单词 | ready to use |
释义 | 例句释义: 现成的,即用概念,即装即用,准备使用 1. With the REST API in place, you're now ready to use it in an application. RESTAPI就绪后,现在可以在应用程序中使用它。 www.ibm.com 2. Just like a query to a database, you will have an array, ready to use as you see fit. 就像对数据库的查询一样,您将拥有一个准备好在需要时即可使用的阵列。 www.ibm.com 3. Ready to use creativity, imagination and skill to develop and promote the image and presentation of the Company and its products. 发挥自己的创造性,想像力和专业技术发展提升公司和产品形象。 www.baidajob.com 4. Instead, focus on what you learned in your previous position and how you are ready to use those skills in a new position. 你应该侧重强调从前一份工作中你学到了什么,以及打算在新的工作中如何运用你掌握的这些技能。 www.kancaimi.cn 5. Store nuts in the shell until you are ready to use them. Refrigerate or freeze any that you plan to keep for more than three months. 除非食用,坚果不要预先去壳。冷冻、冷藏起来可以保存三个月以上。 www.yingyu.com 6. Your driver handles this IRP by configuring and connecting various kernel resources, following which your hardware is ready to use. 你的驱动根据配置和连结多个内和资源来处理这个IRP,接下来你的硬件即将使用。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Part of the package: ready to use filter-application which plugs into your printer-queue. 部分包中含有应用过滤器,它用于插入用户的打印序列。 www.yeewe.com 8. Our technician has adjusted the switches for you and your tape recorders are ready to use. 机是不会运转的,技术员已经把开关调好。录音机可以用了。 www.hopecup.net 9. doctors without borders is urging donors , united nations agencies and governments to increase support for ready - to - use food. “无国界医生”组织主张捐助人--联合国机构和政府--可以增加即食食品的投入支持。 www.ichacha.net 10. Even better, the website can generate ready-to-use code snippets. A real time gain for you and your clients! 该网站还能生产现成的代码段,对你和你的客户来说都是一笔即时的收获。 www.bing.com 1. A few minutes later your instance is requested, provisioned, and then active, which means it is up and running and ready to use. 几分钟后,您的实例将被请求、预备好并激活,这意味着它已经开始运行并且可以使用。 www.ibm.com 2. Once the dynamic cache service is enabled and the dynamic cache monitor application is installed, it is ready to use with your application. 启用动态缓存服务并安装动态缓存监控器应用程序之后,即可使用您的应用程序了。 www.ibm.com 3. Three pages of ready-to-use worksheets are included in the pack to assist teachers in assessing their students learning outcome. 教材套内提供为展板特别设计的学生工作纸以协助老师评估学习成果。 www.wwf.org.hk 4. Goals for the future include all the simple technologies needed to make ready- to - use therapeutic foods to treat malnutrition. 未来的目标是把这些简单的技术用于化学的食物中,来治疗营养不良。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The administrative console of SCCM on your server gives you a series of ready-to-use collections, but you can create your own. 服务器上的SCCM的管理控制台提供了一系列立即可用的集合,但是也可以创建自己的集合。 www.ibm.com 6. As the largest shareholder in many of the country's listed companies, the fund has plenty of clout and is increasingly ready to use it. 作为全国多数上市公司最大的股东,NPS拥有极大的势力,且日益准备好要运用这些势力。 www.ecocn.org 7. Assist assigned house keepers to ensure that the spaces is returned to ready to use status. 协助被指派的保洁人员打扫以保证所用空间恢复到随时备用状态。 www.lietou.com 8. When ready to use the cream, transfer to a bowl and stir gently until it has a creamy consistency. 当你使用它的时候,倒进碗里,轻轻搅拌至顺滑即可。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. ready - to - use - food is usually a sweet spread made with peanuts , dry milk , sugar , vegetable fat , minerals and vitamins. 这种即食食品通常用花生,干奶酪,糖,蔬菜油脂,矿物质和维生素等物质做成的甜味酱。 www.ichacha.net 10. These fully automatic plate washers are available in six sizes and leave print plates clean, dry and ready to use in just a few minutes. 这些板全自动洗衣机有六种规格,离开印刷板清洁,干燥,准备利用在短短几分钟的时间。 www.512121.com 1. IBM Mashup Center provides a ready-to-use widget for embedding HTML fragments in a mashup page. IBMMashupCenter提供了一个即用型小部件,用于将HTML片段嵌入mashup页面。 www.ibm.com 2. Script templates allow you to generate ready-to-use scripts for creating, upgrading, and configuring the report server database. 通过脚本模板,可以生成用于创建、升级和配置报表服务器数据库的现成脚本。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Don't stay with that kind of situation. If they deserve you, they will be ready to use you effectively. 别和这种机构呆在一块,如果他们值得你加入,他们就准备好有效发挥你的才能。 www.bing.com 4. The time before the product is ready to use will be reduced, and ultimately the product can be released to the market more quickly. 产品投入实用之前的时间因此得到降低,而最终产品也将会更快地发布到市场上。 www.ibm.com 5. When run, this command will automatically start an embedded servlet container, making Hudson ready-to-use. 在运行的时候,该命令将会自动启动一个嵌入的servlet容器,使得Hudson已经为使用做好准备。 www.ibm.com 6. It also features many ready-to-use web album templates that can be easily customized for your needs. 此外,它还采用很多随时可以使用的网路相簿的范本,可以很容易地定制您的需求。 xtdownload.com 7. When supplied as a ready-to-use solution, the injection complies with the following requirements. 当以备用液的形式给予时,注射液应符合下述要求。 english.dxy.cn 8. Are the members of your organization trained and ready to use those tools to achieve their organizational goals? 是否对组织成员进行了培训,并准备好使用这些工具来实现组织的目标? www.ibm.com 9. 'Because the stem cells are "off the shelf" and ready to use, it could be a convenient and universal therapy. ' ‘因为干细胞从“架子上拿下”就能使用,那可能会是一种方便而且通用的治疗方法。’ www.bing.com 10. Like Jesus, they must be willing and ready to use their power to help people become all that God wants them to be. 好像耶稣一样,他们必须愿意和准备使用他们的权力,去帮助别人成为合神心意的人。 www.chinesetodays.org 1. Shipping with three ready-to-use plug-ins, it functions as an important part of managing and supporting a software deployment. 该工具与3个即插即用的插件一起提供,它是管理和支持软件部署的一个重要部分。 www.ibm.com 2. The pump comes complete and ready to use with a 12. 5 foot grout hose and a set of spare piston cups. 该泵构造完整,可以使用12.5英尺水泥浆软管和一套备用活塞。 www.e-gtm.com.cn 3. It is ready to use Context3 to deploy the N-tier clustered application and my floating remote office infrastructure in a matter of minutes. 已经可以使用Context3来部署N层集群式应用程序和移动远程办公基础架构了,几分钟就可以搞定。 www.ibm.com 4. These hiccups are now resolved and we are ready to use our technology to hasten the next phase of bringing forth your new reality. 这些小问题现在已经被解决,我们准备使用我们的科技去催促你们进入下个阶段,让你们进入新的现实。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The group is calling for the expended use of what is known as therapeutic, ready-to-use food to treat severely malnourished children. 该组织呼吁扩大使用称为治疗的措施,用速食食品治疗那些严重营养不良的儿童。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. The liquid, ready-to-use reagent features total imprecision of less than 8% of the coefficient of variation (CV) across the assay range. 检测试剂是即配即用型试剂,总变异系数不超过检验范围的8%。 www.maydeal.com 7. The profile is now ready to use, and all users have been mapped and verified. 这个概要文件现在已经准备好可以使用了,所有用户都已经被映射和验证过。 www.ibm.com 8. For children who suffer from severe acute malnutrition, most can be treated successfully with ready-to-use therapeutic foods (RUTF). 对于患有严重急性营养不良的儿童,大多数可以通过治疗性即食食品得到有效治疗。 www.who.int 9. Allows to create a ready to use bitmap font from any font installed in the system. 允许创造系统里安装好的任何字体为系统可使用的位图字体。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. He has now completed his training and is ready to use his boat-handling and global-positioning skills to hijack ships. 目前他已经完成了操艇技术和全球定位技术的训练,并且打算一试身手。 cn.reuters.com 1. With these security considerations in mind and a working applet, we are now ready to use the applet from JavaScript. 牢记这些安全事项并且拥有一颗可以正常工作的Applet后,我们现在已经准备好从JavaScript使用Applet。 www.ibm.com 2. Usage: Ready-to-use liquid for cold process thickening and emulsifying. No heat or neutralisation required. 用法:准备好使用的液体冷增厚过程和乳化。无热或中和必需的。 hi.baidu.com 3. Mix bonito sauce, cold boiled water, soy sauce, white vinegar and sugar, dark soy sauce and keep in chiller until ready to use. 将日本鲣鱼汁、水、酱油、白醋、砂糖、黑酱油调和、冷冻然后备用。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. In a large network, the system can maintain thousands of connections in a ready-to-use state. 在一个巨大的网络内,系统可以以一个随时可用的状态维持数以千计的连接。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. After you specify an IP group, the status message updates to indicate that the environment profile is ready to use. 指定IP组之后,状态消息更新,表明环境概要文件随时可以使用了。 www.ibm.com 6. After you set up the Shared Documents library with the correct column, you are ready to use the Workflow Designer. 在为“共享文档”库设置正确的栏后,就可以使用工作流设计器了。 office.microsoft.com 7. Keep Battery Out of Reach of Children and in Original Package Until Ready to Use. 保持电池的儿童接触,并在原包装中,直到准备使用。 www.spiiker.com 8. Not quite as poetic as some of the other herbs, but as you can see it is very red even after it is dried and ready to use. 虽然不像其他草药般富有诗意,但在干燥后和使用时都能看到这种草药很红。 www.elanso.com 9. Goals for the future including all the simple technologies needed to make ready- to - use therapeutic foods to trade treat malnutrition. 未来的目标包括所有应用于备用治疗食物所需的简单技术,以治疗营养不良。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. This article is supplied with a ready-to-use sample resources-indexer application. 本文附带了即用的样例资源索引器应用程序。 www.ibm.com 1. At this point, the package has been created, and you're ready to use it to create a report. 现在,已经创建了包,可以使用它创建报告了。 www.ibm.com 2. Programs prepared by computer manufacturers that are in ready to use form and can used by many business and individuals. 由电脑生产商准备好的可供公司或个人即买即用的程序。 en.v.wenguo.com 3. Most of these children can be successfully treated at home with ready-to-use therapeutic foods (RUTF). 大多数这类儿童可在家里利用治疗性即食食品(RUTF)得到有效治疗。 www.who.int 4. Ready-to-use-food is usually a sweet spread made with peanuts, dry milk, sugar, vegstable fat, minerals and vitamins. 即食食品通常是甜味的,如花生,干奶,糖,脂肪,矿物质和维生素。 mingbai.pujia.com 5. Guoqiang natural wood oil is ready to use. Do not thin. Stir well. 国强木蜡油开罐即用。充分搅拌,无须稀释。 www.jswood.com.cn 6. It also means that there are no factory interfaces to configure -- JDOM is ready to use straight out of the jar. 它还意味着不需要进行工厂化接口配置--JDOM的使用是直截了当的。 www.ibm.com 7. If the annotated XML schema is deemed valid, mapping information is extracted and stored in catalog tables in a ready-to-use binary format. 如果确认注释XML模式有效,则提取映射信息并把它以可用的二进制格式存储在编目表中。 www.ibm.com 8. Now you are ready to use your new environment profile during the deployment of a pattern. 现在,可以在部署模式期间使用这个环境概要文件。 www.ibm.com 9. IBM Mashup Center provides many ready-to-use widgets that you can use for building mashup applications. IBMMashupCenter提供了很多可用于构建mashup应用程序的即用型小部件。 www.ibm.com 10. The developed countries have used OSCE as the method of clinical medicinal certified test and our nation is ready to use it step by step. 发达国家已经将OSCE作为临床医生执业考试的手段,我国也正逐步采用这种方法。 paper.pet2008.cn 1. If she is lucky, doctors will be able to extract at least a dozen healthy eggs that will be kept frozen until she is ready to use them. 如果幸运的话,医生将可能取出至少十二个健康卵子并进行冷冻直到她准备使用它们。 news.dxy.cn 2. CXF provides several ready-to-use interceptors and also allows you to add your own. CXF提供几种随时可用的拦截器并允许您添加您自己的拦截器。 www.ibm.com 3. Having a database ready to use out of the gate gives you an instant boost in productivity. 通过提供一个随时可用的数据库可以立即提高生产率。 www.ibm.com 4. All you have to DO is to turn on your PC or terminal, and your connection is ready to use, the disadvantage of course. 你要做的只是把PC机或终端机接上电源,与因特网的联结就告完成(做好使用的准备)。 dict.ebigear.com 5. if the span readings were all within the desired limits, the unit is ready to use. 如果指距阅读全部在被需要的极限里面,单位准备好使用。 www.ov98.com 6. When the DAV is ready to use, a checkmark will appear to the left of the DAV name in Designer, as shown in figure 7. 当DAV可以使用时,在Designer中DAV名称的左侧将出现一个复选标记,如图7中所示。 www.ibm.com 7. At this point, you're ready to use the commands discussed above to begin working in Git with your project files. 现在,您可以使用上述命令在Git中处理项目文件了。 www.ibm.com 8. A shared schedule is a multipurpose schedule that provides ready-to- use schedule information to any number of reports or subscriptions . 共享计划是向任意数目的报表或订阅提供可以使用的计划信息的多用途计划。 www.bing.com 9. Strain and refrigerate until ready to use. Fill cups about half way with each liquid. Add one teaspoon of the boiled cabbage to each glass. 应变和冷藏,直到准备使用。填充液体每杯约一半。添加一个煮白菜的每个玻璃茶匙。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Strongly adhesive, odourless, ready to use, safe and sanitary, it is an ideal fly terminator. 强力粘胶,超强指导,简捷易行,安全卫生,为抱负的捕蝇用具。 www.g5g8.com 1. Pure Essential Oils pre-blended and ready to use in Vapourisers, Baths, Inhalations , and for Massage. 纯精油预混合产品适用于雾化器、沐浴、吸入和按摩。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. But Kelly admits that the drug is far from ready to use in humans. 但是Kelly承认这种药物远未达到可以给人类使用的程度。 www.scidev.net 3. Just choose the needed text item from the Recent Clipboard menu and it is ready to use from the System Clipboard, ready to paste. 只要选择所需文本的详细信息从近剪贴板菜单和它已经准备好被使用从系统剪贴板,准备粘贴。 www.maiyadi.com 4. The adhesive is supplied as a single component product ready to use press side from the container. 该胶粘剂供应作为一个单一的组成部分产品准备利用记者方从容器。 bzxw.512121.com 5. With your XML files and delimited ASCII files available, you're now ready to use DB2 IMPORT. 准备好XML文件和带分隔符的ASCII文件后,您现在就可以开始使用DB2IMPORT了。 www.ibm.com 6. To shorten the entire test cycle, you can download a ready-to-use package containing both user space tool and kernel image. 为了缩短整个测试周期,您可以下载同时包含有用户空间工具和内核映像的立即可用的程序包。 www-128.ibm.com 7. The global human task model contains a set of ready-to-use dimensions. 全局人工任务模型包含一套随时可用的维度。 www.ibm.com 8. Users appreciate having their work made easier, and producing ready-to-use spreadsheets fits the bill. 用户希望能够简化他们的工作,而生成便于使用的电子表格满足了这一需求。 www.ibm.com 9. We have accomplished another significant step: the storage pool is already mounted and ready to use! 我们已经完成了另一个重要步骤:已经装载存储池并准备使用它! www.ibm.com 10. Programmers like well-optimized, atomic subroutines that are ready to use. 程序员喜欢使用那些很好地进行了优化,容易使用的子程序。 www.cnblogs.com 1. Links provide ready-to-use URLs of associated content, views, or actions on a content item. 链接提供了内容项目上相关的内容、视图或动作的URL。 www.ibm.com 2. However, in almost all such frameworks, there is a lack of ready-to-use support for localized messaging with client-side validation. 不过,在几乎所有的这类框架内,都缺少对在客户端验证本地化消息的现成支持。 www.ibm.com 3. Tool add-ons contain ready-to-use tools that you can launch from the workbench. 工具外接程序包含可从工作台启动的即时可用的工具。 www.ibm.com 4. You might buy a ready-to-use system and run it on your own server. 也许你已买了可以即将使用的系统,并在自己的服务器上运行。 www.itxuexi.com 5. My eyes fixed on the screen, ready to use the fastest speed Briefs good information. 我的眼睛紧盯着荧光屏,准备用最快的速度摘抄好资料。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The worm's waste, or castings, should be ready to use as compost within two to six months. 两到六个月内,蚯蚓的排泄物就能够作为堆肥使用了。 www.ebigear.com 7. It also discusses monitoring and managing human tasks, and how to set up ready-to-use dimensions for dimensional analysis. 还将讨论监控和管理人工任务,以及如何为维度分析设置随时可用的维。 www.ibm.com 8. Many standard data items and test reports are provided ready to use with Rational Insight. 许多的标准数据项目和测试报告已经提供,以与RationalInsight一起使用。 www.ibm.com 9. Tint icing with food coloring as desired; cover surface with plastic wrap until ready to use. 根据需要,用食用色素为糖霜酥皮着色,此外,在使用糖霜酥皮之前,请用保鲜膜盖住。 www.bing.com 10. For have him the Italian team is ready to use the Dutch striker Klaas Jan Huntelaar. 为了得到他,意大利球队打算用荷兰前锋克拉斯扬亨特拉尔作交换筹码。 www.bing.com 1. There are now three products produced as "ready to use" sachets for the treatment of severe malnutrition. 目前有三种可以“即食的”小袋包装的治疗严重营养不良的产品。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. You can expect that we will be ready to use our new administrative enforcement tools within the timeframes prescribed by Congress. 大家能够期待,我们将准备在国会规定的期限内使用新的行政执法手段。 www.bing.com 3. Now, scientists have demonstrated ready-to-use, bioengineered blood vessels made from human cells. 现在,科学家们已经演示了即用型、由人体细胞制成的生物工程血管。 www.bing.com 4. Acceleo is an adaptive solution with some ready-to-use solutions that fit to specific needs. Acceleo是可适配的,它提供了一些预设的满足特定需求的方案。 www.infoq.com 5. Screen is now installed and ready to use. Screen现在就安装好了,可以使用了。 www.ibm.com 6. Doctors Without Borders is calling for the expanded use of ready-to-use food, which it says could reduce child deaths. 无国界医生组织呼吁扩大使用随时可以使用的食品,它说,可以减少儿童的死亡。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Furthermore, mypricemap provides you ready-to-use coupons which you can use immediately at nearby stores. 另外,比翻天提供您目前所在位置附近的商家优惠券,让您即时享受更多购物乐趣。 appshopper.com 8. I kept a binder in my hands, ready to use it as a shield if necessary. 我手里拿着一个文件夹,预备着必要时拿来当挡箭牌。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The DayTrader application is then ready to use for simulated trading. 然后,就可以使用DayTrader应用程序进行模拟交易了。 www.ibm.com 10. Now you're ready to use your capture process by dragging it from the palette into your flow. 现在您已准备好使用您的捕获流程,方法是将其从调色板上拖放到您的流中。 www.ibm.com 1. When you are ready to use a particular application environment, you simply pick a pattern and deploy it. 当您已经准备好使用一个特定的应用程序环境时,您只需选择一个模式并进行部署。 www.ibm.com 2. Calibri: CalibriTM-133 is a ready-to-use, compact, multipurpose network appliance that uses Embedded Linux as its operating system. Calibri:CalibriTM-133是将嵌入式Linux作为其操作系统来使用的网络设备,它方便使用、紧凑,并且可以用于多种用途。 www.ibm.com 3. When you're ready to use any fresh chile, be careful and consider using thin rubber gloves. 准备使用新鲜辣椒时,请务必小心,建议你戴上薄层橡胶手套。 www.bing.com 4. Now you are ready to use all of this back-end code on the client to create a UI using Dojo. 现在已经准备好在客户端使用所有后台代码创建一个使用Dojo的UI。 www.ibm.com 5. We are ready to use this client-side persistence tool to further enhance our Web applications. 我们已经准备好使用此客户端持久化工具来进一步增强Web应用程序。 www.ibm.com 6. You'll be warm and cozy all night, and the water will still be warm in the morning, ready to use to wash your face or the breakfast dishes. 放入了汤婆子的被窝整夜热呼呼的,早晨起来后,其中的水还有余温,可以用来洗脸、洗碗等。 web-japan.org 7. There are 19 standard validation types that come ready to use with your form elements. 可以对您的表单元素使用19种标准验证类型。 www.ibm.com 8. When you choose this option, the report server instance is ready to use when Setup is finished. 如果选择此选项,那么当安装程序完成后,报表服务器实例即可使用。 technet.microsoft.com 9. This product is for re-sale and must be ready to use. 本产品用于转售,必须准备使用。 bbs.fobshanghai.com 10. MongoDB is now set up and ready to use. MongoDB现在设置完成并准备使用。 www.ibm.com 1. It also provides three ready-to-use plug-ins that let you get you started right away. 它还提供了3个即插即用的插件,以便您立刻开始工作。 www.ibm.com 2. Ready-to-use sample forms in Office InfoPath 2007 provide templates for common usage scenarios. OfficeInfoPath2007中现成的示例表单为常见的使用方案提供了模板。 office.microsoft.com 3. Doctor T says only three percent of them will receive ready-to-use food this year. T医生说,他们中间只有百分之三将在今年得到备用食物。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. Your Web service is now ready to use. 您的Web服务现在已经可以使用了。 www.ibm.com 5. He is ready to use all solutions and does not waste anything. 他准备利用所有解决方案,而不浪费任何既有成果。 www.ibm.com 6. Your system is now ready to use. 您的系统现在就能使用了。 debian.fr 7. Price bids should be incl. setup when its ready to use. 投标价格应含。安装时,它已经准备好使用。 www.bing.com 8. The new source is now listed in the table and ready to use. 新建的同步源会在表格中展示出来并且可以使用了。 www.bing.com 9. Snowman ready to use them to make a cup of soup penguins! 雪人准备用它们来做个企鹅汤喝喝! www.fishjava.com 10. The final primes executable will be probed, enabled, and ready to use. 生成最终的primes可执行程序,可以运行并探测它了。 www.ibm.com 1. When Setup is finished , the report server is running and ready to use . 安装程序结束后,报表服务器便进入运行状态,可供使用。 www.bing.com 2. Now you will be ready to use these skills in a larger application. 现在您已经准备好在更大型的应用程序中使用这些技能了。 www.ibm.com 3. Not many ready-to-use applications are available. 还没有太多现成的应用程序可用。 www.ibm.com 4. Doctor Tectonidis says only three percent of them will receive ready-to-use-food this year. 医生指出今年只有大约零点三成的孩子能得到即食食品。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. The NBC-225-P has an integrated 4. 9 millimeter fixed lens and is ready to use as delivered, making it ideal for small businesses. 这款NBC-225-P使用了一个4.9毫米的可以随时使用的镜头,非常适合商场和小型企业使用。 www.21csp.com.cn 6. Second, long story short, there is pick up the phone before each ready to use things such as paper, pens and book topic information. 二是长话短说,还有就是在拿起电话前,先准备好每件要用的东西,如纸、笔及预定话题、资料等。 www.xiami360.com 7. They are armed with the most advanced weapons, and what's more they are ready to use them. 他们武装了最先进的武器,而且随时都准备使用 bbs.gter.net 8. The designer host calls this method when it is ready to use the designer. 设计器宿主在准备使用设计器时调用此方法。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. You will receive an email message once your hosting account is ready to use. 你将会收到一封电子邮件消息一旦您的托管账户已经可以使用了。 wenwen.soso.com 10. You are ready to use the find method to locate the Place an Order dialog, using the class information for the window. 您已准备好使用find方法来定位PlaceanOrder对话框,利用窗口的类信息。 www.ibm.com 1. The Death Knight starts at a high level somewhere around 60 or 70 with multiple spells and abilities ready to use. 死亡骑士开始于一个在60或70级左右的高等级并且拥有多种可供使用的法术和技能。 k88.net 2. But the government has shown itself ready to use all the powers the constitution gives it. 但是政府已经表明准备动用宪法赋予它的所有权力。 www.ecocn.org 3. You will be asked to restart Eclipse, and then the environment is ready to use. 系统提示重新启动Eclipse,之后环境就可以使用了。 www.ibm.com 4. One way to get around this is by preloading media files and keeping them in a paused state until you are ready to use them. 解决该问题的一种方法是,预加载媒体文件并保持其暂停状态,直到您准备就绪可以播放这些文件为止。 msdn.microsoft.com 5. You ready to use that weapon, tech sergeant? 你会用那杆枪了吧,技术军士? www.mtime.com 6. With pleasure . Look , all you need to do is press this button , and it 's ready to use . 很乐意。看,你要做的就是按一下这个按钮,它就可以用了。 www.bing.com 7. You must define data sources that return ready-to-use data for the report. 您必须定义返回可供报表使用的数据的数据源。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. With the automatic initialization of hxclient, you are ready to use it for date, time, and number format. 对于hxclient的自动初始化,您已经做好准备将其用于日期,时间和数字格式了。 www.ibm.com 9. Now that you have the plug-in ready to use, you will use the new plug-in to debug the sample program. 现在插件已经准备好了,可以使用它调试示例程序了。 www.ibm.com 10. You have finished setting up your hosting account. Your hosting account should be ready to use within 24 hours. 因已经完成了虚拟主机账户的设置,您的虚拟主机账户将在24小时内开通。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Lotus Quickr 8. 5 contains a set of ready-to-use stylesheets. LotusQuickr8.5包含了一组即用型样式表。 www.ibm.com 2. This option results in a fully deployed report server that is ready to use once setup is complete. 此选项的结果是完全部署的报表服务器,该报表服务器一旦安装完毕即可使用。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Figure 5 shows the ready-to-use global navigation as rendered. 图5显示了所呈现的现成全局导航栏。 www.ibm.com 4. If cuts have not been rolled and are approximately 3 inches in thickness, they will be ready to use in 2weeks. 如果牛肉片没有卷起而且它约有3英寸厚,那么2周后就可食用了。 dict.ebigear.com 5. Switch to the root account, and in five minutes you have it installed and ready to use without rebooting. 切换到根用户,5分钟它就安装好并且在没有重启的情况下投入使用。 www.bing.com 6. We are now ready to use RichFaces components. 现在,我们可以开始使用RichFaces组件。 www.ibm.com 7. The camera, loaded with film and ready to use, sold for $25. 装有胶卷马上可用的相机,卖25美元 blog.hjenglish.com 8. Once you've downloaded it, unarchive it and execute python setup. py install, and you'll be ready to use it. 您一旦已经下载了最新版本的ZSI,请对其进行解压缩并执行pythonsetup.pyinstall,然后您就可以使用它了。 www.ibm.com 9. And then he takes it back when Max is ready to use it? 然后等到Max大了能用它了,爷爷就把手套收回吗? www.hjenglish.com 10. Performing final steps to make the CD ready to use. 执行最终的步骤使CD可用。 www.drados.com 1. You'll uncomment those lines when you're ready to use the debugger. 在准备使用调试器时再取消这些行的注释。 www.ibm.com 2. I have always been ready to use force in order to defy tyranny or ward off ruin. 为了反抗暴政,防止世界毁灭,我随时准备使用武力。 www.jukuu.com 3. We are ready to use these elements to bring you in due time to Inner Earth and to assist in your move from limited to full consciousness. 我们已经准备好通过这些行动在适当的时候把你们带入地下,帮助你们从局限意识状态进入全意识。 www.angozj.com 4. For the first time, such databases now exist at multiple scales, they're stable, and they're ready to use. 现在,这样的数据库终于出现了,它们不但适用于不同领域,而且稳定、随时可供使用。 www.ibm.com 5. You can make some ready- to - use messages, and later on when you need to send them, just press hotkeys and there they go. 您可以进行一些随时可以使用的信息,以及后来当您需要给他们,只要按下热键,并有他们去。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. when Max is ready to use it? 当Max长大能使用这手套时吗? www.jukuu.com 7. For example, mobile sheets are a great way to hide actionable controls until the user is ready to use them. 例如,在用户准备好使用可操作的控制前,移动式表单是一种很好的隐藏方式。 www.bing.com 8. After you have an absolutely clear idea of what the solution is, you are ready to use the following method. 如果你有一个非常明确的解决办法是什么想法,你愿意用以下的方法。 bbs.guitarchina.com 9. It's best to store the cheese in the fridge until ready to use. 最好把它保存在冰箱里,要用的时候才拿出来。 www.bing.com 10. Once you have included the libraries and installed the markup in Listing 11 in the web. xml file, you are ready to use Ajax4jsf! 一旦将清单11中的库和安装好的markup包括到web.xml文件,就可以使用Ajax4jsf了! www.ibm.com 1. We'll uncomment those lines when we're ready to use the debugger. 在需要使用调试器的时候,再取消注释。 www.ibm.com 2. Tapestry, on the other hand, does not offer any ready-to-use solution for breadcrumbs. 另一方面,Tapestry并没有为breadcrumbs提供任何现成的解决方案。 www.ibm.com 3. You have a nice GWT widget ready to use for displaying your list of artists. 您所拥有的优秀GWT部件可以用来显示艺术家列表。 www.ibm.com 4. One 16 oz bottle can make as many as 6 bottles of ready to use Diablo Gel. 一个16盎司瓶可以稀释多达6瓶&准备好~来使用暗黑凝胶。 www.autodetail.cc 5. No matter what is your suggestion what matter is that you MUST deliver me the whole store ready to use. 不管你有什么建议,有什么事是你必须释放了我整个商店可以使用。 www.bing.com 6. Heat pumps; ready to use heat pump units with internal combustion engine driven compressors; terminology, requirements, testing, marking 热力泵.可与内燃发动机驱动的压缩机连接的加热热力泵.概念.要求.检验.标记 www.mapeng.net 7. Standard Specification for Emulsified Refined Coal-Tar (Driveway Sealer, Ready to Use, Primarily Residential Grade) 乳化精炼煤焦油规范(车道密封物,成品,基本住宅级) www.wwlww.com 8. Heat pumps; ready to use heat pump units with internal combustion engine driven compressors, requirements on the gas equipment, testing 热力泵.可与内燃发动机驱动的压缩机连接的加热热力泵.气体工程设备的要求.检验 www.mapeng.net 9. The effect is that your new action is ready to use when you open the LPEX editor. 这样做的效果是,当您打开LPEXEditor时,新操作已经就绪,可以使用了。 www.ibm.com 10. Tens of ready to use dictionaries, which are supported by independent developers, most of the bases are free of charge; 现金的数十使用字典,这被独立开发者支援,大部份的基础免费; www.ewpda.com 1. Standard Specification for Emulsified Refined Coal-Tar (Ready to Use, Commercial Grade) 乳化精炼煤焦油规范(成品,商品级) www.wwlww.com 2. User can then add text, images, edit text and images, add logos and vector art (own or select from ready to use artwork) 用户可以添加文本,图像,文字和图像编辑,添加徽标和矢量艺术(或选择自己准备使用图片) www.bing.com 3. dry mushroom foam and is ready to use cold water and clean; 干松茸用凉水泡发好,清洗干净; baike.baidu.com 4. server data management software clinical models = ready-to-use tools 服务器 数据管理软件 临床模型=容易使用的工具 www.ibm.com 5. Standard Practice for Application of Refined Coal Tar (Ready to Use, Commercial Grade) 精炼煤焦油的应用惯例(成品,商品级) www.wwlww.com 6. Quality Requirement of the Factory Produced Ready-to-Use Mortar 工厂预制砂浆的质量要求 www.chinaconcretes.com 7. Talking cut of traditional Chinese Medicines prepared in ready-to-use forms 谈中药饮片的切制 www.cjcm.org.cn 8. You are now ready to use the eForm to capture information and submit data to the database via the Web service. Follow the steps below 现在可以使用eForm捕获信息并通过Web服务将数据提交数据库了。 www.ibm.com 9. Ready to use with the default rules right after installation; 准备使用权后,安装的默认规则; www.opda.net.cn 10. Medical microbiology - Culture media - Part 2: Ready-to-use blood culture systems 医学微生物学.培养基.第2部分:即可使用的血液培养设备 www.mapeng.net 1. doctor t says only 3 % of them will receive ready - to - use - food this year 特医生说今年他们中只有3%的人能收到即时食品。 www.ichacha.net 2. Method when it is ready to use the designer to render the 在准备好使用设计器呈现 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Ready-to-use culture media and dip media 可直接使用培养基 www.j-h-d.com 4. Keep needed material in order and ready to use 保证有用的材料有序摆放,随时备用清扫 wenku.baidu.com 5. Ready to use spring roll skins 直接用于春卷皮 wenku.baidu.com |
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