单词 | adaptable to |
释义 | 例句释义: 适合于,适应,能适应 1. This kind of gold fish is not adaptable to the circumstances, so it is not easy to have it as a pet. 这种金鱼对环境的适应性很差,所以有点难作宠物养。 wenwen.soso.com 2. The project plan, like the rest of the RUP framework, is easily adaptable to projects other than software development. 项目计划像RUP框架一样,很容易适用于软件开发之外的项目。 www.ibm.com 3. Have no fear, as the algorithms and regular-expression building code here are easily adaptable to your relational database environment. 不过,请不要担心,因为本文中的算法和正则表达式构建代码可以很容易适应关系数据库环境。 www.ibm.com 4. Therefore, mod-ern machine tools must be adaptable to the specific characteristics of the materials to be processed. 因此,现代化的机床必须能适应被加工材料的特殊性能,并尽可能做到安全和经济地进行加工。 www.chemyq.com 5. The user interface and application logic of this component must be flexibly adaptable to the different items that may be managed. 该组件的用户界面和应用程序逻辑必须能灵活地适应可能要管理的各种项。 www.ibm.com 6. The ship is the first in the scale of increasing vehicle size that would appear to be adaptable to nuclear power. 从运输工具体积增长的情况来看,轮船可以说是首先适合于采用核动力的。 www.hotdic.com 7. The Internet is already emerging as a key marketing medium for automobiles and is easily adaptable to a horizontal structure. 互联网已经成为一个重要的汽车营销媒介,能很容易地适应水平结构。 www.bing.com 8. Adaptable to the thorough disinfection of bed units, no ozone leakage, can degrade the remaining ozone, and do not pollute the environment. 适用于床单位彻底消毒;无任何臭氧泄漏,可将消毒后残存的臭氧降解掉,不污染环境。 www.gzkz88.com 9. Since the current study was conducted using a whole-body clinical MR scanner, it should be adaptable to scanning patients. 由于目前的研究是使用全身临床MR扫描器,因而它应能用于病人检查。 news.dxy.cn 10. One of these may be adaptable to your unique system. 多样的配置可以保证其中一个适应您的独特系统。 www.e-gtm.com.cn 1. This facility should be adaptable to be quickly edited should the network provider alter their web text interface or logon procedure. 该设施应尽快适应网络编辑应提供改变其webtext接口或登录程序。 www.bing.com 2. Analytical and adaptable to changes and able to identify and recommend changes to improve processes. 较强分析能力和适应能力,能够发现问题并且提出优化建议; www.cjol.com 3. Adaptable: to adapt to any complex water quality , can handle more than the coarse refuse , large weeds debris , etc. 适应性强:适应任何复杂水质,能处理多种粗大垃圾、大面积水草,杂物等。 wenku.baidu.com 4. However, these yarns do possess several special characteristics that make them adaptable to a variety of fabric structure. 这种纱线确实具有一些特性,使之能应用于多种多样的织物。 dict.ebigear.com 5. The pleasing task of loosening the chains of melodic forms and making them adaptable to a variety of treatment completely engrossed me. 把束缚旋律形式的枷锁松开,使其可以适用各种各样的处理,这种令人愉快的工作,使我一心一意地埋头干下去。 www.bing.com 6. It is adaptable to user needs, can carry one or two persons and sports a variable wheel base to make it more stable on the roads. 它可以根据使用者的需求而改变,能够乘载一个或者两个人,可变化的轴距使其在路面上行驶的时候更加安稳。 www.elanso.com 7. Best practices that are defined need to be shared across software teams and be adaptable to the needs of individual groups. 所定义的最佳实践需要在软件团队之间共享,且需要能适应各个组的需求。 www.ibm.com 8. Im interested in the project with or without logo & graphics design. Either way, the site should be easily adaptable to outside designers. 我米在与项目或无标识及图案设计感兴趣。无论哪种方式,该网站应该很容易适应外部设计师。 www.bing.com 9. And although this approach is adaptable to a GUI interface, GUI design is not discussed in this article. 虽然这种方法适合于GUI界面,但本文不讨论GUI设计。 www-128.ibm.com 10. Flexibility. The capacity to be strong yet pliant -adaptable to changing conditions. 灵活应变。态度柔中带刚——随时适应情况的改变。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Any coupling device must be adaptable to obtain reasonable performance in all expected situations. 所有联结设备在所有期望的情况一定是能适应的得到合理的表现。 blog.tianya.cn 2. The utility model provides a television power source device and a television, which are adaptable to the field of televisions. 本实用新型适用于电视机领域,提供了一种电视机的电源装置及电视机; ip.com 3. and we all decided to be adaptable to trying something new for our community. 于是我们决定适应新形势,为社区建设做一些新的尝试。 www.mdaxue.com 4. Liebherr offshore cranes are available in various system sizes and are adaptable to customer requirements and specifications. 利勃海尔海洋平台吊具有多种系统规格,并且可以根据客户要求和规定改造。 www.liebherr.com 5. Objective To provide an effective method for rat posture recognition, adaptable to images of different object resolutions. 目的提出一种有效的大鼠体态识别方法,适用于不同目标分辨率的图像。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Special structure , excellent water-eliminating performance , adaptable to wide range of wind speed . 结构独特,挡水性能极佳,适用风速范围广。 www.bing.com 7. Simulations indicate that the fuzzy controller is adaptable to the large-scale varying of system parameters. 仿真表明,该控制器对系统参数大范围变化具有很强的适应性。 www.fabiao.net 8. CW phase-comparing radars are simple, accurate and easily adaptable to the adoption of digital signal processing technology. 连续波比相测距雷达具有结构简单、距精度高、于采用现代数字信号处理技术等优点。 www.jukuu.com 9. OBJECTIVE: To improve the formula of sodium thiosulfate paint so as to make it more adaptable to the clinical needs. 目的:改进硫代硫酸钠涂剂的制备处方,使其更适用于临床。 www.showxiu.com 10. After this explanation, the husband and wife understood that anything not adaptable to the outside world is impractical. 那对夫妇这才明白,凡事如果不合时宜、不适合客观环境就不中用了。 www.china.org.cn 1. The concept introduced in this paper is adaptable to the problems of optimal transfer between non-circular and non-coplanar orbits. 本文给出的原理同样适用于非圆形、非共面轨道之间的最优转移问题。 zgkj.cast.cn 2. OBJECTIVE: To improve the formula and the preparation method of ZnO Lotion so as to make it more adaptable to the clinical needs. 目的改进氧化锌洗剂的处方和配制方法,使其更加适应临床需要。 www.chemyq.com 3. The invention has a stable duty ratio and can be adaptable to the field density with wider range. 本发明能适应更宽范围的场强,输出信号占空比更稳定。 ip.com 4. Moreover, the government is bounded by the large budget deficit and no longer adaptable to changing situations. 另外,政府受巨额的财政赤字的束缚,无法应付变化的现状。 club.beelink.com.cn 5. It is nevertheless adaptable to detect and measure physiological activities of many other kinds. 然而它适于检验并测定许多其它种类的生理活性。 www.jukuu.com 6. Scientists suggest that larger brains make birds more adaptable to the changeable conditions of city living. 科学家认为大脑袋有助于鸟类适应城市生活易变的环境。 www.bing.com 7. This diet idea with English country whole philosophy system is adaptable to a. 这一饮食不雅念同英语国度整个哲学系统是相顺应的。 www.kaixinwen.com 8. Open-minded, self-motivated, be happy with challenging and creative work, adaptable to dynamic change. 乐观向上,喜欢富有挑战性和创新性的工作,对新事物接受速度快。 iask.sina.com.cn 9. "Finns live in a cold climate: we have to be adaptable to survive. " “芬兰气候寒冷,我们必须适应生存。” www.bing.com 10. Livestock are generally more adaptable to environmental shocks than crops. 一般来说,与作物相比,牲畜普遍更能够适应环境冲击。 www.fao.org 1. processing solidified paint is adaptable to environment, easy for cool working. 反应固化型涂料对环境适应强,冷作业安全方便。 www.e-fa.cn 2. This has made Wave flexible and adaptable to ever changing security and user load requirements. 这使得Wave灵活并且可以适应所有安全和用户加载的需求的变化。 www.infoq.com 3. The applicator is adaptable to receiving bag in the box floor finish, thus reducing cleaning time. 该施放器适合把装地板涂料的袋子放在盒子里,因此减少清洁时间。 ip.com 4. The Great Pyrenees is also very adaptable to different climates. 大白熊也很适应各种不同的气候。 www.goumin.com 5. The SCAR L will be adaptable to three separate barrel lengths for varying mission requirements (T). 将能够适用三种各自独立的枪管长度来应对不同的任务需求。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Ability to prioritize and meet deadlines. Adaptable to complex issues. 能分清主次先后,并能在最后期限前完成。能适应复杂的问题。 www.gao8dou.com 7. It is easily adaptable to a wide variety of lamp types. 这是一个很容易适应多种类型的灯。 word.hcbus.com 8. Cold resistant and drought tolerant, the new variety is adaptable to north China. 此新产品耐寒、耐旱、适合在北方生长。 blog.163.com 9. A person who becomes Clear is "adaptable to and able to change his environment, " Hubbard writes. 被净化过的人能够“适应并改变他周围的环境”,哈伯德写道。 www.bing.com 10. This algorithm is also adaptable to the cascade hydropower stations in planning. 该算法也同样适用于规划中的梯级水电站。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. It will be adaptable to three separate barrel lengths for varying mission requirements. 它将能够适用三种各自独立的枪管长度来应对不同的任务需求。 www.bing.com 2. Seeking for material and system in ethnic tradition culture is also adaptable to accept that culture from outside world. 民族传统文化中的物质与制度文化追求适用与理性,易于接受外来文化。 www.daifoods.com.cn 3. This kind of reform makes the method and results of the evaluation more scientific, reasonable and adaptable to the development of the era. 这样改革的效果是使评价方法与评价结果更趋于科学、合理,也更加符合时代发展的需要。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. Therefore, it is essential to build the cut-in broadband wireless system adaptable to high-speed railways. 因此,构建适应高铁环境的宽带无线接入系统势在必行。 www.tdxb.org 5. We will persist in service-aiming and job-orientation, so as to make vocational education more adaptable to the economy and society. 我们将坚持以服务为宗旨,以就业为导向,进一步提高职业教育对经济社会的适应能力。 panyee.blog.163.com 6. This paper describes how a unit has made its service more adaptable to clients' needs to encourage people to come forward for HIV tests. 本文介绍如何取得一个单位的服务更适应客户的需求,以鼓励人们挺身而出的爱滋病病毒抗体测试服务。 www.syyxw.com 7. and the generator is more adaptable to home, small unit and border checkpoint all the day. 双倍提高太阳能发电能力,更加适用家庭、小型单位、边防哨卡全天候使用。 ip.com 8. Good wetting. No whitening after rinsing, and L-90 is adaptable to more difficult soldering process. 湿润性良好,清洗后不会发白,L-90适合较难焊接制程使用。 www.metalnews.cn 9. These solutions were not adaptable to the specific user needs. 这些方案都不适用于特殊用户的需求。 www.infoq.com 10. Development of the foams adaptable to all earth is costly and not realistic. 开发能适应所有地层地质条件的盾构用气泡往往成本太高,不太现实。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. Thus it is an inexorable requirement to establish Chinas public finance adaptable to the development of socialist market economy. 故创建我国的公共财政,是适应社会主义市场经济发展的必然要求。 word.hcbus.com 2. Therefore, whether learners are adaptable to it and how to adapt to it become one important part of College English teaching. 学生是否适应和如何适应大学英语网考成了大学英语教学的一个重要组成部分。 airiti.com 3. It is very adaptable to poor environmental conditions and can be used as stock for grafting apple trees in W China. 这非常适合于贫穷的环境状况并且能为将苹果乔木接到中国西部上被用作股票。 www.flora.ac.cn 4. The algorithm offer a stepwise, structured method that is adaptable to individual variations in anatomic deformity. 该算法提供了一个循序渐进的,分阶段的方法,是适应个别差异的解剖畸形。 www.syyxw.com 5. The soil is adaptable to the growth of peanuts. 这土壤适宜于花生的生长。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. This helps make the SOA deployment more dynamic and more adaptable to changing business conditions. 这样可帮助提高SOA部署的动态性和对不断变化的业务条件的适应能力。 www.ibm.com 7. The ROIC is simply configurable which is adaptable to large-scale focal plane arrays. 该读出电路结构简单,适合大规模焦平面阵列。 stae.com.cn 8. The model for crop-pig-fish complex ecosystem adaptable to hilly area is set based on four years study. 经四年研究,本文提出了适宜丘陵地区的作物-猪-鱼复合生态系统模型。 www.chemyq.com 9. A feeling of being in control of one's life and one's choices. Being adaptable to experiences and outcomes. 能控制自己的生活,能自由做出选择的感觉。对事情的过程和结果能坦然面对。 hi.baidu.com 10. Therefore, in order to make the construction adaptable to either residential, hotel, office space or hall parameters as desired. 因此,该构造可灵活适应住宅、酒店、办公空间或会堂等各种用途。 www.archgo.com 1. We're adaptable to suit individual needs. 我们可以依照不同的需要做出变化。 mjzc.xinwen520.net 2. A new community management system that is adaptable to current social environment and condition is required. 必须重新建构适应现行社会各方面环境和条件的新的社区管理体制。 cnlunwen.net 3. The older work force will likely be more experienced, reliable, and stable, but possibly less adaptable to change and retraining. 年龄较高的劳动力可能会更有经验、可信赖和稳定,但或许对变化和再培训的适合性较差。 www.jukuu.com 4. I want my treatment unit to be fully adaptable to me and my team's work method. 我希望治疗设备能够完全适应我和团队的工作方法。 word.hcbus.com 5. A universal heat release rate program which was adaptable to direct injection diesel engine was developed by MATLAB in this paper. 本文使用MATLAB软件,开发了一种适合于直喷式柴油机的通用型放热规律计算程序。 www.caesv.cn 6. The structure of the utility model is adaptable to volume type cultural life goods such as books, picture albums and the like. 本实用新型的结构适用于书本、画册等册式文化生活用品。 ip.com 7. The project focused on the development of around 100 key universities to cultivate talent adaptable to the new needs of the 21st century. 这项工程主要发展100所重点大学的学生培养以适应21世纪的新需要。 ourtra.netat.net 8. In this article, it is discussed how to lay down a series of standards that are adaptable to spindle units. for NC machine tools in China. 探讨了在保证使用性能前提下,如何制定适用于我国数控机床主轴单元用的系列标准。 www.chemyq.com 9. The experiment shows that it has a better effect in normal noise environment. The algorithm is easy and adaptable to environment. 仿真结果表明该方法在常见的噪声环境下效果较好,算法实现简单,环境适应性较强。 www.fabiao.net 10. Establishing a Standardization Management and Operation Mechanism Adaptable to the Market Economy in which Enterprises are Main Part 构建以企业为主体适应市场经济的标准化管理运行机制 ilib.cn 1. establishment of a beneficiary system adaptable to medical insurance capacity; 建立与医保能力相适应的受益标准; d.wanfangdata.com.cn 2. Constructing Management Mechanism Adaptable to the Enterprise Competitive Strategy 与企业竞争战略相适应的管理机制的构建 service.ilib.cn 3. Water resources investment countermeasures adaptable to the requirements of public finance system 适应公共财政体制要求的水利投资对策 www.ilib.cn 4. Logistics Distribution Adaptable to the Modernized Electronic Commerce 物流配送如何适应现代电子商务 www.ilib.cn 5. Measures Adaptable to the Building of the Centennial Apple Garden 建设世纪苹果园的对策 www.ilib.cn 6. The exclusive title shall be adaptable to the medical institution's scale and diagnosis subjects; 专有名应与医疗机构规模、诊疗科目相适应; www.edu114.cn 7. viscoelastic dampers adaptable to wide - environment temperature 一种适用于较宽环境温度的粘弹性阻尼器 www.ichacha.net 8. Shared equipment should be readily adaptable to different operators and different tasks 共享设备适应于不同的操作者和任务 www.ccag.com.cn 9. investigation ability adaptable to their foreign-related social investigation activities; 与其涉外社会调查活动相适应的调查能力; www.yanmon.com 10. Management Strategies Adaptable to the Running of Market Mechanism in Higher Vocational Schools 适应市场化运行的高职院校管理策略 www.ilib.cn 1. To Actively Construct China's Educational Structure Adaptable to Economic Globalization 积极构建适应经济全球化要求的中国教育结构体系 ilib.cn 2. Research on the Construction of the New College PE Teaching Model Adaptable to the New PE Curriculum 适应新课标的高等体育教育模式研究 www.ilib.cn 3. A Probe into Standardization Management Mechanism Adaptable to Market-oriented Economy 适应市场经济的标准化管理体制探讨 ilib.cn 4. On New Concepts of Natural Resources Adaptable to Sustainable Development Thought 论与可持续发展思想相适应的新资源观 service.ilib.cn 5. Build a Corporate Culture Adaptable to the Scientific Development Concept 建设与科学发展观相适应的企业文化 ilib.cn 6. A Representation Scheme of Assembly Modeling Adaptable to Conceptual Design 一种面向方案设计的装配建模表示方法 www.ilib.cn 7. Building the Collectivism Adaptable to Socialist Market Economy 构建适应社会主义市场经济的集体主义 ilib.cn 8. Adaptable to temperature, low temperature-resistant high fever; 对温度适应性强,耐高热抗低温; maotianxia.anyp.com 9. Setting up Socialized Service System Adaptable to Modern Enterprise System 浅谈建立适应现代企业制度要求的高校后勤社会化服务体系 www.ilib.cn 10. Actively Cultivate the Creative Quality Adaptable to the New Military Reform 努力培育与新军事变革相适应的创新品质 www.ilib.cn 1. Good teamwork spirit and can work under high pressure, adaptable to the environment; 能够适应码头工作环境,具有良好的团队合作精神和抗压性; www.shippinggz.com 2. On the Construction of Development Form in Higher Vocational Education Adaptable to the Need of Social Economy in the 21st century 论构建适应21世纪社会经济需求的高职教育发展模式 ilib.cn 3. fluent english and adaptable to english working environment; 英文流利,能适应英语工作环境; www.vipcareer.com 4. Adaptable to the demands of the building 适应不同建筑物的要求 www.ichacha.net 5. Establishing a Urban Planning System Adaptable to Market Economy 构建适应市场经济的城市规划体系 www.ilib.cn 6. Study on dam alternatives adaptable to engineering geology of Jiudianxia multi-purpose project on Taohe river 洮河九甸峡水利枢纽坝型适应性的工程地质研究 ilib.cn 7. Features of Top Quality Cocoons Adaptable to High Speed Automatic Reeling 适应高速自动缫的优质茧的特征 www.ilib.cn 8. Responsibilities by the Mining Industry of China Adaptable to WTO 入世后我国矿业应切实做好的几项工作 www.ilib.cn 9. Strategies of Constructing the IS Adaptable to Demand Changes 构造适应需求变化信息系统的对策 www.ilib.cn 10. Adaptable to requirements of employee options 适用于员工期权的要求 wenku.baidu.com 1. Flexible and adaptable to changing priorities 能够灵活适应各种变化情况 nt.jdjob88.com 2. Adaptable to all actuator mountings 适用于所有执行机构的安装 wenku.baidu.com 3. The Strategies for Enterprise Adaptable to the WTO Rules 企业尽快适应WTO规则的对策选择 www.ilib.cn 4. Swell time adaptable to suit environment 可根据环境调整膨胀时间 wenku.baidu.com 5. How to Train Students into Junior High School Teachers Adaptable to the New Chemistry Syllabus 师专如何培养适应化学新课程的初中教师 www.ilib.cn 6. Especially for Rover and Jeep as well as adaptable to almost all other axes such as Mercedes or Toyota 特别是对车和吉普车以及适应几乎所有其他轴如奔驰、丰田 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Flexible and Adaptable to Change 灵活的变通能力和适应性 wenku.baidu.com 8. Strengthening quality education helps college and university students to be more adaptable to the society 强化素质提高高校毕业生的社会适应能力 ilib.cn |
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