单词 | push-through |
释义 |
第三人称单数:pushes through 现在分词:pushing through 过去式:pushed through 例句释义: 完成,冲过,长出,推动,网页输出功能,推拨 1. The notice is an attempt to push through a policy decided more than a year ago but delayed partly because of resistance from PC makers. 一年多前,中国有关部门就决定推行类似政策,之所以拖迟实施,部分原因是来自PC电脑制造商的阻力。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Republican lawmakers say Democrats are trying to push through a bill without enough time for proper Congressional scrutiny. 共和党议员说,民主党人试图在未经国会审慎斟酌的情况下通过一项议案。 www.voanews.cn 3. He soon became equally unable to guide himself or to continue to push through the close undergrowth. 他很快地就支持不住,无力继续通过邻近的矮丛林了。 www.kuenglish.info 4. However, due to the restrictiveness of the compiled technique, it has not been able to push through in commercial products. 但是,由于编译技术的限制,它从来没有能够在商业产品中推广。 www.fabiao.net 5. So functionaries take centre stage, too afraid to push through difficult policies and innovate, forever trying to accommodate everyone. 所以到了中央舞台的官员会过于害怕,不敢推动棘手的政策或是创新,总想去迎合每一个人。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Still, he should be trying to push through as much aid to the economy as possible. 尽管如此,他仍应该试图力排众议,为美国经济搬来更多的救兵。 www.bing.com 7. Another worry is whether Mr Kan can push through a reform of the fiscal system to help ease strains on the public finances. 人们还担忧菅直人是否能推动财政体系改革来帮助减少公共财政上的压力。 www.ecocn.org 8. He then could try to push through his own debt plan, or make changes to Mr. Boehner's plan to make it more palatable to Democrats. 之后里德可能尝试通过自己提出的债务方案,或是对博纳的方案进行修改,使其更符合民主党人的胃口。 www.cn.wsj.com 9. As Kevin Rudd, the prime minister, tries to push through legislation to deal with global warming, coal is also one of his headaches. 当总理凯文·路德试图推进一项关于全球温室效应的立法之时,煤炭问题也令他头疼。 www.ecocn.org 10. One of Sarkozy's first major moves as president was to push through what amounted to a 10 percent tax cut for France's wealthiest people. 身为总统,萨科齐做出的第一项重大决策就是对法国最富有人群减税10%。 dongxi.net 1. Affirmations can help you push through your self-doubts and help lead you to a more passionate life. 确认可以帮助您穿过自我的疑虑,并且带领您过上一种更加充满激情的生活。 www.bing.com 2. In a twist, nervy financial markets may make it easier for a minority government to push through tough measures. 但也会有转折,一个紧张的市场可能会通过强硬的手段使得少数党政府更容易获胜。 www.ecocn.org 3. I'm not going to be as tempted to push through the pain of altitude illness to try to reach the summit. 我不会再象以前一样试图通过承受高山病的痛苦以抵达顶峰。 www.my1510.cn 4. The Democrats said they would not try to push through a bill before Mr Brown is seated. 民主党宣称在布朗赢得参议员席位之前,他们不会通过议案。 www.ecocn.org 5. And I buffalo sh all be ar witness to such am marvelous shift in each hum an willing to push through to a new st ate of being! 我们大白牛会为这样一个了不起的改变作证,在其中每一人类都自愿推进到一个新的存在状态! www.showxiu.com 6. Some SWFs have been able to push through separate accounts, individualised pools of capital with more favourable terms than the main fund. 有些主权财富基金已能凭借比主要基金更优惠的条款,获得了单独账户和个性化资金池。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Even if the President can push through every element of his plan, most analysts agree that unemployment would only tick down by 1%. 大多数分析师一致认为,就算奥巴马总统可以原封不动地施行其计划,他也只能将失业率降低1%左右。 www.forbeschina.com 8. Then using an ice pick or a nail , push through the headliner thus identifying the location of the headliner to be cut away from the inside. 然后利用一冰摘折或指甲,推动通过头条新闻从而确定位置的头条新闻要削减距离内。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. He is currently trying to push through a rise in France's legal retirement age from 60 years to 62. 这位部长现在正努力推进一项改革,把法国的合法退休年龄从60岁提到62岁。 www.ecocn.org 10. But most think the heat of the crisis presents them with the best opportunity to push through far-reaching changes. 但多数人认为,在危机处于高潮之际,正是推进深远变革的最佳时机。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Soon enough, after The Body found a job, he needed another can of Coke just to push through the mid-afternoon slump. 很快,在找到工作以后,他每天会多喝一罐可乐来熬过下午的困乏。 login.kaixin001.com 2. The government lacks control of the upper house and may not be able to push through its current modest stimulus plans. 该政府缺乏对上议院的控制能力,可能不能推行自己当前的温和刺激计划。 www.bing.com 3. He worked hard to help push through recent United Nations resolutions on peacekeeping forces in Sudan and Chad. 他努力推动通过联合国近期在苏丹和乍得驻扎维和部队的决议。 www.ecocn.org 4. The main task of the new administration is to push through the bailout and austerity deal agreed with the EU. 据报道,首轮会议将于周日举行,新政府的主要任务是推动欧盟通过的救市和紧缩政策。 www.bing.com 5. Some fear that she seeks to maximise her power and may, if elected, not push through reforms that Ukraine desperately needs. 有些人担心她是想最大化自己的权利,如果当选,可能不会推行乌克兰亟需的改革。 www.bing.com 6. Those governments are remembered as among Italy's more effective, able to push through reforms. 这些政府被视为是义大利有史以来较有效率、能够推动改革的政权。 enews.url.com.tw 7. Governments can use outside financial pressure as an excuse to push through reforms that might otherwise be politically unacceptable. 政府可以借外部的金融压力作为推动改革的借口,否则将面对强大的政治阻力。 www.24en.com 8. Those reminders are often necessary to push through the tasks that don't excite you. 通常那些提醒,对推动做自己没有激情事情是必要的。 www.bing.com 9. There is enough space between the door skin and the bracket to push through the cable tie. 在支架和门把手之间有足够大的空间穿过扎带。 www.jukuu.com 10. And that will be determined not by elections, but by the willingness of political leaders to push through structural reforms. 这并不是由选举决定的,而是取决于政治领导人推进结构改革的意愿。 www.bing.com 1. We tried to push through the baseball fans who were lining up for tickets. 我们试着穿越排队买票的棒球迷们。 hi.baidu.com 2. Unhappiness can act as the goad to get you to push through those barriers. “不快乐”可以发挥鞭笞的作用,让人们克服那些障碍。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 3. His last mandate before resigning in August was to push through Parliament a new law promoting renewable energy. 他在八月辞职前的最后一个任务是推动国会通过一项新的法律,促进可再生能源。 www.englishtang.com 4. You shouldn't push through muscle resistance, and never stretch to the point of pain. 不要在出现肌抵抗时还想完成动作。尤其千万不要在感觉疼痛的时候还坚持。 www.bing.com 5. And, since being re-elected, he has leveraged Republican majorities in the state Legislature to push through a conservative agenda. 而且,由于再次当选,他在州议会共和党多数杠杆推动通过一个保守的议程。 www.englishtang.com 6. The ads also urged consumers to brink a Coke to gain the energy needed to push through long day at the office. 并力劝顾客带一瓶可口可乐,从而获得在办公室度过漫长白天的能量。 www.bing.com 7. Despite all this, I've managed to push through as best I can. 尽管如此,我已经竭尽所能的去做。 www.bing.com 8. It is unclear that the political will to push through change exists (a committee is appointing a second one to come up with proposals). 目前尚不清楚,推动变革的政治意愿是否存在(一个委员会正在委派第二个委员会来拿出建议)。 www.ftchinese.com 9. In the euro zone, doubts have been raised about the willingness of Greece to push through the required austerity measures. 在欧元区,投资者开始怀疑希腊是否愿意通过要求的紧缩措施。 www.ecocn.org 10. But investors know from experience that treaty amendment is neither simple nor quick (it took years to push through the Lisbon treaty). 但是根据经验,投资者清楚这一条约的修订既不会简单也不会很迅速(里斯本条约的推行就花了好几年的时间)。 www.ecocn.org 1. The world's leaders were determined to push through unpopular decisions, for the sake of our long-term well-being. 全球领导人为了我们的长远福祉,决意推行一些不得人心的决定。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The World Bank proposed the establishment of a high-level reform commission to push through the proposals. 世行建议成立一个高级别的改革委员会,由其推进各项建议的实施。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Mr. Kumar said China's centralised system allowed it to push through projects on the ground without central interference. Kumar先生说,中国的集权系统允许地方在不受到中央干涉的情况下推进大工程。 www.bing.com 4. Mr Bush is also determined to push through what is left of his trade agenda, including pacts with Colombia and South Korea. 布什先生还决定完成他遗留下来的贸易议程,包括同哥伦比亚和韩国的合同。 www.ecocn.org 5. A constitutional convention may be needed to push through the trickiest reforms. 也许需要动用宪法惯例来促成这些最棘手的改革。 www.ecocn.org 6. For decades, liberals have relied on the courts to push through some of their most cherished policies. 数十年来,自由派依靠各级法院通过了一些他们最为珍视的政策。 www.ecocn.org 7. The stellar jets and outflows push through the surrounding material at speeds of hundreds of kilometers per second. 星际间的喷流以每秒几百公里的速度挤压着周围的物质。 bbs.astron.ac.cn 8. Life isn't easy for the Pin Cushion Queen. When she sits alone on her thronePins push through her spleen. 对于针垫女王来说,生活并不安乐。每当她坐在王位上,针就会刺穿她的脾脏。 www.kuenglish.info 9. "If they continue to push through this proposal, it's worthless to hold the games, " Mr. Charoen, the Thai official, said. 泰国官员乍龙说,“如果他们继续推行这样的提议,那举办运动会就没有意义了。” cn.nytimes.com 10. He ordered parliament to convene next Thursday to pass a constitutional amendment to push through the changes. 他要求议会下周四召开会议,通过一份宪法修正案,以推进修宪进程。 cn.reuters.com 1. The French government vows it will push through its reform package by the end of the month. 法国政府誓言要在月底前通过改革综合法案。 www.voanews.cn 2. And for some of us, the best way to manage pain is to just push through it. 对于我们当中的一些人来说对待疼痛最好的办法就是咬牙挺过去。 www.tingclass.net 3. It would push through fiscal and structural reforms, then take the country to elections. 这将会推进财政与结构改革,然后将国家带进选举程序。 www.ecocn.org 4. Now in office, he wants to push through sweeping but initially costly reforms that he hopes will get more people into jobs. 现在在职期间,他想通过包罗万象但耗费巨大的改革推动其目标的实现,他认为这项改革会使更多的人获得工作。 www.ecocn.org 5. So I'm going to push through this paralysis and keep fighting for the real challenges facing middle-class families. 我要继续将这一僵局破开,为中产阶级所面对的真切挑战而奋战。 www.kekenet.com 6. Put end of straw into flower and push through so the pipe cleaner is inside the flower. 将花插入吸管并推挤毛根的尾巴通过,所以毛根是在花里面。 tw.myblog.yahoo.com 7. Mr Erdogan needs to stick to his guns and push through these changes. 埃尔多安先生需要紧握手中枪,才能推进这些变革。 www.ecocn.org 8. Even Mr Yushchenko's fans now say he was weak and had neither a plan of action nor strong advisers to push through reforms. 甚至尤先科的粉丝现在也说他很软弱,而且根本没有一个行动计划或强势幕僚来推动改革。 www.ecocn.org 9. The Awami League now has a mandate to push through constitutional changes and its sweeping reform manifesto. 人民联盟现在有权推行宪政改革及其全面的改革纲领。 www.24en.com 10. But Papandreou warned that any failure to push through the plan might lead the country straight to default. 但帕潘德里欧警告,计画推行若失败可能导致希腊直接走向违约。 cn.reuters.com 1. This, in turn, makes it more difficult to push through important measures that would improve food safety. 因此这使得推进实施能提升食品安全的有效措施更加艰难。 www.bing.com 2. The euro crisis is forcing Greece, Portugal and Spain to push through huge reforms in the teeth of popular protest. 欧元危机正迫使希腊、葡萄牙和西班牙无视普遍的民众抗议继续推动重大改革。 www.ecocn.org 3. The production of the 2011 Saab 9-4X crossover will push through even though Saab is no longer under GM. 生产2011年萨博9-4倍交叉将推动即使萨博不再是根据通用汽车公司。 usa.315che.com 4. This is why Mr Sarkozy's pension reform, which he wants to push through by the autumn, is critical. 这就是萨科齐想要在今年秋天推动通过的养老金改革方案具有决定性意义的原因。 www.ecocn.org 5. Is the government, even one under a new Prime Minister, going to push through sufficient austerity to avoid a default? 意大利的政府,即便是在新总理领导下,会推动实施足够的紧缩政策以避免违约吗? www.fortunechina.com 6. Now leading a fragile coalition with a majority of one, she has unpopular legislation on reducing CO2 emissions to push through. 领导着一个脆弱的多数联盟,她还得推动通过减少二氧化碳排放量的、不受欢迎的立法。 www.bing.com 7. Mr Pan says the government is too weak to push through privatisation in the face of union demands for job security and stable salaries. 潘文炎表示,面对工会在就业保障和薪资稳定方面的要求,政府在推动私有化改革方面太过软弱。 www.ftchinese.com 8. In early August 2005 the then-prime minister, Junichiro Koizumi, called a snap election to push through postal privatisation. 在2005年8月初,当时的首相小泉纯一郎为了推行邮局私有化的政策提前举行了大选。 www.ecocn.org 9. Gap reduces the nozzle backpressure, diaphragm actuators push through following the spooldown. 间隙减小则喷嘴儿违压升高,日标阀门通过房动器膜片鞭策阀芯下移。 www.ppmai.com 10. The European Union is pressing Ankara to push through political and economic reforms. 欧盟正在向安卡拉施加压力,要求他们进行政治和经济改革。 www.ebigear.com 1. And that means that Wen doesn't have the clout he needs to push through the reforms he has repeatedly told the country it needs. 这就意味着温无疑要尽力促成他不断向国人宣传的改革。 www.bing.com 2. Moreover, solvent countries need a breathing-space to push through reforms. 并且,有偿债能力的国家需要深思熟虑喘气的机会以推动改革。 www.ecocn.org 3. The fingering, speed, and chords in some pieces may be frustrating and difficult, but push through it. 一些曲子的指法,速度,和弦可能会让你受挫、感觉困难,但还是要坚持。 bbs.cndzq.com 4. The decision to loosen the currency is evidence the Chinese leadership can push through structural changes despite domestic opposition. 增强人民币汇率灵活性的决定证明,尽管国内存在反对声,中国领导层仍能推动结构改革的实施。 chinese.wsj.com 5. And the private sector may find it hard to push through another tough round of pay restraint. 私营部门可能会很难实施新一轮严酷的工资限制。 www.bing.com 6. The 2008 crash allowed Detroit to push through changes that had long been blocked by unions and timid management. 2008年的金融风暴允许底特律突破工会和胆小的管理层形成的长期阻碍,从而推动改革进行。 www.ecocn.org 7. There are any number of issues he could block or help push through parliament. 他会阻碍或帮助推动国会通过任意多的问题。 www.bing.com 8. Having goals like that would help me push through the rough times. 拥有这样的目标能让我度过艰难的时光。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Are there areas of your life in which holding a conviction would give you the added drive to push through all kinds of obstacles? 在你的人生中,有没有在哪个方面恪守一种信条,它能给你额外的动力去冲破一切阻碍呢? blog.sina.com.cn 10. Simon Davey is looking to push through a deal for Liverpool winger Adam Hammill, but he has ended his interest in four trialists. 西蒙-戴维希望尽力完成利物浦边锋亚当-哈米尔的转会,但是他已经失去两名试训球员兴趣了。 lfcbbs.fans1.com 1. He tried in vain to push through the crowd. 他怎么也没法从人群里挤过去。 dict.veduchina.com 2. But such increases are laborious to arrange and politically difficult to push through. 但是这么大的增加很难摊派,政治策略上考虑也很难通过。 www.bing.com 3. with reversible respect. push-through ratchet. 以可反向使用或推挤式棘轮。 www.jdzj.com 4. The Maoists want to push through land reform, emancipate the lower castes and seek foreign investment. 毛派试图推行土地改革、解放社会底层并吸引外资。 www.ecocn.org 5. Why did the 78-year-old Mr Mubarak decide so late in his rule to push through these changes? 已78岁的穆巴拉克在他的长期执政期间为什么这么晚才决定通过这些变革呢。 www.ecocn.org 6. What value should we push through the pipeline of faith? 我们该在信心的导管里放进甚么价值呢? hourofpower.org.hk 7. However, the bulk of the stimulus has come from the government's order to state-owned banks to push through a massive surge in loans. 然而,此项刺激方案很大程度上有赖于政府勒令国有银行大力投放信贷。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Ireland's failing government adds to the doubt, because it could find it hard to push through an austerity budget before a new election. 爱尔兰当局的无能为力加剧了这种担忧,因为在新的大选之前,现任政府很难推行紧缩预算方案。 www.ecocn.org 9. power to push through the air. 电力推进在空气中。 wenwen.soso.com 10. How can a person push through an unfavorable environment or situations? 人怎样去度过不利的环境和条件呢? hi.baidu.com 1. The more you push through broken glass, the thicker it becomes. 你越推从破碎的玻璃,它变得越厚。 zh.songcoleta.info 2. he was caught in the middle of a desperate fight, and she couldn't find how to push through. 他被夹在一个绝望的斗争当中,她不知道该如何穿过… tieba.baidu.com 3. Obama tried to push through a requirement that equipment and material used in the stimulus be made in America. 奥巴马试过在刺激经济计划里加入要求必须用美国货。 club.cat898.com 4. Analysts say these problems will increase the government's leverage to push through mergers. 分析师表示,这些问题将加大政府促成合并的力度。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Nor has the government taken the chance to push through economic reforms that, as the floods have made clear, are urgently needed. 政府也没有把握时机,推进经济改革,而此次洪灾清楚表明了经济改革的必须性和紧迫性。 www.ecocn.org 6. Moreover, it can be nigh on impossible to push through reforms in an alliance of 28 countries. 此外,要在一个28国联盟中推行改革也可谓是难上加难。 dongxi.net 7. If rebels push through the town, they will have a relatively clear road to Tripoli. 如果反抗武装拿下了这座城市,那么他们朝的黎波里进发的路线会相对明确。 chinese.wsj.com 8. He will push through more labour reform, with or without union consent. 无论工会同意与否,他将促成更多的人事改革。 www.ecocn.org 9. No. You would push through as best you can to accomplish the best 10k possible. 不,你会尽自己最大的能力去完成可能的10英里。 www.bing.com 10. Warriors push through it and suck it up, right? 勇士促使它完成并从中吸取能量,对不对? www.bing.com 1. Reining in the Russians will be more difficult when the oil price starts to push through $100 a barrel. 俄罗斯会变得越来越难控制,因为油价将要升过100美元一桶了。 www.bing.com 2. If we're really driven, we try to push through. 如果我们确实下定了决心,那么我们一定会全力以赴。 chinese.wsj.com 3. In Portugal, in fact, the leaders of the main parties have just announced plans to push through a substantial austerity program. 在葡萄牙方面,实际上多数党的领导人已经提出了一项计划,旨在推进坚实的财政紧缩方案。 www.bing.com 4. But you can push through it. 但是你可以做到的。 www.elanso.com 5. The crowd in the station was so thick that he had to push through . 车站的人群太密集,他只好挤过去。 dict.veduchina.com 6. Not only must it fight central government but also market pressure to push through conversions. 它面对的不光是中央政府,还有市场方面希望推进该计划的压力。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Gana Peru, however, will have just 36 per cent of congressional seats, making it difficult for Mr Humala to push through radical reforms. 不过,左翼的秘鲁必胜(GanaPeru)在国会中将只拥有36%的席位,因此乌马拉很难推动激进的改革。 www.ftchinese.com 8. I have seen those red and white striped tulips push through the soil every spring for over ten years now. 在那以后,年复一年,我看到了那些红白相间的郁金香春天破土而出的情景,至今已有十多年了。 www.netfm.com.cn 9. It's not always easy to push through 总是很容易被看穿 zhidao.baidu.com 10. When trolley through the door, use one hand to open the door and the other hand to push through. 通过门时一只手开门,另一只手推车通过。 wenku.baidu.com 1. Other reforms he plans to push through early are a guarantee of minimum service on public transport during strikes; 他计划及早完成的其他改革还有,保证罢工期间最低公共交通服务; club.topsage.com 2. The Olympic Rings of Hodori, Let Us Push through Purchase of Olympic Lotteries 虎多力之奥运五环,让我们购买奥运彩票 zhidao.baidu.com 3. push through the rain and into the fire 穿过雨滴,走进火中 zhidao.baidu.com |
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