单词 | put ... down to |
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第三人称单数:puts down to 现在分词:putting down to 例句释义: 归因于,说…因而起,归因为 1. Europe's sluggish performance is often put down to the poor business climate. 欧洲的拖沓表现往往让商业氛围也随之下降。 www.ecocn.org 2. I do not want to put down to my account either nostalgia or bitterness, and I merely want to see clearly. 留恋也好,苦涩也好,我不想将此二者归于我的帐上,我只是想看得明明白白。 www.bing.com 3. Being tired all the time is often put down to anaemia and women think they should take more iron, but that could do more harm than good. 女人总将长时间的疲劳归因于贫血,自以为多摄入点铁元素就没事了,但是这样做弊多利少。 www.bing.com 4. Again, a lot of this can be put down to the players Rooney plays with each week compared to that of Messi. 在这项数据的比拼中,和每周表现出色的梅西相比鲁尼又落下了一大截。 www.bing.com 5. The second of these observations is usually put down to learning. The reason for the first has remained unclear. 人们通常把后面的这个发现归咎于盲目效仿,而头一个发现的原因却仍旧模糊不清。 www.kekenet.com 6. This massive production of pollen is usually put down to the inability of wind to make reliable deliveries. 这般大量生产花粉的原因通常是因为风的传送并不可靠。 www.bing.com 7. Andrew will only a little karate, cheng simply breezed "karate kid" to put down to the ground. 德鲁只会一点点空手道,程轻轻松松地就把“空手道小子”给放倒在地。 www.yc55.cn 8. The British envoy was represented as bearing tribute to the Son of Heaven, and his refusal to kowtow was put down to outlandish ignorance. 这位不列颠使者没有向“天之子”表达敬意,也拒绝行使叩头这种蒙昧的礼节。 www.bing.com 9. Kate's father Michael's more relaxed approach to life is put down to his coming from a long line of professional people. 凯特的父亲,迈克尔?米德尔顿身上则有一种专业人士长年累月积累下来的对生活闲适、放松的气质。 www.bing.com 10. In years gone by this could have been put down to the technology, but now the web has caught up. 过去,我们可以将这归咎于技术原因。但如今互联网技术发展已经跟上。 dongxi.net 1. Traditionally United have been slow starters, so can this defeat simply be put down to that? 传统上曼联就是慢热,所以这场失败也不是很重要? bbs.sports.sina.com.cn 2. His scaremongering over the Manhattan mosque could be put down to the usual demagoguery. 他在曼哈顿清真寺散布的谣言以及因此扰乱民心通常也可能被认为是在煽动选民情绪。 www.ecocn.org 3. "The correlation isn't perfect, but it's much too good to put down to chance. " “这种相关性并不完美,但却比完全视之为一种可能性要好许多。” www.bing.com 4. The outbreak has been put down to the overflow of sewage-contaminated water into the Ruacana river from Angola following floods last month. 这场疾病暴发的原因被归结于上个月被污染的下水道中的水随着洪水流入了安哥拉的鲁阿卡纳河。 www.scidev.net 5. Look carefully at the picture, A wall surrounding an old house was put down to a huge pile of stones and bricks. 仔细看看照片。一堵围墙正在推土机的重压下轰然倒下化成了一堆砖石。 josephsui.blogchina.com 6. Can this failure be put down to his peculiar personality and foibles? 这次失败是否可以归因于他那特殊的个性与性格弱点? www.ftchinese.com 7. It could be put down to his shyness and stubbornness. 这可归因于他的害羞与固执。 bbs.sjtu.edu.cn 8. But this rise is being put down to a 50% escalation in the price of crude oil, rather than the inherent strength of BP. 但是这笔成长却归因于50%的原油油价上升,而不是英国石油公司内在的实力。 www.ctcvn.org 9. The cancellation was put down to financial difficulties flowing from America's credit crunch. 取消合同是由于美国信贷紧缩带来的财务困难。 www.ecocn.org 10. The former has been put down to social effects, such as a strong tradition of valuing education. 前者归于社会影响,例如重视教育的浓厚传统。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. The rise was put down to more companies re-stocking and buying more plant and equipment than was believed. 这种增长归因于更多企业重新进货,并且比预计中购买了更多的机器设备。 www.bing.com 2. The huge deficit was put down to increased government spending and a big drop in tax revenues. 这一巨大的赤字主要是因为政府支出增加和税收大幅下降。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Many of the animals had to be put down to keep people safe in the area. 为了保护这个区域人们的安全,这些动物许多是需要被射杀的。 www.david.com.tw 4. Human errors are often put down to a momentary loss of concentration. 人们犯的这类错误经常被归结为一时的注意力不集中。 www.ecocn.org 5. The immediate cause of the rally was put down to a minor reduction in a tax on trading, or stamp duty, from 0. 3% to 0. 1%. 造成这股市上扬的动力是交易税的小幅降低,即从原来的0.3%降到0. www.ecocn.org 6. A similar phenomenon occurred in the 1992 election in Britain, which pollsters put down to the "shy Tory factor" . 1992英国大选上也出现了相似的现象,民意调查专家把它归因为“害羞保守党因素”。 www.bing.com 7. However, his whistle fell, raise arm froze like wood, also can't put down to half. 可是,他的口哨掉了,举起的手臂僵得像根木头,半天也没能放下来。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The outbreak of food poisoning was put down to contaminated milk. 发生大量食物中毒现象据说是牛奶沾染细菌造成的。 www.hotdic.com 9. The second most common reason for women lying awake at night, at 18 percent, was put down to 'to-do lists' and work stress. 女人晚上睡不着的大的原因(18%)是老想着还要干和工作。 www.ttxyy.com 10. That FDI fell from nearly $2 trillion in 2007 to $1 trillion in 2009 can be put down to the global financial crisis. 对外直接投资在2007年降低了将近2万亿美元,在2009年又下降了1万亿美元,这些或许可以归结于世界经济危机的影响。 www.ecocn.org 1. Problems that arise in China through cultural differences can often be put down to simple misunderstandings. 在中国由于文化区别发生的问题,可以被人为是简单的误会。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. And the poetry, would You put down to heavenly grace? 主持人:您将诗篇归于天国的恩典吗? sm2000.org 3. At first the outbreak of food poisoning was put down to contaminated milk. 起初以为食物中毒是牛奶受到污染的缘故。 www.hotdic.com 4. She and her husband like each other and laugh a lot, but it can't simply be put down to good luck, right man, right woman. 她和她的老公相互爱着彼此,脸上总挂着笑容,这恐怕不只是运气好这么简单吧,偏偏为什么只有他,才遇得上让他心仪的这个女人或男人呢? www.bing.com |
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