单词 | rajaratnam | ||||
释义 | rajaratnam
例句释义: 拉惹勒南,拉贾那纳姆 1. John Dowd, Mr Rajaratnam's lawyer, said he planned to appeal, citing the admissibility of the wiretaps central to the prosecution's case. 拉贾那纳姆的律师约翰?多德(JohnDowd)表示计划上诉,认为公诉人最关键的证据——窃听内容不应被采信。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Mr. Rajaratnam's legal team argued that the information provided by his contacts wasn't material and was already public. 拉贾拉特南的律师团声称,他的联系人给他提供的信息并非重大信息,并且在当时已经公开。 chinese.wsj.com 3. Mr Rajaratnam used to be considered one of Wall Street's cleverest investors. 拉贾拉特南过去曾被认为是华尔街最英明的投资家之一。 www.ecocn.org 4. Prosecutors say Mr Gupta had a financial interest in the success of Galleon, Mr Rajaratnam's hedge fund, because he was an investor. 检察管指出Gupta在高盛及有Rajaratnam的对冲基金中的有利益纠葛,因为他就是投资人。 www.ecocn.org 5. The verdict will come down to whether a jury believes Rajaratnam was trying to cheat. 这项裁决将来帮助陪审团判断拉加拉特纳姆是否试图欺骗。 www.bing.com 6. Judge Richard Holwell handed down the sentence after concluding that Mr Rajaratnam made more than $50m in profits from his illegal trades. 法官理查德?候威尔(RichardHolwell)在判定拉贾那纳姆通过非法交易获得超过5000万美元的利润之后,做出量刑决定。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Mr Rajaratnam was clearly not worried about getting caught since the Galleon hedge fund had a mass of legitimate information and research. 帆船(Galleon)对冲基金有大量合法的信息和研究数据,因此拉贾那纳姆显然并不担心被抓到。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Some jurors said the wiretaps of Mr. Rajaratnam were the deciding factor. 一些陪审员说,拉贾拉特南的电话窃听录音是做出判决的决定性因素。 c.wsj.com 9. Mr Rajaratnam is at the centre of one of the largest insider-trading cases in history. 拉贾拉特南是这起华尔街有史以来最大内幕交易案的核心人物。 www.ecocn.org 10. Investors are now flocking to pull their money out, prompting Mr Rajaratnam to say on October 21st that he would wind down Galleon's funds. 投资者现在正成群结队地想拿回他们的钱,促使Rajaratnam先生在10月21日时候对旗下的基金进行清盘。 www.ecocn.org 1. But Mr Rajaratnam is the biggest fish netted so far in a two-year drive by American regulators to catch crooked traders. 但拉贾拉特南先生是近两年来由美国执法者牵头破获的最大的违规交易的涉案人。 www.ecocn.org 2. The biggest case is against hedge-fund giant Raj Rajaratnam, who ran Galleon Group and is now on trial in lower Manhattan. 最大的案例是对抗对冲基金巨头瑞吉拉加拉特纳姆,他曾经营的帆船集团,目前正在曼哈顿接受审判。 www.bing.com 3. Sri Lankan-born Raj Rajaratnam was for a time worth more than 1 billion dollars, a prominent hedge fund boss. 出生于斯里兰卡的拉贾拉特南曾是一个身价超过10亿美元的,知名对冲基金的老板。 www.tingclass.com 4. Mr. Rajaratnam's team responded that it 'has never suggested that Goldman Sachs is somehow responsible for the 2008 financial crisis. ' 拉贾拉特南的律师团队对此的回应是,它从未暗示过高盛某种程度上应对2008年金融危机负责。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Judge Holwell denied a motion by Mr Rajaratnam's lawyers for him to stay free pending an appeal. 候威尔法官驳回了拉贾那纳姆的律师提出的允许他在上诉期间保持自由的请求。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Perhaps Rajaratnam will be able to do him some favors if they find themselves on the same cellblock. 要是他们最终落脚于同一个监狱分区的话,拉贾拉特南或许能够投桃报李,回报他的恩情。 www.fortunechina.com 7. The judge rejected the prosecutors' request to have Mr. Rajaratnam imprisoned immediately. 霍尔维尔法官驳回了检察官提出的立即将拉贾拉特南收押的请求。 chinese.wsj.com 8. Mr. Rajaratnam, founder of the Galleon Group hedge fund, used the information for his financial benefit. 身为对冲基金盖伦集团(GalleonGroup)创始人的拉贾拉特南利用这些信息获取了金钱利益。 chinese.wsj.com 9. The U. S. has charged Mr. Rajaratnam and 20 others in a wide-ranging insider-trading case. 美国指控拉贾拉特南和另外20人参与一桩涉及面极广的内幕交易案。 chinese.wsj.com 10. In other words, guys like Rajaratnam argue that they're doing us a favor because their information ultimately filters into the market. 换句话说,人们,比如拉加拉特纳姆,争辩说他们正在帮助我们,因为他们的信息最终会被渗入到市场中。 www.bing.com 1. Mr Rajaratnam convicted himself with his own words caught on the tapes. 拉贾那纳姆承认录音带里的话是自己说的。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Raj Rajaratnam was found guilty of securities fraud in the biggest insider-trading case in a generation. 拉吉?拉贾拉特南(RajRajaratnam)因史上最大内幕交易案被判证券欺诈罪。 www.ecocn.org 3. The defence's main hope is to make jurors question whether Mr Rajaratnam's trading strategy was illegal. 辩方主要希望是让陪审员质问拉贾拉特南的交易策略哪一点违法。 www.ecocn.org 4. Mr. Rajaratnam and his co-defendants, who were accused of reaping $20 million in illegal profits, have denied wrongdoing. 拉贾拉特南等人被控非法获利2,000万美元,不过他们都否认有任何违法行为。 c.wsj.com 5. Mely Caballero-Anthony is an expert on ASEAN at the Rajaratnam School of International Studies in Singapore. 安东尼是新加坡拉加拉特纳姆国际学院研究东盟问题的专家。 www.ebigear.com 6. Throughout his two-year legal battle, and the seven-week trial this year, the Sri Lankan-born Mr Rajaratnam has publicly kept his composure. 在两年的法律战和今年的7周庭审期间,生于斯里兰卡的拉贾那纳姆一直在公众面前保持镇静。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Six people including Raj Rajaratnam, the boss of Galleon Group, a hedge fund, were arrested on charges of insider trading. 包括GalleonGroup(对冲基金)的老总拉吉·拉惹勒南在内的六人,因涉嫌内幕交易而被逮捕。 www.ecocn.org 8. The judge also revealed details of Mr Rajaratnam's previously undisclosed medical problems. 法官还公布了拉贾那纳姆之前未披露的健康问题细节。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Inevitably, such returns induce insider trading: hence Raj Rajaratnam. 这样的回报必然诱发内幕交易:拉贾?拉贾那纳姆(RajRajaratnam)就是一个例子。 www.ftchinese.com 10. The insider trading trial of Raj Rajaratnam placed more than just hedge fund advisers in the spotlight. 拉贾?拉贾那纳姆(RajRajaratnam)的内幕交易审讯不只是把对冲基金顾问拽到了聚光灯下。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Others are dubious that the Rajaratnam verdict will change behavior on Wall Street. 对拉贾拉特南的判决能否改变华尔街的行为模式?有些人却半信半疑。 www.fortunechina.com 2. He testified that Mr Rajaratnam's family gave him $15m to manage just nine weeks before the trial's start. 舒特作证称,在距离庭审仅有9周时,拉贾那纳姆的家人将1500万美元交给他管理。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Bharara made that point emphatically when he announced Rajaratnam's arrest. 巴拉拉在宣布拉贾拉特南被逮捕的消息时,曾着重强调了这一点。 www.fortunechina.com 4. Rajaratnam has gone on trial for allegedly masterminding an insider-trading ring. 而拉贾拉特南已经因涉嫌策划一个内部交易圈而受审。 www.chinaacc.com 5. In one recorded call, Mr Rajaratnam said to Ms Chiesi that he "must defer to you on IBM" . 在一次电话录音中,拉贾那纳姆对基耶西说,“关于IBM,我必须听你的”。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Bharara alleges that the wiretaps confirm that Rajaratnam got information that most investors couldn't possibly access and traded on it. 布拉里宣称窃听证实拉加拉特纳姆得到了大多数投资者不可能得到和交易的信息。 www.bing.com 7. Rajaratnam is accused of making more than $20m through unlawful trades on inside information. 拉贾拉特南被指控利用内幕信息非法获利2000多万美元。 www.bing.com 8. This is a criminal trial: prosecutors have to convince the jury that Mr Rajaratnam is guilty "beyond a reasonable doubt" . 这是刑事审判:检察官不得不说服陪审团,拉贾拉特南的罪行“不是一个正常的怀疑(能得出的)”。 www.ecocn.org 9. But Gupta's close association with Rajaratnam invites scrutiny. 古普塔与拉贾拉特南的密切关系招致了调查。 www.bing.com 10. Mr Rajaratnam, a risk-taker in his trading, took the same approach to fighting the government's charges against him. 在其交易中是一位冒险家的拉贾拉特南先生采取了同样的方法来对抗政府对他的指控。 www.ecocn.org 1. It is no surprise that Mr Rajaratnam's jury took twelve days. 难怪拉贾那纳姆案的陪审团花了12天才做出裁决。 www.ftchinese.com 2. After being caught, Rajaratnam liquidated his fund. 在被捕后,拉贾拉特南的对冲基金被清算。 c.wsj.com 3. Rajaratnam was convicted after a trial in May of securities fraud and conspiracy and sentenced this month to 11 years in prison. 拉贾拉特南在今年5月的庭审后被定罪,罪名是证券欺诈和串谋,并于本月被判入狱11年。 cn.wsj.com 4. Later, some of those early contacts would lead to tips that became a hallmark of Mr. Rajaratnam's trading. 之后,这些早期结识的人中有些人向他透露的消息成为他交易的金子招牌。 cn.wsj.com 5. A spokeswoman for Mr. Rajaratnam's legal team declined to comment. 拉贾拉特南律师团的一位发言人拒绝置评。 cn.wsj.com 6. On May 11th Mr Rajaratnam lost the battle he was fighting against government prosecutors. 5月11日拉贾拉特南先生输掉了对政府检察官进行斗争的那场战斗。 www.ecocn.org 7. Mr Rajaratnam insists he is innocent and traded only on the basis of public information. 不过拉贾拉特南坚持认为他是无辜的,公司的交易获取的信息都来自于公开透明的渠道。 www.ecocn.org 8. When Rajaratnam was indicted in 2009, he defiantly declared his innocence. 当2009年拉贾拉特南被起诉时,他放言自己无罪。 www.fortunechina.com 9. "But [with] AMD, bring it on, baby, " Mr Rajaratnam said. “但(至于)AMD,买进吧,亲爱的,”拉贾那纳姆表示。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Mr. Rajaratnam was recently sentenced to 11 years in prison for insider trading. 他最近因内幕交易罪名被判处11年监禁。 chinese.wsj.com 1. Mr Rajaratnam is the 35th to be convicted. 拉贾拉特南先生是第35位被定罪的。 www.ecocn.org 2. After his office won the conviction of Rajaratnam, Bharara was lauded far and wide. 在拉贾拉特南被定罪之后,巴拉拉赢得了广泛的赞誉。 www.fortunechina.com 3. Happily, the nightmare has been avoided with the conviction of Mr Rajaratnam on all 14 counts. 幸运的是,拉贾那纳姆的所有14项罪名均被判成立,噩梦得以避免。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Mr Rajaratnam's ties reached into board rooms. 拉贾那纳姆联系的触角伸进了多家公司的董事会。 www.ftchinese.com 5. ON WEDNESDAY May 11th, Raj Rajaratnam was convicted on 14 counts of securities fraud and conspiracy. 5月11日,周三,拉杰·拉贾拉特南(RajRajaratnam)被判14项证券欺诈和共谋的罪名。 www.ecocn.org 6. Mr. Rajaratnam has posted a $100 million bond secured by $20 million in cash or property. 拉贾拉特南同意缴纳1亿美元的保释金,以2,000万美元的现金或房产作为担保。 chinese.wsj.com 7. Mr. Rajaratnam's lawyer plans an appeal. 拉贾拉特南的律师打算上诉。 chinese.wsj.com 8. Mr. Rajaratnam is fighting the charges; 11 others have pleaded guilty in the case, which is continuing. 拉贾拉特南否认针对他的指控,另有11人已经认罪,该案仍在继续进行。 chinese.wsj.com 9. Mr. Rajaratnam, 53 years old, grew up in Sri Lanka, the son of a sewing-machine company manager. 现年53岁的拉贾拉特南在斯里兰卡长大,父亲是一家缝纫机公司的经理。 c.wsj.com 10. This is the first insider-trading case in which the government has used wiretaps, and they were pivotal in Mr Rajaratnam's conviction. 这是第一个政府曾使用搭线窃听装置的内幕交易案件,而且这些装置对拉贾拉特南先生的定罪起了关键的作用。 www.ecocn.org 1. Rajaratnam, once a friend of Gupta's, is serving an 11-year prison sentence. 拉贾那纳姆(Rajaratnam)曾经是古普塔(Gupta)的朋友,他被判了11年的有期徒刑。 www.bing.com |
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