单词 | reserve the right | ||
释义 | reserve the right
例句释义: 保留权利 1. In case of any dispute, the hotel and respective Merry Inn reserve the right of final decision. 如有任何争议,本酒店及各美丽客栈保留最终决定权。 www.kuenglish.info 2. Returning to the house, I reserve the right to have the TV at my disposal for 30 days to relive every second of the tremendous achievement. 我回家后,仍然有30天的电视控制权,用来回味这荣耀成就的每一秒。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 3. We reserve the right, at our own expense and on notice to you, to assume exclusive defence and control of any claim or action. 我们保留权利,经通知阁下后,由我们自费独自抗辩及控制任何索偿或诉讼。 discoverhongkong.com 4. The Bank and FORTRESS reserve the right to alter or terminate the offer and amend the terms and conditions at any time. 本行及丰泽保留随时更改或终止以上优惠以及修订条款及细则之权利。 forms.online.standardchartered.com 5. The organizers reserve the right to do not allow the participation of those works whose content is not included in the proposed tender. 主办单位保留权利,不允许参与这些工程的内容是不包括在拟议的投标。 cartoon.chinadaily.com.cn 6. That said, I reserve the right to resubmit my examination paper if Europe's leaders are foolish enough to let the euro zone sink. 尽管如此,我仍保留重新提交考卷的权利,以防欧洲领导人愚蠢到听任欧元区解体的地步。 www.bing.com 7. If you do not pay your invoice within the credit period we reserve the right to withhold proficiency test materials and results. 如果您没有在信用期内支付费用我们将保留拒付水平测试样品和结果的权利。 www.fapas.com 8. Fairchild TV and Talentvision reserve the right to make substitutions in the event of non-availability of any prize. 如未能提供所述之奖品,新时代电视及城市电视保留更改奖品的权利。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. We reserve the right to determine the manner of carriage and to limit the number of animals which may be carried on a flight. 我们有权决定宠物运输的方式,并且有权限制一架飞机运输宠物的数量。 www.tj.xinhuanet.com 10. We do reserve the right to stop selling for vendors that have too high of a chargeback rate. 我们保留对有高拒付率的发行商停止为其销售的权利。 www.regnow.com 1. I reserve the right to point this out to you later since, as you can see, I am going slowly. 我暂时将回答保留到后来,因为你们看得出来,我喜欢慢工出细活。 springhero.wordpress.com 2. Some of us are just born worriers and will reserve the right to be a drama queen on occasion. 我们有的人生下来就是爱担心的人,保留当事儿妈的权利。 bbs.eduu.com 3. Oh, and one more thing, the same Europeans reserve the right to opt out of the alliance's combat operations. 对了,还有一件事:同样是这些欧洲人,还保留了选择退出盟国作战行动的权力。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The sponsors of this Traffic Safety Poster Design Contest reserve the right to explain relevant matters concerning this contest. 本次交通安全海报设计大赛相关事宜由主办单位负责解释。 www.tdict.com 5. Suppliers will be advised of these visits in advance but we reserve the right to make unannounced visits too. 拜访工厂之前,供应商将提前被通知,但我们也保留做不预先通知拜访的权利。 www.showxiu.com 6. Otherwise, we had to claim against you and reserve the right to cancel the contract. 否则,我方只好向你方提出索赔并保留取消合同的权利。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. I've been an on and off social smoker for ages and never got hooked, so I reserve the right to have one on a fun night. 在社会交往中我已经断断续续抽烟几年了,但我却从没未上瘾,所以我保留在一个美好的夜晚抽支香烟的权利。 www.bing.com 8. To counter the risk of a false alarm, the regulator would reserve the right to declare a bank solvent after an audit. 为了减弱虚假警报的危险,监管者会保留在审计后宣布银行有清偿能力的权力。 www.ecocn.org 9. In case the relevant gift is out of stock, we reserve the right to offer an alternative model gift of same value. 如所选择的礼品换罄,本公司保留权利以同等价值的型号或礼品取代。 www.americanexpress.com 10. "We reserve the right to exercise in international waters anywhere in the world, " Rear Adm. Daniel Cloyd, who headed the U. “我们保留权利,在国际水域运动在世界任何地方,”负责演习的美方少将丹尼尔。 club.pchome.net 1. We reserve the right to cancel the project any time if you break any of the major rules in the project description ! 我们有权取消该项目中的任何时间,如果你打破这个项目的描述的主要规则的! www.bing.com 2. We reserve the right to terminate the agency if the sales fall below the minimum value over a certain period. 如果一定期限内,贵方的销售额低与最低营业额,我们保留终止代理的权利。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. We reserve the right to reject links if they do meet our requirements; any links not accepted must be reproduced or replaced. 我们保留权利拒绝链接,如果他们不符合我们的要求,不接受任何联系,必须复制或取代。 www.bing.com 4. I reserve the right to alter the weighting somewhat in exceptional circumstances; usually this works to your advantage. 如遇特殊情况,本人将保留修改评分比重的权利,这通常都是对学生较有利的。 www.myoops.org 5. insist on delivery within the time dated , and reserve the right to reject the goods, should they be delivered later. 我们坚持在原定日期内交货,若迟交则保留拒收的权利。 www.jukuu.com 6. We reserve the right to reject any links if they do not meet our required guidelines. 我们保留权利拒绝任何链接,如果他们不符合我们要求的准则。 www.bing.com 7. TERMINATIONBoth the parties hereto reserve the right of early termination in case of a material breach of contract. 两个党至此预留早期的终止权利在物质合同违约的情况下。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 8. If any person who intends to obtain our service for the aforesaid purposes by cheating or lying, we reserve the right to terminate the. 声明,欲骗取本公司服务作上述用途者,一经发现,即终止服务,报官查办,并保留追讨损失权利。 www.8wen.com 9. The Friends of Development reserve the right to make additional contributions to the debate as discussions continue. 发展之友集团保留在讨论进行期间向这场辩论提交补充建议的权利。 www.wipo.int 10. We reserve the right to retain certain customer information, which relates to billing, account status, and product warranties. 我们保留我们保存关于账单,帐户状态及产品保单的客户信息的权利。 www.brokerforum.com 1. In the constant effort to improve our product, we reserve the right to make construction or design changes without notice or obligation. 为连续改进我们的产品,我们保留改变结构、改变设计的权利,而不再另行通知。 www.hairui17.com 2. We reserve the right to reject links if they do not meet the guidelines. 我们保留权利拒绝链接,如果他们不符合的准则。 www.bing.com 3. We reserve the right to make changes as a result of further technical advantages. 本公司保留修改技术参数的权力,恕不另行通知。 wenku.baidu.com 4. I also reserve the right to deem the submission of proofs as acceptable or not. 我也有权认为,作为接受或不提交证据。 www.bing.com 5. "We decided to reserve the right to pursue legal action. " “我们决定保留采取法律行动的权利。” www.ftchinese.com 6. We reserve the right to reject links if they do not fit to guidelines. 我们保留权利拒绝链接,如果他们不适合的指导方针。 www.bing.com 7. I reserve the right to introduce other minor assignments during the course of the class. 在这门课的授课期间我保留我引进其他较次要作业的权利。 www.myoops.org 8. All along we have followed your protocol, but we reserve the right to act as necessary if any attempt is made to endanger our presence. 自始自终我们都遵循你们的礼节,但是我们保留行动的权利,如果任何的企图危害到我们存在的安全时。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. We reserve the right to keep our sources private We will only divulge such information upon order of the court . 我们有权为信源保密我们只在法庭要求下泄漏这些信息。 www.bing.com 10. We reserve the right to revise any terms of the delivery service from time to time without prior notice. 我们保留可在不事先通知的情况下随时更改送递服务条款的权利。 www.ctfeshop.com.hk 1. In the fine print of their contracts, most carriers reserve the right to limit throughput speeds or the amount of data transferred by users. 在合同的正式文本中,大多数承载商都有保留了限制通信速度或者用户传输数据的流量大小的权利。 www.ecocn.org 2. We shall reserve the right to cancel any project that down't meet our prearranged and agreed criteria. 我们会保留权利取消任何项目,符合我们的预定不到风度和商定的标准。 www.bing.com 3. The owners of this site reserve the right without notice or obligation to revise or modify these terms of use. 这个网站拥有保留权利义务的通知或修改或修改这些条款。 4. Only honest ethical work accepted. I reserve the right to reject any link not found suitable or meeting these requirements. 只有诚实的道德的工作接受。我保留的权利,拒绝任何链接没有找到适合或满足这些要求。 www.bing.com 5. Xi'an Qujiang newly developed area Management committee and Xi'an planning bureau reserve the right to explain the project. 西安市曲江新区管理委员会和西安市规划局拥有本次方案征集相关文告的解释权。 www.zhaobiao.gov.cn 6. The upshot: China's government and state-owned industries reserve the right to discriminate against imports. 其结果是:中国政府和国有企业保留了歧视进口商品的权利。 www.ftchinese.com 7. In the procedure of verifying company documents, our bank reserve the right to take any particular company search . 如我行对提交的公司文件有疑义,我行有权办理查册。 www.bing.com 8. The organizers reserve the right to publish the cartoons submitted to the festival and use them in any forms. 14日,主办单位保留权利,出版的漫画提交节,并利用它们的任何形式。 cartoon.chinadaily.com.cn 9. all I'm saying. . . if a guy doesn't call me, I would like to reserve the right to call him at 15-minute intervals until he picks up. 我想说的是,如果一个男人没给我打电话,我可能会每隔15分钟打给他一次,直到他接电话为止。 club.topsage.com 10. You can reserve the right to make independent choices, but as an adult, you should not act on impulse. 你可以保留自主选择的权利,但作为一个成年人,你做事不要冲动。 bbs.ahu.edu.cn 1. The organizers reserve the right to reproduce and use the original cartoons in any form with due acknowledgement to the artists. 在给予创作者一定通知后,主办方将保留以各种形式复制和使用原漫画作品的一切权利。 www.douban.com 2. 'If we do not hear from you promptly, we reserve the right to withdraw our offer, ' Mr. Tung said in the letter. 董朝晖在信中说,如果我们不能立即得到你们的答复,我们保留撤回收购要约的权利。 www.bing.com 3. Tester will not liable for any responsibility caused by above actions and will reserve the right to the legal responsibility. 对上述行为造成的后果承检方不负任何法律责任,并保留追究有关法律责任的权利。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. What is more, even if you submit your URL, most search engines reserve the right to judge whether to crawl your site or not. 更有什者,即使您提交您的网址,大多数搜索引擎保留权利,判断是否抓取您的网站或没有。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. We reserve the right to cancel these classes due to insufficient enrollment. 如果由于报名的学生人数不足我们有权取消课程。 www.laschina.org 6. He added that Tokyo would also reserve the right to block transfers of defence equipment to third countries. 他补充称,日本政府还将保留阻止防务装备转让给第三国的权利。 www.ftchinese.com 7. All poker sites reserve the right to do this if you contravene their terms and conditions. 所有的网站都说如果你违反了条款他们将保留这个权利。 www.bing.com 8. Reserve the right to make my own decisions. 我保留自己做决定的权利。 www.hzmba.com 9. We reserve the right to reject the application from which we suspect the Applicant's Signature. 本会保拒绝对申请人签署有怀疑之申请表。 www.xiadoc.com 10. TCDD shall reserve the right to conduct a final control on the turn outs at the acceptance port. 土耳其国家铁路总局保留在接收港口对道岔进行最后一次控制的权利。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 1. We reserve the right to claim compensation from you for any damage. 我们保留向你们要求赔偿任何损失的权利。 www.sdecu.com 2. Course owners reserve the right to restrict club length to avoid damage to the hole. 球道所有人保留限制球杆长度以保护球洞免受损伤的权利。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. We reserve the right to modify the design and specifications without notice in advance. 本公司保留变更设计之权利,规格如有更改恕不另行通知。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. We reserve the right to conduct additional inspections of incoming goods. 我们保留对到货进行进一步检验的权利。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. But companies also reserve the right to trim their workforce at the first sign of trouble. 但是公司同样保留一旦麻烦出现就削减劳动力的权利。 www.elanso.com 6. The government should also reserve the right to exclude certain high risk groups from the streamlined approach for university applicants. 政府也应当保留对高风险人群不执行大学生简易签证程序来处理签证的权利。 www.thenewstone.com 7. The committee would reserve the right to decline a request for arbitration. 委员会保留拒绝仲裁请求的权利。 meta.wikimedia.org 8. We reserve the right to appeal against the tribunal's decision. 我们保留对该法庭裁决的上诉权。 www.chinaorb.com 9. For the consequences caused by such attachments, we reserve the right to claim from the responsible user. 对于由该附件引发的所有后果,本网站保留追诉上传者责任的权力。 www.doyouhike.net 10. We insist on delivery within the dated time and reserve the right to reject the goods shall they is deliver late. 我们坚持在原定日期内交货,若延迟交货则保留拒收的权利。 www.jukuu.com 1. American Express International Inc. And Zurich Insurance Company reserve the right to change the Terms and Conditions without prior notice. 美国运通国际股份有限公司及苏黎世保险保留更改所有条款及细则而毋须另行通知的权利。 www.americanexpress.com 2. If eBay crashes within 24 hours of the close of the auction, I reserve the right to cancel the auction. 如果易趣网在拍卖结束后24小时内瘫痪,本人保留取消拍卖的权利。 www.e-say.com.cn 3. I reserve the right to cancel any link if not found suitable (with explanation). 我保留权利取消任何链接,如果没有找到合适的(含说明书)。 www.bing.com 4. Sportingbet reserve the right to close casino accounts. 博天堂有权关闭赌城账户。 dict.bioon.com 5. We reserve the right to amend the T&Cs from time to time without prior notice to you. 我们保留可不时在不事先通知阁下的情况下修订本条款及条件之权利。 www.ctfeshop.com.hk 6. I reserve the right not to accept any articles I consider to be low quality. 我保留权利不接受任何文章中,我认为是低质量。 www.bing.com 7. The Organizer will reserve the right to change or cancel the reservation of exhibitors who fail to meet the payment requirements. 如未按合同(或确认函)要求付款者,组委会有权调整或取消其预定展位。 www.jukuu.com 8. We reserve the right to change, modify, add, or remove portions of this policy at any time without notice. 我们保留在任何时候变更、修正、增补或刪除本私隐政策任何部分的权利,而不负先行通知之义务。 www.sunworlddynasty.com.cn 9. Site reserve the right to legal liability of infringement. 本站保留追究侵权者法律责任的权利。 wenwen.soso.com 10. We reserve the right to cancel the order and refuse delivery after this date. 逾期我方有权取消定货或拒收货物。 p.wink.blog.163.com 1. Winner List will be posted online on December th, . HKTA will reserve the right to make the final decision if any. 得奖名单将于月日于网上公布,不会另行通知。香港网球总会将保留最后决定权。 chjso.com 2. We reserve the right to delete any message for any reason whatsoever. 各讨论区版主保留是否删除文章的最后决定权; kate2009121.blog.163.com 3. The Buyer will reserve the right to claim for direct losses incurred. 买方将保留对因此引起的直接损失进行上诉的权利。 www.1x1y.com.cn 4. Sino Group and Card Centre reserve the right to adjust terms and conditions from time to time. 信和集团及卡公司保留修改所有条款及细则的权利。 www.sino.com 5. Some bars reserve the right to refuse entrance to teenagers. 一些酒吧有权禁止未成年人入内。 www.kekenet.com 6. This being the case, we are compelled to reserve the right to lodge a claim against you. 情况既然如此,我们不得不保留向你方索赔的权利。 blog.tom.com 7. We reserve the right to inspect them before issuing credit. 在开立信用证前我们保留验货的权利。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 8. Remark: In the interest of continued product improvement, we reserve the right to change design features without prior notice. 备注:在产品改进过程中,本公司保留更改产品设计指针的权利,若没有及时公告,请谅解。 www.sandat.cn 9. We reserve the right to charge for the space occupied. 我们保留因为空间占用而收费的权利。 www.nciku.cn 10. We encourage authors to suggest the names of possible reviewers, but we reserve the right of final selection. 我们鼓励作者提出可能的评审员的名字,但我们保留最终选择权。 www.qikanw.org 1. We reserve the right to take legal action against the infringers. 本公司保留一切向侵权人士作出法律追究的权利。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Should client default, we reserve the right to apply our hourly rate at $275 &up per hour. 如客户违约,我行保留权利适用按小时记费方式,以每小时275美元起计算。 dict.bioon.com 3. We reserve the right of refusal of delivery and cancellation of the order after this date. 我方保留此日期后拒绝送货物和取消订单的权利 wenku.baidu.com 4. We reserve the right to reject links if they don't meet requirements. 我们保留权利拒绝链接,如果他们不符合要求。 www.bing.com 5. We reserve the right to cancel any LINK not found suitable. 我们保留权利取消任何链接没有找到合适的。 www.bing.com 6. We reserve the right to reject any link if found not suitable. 我们保留权利拒绝任何联系,如果发现不适合。 www.bing.com 7. I reserve the right to cancel any link if not found suitable. 本人保留权利取消任何链接,如果没有找到合适的。 www.bing.com 8. What is more annoying? to be placed on a par with the thieves, this is slander, we reserve the right to sue. 更可气的是什么“贼眉鼠眼”,把我们与贼相提并论,这简直是污蔑,我们保留起诉权。 www.bing.com 9. I reserve the right to cancel any link that doesn t meet the requirements set out below. 我保留权利取消任何链接,不含吨符合要求载列如下。 www.bing.com 10. We reserve the right to cancel any transfer of a domain name registration to another holder that is made in violation of this subparagraph. 我方保留由于违反本子章节条款而取消将注册域名转让给别的持有人的权利。 agent.dns.com.cn 1. I reserve the right to reply at a later date. 我保留日后答复的权力。 jyk.xidian.edu.cn 2. We would like to remind you that we reserve the right to cancel it and refuse delivery after this date. 请你方注意到我们保留在此日期之后取消订单和拒绝接受所发运货的权利。 www.tingroom.com 3. We reserve the right not to accept links not meeting the stated project criteria. 我们保留权利不接受不符合规定的链接项目的标准。 www.bing.com 4. Be tolerant when making delimitation for love, so that to reserve the right of yearning all types of nice encounters in life . 给爱情划界时不妨宽容一些,以便为人生种种美好的遭遇保留怀念的权利。 www.elanso.com 5. If a link was found unsuitable, we reserve the right to request link replacement. 如果一个链接被发现不合适,我们有权要求更换链接。 www.bing.com 6. Please be careful, the manufacturer reserve the right to some alterations for above data. 以上数据,本公司保留变动权利,届时恕不另行通知,请以实际尺寸为准。 www.lzjl.com.cn 7. the goods and reserve the right of claim if the goods arrived in the port after the shipment date. 若货物在装运期过期后到达,我们拒收并保留索赔的权利。 www.jukuu.com 8. We reserve the right to claim . . . 我方保留向你方对此损失索赔的权利。 www.chinaca-web.com 9. We reserve the right to lodge a claim for loss . 我们保留要求赔偿损失的权利。 www.jukuu.com 10. We reserve the right to cancel the order if you can not make delivery on 20th as you said. 如果象你说的如果20号交不了货,我们有权取消订单。 club.china.alibaba.com 1. I reserve the right to respond later. 我保留稍后作出回应的权利。 www.yuloo.com 2. Do you, should you, reserve the right to read your teen's Facebook message threads, text message conversations and email? 你是否保留或者应该保留阅读十几岁的孩子Facebook信息、短信聊天或者邮件内容的权利? dongxi.net 3. Kingdom Travel reserve the right to change the above prices without prior notice. 我公司保留对以上价格进行调整的权利,恕不提前通知。 www.kingdomtravel.com.cn 4. I reserve the right to cancel any link. 我保留权利取消任何链接。 www.bing.com 5. I reserve the right to cold call in class. 我保留在课堂上点名的权利。 www.myoops.org 6. I reserve the right to disagree. 我保留不同意的权利。 www.zk8.net 7. Winners must be aged over 18. We reserve the right to change these conditions. 获奖者必须是年满十八岁。我们保留改变这些条件权利。 www.bing.com 8. Reserve the right to do sth. 保留做某事的权力。 jyk.xidian.edu.cn 9. The organizers reserve the right to withdraw the competition work that is offensive. 主办单位保留撤销权竞争的工作,是进攻。 hi.baidu.com 10. We reserve the right to change the above prices and offers without further notice . 本公司保留更改以上价格及优惠之权利,恕不另行通知。 www.showxiu.com 1. Reserve the right of termination if a supplier's performance creates an unreasonable risk in GE's contracts ? 在合同中保持终止合同的权利一旦供应商的行为造成不合理的风险 wenku.baidu.com 2. We reserve the right for the final explanation. 最终解释权本公司保有。 spaces.voguezone.com 3. I reserve the right to disconcur. 我保留持不同意见的权利。 www.304d.net 4. We reserve the right to revise this Privacy Policy Statement as any time and at our discretion. 我们保有权利校订这一份隐私政策报告当我们需要做任何慎重的变更时。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. I reserve the right of final approval. 我保留最终批准权。 www.myoops.org 6. I always reserve the right to be wrong, but I like to be corrected with Facts and Sources and stuff, it makes me smarter. 我保持犯错误的权利,但是你们想纠正我的错误,请用事实说话,这样我才更聪明。 www.kantianya.com 7. We reserve the right to change our privacy policy. 我们保留改变我们隐私权保护政策的权利。 fortunegroup.com.cn 8. "Ask whatever you like, " I replied, "and I'll reserve the right not to answer. " 随便问吧。不过我保留不回答的权力。 www.bing.com 9. We reserve the right to change our plans at any time. 我们保留随时改变计划的权利。 www.bing.com 10. We can produce various specifications according to customer demands. We reserve the right to change specifications without prior notice. 可按客户指定尺寸规格定做,产品规格若有变更,恕不另外通知。 www.hztimfai.com 1. We reserve the right to change specif ations without prior notice. 产品规格若有改变,恕不另行通知。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. And we must reserve the right to make changes in the scope of supply, installation, and technology. 我们必须保留供货范围、装备和技术方面的修改权。 bbs.translators.com.cn 3. I -- like any head of state -- reserve the right to act unilaterally if necessary to defend my nation. 与任何国家元首一样,我保留在必要时采取单边行动保卫自己国家的权利。 www.america.gov 4. SGS Hong Kong Ltd and Clothing Industry Training Authority reserve the right to accept or reject any enrollees to the seminar. 港通用公证行有限公司及制衣业训練局保留接受或否决报名者之权利。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. We reserve the right to release documents against such waiver without further notice to the presenter, 我方保留凭放弃不符点放单的权利而不再进一步通知交单者, club.china.alibaba.com 6. I protest what you did! I reserve the right to take legal action against you 我对你的行为提出抗议!我保留对你采取法律行动的权利 wenku.baidu.com 7. In the event of disputes, the Hong Kong Tourism Board and participating outlets reserve the right of final decision. 如有争议,香港旅游发展局及有关参与商户保留最终决定权。 discoverhongkong.com 8. reserve the right to make further reaction - will retaliate; 保留做出进一步反应的权利——我们将报复 blog.sina.com.cn 9. United Airlines Red-dots reserve the right to make final decisions 联合航空及点点红保留最终决定权 www.red-dots.com 10. Reserve the right to improve or modify the products with prior notice 在预先通知的条件下,保留改进或修改经销产品的权力 bec.030904.com 1. We reserve the right to test any member of the firm for drug 我们保留事务所对任何成员进行吸毒的药检权。 www.bing.com 2. Reserve the right to recourse; under reserve 保留追索权 www.hxen.com 3. Reserve the right to use force 保留使用武力的权利 bbs.gliet.edu.cn 4. Reserve the right to do 保留做某事的权利 www.jpkc.cq.edu.cn 5. Reserve the right of cancellation 保留取消的权利 bbs.cduk.cn 6. We reserve the right to change design without notice 本公司因需要而更改设计恕不另行通知 www.procetech.com 7. reserve the right of disposal 保留对货物的处置权 blog.sina.com.cn |
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