单词 | President Reagan | ||||||||
释义 | President Reagan
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 里根总统,美国前总统里根,雷根总统 1. "President Reagan's philosophy was peace through strength. My foreign policy philosophy is peace through strength and clarity, " he said. 他说:“里根总统的人生哲学是以实力求和平。我的外交政策哲理是以实力和憎恶分明的态度来求和平。” www.remword.cn 2. And when a man of goodwill did emerge from the ruins, President Reagan stepped forward to shake his hand and to offer sincere cooperation. 当一个心怀善意的人走出废墟时,里根总统上前与他握手并且真诚合作。 blog.163.com 3. There's a side to President Reagan that people don't know. When he was a young man, he read complete works of Shakespeare. 里根总统还有一面人们并不知道,年轻时他曾读过莎士比亚全集--当然里根年轻时莎士比亚还没写那么多。 www.qeto.com 4. In 1983, a US-led force invaded Grenada at the order of President Reagan, who said the action was needed to protect US citizens there. 1983年的今天,里根执政美国军队入侵格林纳达,声称该行动是为了保护那里的美国公民之需。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. As President Reagan said, freedom is not the sole prerogative of a lucky few, but the inalienable and universal right of all human beings. 里根总统曾经说过,自由并非是少数幸运儿独享的权利,而是全人类不可转让的永久之权利。 www.bing.com 6. I was also glad to see President Reagan go out of office on a positive note. 我也高兴地看到里根总统在卸任之际还有积极的作为。 www.bing.com 7. On October 13, I was invited to the White House for President Reagan's signing of the long-awaited welfare-reform bill. 10月13日,我应邀前往白宫参加里根总统签署期待已久的福利改革法案的仪式。 www.bing.com 8. I believe that the United States , President Reagan in particular, can accomplish something in this connection. 我相信,美国特别是里根总统,在这个问题上是能有所作为的。 dict.veduchina.com 9. President Reagan immediately began to work to honor a major campaign promise. 里根总统立即开始工作,履行竞选承诺的重大。 www.englishtang.com 10. Then Armand Hammer met with President Reagan and he told him the same thing. 然后他去见列根,跟他讲相同的话。 hourofpower.org.hk 1. There's a side to President Reagan that people don't know. When he was a young man, he read complete works of Shake eare. 里根总统还有一面人们并不知年轻时他曾读过莎士比薄冰高中英语语法书亚全集——当然里根年轻时莎士比亚还没写那么多。 www.52vpn.com 2. President Reagan told us from very the beginning that he believed in a kind of social Darwinism. Survival of the fittest. 里根总统很早就告诉过我们,他信仰一种适者生存的达尔文学说。 dzh.mop.com 3. After all, it had been 25 years since President Reagan visitedthe AMA. 毕竟,这是25年来,里根总统后第一次拜访AMA。 www.bing.com 4. President Reagan told us from the beginning that he believed in a kind of social Darwinism , survival of the fittest. 里根总统从一开始就告诉我们,他信奉某种社会达尔文主义,适者生存。 tr.bab.la 5. with Oliver Stone of his next conspiracy movie, " said James Lake, a former adviser to President Reagan. " 也许(麦克德莫特)想要和奥利弗·斯通在他的下一部关于阴谋活动的‘电影’中合作。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Ex-President Nixon visited the White House to pay his respects to President Reagan. 前总统尼克森到白宫向雷根总统致意。 www.wwenglish.com 7. On behalf of our nation, I salute my predecessor President Reagan for his half century of service to American. 我代表我们的国家向我的前任总统里根致敬,他为美国服务了半个世纪。 ever.org.cn 8. Jokes, he argues, were a vital communication tool for President Reagan "because he could illustrate points with them. " Mr. 他认为,笑话是里根总统的虚拟沟通工具,“因为他能用笑话来传达他的观点。” www.bing.com 9. President Reagan met with Soviet Leader Mikhail Gorbachev several times in an effort to reduce nuclear weapons. 里根总统会见苏联领导人米哈伊尔戈尔巴乔夫多次努力减少核武器。 www.englishtang.com 10. In February, I narrated the Democrats response to President Reagan's State of the Union address. 2月,我宣读了民主党对里根总统国情咨文的回应。 www.bing.com 1. When President Reagan proposed coming early to Los Angeles to meet with the U. S. athletes, Ueberroth said no. 当有人建议里根总统应该提前接见美国运动员时,尤伯罗斯予以拒绝。 www.bing.com 2. President Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail S. Gorbachev signed a treaty calling for destruction of intermediate-range nuclear missiles. 年,美国总统里根和苏联领导人戈尔巴乔夫签署一项条约第米哈伊尔呼唤销毁中程核导弹。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The concepts of decentralization and defending were the key policy objectives of President Reagan's new federalism. 那种分权和抽回资金的理念也便成为了里根的新联邦主义的主要政策目标。 blog.163.com 4. The White House was flying flags at half-mast in honor of President Reagan. 白宫降下了半旗,向里根总统表示哀悼。 hi.baidu.com 5. Michael Deaver, one of President Reagan's closest advisers, has died of pancreatic cancer. He was 69. 里根总统最亲密的顾问MichaelDeaver,因患胰腺癌而死亡,享年69岁。 bbs.putclub.com 6. This might seem an odd conclusion, since President Reagan is a conservative hero who won two presidential elections. 这看起来或许是个奇怪的结论,因为里根是一位赢得过两届总统选举的保守派英雄。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Clinton says the treaty also follows the old Russian proverb often invoked by President Reagan: Trust but verify. 克林顿说条约遵循了里根总统经常引用的俄罗斯谚语:信任并予以核实。 www.bing.com 8. The new federalism advanced by President Reagan mandated a greatly expanded role for state and local governments. 新联邦主义更是通过里根强制实行州政府和地方政府扩张政策达到了高潮。 blog.163.com 9. And according to Rafsanjani, he looked exactly like President Reagan's former National Security Advisor. 根据拉夫桑贾尼的说法,他确实长得很像里根总统的前国家安全顾问。 bbs.education.163.com 10. President Reagan was furious but Volcker stuck to his guns. 里根总统对于保罗?沃尔克德做法深感震怒。 www.bing.com 1. President Reagan was not alone in changing America's domestic economic agenda. 在提振美国经济方面不只里根总统一个人。 www.bing.com 2. NARRATOR: In 1987 President Reagan carried this war of words to the most symbolic section of the Iron Curtain: the Berlin Wall. 旁白:1987年,里根总统把这种言论战引到了铁幕最具代表意义的部分:柏林墙。 vip.book.sina.com.cn 3. President Reagan had engaged in a lifeguard, broadcasters and film actor, and other work. 里根总统也曾从事过救生员、播音员和电影演员等多种工作。 anna4619.blog.163.com 4. President Reagan had promised to cut taxes, raise defense spending, and balance the budget. 里根总统已经许诺,要降低税收,提高国防开支,平衡国家财政预算。 www.bing.com 5. A generation ago, President Reagan proposed research intoa global shield to defend against ballistic missiles. 一代人之前,里根总统提议研究弹道导弹防御系统。 www.bing.com 6. President Reagan's approval rating dipped to 49 percent in November 1981 and stayed below that mark for two years. 1981年11月里根总统的支持率降到了49%,并且在两年内低于此百分比。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Lin lobbied President Reagan for his "Bridge of Peace" plan. 林同棪向雷根总统游说「和平桥」兴建计画。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. They accused the administration of President Reagan of remaining silent about the disease. 他们指责仍对这种疾病的沉默里根政府的总统。 www.maynet.cn 9. Greenspan became Fed chairman on Aug. 11, 1987, when he was picked by President Reagan to succeed Paul Volcker. 1987年8月11日,格林斯潘被里根总统任命为新一届美联储主席,接替保罗·沃尔克的职位。 edu.sina.com.cn 10. John Hinckley shot President Reagan and wounded three others because of an obsession with actress Jodie Foster. 由于痴迷于演员朱迪福斯特,欣克利枪击了里根并伤及其他三人。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. In 1982, then President Reagan permitted competition from new Brazilian mines. 1982年,里根总统允许新的巴西铁矿参与到国内竞争中来。 www.bing.com 2. the executive under President Reagan. 里根总统领导下的行政部门。 www.jukuu.com 3. When President Reagan took office, the national debt was $1 trillion. 里根总统就任时,国债总额为1万亿美元。 www.bing.com 4. It was done 18 times under President Reagan. 在里根总统时期我们做了18次。 www.bing.com 5. Look at President Reagan's policies. 看看里根总统的政策就知道。 www.fortunechina.com 6. Even though President Reagan was far more popular in Arkansas, and across the country, than he had been in 1980, I felt confident. 尽管里根总统在阿肯色州以及全国受欢迎的程度远远胜过1980年,我仍然信心十足。 www.bing.com 7. The figure in President Reagan's final year in office: 25. 6%. 而在里根(Reagan)总统在任的最后一年,这个数字为25. chinese.wsj.com 8. After President Reagan's military buildup, the Soviet Union did not further dramatically build up its military; 在里根总统增强军备以后,苏联没有进一步扩充军备。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. President Reagan? ? will insist that the pact be considered on an "all or nothing" basis 里根总统……将会坚持该条约必须在“全部接受,否则不签”的基础上予以考虑。 dict.netat.net 10. US President Bush's eulogy at funeral service for President Reagan 美国总统布什在前总统里根葬礼上的致词 language.chinadaily.com.cn |
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