单词 | r/3 |
释义 | r/3例句释义: 全部 1. At the Geneva auto show in March, we finally got to see, in concept form, BMW's answer to the R-class. 在日内瓦车展3月,我们终于看到,在概念,形式,宝马的答案R级。 usa.315che.com 2. Equivalently, the determinant of the second fundamental form of a surface in R 3 can be so expressed. 等价地,嵌入在R3中的曲面的第二基本形式的行列式也可以这样表达。 instapedia.com 3. Mechanical or relevant bachelor or above r. At least 3-year working experience on this line. 机械或相关专业本科或以上本专业工作3年以上工作经验。 www.job-998.com 4. Total 2009 R& D spending by the companies surveyed declined 3. 5% from a year earlier to $503 billion. 受调查公司2009年研发支出总额为5,030亿美元,较一年前下降3. chinese.wsj.com 5. At the end, R Nattaphon, a talented rock singer from the northeast, was voted "The Star 3 Champion" from the fans all over the country. 最后是由RNattaphon(一个从东北部来的有才华的摇滚歌手)成为由全国歌迷选出来的TheStar3冠军。 tieba.baidu.com 6. The triple R hike led to another round of fluctuations in commodities prices. 3个R的提高导致另一轮的商品价格波动。 www.hxen.com 7. Two days later rival Merck (MRK) went the other way, saying it would maintain existing R&D levels. Its shares fell by nearly 3%. 两天之后,默沙东公司(Merck)反其道而行之,宣布将继续保持先前的研发投入水平,不过其股价随后却应声下跌将近3%。 www.fortunechina.com 8. Logistics Center is responsible for extracting the key raw materials, bulk samples and sent samples to test R & D center. 3物流中心负责提取大宗关键原材料的样本,并送样到研发中心检验。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. Upgrades to the RID were part of a R 23. 6 million (~$3 million) investment in the inner city, which included the Oppenheimer Park redesign. 这个地区的盖在升级是中心城区2360~3000万投资改造项目的一部分,当然也包括了对Oppenheimer公园的重新设计。 www.bing.com 10. Bachelor Degree with more than 3 years experience in production, major in electronics engineer or R&D working experience is preferred. 本科以上学历,电子相关专业,3年以上工厂生产制造经验,具备研发经验优先考虑。 www.gao8dou.com 1. Demographically, he added that the R-rated Conan appealed primarily to older males and 60% of the gross came from 3-D ticket sales. 他说,从观众分布比例来看,被评为R级的《野蛮人柯南》吸引的主要是年纪较大的男性观众,并且60%的票房来自3D放映。 cn.wsj.com 2. He estimates that the actual R& D growth rate figure for the U. S. corporate sector in 2011 will be closer to 3. 3%. 他估计2011年美国企业实际研发支出增长率将接近3. chinese.wsj.com 3. Second, since the radius vectors r to the extreme points of the ellipse satisfy(5. 3-12)they are parallel to the two allowed D vectors. 其次,因为到椭圆极值点的径向矢量r满足式(5.3-12),故这两个径向矢量与两个允许的D矢量平行。 4. The performance evaluation programs for the 3 types of software R&D staff are redesigned in detail in Section V. 第五部分是W公司三类软件研发人员的绩效考核方案设计; www.zidir.com 5. Before your first day , find out if your new job has a(3)r about what you can wear to work . 在第一天上班之前,要搞清楚你的公司是否有着装规范。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Some 200 of the Brazil-based employees are to work in a new R& D centre, one of 15 worldwide, with a total headcount of 30, 000. 将有大约2000名驻巴西的员工在新建的研发中心工作,中兴通讯在全球共设有15个研发中心,总人数达到3万人。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Recycle economy is a feedback flow guided by ecology with the discipline of 3-R (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle). 循环经济是应用生态学指导的反馈式物质流程,其原则是减量化、再利用、再循环。 www.dictall.com 8. Historically, R&D spending has fluctuated with income, but more strongly: when growth declines by 2%, R&D spending drops by 3%. 从历史上看,研发支出随着收入而波动,但是更为强烈:增长下降2%,研发开支下降3%。 www.ecocn.org 9. and the root part of the metal insert (2) and the fiber-enhanced PP-R injection body (3) adopt a injection molding structure. 金属嵌件(2)的根部与纤维增强PP-R注塑体(3)为注塑成型的结构; ip.com 10. The Gaussian curvature of an embedded smooth surface in R 3 is invariant under the local isometries. 嵌入到R3的光滑曲面的高斯曲率在局域等度下不变。 instapedia.com 1. Figure 3 shows the cube's first five vertices, laid out flat and including color information in (R, G, B) format. 图3以平面布局展示了立方体的前五个顶点,还包括(R,G,B)格式的颜色信息。 www.ibm.com 2. Microsoft has R&D staff in nine offices in the Asia-Pacific region, including Beijing and Bangkok, with 3, 000 technologists. 微软在亚太地区包括北京和曼谷在内的九个办事处均配有研发人员,科技员工总数达3,000人。 cn.wsj.com 3. After leaving office in March 1909, T. R. embarked on a yearlong African safari and notched 296 kills. 1909年3月后离开办公室,开始了为期一年的入门非洲Safari和缺口296杀死。 www.englishtang.com 4. 3 years above working experience, and be required for 2 years above Hardware R&D Engineer experience of Electronic Communication Equipments. 3年以上工作经验,其间需具备通信产品硬件研发设计经验2年以上。 www.jobui.com 5. over 3 years work experience in developing, training and building a R & D team. 3年以上研发团队开发、培养、建设工作经验。 www.lietou.com 6. We investigate invariants of the intersection of submanifolds of R^3. 本文研究了R^3中相交子流形的不变量。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. Methods Cognitive function was tested in 101 cerebral infarction cases with HDS-R at the phase of 3 weeks and 6 moths of post-stroke. 方法101例脑梗死患者在急性期(3周)和康复期(6个月)应用改良的HDS-R量表做认知测评。 www.govyi.com 8. In addition, we have: 3 Bases: sling technology R&D base, sling manufacture base and sling inspection base. 在总部建立了:索具技术研发索具生产制造索具检测实验三大基地; www.chaolong.com.cn 9. With 2-3 years product test experience, experience for working for R& D group is preferred. 具有2~3年的产品测试经验,如有在研发部工作经验优先。 job.01hr.com 10. Sri Lankan Muslim boy (R) performs during a Muslim religious festival the instant a bomb exploded in Akuressa March 10, 2009. 斯里兰卡穆斯林男孩(R)的执行过程中发生爆炸的穆斯林宗教节日的即时炸弹埃克若莎2009年3月10日。 www.bugutang.com 1. certificate of origin issued by chamber of commerce of P. R China in 1 original and 3 copies. 由中华人民共和国商务部颁发的原产地证书,1份正本,3份副本。 money.zhishi.sohu.com 2. I have decomposed my vector r into three independent vectors. 这就把r分解为了,3个独立的矢量。 open.163.com 3. When I was a young child in school, I had to learn the 3 R's. These important skills are reading, writing and arithmetic. 当我还在上学的时候,我必须学习三个“R”,这三个重要技能是阅读,写作和算术。 voa.hjenglish.com 4. R& D service provider market in China is estimated to be at USD 1. 3 billion USD and growing at a rate of 46. 6%. 中国研发(R&;D)服务提供商市场,估计总值为13亿美元,并以46.6%的速度增长。 www.bing.com 5. Its share of the world's total R&D expenditure grew to 12. 3% in 2010 from 5. 0% in 2002, placing it second only to the U. S. 中国的研发支出占全球研发总支出的比例也从2002年的5.0%上升至2010年的12.3%,仅仅排在美国的后面。 www.okread.net 6. Present Yanhua Chemical Division R & D staff has developed a performance more superior YSBH-3, YSBH-4 catalyst. 目前燕化化工部的研发人员已经开发出性能更优的YSBH-3,YSBH-4催化剂。 www.qiyeku.com 7. Total global spending on R& D in the coming year is forecast to rise 3. 6% to nearly $1. 2 trillion, according to the Battelle report. 据巴特尔报告说,明年全球总体研发支出预计增长3.6%,至近1.2万亿美元。 chinese.wsj.com 8. R: No, I don't think so . You try it . My secret number is 0315. I was born on March 15. 里奇蒙:不会的,我认为绝对不会的。您试一试,我的密码是0315,我是3月15日出生的。 www.bing.com 9. Siemens has 12 per cent of its 30, 000 R& D workers in Asia, up from 7 per cent five years ago. 在西门子的3万名研发员工中,有12%在亚洲,高于5年前的7%。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Wurtman, R. J. " Presynaptic Control of Release of Amine Neurotransmitters by Precursor Levels. " NIPS 3 (1988): 158-163. 《神经资讯处理系统》3,(1988):158-163,〈由先驱物浓度所控制的突触前部胺神经传递质之释放。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. R es ults Recurrent pterygium recurred in 2 eyes after 3 months. 结果复发性翼状胬肉2眼3月后复发; dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Ren H, Yang Z Q, Chi R A. Mechanism of diphosphonic acid collecting ilmenorutile [J]. Nonferrous Metals 1998, 50(3): 55. 任(白皋),杨则器,池汝安。双膦酸捕收铌铁金红石机理研究[J]。有色金属,1998,8(3):55。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Koreans spend some 3. 5% of their GDP on R&D, compared with 1. 5% in China and less than 1% in Malaysia and India. 韩国人花费约350其研发生产总值%,相比之下,中国和1.5%,低于1%,在马来西亚和印度。 www.englishtang.com 4. In our case, the tumor size was about 6*3 cm located over R't periauricular region. 在我们的病例中,肿瘤大小约6*3公分,位于右边耳朵邻近的位置。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. Most of the new entries are under the letter 'R' - and revising and adding words starting with this letter alone has taken three years. 这一次新增的大多数条目都由字母“R”开头,光是增加与订正这个字母下的词语就花费了3年的时间。 dongxi.net 6. In 2007 Japan spent 3. 4% of its GDP on R&D, America 2. 7%, the European Union (EU) collectively 1. 8% and China 1. 4% (see chart 1). 2007年,日本在科研方面的投入达到其国内生产总值(GDP)的3.4%,美国是2.7%,欧盟总体是1.8%,中国是1.4%(见表1)。 www.bing.com 7. For example, the R&D funding for 2009 that was allocated through the 11th 5-year plan was 543. 3 billion yuan ($80 billion). 例如,2009年研发经费(将贯穿整个“十一五”规划)达5433亿元(合800亿美元)。 www.bing.com 8. In 1929, three years after his flight over the North Pole, the American explorer, R. E. Byrd, 美国探险家R.E.伯德在飞越北极3年之后, blog.hjenglish.com 9. 3 years working experiences in related field, preferably in Logistics, R&D, parts planning, purchasing; 3年或以上相关领域工作经验,有物流,研发,零件计划,采购经验者更佳; www.jobui.com 10. 3 years Optical designing experience, and experience in Projector R&D work is a plus; 3年以上光学设计经验,有投影仪研发生产工作经验; search.hr33.com 1. above 3 years work experience in plastic plant or r & d center of petrochemical plant 3年以上的塑料加工企业或石化企业研发中心的工作经验。 www.ichacha.net 2. Bolt-Lock, Shear, Protruding Head, Standard and Oversize, Pull-Type, Titanium Alloy (Rev. 3) R(1989) 螺栓锁,剪切,伸出头部,标准和特大型,拉式,钛合金(启示录3)住宅(1989年) blog.sina.com.cn 3. Bolt-Lock, Tension, Protruding Head, Stump-Type, Titanium Alloy (Rev. 3) R(1994) 螺栓锁,紧张,伸出头部,残端型,钛合金(启示录3)住宅(1994年) blog.sina.com.cn 4. ([r-][w-][x-])3 -- permissions (Use . to match the first character, because it can be any of several different special characters. ) ([r-][w-][x-]){3}—权限(使用.匹配第一个字符,因为它可能是几个不同的特殊字符中的任何一个。) www.ibm.com 5. Bolt-Lock, Shear, 100 Degree Head, Standard and Oversize, Pull-Type, Titanium Alloy (Rev. 3) R(1989) 螺栓锁,剪切,100度的头,标准和特大型,拉式,钛合金(启示录3)住宅(1989年) blog.sina.com.cn 6. 3 years management experience for more than 20 people's R & D team; 3年以上研发部门20人以上团队的管理运营经验; www.gdrc.com 7. Brent crude's premium to U. S. crude rose to $3. 40 a barrel, the highest level since February 布兰特较美国原油期货的价差于7月初进入升水区域CL-LCO1=R,昨日触及3.40美元,为2月以来最高。 cn.reuters.com 8. Fig. 3 Schematic of r ain sensor 图3雨量传感器原理图 wenku.baidu.com 9. Fall record: 6-3 (Tokyo R-Up, Beijing 3r, Moscow QFs) 今年秋季赛季战绩为6胜3负(东京公开赛亚军,中网第三轮,莫斯科八强) www.bing.com 10. It requires little extra work in R to produce quite stunning perspectival topographic maps of 3-D data. For example 在R中,要生成三维数据的极好的透视地形图(topographicmaps),需要稍微多做一些工作。 www.ibm.com |
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