydraulic pressure system for even stable. 增加蓄能器,减少液压系统的脉动性,使整个系统更为稳定。 www.ichacha.net 1. Heat up wok, add in a little oil, stir fry minced garlic till fragrant. 烧热锅,加入少许油,炒香蒜茸。 www.server3.yupapa.com 2. When you create an Outlook add-in, you can add the OFS file to the resource collection of the Outlook add-in project. 创建Outlook外接程序时,可以将OFS文件添加到Outlook外接程序项目的资源集合中。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. The load behavior specifies whether an add-in should be loaded at startup, on demand, or on first startup. 加载行为指定是在启动时加载外接程序,还是按需加载或在第一次启动时加载。 technet.microsoft.com 4. As soon as you see the new DAISY system in the Control Center, then right click on Instances and choose Add, in order to add a new database. 只要在ControlCenter中看到新的DAISY系统,就右击Instances并选择Add,以便添加新数据库。 www.ibm.com 5. Also can add in water some feed vinegar to brush try carpentry furniture, latter is comfortable at smeary less carpentry. 也可在水中加些食醋擦试木器家具,后者适于油污较少的木器。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Team Foundation provides a Microsoft Excel add-in that ties a list object in the spreadsheet to the work item database. TeamFoundation提供了一个MicrosoftExcel外接程序,它将电子表格中的列表对象绑定到工作项数据库。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. If you can widen their contents, add in some interesting episodes, they might be more vivid and vigorous. 如能扩展一些写,例如,加入一些有趣的小插曲,也许能显得更生动。 www.chinavalue.net 8. Hand tear Iow-calorie cheese slices, put in frying pan, stew until fully melted, then add in mushroom, stew into cheese juice. 把低卡芝士撕碎,放进平底锅内煮至完全溶掉,最后加入蘑菇,煮成芝士汁。 www.hkheadline.com 9. Add in carrot and stew with mutton until mutton turn tender and sauce thickens. Dish up and serve hot. 将红萝卜块加入同炆至羊肉变腍,汁收浓即可上碟供食。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 10. This turns off event handling whether the add-in is shut down, or the IDE is shut down while the add-in is still running. 这样,无论是关闭外接程序还是在外接程序仍然运行的情况下关闭IDE,都会关闭事件处理。 technet.microsoft.com 1. To conserve memory and increase the speed of Word, it's a good idea to unload templates and add-in programs you don't often use. 要保留内存并加快Word的运行速度,最好卸载不常用的模板和加载项程序。 office.microsoft.com 2. You can choose whether to add in deep-fried pork oil or not before eating. 食用前,可以依照个人喜欢,决定是否要撒上猪油渣。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Stir fried the crushed garlic with butter and then add in cubed onions, red, green, yellow cube peppers and canned pineapple. 热锅炒蒜头,然后加入洋葱丁,红椒,绿椒,黄椒丁及罐头黄梨丁。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. This enables you to add in generalized widgets such as news feeds, stock quotes, the weather, calendar, and many other gadgets. 这使您可以添加通用小部件,例如新闻Feed、股票报价、天气信息、日历,以及许多其他Gadget。 www.ibm.com 5. The information store consists of two cache files: the pipeline store and the add-in store. 信息存储区包含两个缓存文件:管线存储区和外接程序存储区。 6. Occurs when the add-in is about to be unloaded. 当外接程序即将卸载时发生。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Graph: This add-in draws assembly dependency graphs and IL graphs. Please read the install instructions here. 图表:这扩展程序得出汇编附庸图表和IL图表。请读安装指示这里。 blog.163.com 8. Another example is a shared add-in that provides spam filters and virus protection fore-mail servers ore-mail clients. 为电子邮件服务器或电子邮件客户端提供垃圾邮件筛选器和病毒防护的共享外接程序是另一个示例。 msdn.microsoft.com 9. Add in the rest of the oil gradually. Keep stirring the paste until thick. 慢慢地加入剩下的油,不停地翻炒直到变厚。 www.hjenglish.com 10. The only toolbar icon you can add in Chrome is a Home button. 你在Chrome上唯一可添加的工具栏图标就是主页按钮。 www.bing.com 1. Add in the occasional APC for Engineer Rushing, at which you'll need to build an Engineer out of Barracks. 穿插一些APC为了工程师快攻,同时您需要要从兵营造一个工程师。 www.hgs521.com 2. Due to community feedback the console app has been released independently of the VS add-in. 所以根据社区的反馈,这个控制台应用已经独立于VS插件发布了。 www.infoq.com 3. Fortunately there is a tool called the " Add-in Builder" to help with that part. 幸运的是有一种叫做“Add-inBuilder”的工具来帮助我们。 www.infoq.com 4. Lastly, put in diced apple, saute until all ingredients fully done, switch off fire, add in cashew to stir-fry, then serve. 最后放入苹果粒,炒至所有材料全熟透,关掉火,加入腰果炒匀,即可盛出。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Fry the garlic in low heat until golden, return the chili and the fish fillet, add in chopped green onion for the final touch. 以小火把蒜头碎炒至金黄,加入辣椒和?鱼炒匀,最后洒上葱花即成。 blog.163.com 6. When you add in the management of application state, however, a substantial performance gap becomes apparent. 但是,当您添加了应用程序状态管理时,巨大的性能差异就将显现。 www-128.ibm.com 7. In a mixing bowl combine the flour, baking powder, salt and sugar, add in quark and butter. 面粉,烤粉,盐和砂糖混合后,加入乳酪和牛油低速揉匀。 forum.macrotia.com 8. You can add in a content type with your HTML pages, too, although it's only required for HTML 4. 01 strict. 还可以使用HTML页面添加内容类型,尽管这只是严格的HTML4.01所需的。 www.ibm.com 9. But you have to add in the value of all those promises made to the retired and soon-to-be retired. 你还得把兑现退休和即将退休人员待遇的数额加上去。 www.bing.com 10. Boil chopped water chestnuts in a pot of water, add in rock sugar, coconut milk and honey, and bring to boil . 将马蹄碎放入水中煮沸,加入冰糖、椰奶和蜂蜜同煮至水滚起。 www.jukuu.com 1. It is not an updated edition of an established best media practicestitle that has sought to add in digital. 它并不是试图在现有的有关出色媒介执行的书籍中加入数字营销内容后的更新版本。 dongxi.net 2. The add-in automates many of the debugging tasks and calls the IfxQuery tool to run unit tests for DataBlade module routines. 附加元件可自动化许多除错工作,并呼叫IfxQuery工具以便为DataBlade模组常式执行单元测试。 www.ibm.com 3. If the OFS file is not a resource in your Outlook 2007 add-in project, return the string path of the OFS file. 如果该OFS文件不是您的Outlook2007外接程序项目中的资源,则返回该OFS文件的字符串路径。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Heat up a skillet with some oil. Add in pine nuts and stir-fry until lightly golden. Drain. 烧热锅入少许油,将松仁炒成金黄色,滤油。 www.hjenglish.com 5. Chop fish meat, add in egg white, salt and chopped Chinese parsley to make a fish meat paste. 将三文鱼肉剁成鱼茸,加蛋白、盐、芫荽碎混合制成鱼胶。 www.hkheadline.com 6. The default value is the name of the add-in. 默认值为外接程序的名称。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Add in light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, oyster sauce, peppercorns, star anises and cinnamon stick, stir well. 倒入酱青,黑酱油,蚝油,白胡椒粒,八角和桂皮,来回搅拌。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The rest of the images should look the same, just the ones you add in your Nature category. 其它的图像看起来应该是一样的,就是你添加到你的自然分类中的图像。 www.zzbaike.com 9. Three PCI slots: Expansion slots for custom system configurations and future add-in card upgrades. 3个PCI插槽:用于定制系统配置和未来插卡升级的扩展插槽。 www3.intel.com 10. As it became cheaper, bread manufacturers decided to add in all kinds of things. 当面包变的便宜了,面包制造商决定加入各种各样的食物。 www.ted.com |
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