单词 | reality-tv |
释义 |
例句释义: 社会写实电视节目,真人秀,实境电视节目,真实电视 1. Arguably, reality TV's abundant program elements, novel characteristics and high ratings in the western world make it a promising future. 毫无疑问,真人秀节目丰富的节目元素、新颖的节目特征以及在西方坚挺的收视表现,昭示了其良好的发展潜质。 www.1stenglish.com 2. At the time of her brief imprisonment, the reality TV star was five months pregnant with her first child. 她被判入狱之时,这位真人电视节目秀明星已经怀有五个月的身孕,这是她第一次怀孕。 www.bing.com 3. Having lots of young people who do not know each other trapped in a confined space is a perfect reality-TV format. 让一大群互相陌生的年轻人挤在逼仄的空间里,却是真人秀节目的完美题材。 www.ecocn.org 4. Sadly, it's far too late to stop the reality TV beast, but I'd like to see much better accountability and responsibility. 可悲的是,阻止真人秀这头猛兽已经太迟了,但是我希望看到更多的责任和义务。 www.bing.com 5. In an age of instant celebrity and reality-TV stars, it's easy to forget the great actors and talents of the past. 在满是名流和电视明星的时代,很容易忘记过去的优秀演员和人才。 www.bing.com 6. What I would give to rid us ALL of ANY "reality" TV. . . I'm still trying to figure out how these idiots get paid. . . 把我们这儿的“真人秀”节目全部取消怎么样…我一直搞不明白那些傻瓜用什么渠道挣钱… www.ltaaa.com 7. The moment was captured by the behind-the-scenes cameras, offering a reality TV moment uncomfortably close to Afghanistan's reality. 这一场景被幕后摄像机拍摄到,展现了真人秀与阿富汗现实之间的相似,令人感到不适。 www.elanso.com 8. The National Basketball Association is launching its latest reality TV show, but fans will have to understand Mandarin Chinese to watch it. NBA也即将出炉最新电视真人秀节目,不过这是一档中文节目。 cn.reuters.com 9. There you are: a perfectly reasoned argument for never ever watching reality TV (as if you needed one! ). 给你:一个完美充分的论据,从不观看电视真人秀(如果你需要一个的话)。 www.bing.com 10. That reality TV of any kind is capable of losing its grip on popular tastes will be good news for westerners who loathe the genre . 任何一类真人秀节目都能失去其对大众趣味的掌控,对于那些厌恶这一类型的西方人而言,这是个好消息。 www.bing.com 1. It combats the ridiculous frothiness of reality TV and the consumerism that has sort of become our national religion. 它打击了荒唐无聊的真人秀节目的泡沫,也冲击着已经有点儿成为我们全民信仰的消费主义思想。 www.bing.com 2. One of the best showcases for narcissists at the moment is reality TV. 目前最适合自恋者表现的场合之一是电视真人秀。 www.bing.com 3. Ms. Fisher has certainly emerged as the star of a reality TV soap opera far more gripping than any part she was offered in Hollywood. 费舍尔显然成了一出真人肥皂剧的明星,比她在好莱坞获得的任何角色都更加吸引眼球。 c.wsj.com 4. With the victory of a Colorado native on America's Next Top Model Wednesday night, we thought we'd take a look at Colorado's reality TV. 随着对美国超模周三晚上本土科罗拉多州的胜利,我们认为我们会采取在科罗拉多州的现实,看电视。 wenwen.soso.com 5. In a new report from Us, a source says that, as of Thursday, the singer and reality TV star is now engaged to her new love Eric Johnson. 从我们在新的报告,有消息称,截至周四,歌手和现实电视明星现从事她的新爱埃里克约翰逊。 www.citynoon.com 6. "The Donald" is now as famous for the business reality TV programme The Apprentice as for his property empire. 目前,“唐纳德”(TheDonald)的商业真人秀节目《学徒》(TheApprentice)与他的地产王国一样出名。 www.ftchinese.com 7. So many television stations had to take this Reality TV as a "king card" for winning among the TV program competition. 各家电视媒体不得不在新一轮节目竞争中使出选秀真人秀这块王牌节目样式来增强媒体的竞争力。 www.fabiao.net 8. In this day and age of reality TV and mind-numbing late-night "talk" shows, everything seems scripted and pre-programmed. 在这个充斥着真人秀和麻木的深夜访谈秀的时代,似乎一切都是照本宣科,提前编译好的。 dongxi.net 9. At least, that's the basis of the popular reality TV show called Trading Spaces. 至少,这是一个叫做“交换空间”流行的真人秀电视节目的看法。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. "Twitter - the reality TV of the blogosphere, " comments LoveHouseRadio back in Richmond, Virginia. 回到美国:“Twitter——博客世界的真人秀,”弗吉尼亚州里士满的LoveHouseRadio评论道。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Such a waste of time. . . along with ALL the other reality TV shows. 看她简直就是浪费时间…还有所有其他的真人秀电视节目。 www.ltaaa.com 2. Which brings me to that other reality-TV star and author, the big Mama Grizzly herself. 这也让我看到了另外面—她自己本身也是一个电视明星和作家,一个“熊妈妈”。 www.bing.com 3. Reality TV World: You said in your final words you were shocked to be eliminated, so can you elaborate more on why? 记者:你在最后的淘汰感言里提到自己对被淘汰感到很震惊,你可以详细的说一下为什么吗? tieba.baidu.com 4. A humorous scenario with witty dialogue delivers the best of music reality TV situations. 幽默情景以机智的对话交付最佳音乐现实电视情况。 www.ttxyy.com 5. If oil-industry executives were stars on reality TV, right now they would be making the jump from 'Joe Millionaire' to 'Survivor. ' 如果石油业高管出演真人秀,现在他们参加的节目可能要从“乔百万”(Joe.millionaire)变成“幸存者”(Survivor)了。 www.bing.com 6. A humorous scenario with witty dialog delivers the best of music reality TV situations. 一个幽默的情景风趣的对话,提供了最好的音乐电视的现实情况。 www.wda.com.cn 7. Ass you can see this was reality TV at it's finest. 屁股,你可以看到最好的,这是现实的电视。 zh.lyricside.altervista.org 8. Watson, for years little known in Europe, has recently become a star of Discovery Channel reality TV programme Whale Wars. 沃森过去在欧洲默默无名,但是最近变成了探索频道现实电视节目“援鲸战役”里的明星。 www.bing.com 9. I've done so with ones who are charming, and I've done so with ones who love reality TV and frequently use the phrase "Don't go there. " 我已经做的很是迷人的谁,我做了谁爱与现实的电视,经常使用的短语“所以,不要去那里。” www.good2.com 10. He says he may signal his announcement in the live finale of his reality-TV show, "Celebrity Apprentice" , which airs on May 22nd. 他说在5月22号播放的自己最后一场电视真人秀--《名人学徒》中也许会宣布相关问题。 www.ecocn.org 1. So with that in mind, I was more focused on my studies and finding a job after graduation than being a reality TV dating show contestant. 正是因为这么想,所以我更专注于学习,在毕业后找一份工作,而不是把精力放在做一个电视相亲真人秀的参与者。 dongxi.net 2. Reality TV World: Right, could you talk about what the photo shoot was like behind the scenes before your runway show? 记者:对,你可以说一下走秀前你们在后台的拍摄是怎样的情况吗? tieba.baidu.com 3. Reality TV has been criticized for exploiting the voyeuristic side of human nature and for being low quality television. 电视真人秀利用了人性中的窥阴癖,电视节目质量低劣,因此受到了诟病。 www.81jr.org 4. This type of reality TV involves following someone as they go about their daily or professional lives. 这类电视真人秀就是在某人的日常生活或职场生活中进行全程跟踪。 www.81jr.org 5. The reality TV show would be focused on the hiring of the male sex workers. 而真人秀节目将会以招募男性性工作者为主题。 www.ttxyy.com 6. Catch up with five unforgettable entrepreneurs we featured this year, including rebel baker and reality-TV star Duff Goldman. 跟踪五位令人难忘的创业家,我们曾在今年对其进行特别报道,包括叛逆的面包师与电视真人秀(reality-TV)明星达夫?高曼。 www.bing.com 7. "The Office" , a British comedy that has received critical acclaim in America too, looks much like reality TV with a script. 英国喜剧“TheOffice”在美国也受到了交口称赞,也是看起来像极了有剧本的真实秀电视节目。 www.ecocn.org 8. In France, reality TV is called 'rubbish TV' 可知,真人秀在法国被称为 www.jiaoshi.org 9. The former Governor of Alaska and reality TV star SarahPalin has suggested China is preparing itself to launch a military offensive. 美国阿拉斯加州前州长及现实TV明星萨拉佩林,曾说中国准备发动军事攻击。 blog.163.com 10. His novels are full of last-minute redemptions and neat resolutions, but his life was a mess worthy of reality TV. 他的小说结尾总是生机重现,或者问题解决,干净利落,而他的生活却是一团糟,简直都可以拍成电视真人秀。 www.ebigear.com 1. That computer viruses, virtual economies, reality tv shows, and warrior bots in games are all high tech metaphors. 电脑病毒、虚拟经济、电视真人秀以及游戏中的勇士机器人程序都是高科技映像。 dongxi.net 2. You're a wanna-be singer in a reality TV show searching for the music industry's next big star. 你是一个初级阶段的歌手在一个真人秀节目中找寻音乐产业未来的大明星。 www.wda.com.cn 3. A friend said: 'Doug was just a washed-up reality TV star. 她的一位朋友说:道格不再是个引人注目的电视明星。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 4. If you focus on shopping, celebrity worship, reality-tv, gang culture & delusional nationalism you will achieve nothing. 如果你把注意力放在购物、名人崇拜、真人秀、帮会文化和虚妄的民族主义中,你只是竹篮打水一场空而已。 www.chinavalue.net 5. The reality TV star and least-attractive Kardashian is fully dedicated to the potent Lakers forward. 这位真实版的电视明星现在和湖人前锋奥多姆相处得非常愉快。 www.bing.com 6. Girls' behaviour at school is deteriorating due to the appeal of Wag lifestyles and reality TV shows, according to teachers. 据英国教师反映,由于受到“太太团”的生活方式以及电视真人秀节目的吸引,英国在校女生的行为越来越堕落了。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 7. Sex has become a minefield just too tricky to navigate as they build a career or a family or a reality-TV-show franchise. 由于她们建立了职业或家庭或电视真人秀的特权,性已经成为过于棘手的雷区。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Would I be interested in hosting a reality TV show about couples, where one partner is secretly gay? 问我;是否愿意主持关于夫妻的真人秀,伴侣中的另一半可能是位不公开的同性恋者? www.bing.com 9. He first travelled to China on a whim in 2006, and has since gone back three times to teach, travel, study, and enter reality TV shows. 2006年,他一时兴起首次来到了中国,在这之后他先后3次到中国教书、旅游、学习及参加电视真人秀。 www.bing.com 10. Reality TV is still far cheaper to make than drama. 真实秀电视依然比制作戏剧便宜的多。 www.ecocn.org 1. Reality TV competition can certainly never be wonderful as super stars' concerts. 选秀节目当然不可能像明星演唱会一样精彩。 my.chinese.cn 2. Jenkins then went to Mexico to do another reality TV show, but struggled to get Fiore back when he returned. 詹金斯前往墨西哥,做另一真人秀节目,但想让菲奥雷回到他身边。 www.tianya.cn 3. Since 2005, when 'Super Girl' lost its thunder, Reality TV shows have been dispirited in these years. 自从2005年的“超级女声”的泡沫逐渐消去,真人秀节目近年来一直“萎靡不振”。 www.fabiao.net 4. This one will show how the rich REALLY live on reality TV, she says. 她说,这档节目将展现富人是如何“真正地”在电视真人秀上生活的。 cn.wsj.com 5. That fact supplies the lifeblood for shows like CBS' reality TV series, Undercover Boss. 这一事实提供诸如哥伦比亚广播公司真人秀,卧底老板等节目的生存命脉。 www.bing.com 6. I'm in hurry to go home and watch my favorite reality TV competition program. 我赶着回家去看我最喜欢的选秀节目! my.chinese.cn 7. Let her try to suddenly write about reality TV or models or Charlie Sheen. 突然让她写些电视真人秀或模特或查理·希恩。 www.bing.com 8. Nicole, 28, is best known for winning the VH1 reality TV show Flavor of Love and I Love Money. Kiss me Shaq! 28岁的尼科尔是因其在VH1的真人秀节目“爱的味道”和“我喜爱钱”的获胜而闻名的。 dongxi.net 9. The Heene family appeared in the US version of the reality TV show Wife Swap and had been in talks about a separate series, now called off. 赫尼一家出现在美国的电视真人秀节目“交换夫妻(WifeSwap)”中,并且有单独采访环节,但现在已经被叫停了。 www.bing.com 10. If you answered "a dating program" , think again. We are actually talking about job-hunting reality TV shows. 如果你回答“相亲节目”,那再想想吧。其实我们谈论的是职场真人秀。 www.360doc.com 1. According to the approach of narrative analysis, Reality TV has a dynamic linear pattern with narrative intension. 从叙事学角度看,真人秀是一种动态的具有目的性的线性叙事模式。 www.fabiao.net 2. Her ugly-duckling narrative proved irresistible to reality-TV fans. 她丑小鸭般的故事在这现实的电视节目中被验证。 www.xkyn.net 3. Switch on the TV and you will be bombarded with reality tv programmes providing makeovers on gardens, homes and lifestyles. 扭开电视,你会炮轰提供电视节目与现实面貌就花园住宅和生活方式。 word.hcbus.com 4. Doctor, what's the danger of having reality TV influence cosmetic surgery ? 医生,让真实电视影响整形手术的危险是什么? dictsearch.appspot.com 5. One bring spot is Playboy's cable television network, which features a new reality TV show. 刚推出一个真人秀节目的花花公子有线电视网络倒是一个亮点。 c.wsj.com 6. And the deeply discussion on our Reality TV program will be a research theme. 对国内真人秀电视节目的深入探讨就成为不可回避的研究论题。 www.fabiao.net 7. The reality TV show contestant accused of killing his ex-wife and mutilating her body has been found dead. 人们发现这个被指控谋杀前妻并肢解其尸体的电视真人秀参赛者死了。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. The circus impresario's taste for spectacle paved the way for blockbuster movies and reality TV. 马戏团的口味眼镜铺平风靡一时的电视影片和现实。 www.jiluji.com 9. "Age is a huge barrier in other reality TV singing contests, " said Kapoor. 卡布说:“年龄在其它歌唱类选秀节目中是个很大的障碍。” www.chinadaily.com.cn 10. A world of Facebook, reality TV shows and endless business meetings hardly values time very highly. 在充斥着Facebook、电视真人秀和无休止的商业会议的世界中,人们并不太看重时间。 www.ebigear.com 1. You feel like to kill? now join the newest bloodiest reality TV shows-the dead zone. 你觉得自己喜欢残杀吗?现在就加入最新最血腥的现实电视节目-死亡地带。 www.bing.com 2. Q: How does it feel to be working in reality TV? 问:在真人秀节目中工作心情如何? www.ftchinese.com 3. The latest reality TV phenomenon to hit our screens is Forbidden Fruit. 最近搬上银幕的真实电视现象是《禁果》。 mysearch.100e.com 4. Who cares what happens on reality TV, when reality is slipping by outside? 当事情正在外面的真实世界溜过时谁会在意电视机里发生的事情。 www.bing.com 5. And as its title both threatens and promises, "Deadliest Catch" became the first reality TV show to document a star's death. 即危险又充满了希望,正名记录片的题目一样,《致命捕捞》成为首部记录一位明星的死亡的真人秀节目。 www.kekenet.com 6. Instead of being too real, then, Indian reality TV reinforces populist escapism. 如此说来,印度真人秀让普通人更为逃避现实,而不是显得过于现实。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Reality TV is a genre of television programming which is unscripted and documents actual events. 电视真人秀是一类没有剧本、记录实况的电视节目。 www.81jr.org 8. In real life, and especially in reality TV, we treat such displays with malicious, rubbernecking glee. 在现实生活中,特别是纪实电视剧中你可以感受到我们就是这样的路人甲之一。 www.bing.com 9. What do you get when you pluck your average boys-next-door off the street, put them on a reality TV show and teach them to dance? 当人们把再普通不过的邻家大男孩们从大街上搬到电视真人秀节目中,并教他们跳舞,你会做何反应?这就是《美国风暴》所做的。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 10. Reality TV World: You came across on the show as having a lot of modeling experience prior to Top Model. 记者:你好像是有史以来最有模特经验的一个大码模特。 page.renren.com 1. Former reality TV star Paris Hilton was among Knut's many famous fans. 前真人秀节目明星帕丽斯·希尔顿也是克努特的众多明星粉丝之一。 www.examda.com 2. Its prime-time schedule is packed with reality TV and soap operas. 他的黄金时间节目表中充满了纪实节目和肥皂剧。 www.bing.com 3. Now comes news that Petra's big sister, Tamara, is getting her own reality TV show. 现在,佩特拉的姐姐塔玛拉又爆出新闻:她正在搞自己的电视真人秀节目。 chinese.wsj.com 4. Reality TV World: I got stung once; It wasn't fun! 记者:我被蜜蜂刺过一次,那一点也不有趣! tieba.baidu.com 5. In various forms of reality TV show, we won't see Truman shadow? 在各种形式的电视真人秀节目中,难道我们不会见到楚门的影子吗? zhidao.baidu.com 6. I happened to know that he was a fan of shows like VH1's "I Love the Eighties, " some reality TV, and lots of sports. 因为我碰巧知道他是类似由VH1播放的”我爱八十年代“现实类节目及许多个体育项目的粉丝。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 7. They are everywhere today, not least in the lies of "reality TV" . 如今,他们遍地都是,而不仅仅在“真人秀”的谎言中。 www.ebigear.com 8. The 21-year old star of reality TV show "Korea's Got Talent" hardly ever smiles. 作为21岁的真人秀节目“韩国达人秀”明星,他几乎没有笑容。 dongxi.net 9. It is rumoured that Mr Blagojevich has been approached to take part in the reality TV show "I'm a Celebrity. . . Get Me Out of Here! " 有谣言称真人秀节目“我是名人,让我出去”曾和布莱克加维驰接触,并试图说服其参加该节目。 www.ecocn.org 10. There is another problem: the reality TV show has already aired. 还有另一个问题:电视真人秀已经播出了。 dongxi.net 1. But perhaps the biggest legacy is my healthy contempt for reality TV, and my desire to assist those who have also been damaged. 但,或许最大的回赠就是我对真人秀的强烈鄙视,并且我希望帮助那些也被伤害过的人。 www.bing.com 2. The Chinese reality TV show is the NBA's sixth such program overall since 2002, but the first outside the United States. 《蒙牛NBA终极篮徒》是NBA自2002年推出的第六档电视真人秀节目,但也是在美国之外的第一档真人秀。 cn.reuters.com 3. By contrast, the country is a mighty exporter of reality-TV formats and music (three of the current top 10 albums in America are British). 于此相对,英国是一个真人秀节目和音乐作品的出口大国。现在美国音乐专辑排行榜上,前十名中有三名来自英国。 www.ecocn.org 4. Be on a reality TV show. 参加电视真人秀。 chinese.wsj.com 5. What's that? Reality TV? “现实电视”?是什么来的? wenwen.soso.com 6. The media and reality TV talent shows have also played their part in encouraging young people to follow their bliss. 媒体及电视真人秀在鼓励年轻人追求他们的幸福方面也发挥了自身作用。 www.24en.com 7. In case you haven't noticed, for many people, reality TV is The Most Important Thing in the Whole Wide Universe. 不知你是否注意到,对许多人而言,真人秀电视节目是“整个宇宙”(WholeWideUniverse)中的“最重要事情”(TheMostImportantThing)。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Do you stay up late watching the latest reality TV show or the nightly comedian? Instead, spend that time on sleep or something productive. 你会熬夜看最新一期的电视真人秀节目或是晚间喜剧电影吗?不妨将那段时间用在睡眠或是一些更有效率的事情上。 hxen.com 9. Your blog is your nonprofit's reality TV show. 而你的博客则是你的非营利性组织的真实电视秀(TVshow)。 www.bing.com 10. Narratives in the Program "Reality TV" --and a Discussion of Its Privacy Stories “真人秀”节目中的叙事--兼谈它的隐私故事 www.ilib.cn 1. Game Theory Documentary: An inside look at reality TV programming and its cultural impact on society 运筹理论纪录片:着眼于真实电视节目规划和不同文化社会撞击 dvd.down.com.cn 2. Controversy Surrounds Muslim-American Reality TV Show 穆斯林美国电视真人秀节目引发争议 www.bing.com 3. Watch reality TV shows that involve real housewives, dancing C-list celebrities, or the Kardashians 看一些里面是家庭主妇,舞蹈演员等等的电视真人秀 www.bing.com 4. And In the West TV Possessed and weight obsessed The media dissects, infects We think real life is reality TV 在西方,电视是占主导地位的娱乐活动,媒体试图影响我们的生活我们觉得现实生活就象电视剧 savageboy.vip.63dns.com 5. Even ballroom dancing is interesting if there are celebrities involved. (See the top 10 reality TV shows. ) 一旦有名人参与,连跳交际舞这么乏味的事而都能变得有趣。 www.bing.com 6. MORE: Paris is back on reality TV 帕丽斯又回到了电视真人秀的现场。 www.bing.com |
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