单词 | preserve | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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第三人称单数:preserves 现在分词:preserving 过去式:preserved preserve 显示所有例句
例句释义: 保留,保护,保存,维护,专门领域,果酱,腌菜,泡菜,保持,维持,保藏 1. This sort of punting used to be the preserve of big-money investors, but small investors can now play the same game. 该产品曾是大资金投资者的专属,不过现在小型投资者也可以参与其中。 www.bing.com 2. He had promised, he said, to "maintain the confidence and preserve inviolate" the secrets of his client. 在誓言中他允诺“保守委托人的秘密并保证其不受侵犯”。 www.bing.com 3. This latter term would even preserve the abbreviation DSD , but would give it a more widely accepted meaning . 后一个术语甚至可能会附和缩写DSD,但是可能会让更多人接受这个含意。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. It's also one of the only countries to preserve the health of its ecosystem in its constitution. 它也是唯一的一个把生态系统的健康列入宪法中的国家。 www.bing.com 5. Heavy-duty professional machines can preserve wines for up to a year after the bottles are open. 重型专业制酒机可以使开瓶后的葡萄酒保质期长达1年。 c.wsj.com 6. All that remained was to preserve competition in the packing industry and maintain close public scrutiny over the stockyards. 剩下的只是维护食品加工业中的竞争和保持公众对牲畜围场的周密监督。 7. Walking for 40 minutes a few times a week is enough to preserve memory and keep ageing brains on top form, research shows. 研究显示,1周几次40分钟的散步,足以保存记忆且让老化的大脑保持巅峰。 suyage.com:8080 8. Control is inserted to preserve previously existing personalization state information that might have existed on a control for users. 控件可保留控件上先前存在的现有用户个性化设置状态信息。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. A chemical bath used to change the color of a photographic print or to preserve black-and-white prints or movie film. 一种用来改变照片底片颜色或保留黑白底片及影片的化学药液 zhidao.baidu.com 10. The LORD will protect him and preserve his life; he will bless him in the land and not surrender him to the desire of his foes. 耶和华必保全他,使他存活。他必在地上享福。求你不要把他交给仇敌,逐其所愿。 www.web123abc.com 1. As it happened, the steam released a chemical used to preserve the skirts, making the girl ill, actually sending her to hospital. 结果蒸汽碰巧使为保存裙子而使用的化学品释放出来,使女孩生了病,竟然被送到了医院。 www.elanso.com 2. By sparingly choosing when you see her, you preserve an air of mystery that will pay off dividends later on. 通过谨慎地选择你和她见面的时机,你就维持了神秘的气息,而这会在稍后产生好处。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. With discoveries in methods to preserve food, almost every kind of food can be frozen and yet keep its original flavor. 发明食品保存方法之后,几乎每种食品都能冷冻,并且能保持原味。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. I shall endeavor to preserve, protect, and defend it by anxiously referring to its provision for direction in every action. 我将努力通过在每一行动中,急切地参考其条款来寻求方向,来维持,保护和守卫它。 www.kekenet.com 5. Beginning with a single orphaned pup, Askani reared and found a mate for the wolf, fostering the creation of the preserve's first pack. 从一只孤儿狼崽开始,阿斯坎妮喂养它并给它找了一个配偶,培育了保护区的第一群动物。 www.bing.com 6. One of Voldemort's aims seems to be to preserve wizard kind, a goal that is not in itself necessarily unethical or irrational. 伏地魔的目的之一似乎是要维持巫师种族,这种目标本身并没有不合伦理与常理。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. She said: "I wanted to preserve the memory of my youth, when my body is at its physical peak. " 她说:“我现在的身体正值黄金时段,我想把这段青春的记忆保存起来。” www.voa365.com 8. Banks are trying to preserve their own capital and do not need to own any more toxic debt. 银行正在力争保全自身资产,而并不需要更多有毒债务。 www.ecocn.org 9. Chanting " Buddha preserve me" with a rosary in her hand, the scholar's wife replied. 他底大妻正是手里捻着念佛珠,一边在念着“南无阿弥陀佛”,一边答。 www.jukuu.com 10. Might be able to preserve the exclusive nature of the group without destroying it. 可能在不摧毁Linux团体生态的情况下保持它的排外性。 www.bing.com 1. Share with me a glass of milk and a couple of chocolate chip cookies as we help preserve the fleeting illusions of childhood. 和我分享一杯牛奶和几块巧克力曲奇饼干吧,这有助于保存我们那转瞬即逝的对于童年的幻想。 www.sqkz.com 2. They were prompted only by a desire to preserve their liberty. And yet they never openly aided the Persian King. 保持自由的愿望驱使他们如此,可是,即使这样,他们并未公开支持波斯国王。 www.jukuu.com 3. We must endeavour to satisfy you, that, at least, amongst our errors, we preserve Christian charity, and a desire to assist our brethren. 我们必须使你相信,即使我们有过错,我们至少要保持基督教徒慈悲为怀,以及帮助我们兄弟的心愿。 4. But it is in its current state, rather than as the forest it once was, that people wish to preserve it. 但是人们愿意维持的是目前的状态,而不是其丛林的原始形态。 www.ecocn.org 5. It was not easy to preserve inscrutability when you did not know what your face looked like. 你不知道自已的容貌是什么样子,是很难保持外表高深莫测的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. This need to preserve the secondary benefit is often one of the greatest inhibitors of lasting change. 人们想保留第二种收益的需要,常常是持久改变的最大阻碍之一。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. He fought to preserve slavery all his life, even as an old man at the very end of his career as a senator from South Carolina. 他终其一生都在为了保有奴隶制度而奋斗,甚至到他变成一个来自南卡罗来纳的老参议员,这个志向也没改变。 www.24en.com 8. He said the proposed new scheme would seek to preserve many of the strengths of the old scheme. 他表示,拟议中的新计划将寻求保留原计划的不少强项。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Viewed in that light, yesterday's vote for change looks more like an attempt to preserve the status quo by other means. 这样看来,周日支持变革的大选结果更像是以其它方式维持现状的一种尝试。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Whether or not a dramatic historical tale can preserve the allure of these grand old dames of Parisian tourism is up for grabs. 无论一个戏剧性的历史故事可以保存的这些旧达梅斯巴黎旅游的吸引力大,是可以争取。 www.englishtang.com 1. There seemed to be no longer any reason for trying to preserve the ideals of a bygone age. 似乎不再有任何理由来试图保存一个已成过去的时代的思想了。 zasmarquess.blog.163.com 2. Camera crews have been thrown out of a hospital in the Dadaab refugee camp, in Kenya, in an effort to preserve the dignity of the patients. 在一次努力保卫病人尊严的行动中,多家摄制组被从肯尼亚Dadaab难民营的一所医院里赶出。 www.ecocn.org 3. Indeed, the main reason for making Mr Medvedev president under Mr Putin's supervision was that it would preserve the status quo. 的确,梅德韦杰夫之所以在普京的监督下成为总统,其主要原因是这样有利于维持现状。 www.ecocn.org 4. If he wants to preserve the place of Friday's footprint, he needs at least a cross, namely a bar and another bar across it. 假如他想要维持星期五的足迹的位置,他至少需要一个十字,换句话说,一条横槓,还有另一条直槓交叉。 springhero.wordpress.com 5. In a frantic effort to preserve jobs, officials are trying to stimulate the domestic economy to make up for lost export growth. 在极力保障就业的同时,官员们正努力刺激国内经济增长以弥补出口增长的损失。 www.suiniyi.com 6. You [America] cannot preserve your power over Iraq with a few tanks, artillery and weapons. Today, you are prisoners of your own quagmire. 你[美国]不能维护你的权力向伊拉克提供了数辆坦克,大炮和武器。如今,你是轮到你自己的事了。 www.hjbbs.com 7. Goldman decided to set the land aside as a nature preserve, in collaboration with the Wildlife Conservation Society. 高盛决定成立的土地划为自然保护区,与野生动物保护协会。 tieba.baidu.com 8. He was able to preserve some of the learning which had been left behind when the Romans left England. 他设法将罗马人撤离英国时遗留下的一些学问研究保留下来。 www.zftrans.com 9. Not only would this preserve him from exile-which really might be a fate worse than death , since what was the point in life without magic? 这样不仅可以使他免于放逐——这种命运可能比死亡还可怕,在没有魔法的世界里生活算怎么回事? dictsearch.appspot.com 10. HRN: You mentioned silver as a way to preserve wealth but gold seems to be in the spotlight. 你刚才提到聚光灯银,以此来保存财富,但黄金似乎是在。 bbs.dyhjw.com 1. The verdict on Mr Fuld, that he was driven not by greed but by "an overpowering desire to preserve the firm he loved" , seems too gentle. 在写到富尔德的判决时,说富尔德犯罪不是因为贪婪,而是因为“保护自己所钟爱的公司的强烈的愿望”,这似乎过于温和了。 www.ecocn.org 2. It might be important to preserve it blank, but otherwise, it is inconvenient to have to turn two pages when only one should be necessary. 可能有必要将它保持空白,否则,在仅需要一个页面时必须生成两个页面,这样很不方便。 www.ibm.com 3. But God sent me ahead of you to preserve for you a remnant on earth and to save your lives by a great deliverance. 神差我在你们以先来,为要给你们存留余种在世上,又要大施拯救,保全你们的生命。 www.ebigear.com 4. I always think of my film to adhere to a duty, to escape from the general, to preserve the lives of the underlying. 我一直觉得我的电影得秉持一种义务,从普遍中逃逸,却要落土于庸常的生活底层。 fanhall.com 5. The handling of guns within police forces up and down the country has traditionally been the preserve of men. 在英国警察力量中,处理枪支传统上是男人的工作。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 6. 'I tried not to imitate Bruce Lee, ' Mr. Yen says of his role in the movie, 'but I tried to preserve the Bruce Lee flavor. ' 甄子丹谈到自己在这部影片中的角色时说,我努力不模仿李小龙,但我试图保留住李小龙的神髓。 chinese.wsj.com 7. Node intercommunication is essential to preserve the state of the applications distributed and running between them. 节点间通信对于保持在节点间运行的分布式应用程序的状态至关重要。 www.ibm.com 8. I always like to begin a journey on Sunday because I shall have the prayers of the church to preserve all that travel by land or by water. 我老喜欢在礼拜天起程旅行,因为无论走水路也好,走陆路也好,教堂里的祈祷将会保佑我的整个旅程。 dict.bioon.com 9. Her arrival in Mr Stevens's place will not much change but should at least preserve the existing imbalance of power on the court. 她接替史蒂文斯的位置虽然不会使最高法院的力量均势发生重大变化,但至少可以保持这种平衡。 www.ecocn.org 10. An attempt to preserve life in a state of neutrality and indifference, is unreasonable and vain. 试图保持生活的中立和淡漠,是不明智的,徒劳的。 article.yeeyan.org 1. The public's resolve to preserve Norway's cherished freedom, openness and tolerance was as striking as the grief. 同人们的悲哀一样引人注目的是挪威公众保卫国家珍贵的自由、开放性和宽容的决心。 www.ecocn.org 2. Note that in both of these solutions, I had to tell the processor to preserve the whitespace in some of the generated text elements. 请注意,在这两种解决方案中,我都必须让处理器在某些生成的text元素中保留空格。 www.ibm.com 3. To make friends with others, one needs the spirit of brotherhood. To conduct oneself well, one should preserve the heart of a pure man. 交友须带三分侠气,做人要存一点素心。 www.zgwww.com 4. And God sent me before you to preserve a posterity for you in the earth, and to save your lives by a great deliverance. 神差我在你们以先来,为要给你们存留馀种在世上,又要大施拯救,保全你们的生命。 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 5. First, India's colonial heritage has left it with an ambivalent attitude to English, along with a desire to preserve local languages. 首先,印度的殖民地历史,使其在对待英语的态度上十分矛盾,同时它还希望保留当地语言。 www.ftchinese.com 6. She said China does not seek hegemony and identifies its key interests as those that preserve global stability and order. 她说,中国不称霸,并要确认其保持全球经济稳定及秩序关键的利益点。 ying-wy.blog.163.com 7. Sitting on Grandpa's dividend-paying stock portfolio is a fine approach if your goal is to preserve wealth and generate an income stream. 如果你的目标是保存财富并且产生收入流,坐在爷爷的分红股票组合上是一种好生活方式。 article.yeeyan.org 8. Heretofore I have been trying to save my precious hide, trying to preserve the few pieces of meat that hid my bones. I am done with that. 直到现在我一直在设法保住我这宝贵的臭皮囊,保住包着骨头的那几块肉。 www.bing.com 9. However, the memory of the terror has continued to preserve the credibility, and thus the effectiveness, of the threat of repression. 然而,恐怖的记忆使这种压制性措施的威吓力得以长期保持。 article.yeeyan.org 10. My walks along The Pearl River have shown to me a China that plays, dances, sleeps, tries to preserve its uses, transforms life into poetry. 沿着珠江散步,我看到的中国在玩耍,舞蹈,沉睡,努力展现它的活力,将生活转变成一首隽永的诗。 www.5yi.com 1. The Haitian president was forced to ask the U. S troops for help to preserve social security. 海地总统被迫邀请美国派军帮助维持社会治安。 www.ecocn.org 2. If possible, always try to preserve the state of the system for a security expert to review. 如果可能的话,一直保留系统状态以待安全专家检查。 www.ibm.com 3. But now, do not therefore be grieved or angry with yourselves because you sold me here; for God sent me before you to preserve life. 现在,不要因为把我卖到这里自忧自恨。这是神差我在你们以先来,为要保全生命。 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 4. Yet he must meet this challenge in ways that preserve what is among the greatest achievements of his predecessors: the open world economy. 然而,奥巴马在迎接挑战时,必须保护前任所取得的最伟大成就之一:开放的世界经济。 www.ftchinese.com 5. However, we can preserve fresh fruit for a few days, meaning that its benefits can be stored for a substantial portion of its life. 然而,我们可以保存新鲜水果几天,意味它的好处可以为它的生活的一个坚固部分被存放。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. It was in a grizzly bear preserve , although although no one told me that before we went . 那是在一个白熊保护区,但去之前没人告诉我这些。 www.bing.com 7. He began to get up but then opted to lay on the ground and delay the game for 92 seconds-a tactic that helped preserve Ghana's lead. 他摔倒后,一开始想站起来,但后来又选择了躺在地上,比赛因此延误92秒。这是一种有助于加纳保持领先优势的战术。 chinese.wsj.com 8. And that, in turn, helps preserve the no-cost nature of the Net by making ad-supported Web sites more profitable. 而且反过来也让依靠广告支持的网站获得更多的收益,从而保持网络的免费性质。 cn.wordmind.com 9. He works on his own, he said, to preserve that measure of independence. 他说,他为自己工作以保持独立。 article.yeeyan.org 10. All this is underpinned by a strong combat services support element, in particular, to preserve our force with casualty evacuation. 这一切的基础是一个强大的战斗力服务的支持元素,特别是要保存我们的力量和疏散伤员。 www.tianya.cn 1. It was in a grizzly bear preserve , although although no one told me that before we went . 那是在一个白熊保护区,但去之前没人告诉我这些。 www.bing.com 2. He began to get up but then opted to lay on the ground and delay the game for 92 seconds-a tactic that helped preserve Ghana's lead. 他摔倒后,一开始想站起来,但后来又选择了躺在地上,比赛因此延误92秒。这是一种有助于加纳保持领先优势的战术。 chinese.wsj.com 3. And that, in turn, helps preserve the no-cost nature of the Net by making ad-supported Web sites more profitable. 而且反过来也让依靠广告支持的网站获得更多的收益,从而保持网络的免费性质。 cn.wordmind.com 4. He works on his own, he said, to preserve that measure of independence. 他说,他为自己工作以保持独立。 www.bing.com 5. All this is underpinned by a strong combat services support element, in particular, to preserve our force with casualty evacuation. 这一切的基础是一个强大的战斗力服务的支持元素,特别是要保存我们的力量和疏散伤员。 www.tianya.cn 6. and therefore while all sides may preserve the 'one country two systems' fiction, the fact of the matter is that Taiwan is separate. 因此也许双方都能够维持“一国两制”的神话,事实是台湾是分裂的。 toddisnotadog.blog.163.com 7. The earthquake-stricken area of each and every citizen should strive to preserve the mood of optimism up to enhance physical activity. 地震灾区的每一位公民,都应力求保持乐观向上的情绪,加强身体锻炼。 wenwen.soso.com 8. Would he accept that the cousins and extended family of his own daughters be destroyed to preserve the interests of the few? 他会接受为了维护少数人的利益而毁灭堂兄弟和他自己女儿的大家庭吗? www.bing.com 9. One impulse common to such efforts, Mr. Mabry suggests, is a desire to preserve the symbols of a more confident America. Mabry先生指出,这些举动的共同原因是一种渴望——保护一个更自信的美国的标志。 www.ecocn.org 10. Worldwater. org is dedicated to providing information and resources to help protect and preserve freshwater around the globe. 世界水组织致力于提供信息和资源,以保护世界水资源。 biositemap.com 1. And I pledge on behalf of the International Olympic Committee that we shall preserve and perpetuate his legacy and his heritage. 我谨代表国际奥林匹克委员会承诺,我们会继续保持和发扬萨马兰奇先生的遗志。 www.bing.com 2. One of his interests was to promote and preserve Hawaiian culture, especially the hula. 提升及保存夏威夷文化即为他其中一项兴趣,特别是对草裙舞尤其感兴趣。 www.24en.com 3. The reliance on the assemblies for metadata makes it easy to preserve the full runtime type-system fidelity. 对于元数据而言,依赖于程序集更容易保留全运行时类型的系统保真度。 blog.163.com 4. The currency acquired in financing activities as well as the currency utilized to preserve the money charged in the business operation. 融资活动获得的货币以及保存从经营活动中收取款项所使用的货币。 www.bing.com 5. Neves said he hoped the latest find would boost efforts to preserve the rainforest and its ancient secrets. 内维斯说他希望最新的发现会增加人们保护热带雨林和他的古代秘密的努力。 www.bing.com 6. Surfing the Internet just might be a way to preserve your mental skills as you age. 上网浏览网页可能会是一种当你年老时保留你智商的方法。 bbs.1205.cn 7. Many of the sculptures in the pit had been broken in ways that did not preserve their heads or hands, but these were too damaged to show. 地窖里还有许多毁坏的雕像没有完整的头和手,那些就太过于破碎没办法展示。 www.ecocn.org 8. He said it was important to preserve continuity in the Tibetan movement while he is still alive and healthy. 他说,重要的是在他健康的有生之年保持西藏运动的连续性。 www.bing.com 9. He thinks one of the biggest obstacles to progress in Europe is a desire to preserve the status quo. 他认为欧洲发展最大的障碍是保持现状的渴望。 www.ecocn.org 10. Our advice is to get yourself a scrapbook, a tape recorder, or a camcorder and preserve the memories of this exciting time of your life. 我们也建议您自己准备便签、录音机、摄像机,记录下自己人生最激动人心的瞬间。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Do not complain . If you complain all the time , I have to pretend to be deaf to preserve myself. 不要唠叨.如果您没完没了地唠叨,我不得不装聋来自我保护。 bbs.ebigear.com 2. You are therefore responsible for saving the state of any dynamically-generated controls whose values you want to preserve. 因此,您负责保存想保留其值的任何动态生成的控件的状态。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. The miller, however, was determined to preserve the inheritance of his ancestors, and would not sell the mill. 可是,那人执意保存祖宗这分遗产,不肯出售。 forum.bomoo.com 4. But some are trying to preserve their throughly mixed cultural identity, which often revolves around shared language and food. 但有一部分澳门人却在试图维持他们中西融合的独特文化,这些文化通常在语言以及食物中体现出来。 article.yeeyan.org 5. HRN: Investors seem to be turning to gold as a way to preserve their wealth. 投资者似乎把他们的财富,黄金作为一种方式保存。 bbs.dyhjw.com 6. Instead, he tried to hold on to power until the very last moment -- to preserve the Soviet Union until it was too late. 恰恰相反,直到最后时刻,他还企图继续执掌大权——以保全苏联,一直到不可能挽回局面才善罢甘休。 dongxi.net 7. The struggle to preserve old-style, fixed employment contracts has been a key element in the survival, or revival, of the Red Brigades. 围绕着维持旧式固定雇佣合同的斗争,是“红色旅”得以继续存在或者说得以死灰复燃的关键因素。 www.ecocn.org 8. They should not be, because the best way to preserve your image is by trying to confront the weaknesses rather than trying to cover them up. 他们不应该这样作的,因为保护形象最好的办法就是对抗弱点,而非掩护弱点。 www.24en.com 9. the second, trying to preserve the coherence of statistical properties before and after embedding data. 通过分析试图保持消息嵌入前后各种统计量统计分布的一致性。 www.fabiao.net 10. Twitter messages preserve witness accounts of an extraordinary variety of events all over the planet. Twitter信息完好地记录并保存下了世界上各式各样事件目击者的叙述。 dongxi.net 1. But some are trying to preserve their throughly mixed cultural identity, which often revolves around shared language and food. 但有一部分澳门人却在试图维持他们中西融合的独特文化,这些文化通常在语言以及食物中体现出来。 www.bing.com 2. HRN: Investors seem to be turning to gold as a way to preserve their wealth. 投资者似乎把他们的财富,黄金作为一种方式保存。 bbs.dyhjw.com 3. Instead, he tried to hold on to power until the very last moment -- to preserve the Soviet Union until it was too late. 恰恰相反,直到最后时刻,他还企图继续执掌大权——以保全苏联,一直到不可能挽回局面才善罢甘休。 dongxi.net 4. The struggle to preserve old-style, fixed employment contracts has been a key element in the survival, or revival, of the Red Brigades. 围绕着维持旧式固定雇佣合同的斗争,是“红色旅”得以继续存在或者说得以死灰复燃的关键因素。 www.ecocn.org 5. They should not be, because the best way to preserve your image is by trying to confront the weaknesses rather than trying to cover them up. 他们不应该这样作的,因为保护形象最好的办法就是对抗弱点,而非掩护弱点。 www.24en.com 6. the second, trying to preserve the coherence of statistical properties before and after embedding data. 通过分析试图保持消息嵌入前后各种统计量统计分布的一致性。 www.fabiao.net 7. Twitter messages preserve witness accounts of an extraordinary variety of events all over the planet. Twitter信息完好地记录并保存下了世界上各式各样事件目击者的叙述。 dongxi.net 8. In earlier booms, fast growth seemed to have been the preserve of a few miracle countries, such as the Asian tigers. 在以前的经济繁荣时期,快速增长似乎只是数个神奇国家的专项,比如亚洲各小虎。 www.ecocn.org 9. a 10% solution of formaldehyde in water; used as a disinfectant or to preserve biological specimens. 甲醛溶于水形成的浓度为%的溶液,用作消毒剂或用于保存生物标本。 www.hotdic.com 10. Investigators also believe that the drug may have anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory properties, which may help preserve vision, as well. 调查人员还认为,药物可能具有抗氧化和抗发炎的特性,这可能有助于保护视力,以及。 www.rp-china.org 1. Turn where we may, within, around, the voice of great events is pro-claiming to us: Reform, that you may preserve. 我们应该根据重大事件向我们启示的方向行动:改革,就可以维持下去。 www.for68.com 2. I'm a very sentimental guy and a pack rat , which means I tend to keep way too much stuff in an effort to preserve happy memories. 我是一个情感非常丰富的人,更是一个蒐积狂,也就是说我为了留住快乐的回忆而保留下太多的东西。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. We mentioned that the strength must be right to preserve an intact corpse is with a purpose. . . 刚刚说到力度要对,要保留完尸是有原因的… gtlim.com 4. Asteroids are thought to be celestial bodies that preserve information from the time of the Solar System's formation. 小行星被认为是天体是保持从太阳系形成的时间信息。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Avoids instrumenting the Java SDK except in a few places that are necessary to preserve compatibility. 避免了改编(instrument)JavaSDK,除了少数几个需要保持兼容性的地方外。 www.bing.com 6. Illumination map can achieve pixel-level precision, and thus preserve complete light information of every cloud particles. 3. 光照贴图能够达到像素级的精度,从而很好地保存了云粒子元片的光照信息。 www.fabiao.net 7. Even with a much lower population than today's, manufactured goods in the land-based economy were the preserve of the elite. 即使当时的人口数量远少于今天,以土地为基础的经济下,制造的产品只能给精英使用。 dongxi.net 8. But Yu said the Chinese decided to preserve energy ahead of the knockout stages. 但中国队的于洋表示,她们是打算为接下来的淘汰赛节省体力。 edu.sina.com.cn 9. Abraham Lincoln, was determined at all costs to preserve the unity of the nation, even if it meant war. 亚伯拉罕·林肯决定不惜一切代价维持国家的统一,哪怕使用战争。 blog.hjenglish.com 10. For your name's sake, O Lord , preserve my life; in your righteousness, bring me out of trouble. 耶和华阿,求你为你的名将我救活。凭你的公义,将我从患难中领出来。 www.ebigear.com 1. My time in Alice Springs reminded me that the law can be a tool by which we preserve and protect identity. 我在爱丽丝斯普克林度过的时间让我了解到法律是保护和保障身份的一种工具。 www.51toefl.com 2. Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains, your justice like the great deep. O Lord , you preserve both man and beast. 你的公义,好像高山。你的判断,如同深渊。耶和华阿,人民牲畜,你都救护。 www.ebigear.com 3. This included a commitment not to deviate too far from international banking norms, and to preserve the City's role as a financial centre. 这包括了一个承诺,不要离开国际银行的规范太远,而且保证城市作为金融中心的角色。 www.ecocn.org 4. the government of every State will feel its own obligation to respect and preserve the rights of the whole. 而各州政府则将感到自己应该尊重和保护整体的权利。 www.kekenet.com 5. Knowing more about this behavior can help conservationists preserve common stopover sites and migration routes. 对这种行为的进一步了解有助于保护者们对一些中途停留地和迁徙路线进行保护。 www.dxy.cn 6. Domestic help has long been a mostly female preserve, involving nannies, cleaners and laundry maids. 做佣人一向是女性的传统,比如说当保姆、清洁工、洗衣工。 www.ecocn.org 7. Just as nature requires the ecological diversity, an open society needs to preserve the diversity of its cultures. 正如自然界需要生物的多样性一样,一个开放的社会需要保持其文化的多元化。 tuanwei.hbu.cn 8. Mr Yang, in his zeal to preserve the company he started, must now take care not to demolish it by accident. 对于迫切希望保全公司的杨先生来说,他必须小心防止意外的发生。 article.yeeyan.org 9. I swear to you that I shall not lose hope and shall preserve my spirit and heart in purity. 我向你发誓,我不会丧失信心,我将保持心灵的纯洁。 blog.163.com 10. Kitchen and toilet: Construct up to the waterproof protective layer, preserve pipeline interfaces . 厨房、卫生间:施工至防水保护层,预留各种管线接口。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. When you are trying to get an idea to survive the gravitational force of operations, you need to preserve those windows of non-stimulation. “当你试着想出一个想法来摆脱万有引力的印象时,你需要保持一个无外界影响的平台”。 www.bing.com 2. Thus, they learned how to preserve the body by drying it out, oiling and then 19 the body in linen, before placing it in the coffin. 因此,在将尸体置入棺材前,他们学习如何透过干尸、涂抹油膏和将肉身19。包裹在亚麻布里来保存尸体。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. My time in Alice Springs reminded me that the law can be a tool by which we preserve and protect identity. 我在爱丽丝斯普克林度过的时间让我了解到法律是保护和保障身份的一种工具。 www.51toefl.com 4. Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains, your justice like the great deep. O Lord , you preserve both man and beast. 你的公义,好像高山。你的判断,如同深渊。耶和华阿,人民牲畜,你都救护。 www.ebigear.com 5. This included a commitment not to deviate too far from international banking norms, and to preserve the City's role as a financial centre. 这包括了一个承诺,不要离开国际银行的规范太远,而且保证城市作为金融中心的角色。 www.ecocn.org 6. the government of every State will feel its own obligation to respect and preserve the rights of the whole. 而各州政府则将感到自己应该尊重和保护整体的权利。 www.kekenet.com 7. Knowing more about this behavior can help conservationists preserve common stopover sites and migration routes. 对这种行为的进一步了解有助于保护者们对一些中途停留地和迁徙路线进行保护。 www.dxy.cn 8. Domestic help has long been a mostly female preserve, involving nannies, cleaners and laundry maids. 做佣人一向是女性的传统,比如说当保姆、清洁工、洗衣工。 www.ecocn.org 9. Just as nature requires the ecological diversity, an open society needs to preserve the diversity of its cultures. 正如自然界需要生物的多样性一样,一个开放的社会需要保持其文化的多元化。 tuanwei.hbu.cn 10. Mr Yang, in his zeal to preserve the company he started, must now take care not to demolish it by accident. 对于迫切希望保全公司的杨先生来说,他必须小心防止意外的发生。 www.bing.com 1. I swear to you that I shall not lose hope and shall preserve my spirit and heart in purity. 我向你发誓,我不会丧失信心,我将保持心灵的纯洁。 blog.163.com 2. Kitchen and toilet: Construct up to the waterproof protective layer, preserve pipeline interfaces . 厨房、卫生间:施工至防水保护层,预留各种管线接口。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Modifier used to preserve the data in the existing array when you change the size of only the last dimension. 修饰符,当仅更改最后一个维度的大小时,用来保留现有数组中的数据。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. It uses queuing and transactional facilities to help preserve the integrity of messages across the network . 它使用队列和事务性工具帮助保持消息跨网络的完整性。 www.bing.com 5. A strong constituency wants to preserve jobs and communities as they are, regardless of the public cost. 一个强大的选民群体希望保留就业和社区,而不惜任何公共成本。 www.ftchinese.com 6. If the highest aim of a captain were to preserve his ship he would keep it in port forever. 如果船长的最高目标是保住他的船,那这艘船永远也出不了港。 wyhdesire.blog.163.com 7. Only good scouting is likely to preserve the freedoms so dear to the heart of the eternal Boy Scout. 唯一的好球探很可能保持自由如此珍惜的核心,永恒的童子军。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Although I may occasionally slip, I'm going to try to preserve the word "soul. " 而且我可能会偶尔犯错误,我将会维持“灵魂”这个词。 www.bing.com 9. Where the introduction of new knowledge or practice was thought to be important to preserve the book's currency, this was done. 为了保持本书的销量,还着重介绍了某些新的技术和实践。 www.bing.com 10. Cherish your health. If it's good, preserve it. If it's unstable, improve it. If it's beyond what you can improve, get help. 珍爱你的健康,如果状况很好,保持它。如果不稳定,改变它,如果你无法改善它,就寻求帮助。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Working to help these unfortunate children moved me even more than helping to preserve the environment and wildlife of my town. 帮助这些不幸的儿童使我非常的感动,甚至超过了保护家乡的环境和野生动植物。 www.usastudy.com.cn 2. And must be able to preserve a dynamic information, guarantees the information the uniformity. 并要能够保存一个动态的信息,确保信息的一致性。 www.fabiao.net 3. In the experiment, plastic film was used to preserve the heat of yellow rice wine during secondary fermentation. 本试验在冬季生产传统工艺黄酒时采用塑料薄膜对黄酒后发酵进行保温处理。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. Thomas D. Gorman: One of your observations is great companies can preserve core values while stimulating progress. 高德思:你说过卓越的公司在发展的同时还能保留自己的核心价值。 www.fortunechina.com 5. A disposition to preserve and an ability to improve, taken together, would be my standard of a statesman. 一种保持稳定的安排和一种改进现状的能力,这两者合在一起,就是我对优秀政治家的标准。 www.ruanyifeng.com 6. And there will always be a need, professionals point out, for places that preserve traditional paper books. 专家们指出,要个地方来保存传统纸本的需求也总是会存在的。 mysuper.com.tw 7. Yellowstone is also one of the United State's foremost wildlife preserve and serves as a center of ecological research. 黄石公园不仅是一个旅游胜地,而且也是美国最重要的野生动物保护区和生态研究中心之一。 www.america.gov 8. My argument was that economic self-interest and political will would combine to preserve the common currency, in spite of the difficulties. 我的观点是,尽管困难重重,但在经济私利和政治意愿的共同作用下,欧元将得以保留下来。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Taxus Media with extensive root system, can preserve water and soil resources, and improve ecosystem around the verge of Sichuan Basin. 曼地亚根系发达,能够保持水土流失,建立四川盆地边缘丘区到山地的生态屏障; www.wenkuwu.com 10. offered their assistance to preserve a vital part of the financial system and a great American institution. 伸出援手保护金融系统的这一重要部分以及一家优秀的美国机构。 www.yappr.cn 1. After the bacteria remove the salts, experts clean and dry the surface of the paintings to preserve them for years to come. 在用细菌除去盐层之后,专家们对绘画表面进行了清洁和干燥处理来保护其度过以后的年月。 www.bing.com 2. Gay couples will not preserve their own genes but they may help preserve those of the group to which they belong. 同性恋的伴侣之间当然不可能会留下后代,但是它们却也许可以使得其所属集体得以更好地繁衍后代。 www.bing.com 3. If you can't rely on your API to properly preserve data while it passes through the memory of your VM, you're essentially dead in the water. 如果把数据传入VM内存时不能依靠API正确地保持数据,您基本上就陷入了绝境。 www.ibm.com 4. "He had . . . a tact that would preserve him from flagrant error in any society" (Francis Parkman). “他具有…一种机敏,这种机敏可使他在任何场合中免犯严重的错误”(弗朗西斯·帕克曼)。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. But it is increasingly clear that the evangelical movement needs to reform if it is to preserve that influence. 但如今,事态日渐清楚:福音运动若想保存实力就须着手改革。 www.ecocn.org 6. This makes finding ways to preserve capital in a time of currency weakness a priority. 这令货币走软之时想办法储备资金成为重点。 www.bing.com 7. Traditional repair and preventive maintenance services including replacement parts and engineering changes necessary to preserve technology. 提供传统维修和预防性维护服务,包括为保护技术而进行的必要零件更换和工程变动。 www.kuenglish.info 8. If it takes a long-term view of its profits, it will preserve amicable relations, so far as possible, with those with whom it deals. 如果它占据它的利润长期的视野,它将会保护友善的关系,到现在为止同样地可能,藉由它处理的那些。 www.byuntao.com 9. Grasshopper, had perished with hunger, besought the Ant to give him a morsel of it to preserve his life. 一只饿得半死的蚱蜢恳求蚂蚁给它一口谷子来维持它的生命。 jpkc.qdbhu.edu.cn 10. With no cure available, physicians can only treat symptoms with physical therapy to improve muscle strength and preserve range of motion. 由于没有彻底有效的治疗措施,医生只能采取一些物理疗法来改善肌肉力量和保持运动能力。 www.bioon.com 1. we've been able to save this land from development and preserve it for future generations. 为了子孙后代我们已经有能力从发展的角度保护拯救这块土地 bbs.ebigear.com 2. The war rooms can be temporarily occupied by design teams and concealed by curtains when needed to preserve confidentiality. “战争室”能够临时被设计小组使用,并且这个房间隐藏在布帘之中来保持其机密性。 www.dndci.com 3. Or, to preserve the group's original globe-steering purpose, by a G12 of the world's biggest economies? 还是服从最初掌控世界的集团宗旨,改组为世界上最大的十二个经济体的结合体? www.ecocn.org 4. However, an attribute like xml: space= "preserve" is still an attribute in the proper terminology, but it is in the reserved namespace. 但是,象xml:space=“preserve”这样的属性仍是严格意义的术语中的属性,不过它在保留的名称空间中。 www.ibm.com 5. The sawtooth nature of this section is again because of the interleaving of the GC and application to preserve low pause times. 造成此段呈锯齿状的原因同样是因为GC和应用程序交错执行以便保持低暂停时间。 www.ibm.com 6. We need to be good stewards of our planet and join with other nations to help preserve our common home. 我们需要成为地球的坚定保护者,与其他国家一道帮助维护我们共同的家园。 www.america.gov 7. Comets and asteroids preserve the building blocks of the planets. And studying them up close provides clues to how planet Earth came to be. 彗星和小行星都保持着行星的基本结构,这么近距离的研究为地球是如何形成这一问题提供了线索。 article.yeeyan.org 8. Let's get him to drink wine again tonight, and you go in and lie with him so we can preserve our family line through our father. 今夜我们再叫他喝酒,你可以进去与他同寝。这样,我们好从父亲存留后裔。 www.ebigear.com 9. The High Court ordered all ballot boxes sealed to preserve evidence , but did not order a recount . 最高法院下令查封所有票箱,以保留证据,但没有下令重点。 www.bing.com 10. Now the South has a fight on its hands, and they're prepared to do whatever it takes to preserve their way of life. 如今,南方的局势已是箭在弦上,而他们已经下定决心,为了保持现有生活方式将不惜一切代价, www.kekenet.com 1. And he will also have to fight a rearguard action to preserve some of the achievements of his first term. 而他也将为了维护第一个任期内的一些成就而以后卫上场。 www.ecocn.org 2. You need to preserve all of the white space it contains, and you need to turn off the automatic word wrapping that the XSL-FO engine does. 需要保留它包含的所有空白域,并且需要关闭XSL-FO引擎执行的自动换行。 www.ibm.com 3. The sending area represents the region of a community that stakeholders wish to preserve and protect from increased land use change. 派遣区代表着一个社会的利益相关者希望保留和保护区提高土地利用的变化。 ask.china-exam.com 4. The Archive's mission is to help preserve those artifacts and create an Internet library for researchers, historians, and scholars. “互联网档案计划”的使命就是保护这些数字遗存,为人类创造一个互联网图书馆。 www.ruanyifeng.com 5. cherish your health. if it is good , preserve it. if it is unstable, improve it . if it is beyond what you can improve, get help. 真爱你的健康。如果健康状况良好,保持它。如果不稳定,改善它。如果你无法改善。就寻求帮助。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Electrons or any other "particle" should display wave properties to preserve the complementary wave-particle symmetry of nature. 电子及其他任何粒子都应该显示波的性质,才能体现自然界波粒互补的对称性。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. we've been able to save this land from development and preserve it for future generations. 为了子孙后代我们已经有能力从发展的角度保护拯救这块土地 bbs.ebigear.com 8. The war rooms can be temporarily occupied by design teams and concealed by curtains when needed to preserve confidentiality. “战争室”能够临时被设计小组使用,并且这个房间隐藏在布帘之中来保持其机密性。 www.dndci.com 9. Or, to preserve the group's original globe-steering purpose, by a G12 of the world's biggest economies? 还是服从最初掌控世界的集团宗旨,改组为世界上最大的十二个经济体的结合体? www.ecocn.org 10. However, an attribute like xml: space= "preserve" is still an attribute in the proper terminology, but it is in the reserved namespace. 但是,象xml:space=“preserve”这样的属性仍是严格意义的术语中的属性,不过它在保留的名称空间中。 www.ibm.com 1. The sawtooth nature of this section is again because of the interleaving of the GC and application to preserve low pause times. 造成此段呈锯齿状的原因同样是因为GC和应用程序交错执行以便保持低暂停时间。 www.ibm.com 2. We need to be good stewards of our planet and join with other nations to help preserve our common home. 我们需要成为地球的坚定保护者,与其他国家一道帮助维护我们共同的家园。 www.america.gov 3. Comets and asteroids preserve the building blocks of the planets. And studying them up close provides clues to how planet Earth came to be. 彗星和小行星都保持着行星的基本结构,这么近距离的研究为地球是如何形成这一问题提供了线索。 www.bing.com 4. Let's get him to drink wine again tonight, and you go in and lie with him so we can preserve our family line through our father. 今夜我们再叫他喝酒,你可以进去与他同寝。这样,我们好从父亲存留后裔。 www.ebigear.com 5. The High Court ordered all ballot boxes sealed to preserve evidence , but did not order a recount . 最高法院下令查封所有票箱,以保留证据,但没有下令重点。 www.bing.com 6. Now the South has a fight on its hands, and they're prepared to do whatever it takes to preserve their way of life. 如今,南方的局势已是箭在弦上,而他们已经下定决心,为了保持现有生活方式将不惜一切代价, www.kekenet.com 7. They said they would "preserve the viability of systemically important financial institutions so they are able to meet their commitments" . 他们表示,他们会“保护具有系统重要性的金融机构的生存能力,以便这些机构能够履行自己的职责”。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Let's start with the commitment to preserve the science and leadership art necessary to run the best technical plants in the world. 我们先从保留,科技和领导力的必要说起,来运营世界上最高科技的工厂。 open.163.com 9. Jack explains that the wildlife preserve they were in actually hides an underground detention facility where Victor Drazen is being held. 杰克向他说明,他们头先所在的野生动植物保护区实际上是一所地下拘留所,里面关押的是维克托.德拉赞。 www.bing.com 10. To help decide which ones to preserve first, the city has commissioned a study that identifies distinctive building and landscaping styles. 为了更好甄别各个申请以决定先后顺序,图森市进行了一个调查;专门对各个建筑的风格以及景观样式进行鉴定。 www.ecocn.org 1. Maintaining a low weight over the course of your entire life is about more than looking good; it'll preserve your overall health. 维持一个适当的体重在你整个人生过程并不只是追求外表的好看,而是对于一个人整体健康状况的考虑。 dongxi.net 2. A risk of mental fatigue can appear, if you made not in kind preserve moments of relaxation which finally, will not be a luxury! 其实只有你自己才知道心理上的疲劳会不经意的出现,如果你不是在这种时刻保持放松,最后,你将不会精力充沛了! www.360doc.com 3. Their inhabitants, the Uros, preserve an old-school artificial island-making technique that their predecessors employed for centuries. 岛上的乌鲁斯人居民保存了一门老式的人工岛制造技术,这套技术他们的前辈们已经应用了几百年了。 article.yeeyan.org 4. Many of today's start-ups have to grapple with logistical problems that used to be the preserve of large companies. 今天,许多的初创企业不得不为了物流问题绞尽脑汁,而以前这只是大公司的问题。 www.ecocn.org 5. The generated commands include commands to preserve data in case of a destructive table change. 生成的命令包括保留数据以防破坏性表更改的命令。 www.ibm.com 6. To reclose, the consumer presses down on the adhesive-backed barrier label to preserve the freshness of remaining product. 为了合闸,消费者压力机上的胶粘剂支持屏障标签保持新鲜剩余产品。 bzxw.512121.com 7. If Turkey wants to preserve good relations with the West, it must find some way of mending fences with Israel as well. 所以,无论国内民众情绪如何,欲维持与西方国家良好的关系,改善土以关系则是必由之路。 article.yeeyan.org 8. To preserve a friend , three things are required : to honor him when present , prise him when absent, and assist him in his necessities . 维持友谊,需要做三件事:当面尊重他,背后表扬他,当他需要的时候提供帮助。 www.bing.com 9. The protection zone is the only zone Zhongyuan preserve the integrity of the forest ecosystem and wildlife areas. 该保护区是中原地带唯一保存完整的森林和野生动物类型生态区。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Shooting, "No Trespassing" signs appeared in conspicuous colors at conspicuous locations around the preserve. 这次狩猎事件发生后不久,在禁猎区周围引人注目的地方即出现了醒目的“不准入内”的牌子。 www.admissiontest.org 1. Though these degrees were traditionally the preserve of European business schools, the concept is gaining traction around the globe. 传统上,这些学位是欧洲商学院的领地,但如今,其概念正在全球范围内受到追捧。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Many women spend a large fortune trying to preserve their youth. 许多女士砸大钱尝试保持青春不老。 studioclassroom.net 3. A stateless session bean can be shared by several clients, since it does not preserve any specific information between invocations. 无状态会话bean可以被多个客户机共享,因为它不保存调用之间的任何特定信息。 www.ibm.com 4. "It is also crucial if central banks are to preserve their hard-won inflation fighting credibility, " the bank added. BIS补充到,“中央银行能否保全其同通膨斗争中赢得的来之不易的公信力也至关重要,” article.yeeyan.org 5. But a book is written, not to multiply the voice merely, not to carry it merely, but to preserve it. 但是,写下来的书籍不仅仅只是用来提高音量或者传递声音,而是要保存它。 www.elanso.com 6. If you want to preserve the current set of contents in an auto playlist , you can save a copy of the auto playlist . 如果要保留自动播放列表中当前的内容,可以保存一份自动播放列表的副本。 www.bing.com 7. To preserve a friend, three things are required: to honor him when present, praise him when absent, and assist him in his necessities. 维持友谊需要三点:当面尊重他,背后赞扬他,需要时帮助他。 www.cheerland.net 8. Many national parks have been set up in the world to preserve the natural habitats of wild animals. 全世界设立了许多国家公园以保护野生动物的自然栖息地。 www.ruiwen.com 9. Red light is less irritating to the eyes and helps to preserve our night vision. 红色光线较不会剌激眼睛,可保持我们的夜视能力。 www.lcsd.gov.hk 10. Journalism used to be the preserve of working-class stiffs who filed stories and hit the bars. 新闻业曾经集聚的是一批工人阶级酒鬼,发发消息,逛逛酒吧。 article.yeeyan.org 1. They preserve the integrity of your data and allow no duplicate records or data in cells that you don't recognize (called Null values). 它们能保持数据的完整性,避免在不识别的单元格中出现重复记录或数据(称为空值)。 office.microsoft.com 2. Their inhabitants, the Uros, preserve an old-school artificial island-making technique that their predecessors employed for centuries. 岛上的乌鲁斯人居民保存了一门老式的人工岛制造技术,这套技术他们的前辈们已经应用了几百年了。 www.bing.com 3. Many of today's start-ups have to grapple with logistical problems that used to be the preserve of large companies. 今天,许多的初创企业不得不为了物流问题绞尽脑汁,而以前这只是大公司的问题。 www.ecocn.org 4. It's not that easy to preserve places of historic interest. 保护古迹并不那么容易,? enfans.com 5. The generated commands include commands to preserve data in case of a destructive table change. 生成的命令包括保留数据以防破坏性表更改的命令。 www.ibm.com 6. To reclose, the consumer presses down on the adhesive-backed barrier label to preserve the freshness of remaining product. 为了合闸,消费者压力机上的胶粘剂支持屏障标签保持新鲜剩余产品。 bzxw.512121.com 7. If Turkey wants to preserve good relations with the West, it must find some way of mending fences with Israel as well. 所以,无论国内民众情绪如何,欲维持与西方国家良好的关系,改善土以关系则是必由之路。 www.bing.com 8. To preserve a friend , three things are required : to honor him when present , prise him when absent, and assist him in his necessities . 维持友谊,需要做三件事:当面尊重他,背后表扬他,当他需要的时候提供帮助。 www.bing.com 9. The protection zone is the only zone Zhongyuan preserve the integrity of the forest ecosystem and wildlife areas. 该保护区是中原地带唯一保存完整的森林和野生动物类型生态区。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Shooting, "No Trespassing" signs appeared in conspicuous colors at conspicuous locations around the preserve. 这次狩猎事件发生后不久,在禁猎区周围引人注目的地方即出现了醒目的“不准入内”的牌子。 www.admissiontest.org 1. Experiments show that our method is robust. It can smooth the noise efficiently and preserve the sharp features of the surface effectively. 实验结果表明,本文的算法是鲁棒的,能在有效剔除点模型表面噪声的同时较好地保持模型表面的尖锐特征。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. The company's operational goal is to preserve the asset value and maximize the recovery value. 公司的经营目标是维护该资产价值和最大限度地回收价值。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. They are a publicly funded organisation which allows them to preserve such a remarkable species. 他们是一个充许他们保护这一异常的物种的公共资助的组织。 www.foodmate.net 4. Consider taking one of the backup domain controllers offline to preserve a replica of the Security Accounts Manager (SAM). 请考虑让其中一个备份域控制器脱机,以便保留安全帐户管理器(SAM)的一个副本。 support.microsoft.com 5. The flexibility to tailor services to match your company's needs, enabling you to preserve your technology investment. 根据您公司的具体需求为您量身订做服务,便于您保护技术投资。 www5.ncr.com 6. THE HIMALAYAN LORES In an attempt to preserve the Nepali classic and folk music. 是保护尼泊尔经典和民谣的尝试。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. For inspiring the vision to preserve one of the worlds most beautiful natural wonders, Yellowstone lands at number six on our list. 为了鼓励人们去保护世界上这最美丽的自然奇观之一,黄石国家公园在我们的排名中位居第六。 www.ebigear.com 8. WILLIAM REHNQUIST: "Preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States . . . " 威廉.雷赫恩斯特:“恪守、维护和捍卫合众国之宪法…” article.yeeyan.org 9. Bessudo, a marine biologist, has spent much of her career in Malpelo and fighting to preserve the unique marine environment there. 桑德拉作为一个海洋生物学家,投入了大量的时间在马尔佩洛岛并为保护该地区独一无二的海洋环境而斗争。 article.yeeyan.org 10. There is no relation between the two, for communism was not derived from the needs to preserve and manage resources efficiently. 这两者之间没有关连,因为共产主义并不是导源于有效率地维护和管理资源。 www.zmcn.org 1. Red light is less irritating to the eyes and helps to preserve our night vision. 红色光线较不会剌激眼睛,可保持我们的夜视能力。 www.lcsd.gov.hk 2. Journalism used to be the preserve of working-class stiffs who filed stories and hit the bars. 新闻业曾经集聚的是一批工人阶级酒鬼,发发消息,逛逛酒吧。 www.bing.com 3. Just as efforts to preserve biodiversity increase, economics encourages farmers to focus on fewer crops. 正当我们努力于维持生物多样性的增加,经济效益却在鼓励农民只种植少数几类作物。 www.bing.com 4. Any losses a nd damages incurred for the failure of the Buyer to take reasonable steps to preserve the goods shall be borne by the Buyer. 对于因买方未采取合理措施保全货物而造成的损失,应由买方承担。 www.rztong.com.cn 5. It has managed to preserve established traditions while absorbing new customs, traditions, and ideas from invaders and immigrants. 它在吸收侵略者和移民者带来的新习俗、传统和思想的同时,也在设法保留已有的传统习惯。 random.1sthotwomen.com 6. Let's get our father to drink wine and then lie with him and preserve our family line through our father. 来!我们可以叫父亲喝酒,与他同寝。这样,我们好从他存留后裔。 www.ebigear.com 7. But Mr Lee said he knew China's private views differed from what it said in public to preserve stability on the peninsula. 但李明博表示,他明白中方在私下所持的观点与公开场合的声明有所不同,目的是为了维护朝鲜半岛的稳定。 www.ftchinese.com 8. In Beijing, eight pandas settle into a new home after the devastating Chinese earthquake destroyed their preserve. 由于中国的大地震毁坏了大熊猫保护区,八只大熊猫搬入了它们在北京的新家。 bbs.putclub.com 9. this study was undertaken to test whether weekly dosing of these two drugs might preserve their benefits while decreasing side effects. 此次研究是为了检测是否这两种药物合用的周剂量可以在减少了副作用时仍能保持药效。 news.dxy.cn 10. Learn a best practices design to preserve the state of the report and its runtime settings with the use of Session persistence. 学习使用Session持久性保持报表状态及其运行时设置的最佳方法。 msdn2.microsoft.com |
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