单词 | saturdays |
释义 | 例句释义: 星期六,周六,在每星期六,每周六 1. 'I shall see you soon, Paul. You are free on Saturdays and Sundays, you know. ' 我不久就会来看你的,保罗。你知道,你在星期六和星期天是放假的。 www.kekenet.com 2. Some of the bigger branches in London and other major cities are now open for a limited time on Saturdays. 伦敦和其他主要城市中大一点的分行在周六开放时间有限制。 edu.sina.com.cn 3. Those whom the Master wanted for special instruction he would ask to visit him on Tuesdays and Saturdays. 对于希望得到师父特别指引的人,师父会要求他周二和周六拜访他。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. On Tuesdays through Saturdays, her grandmother takes her to the program site, a covered area outside a rundown warehouse. 从星期二到星期六,她奶奶都带着他来到这个项目点,一个破旧仓库外的雨棚区。 bbs.gounahaozi.org 5. On Saturdays and Sundays she often goes out with her parents. 在星期六和星期天她常常和她父母出去。 www.kekenet.com 6. No construction work shall be carried out on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays during construction stage of the Project. 建造工程期间,不能在星期六、星期日及公众假期期间施工。 pc211.epd-asg.gov.hk 7. Payment by PayPal only. Articles must be submitted on Saturdays. Payments would be made every Wednesday for the Saturday submission. 支付的贝宝只。文章必须提交星期六。缴款将在星期六提交作出每星期三。 www.bing.com 8. The housemaid alone came here on Saturdays, to wipe from the mirrors and the furniture a week's quiet dust: and Mrs. 只有女佣每逢星期六上这里来,把一周内静悄悄落在镜子上和家具上的灰尘抹去。 www.jiaoying.net 9. Watching football on Saturdays and cleaning the car on Sundays are all part of the British way of life . 周六观看足球,周日清洗汽车都是英国人生活方式的一部分。 www.bing.com 10. Yet now on Saturdays, Zhang and the translators will have to come up with a different routine. This season of Prison Break was its last. 现在每个周六张和其他译员只能以不同的方式聚在一起了,这一季的《越狱》结束了。 www.bing.com 1. In the past, as you know, the two-race engine was used only on Saturdays and Sundays. 在过去,两站引擎只在周六和周日使用。 ferrari-china.com 2. When I was a child, Saturdays around my house were for getting the house picked up for the next week. 当我还是个孩子的时候,星期六要在家附近收拾家,为下星期做准备。 www.elanso.com 3. She has no lessons and no homework on Saturdays, so she always goes to the cinema that afternoon. 星期六,她不上学也没有作业,所以星期六下午她总是去看电影。 www.ebigear.com 4. One of us (Macdonald) led the project and trained several high school students to test automata , mostly during summers and on Saturdays. 这个计画由麦当诺领导,他培训了许多高中生来测试,大多是利用暑假和星期六来工读。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The store is open two days a week, Tuesdays after school, and Saturdays. 服装店每星期营业两天,每星期二放学后和每个星期六。 www.voanews.com.cn 6. On Saturdays, Phil wore a sports jacket to the office instead of a suit, because it was the weekend. 星期六,菲尔换下西服,穿着运动衫去上班,因为这是周末。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. My holiday is a colorful, I went fishing on Saturdays, the day of good fun, and I had to catch a few fish, big fish are. 我的假日是多姿多彩的,星期六我去了钓鱼,那天好开心的,我钓了几条鱼,全是大鱼。 wenwen.soso.com 8. They'd get drunk and braver two nights a week, Fridays and Saturdays. 他们每周的周五和周六回去喝酒并小放肆一下。 www.bing.com 9. Saturday morning came and, like all Saturdays, it was bright and sunny. Perfect for going out to paly. 又到了星期六的早晨,像所有的星期六一样,天气晴朗,阳光灿烂,最适合出去玩了。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. The learning period is two years for minors and classes are arranged at extracurricular time (Fri. nights, Saturdays and Sundays). 学位辅修的课程修读年限为二年;授课时间为课余时间(周五晚及周末)。 baike.baidu.com 1. Specifies the time after which a pager notification cannot be sent to the specified operator on Saturdays. 指定在星期六可向指定操作员发送寻呼通知的终止时间。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Many people also take Friday off and make it a long weekend holiday because most Americans don't work on Saturdays and Sundays. 多数美国人周六,日不工作,所以很多人周五就请假这样就可以有一个长周末 zhidao.baidu.com 3. At least five channels have morning cartoons on Saturdays. 每个星期六早上至少有五个频道播放卡通节目。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn 4. The yard doesn't work on Saturdays, so there was no one around except me, and the watchman out at the gate. 星期六工场不开工,所以除了我之外周围没有别人,而看守人在大门外面。 bbs.24en.com 5. Saturdays are my day to party, and no one, not even Yahweh or whatever, fucks with that. 周六是我的舞会日,不管是谁,甚至是耶和华或诸如此类的,都他妈的别想给我搅合。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Usually, I hang out with friends on Saturdays. 通常,周六时我会和朋友在一起。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn 7. Saturdays, you'll find a line out the door, so come early or make a reservation for six or more. 星期六的时候,你会看到门外是大排长龙,所以早点来或是如果有六人以上就请订位。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. to ensure the public to enter into the hkfa resource centre , an entry token scheme is exercised on saturdays , sundays and public holidays. 为确保公众人士有秩序地进入本资源中心使用各设施,本中心于星期六日及公众假期会实施派筹制度。 www.ichacha.net 9. In the beginning the training sessions were held at Volvo Trucks dealerships on Saturdays. 最初的培训课程由沃尔沃卡车公司安排在周日进行。 www.bing.com 10. He even made an arrangement with Mr. Dalrymple to assist him to do business on Saturdays. 他甚至于和达伦布尔先生商定每星期六去帮助他做生意。 www.jukuu.com 1. The weekday alarm can be set to sound either each day of the week, each day from Monday to Friday or on Saturdays and Sundays. 平日可设置报警声音在每周或每一天,每一天从星期一至星期五或星期六和星期日。 www.daily86.com 2. All Saturdays, Sundays and official holidays of PRC shall be holidays without salary for the Seller's technical personnel. 中华人民共和国的所有星期六、日和公共假日均为卖方技术人员的无薪假日。 www.tdict.com 3. Ultimately, says Mr Donahoe, the post will have to stop delivering mail on Saturdays. 多纳霍先生讲到,最终,邮局不得不停止在周六递送邮件。 www.ecocn.org 4. Under the new scheme however, owners are allowed to drive full days on Saturdays and on the eve of five major public holidays. 但是在新的方案,主人允许开车满周六、日前夕的五种主要的公共假期。 www.bing.com 5. She gets Saturdays off in her new job as against working alternate weekends in her last one. 她新找的这份工作星期六放假,而原来的那份工作周末是隔周放假。 www.yuloo.com 6. On Saturdays and Sundays , she often plays games with her Chinese friends . 周末的时候,她常和她的中国朋友们出去玩儿。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. We feel tired. Then we rest and read our books. Jenny plays with her doll. Saturdays are fun. 我们觉得累了,然后我们就休息和读书。珍妮玩她的娃娃。星期六很有趣。 fast.china-edu.com.cn 8. Where do I go to walk? In the past half a year, I had an English class at Dave's office on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. 我到哪里去走呢?在过去的一年半的时间,我有一节英语课在戴夫办公室周二,周三,周五和周六。 wenwen.soso.com 9. On "normal" Saturdays I managed to catch only snatches of the show while insanely wrapping up Saturday errands. 在平时的周六,我只能在匆匆做完周六的活之后听一小段节目。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The employees showed extraordinary esprit de corps when they volunteered to work Saturdays fro the duration of the crisis. 员工表现非凡发扬团队精神当他们自愿工作的时间星期六的危机。 www.bing.com 1. She has classes from Monday to Friday. On Saturdays and Sundays, she often plays games with her Chinese friends. 她星期一到星期五在学校,星期六和星期日,她经常和她的中国朋友们一起玩。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays: After you warm up, run at a comfortable pace for the designated mileage. 星期二,星期四,和星期六:在热身后,以一个舒服的速度跑完指定的英里数。 www.bing.com 3. He never works on Saturdays. 他在星期六从不工作。 www.dianyuan.com 4. The time after which SQLServerAgent service no longer sends pager notification to the specified operator on Saturdays. SQLServerAgent服务在星期六将寻呼通知发送给指定操作员的结束时间。 technet.microsoft.com 5. On Saturdays the tenants from the near-by farms come in for a day of talk and trade. 每逢星期六,周围农村的佃农进城来,闲聊天,做买卖,度过这一天。 www.bing.com 6. 'Yes, Papa, ' returned Paul: looking at his sister. 'On Saturdays and Sundays. ' “是的,爸爸,”保罗望着他的姐姐,回答道。“星期六和星期天。” www.kekenet.com 7. Street markets are traditionally held on Saturdays are usually in the main center of town. 街市场传统上是在星期六举行的通常是在主要中心城市。 ptyly.com 8. Fridays and Saturdays are stereotypically exciting so we tend to recall the best Fridays and Saturdays. 星期五和星期六则被当成是令人兴奋的典型,所以我们倾向于回忆起最愉快地星期五和星期六。 www.bing.com 9. Some churches teach that the Sabbath Day is still to be kept and we must worship on Saturdays. 一些教会教导,安息日还必须要遵守,所以我们必须在星期六敬拜。 gbicp.org 10. Traditionally, the busiest times for Operation Santa Claus are Thursday evenings and Saturdays, Fontana says. 过去,“圣诞老人行动”项目最忙的时候就是每周四的晚上和周六,丰塔纳说道。 www.bing.com 1. courses will be scheduled on weekday evenings , friday afternoons or saturdays to avoid time clashes with major courses. 为避免影响学员出席主修科目,本课程的科目将安排于平日晚间、星期五下午或星期六上课。 www.ichacha.net 2. The postal service's most controversial proposal, however, is to end deliveries on Saturdays. 然而,邮政业争议最大的提议是在星期六停止发货。 ecocn.org 3. Residents with even-numbered street addresses can water their gardens on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. 住址(门牌号)为双数的居民只允许在周二、周四和周六浇灌花园。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Considerations: Since everyone is now out of work, so meeting time is the best on Saturdays, Sundays. 考虑因素:因为大家现在都是出来工作了,所以聚会最好的时间是星期六,日。 cul.zhishi.sohu.com 5. Depending on when your department administers the exams, you may even have bought yourself a summer off with those Saturdays! 那些星期六下午半天的复习,说不定会回报给你一整个夏天!这取决于你们系什么时候举行资格考试。 blog.ce.cn 6. I love sleeping on Saturdays and I love college football games. 我爱在礼拜六睡觉,我爱大学足球比赛。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Mondays were not as depressing as they had feared and Fridays and Saturdays were not as exciting as predicted. 周一并想象中那么郁闷,周五和周六也并不像预想的那样美好。 www.ttxyy.com 8. Our courses are offered both in full-time mode and concurrent with employment with lectures in the evenings and on Saturdays. 我们的专业既有给全日制的学生,也有适合在职人员的课程,晚上和周六开课。 www.rfh-koeln.de 9. Night owls, who fall out of bed just before 9am Monday to Friday and sleep in on Saturdays and Sundays, accounted for another 6 percent. 另有6%的是“夜猫子”。他们周一到周五直到快9点才会爬起来,周末更是一睡不起。 bilingual.huanqiu.com 10. " Pause, added, " Saturdays and Sundays without a break. 停顿一下,接着说,“这个星期六、星期天不休息。” blog.sina.com.cn 1. My family and I usually have dinner outside on Saturdays. 我家人和我周六经常在外面吃大餐。 www.yytd.com.cn 2. Others find work intrudes into their weekends, with many having to reply to emails and take calls on Saturdays and Sundays. 有些人的周末甚至也被占用,很多人不得不在周末回邮件和接电话。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. The best times to knock are usually Saturdays, and other days between dinner and darkness. 最好的访问时间通常是周六,或者其他的在晚餐和深夜之间。 www.bing.com 4. Immigration Offices normally open from Mondays to Saturdays and are closed on Sundays and public holidays. 入境事务办事处的办公时间一般为星期一至星期六,星期日及公众假期休息。 www.gov.hk 5. Eight in the morning class, on the fifth day our lesson, do not have classes on Saturdays and Sundays. 早上八点上课,每天我们上五节课,星期六和星期天不上课。我们没有许多家庭作业,有许多时间进行课外活动。 zaixian-fanyi.cn 6. On Saturdays we drove through the bluegrass to take seven-year-old Georgia to riding lessons. 周六我们会驾车穿过草场,带着七岁大的乔治娅去上骑术课。 www.bing.com 7. The time after which SQLServerAgent service sends pager notification to the specified operator on Saturdays. SQLServerAgent服务在星期六将寻呼通知发送给指定操作员的开始时间。 technet.microsoft.com 8. Examinations may also be held on Saturdays. 考试亦会按需要安排于星期六举行。 www.cuhk.edu.hk 9. The weekends are still a problem of course, but the traffic is certainly reduced on Saturdays to a large extent and even more so on Sundays. 周末当然是个问题,星期六交通很大程度地减少星期天变多。 bbs.24en.com 10. I used to go swimming on Saturdays but now I don't. 我过去常在周六去游泳,现在不去了。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Hours may also vary, as some parts houses and garages stay open on week nights, Saturdays and Sundays. 时间可能也各不相同,一些地方的房屋和车库留在本周开放晚上,星期六和星期日。 www.docin.com 2. The Fisheries Education Centre will be closed on Mondays and Sundays with extended service hours on Saturdays. 渔业教育中心星期一和星期日休息,星期六则延长服务时间。 www.info.gov.hk 3. I simply saw that they changed. That was all I had to think about five hours every day and two on Saturdays: that they were always changing. 这就是我每天必须花五个小时在周六花两个小时考虑的问题:它们总是在不停地变动着。 www.bing.com 4. Attalla City Judge Kenneth Robertson Jr. Ordered the two people to wear the signs for four hours each during two successive Saturdays. 阿塔拉城法官肯尼斯罗伯特命令这两人戴着告示在连续两个星期六各站四个小时。 bbs.rednet.cn 5. Does she help with your cleaning on Saturdays? 她在星期六帮你打扫卫生吗? zhidao.baidu.com 6. We have no classes on Saturdays and Sundays. 我们周六周日没课。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. And for 30 years, it's been required to deliver mail on Saturdays, even though that day is a money loser. 在这三十年里,邮政局在周六也要提供邮递业务,而周六营业得不偿失。 www.bing.com 8. As an example, we might wish to exclude Saturdays and Sundays. 例如,我们可能希望将星期六和星期天排除掉。 www.ibm.com 9. From Monday to Friday each week, he works in an office in a big town, but he is free on Saturdays and Sundays. 每个星期的星期一到星期五,他在镇上的一个办公室上班,周六周日休息。 iask.sina.com.cn 10. I go to the pub three times a week, on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. 我每星期去酒吧三次:周五、六和日。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 1. Lucy: No. I used to work just on Saturdays. 露西:不。我只在星期六工作。 www.dyabc.com 2. On slow saturdays, When football, like life, was still played in black and white, and in shorts as long as underwear. 足球仍然在黑白之间上演,如同生活,还有和内衣一样长的短裤。 item.feedsky.com 3. I gave most Saturdays to writing as well. 我将大部分的星期六也用于写作。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 4. I get up quite late on Saturdays and head downstairs to be with the family. 周六我总是会睡个懒觉,然后下楼去和家人一起。 www.douban.com 5. Her suggestion [that all employees should work on Saturdays ] was ridiculous. 她提出所有的员工每个星期六要上班的建议实在荒谬。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Wang Ying , Xi'an: On Saturdays or Sundays, we usually talk about homework or computer games . 王英,西安:在星期六或者星期天,我们通常聊关于作业或者电脑游戏的一些事。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Offers cannot be used on Saturdays and Public Holiday eves . 优惠不适用于星期六及公众假期前夕。 www.bing.com 8. On Saturdays, she goes out and plays with her families. 在星期六,她和她的家人去外面游玩、 wenwen.soso.com 9. Students passing by in the inferior residence also couldn't see her except for the Saturdays and Sundays. 往来地字号众太学生,平日亦难见其芳踪,唯周六日而已。 www.coviews.com 10. On Saturdays, Jane saw a movie or a play with her good friend, Stella. 而在星期六,她就陪最好的朋友斯特拉要么看电影,要么看戏剧; www.smth.edu.cn 1. In those days, after school and on Saturdays, I worked as delivery boy for Olsen the florist. 那段时间,只要是放学或者是周六,我都会做一名快递员,为花匠老奥尔森工作。 q.sohu.com 2. No service on Saturdays afternoon, Sundays and Public Holidays. 星期六下午、星期日及公众假期暂停服务。 hk.geocities.com 3. Watching cartoons on Saturdays is woven into my childhood memories. 周六收看动画片已成为孩提记忆的一部分。 www.websaru.com 4. Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays are not counted as working days. 双休日及公众假日为非工作日。 wenku.baidu.com 5. In the examples above, I am assuming that, in the time period considered, there were no federal holidays on Saturdays, Mondays, or Tuesdays. 以上例子中我假设没有联邦假日落在周六,周一或周二。 www.ecocn.org 6. They travel to the nearest town on Saturdays for shopping or on Sundays for church. 他们在星期六到最近的镇上去购物,星期日去教堂。 wenku.baidu.com 7. Continued provision of some essential counter services on Saturdays. 在星期六维持一些必需的柜台服务。 www.info.gov.hk 8. All underwent a battery of tests at Rapport's lab over four consecutive Saturdays. 他们都连续四个星期六在拉坡的实验室参加一系列的试验。 www.suiniyi.com 9. What are the departure times of flights on Saturdays from Beijing to San Francisc? 周六北京飞往旧金山的班机几点起飞? bbs.translators.com.cn 10. Please note that it is closed on Saturdays and Sundays for both lunch and dinner. 请注意,星期六和星期日关闭,不提供午餐和晚餐。 www.orangeway.cn 1. What factors have the Government considered in deciding which services to stop on Saturdays under the five-day week initiative? 政府推行五天工作周计划时,以什么准则决定在星期六停止提供哪些服务? www.info.gov.hk 2. Resolve to make Saturdays and Sundays strictly for family time. 周末留给人家,坚决把周末留给家人。 www.51ielts.com 3. Double-pay is charged for working on Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays. 星期六、日及公众假期,双倍收费。 www.utex.com.cn 4. Postbags are already lighter on Saturdays than on weekdays. 星期六的邮袋早已轻于工作日。 ecocn.org 5. In winter, additonal trains operate directly from Goschenen to Brig on Saturdays and Sundays. 冬季周六周日有从格舍嫩到布里格直达的增开的列车。 www.kancaimi.cn 6. The Centre is closed on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. 中心逢星期六、日及公众假期休馆。 www.gov.hk 7. Normal working hours at Discharging Port shall mean from 0 (zero) to 24 (twenty-four) o' clock, including Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. 在卸港的正常工作时间意即零时(0)至二十四时(24),包括周六、周日和节假日。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Unfortunately it also finds that Fridays and Saturdays aren't as good as we imagine either. 不幸的是研究也发现周五和周六并非想我们想象的那末好。 www.bing.com 9. I never plays tennis on Saturdays. 我礼拜六从不打网球; wenwen.soso.com 10. Some government offices now closed on Saturdays. 部分政府办公室星期六休息。 www.info.gov.hk 1. The final module will last for two weeks with classes held on Saturdays only. 最后一个单元的课程在两星期内完成,上课时间为周六。 dict.bioon.com 2. John sells hot dogs at the baseball stadium on Saturdays. 约翰周末在棒球场卖热狗。 www.hotdic.com 3. I awoke at 5 a. m. on Saturdays to prepare for the mad rush of customers, many of whom were the families I aspired to emulate. 周六早上5点我就要起床,准备迎接蜂拥而至的顾客。他们中的很多人是我立志要仿效的对象。 www.ecocn.org 4. What happens on Saturdays? Is there Saturday school? 星期六要上课吗?学校如何安排? dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Laura! Hi. Uh-huh. The cinema? Sure. What do I usually do on Saturdays? 嗨!……嗯,嗯……看电影?当然……我周六通常做什么? www.kekenet.com 6. Will there be any staff answering my questions on Saturdays? 有没有同事于星期六解答我的问题? www.cuhk.edu.hk 7. Saturdays were reserved for washing clothes and scrubbing the berth deck in the afternoon. 星期六下午是洗衣服和清洗船台甲板的时间。 www.qxwar.net 8. On Saturdays, we play against teams from other schools. 每周六,我们与他校球队比赛。 9. On Saturdays, when I was a child, we would all get up early and go fishing. 我小的时候,我们星期六都一早起床去钓鱼。 www.hxen.com 10. In the pipeline now are lower prices for public baths on Saturdays. 正在考虑降低公共澡堂周六票价的事情。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. Sometimes I forget that we don't have school on Saturdays. 有时候我会忘记星期六我们不用上课。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn 2. When is the supermarket open on Saturdays and Sundays? 在星期六和星期天这超市什么时候开始营业? www.kekenet.com 3. Oh, I'm sorry, sport. You can sleep in tomorrow. That's what Saturdays are for. 那可不行,小运动家。你可以明天再睡个够,星期六才是用来睡懒觉的。 wenku.baidu.com 4. I recommend Saturdays as your "Dieters Gone Wild" day. 我建议周六作为你的“野外节食者”日。 www.bing.com 5. Warren and his friends rode the H2 bus there at lunchtime or on Saturdays. 沃伦和朋友们在午饭或周六的时候,乘坐H2公共汽车去那里。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Plays usually have matinees on Sundays, Wednesdays, and maybe Saturdays, while movies might have one every day. 通常在周日、周三或者周六有戏剧下午场的演出,而电影下午场的放映可能每天都有。 www.bing.com 7. I feel like watching TV on Saturdays. 星期六我想看电视。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Saturdays , we like cards friends . 在周六,我们喜欢和朋友们一起打牌。 wenku.baidu.com 9. We always get together in the two Saturdays in each month. 我们每个月都会在其中两个周六聚在一起。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Can I buy University souvenirs on Saturdays? 我可以在星期六购买大学纪念品吗? www.cuhk.edu.hk 1. Classes will still be held on Saturdays and Sundays. 课程将会继续于星期六及星期日举办。 www.cuhk.edu.hk 2. I didn't mind working Saturdays , but until eleven , twelve Friday nights was too much . 周六工作我不在乎,但周五也要干到夜里十一二点就太过分了。 www.ebigear.com 3. Next month, I'll do aerobics on Saturdays and Tai Chi on Sundays. 下个月,我会在周六做健美操,周日练太极拳。 www.8875.org 4. On Saturdays and Sundays, he's in the bathroom all morning. 星期六和星期日,他整个早上都在浴室。 mysearch.100e.com 5. Most banks are closed at lunch times and Saturdays. 多数银行在午餐时间和周六都不营业。 www.ftchinese.com 6. On Saturdays and Sundays a special rate will apply. 在星期六或者星期天将需要特殊比率收费。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. The woman often does some washing on Saturdays. 那个女人常在星期六洗衣服。 wenku.baidu.com 8. The club members usually meet on Saturdays and Sundays in a gym or in a big open area. 队员们通常在星期六或星期天在体育馆或是在一个很大的空地碰面。 www.jukuu.com 9. plays basketball for fun on Saturdays. 他在周六把篮球作为娱乐。 wenku.baidu.com 10. Available to work evenings and some Saturdays. 能在晚上工作,有时周六需工作。 www.0717zx.com 1. Daddy doesn't go to work, and she gets to have him all to herself because Mommy always stays in bed till almost lunch time on Saturdays. 而且你猜怎么着?爸爸也不用上班,而她可以一个人独霸着他,因为妈妈在星期六总会睡到差不多午饭时间才起床。 eng.hq-ielts.com 2. We stay at home on Saturdays and Sundays. 我们星期六和星期日在家呆着。 www.chinaschool.org 3. I didn't understand why my friends got to sleep over on Saturdays and didn't have to learn another language on the Sabbath. 我以前不明白为什么我的朋友能够在安息日睡大觉而不用去学另一种语言。 dongxi.net 4. On Saturdays we used to sleep all motionless and still. 在星期六我们习惯了寂静的睡眠。 freestyle-x.blog.hexun.com 5. John clerks in the grocery store on Saturdays. 约翰每周六在杂货店做店员 dict.hjenglish.com 6. We have classes on Saturdays and Sundays. 我们星期六和星期日有课 blog.sina.com.cn 7. This coupon isn't good for Saturdays and Sundays. 这张联票不能用于星期六和星期日。 www.rrting.com 8. Will Power, who had the second fastest time Friday, dropped to 12th after Saturdays racing. 意志集中,他的第二最快时间周五,下降到后12日星期六赛车。 www.sjgcz.cn 9. We will continue to provide the more in-demand personal services on Saturdays. 目前,我们会继续在星期六提供需求甚殷的服务。 www.info.gov.hk 10. Saturdays and Sundays, Mom and Dad took us to the outside can also purchase their favorite books, movies, CD-ROM. 周六周日,爸爸妈妈还可以带我们去外面购买自己喜爱的书籍,电影光碟。 www.bing.com 1. Tom likes to watch TV at home on Saturdays. 周六汤姆喜欢呆在家里看电视。 house.zhishi.sohu.com 2. I often do my homework and read books on Saturdays. 周末我做家庭作业和读书。 wenku.baidu.com 3. We do steak on Saturdays, pizzas on Sundays. 星期六我们做牛排,星期天做披萨。 www.bing.com 4. On Saturdays, we go window shopping. 我喜欢逛橱窗不花钱。 www.wwenglish.com 5. Mr. Jones services his car on Saturdays. Jones先生每周六养护他的汽车。 www.tingroom.com 6. But on Saturdays it starts half an hour late. 星期六晚半小时发车。 dbm.diy.myrice.com 7. We often go to see her on Saturdays. 我们常在星期六去看她。 www.dearedu.com 8. You have to work on Saturdays and Sundays but you get other days off. 你得在星期六和星期天上班但剩下的几天你就没事了。 mysearch.100e.com 9. My parents don't work on Saturdays and Sundays. 我的父母在星期六和星期日不工作。 wenku.baidu.com 10. Do your parents do house work on saturdays? 你的父母在每星期六做家务吗? zhidao.baidu.com 1. I always go shopping with Mom on Saturdays. 周六我经常和妈妈一起去购物。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. She goes swimming on Saturdays. 她每个星期六都游泳。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The husband mows his lawn on Saturdays. 那位丈夫在每个周六修剪草坪。 www.kekenet.com 4. They stay at home on Saturdays. 她们星期六在家。 www.chledu.com 5. We are expected to work on Saturdays. 我们星期六要上班。 wenwen.soso.com 6. I often go to see films on Saturdays. 我周六经常看电影。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. I often read books and watch TV on Saturdays. 每周六我经常看书和看电视。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. You will be expected to work on Saturdays. 你们星期六要上班。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. He always goes back home on Saturdays. 他星期六总是回家。 www.tingclass.com 10. What does your mother do on Saturdays? 你妈妈周六做什么? wenku.baidu.com 1. I often do some shopping on Saturdays. 星期六,我经常上街去买东西。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. We're closed on Saturdays and Sundays. 我们周六和周日停业。 www.lovliv.com 3. He works on Saturdays and Sundays. 星期六和星期天他都要上班。 www.jituo.net 4. What does your mom often do on Saturdays? 星期六你妈妈经常做什么? school.ecp.com.cn 5. They don't work on Saturdays and Sundays. 他们星期六和星期日不用工作。 www.bing.com 6. She likes to have a good rest on Saturdays. 她喜欢在周六好好休息一下。 wenwen.soso.com 7. It always rains on Saturdays. 星期六总是下雨。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 8. What do SuYang and SuHai usually do on Saturdays? They usually make clothes. 苏扬和苏海在星期六通常干什么?她们通常做衣服。 www.njzxxyy.com 9. I often do my homework on Saturdays. 我经常在星期六做作业。 wenku.baidu.com 10. I also go horse riding on Saturdays. 而星期六还要学骑马。 www.tingroom.com 1. I have to go to my painting classes on Saturdays and my violin classes on Sundays. 我周六要去美术班上课,周日要去学小提琴。 mysearch.100e.com 2. We go shopping on Saturdays. 我们每逢星期六去购物。 www.lesun.org 3. We don't have classes on Saturdays. 我们星期六不上课。 www.enbuxi.com 4. The figure could rise above 9, 000 on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. 在星期六、日及公众假期,更超过9,000人次。 www.immd.gov.hk 5. I'm terrible busy on Saturdays. 我在礼拜六特别忙。 jstshirt.com 6. He goes to church on Saturdays. 他每星期六去教堂。 learning.sohu.com 7. I'm terribly busy on Saturdays. 我在星期六特别忙。 wenku.baidu.com 8. On Saturdays, from twelve to four, Dad and I have a father-daugh- ter day. 星期六,从十二点到下午四点,爸爸和我过了父亲和女儿的一天。 www.bing.com 9. I always get up late on Saturdays. 星期六我总是起床晚。 www.hxen.com 10. Are they open on Saturdays? 他们星期六开门吗? www.hjenglish.com 1. They are happiest on Saturdays. 他们在星期六最。 www.schoolside.com 2. Kelly doesn't get up early on Saturdays and Sundays. 凯丽星期六星期天起床不早。 wenwen.soso.com 3. On Saturdays and Sundays that number can spike to around 30, 000 visitors. 周六和周日,顾客人数会迅速上涨到30,000名左右。 www.fortunechina.com 4. I often watch TV on Saturdays. 我经常在周六看电视。 wenku.baidu.com 5. Now we just talk on Saturdays. 但现在我们只能在星期六聊聊了。 www.bing.com 6. We're also busy on Saturdays from 10am until 1pm then late afternoon onwards. 星期六我们也很忙,从上午10点到下午1点,然后到傍晚时分继续。 www.bing.com 7. I often ride a bike on Saturdays. 在星期六我经常骑自行车 wenwen.soso.com 8. Saturdays is fun for me. 星期六对我来说很有趣。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. I read books on Saturdays. 星期六我在家读书。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. He goes home on Saturdays. 他常在星期六回家。 edu.sina.com.cn 1. Don't forget 988's Weekly Song Chart (Saturdays) from 1pm to 3pm that plays popular Chinese songs from Asia. 不要忘记988的歌曲排行榜(每周六)从下午1点到3点播放亚洲流行歌曲。 www.leehom-cn.com 2. We have the afternoon off on Saturdays. 我们星期六下午不工作。 www.scutde.net 3. We watch TV on Saturdays. 我们在周六看电视。 360edu.com 4. I usually help Mum do the housework on Saturdays. 星期六,我通常帮助妈妈做家务。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. I watch TV on Saturdays. 我在周日看电视。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. He does extra work on Saturdays and Sundays in order to make more money. 为了赚更多的钱他在周六周日去做额外的工作。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. runs the script at 11: 30 p. m. on Saturdays (the day of the week specified as 6). 在每星期六的晚上11:30运行脚本(星期六由6指定)。 www.ibm.com 8. Next month I do aerobics on Saturdays and Tai Chi on Mondays. 下个月每逢星期六我将练健美操,星期一练太极拳。 wenku.baidu.com 9. This show will air Saturdays at 2 P. M. 这个演出将在星期六下午两点被播出。 www.hotdic.com 10. First, schedule long runs on Saturdays so that you have all of Sunday to recover. 第一,把长距离安排在周六,这样,周日有一整天的恢复时间。 bbs.running8.com 1. Some cuts have already taken effect; most of the city's public libraries, for example, will be closed on Saturdays. 一些削减已经收到成效;例如,城市的公共图书馆将在周六关闭。 www.ecocn.org 2. Gigi now takes her little girl to the park on Saturdays. 现在,Gigi经常周六带着她的女儿去公园玩。 www.bing.com 3. He likes to play a round of golf on Saturdays. 他喜欢每个星期六打一场高尔夫球。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Next month I do aerobics on Saturdays. 下一个月,每逢周六我都将会做有氧运动。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. What do you do on Saturdays? I watch TV on Saturdays. What about you? 你每个星期六做什么?我星期六看电视。你呢? wenku.baidu.com 6. I am always at home on Saturdays. 星期六我总是在家。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Saturday, Saturday, What do you do on Saturdays? 星期六,星期六,在星期六,你做什么呢? www.hxen.com 8. What do you do on Saturdays? I often do homework, read books and. 星期六你要做什么?我经常做作业,读书。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. A lot of Ehglishman work in their gardens on Saturdays and Sundays during their holidays. 在假期里,许多英国人会利用周六日来打理他们的花园。 iask.sina.com.cn 10. What time is the mail delivered on Saturdays? 星期六的邮件都是在什么时间投送? learning.sohu.com 1. He works from Monday to Friday. On Saturdays and Sundays he doesn't go to work. 他在周一到周五工作,周六和周日不去。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 2. David: What do you do on Saturdays and Sundays? 戴维:你在星期六和星期天做什么?。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. What do you do on Saturdays? I watch TV on Saturdays. 你在星期六做什么?我在星期六看电视。 xxyy.dgjyw.com 4. Aunt: It's Saturday. What do you do on Saturdays? 姑妈:今天是星期六。星期六你干什么?。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. We don't have any classes on Saturdays and Sundays. 星期六和星期天我们不上课。 www.nmhrjy.com 6. I usually go to the theme park on Saturdays. 我通常在星期六去主题公园。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Are you free, say around 10 a. m. , this Saturday or any of the other Saturdays in wellwornfriends June? 你有空吗,比如说在这个星期六或六月里任何一个星期六的早上十点左右? www.elanso.com 8. What do you do on Saturdays and Sundays? 你星期六星期天作什麼﹖ budongbai.wordpress.com 9. What do you do on Saturdays? I watch TV on Saturdays. What about you? I do my homework, too. 你星期六通常做什么?我通常看电视。你呢?我也做作业。 www.zxzyw.com 10. She spends half an hour doing exercise in the gym every day. She learns basketball on saturdays, and now she plays it pretty well. 她每天在健身房花半个小时健身,星期天学打篮球,现在她篮球打得相当好。 wenwen.soso.com 1. Sarah: What do you do on Saturdays? 莎拉:星期六你干什么?。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. John: What do you do on Saturdays? 约翰:星期六你做什么? blog.sina.com.cn 3. Bill: For Friday nights and Saturdays. Yes. Are you interested? 这是一个星期五晚间和星期六工作的职位。你有兴趣吗? www.tingclass.com 4. We go to the movies on saturdays. 星期六我们去看电影。 www.gzyueyang.com 5. has. What do you do on Saturdays? 星期六你做什么? wenku.baidu.com 6. I go to play basketball with my friends on Saturdays. 每逢周六,我便与朋友们一起去打篮球。 www.xianjiancn.cn 7. What do you on on Saturdays? 你在星期六做什么? www.hxen.com 8. In the 2006-2009 three-year period, I side of hard work, while on Saturdays, days and evenings to learn the knowledge of finance. 在2006年至2009年三年期间,我一边努力的工作,一边利用星期六、天和晚上的时间来学习金融学的知识。 study-abroad-web.com 9. How long do the shops stay open on Saturdays? 星期六商店开多长时间? www.my.btvu.org 10. On weekdays and Saturdays, Tengo could go to school or to day care, but these institutions were closed on Sundays. 在周一到周六,天吾就能去学校或者托儿所,但是这些制度在星期天是行不通的。 www.bing.com 1. are you watching tv now? do your parents do house work on saturdays? 你正在看电视吗?你的父母在星期六做家务吗? zhidao.baidu.com 2. Henry often went to the library on Saturdays. 以前,每逢星期六亨利常去图书馆。 www.bing.com 3. What would you like for dinner on Saturdays? 你周六晚餐想吃什么?我想吃羊肉。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. I exercise every day, usually Saturdays and Sundays. 我每天锻炼,经常是周六周日。 wenwen.soso.com 5. Are you open on Saturdays? 星期六也营业吗? www.lovliv.com 6. They go to the park on Saturdays. 他们每逢星期六就去公园。 www.ecp.com.cn 7. Many people who do them are married with children so you will need to explain to your four-year-old why you need to study on Saturdays. 许多在读学生都是有家小的已婚人士,因此你需要向你4岁的孩子解释,为什么你每周六要去学习。 www.ftchinese.com 8. I like sport. I often go climbing on Saturdays and Sundays. 我经常在周六和周日去爬山。 elearning.teacher.com.cn 9. Living at college, we have Saturdays off--this is another thing that I like about college. 在学院里住,我们有星期六假期--这是我喜欢关于学院的另一件事。 wenwen.soso.com 10. Maybe they go to school Tuesdays and Thursdays and put in makeup time in the office on Saturdays. 也许她们周二或者周四上学,周六在办公室补算工作时间。 www.bing.com |
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