单词 | Reserve-fund |
释义 | 例句释义: 公积金,预备基金 1. So far, State Street has paid out two-thirds of the assets of a $625m legal reserve fund, set up in late 2007. 道富银行在2007年末设立了规模达6.25亿美元的法定准备基金,迄今为止,该行已支付了其中三分之二的资产。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The premium resulting from issuance of shares at a price above par value shall be allocated to the company's capital reserve fund. 以超过票面金额发行股票所得溢价款列入公司资本公积金。 www.zftrans.com 3. To the contrary we have always had a large reserve fund to be able to pay members . 相反我们一直拥有大量的备用资金,有能力给会员支付。 www.bing.com 4. They collect margins on every trade; members put money into a reserve fund as well. 他们从所有交易中得利;同时成员们将钱存入一个储蓄基金。 www.ecocn.org 5. Assuming that by 2011 the global economy is growing robustly once more, the reserve fund will have done its job. 假设到2011年时,全球经济再度强劲增长,则储备金仍能正常运作。 www.ecocn.org 6. Perhaps they are worried about potential future crises and want a large reserve fund for such a contingency. 也许,他们担心潜在的未来的危机,需要为这个意外准备大笔基金。 q.sohu.com 7. The system regarding the issue of Macao currency and the reserve fund system shall be prescribed by law. 澳门货币的发行制度和准备金制度,由法律规定。 www.bing.com 8. Most money to cover the deficit would come from the Reserve Fund, one of two funds consisting of windfall oil revenue. 填补赤字所需的大部分资金将来自储备金ReserveFund,它是由石油暴利税收入所建两只基金中的一只。 www.ebigear.com 9. After-tax profits shall be allocated first to the reserve fund, the employee bonus and welfare fund and the enterprise development fund. 纳税后的利润应首先提取“储备基金”、“职工奖励及福利基金”、“企业发展基金”。 www.yanmon.com 10. Assist the administration work including reserve fund management, arranging working meals, mail services etc. 部分行政工作,包括备用金管理,安排员工工作餐,邮件服务等。 www.gao8dou.com 1. Kiribati, a Pacific island country that mined guano for fertiliser, set up the Kiribati Revenue Equalisation Reserve Fund in 1956. 基里巴斯是个太平洋上的岛国,主要以把鸟粪制造成肥料为生。该国在1956年成立了基里巴斯收益平衡储备基金。 www.ecocn.org 2. Capital expenditure includes interest on government bonds charged to Capital Works Reserve Fund. 非经营开支包括记入基本工程储备基金的政府债券利息。 www.budget.gov.hk 3. The government also said it would draw some $4 billion from its reserve fund of windfall copper revenue to pay for better schools. 政府还表示将从铜矿大量收入的储备基金中拨款40亿美元左右用于投资更好的学校。 www.bing.com 4. The Reserve Fund was specifically designed to bridge budget deficits during difficult times and currently contains about $130 billion. 俄罗斯的储备基金是专门用来在艰难时期填补预算赤字的工具,目前其储备的资金约有1,300亿美元。 www.ebigear.com 5. The extra 20, 000 USD over the fundraiser goal was put into a reserve fund. 另外,超过筹款目标的20,000美元则放入後备基金。 meta.wikimedia.org 6. The public housing reserve fund is the main source of policy oriented housing capital. 住房公积金作为政策性住房资金的主要来源,是房改的中心环节和住房保障体系的中坚。 www.fabiao.net 7. Aside from the breakneck depletion of the reserve fund, however, there is a potential problem looming for Russia's government. 然而,除了储备金以惊人的速度减少外,俄政府还有一迫在眉睫的潜在问题。 www.ecocn.org 8. Opening an account for advance payments from buyers towards a maintenance reserve fund . 开设户口让买家预缴款项,以成立维修储备基金。 www.bing.com 9. The account should be for joint goals: building a reserve fund, saving for college. 这个账户应该被用于共同的目标:建立准备金、为大学存款。 www.elanso.com 10. The issue of Macao currency must be backed by a 100 per cent reserve fund. 澳门货币的发行须有百分之百的准备金。 www.bing.com 1. As word of the Reserve Fund's predicament spread, investors fled. 随着ReserveFund陷入困境的风声传开,投资者迅速抽逃。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The provincial government has allocated 10 million yuan from the governor's reserve fund for drought relief. 省政府已经从政府的储备金中拨款1000万元人民币来应对旱季。 www.ebigear.com 3. It will be charged as capital expenditure of the Capital Works Reserve Fund. 有关利息会记入基本工程储备基金的非经营开支。 www.budget.gov.hk 4. Cuts individual housing common reserve fund rate on loan, various scales interest rate falls 0. 27 percentage point separately. 下调个人住房公积金贷款利率,各档次利率分别下调0. www.showxiu.com 5. The Panel circulated a consultation paper provided by the Administration on Capital Works Reserve Fund CWRF block allocation for 2003- 04 . 事务委员会发出一份由政府当局提供有关2003至04年度基本工程储备基金整体拨款的谘询文件。 www.bing.com 6. Surplus reserve refers to the reserve fund set up from profit according to relevant State regulations. 第四十一条盈余公积金是指按照国家有关规定从利润中提取的公积金。 www.chinalawedu.com 7. "We will be using the Reserve Fund if oil profits are less than they are described in the budget, " Mr. Kudrin said. “如果石油利润远远低于预算案所预测的,我们将要利用储备基金,”库德林如此表示。 www.yuloo.com 8. This year's spending initially has been set at 70 billion yuan, or about $10 billion, drawn mostly from a budget reserve fund. 今年的资金投入初步定为人民币700亿元(约合100亿美元),大部分将从预算储备金中拨付。 www.ebigear.com 9. Only in emergencies can this reserve fund be used. 只有在紧急情况下,才能动用储备基金。 wenku.baidu.com 10. Money from the Skyway deal, for example, was used to pay debts and create a long-term reserve fund. 例如Skyway收费公路的租金被用来偿还了债务,并且建立了长期的储备基金。 www.ecocn.org 1. As a result, the reserve fund will have just Rb1. 6trn by the start of October, compared with a peak balance of nearly Rb4. 9trn in March. 这将导致俄储备金10月初仅余1.6兆卢布,与3月时盈余近4.9兆卢布的峰值相比少得可怜。 www.ecocn.org 2. The issue of Hong Kong currency must be backed by a 100 per cent reserve fund. 港币的发行须有百分之百的准备金。 www.hjenglish.com 3. In Japan, the government was forced to use the grain reserve fund of $534m to ensure grain supply. 在日本,政府被迫动用5.34亿美元的粮食储备金确保供应。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 4. International Financial Report Criterion to Non-Life Insurance Service Reserve Fund Correlation Stipulation and Enlightenment 国际财务报告准则对非寿险业务准备金的相关规定及启示 www.ilib.cn 5. The tax payment problems of commercial insurance, the housing common reserve fund and buying the vehicle for the staff 为员工上商业保险、住房公积金及为员工买车等纳税问题 cxw713.bokee.com 6. Responsible for calculation and payment of individual tax, social insurance and common reserve fund; 负责个人所得税、社保、公积金核算及缴纳; www.gao8dou.com 7. Appropriation of reserve fund Appropriation of enterprise expansion fund 提取企业发展基金利润归还投资 wenku.baidu.com 8. Interest on government bonds is charged to the Capital Works Reserve Fund but is shown separately under 政府债券利息亦记入基本工程储备基金,但会在 www.budget.gov.hk 9. Comparative Study on the Management of National Pension Reserve Fund between China and Ireland 中爱两国国家养老储备基金管理制度比较研究 www.ilib.cn 10. The Administrative Rules for Non-life Insurance Reserve Fund of Insurance Company (trial) 保险公司非寿险业务准备金管理办法(试行) bbs.translators.com.cn 1. The problems of the present dead loan reserve fund system in banks and their countermeasures 现行银行贷款呆帐准备金制度存在的问题及对策 www.ilib.cn 2. A Review on the Reform in 2001 of the Investment System and Policy for Japan's Social Security Reserve Fund: Issues and Future 日本2001年社保基金投资体制与投资策略改革评述:问题与前途 service.ilib.cn 3. Causes and Countermeasures against Housing Common Reserve Fund Loan 住房公积金贷款风险的成因及对策 www.ilib.cn 4. In three years commercial presence rotatable common reserve fund loan; 三年内商业贷款可转公积金贷款; dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Failing to contribute to the insurance guarantee fund or the accumulated reserve fund as required; 未按照规定提取保险保障基金、公积金的; cq.netsh.com 6. Scheme of Dealing with Problems in Housing Common Reserve Fund Centre 住房公积金中心安全解决方案 www.ilib.cn 7. Risks and Elusion of Housing Common Reserve Fund Loan Management 住房公积金贷款管理风险与规避 www.ilib.cn 8. Increase of reserve fund and enterprise expansion fund 增加储备基金和企业发展基金 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Capital Works Reserve Fund Block Allocation 基本工程储备基金整体拨款 www.legco.gov.hk 10. Reserve fund for equalization of dividends 平均股利准备金 www.sinobay.com 1. Management Center Of Public Reserve Fund 公积金管理中心 www.china.org.cn 2. shore up a regional reserve fund 增加区域性储备基金 blog.hjenglish.com 3. A New Management Pattern for Reserve Fund of Property 物业维修资金管理的新模式 www.ilib.cn 4. If is the common reserve fund loan, oneself have itself time to manage; 如果是公积金贷款,自己有时间就自己去办吧; www.fenleimama.com 5. Is responsible for staff's social security and common reserve fund payment, staff contract management and so on; 负责员工的社会保险和公积金的缴纳、员工合同管理等等; zhidao.baidu.com 6. Andean Group Andean Reserve Fund 安第斯储备基金会 wenku.baidu.com |
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