单词 | reported | ||||
释义 | reported是report的过去式
第三人称单数:reports 现在分词:reporting 过去式:reported adj. n. preliminary report,final report,recent report,official report,interim report v. n. case report,write report,make report,submit report,give report
例句释义: 报告,报导,发表,呈报,记录,传说,报道,据报导,媒体报道 1. Reuters news agency reported that he said the I. M. F. is working to find a solution in the next few weeks. 路透社报道到:卡恩总裁表示国际货币基金组织正设法在接下来的几个星期内寻找出一个解决办法。 www.unsv.com 2. It was reported _that_ a heartfelt thank you was all _that_he said after winning the difficult game. 据报道,表示衷心的感谢你为他赢得了艰难的比赛后说。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. When the matter the next day, media around the world have reported this news. 事情发生后的第二天,世界各地的媒体都纷纷报道了这一新闻。 www.texclo.net 4. Observed damage on or to any equipment will be recorded in the tour book and reported to the Driller and the Toolpusher. 观测到的损坏情况要记录在班报表上,并报告给司钻和带班队长。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Earlier, a Canadian newspaper reported it had discovered Libyan government documents regarding the meeting in a pile of trash in Tripoli. 之前加拿大一家报纸报道说,该报在的黎波里的一堆垃圾中找到了利比亚政府关于这次会谈的文件。 cn.wsj.com 6. Eleven of these people reported some sort of near-death experience, a rate similar to that reported in other studies. 据称这些病人中的11个有临近死亡的经历,这个比例与他们的研究数据相似。 www.bing.com 7. Reported that the joint statement did not indicate who for any reason the implementation of this large-scale killings. 报道称,联合声明中并未指出何人出于何种原因实施了此次大规模谋杀行动。 www.englishtang.com 8. Their lawyer, Masoud Shafii, said he had not yet been informed of the court's verdict, an Iranian news website, Khabaronline, reported. 一家伊朗新闻网站Khabaronline报道说,两名男子的律师马苏德·沙非(MasoudShafii)表示他还没有收到法庭的最终裁决。 dongxi.net 9. The Daily Star reported that it had been blocked from reporting the name of the player and the casino due to legal action. 《每日星报》报道此文,但由于诉讼方面的原因所以不能透露该球员和赌场的名字。 bbs.17mcp.com 10. On the day that the baby is said to have been born, Grant was reported to be at the Labour Party conference in Liverpool. 据报道,在女婴出生当天,格兰特正在利物浦参加英国工党会议。 edu.sina.com.cn 1. It has been reported that in colleges across the United States, the daytime serial drama known as the soap opera has suddenly become "in" . 据报在整个美国的院校,称为肥皂剧白天连续剧突然成为“中”。 wenku.baidu.com 2. He said The Sun in 2005 and 2006, four articles are based on tapping his cell phone and reported. 他说,太阳报在2005及2006年有四篇文章都是依据窃听他的手机而报道。 www.englishtang.com 3. Some neighbours believe one or two people might have disappeared, but authorities said no deaths had been reported. 街坊的居民认为有一两个人失踪了,但当局表示目前还没有死亡被报告。 www.bing.com 4. The age of onset is typically less than 20 years of age, although three adult onset cases had been reported. 的发病年龄通常小于20岁,但三个成人发病情况的报告。 www.syyxw.com 5. South Korean officials caution against interpreting Mr. Kim's reported comments as a signal the North is ready to come back to the talks. 韩国官员说,不应急于把报道提及的金正日讲话视为北韩将重返六方会谈的信号。 www.ebigear.com 6. His wife said, "During the days you were missing, I thought you had been killed in an accident, so I reported to the local authorities. " 妻子说,?你失踪了这些日子,我以为是遇难了呢,所以就向官府报告了。 q.sohu.com 7. LastPass reported last month that it had noticed some odd behavior in its network traffic logs and might have suffered an online break-in. LastPass上个月报告说,它已经在其网络流量记录中注意到一些奇怪的行为,而且有可能遭到黑客的网络攻击。 dongxi.net 8. Days ago it was reported he had left hospital to be at home with his wife, Lisa Niemi, his boyhood sweetheart from Houston. 几天之前有报道说他和妻子回家了。他的妻子丽莎?尼米是他在休斯敦的少年时代的恋人。 www.bing.com 9. On the first, they reported that this problem was due to the makeup company investment and they will work it out. 首先,他们将此问题归咎于化妆品公司的投资,他们会解决这一问题。 hi.baidu.com 10. There was no official confirmation of the reported death and spokespersons for Jackson could not be reached for comment. 还没有官方方面的杰克逊死讯的证实报道,杰克逊的发方人也未就此发表评论。 bbs.ebigear.com 1. It is reported that around twenty of the passengers were able to hold onto the front part of the boat. 据报道,其中二十多名乘客可握住船体前部。 www.unsv.com 2. Initially we reported Mr McDonald's quote as, "Well, fuck it. I don't care what you think. I'm trying to do the right thing. " 起初我们是这样报道麦当劳先生说的话:“屌,我才不在乎你怎么看,我在努力做正确的事。” www.bing.com 3. The company has reported quarterly profit for more than a year now, helped by growing revenue and an improving advertising market in China. 分众传媒迄今已有一年多报告季度盈利,收入增长和中国广告市场的改善在其中起到了作用。 cn.wsj.com 4. The company reported a 94% increase in first-quarter profits from a year earlier. 该公司公布今年一季度利润较上年同期增长94%。 www.bing.com 5. She was reported to have suffered for more than a year from respiratory symptoms associated with a neoplastic condition. 据报告,她患有与肿瘤相关的呼吸道症状达一年以上。 www.who.int 6. Couples who were happy over the long term reported being content at the start of relationships and still content two years later. 那些长相斯守的快乐夫妻在关系初建时就有一种满足感,而两年后也仍然彼此满意。 edu.sina.com.cn 7. The talks are preliminary and a deal is not likely to happen for at least a couple of months, the Journal reported. 报称,谈判还在初步阶段,敲定交易至少还需数月时间。 cn.reuters.com 8. A LAN support just called and reported that he was unable to put a desktop's machine name into the corporate domain. 一位局域网技术支持人员刚刚打来电话,上报他无法把一部台式电脑的机器名输入公司网络域中。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The press reported that Flowers had been paid for the story, and that she had vigorously denied an affair a year earlier. 据媒体报道,弗劳尔斯是因为有人付钱才把这事给捅出来的,一年前她曾拼命否认这则绯闻。 www.bing.com 10. Recently US scientists reported on the case of a woman whose amygdala had been destroyed by a medical condition. 美国科学家们观察了一位因病导致杏仁核受损的妇女,最近他们就观察结果作了报告。 gb.cri.cn 1. On a more positive note, the U. S. Commerce Department reported a 1. 2% boost in factory orders in May, the biggest jump in nearly a year. 美国商务部报告称,一条积极的消息,在5月份工厂订单提升了1.2%,这是近一年来最大的涨幅。 voa.hjenglish.com 2. In September, Old Navy reported that sales at stores open at least a year increased 13% from a year earlier. 今年9月,OldNavy公布同店销售额比去年同期增长了13%。 www.bing.com 3. The ruling came as anti- terrorism officials continued to investigate a reported plot to bomb flights from Britain to the United States . 法规是为反恐官员继续调查从英国到美国的航班的炸弹阴谋中得来的。 www.bing.com 4. State media reported that mine safety officers were covering up accidents at the rate of about one a week. 中国国有媒体曾报道称,中国几乎每周发生一件煤矿安全官员隐瞒煤矿事故的事件。 bbs.pubool.com 5. It reported BHP chief executive Marius Kloppers said the deal's completion was hampered by a proposed new Australian tax on mining profits. 报导称,必和必拓首席执行官高瑞思(MariusKloppers)表示,澳洲当局提议对矿业获利课徵新税的提案,妨碍了合并计划完成。 cn.reuters.com 6. Second, she reported that she had finally contacted Mrs. Hannah Baxter, and Mrs. Baxter would be glad to see him at two o'clock. 第二件事,她报告说她已经和罕纳·巴克斯特夫人联系过了,巴克斯特夫人欢迎他下午两点去作客。 7. The fire is thought to have started on a sound stage of the studios. An advertisement is reported to have been being filmed at the time. 火灾被认为是开始于一个摄影棚的工作室。据报道那时,广告正在拍摄。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said he might not object to swapping jobs with Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, AFP reported. 据法新社报道,俄罗斯总统德米特里·梅德韦杰夫说,他不介意本届任期结束后与现任总理普京“换岗”。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 9. Only three incidents, minor by Iraqi standards, were reported from all around the country, probably less than on an average ordinary day. 只有三个事件在伊拉克的标准之下,他们被在全国报道,可能少于一个平均的普通日。 www.bing.com 10. Robbins said he did not know why the spying device was activated as his laptop had not been reported stolen or missing. Robbins说在他的笔记本没有报告被偷窃或是丢失时,他不知道他里面的间谍系统被激活了。 www.bing.com 1. The airport and railroad stations were reported Wednesday to be jammed as residents tried to leave . 据报道,周三的机场和火车站挤满了出行的人们。 www.bing.com 2. What was initially reported to have been a suspected insider attack is now understood possibly to have involved insurgent fire. 最初的报道怀疑袭击为内部事件,不过现在我们认为很可能与叛乱有关。 www.hxen.com 3. Citi declined to comment but people close to the bank said the bank had discovered the control failures and reported them to regulators. 花旗拒绝对此置评,但接近该行的人士表示,该行曾发现了控制失灵的问题,并向监管机构作了汇报。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The son of FIA president Max Mosley has died of a suspected drug overdose, the British newspaper The Sun reported on Wednesday. 的儿子,国际汽联主席莫斯利一直怀疑因吸毒过量,英国报纸太阳周三报导。 usa.315che.com 5. if, in an emergency, a decision must be made by an individual, the matter must be promptly reported to the Party organization afterwards. 如果在紧急情况下,必须决定由一个独立的,这个问题必须迅速向党组织以后。 q.sohu.com 6. Reported that this was the first killing of American hostage by Somali pirates. 报道称,这是索马里海盗首次杀害美国人质。 www.englishtang.com 7. And while they said they had no reported cases so far of "malicious attack, " they warned it is possible. 他们称虽然目前没有此类恶性事件发生的报道,但这是可能的。 news.dxy.cn 8. There have been reports of poultry die off in her village and the case is reported to have had exposure to sick poultry. 有报告称,病人所在的村庄有家禽死亡情况。据报告,病人曾与病禽有过接触。 www.who.int 9. Socrates was one of the most famous Greek philosophers, whose teaching Plato reported in his dialogues. 苏格拉底是古希腊最著名的哲学家,他对柏拉图的教导,记录在柏拉图的对话录【2】里。 www.bing.com 10. WASHINGTON - Middle-aged men who ate seven or more eggs a week had a higher risk of earlier death, U. S. researchers reported on Wednesday. 美国研究员在星期三的报告称,华盛顿中年男子如果一个星期吃超过七个鸡蛋的话会有缩短寿命的危险。 www.bing.com 1. But other officials said as many as four people had been killed, and witnesses reported ambulances lining up at the front gate to the base. 但其他官员说,四人在袭击中死亡。目击者称,有多辆救护车在该基地大门口排队等候。 c.wsj.com 2. Reported that this did not cause panic to local residents, there is speculation that this may be meteorite landing. 报道称,此事并未引发当地居民恐慌,有猜测这可能是陨石降落。 www.englishtang.com 3. We also found that the more sophisticated the exposure assessment, the less likely it was that an effect would be reported. 我们还发现暴露评估越复杂高端,报告健康影响的可能性越小。 www.who.int 4. The bank reported a third-quarter net loss applicable to shareholders of $91 million, compared with a profit of $498 million a year earlier. 该银行第三季度录得股东应占亏损为9100万美元,去年同期的盈利则是4.98亿美元。 www.bing.com 5. The matter reported by the media, aroused the concern of many users. 此事经媒体报道后,引起了众多网友的关注。 www.englishtang.com 6. To the best of our knowledge, the en bloc excision of a solitary sacral osteochondroma has not been previously reported. 据我们所知,之前文献中还没有整块切除孤立骶骨骨软骨瘤的有关报道。 s1521.degree-distance.com 7. Behold, the man clothed with linen, which had the inkhorn by his side, reported the matter, saying, I have done as thou hast commanded me. 那穿细麻衣,腰间带着墨盒子的人将这事回覆说,我已经照你所吩咐的行了。 www.bing.com 8. The fact that the reported wedding took place in India tells us how much the world of wealth is shifting East. 而据报道,举办这场婚礼的国家是印度,这说明全球有大量财富在向东方转移。 c.wsj.com 9. I should have noted the name of the company the man claimed to be working for and reported it. 我应该注意一下那个人说的他工作的那个公司并且上报。 www.elanso.com 10. Earlier this week, though, we reported on what appeared to be the very first - an update to an app called Metro Paris Subway. 但是,我们本周报道了一个叫做“巴黎地铁”(MetroParisSubway)的软件,似乎这是第一款iPhoneAR软件。 www.bing.com 1. For men who reported negative feelings, the prevailing tone was one of emptiness and loneliness. 空虚寂寞是那些感觉不好的男人们的普遍口吻。 www.suiniyi.com 2. Just days earlier, he said he would quit if he failed to win parliamentary passage of legislation extending the mission, AP reported. 就在数天前,他说过如果国会没能通过扩充任务的立法,他就要辞职。 runescape106.blog.163.com 3. Company documents reported by the Wall Street Journal said the plan would add one billion dollars a year in sales. 根据《华尔街日报》报道,麦当劳公司的文件称,该计划将为公司增加十亿美元的销售收入。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. But a daily tipple did not cut the odds of heart disease in women, according to the findings reported in the British Medical Journal. 但发表在英国医学期刊上的研究结果显示:女人每天喝点酒不会减少心脏病的发病风险。 diversity.blog.hexun.com 5. Mother looked at for a while, ask where Aunt some publicity, so help me there were reported, as here let me learn to skate. 妈妈看了一会儿,就问那里的宣传阿姨一些情况,于是就帮我在那儿报了名,像让我在这里学会滑冰。 wenwen.soso.com 6. The head of the National Gallery in London said Tuesday he would welcome more fakes, Reuters reported. 据路透社报道,伦敦国家画廊馆长潘尼21日表示,他欢迎更多赝品入馆。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 7. Borrower does not return more than one month, the Finance Department reported the general manager of the end of their salaries. 超过一个月不归还借款者,财务部上报总经理,月末从其工资中扣除。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. More research is needed to see if fish oils protect against asthma and hay fever, the British Medical Journal reported. 还需要更多的研究以证明鱼油可以预防哮喘、花粉热,《英国医学期刊》上发表的报道说。 www.bing.com 9. The China Daily reported the survey results, which showed parents would like a son and a daughter, at least. 中国日报报道的这个调查结果显示,父母们至少想要一个男孩和一个女孩。 www.bing.com 10. Note: Any additional product must be reported to the Company and will be covered only from the date on which it is reported to the Company. 请注意:任何新增加的产品必须于通知本公司,并自本公司书面同意之日起受本保险保障。 www.chinainsur.com 1. Facebook reported that 50m people have signed up to its service since July, taking the total number of users to 300m. Facebook报道自从七月以来,有5000万用户注册,该公司目前用户总人数已突破30亿。 www.bing.com 2. About three-quarters of the companies that have reported so far have done better than analysts expected. 迄今为止,已经公布业绩的公司中,大约有四分之三的表现超出了分析师的预期。 chinese.wsj.com 3. It was reported to have been printed at a time when Mao was trying to elicit Lin's support during the Cultural Revolution. 据报导,这枚邮票是在文革时期毛泽东努力争取林彪支持的时候印制的。 c.wsj.com 4. Last summer, Phelps was reported to be earning about $5 million a year from his combined endorsements. 去年夏天有报导称,菲尔普斯凭借多项合约,一年可以赚到500万美元。 cn.reuters.com 5. Hemingway in the "old" magazine published a communication "in the blue of the ocean, " reported the matter. 海明威在《老爷》杂志上发表了一篇通讯《在蓝色的海洋上》报道这件事。 cul.zhishi.sohu.com 6. A policeman returned to his police station one evening and reported to the sergeant that he had found an old car with no license plates . 一天傍晚,一个警察回到警察局,向警官报告说他发现了一辆没有牌照的旧汽车。 www.ebigear.com 7. A conductor of a train in South Africa reported seeing a man and a woman engaging in sexual acts while on the train tracks. 南非一位火车司机报告看到一男一女正在铁轨上做那事儿。 www.bing.com 8. It is reported that the beginning of the game ships on a collision occurred, but did not cause too much damage, the race continued. 据悉,这次比赛一开始,就发生了船只相撞事故,但没有造成太大损失,赛事继续进行。 www.englishtang.com 9. Earlier this year, the Observer reported that the total area being bought up by rich nations was more than double the size of the UK. 今年早些时候,观察家报道富国购买的土地总面积是英联邦大小的两倍多。 www.bing.com 10. Those taking phony supplements reported a greater sense of invulnerability and less of a desire to exercise. 那些吃了假补品的人后就有种刀枪不入的感觉,并且不愿意做运动。 www.china.org.cn 1. Mr. Zhai sought to have Mr. Yang, who was reported to have been a victim of police brutality, declared mentally unfit to stand trial. 翟建曾试图让据称是警察施暴受害者的杨佳宣布患有精神疾病,不能受审。 c.wsj.com 2. However, he confirms there has recently been a reduction of reported incursions from Pakistan along the line of control. 但是他证实,据报导,最近来自克什米尔巴方控制区的越界攻击事件在减少。 www.voanews.cn 3. At least 8, 000 people were removed from the British Museum on Saturday in what was described as a "gas" incident, BBC reported. 据英国广播公司报道,至少8000名大英博物馆的游客当地时间周六因为一“毒气”事件被疏散。 www.china.org.cn 4. Lai did not deny allegations against him of tax evasion and tax fraud, and said he was prepared for imprisonment, the CBV reported. 据CBV报道:赖不否认曾对他偷税漏税及骗税的指控,他曾说过他做好了被关押准备。 www.bing.com 5. A year on, manufacturers reported that in October, output around the world was rising at the fastest rate for five years. 一年之后,制造商提供的数据显示,今年10月全球产出实现了5年来的最快增长。 www.ftchinese.com 6. But, the New York Post reported that Fred has yet to call his son to congratulate him on his Olympic accomplishments. 但纽约邮报又说,弗瑞德都没有打个电话恭喜他儿子在奥运会上的出色表现。 bbs.transn.com 7. Reported that the injured have been transferred to local hospitals for treatment. Cause of the fire is still under investigation. 报道称,目前伤者已被转移至当地医院中进行治疗。火灾的原因仍在进一步调查之中。 www.englishtang.com 8. Reported that the air strikes took place in Libya to meet Gaddafi broadcast on state television hours after the video. 报道说,该次空袭发生在利比亚国家电视台播出卡扎菲开会视频的数小时之后。 www.englishtang.com 9. Witnesses said the plane crashed through the hilltop airport's boundary wall and fell into a valley, CNN-IBN reported. 目击者说,飞机穿过小山顶上机场上的围墙,并掉进入一个山谷而坠毁,CNN-IBN电视台报道。 www.bing.com 10. The Russian News Agency reported the incident yesterday and said the coast guard just found an empty boat in a three-day search. 俄罗斯新闻通讯社于昨天对该事件进行报道,报道声称,经过三天的搜索,海岸警卫仅发现了一艘空船。 www.rr365.com 1. A conductor of a train in South Africa reported seeing a man and a woman engaging in sexual acts while on the train tracks. 南非一位火车司机报告看到一男一女正在铁轨上做那事儿。 www.bing.com 2. It is reported that the beginning of the game ships on a collision occurred, but did not cause too much damage, the race continued. 据悉,这次比赛一开始,就发生了船只相撞事故,但没有造成太大损失,赛事继续进行。 www.englishtang.com 3. Earlier this year, the Observer reported that the total area being bought up by rich nations was more than double the size of the UK. 今年早些时候,观察家报道富国购买的土地总面积是英联邦大小的两倍多。 www.bing.com 4. Those taking phony supplements reported a greater sense of invulnerability and less of a desire to exercise. 那些吃了假补品的人后就有种刀枪不入的感觉,并且不愿意做运动。 www.china.org.cn 5. Some analysts said the slowing rise in prices reported Thursday may delay what looked like an imminent tightening action by the RBI. 一些分析师说,由于周四公布的数据显示物价上涨速度正在放慢,印度央行一度好似如箭在弦的紧缩行动可能会推迟实施。 www.hxen.com 6. Thomas Beatie, better known as the Pregnant Man, said he is expecting his second child, media reported Saturday. 托马斯贝蒂,我们可以更好地称为妊娠男人说,他期待着他的第二个孩子,媒体报道。 en.v.wenguo.com 7. Mr. Zhai sought to have Mr. Yang, who was reported to have been a victim of police brutality, declared mentally unfit to stand trial. 翟建曾试图让据称是警察施暴受害者的杨佳宣布患有精神疾病,不能受审。 c.wsj.com 8. However, he confirms there has recently been a reduction of reported incursions from Pakistan along the line of control. 但是他证实,据报导,最近来自克什米尔巴方控制区的越界攻击事件在减少。 www.voanews.cn 9. At least 8, 000 people were removed from the British Museum on Saturday in what was described as a "gas" incident, BBC reported. 据英国广播公司报道,至少8000名大英博物馆的游客当地时间周六因为一“毒气”事件被疏散。 www.china.org.cn 10. Lai did not deny allegations against him of tax evasion and tax fraud, and said he was prepared for imprisonment, the CBV reported. 据CBV报道:赖不否认曾对他偷税漏税及骗税的指控,他曾说过他做好了被关押准备。 www.bing.com 1. Some analysts said the slowing rise in prices reported Thursday may delay what looked like an imminent tightening action by the RBI. 一些分析师说,由于周四公布的数据显示物价上涨速度正在放慢,印度央行一度好似如箭在弦的紧缩行动可能会推迟实施。 www.hxen.com 2. Thomas Beatie, better known as the Pregnant Man, said he is expecting his second child, media reported Saturday. 托马斯贝蒂,我们可以更好地称为妊娠男人说,他期待着他的第二个孩子,媒体报道。 en.v.wenguo.com 3. BEIJING, Jan. 16 Xinhua The BBC reported that Obama has said he would relax the United States citizens to Cuba travel restrictions. 中新网1月16日电据英国广播公司报道,美国总统奥巴马日前表示,他将放宽美国公民前往古巴旅游的限制。 www.englishtang.com 4. Mr. Zhai sought to have Mr. Yang, who was reported to have been a victim of police brutality, declared mentally unfit to stand trial. 翟建曾试图让据称是警察施暴受害者的杨佳宣布患有精神疾病,不能受审。 c.wsj.com 5. However, he confirms there has recently been a reduction of reported incursions from Pakistan along the line of control. 但是他证实,据报导,最近来自克什米尔巴方控制区的越界攻击事件在减少。 www.voanews.cn 6. At least 8, 000 people were removed from the British Museum on Saturday in what was described as a "gas" incident, BBC reported. 据英国广播公司报道,至少8000名大英博物馆的游客当地时间周六因为一“毒气”事件被疏散。 www.china.org.cn 7. Lai did not deny allegations against him of tax evasion and tax fraud, and said he was prepared for imprisonment, the CBV reported. 据CBV报道:赖不否认曾对他偷税漏税及骗税的指控,他曾说过他做好了被关押准备。 www.bing.com 8. A year on, manufacturers reported that in October, output around the world was rising at the fastest rate for five years. 一年之后,制造商提供的数据显示,今年10月全球产出实现了5年来的最快增长。 www.ftchinese.com 9. But, the New York Post reported that Fred has yet to call his son to congratulate him on his Olympic accomplishments. 但纽约邮报又说,弗瑞德都没有打个电话恭喜他儿子在奥运会上的出色表现。 bbs.transn.com 10. Reported that the injured have been transferred to local hospitals for treatment. Cause of the fire is still under investigation. 报道称,目前伤者已被转移至当地医院中进行治疗。火灾的原因仍在进一步调查之中。 www.englishtang.com 1. However, he confirms there has recently been a reduction of reported incursions from Pakistan along the line of control. 但是他证实,据报导,最近来自克什米尔巴方控制区的越界攻击事件在减少。 www.voanews.cn 2. At least 8, 000 people were removed from the British Museum on Saturday in what was described as a "gas" incident, BBC reported. 据英国广播公司报道,至少8000名大英博物馆的游客当地时间周六因为一“毒气”事件被疏散。 www.china.org.cn 3. Lai did not deny allegations against him of tax evasion and tax fraud, and said he was prepared for imprisonment, the CBV reported. 据CBV报道:赖不否认曾对他偷税漏税及骗税的指控,他曾说过他做好了被关押准备。 www.bing.com 4. A year on, manufacturers reported that in October, output around the world was rising at the fastest rate for five years. 一年之后,制造商提供的数据显示,今年10月全球产出实现了5年来的最快增长。 www.ftchinese.com 5. But, the New York Post reported that Fred has yet to call his son to congratulate him on his Olympic accomplishments. 但纽约邮报又说,弗瑞德都没有打个电话恭喜他儿子在奥运会上的出色表现。 bbs.transn.com 6. Reported that the injured have been transferred to local hospitals for treatment. Cause of the fire is still under investigation. 报道称,目前伤者已被转移至当地医院中进行治疗。火灾的原因仍在进一步调查之中。 www.englishtang.com 7. Reported that the air strikes took place in Libya to meet Gaddafi broadcast on state television hours after the video. 报道说,该次空袭发生在利比亚国家电视台播出卡扎菲开会视频的数小时之后。 www.englishtang.com 8. Witnesses said the plane crashed through the hilltop airport's boundary wall and fell into a valley, CNN-IBN reported. 目击者说,飞机穿过小山顶上机场上的围墙,并掉进入一个山谷而坠毁,CNN-IBN电视台报道。 www.bing.com 9. The Russian News Agency reported the incident yesterday and said the coast guard just found an empty boat in a three-day search. 俄罗斯新闻通讯社于昨天对该事件进行报道,报道声称,经过三天的搜索,海岸警卫仅发现了一艘空船。 www.rr365.com 10. Witnesses reported that when he was struck, he never looked up from the book in his hand. 在场的人说,被撞时他完全沉浸在手上的书中,甚至连头都没有抬一下。 www.bing.com 1. But, the New York Post reported that Fred has yet to call his son to congratulate him on his Olympic accomplishments. 但纽约邮报又说,弗瑞德都没有打个电话恭喜他儿子在奥运会上的出色表现。 bbs.transn.com 2. Reported that the injured have been transferred to local hospitals for treatment. Cause of the fire is still under investigation. 报道称,目前伤者已被转移至当地医院中进行治疗。火灾的原因仍在进一步调查之中。 www.englishtang.com 3. Reported that the air strikes took place in Libya to meet Gaddafi broadcast on state television hours after the video. 报道说,该次空袭发生在利比亚国家电视台播出卡扎菲开会视频的数小时之后。 www.englishtang.com 4. Witnesses said the plane crashed through the hilltop airport's boundary wall and fell into a valley, CNN-IBN reported. 目击者说,飞机穿过小山顶上机场上的围墙,并掉进入一个山谷而坠毁,CNN-IBN电视台报道。 www.bing.com 5. The Russian News Agency reported the incident yesterday and said the coast guard just found an empty boat in a three-day search. 俄罗斯新闻通讯社于昨天对该事件进行报道,报道声称,经过三天的搜索,海岸警卫仅发现了一艘空船。 www.rr365.com 6. Witnesses reported that when he was struck, he never looked up from the book in his hand. 在场的人说,被撞时他完全沉浸在手上的书中,甚至连头都没有抬一下。 www.bing.com 7. Harrison Ford divorced his wife Melissa Mathison after 18 years of marriage in a settlement worth a reported ? 50 million. 哈里森·福特在付给前妻梅莉莎·麦希森5000万英镑后,结束了他们18年的婚姻。 bbs.enfamily.cn 8. It's reported Juve have provided him with a one-year contract and an option of a further season either as a player or in a directorial role. 据说斑马军团为卡纳瓦罗提供了一份为期一年并且可以续约一个赛季的合同,并准备让这名球员在退役后进入俱乐部管理层。 www.juvechina.com 9. Reported that the matter had been carried out criminal case and launched investigations. 报道称,当局已就此事进行了刑事立案,并展开调查。 www.englishtang.com 10. In the United States, more than 50% of the women over 16 years of age are now reported to be in the labor force, full or part time. 据报道,现在年龄在十六岁以上的美国妇女中有50%以上的人在社会上从事全职或兼职工作。 1. Harrison Ford divorced his wife Melissa Mathison after 18 years of marriage in a settlement worth a reported ? 50 million. 哈里森·福特在付给前妻梅莉莎·麦希森5000万英镑后,结束了他们18年的婚姻。 bbs.enfamily.cn 2. It's reported Juve have provided him with a one-year contract and an option of a further season either as a player or in a directorial role. 据说斑马军团为卡纳瓦罗提供了一份为期一年并且可以续约一个赛季的合同,并准备让这名球员在退役后进入俱乐部管理层。 www.juvechina.com 3. Reported that the matter had been carried out criminal case and launched investigations. 报道称,当局已就此事进行了刑事立案,并展开调查。 www.englishtang.com 4. In the United States, more than 50% of the women over 16 years of age are now reported to be in the labor force, full or part time. 据报道,现在年龄在十六岁以上的美国妇女中有50%以上的人在社会上从事全职或兼职工作。 5. Altogether, nine U. S. Service members have been reported killed since the beginning of the weekend, six of them on Monday. 据报道,从周末开始总计有九名美国公务员被杀,其中六人死于星期一。 bbs.hjenglish.com 6. One of the limitations in my original solution was that it reported only the match pattern when each template started and ended execution. 在我原先的解决方案中所存在的限制之一是,在每个模板启动,然后结束执行之后,它只报告match模式。 www.ibm.com 7. I have reported the matter to the police in [the capital of] Dar-es-Salaam and I hope they will take the necessary action. 我已经把这件事报告给了首都达累斯萨拉姆的警方并且我希望他们采取必要的行动。 www.bing.com 8. But if you don't write code to do something in that callback, nothing will get reported to your code or to the application client. 但是,如果不在该回调中编写要做某事的代码,则代码或应用程序客户机将得不到任何报告。 www.ibm.com 9. The U. S. military says it was not involved in a helicopter attack reported by residents of a town in southern Somalia on Sunday. 美国军方说,它们没有参与一次直升飞机袭击,索马里南部一个镇的居民星期天报告了这次袭击。 www.bing.com 10. Among the tales reported was one of a mother that used a hairdryer on her baby's bottom after changing her. 在众多例子中据说有这样一个故事,讲的是一位妈妈在给宝宝换尿布以后用吹风机把她的屁股吹干。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. One of the limitations in my original solution was that it reported only the match pattern when each template started and ended execution. 在我原先的解决方案中所存在的限制之一是,在每个模板启动,然后结束执行之后,它只报告match模式。 www.ibm.com 2. I have reported the matter to the police in [the capital of] Dar-es-Salaam and I hope they will take the necessary action. 我已经把这件事报告给了首都达累斯萨拉姆的警方并且我希望他们采取必要的行动。 www.bing.com 3. But if you don't write code to do something in that callback, nothing will get reported to your code or to the application client. 但是,如果不在该回调中编写要做某事的代码,则代码或应用程序客户机将得不到任何报告。 www.ibm.com 4. The U. S. military says it was not involved in a helicopter attack reported by residents of a town in southern Somalia on Sunday. 美国军方说,它们没有参与一次直升飞机袭击,索马里南部一个镇的居民星期天报告了这次袭击。 www.bing.com 5. Among the tales reported was one of a mother that used a hairdryer on her baby's bottom after changing her. 在众多例子中据说有这样一个故事,讲的是一位妈妈在给宝宝换尿布以后用吹风机把她的屁股吹干。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 6. One local newspaper reported that vets were trying to extract semen from the panda, as part of a breeding programme. 据当地媒体报道,兽医原计划尝试从蔻蔻身体提取精液,以便实施饲养计划。 voa.hjenglish.com 7. The Hispanic unemployment rate was the highest riser of any racial and ethnic group over that period, reported the Wall Street Journal. 华尔街时报报道:在这段时间里,西班牙裔失业率为各种族群众最高的。 www.bing.com 8. Yes, some people reported that they felt so good when they exercised that it was as if they had taken mood-altering drugs. 没错,一些人说他们在运动时感觉那么好,仿佛是服用了改变情绪的药物一般。 www.chinabaike.com 9. Intellectual Property Watch reported that an Intergovernmental Meeting on Pandemic Influenza Preparedness had not resolved all issues. 知识产权观察组织报告说,一个防范流感大规模蔓延的政府间会议并未解决所有问题。 www.scidev.net 10. However, repeat attendees reported that this was the most exciting and active iteration in several years. 但是,曾多次参加过往届研讨会的与会者却一致认为本次会议是历年来最令人兴奋也是最活跃的一次。 www.ibm.com 1. One local newspaper reported that vets were trying to extract semen from the panda, as part of a breeding programme. 据当地媒体报道,兽医原计划尝试从蔻蔻身体提取精液,以便实施饲养计划。 voa.hjenglish.com 2. The Hispanic unemployment rate was the highest riser of any racial and ethnic group over that period, reported the Wall Street Journal. 华尔街时报报道:在这段时间里,西班牙裔失业率为各种族群众最高的。 www.bing.com 3. Yes, some people reported that they felt so good when they exercised that it was as if they had taken mood-altering drugs. 没错,一些人说他们在运动时感觉那么好,仿佛是服用了改变情绪的药物一般。 www.chinabaike.com 4. Intellectual Property Watch reported that an Intergovernmental Meeting on Pandemic Influenza Preparedness had not resolved all issues. 知识产权观察组织报告说,一个防范流感大规模蔓延的政府间会议并未解决所有问题。 www.scidev.net 5. However, repeat attendees reported that this was the most exciting and active iteration in several years. 但是,曾多次参加过往届研讨会的与会者却一致认为本次会议是历年来最令人兴奋也是最活跃的一次。 www.ibm.com 6. But Japanese media reported that the bank was in talks with Bank of China, one of China's "Big Four" commercial lenders. 但日本媒体此前报道,三菱东京UFJ正与中国“四大”商业银行之一的中国银行(BankofChina)谈判。 www.ftchinese.com 7. It is reported that this company expanded its design center in London last month. 据报道,这家公司上月扩展了其伦敦设计中心。 bbs.koolearn.com 8. Wal-Mart reported another poor quarter in America, with revenue dipping again from stores that have been open for at least a year. 沃尔玛美国第四季度的(收益)报告再次惨淡,同店销售额(见注)有所下降。 www.ecocn.org 9. The WSA said there might be "a small amount of underreporting" from China but it was "nothing like" what Mr Fish has reported. 该组织表示,中国的数据可能存在“少量低报”,但“根本不像”菲什所报告的那么严重。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Germany's electronics industry has said the market for rare earths had become "critical" due to reported restrictions on exports from China. 德国电子产业曾表示,由于据称中国限制出口,稀土市场已变得“很关键”。 cn.reuters.com 1. But Japanese media reported that the bank was in talks with Bank of China, one of China's "Big Four" commercial lenders. 但日本媒体此前报道,三菱东京UFJ正与中国“四大”商业银行之一的中国银行(BankofChina)谈判。 www.ftchinese.com 2. It is reported that this company expanded its design center in London last month. 据报道,这家公司上月扩展了其伦敦设计中心。 bbs.koolearn.com 3. Wal-Mart reported another poor quarter in America, with revenue dipping again from stores that have been open for at least a year. 沃尔玛美国第四季度的(收益)报告再次惨淡,同店销售额(见注)有所下降。 www.ecocn.org 4. The WSA said there might be "a small amount of underreporting" from China but it was "nothing like" what Mr Fish has reported. 该组织表示,中国的数据可能存在“少量低报”,但“根本不像”菲什所报告的那么严重。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Germany's electronics industry has said the market for rare earths had become "critical" due to reported restrictions on exports from China. 德国电子产业曾表示,由于据称中国限制出口,稀土市场已变得“很关键”。 cn.reuters.com 6. Finally, he called a journalist, who matched the young man's description to that of another young man reported missing. 最后,他找到了一个记者,记者通过比对,发现这个年轻的男子与一失踪人员的描述一样。 www.bing.com 7. Children with reported insomnia had impaired CAM with a shift towards more sympathetic or excitable activation of the heart rhythm. 报告有失眠症的孩子CAM受损,交感神经调节较多或心节律激活兴奋。 news.dxy.cn 8. The number of males who reported that they ate out for lunch less than once a week was 120 . 报称少过一星期有一次出外食午餐的男性人数是120。 www.bing.com 9. It was earlier reported a 6-year-old boy was on board, but police on the scene where the balloon touched down say there was no one inside. 此前报道称,上面有一名6岁的儿童。但是,在气球着陆地点进行搜寻的警察称,气球上没有任何人。 jp345.com 10. It had been reported that the toxic effect of diabetes on embryos had happened early before it was imbedded. 研究表明妊娠合并糖尿病对胎儿的毒性作用在胚胎着床前期即已发生。 www.fabiao.net 1. It had been reported that the toxic effect of diabetes on embryos had happened early before it was imbedded. 研究表明妊娠合并糖尿病对胎儿的毒性作用在胚胎着床前期即已发生。 www.fabiao.net 2. Pro-Gadhafi forces continued to launch airstrikes on Ras Lanuf, with at least four more strikes reported on Tuesday, according to witnesses. 据目击者说,支持卡扎菲的队部继续对拉斯拉努夫发起空袭,据报导周二至少又进行了四次空袭。 c.wsj.com 3. Dell Inc is getting a marketing makeover, trying to shed its image as a cheaper alternative to rivals, Reuters reported Thursday. 据路透社21日报道,全球第二大个人电脑制造商戴尔公司正在进行一场营销策略大调整,试图摆脱其作为竞争对手廉价替代品的形象。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 4. The International Pole Dancing Fitness Association is trying to make pole dancing (see photo) an Olympic event, AP reported. 据美联社报道,国际钢管舞健身协会目前正在积极推动钢管舞(见图)的申奥计划。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. The owner of the basement , it turned out, had a week earlier been detained on charges of rape in a separate case, Beijing News reported. 《新京报》报道说,调查发现,地下室的主人一周前已因涉嫌另一桩强奸案而被拘捕。 www.qeto.com 6. about a month later , finding that he had not made any progress , shaughnessy reported definitely that slawson would not extend the lease. 大约一个月后,他发现自己毫无进展,而此时肖内西则明确的告诉他,斯劳森不愿延长租期。 www.ichacha.net 7. Shooting was reported from some of the nearby villages, where barricades of burning tyres have been put up to try to block the advance. 据报道,附近一些村庄枪击事件,那里设置了燃烧的轮胎作为路障,防止军队进一步推进。 www.hxen.com 8. The bank said it had "terminated the employee" involved and reported the activity to the appropriate authorities. 摩根士丹利表示,公司已经与这名涉嫌员工“解约”,并向相关当局报告了他的行为。 www.ftchinese.com 9. The Post also reported that she's frequent travel companion with Soros and attended a UN summit on climate change with him. 《纽约时报》还报导称,博尔顿经常和索罗斯出去旅行,还和他一同参加了联合国举办的气候变化峰会。 learning.sohu.com 10. Scouts sent out to run the rule over the Frenchman have reported positive feedback and an official move is now expected to be made. 马拉加已经派出球探观察了法国人,他回馈伊坦杰的信息时积极的,现在马拉加官方希望这笔交易达成。 lfcbbs.fans1.com 1. Scouts sent out to run the rule over the Frenchman have reported positive feedback and an official move is now expected to be made. 马拉加已经派出球探观察了法国人,他回馈伊坦杰的信息时积极的,现在马拉加官方希望这笔交易达成。 lfcbbs.fans1.com 2. The news agency Yonhap reported that a player found dead in his hotel roomhad left a note in which he referred to a match-fixing cartel. 据韩联社报道,死在酒店房间里的球员留下一份遗书,提到了假球联盟。 dongxi.net 3. The next day, the mother and daughter reported the incident to the police who immediately arrested the stepfather. 翌日早上,母亲带着女儿到警署报案,警察马上检控了继父。 www.oxfam.org.hk 4. Some of the disconcerting things reported are exactly why the president ordered a three month policy review and a change in strategy. 某些被断断续续报道的内容,恰恰是奥巴马总统命令启动一项为期三个月的政策审核,并对战略进行修订的原因所在。 www.bing.com 5. Garden-store retailers have reported increased sales over the past two years, he said, and many community gardens have waiting lists. 他说,花园—商店零售商报告,过去的两年销售增加了,许多的社区菜园还在等待批准。 www.bing.com 6. So the Marine Research Institute knows exactly how much each boat is catching and where. It claims that 95% of the total is well reported. 这样,海洋研究所就准确掌握了每艘船捕获多少和在哪里,它声称95%的船只被按规定报告。 www.bing.com 7. The whole Swiss setup, one Britishnewspaper reported back in London, was a sordid "league of incest. " 整个在瑞士的集会被在英国伦敦的报纸报道为肮脏的“乱伦联盟”。 www.bing.com 8. Taiwan so far has reported no cases, but the years of exclusion from the WHO make it feel vulnerable. 到目前为止,台湾报告无确诊病例,但是它排除在WHO之外的那些年里,很容易受到病毒传播。 www.elanso.com 9. Wall Street Journal article also reported that iPhone users download web data at a rate of two to four times that of other smartphone users. 华尔街日报的一篇文章也报道说,iPhone用户下载网页数据的速度是其他智能手机用户2到4倍。 www.bing.com 10. Responsible for that correct information is reported and that this information is maintained to achieve zero mistakes. 负责汇报正确的信息,保持信息正确零错误。 c.quanzhi.com 1. At least 27 people are reported to have been killed since the protests began a few weeks ago. 自数周前抗议活动开始至今,至少已有27人死亡。总统阿里? www.ecocn.org 2. Article 27 Guns that do not measure up to the technical standards of the State and that cannot be used safely shall be reported as useless. 第二十七条不符合国家技术标准、不能安全使用的枪支,应当报废。 www.24en.com 3. Most pregnancies have been reported in women with renal allografts, but pregnancy is possible in women with various solid organ transplants. 大多数的怀孕报告了妇女肾移植,但怀孕的妇女有可能在各种固体器官移植。 www.syyxw.com 4. They are only allowed to leave the factory grounds at certain times, the Associated Press reported on Friday. 他们只允许在某些时候离开工厂的理由,美联社周五报导。 www.itpub.net 5. She and others reported having to say "Nothing but Allah, Muammar, and Libya, " as they passed through the checkpoints. 她和其他人称在经过检查站时都必须说”除了真主安拉,卡扎菲和利比亚以外什么都没有“。 www.bing.com 6. Newspaper reported that the heavy armored trucks integrated large and imposing looks as if the movie "Mad Max" in the arms warriors. 本报综合报道这些重型装甲卡车看起来庞大而威风,仿佛是电影《疯狂的麦克斯》中勇士们的武器。 www.englishtang.com 7. The creature is often reported to be the saize of an adult bear or a large calf. 在报道中这个生物的体格一般都有一只成年熊或是大牛般大小。 dongxi.net 8. The bank on Friday was in negotiations with a collection of sovereign wealth funds in Asia and the Middle East, The New York Times reported. 纽约时报报道说,这家银行周五还在与一些亚洲和中东的主权投资基金谈判。 dongxi.net 9. "To date, there hasn't been a single human trial reported in a major medical journal, " he said. “迄今为止,还未见一个主要医学期刊报道一个人体试验,”他说。 www.bing.com 10. Happily, he said the agency knew of no reported complaints of underground vermin climbing on subway passengers. 令人欣慰的是,他说运输署并未听说过有地下害虫爬到地铁乘客脸上的举报投诉。 c.wsj.com 1. He said it would have been an ideal weather situation to allow the phenomena to occur - but no tornados have been reported to the authority. 他说这将是一个理想的天气情况,去允许那现象发生-但没有报告给当局有龙捲风。 forum1.my903.com 2. However, technology website Cnet. co. uk reports that the San Francisco Police Department said Apple had not reported the item as lost. 然而,据美国科技资讯网站CNET报道,旧金山警察局并没有接到苹果关于物件丢失的报告。 bilingual.huanqiu.com 3. It has been given the name 'facial vision', because blind people have reported that it feels a bit like the sense of touch, on the face. 这被称作“面部测距能力”,因为据盲人说这种感觉和在脸上的触觉有些类似。 www.bing.com 4. After just a few days, the video dramatically changed the Virginia Senate race as the news media reported on the controversy. 就在几天之后,关于这个视频争论的新闻报道,戏剧化的改变了V州议员选举。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. After only a few day's realistic role-playing participants reported it felt as though their old identities had been erased. 经过了仅仅几天逼真的角色扮演之后,被试报告说他们之前的身份似乎已经完全被抹去了。 www.bing.com 6. "Incidents like this, where shampoos are reported to have problems, are not new, " he said. "Someone is trying to harm me and BaWang. " “类似这样的事故,洗发水出现问题,已是老生常谈的了”他说“某些人在不择手段地中伤我和霸王” www.bing.com 7. Reported that close to Narathiwat Pattani around 9 am the day have taken place in a bomb attack, the attack left two soldiers injured. 报道称,紧邻陶公府的北大年府当天上午9时左右也发生了一宗炸弹袭击事件,袭击事件造成两名军人受伤。 www.englishtang.com 8. On Monday night, crews were trying to reach 38 people believed to be still trapped in the mine. No deaths had been reported. 周一夜间,救援人员在努力搜寻据信仍被困在煤矿中的38人。尚未报告有人死亡。 gb.cri.cn 9. The number of females who reported that they ate out for breakfast once a week was 127 . 报称一星期有一次出外食早餐的女性人数是127。 www.bing.com 10. Last month, Arking's group reported in the journal Circulation that it had found a single gene that raises the risk of cardiac death. 上个月,Arking的研究小组在Circulation杂志上公布,(他们)已经发现了一种单一基因,其可增加心源性死亡的风险。 news.dxy.cn 1. The company said only one case of wildlife damage -- a dead duck -- had been reported, but Pruessing said that could not be confirmed. 公司称只发现一起野生动物受害事件,一只死亡的野鸭,之前忆报道过。但是P称这还没有确定。 cn.9iquzhou.com 2. Other visitors reported that Booee used the American Sign Language gesture for "keys, " indicating that he wanted to get out of his cage. 其他游客也表示Booee曾使用美国手语做出“钥匙”单词,表明他想要离开笼子。 dongxi.net 3. He said the largest financial firms reported that top executives wouldn't receive cash bonuses in 2009. 迪那波里说,最大几家金融公司已表示,其顶级高管2009年将不会获得现金奖金。 c.wsj.com 4. "The other, less reported side of it was a holistic communications strategy, " the company explains. “另一方面,媒体就这件事报道相对较少的是我们的整体通信战略,”该公司解释道。 www.ftchinese.com 5. During the last three years there have been a steady rate of just over 900 reported cases of campylobacter poisoning a year in Birmingham. 过去三年里,伯明翰每年报告的空肠弯曲菌中毒人数稳定在900余人。 www.bing.com 6. As previously reported, it said those efforts appeared to be intended primarily for use in assassinations, not to inflict mass casualties. 就像先前报告的,这些研究看起来是主要是用于暗杀,而不是大规模杀伤。 www.xici.net 7. CL King analyst Lawrence Harris said the Dell smartphone is reported to be a 2G device that runs on Google's Android platform. CLKing分析师哈里斯(LawrenceHarris)表示,据称戴尔智能手机是在谷歌Android平台上运行的一款2G手机。 cn.reuters.com 8. There was no immediate comment from Chinese top refiner Sinopec on the reported signing of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Iran. 中国石化方面没有就同伊朗签署谅解备忘录的报导立即置评。 cn.reuters.com 9. An unemployed Austrian man has sawn off his left foot, apparently to avoid being found fit enough to go back to work, the Sky News reported. 据天空新闻报道,奥地利一名无业男子锯掉了自己的左脚,这明显是为了避免被认定身体健康适合工作。 gb.cri.cn 10. It did not disclose the purchase price, but veteran Yahoo reporter Kara Swisher reported the company paid $90 million. 声明未透露收购的具体价格,但雅虎资深记者卡拉斯·威舍(KaraSwisher)报道称,雅虎为此支付了9千万美元。 www.bing.com 1. The bank has reported the matter to China's banking regulator, which is also investigating. 该行已经将事情上报中国银行业监管部门,后者也在展开调查。 www.ftchinese.com 2. "There have been a number of reported cases where people have been rescued from icy water and restored to health, " he said. “已经有很多关于人在冷水中溺水后被救起并恢复健康的案例,”他说。 www.kle100.cn 3. Following what some reported as an appearance to them by Jesus, they began to believe that he had been resurrected. 接着一些人报告说耶稣出现了,他们开始相信他复活了。 zasmarquess.blog.163.com 4. A bear cub in Florida, which had a plastic jar stuck on its head for at least 10 days, has now been freed, BBC reported. 据英国广播公司报道,美国佛罗里达州的一只小熊脑袋卡在塑料罐中十余日后,终于获救。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. Aspirin is one of the top 10 causes of adverse events reported to the Commission on Human Medicines, said the BMJ in a press statement. 据《人类医学委员会》报道,阿司匹林是引起不良事件的10大原因之一,BMJ这杂志社在一个新闻发布会上说。 news.dxy.cn 6. Summary of Background Data. FEM has been reported to predict vertebral strength in vitro, but has not been used clinically. 背景资料概要:非线性有限元模型被报道来猜测体外的椎体强度,但尚未应用于临床。 adoop.cn 7. If these match, but the exact match fails, a diagnostic is often reported. 如果这些匹配,但精确的匹配失败,那么通常报告一个诊断结果。 www.ibm.com 8. Chinese defense ministry spokesman said the sales had 'poisoned' otherwise-improving military relations with the U. S. , Xinhua reported. 新华社报道称,中国国防部发言人表示,美国售台武器计划严重干扰了本来积极发展的中美两国两军关系。 bbs.aliwon.cn 9. First instance was to dangerous means to sentenced to death executed immediately reported by the media led to a heated debate on the law. 一审被以以危险方法危害公共安全罪判处死刑立即执行,经媒体报道后引发了一场关于法律的热议。 www.fabiao.net 10. Japanese television reported that the country's Nuclear and Industry Safety Agency said it had detected cesium near one of those reactors. 日本电视台报道,该国的核工业安全局称,其在这两个反应堆其在一个的附近,发现铯。 www.bing.com 1. Retail activity in most Districts was reported to be weak or softening, although tourism generally continued to expand. 大多数储备区的零售活动都陷于疲软,或有所下滑,而旅游业总体上保持了增势。 2. A leaked email said the pilot program would last until May, when the bank would decide whether or not to extend it, it was reported. 一份泄露出来的电子邮件说,试点计划将持续到五月,到时摩根大通将将决定是否延长该计划。 c.wsj.com 3. What if those parents hadn't reported that their baby had pieces of the wind chime toys in his mouth? 如果那些父母没有举报,说他们的孩子的嘴里有风铃玩具的碎片,这件事会如何? www.bing.com 4. A man with an inherited form of blindness has been able to identify letters and a clock face using a pioneering implant, the BBC reported. 据英国广播公司报道,在植入一个先进的芯片之后,患有先天性眼疾的盲人可以辨识字母以及钟表上的时间。 www.china.org.cn 5. Up to 12 people are reported to have been killed in a suicide bomb attack on a minibus carrying foreigners near the Afghan capital, Kabul. 阿富汗首都喀布尔附近一辆载有外国人小型公交车遭遇自杀式炸弹袭击,多达12人死亡。 www.enread.com 6. After an official investigation, the U. S. Navy reported that the ship had been blown up by a mine. 经过正式的官方调查后,美国海军指出军舰爆炸的原因是碰触到地雷。 www.24en.com 7. So they took the money, and did as they were taught: and this saying is commonly reported among the Jews until this day. 兵丁受了银钱,就照所嘱咐他们的去行。这话就传说在犹太人中间,直到今日。 www.ebigear.com 8. "The herb and oil are safe when used in moderation, and have been used for thousands of years without reported toxic effects, " she says. “香草及其油已经使用了数千年之久,没有报道过毒性反应。”因此只要使用量适度,将是安全的,她说。 www.bing.com 9. Zhou Li brought 14 lawsuits against a former employer claiming unpaid overtime compensation, and reported the matter to the authority. 周力和前东家打了14场官司要求获得加班费酬劳,也向当地劳保部门举报过,但是问题并没有解决。 www.china.org.cn 10. Witnesses said he had jumped from the seventh floor of a dormitory building, Xinhua reported. 目击者称该男子从7层高的公寓楼跳下,新华社报道。 www.bing.com 1. Other reported cases in medical journals included an American law student who spent six hours a day with her computer resting on her lap. 在医学杂志上报告的其他案件包括了美国的法律学生把电脑搁在她膝上每天6小时。 www.bing.com 2. It checks for the same sort of errors that the -w flag does, but it allows for better control over the that are errors are reported. 它和-w标记检查相同类型的错误,但是它允许更好地控制错误的报告。 www.ibm.com 3. Witnesses reported at least three bodies, covered in white cloth, being wheeled out on trolleys. 目击者们称,至少有三具覆盖着白布的尸体被推车运走。 www.bing.com 4. The worst of the media sector slump might be behind the company, he said, as he reported "some good signs of life" in advertising. 他表示,该公司可能已经度过了传媒业的最严重滑坡,广告业务出现了“一些好的复苏迹象”。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Reported that after testing the air in Tokyo, did not detect the radioactive nuclear reactor usually have cesium and radioactive iodine. 报道说,经过对东京空气的检测,没有检测出核反应堆通常拥有的放射性铯和放射性碘。 www.englishtang.com 6. Columbus reported to his king and queen that the world was round, and he went down in history as the man who first made this discovery. 哥伦布向他的国王和王后报告世界是圆的,并且在历史上作为这个发现的第一人。 www.crazyenglish.org 7. The details requested below do NOT refer to any replacement that may have been sent to you since the original was reported missing. 下面所需的细节与任何那些已经给你的替换无关,由于原来的已经知道没有了。 www.sa258.cn 8. One patient reported that she was newly able, about a year after the treatment, to see the digital clock in the family car. 一名患者报告说,在接受治疗约一年后,她最近能看清她家车上的数字钟了。 www.shanghai-translation.com 9. Mr Park had been nursing his 62-year-old father and spent his last moments with him on Tuesday night, local media reported. 据当地媒体称,朴生前一直在照料自己生病的父亲,并且周二晚上与其度过了最后的时光。 www.bing.com 10. He said the findings, reported in the journal Psychological Science, had policy implications. 他说发表在心理科学杂志的发现,带有政治暗示。 www.bing.com |
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