单词 | price-cut | ||||||||||||
释义 | price-cut
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 降价,减价,削价 1. Sony's price cut on digital books and the new devices may not be enough to help it catch up to Amazon. 索尼在电子书和阅读器上的降价行为并没有为其追赶亚马孙公司提供足够的帮助。 www.bing.com 2. Nokia spokesperson denied the price cut was unusual, saying that it was just a routine business decision. 但诺基亚发言人表示调价是正常运营的一部分。 www.china.org.cn 3. "A price cut would be in line with past cycles, " said Paul Jackson, an analyst at Forrester Research in London. ForresterResearch驻伦敦的分析师保罗?杰克逊(PaulJackson)表示:“降价将符合过去的几个周期。” www.ftchinese.com 4. Ping An will need clarity, assurances and a price cut if it is to proceed with this. 如果要继续与富通的交易,平安需要富通就此作出澄清和担保,并削减报价。 www.ftchinese.com 5. But will China abandon the benchmark system, with its advantages of price stability, for an extra 10 percentage points price cut? 但是,中方将为了额外10个百分点的降幅,而放弃具有价格稳定优势的基准体系吗? www.ftchinese.com 6. Microsoft's price cut also heralds a new phase in the console wars as the company's move takes the Xbox 360 into the mass market. 随着降价将Xbox360带入大众市场,此举也预示着游戏机之争进入新的阶段。 www.ftchinese.com 7. But because we're very happy with our relationship with you, we're willing to offer a 10% price cut anyway. 但由于我们与贵公司往来非常愉快,因此很愿意打九折给你们。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The main reason for falling prices and increasing the export tax rebate rate to provide enterprises with a price cut. 价格下降的主要原因是出口退税率提高等为企业提供了降价空间。 zysd.cc 9. "We don't have such a plan, " Nintendo spokesman Yasuhiro Minagawa said when asked about a price cut. “我们没有类似的计划。”任天堂发言人YasuhiroMinagawa在被问及降价问题时表示。 cn.reuters.com 10. The price cut was seen as a reflection of the costs incurred by the regulatory delay. 这一降价被视为反映了监管拖延所带来的成本。 www.ftchinese.com 1. lower cotton prices there last week price cut for the second time since early this month, to seize the sales season, withdrawal of funds. 下游全棉布价格上周又出现本月初以来的第二次降价,以抓住销售旺季,回笼资金。 www.texclo.net 2. Difference of cationic silk trading volume is small, and individual fine denier product price cut. 差别化的阳离子丝交易量不大,而且个别细旦产品报价下调。 www.texclo.net 3. But most industry analysts believe that China will eventually be forced to settle for the 33 per cent price cut. 但多数行业分析师认为,中国最终将被迫接受降价33%。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Amazon declined to comment beyond a press release that simply announced the price cut. 亚马逊拒绝置评,只是发布了一份宣布降价的新闻稿。 www.voa365.com 5. Apple says the price cut is designed to boost sales as America's holiday shopping season nears . 苹果称降价是为了在美国假期购物季的临近前进行促销。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Sony, which produces the rival console PlayStation 3, will feel pressure to follow any Microsoft price cut in the US. 一旦微软在美国降价,竞争性产品PlayStation3的生产者索尼(Sony)将会感受到降价的压力。 www.ftchinese.com 7. While miners concede a price cut is inevitable, the debate has centered on how low prices should go. 尽管矿业公司承认降价是不可避免的,但争论的焦点却是价格应该降到什么程度。 www.bing.com 8. The tablet eventually disappeared from shelves after a massive price cut. 平板电脑也在大幅度的价格降低后,最终从货架上消失。 www.infoq.com 9. In 2003, corresponding with the 120 models of products, two-thirds of the vehicle price changes, the average price cut by more than 8%. 在与2003年有对应产物地120种车型中,3分之2地车型价钱有变更,均匀降价幅度超越8%。 www.so88.org 10. The company announced the MacBook air will cost $1, 499, a $700 price cut. 公司宣布苹果笔记本MacBookair将花费1,499美元,削减了700美元。 www.bing.com 1. The price cut comes at a critical time for Microsoft. 微软的降价适逢一个关键时刻。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Using a piece of chicanery called 'hedonics, ' Uncle Sam calls this a price cut. 山姆大叔耍了一种叫“快感学”的骗术,管这叫降价。 c.wsj.com 3. The price-cut bag is only 5 yuan for each. 减价书包每个5元 zhidao.baidu.com 4. A price cut or good in- store promotion can often sway shoppers . 降价或店内优惠促销通常都会让消费者变心。 www.bing.com 5. The price cut may help publishers such as Electronic Arts Inc, retailers and makers of video game accessories such as plastic guns. 此次降价可能有益于艺电(ERTS.O:行情)等游戏出版商、与塑料枪等视频游戏附属设备的零售商与制造商。 cn.reuters.com 6. The China Iron and Steel Association, the body that last year led the negotiations, has sent clear signals that it wants a price cut. 上年度牵头谈判的中国钢铁工业协会已释放出清晰的信号,表示将要求降价。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Cisa is asking for a 40-45 per cent price cut while a 33 per cent reduction has been offered by the miners. 中钢协要求获得40%至45%的降价,而上述矿商的报价是降价33%。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The price cut helped the PS3 outsell Nintendo's Wii console in the US for the first time last month. 上个月,降价措施帮助PS3游戏机在美国的销量首次超过任天堂的Wii游戏机。 www.bing.com 9. Compensation to farmers at an average of 64. 2 percent of the price cut. 对农民以一个被减低的64.2%的价值平均的补偿。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. H-P's price cut also marks a shift in strategy. 惠普降价也标志着战略的转变。 chinese.wsj.com 1. and about our new marketing strategy--that' s 1. the launch date 2. the price cut. 有关我们新的营销策略--也就是1、上市日期2、降低价格 www.hxen.com 2. That means a U. S. buyer could enjoy a 5% price cut. 这意味着美国买房人可以享受5%的折扣。 chinese.wsj.com 3. For example, green is an excellent color to indicate a sale or price cut. 例如,绿色就适合是用来表示打折或降价。 blog.163.com 4. How do you usually cut price cut? 你一般砍价都怎么砍? wenjiaoyu.com 5. Microsoft also announced a price cut of about 30 per cent for the Xbox in Japan this week. 微软本周还曾宣布将Xbox在日本的售价下调30%左右。 www.ftchinese.com 6. the president last week vetoed a cereal price cut 总统上周否决了谷物价格的削减。 www.ichacha.net 7. Nigeria unions suspend strike after fuel price cut 燃油价格削减停止后尼日利亚工会罢工停止 www.kekenet.com |
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