单词 | pushes | ||||
释义 | pushes是push的第三人称单数
第三人称单数:pushes 现在分词:pushing 过去式:pushed
例句释义: 推,挤,推动,推进,推力,〈口〉努力,奋发,将推送,推数 1. and he pushes me to a place that I never would have been able to push myself. 而他将我推入一个我从不能推动自己进入的地方。 qac.yappr.cn 2. If you're the kind of person who has no guts, you just give up every time life pushes you. 如果你是那种没有毅力的人,你将放弃生活对你的每一次推动。 www.tdict.com 3. In the case of Doyle's body, here on his treadmill, its physiology holds steady even as he pushes himself to his limit. 而在多伊尔的体内,在跑步机上,即使他达到极限,他的身体也能保持稳定。 www.elanso.com 4. She also can sit steadily, to the hand pushes him certainly not to be able to let him drop down, he meets own to support with the hand. 坐的时候,也能够坐得较稳,以手推他并不会让他倒下去,他会自己用手撑著。 blog.yam.com 5. A man in a suit pushes a case of water bottles into the kitchen of a hotel in Washington D. C. 在华盛顿的一个酒店,一个穿着西服的男人用推车推着一箱瓶装水走进了厨房。 www.bing.com 6. Jack pushes her to the ground, sits on her stomach and begins punching her in the face. 杰克将安娜推倒在地上,坐在她的腹部开始击打她的脸。 www.xici.net 7. Intel before this also Ceng Li pushes his digital family platform is exultant , but a few years time has gone, did not obtain ideal result. 英特尔此前也曾力推其数字家庭平台欢跃,但几年时候已经曩昔,并未获得理想的成果。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. A women feels the urge to climb up there with him to give comfort and she gets a rude shock when he pushes her off! 而一个女人却有攀到岩石上安抚他的冲动,不过当男人把她推下去的时候,她感到无比震惊。 www.bing.com 9. Visually the plane looks as though it is so fast it pushes through air, making air into an air ring, and it looks so beautiful. 观感上,飞机像是快得把空气冲开,把空气爆出一个气环,真的很美。 www.jackiechan.com 10. The first lady said her mother pushes her to be the best woman, mother and professional she can be, and has always been there for her. 米歇尔称,母亲努力将她培养成为最棒的女性、最好的母亲和职业女性,并一直在一旁默默地支持她。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. The White House says President Barack Obama has postponed his trip to Asia to stay in Washington as he pushes for health care reform. 白宫说,美国总统欧巴马决定推迟亚洲之行,他将留在华盛顿推动医疗改革进程。 ept-xp.com 2. So it really pushes you to watch the whole map and always be on your guard on almost every point of the map at all times. 这将强迫你注意整个地图并一直保持你的防御卫队随时检查每一个地图上的点。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. By means of a foot treadle the chain of paddles pushes water along the length of a trough to pour out at the other end. 用脚不停地踩动踏板,水就可以通过水槽流到一个高的地方。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Nobody is really sure how much QE pushes down long-term interest rates but it appears to take a lot of it to make a difference. 没人确切知道,到底多大力度的定量宽松才会压低长期利率,不过看上去,似乎要实施很大力度的定量宽松才能见到成效。 www.ftchinese.com 5. If the wind changes and pushes the slick west towards Texas's beaches, that might be manageable. 即使风向发生轻微变化,浮油向西漂到数个得州海滩,威胁也或许易于处置。 www.ecocn.org 6. After staring at it blankly for almost a full minute, he closes his eyes and pushes the palms of his hands against his forehead. 他眼也不眨地盯着看了一分钟,然后闭上眼,拿手掌抵在额头上。 www.bing.com 7. Next time you see authors doing big pushes to increase pre-orders of their book, well, now you know why. 下一次一些作家大力造势来提高他们书的预定量时候,很庆幸这会儿你就已经知道是怎么回事了。 www.bing.com 8. The fish pushes water aside by the forward motion of its head and with a curve of its body and its flexible tall. 鱼通过头向前运动以及身体曲线和灵活的尾巴而把水推向两侧。 10305103.blog.163.com 9. When he swims, a beaver holds his unwebbed front feet up close to his body, and pushes out with his webbed rear ones. 当它游泳时将无蹼的前脚收起紧靠躯体,伸出有蹼的后脚奋力推进。 www.tdict.com 10. soldier a : he jumps back down and pushes himself on top of the radio , as if it was like a seat , you know , just sits down on it. 士兵甲:他向后跳去,扑到无线电上面,就像那是一个座位似的,一下子坐到它上面。 www.ichacha.net 1. But, of course, the vectorial sum is really the force with which the surface pushes onto that object. 但是,向量和,也的确是斜面,施加在物体上的力。 open.163.com 2. The U. S. central bank in its monetary policy pushes interest rates up or down by moving money in and out of the financial system. 美联储在制定货币政策的时候,通过增加或减少金融体系中货币的数量来降低或提高利率。 chinese.wsj.com 3. Kobe Bryant's bad back might have cost the Lakers Game 4 Sunday, but in the end, it might be the thing that pushes them to a title. 科比的背伤让湖人队的第4场比赛遗憾失利,但是现在来看,也许这更能激励他们去获得总冠军。 bbs.kaoyan.com 4. But a show that pushes boundaries and presents the country's leaders in a less-than-positive light is bound to spark criticism . 但一个大打擦边球且以一种消极的方式呈现国家的领导人的电视节目秀势必引发批评。 www.bing.com 5. He walks a few steps, and then pushes his way up to the catwalk above him. He keeps climbing until he sees the roof access. 他走了几步,然后向上爬到上一层的通道,然后不断向上直到看到屋顶的入口。 www.bing.com 6. The trend could simply be part of a natural and long-term cycle that pushes wind speeds both up and down over the course of many decades. 这种趋势可能仅仅是自然的一部分和长期的循环,这种循环是在每经过数十年时间,风速会快-慢的循环一次。 www.bing.com 7. As the country has no manufacturing base to speak of, most items have to be imported, which pushes prices up. 这个国家没有生产基地可言,大部分商品都需进口,从而致使物价上涨。 www.ecocn.org 8. Within a week or two the hole is filled with new asphalt that pushes up from below. 一两周内,洞又被地下涌出的沥青填满了。 www.24en.com 9. Suddenly, a piece of concrete the size of a quarter jumps free and plummets down the shaft as the rock-hammer pushes through. 突然,随着那把石锤的探出,一块混凝土迸出并坠落井下。 www.xiaoshuo.com 10. Republicans can only hope the move pushes Iraq off the front page as they turn their attention to next year's crucial elections . 共和党希望此举只能把它们作为头版对开伊拉克将目光投向明年的关键性选举。 www.bing.com 1. She then pushes the eggs into a pouch on the front of her body. 然后,它将蛋推进它身体前面的育儿袋中。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Trumpets pushes his way up to the second tier and the cons see him coming. Trumpets一路挤着来到二楼过道,团伙们看到他过来了。 www.bing.com 3. Roost makes suggestions but pushes business owners to put a bit of thought and personality into it, too. Roost给出提示,但是也促使业主放一些思考和个性在里面。 www.bing.com 4. Exhausted, frustrated, but far from defeated, the young hero pushes on in an attempt to capture the bottle of Sacred Water from Korin . 虽然一次次地精疲力尽,灰心丧气,但丝毫没有被打垮的迹象。我们的小英雄一直不懈地努力着,要从加林仙人手中夺得超圣水。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The wind pushes you as you rush over the water, feet on the board, hands steering the sail. 脚踩在冲浪板上,双手握着风帆舵,在水上冲浪的时候,是风推着你前进的。 www.24xuexi.com 6. "She's always been a radical, " Mr. Leon said. "She pushes boundaries. " “她一直都很激进,”梁先生说,“她总在挑战事物的边界。” cn.nytimes.com 7. Gentleman: A man who, when his wife drips something, pushes it to where she can pick it up more easily. 绅士:一个当妻子掉了东西,他却把其推到她可以更容易捡起的地方的人。 bbs.shuxiangyuan.org 8. Two pushes later, he was able to get his hands around his daughter's tiny neck. 使了2次劲后,他能把手放到他女儿的小脖子上了。 www.chinaenglish.com.cn 9. The only rowboat scene I knew was the one in which Montgomery Clift pushes Shelley Winters into the water. 我所知的唯一的小舟上的场景是蒙哥马利克利夫特将谢利文斯特推入水中。 www.bing.com 10. A bit like a mouse in a wheel, the resident pushes the unit by walking in the center to rotate the structure to the desired position. 有点像轮子中的老鼠,居住者通过在房子中间行走推动它,移动到想到达的地方。 www.bing.com 1. At present that same urge pushes you onwards, as you have your sights set upon taking the opportunity to leave duality. 目前,同样的“督促”也在推动你向前,因为你有了觉知去赢取机会离开二元世界。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Type B = this sort of encounter pushes the stress away from the healers and towards the tank and damage dealers. B类型=这样的战斗将压力推离治疗,作用坦克和治疗。 www.bing.com 3. Jerry makes his way around my cart and pushes the button for the elevator. 杰瑞在我推的车边绕了一圈,按下电梯按钮。 www.bing.com 4. But the harder Beijing pushes its companies and scientists to come up with new ideas, the more they seem to copy the work of others. 但在北京方面频频要求科学家和企业想出来新点子的时候,他们所做的却是更多的抄袭别人的工作。 dongxi.net 5. The "easy Ru" male swiftly pushes away her to watch her own petticoat associate, now metal gray above the face. “易茹”男人立即推开她去看自己的女伴,脸上顿时铁青。 wester.com.cn 6. BRIAN (16), smartass smirk permanently etched on his face, greets her by kissing her and grabbing one of her breasts. Candy pushes him away. 布莱恩(16岁),脸上总挂着一成不变的狡猾的假笑,他一边吻着她,一边抓着她的胸口,以作问候。凯蒂推开他。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. It is the high failure rate of these studies that pushes up the price of those few drugs that do succeed. 这些研究的高失败率推高了新药的研发成本。 www.bing.com 8. Take deep breaths, and let the air fill your lungs, so that it pushes down on your abdomen. 做深呼吸,让空气充满你的肺,这样它会将你的腹部压下。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 9. Vegetables are the ultimate source for fiber, which pushes waste out of the body. 蔬菜是纤维的基本来源,它把废物排出人体。 www.bing.com 10. The mission is the latest step as China pushes ahead with its ambitions to unseat the U. S. as the world's dominant manned space power. 中国雄心勃勃地希望赶超美国、成为世界上载人航天主导力量。这次任务正是为此而做出的最新举动。 www.bing.com 1. Maintaining in a modest and peaceful mental state pushes us further up to a higher level. 保持谦和的心理状态有助于我们达到更高的高度。 www.bing.com 2. At the same time, the conservatism of users pushes it back to something known and even convenient (at least from the beginning). 同时,用户之间交流的机会增加了,这使得一些广为人知甚至成为惯例(至少刚开始是这样)的事情开始褪色。 www.bing.com 3. I press into the splintered frame of the door as he pushes past me. 当他经过我旁边时一把推开我,我撞上了裂开的门框。 www.douban.com 4. She opens the screen door. "I'm Adie's mom, Bev. " Adie steps in front of her and pushes Samuel back out the door. 她将屏门打开。“我是爱狄的妈妈,贝芙。”这时,爱狄往前跨了一步站在她面前,将塞缪儿推出门外 www.bing.com 5. The clock pushes forward, so adolescents and teens are unable to fall asleep as early as they used to. 它仿佛是慢了几个小时似的,青少年们忽然间都无法在他们以前习惯的时间入睡了。 www.bing.com 6. Type C = this sort of encounter pushes the stress away from the damage dealers onto the tank and the healers. C类型=这样的战斗将压力推离输出,作用坦克和治疗。 www.bing.com 7. Suffering from osteoporosis, her legs ache every time she goes out, but her will to recontribute always pushes her to move forward. 即使双脚已经因为骨质疏松会酸痛,但那份想回馈的意念,始终推著她向前走。 word.hcbus.com 8. Remember: the problem is not corruption or greed. The problem is the system that pushes you to give up. 记住,问题不在于腐败或者贪婪,问题在于这个迫使你不断放弃自我的体制。 www.bing.com 9. So when the air pushes up to go from the hot end to the cold end it puts some heat into the sponge. 当空气由热端流向冷端,抬高活塞将一部分的热储存在热储存体中。 www.ted.com 10. As the mother pushes her way through this birthing you will start to see evidence of our presence here. 随着地球母亲在分娩进程中用力,你会开始看到我们存在的证据。 apps.hi.baidu.com 1. He pushes his big arms in front of him and begins to mime the breaststroke. 他在胸前挥舞着双臂,开始模仿游蛙泳的姿势。 edu.163.com 2. Centrifugal force pushes it toward the point furthest, away from the point of rotation. 离心力会把汤甩向最远的一点,远离旋转点。 www.cdfds.com 3. When a drought pushes already vulnerable groups to the point of famine, we mobilize action. 当旱灾产生将已经易受害的群体推向饥饿边缘的风险时,我们就动员采取行动。 www.fao.org 4. With adrenaline already high and gunshots in the building behind them, the pushes turned into a brawl between hotel staff and the media. 双方都怒气冲冲,背后的大楼里枪声还乒乓响着,推搡变成了酒店职员和媒体之间的争吵。 www.ftchinese.com 5. The hot-air balloon pushes Human's passion for creativity and its natural imagination up to perfection. 人类激情的创造力、天才的想象力,在热气球之表达到了极致。 ourtra.netat.net 6. "When there is a wall of money, it pushes the markets in ways that are not rational, " he said. “当存在巨额资金时,它会以不理性的方式推动市场,”他表示。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The cold rain Mo pushes away a door, in the apartment turn on 7 colourful elaboration bulbs, the view seemed to be very is faint. 寒雨墨推开门,房间里只开了七彩的装饰灯,视线显得很是昏。 www.zlqh.com 8. finally I select at random and slide my bookmark along the lock until the catch pushes back and I'm in. 最后,我随意选了一个名字,把书签沿着锁来回滑动,直到撬出挂钩为止,我进门了。 www.bing.com 9. The book assists and pushes him away, it has been turned into beach water to the ground that the child attacked. 书佐把他推开,孩子扑到了地上变成了一滩水。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. The seriousness with which he pushes that proposal will be the first real clue as to how genuine his intentions are. 奥巴马推动该议案有多认真,就表明他的目的有多纯粹。 www.ecocn.org 1. The integration of his individual study into the collective study of international teams pushes the study of Renaissance to a new height. 他对个人研究和国际团队的集体研究的充分融合,将当代的文艺复兴研究推向了全新的高度。 2. He pushes all the elevator buttons. Don't you know these buttons aren't toys? 他按电梯的全部按钮。这些按钮不是玩具哦! www.tiantianbt.com 3. The service provider pushes changes regarding the service's details to the registry to which the consumer has subscribed. 服务提供者将服务细节有关的变化推给消费者订阅的注册。 www.infoq.com 4. There is a motion alarm which starts sounding if a thief pushes the locked car around while trying to break into it. 窃贼一旦试图把锁着的车推走,设法撬门而入,移动报警器就会立刻报警。 cn.wordmind.com 5. Johnson -- a cum laude graduate of the Popovich academy -- pushes the ball across half-court in search of easy baskets. Johnson——Popovich学院的优等毕业生——把球推过半场寻找容易的投篮。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. "Wonderful, wonderful, " the Count says, with a smile, as he pushes her aside into some laundry. “太好了,太好了,”伯爵微笑着说,一边把她往旁边拨拉,把她推倒在一堆要洗的衣服上。 www.douban.com 7. A construction worker pushes a plank which boards up to enclose the building site in Shanghai. 上海,建筑工人托起木板,封住工地。 www.bing.com 8. This pushes molecules off the sample surface as gaseous ions, which can be detected and identified by the mass spectrometer. 这就使得分子以气化离子的形式离开样品表面,从而被质谱仪检测到并完成鉴定。 news.dxy.cn 9. This feature pushes a graphic to the back of the spreadsheet, behind the cells, allowing cells to be edited without affecting the graphic. 这个特性将图形放在电子表格的后面,也就是单元格下,可以编辑单元格而不会影响图形。 ooo.pingju.org 10. Simply close your eyes, draw in a long breath that gently pushes out your belly, then slowly exhale as you relax your belly. 闭上你的双眼,深深地吸一口气,使它们涨满你的腹部,再慢慢地呼气,然后放松你的腹部。 www.elanso.com 1. The New Asianism pushes back against, but does not entirely reject, Japan's prioritization of its alliance with the United States. 新亚细亚主义只是部分地挫败了美国在日本盟友中的排位,日本并没有完全拒绝与美国的合作。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. She then says she's always liked Sayaka much better, and even pushes herself out of her wheelchair and onto Sayaka. 然后她说,她总是喜欢早矢香好多了,甚至把自己离开她的轮椅上早矢香。 chinaagg.com 3. In a push model, the project model manager pushes the changes up to the enterprise level. 在“推进”模型中,项目模型管理员会将变更推进到企业层次。 www.ibm.com 4. Pumps do not actually suck ; rather , pumps create a partial vacuum into which atmospheric pressure pushes water via the suction pipework. 水泵并不是实际的吸:更确切的说,水泵产生非完全的真空,然后大气压力将水通过吸管推进水泵中。 bbs.wwenglish.org 5. The surface of inclined wedge pushes the triangle side of the waste and makes the plate move ahead, thus meeting the re. 斜楔插板上的斜楔面推动废边的三角槽一侧,使板料向前运动,达到板料定位和自动送料的目。 www.dictall.com 6. Hunt takes the ball forward quickly. Palmer comes across, tries to intercept him, but Hunt slips past and quickly pushes the ball to Smart. 亨特快速向前带球,帕尔默跑过来企图截住他,亨特闪过身,迅速把球传给斯马特,斯马特接住球。 www.bing.com 7. A certain psychic greed pushes you too far in certain tastings, which can be reflected on all the pleasures of this world. 某种心灵上的贪婪让你尝到后果,这个世界上没有免费的午餐和不需努力就获得的乐趣。 www.360doc.com 8. They often read like the mouth to the poem "fate pushes them close, expelled, blocking their way, " twists and turns, and beautiful. 很像他们口中常念到的诗“缘分将他们推近,驱离,阻挡他们的去路”,曲折,美丽。 www.tradeask.com 9. He pushes his tongue through a hole where his tooth would be, if he were whole. 他将自己的舌头塞进嘴中的窟窿,仿佛他还依然完整。 jp.hjenglish.com 10. Pushes an object reference to a new zero-based, one-dimensional array whose elements are of a specific type onto the evaluation stack. 将对新的从零开始的一维数组(其元素属于特定类型)的对象引用推送到计算堆栈上。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Third, China pushes for the building of a just and reasonable new international political and economic order. 第三,中国积极推动建立公正合理的国际政治经济新秩序。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 2. Nowadays some people are wearing a good-looking USB drive around the neck as a necklace which pushes boundaries of taste. 现在有些人在脖子上带个漂亮的U盘当做项链,U盘项链拓展了品味的概念界限。 www.worklish.com 3. As soon as the doctor and the C. O. leave, Haywire pushes past Michael to the toilet and forces himself to vomit up the pills. 当医生和狱警离开后,Haywire挤过Michael到马桶边,迫使自己将药给吐了出来。 www.bing.com 4. The user pushes a button and the light goes on for about a minute and a half. 用户推动按钮,灯会持续亮大约一分半钟。 www.hjenglish.com 5. Sad though it is in individual cases, it's a necessary part of the bigger picture; life pushes out the old to make way for the new. 对个体来说这是个悲哀的事实,但在更高的层面上这是必须的:旧的总要为新的让路。 www.kekenet.com 6. If it is double acting (pushes both in and out) then it usually contains a box like shape on the cylinder. 假如是个双程汽缸(同时推动活塞进和出),那么它通常会带个盒状的东西。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. "This is how the civilized world slowly, slowly pushes into the forest and takes away the world that used to be, " he added. “文明世界就象这样慢慢地侵入丛林,一点一点地蚕食着从前的世界,”他又说道。 dongxi.net 8. The latest detection of the often-fatal avian influenza strain pushes the total number of cases discovered in Vietnam to 68. 禽流感毒株通常导致死亡,这一新的发现使越南已知感染总人数增至68人。 www.america.gov 9. He has invented a grafting technique, for instance, that pushes the food and energy of two pumpkin plants into a single fruit. 他发明了一个新的接穗方法,这种方法可以将两株南瓜上的能量和食物转移到一个果实上。 www.bing.com 10. No wonder that the advertisement be usually seen make is one of the incitement meanses which pushes a global economic development. 难怪广告通常被看作是推动全球经济发展的刺激手段之一。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 1. Once in motion, the weight of the racquet pushes the ball deep into the opposing court. 只要一挥动,球拍的重量就会推动网球深入对方场地。 user.99114.com 2. Type E = this sort of encounter pushes the stress onto the healers. 类型=这样的战斗将压力放在治疗身上。 www.bing.com 3. Present's society is anything, was not before rich can cause the ghost to turn a millstone, but was rich can cause to rub pushes the ghost. 现在的社会是什么,不是以前的有钱能使鬼推磨而是有钱能使磨推鬼。 www.china3a.com 4. It is love pulsating into a cycle that gently pushes the body forward. 正是被有节奏传递入一个周期中的爱,温柔地推动身体向前。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Slashing too many calories, particularly protein calories, pushes the body to conserve calories rather than burn them. 你破坏了太多的热量,尤其是蛋白质热量,迫使身体保存这些热量而不是释放。 www.suiniyi.com 6. The power from the engine pushes the car forward from the back wheels instead of pulling it forward with the front wheels. 来自发动机的动力是从后车轮推动汽车前行,而不是从前车轮拉动汽车。 www.kekenet.com 7. There is a great deal of inspiration and values that are behind Cartier. It's about tradition, but in a way that pushes the future ahead. 卡地亚品牌的背后蕴含了丰富的灵感与价值。这事关传统,但它以某种方式驱动未来前进。 www.bing.com 8. So, this discovery pushes the existence of the Nephila back to the Jurassic Period, making them the longest ranging spider genus known. 所以,这项研究将络新妇的出现年代提前到了侏罗纪,使得其成为了蜘蛛中已知的生存年代跨度最大的一属。 www.bing.com 9. The artist pushes her chair out from the table and walks over to you, to your perspective. 艺术家把椅子从桌下推出来,走向你。 www.bing.com 10. Even as the UN pushes for a ban on all nuclear tests, there's still concern that North Korea and Iran are attempting to make nuclear bombs. 即便联合国敦促禁止所有核试验,但是对于朝鲜和伊朗正试图制造核炸弹的担心仍然存在。 www.24en.com 1. 'This means a lot of uncertainty, which pushes prices up as buyers move to secure their supply lines, ' he said. 他说,这意味着很多的不确定,推高了价格,买家纷纷行动起来确保供应。 c.wsj.com 2. Then Damin pushes the birds into the waterand jumps up and down and bangs the water with his pole. 然后大明推入waterand鸟上下跳跃,并与他的刘海柱的水。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. You may not need all of these in conjunction, but keep them in a bag of tricks for days when you need extra pushes. 也许你不必同时运用这些方法,但你可以保留这些诀窍,需要额外动力时,就拿出来一用。 dongxi.net 4. We have noted that this combustion produces a high pressure that pushes the piston down so that the crankshaft is rotated. 我们已知道燃烧产生高压,并推动活塞下行,带动曲轴传动。 www.mapeng.net 5. Productivity has accelerated thanks partly to China's high savings rate, which pushes down the cost of capital investment. 生产率加速增长,一定程度上得益于中国的高储蓄率,因为它压低了资本投资的成本。 www.ftchinese.com 6. WwW. zIdiR. coM Management is always assimilated to productivity, which pushes the development of a country, a society and its enterprises. 管理是生产力,对国家、社会和企业的发展有推动作用。 www.zidir.com 7. That pushes people toward the rented apartment blocks which predominate in city centres, especially when, as in Berlin, rents are very low. 这种观点促使人们更倾向于在市中心租房,特别是在租金很低的柏林。 www.ecocn.org 8. The resultant will be that you will take these requests like challenges. Positively, that pushes you to exceed you. 结果将会是你非常喜欢这些挑战项目,积极主动是你与众不同的优势。 www.360doc.com 9. As the roll pushes the S American Plate over the Nazca Plate, more water, a deeping of the water over the Nazca Plate, would occur. 由于滚动将南美板块推过纳斯卡板块上方,更多的海水,纳斯卡板块海水的加深,将会发生。 apps.hi.baidu.com 10. The wall pushes back in the opposite direction with exactly the same force. 墙同时作用于我,一个反方向的力。 open.163.com 1. The police usually pushes it under one of the windscreen wipers so that it will not blow away . 警察通常把罚单夹在雨刷的下面,这样就不会被风吹走。 www.bing.com 2. It's a recognizable snit-fit of 'enough about you, what about me' that pushes Barbara into her final betrayal. 把芭芭拉推向她最终背叛的是一种可以理解的“我听够了关于你,那么我呢”的焦躁。 club.ssreader.com 3. What eats rocks, levels mountains, rust metal, pushes the clouds across the sky, and can make a young man old? 什么东西能吃掉石头,移平山脉,腐蚀金属,把云从天空推开,并且让年轻人变老? www.gamerhome.net 4. Apple's device pushes the notion the furthest, dispensing with Microsoft Corp. 's Windows operating system and a keyboard. 苹果IPad在最大程度上推动了这一理念,甚至摒弃了微软(MicrosoftCorp.)的视窗操作系统和键盘。 c.wsj.com 5. From Edinburgh castle you can see for miles, north over the beautiful old streets, an arm of the sea that pushes inland. 从爱丁堡的古城堡上俯瞰几英里之外的地方,目光向北越过引人入盛的老街,可以看到伸进内陆的一湾海水。 www.zftrans.com 6. The motor driven screw mechanism pushes wet soybeans into the grinder. Feed can be adjusted by changing rpm of the motor. 由电机带动螺旋机构推动湿豆进入磨浆机中,通过调节电机转速调节湿豆供应量。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Investors welcomed Friday's jobs report as a positive sign that demand for fuel could pick up, as the economic recovery pushes forward. 鉴于经济复苏继续向前推进,投资者认为周五的工作报告(jobsreport)是一个对石油燃料的需求增加的的积极信号。 www.bing.com 8. Their expertise is increasingly in demand as urban expansion pushes the limits of our transportation, utility, and communications systems. 随着城市的扩张,交通系统、基础设施和交流系统也拓展了范围,这使得工作对毕业生的技能水平的要求越来越高。 college.strong-study.com 9. The unearthing of this text pushes our knowledge of ancient Chinese law and medicine even further back in history. 此篇内容的出土,不仅使我国的法医学史更往前推进。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. Oh, and in between Palmiero-Winters pushes wheelchairs for participants in marathons, as many as six a year. 此外,埃米还为马拉松比赛的参赛者推送轮椅,她一年的服务次数高达六次之多。 dongxi.net 1. But this should not come as a surprise since women do not have the male which pushes for semen release. 这也不足为奇,因为女人不具有像男人那样可以排精的生理机能。 www.suiniyi.com 2. Jean - Alain Boumsong insists he's staying at Juventus even if Gabriel Milito pushes him out of the line- up. 让-阿兰·布姆松表示即使加比·米利托来到尤文,把他推向替补席,他也要留在尤文。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. In properly functioning markets, globalisation drives prices down thanks to the way it pushes up the potential supply of goods and services. 在运转正常的市场中,全球化由于增加了商品和服务的潜在供给,会带来价格的下降。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Lastly, the capital market in which nonprofits operate pushes against economic clarity in a variety of ways. 最后,非营利组织运做的资本市场以不同方式影响了财务清晰。 wiki.1kg.org 5. Covers in the fog under the dark blue nighttime sky, the cloud layer pushes mutually, the star shows talent for the first time. 在雾霭笼罩的深蓝夜空下,云层相互推挤,星星初露锋芒。 www.yinghanhuyi.com 6. Critics of the savings-glut thesis have often argued that it simply pushes responsibility for U. S. policy mistakes onto other countries. 批评储蓄过剩说法的人士通常认为,这种说法只是将美国决策错误的责任推给了其他国家。 www.bing.com 7. Her stories of her childhood and her father's unstable income makes me see why she pushes my husband to make more money. 她的童年故事,还有她父亲不稳定的收入使我明白了为什么她要督促我丈夫去赚更多的钱。 www.joyen.net 8. I've known him for years, but I still don't know what pushes his buttons. 我已认识他多年,可还是摸不透他的脾气。 9. It suffers from slow growth, high unemployment and a welfare state that saps competitiveness and pushes up taxes. 低经济增长率,高失业率以及导致削弱国民竞争力并不断增加赋税的福利制度深深困扰着欧洲。 www.ecocn.org 10. Pushes changes from the home server out to all partners using transitive replication. 使用可传递的复制将来自主服务器的更改推出到所有伙伴。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. When a task forks a new thread, it pushes it onto the head of its own deque. 当一个任务划分一个新线程时,它将自己推到deque的头部。 www.ibm.com 2. The field begins to clear. This tusk wrestler pushes off with the flippers, his opponent loses his balance, and down he goes. 赛场开始清空。这只长牙摔跤手用鳍状肢推,它的对手失去平衡落入水中。 www.yappr.cn 3. The more Europe pushes for opening up, the more hard-liners in Beijing will pressure their government to stand strong. 欧洲越是敦促中国开放,北京的强硬派越会给他们的政府施加压力不要妥协。 dongxi.net 4. A falling exchange rate pushes up the prices of imports and can produce inflation even while unemployment remains high. 本币汇率下跌会推高进口产品价格,并会在失业率依然居高不下的时候引发通货膨胀。 www.bing.com 5. As the automaker pushes fresh new products and updated designs, Kia is hoping to attract younger buyers with the help of new names. 由于汽车制造商推新的新产品和最新的设计,起亚希望吸引年轻买家的帮助下,新的名字。 usa.315che.com 6. To avoid the warning , be sure that the number of pops does not exceed the number of pushes . 若要避免该警告,请确保出栈的数目不超过入栈的数目。 www.bing.com 7. As the Kremlin pushes ahead with a drive to charm the West, its security agencies will be eager to prevent that kind of embarrassment. 作为推动未来克里姆林宫与西方的魅力驱动器,其安全机构将急于防止这种尴尬种。 www.englishtang.com 8. Additional tasks and to do's pushes many over the edge -- and to ease this stress, they may choose to overindulge at the holiday table. 附加的工作以及不得不做的事儿把许多人推到了压力的边缘为了释放,他们也许会选择过度沉迷在假期的酒桌上。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 9. Ease of credit generates demand that pushes up the value of property, which in turn increases the amount of credit available. 如果容易获得信贷,就带来了需求,而这种需求推高了房地产价值;反过来,这种情况又增加了可获得信贷的数量。 www.ftchinese.com 10. It pushes back against U. S. initiatives only when those are deemed inimical to its national interests. 它仅仅是在美国可能危及其核心国家利益时才反对美国的目标。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Pushes the number of elements of a zero-based, one-dimensional array onto the evaluation stack. 将从零开始的、一维数组的元素的数目推送到计算堆栈上。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Blunt cuts. As curls and waves air-dry, they get bigger and bushier at the ends, and that pushes hair up and outward. 齐发。发卷和波浪风干后,发梢处会变得更蓬更浓密,使头发向上和向外翘。 bbs.enfamily.cn 3. And more than any other institution, MIT pushes these incredible young people to realize what they are capable of. 不仅如此,麻省还促使这些年轻人意识到了他们能够做什么。 www.bing.com 4. QUARITCH pushes the knife down inexorably, until Jake is pinned against a rock, the blade now inches from his throat. 夸里奇无情地将刀向下压去,直到杰克被钉在一块岩石上动弹不得。现在利刃离杰克的喉咙仅有一寸之遥。 www.bing.com 5. Sadly, every bomb attack pushes such a settlement, and even solutions to pettier bilateral squabbles, further into the future. 可悲的是,每一次的炸弹攻击都将这份解决办法以及甚至更小的双边争论的解决进一步推迟到将来。 www.ecocn.org 6. an auxiliary wheel which pushes fruits into the fruit entering side is arranged at the upper part of the second juicing wheel. 一供拨动果实进入果实进入侧的辅助轮设于第二榨汁轮的上方位置。 ip.com 7. It pushes your mind to make new connections between ideas, phrases, and thought patterns that never would have been pushed. 这能使你的思想、措辞和思维模式之间建立联系给你新的启发。 www.bing.com 8. The air is then pumped out and water pressure pushes the pile into the ooze, as shown in the second diagram. 正如第二幅图所示,之后空气被抽出,水压将油管伸进海底污泥。 www.ecocn.org 9. Brooks's arrest pushes the scandal deeper into uncomfortable territory for a host of elites in British politics and media. 对于许多英国政界和媒体精英来说,布鲁克斯被捕将窃听丑闻进一步推向了令人尴尬的境地。 cn.wsj.com 10. The hydraulic pressure system pushes down the material all together to produce brick of standard, air brick and street brick. 通过液压系统,将原料压合在一起,形成在建筑中使用的标准砖、空心砖和马路砖。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. Mr. McGuire has confidence in his argument, however, because he believes inflation will return, which typically pushes gold prices higher. 但麦奎尔对自己的观点很有把握,因为他相信通货膨胀将会再现,而通胀一般会推高黄金价格。 chinese.wsj.com 2. The Double Bubble sports a wide, downward-sloping nose which airflow pushes up, so its tail wings can be much smaller. “双泡沫”机头部宽大、向下倾斜,导致气流上升获得升力,所以它的尾翼可以更小。 www.ecocn.org 3. As another free action, it uses its tail to slap the rogue, who was trying to sneak up behind it, and pushes her back 10 feet. 他又用另外一个自由动作一尾巴把试图潜行到他身后的贼打飞出了10尺远。 ellesime.anetcity.com 4. The HiPerStrut front suspension keeps torque-steer down and pushes the load back to maintain cornering grip in both wet and dry conditions. 前悬架的HiPerStrut保持扭矩转向下跌,并推动负载回到保持过弯的抓地力在干湿条件。 usa.315che.com 5. Alas, the underlying sexism of Bad Teacher, which stars Diaz in all her full-throttle leggy glory, pushes the trend into its autumn. 唉,坏老师,在她所有的星星全油门徒长荣耀迪亚兹,其潜在的性别歧视推入秋天的趋势。 www.englishtang.com 6. Computes the bitwise AND of two values and pushes the result onto the evaluation stack. 计算两个值的按位“与”并将结果推送到计算堆栈上。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Instruction pushes the address of a field located in an object onto the stack. 指令将位于对象中的字段的地址推送到堆栈上。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Haywire pushes the door open and immediately the alarm sounds. Haywire推开门,警报声立即响起。 www.bing.com 9. In doing so, it pushes the belligerent regime in Pyongyang into a corner. 这么做将把敌对的朝鲜政府推向绝路。 www.ecocn.org 10. As the Pacific plate pushes under the North American plate, Juneau and its hilly Tongass National Forest environs rise still more. 随着太平洋板块对北美板块的推挤,朱诺及其多山的通加斯国家森林将抬升的更高。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Second, it pushes down the choice between Participant pattern and metadata-driven approach to the derived aspect. 其次,它为派生的方面提供了Participant模式与元数据驱动的方法的选择。 www-128.ibm.com 2. I mean literally that she pushes the search for perfection too far that her merits are in themselves overstrained. 我的确切意思是,她对完美的要求提得太高,这么一来,她就过分渲染了她自己的优点。 www.tdict.com 3. Socially collates significant events across your social networks and pushes them as notifications to your phone desktop. 社会在你的社交网络整理重大活动和推动他们为你的手机桌面通知。 www.opda.net.cn 4. The find pushes back the age of the most ancient discovered remnants of the Earth's crust by 300 million years. 这一发现将地壳最古老残留物的年代又向前推了3亿年。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. A woman pushes a cart with a monthly supply of donated food aid at Coronation Park in Krugersdorp, March 6, 2010. 一个女人与一推在加冕公园捐赠食品克鲁格斯多普,2010年3月6日援助每月供应一车。 08062788.blog.163.com 6. In the harmonious atmosphere delicately created by the author, it continually pushes the novel into displaying its internal off-balance. 在作者精心结构的和谐气氛中,她不断推动小说显现出内在的不平衡。 www.lw23.com 7. Similarly, staff mobility pushes the team creativity, and again team creativity has great contribution to business performance appraisal. 产业集群环境下,员工流动对团队创造力有正向作用,而团队创造力对企业绩效有正向作用。 paper.pet2008.cn 8. The Blood Legion pushes to the front line in any combat. 鲜血军团在每次战斗都推进前线。 gw2cn.com 9. Last ball is still the heating power instigates , adds the chart rope straight biography, Yinzaji pushes shoots forces a door open. 最后一球依然是卡卡策动,加图索直传,因扎吉推射破门。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Mrs Clinton pushes carrot sticks towards him as he sits down. 柯林顿太太把萝菠条推到他面前。 runescape106.blog.163.com 1. You take the blanket and cover him. You put the blanket over him. Says "Go" and assistant pushes up from ground, and claps to make him drop. 你拿毯子盖住他。你用毯子盖住他,你只要一说“开始”,助手就会撑地而起从而达到浮空的效果。 www.kekenet.com 2. Repression is never a solution: it only pushes those who are among the most vulnerable away into more remote and dangerous areas. 镇压从不是一个结局方式:它只会把那些最脆弱的人推向更远、更危险的境地。 www.bing.com 3. This listing illustrates an internal iterator (also known as a push iterator because it pushes each element in turn to the code block). 该清单展示了内部迭代器(也称为push迭代器,因为它将每个元素依次推到代码块中)。 www.ibm.com 4. Michael quickly pushes the toilet back to the wall as his cell door opens and Haywire returns. Michael快速地将马桶推回原位,牢房门开了,Haywire回来了。 www.bing.com 5. When a beat pushes the blood out, the clot can go right to the brain. 当心跳将血液泵出时,有可能直接把凝块送入大脑。 woshao.com 6. The combustion process pushes the piston down the cylinder with great force turning the crankshaft to provide the power to drive the car. 燃烧过程产生巨大的力将活塞推向汽缸底部,迫使曲轴转动,给汽车行驶提供动力。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. The experimental result also shows the transition phenomenon that the flame surface pushes the spread to the whole-space combustion. 存在着由火焰面推进传播向空间整体燃烧过渡的现象。 www.juyy.net 8. Baroin's remarks come as the United States pushes for stronger international action against Tripoli. 巴胡恩的言论来自于美国对的黎波里日益猛烈的国际行动。 bbs.koolearn.com 9. Economic setbacks can then be a "precipitating factor" that pushes them over the edge. 经济上的挫折时一个“诱发原因”,把这些问题都推到了边缘。 www.bing.com 10. How the Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) instruction pushes operand onto the stack. Microsoft中间语言(MSIL)指令将操作数推到堆栈上的方式。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. He pushes me out of the water and examines my eyes. 他把我从喷头下推开,然后端详着我的眼睛。 www.bing.com 2. The "Blue Dog Democrats" , a congressional group that pushes for budget discipline, now has 44 members and a powerful voice. 在国会中,有一个叫“蓝狗民主党人”的组织迫切要求坚持预算纪律,现在该组织有44名成员,发出了强有力的声音。 www.showxiu.com 3. During this stage, the gas seeks the path of least resistance as it pushes through the polymer. 在这个时期,气体寻求阻力最小的路径,因为它将通过聚合物。 wenwen.soso.com 4. The concerns come as China pushes ahead with its offensive to keep open foreign markets. 在外商产生这种担忧之际,中国正在大力敦促其他国家保持市场开放。 www.bing.com 5. A blonde pushes her BMW into a gas station. She tells the mechanic it died. 一个金发女推着她的BMW到加油站,对机修工说她的车子死火了。 blog.doule.net 6. In the federal building, Agent Self flashes a badge as he pushes his way past the desk of Oren's secretary. 在联邦大厦里,特工赛尔夫向欧伦的秘书亮了一下徽章就冲进了他的办公室。 www.bing.com 7. Computes the bitwise complement of the integer value on top of the stack and pushes the result onto the evaluation stack as the same type. 计算堆栈顶部整数值的按位求补并将结果作为相同的类型推送到计算堆栈上。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. The Facebook application is capable, but other than a single newfeed view it pushes you to the mobile Facebook web pages. FaceBook倒是能用,但是仅仅能进入手机facebook页面。 www.bing.com 9. But our tabs can grow in height, which pushes the background behind them lower, shifting the background color we tried to match. 但是我们的标签会在高度上增长,尝试通过移动背景颜色,背景图像就会相对变矮。 archive.cnblogs.com 10. The application server makes basic content decisions and pushes data to the handheld device without waiting for the client s request. 应用程序服务器作出基本内容判定,并且在不等待客户机请求的情况下将数据推到手持设备。 www.ibm.com 1. The US economy has begun to deflate for the first time in more than half a century as a slump in demand pushes energy and food costs lower. 当需求下滑推动能源和食品价格走低,美国经济已开始半个多世纪来的首度紧缩。 www.bing.com 2. He pushes the team higher up the pitch, he's a great athlete, can score any goal and he knows how to hit the net. 在球场上他能提高整支球队。他是个伟大的运动员,可以踢进任何进球,而且他懂得如何破门得分。 bbs.fiorentina.com.cn 3. If it pushes its agenda of openness too hard, it could alienate users. 如果它开放的步伐太快,就会被用户疏远。 www.ecocn.org 4. Its discovery pushes back the date of when flowering plants diversified to around 127 million years ago, during the early Cretaceous period. 这项发现将开花植物开始多样化的时间推到了大约一亿两千七百万年前,那时正是白垩纪的早期。 www.bing.com 5. If you come across as a know-it-all (even if you really do know it all! ), it really pushes people away. 如果你被认为是一个“百事通”(即使你真的无所不晓),那会使人们疏远你。 www.bing.com 6. Temporarily pushes your current changes onto a stack and returns your current checkout to a virgin state. 临时将当前更改推入堆栈,并将当前签出返回到原始状态。 www.ibm.com 7. A man digs out his car after a snow plow pushes snow up against it after 17 inches of snow fell in Minneapolis, December 12, 2010. 一个人挖掘出来后,他的车推雪犁积雪反对,17英寸的雪后在明尼阿波利斯,二零一零年十二月十二日下跌。 08062788.blog.163.com 8. A flight to safety from European markets brings investors back to US bonds and pushes US interest rates lower. 随着投资者撤出欧洲市场寻求避险,他们将把资金重新投向美国国债,并推低了美国利率水平。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Or, in other words, it watches for the keywords you enter and pushes stories to you that match those keywords. 换句话说,它可以跟踪你所输入的关键词,并为你呈现包含这些关键词的文章。 blog.163.com 10. While this is good for manufacturers' margins it pushes up consumer prices, which is a headache for the Bank of England. 这利好制造商的盈利,但却推高消费者物价–这是英国央行头疼的一个问题。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Eventually it'll be torn apart as an expanding sun pushes the moon back toward Earth for a wrenching close encounter. 最终,虽然膨胀的太阳会将把月球一点点推回地球,可是月球最终会爆炸收场。 www.suiniyi.com 2. Jack pushes her head back again, but this time instead of blows to her head, it's a series of hammering blows to her tits. 杰克再次向后推她的头。但是这次没有打安娜的头,他的一通拳头打在了安娜的乳房上。 www.xici.net 3. In this flavor, the server pushes data back to the client, but does not close the connection. 按照这种风格,服务器将数据推回客户机,但是不关闭连接。 www.ibm.com 4. Instruction pushes the value of a field located in an object onto the stack. 指令将位于对象中的字段的值推送到堆栈上。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. he usually pushes it under one of the windscreen wipers so that it will not blow away. 他通常将其推放到其中一个挡风玻璃的刮水器,以便它不会被风吹跑。 wenwen.soso.com 6. Recent pushes for "green" technology focus mostly on talk, with little action for the typical home- or small-office environment. “绿色”技术最近的动向主要集中在口头上,而很少对典型的家庭办公环境或小型办公环境采取行动。 www.ibm.com 7. To this end, it pushes foreign carmakers, among others, into unhappy partnerships with Chinese state-owned firms. 到那时,他们就会结束外资汽车制造商和其他外资企业与中国国企愉快的合作关系。 dongxi.net 8. That is bad for consumers, of course, in so far as it pushes up the price of oil. 当然,迄今为止石油价格高涨,这对于消费者而言无疑是个坏消息。 www.ecocn.org 9. Every time pushes a door, every time has feel blow on the face relaxedly and come, and this one relaxed perhaps yourself belt comes home. 每一次推开房门,每一次都有清爽的感觉扑面而来,而这一份清爽也许就是你自己带回家的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. He "pushes" at the technology, and "pulls" at what consumers might want, then merges the two points of view. 他一面在技术上“精益求精”,一面“冥思苦想”消费者可能喜欢什么,然后将两方面的想法融合到一起。 www.ftchinese.com 1. A senior diplomat argues, for instance, that "rhetoric which excludes Russia pushes it in the wrong direction" . 例如,一位资深的外交官员认为,“排斥俄罗斯的言论会使得俄罗斯走上错误的方向”。 blog.ecocn.org 2. A really bad day pushes you to the nearest doughnut or ice-cream store. 糟糕透顶的一天会把你带到附近的油炸圈饼或冰淇淋店; bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 3. The ear reacts by making pus, a thick liquid that fights bacteria. As the pus builds up it pushes on the eardrum, causing pain. 耳朵对此的反应就是化脓,既一种浓浓的抵抗细菌的液体,当脓水产生并推向耳膜,引起疼痛。 bbs.putclub.com 4. and because the current is pushing on them and the bars are kinda slanted, it pushes 'em down towards this opening here in the bottom. 因为水流在推动它们而且栅栏有点儿倾斜,所以会把它们推向底部的这个开口。 www.yappr.cn 5. Pushes a typed reference to an instance of a specific type onto the evaluation stack. 将对特定类型实例的类型化引用推送到计算堆栈上。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Git includes support for HTTP pulls (and WebDAV pushes), but the implementation assumes that the server knows nothing about Git. Git包含支持HTTP方式的拉取(和WebDAV方式的推送),但这是基于假定服务器完全不了解Git的情况的实现。 www.bing.com 7. Being away from your comfort zone really pushes a person to think independently. 离开自己适应的生活的确会促使一个人独立地思考。 www.ebigear.com 8. Japanese-style deflation, where reducing prices put long-lasting downward pressure on profits, also pushes down multiples. 日本式的通缩也会推低市盈率——在这种通缩状况下,不断下降的物价对利润构成长久下行压力。 www.ftchinese.com 9. The economy pushes companies into consolidation mode, as consolidation means more leverage with vendors and easier hiring. 经济状况把公司推入整合模式,因为整合意味着对供应商有更多影响并更容易请人。 www.bing.com 10. The inflationary threat from this, as well as the risk capital it provides, pushes money toward commodities. 由此带来的通胀威胁,以及所提供的风险资本让资金流向了大宗商品。 www.bing.com 1. "Impossible thinking" and "may be thinking, " like magic spells, pushes you forward or backward. “不可能思维”和“可能思维”就像魔咒,推着你前进或后退。 www.aixxs.cn 2. The ferry engine hums steadily in the background and the hull pushes aside the water with a gentle sound. 渡船的发动机像背景乐一样有规则的哼鸣着,船的外壳温柔地将海水拍打向两侧。 www.freehead.com 3. Perhaps the Icarus could serve as the beam generator which pushes its planetary explorer probes into place. 也许在伊卡洛斯计划中,光束产生器就可以用于推进它的行星探测器进行太空飞行。 www.bing.com 4. Praise pushes people's buttons, elevating peer pressure to feel important. 表扬会招来人们的愤怒,提高了人们要感到(自身)重要的同行压力。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 5. An increase in the supply of a good usually pushes that good's price down, not up. 任何一中商品供应量的增加会推动价格下降而不是上升。 www.bing.com 6. As Chinese consumption pushes up global food costs, experts are optimistic that the impact will be mitigated by increased supply. 中国的消费量推升全球粮食价格,但专家乐观认为供应增加将会减轻相关冲击。 cn.reuters.com 7. One of the leading explanations for its origin is that empty space contains some intrinsic energy that pushes the universe outward. 其起源的主要解释之一是空的空间含有一些固有的能量向外推动宇宙。 www.bing.com 8. If China pushes U. S. food prices higher, tensions between the two countries may escalate. 如果中国推动美国粮食价格上涨的话,两国的关系肯定会趋于紧张。 www.bing.com 9. To go forward, he pushes down slightly on the handlebars, angling the nozzles to a maximum of 45 degrees. 想要向前飞行,只需将手把向下轻推,将喷口倾斜,最大角度为45度。 www.bing.com 10. She pushes away his physical affection. She may reject him sexually She doesn't allow him to touch her or be dose. 她推拒了他的肉体之爱,拒绝他的性要求,不允许他碰她或亲近她。 gaoqiaoling.blog.163.com 1. Good oversight sets agencies' strategic priorities and pushes them to improve by asking tough questions and demanding better answers. 好的监管不仅可以给情报机构带来战略上的领先地位,而且可以通过严格的质询,推动其不断改进。 www.bing.com 2. If he pushes me too far, sooner or later, I will barge him arround like a bull in a china shop. 如果他逼人太甚,我迟早会肆意顶撞他的。 www.hjenglish.com 3. Rather than do their own research, money pours into the market and pushes up certain stocks beyond reasonable expectations. 他们不会自己调查研究,而只是不停的把钱投入股市而把某些股票炒的高于它应有的价位。 www.singlering.cn 4. China selects athletes at young ages and pushes them into sports in which their expected body types might thrive. 中国在运动员很小的时候就开始选拔,并按照他们的身体条件选择适当的项目来练习。 www.bing.com 5. Exports can help spread costs, but different countries demand different specifications, which pushes costs back up. 出口可以帮助摊低成本,不过各个国家需求的规格不同,反过来又推高了成本。 www.ecocn.org 6. An electric field pushes a flame away from a burner in a recent Harvard experiment. 在哈佛的一项近期实验中,一个电场把火焰从燃烧器上推开。 www.bing.com 7. Passes the hoisting jack to use the portal frame construction, reduces pushes slides the strength and increases moves a strength. 推移千斤顶采用框架结构,以减少推溜力和增大移架力。 www.cncad.net 8. slides open with an enormous CLANG. A stark room waits beyond. CAMERA PUSHES through. 随着一声巨响铁门打开,远端是一间屋子,镜头推近。 tieba.baidu.com 9. It becomes a problem only when the practical advantage steals the scene and pushes freedom into the background. 但一旦人们忽视了自由,而只强调实用性的时候,问题就出现了。 www.bing.com 10. I enjoy the challenge because it pushes you to improve every season to try and surprise the opposition, to seek out new things. 我喜欢挑战因为这会推动你每个赛季都要提高,考验对手,让他们感到出其不意,寻求新意。 blog.club.sohu.com |
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