单词 | patriarchal society |
释义 | 例句释义: 〔政〕父权社会,父系社会,父权制社会,男权社会 1. She was under no illusions, " says Abercrombie. " He was a man of his time, from a very patriarchal society. 她对此不抱有任何幻想,“艾伯克利姆比耶说,”老奥巴马属于他那个时代,他来自一个古老的族长制社会。 word.hcbus.com 2. Cutting against the grain of a staunchly patriarchal society, Mr. Soong expected big things from his daughters as well as from his sons. 宋先生与当时坚定的男性宗法社会格格不入,他期盼他的女儿们能和他的儿子一样有出息。 www.bing.com 3. China has always been a patriarchal society with blood ties to the country, the impact of the family to people is very large. 中国自古就是一个以血缘宗法作为社会纽带的国度,家庭对一个人的影响非常之大。 www.edu-hb.com 4. The mythical origin of the Gelede is said to reflect the transformation from a matriarchal society into a patriarchal society. 杰莱德的神秘起源反映了从母系社会到族长制社会的转变过程。 www.ccnh.cn 5. Some feminists have suggested that viewing PMS as a disease is born out of a patriarchal society. 一些女权主义者认为把经前综合症视为一种疾病源自男权社会。 www.bing.com 6. Be the man of patriarchal society, the naturally become the main strength which undertake all these. 作为父系社会的男人,理所当然成为承担这一切的主要力量。 wenwen.soso.com 7. In a patriarchal society, the women was of low status, therefore they stooped to compromise and became the accessory of the man willingly. 在以男性为主体的父权社会里,女性的地位极其低下,男女不平等的观念使她们委曲求全、心甘情愿成为男人的附属品。 www.chemyq.com 8. As Luce Irigaray argues, women are "disciplined" into the roles of "mother, virgin, and prostitute" in a patriarchal society. 如伊希德蕊所言,女性在男性主导的社会下被规范为「母亲、处女、妓女」的角色; dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Her heroines are a collective symbol of the "displaced" women in western patriarchal society in the early 20th century. 作品的女主角是一个集体象征,代表了20世纪早期西方男权社会中被异化的女性。 www.boshuo.net 10. Despite her outstanding artistic achievement, in a Patriarchal Society, her contribution was left faded from the memory of history. 即使取得了令人瞩目的艺术成就,但是在男权社会里,她的贡献还是被历史所淡忘。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. As a homosexual, Wilde felt his position was in a patriarchal society with women in the same precarious. 作为一个同性恋者,王尔德感到他的地位同当时在父权社会里的女性一样岌岌可危。 dict.wanyuwang.com 2. The clan field is a inevitable product for the patriarchal society, and it has a great impact on the traditional rural society. 族田是宗法社会的必然产物,对传统乡村社会有着深刻的影响。 3. China is a very strong patriarchal society, FOCUS importantly linking to relation by blood, also distinct from close and distant. 中国是一个宗法观念很强的社会﹐非常重视血缘纽带关系﹐而且亲疏分明。 dict.ebigear.com 4. There is no equivalent for a girl, but in a deeply patriarchal society that doesn't matter. 对女孩没有这样的话,但在一个宗法社会里也不重要。 www.bing.com 5. The dominant image of motherhood is instrumental in undermining the credibility of the Patriarchal society. 至关重要的母性地位作为辅助削弱了父权社会的可信度。 www.elanso.com 6. In The Color Purple, Walker subverts the double oppression imposed upon black women by the white patriarchal society. 在《紫色》中,沃克对白人父权社会强加于黑人女性的双重压迫进行解构。 www.showxiu.com 7. In the patriarchal society of ancient China, clothes had their ethical pursuit transcending sensibility. 在宗法文化的背景下,中国古代的服饰有着超越感性需要的伦理追求。 epub.cnki.net 8. But with an upward tendency of today's feminism, the patriarchal society will ultimately come to the end. 然而,在女权主义高涨的今天,男权最终会走向终结。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. The presence of female image and the absence of subject make the female sink into the confinement of the patriarchal society. 杂志文本中对女性形象在场而主体缺失的展示,使女性们更深地陷入男权社会的藩篱中。 www.lw23.com 10. The first chapter examines Lily's status as an object under male gaze in the patriarchal society. 第一章研究了莉莉在男权社会中处于男性目光注视下的物化身份。 www.fabiao.net 1. However, in fact, contemporary women are exploited by the patriarchal society and the commercial society. 但实际上当代的女性却是受到了父权与商业社会的双重剥削。 www.lw23.com 2. Also , women in this predominantly patriarchal society are traditionally meant to be demure and so have few female role models . 另外妇女在日本这一男权社会中,历来就是顺从,所以没有什么妇女的行为榜样。 www.bing.com 3. Little girls epitomise a patriarchal society's ideal of compliant, docile sexuality. 而小女孩体现了父权社会对女性提出的理想标准,即温顺和在性方面服从。 bbs.mytimes.net.cn 4. She started from the patriarchal society in the tender women are given, passive personality break out. 她开始从男权社会中女性被赋予的温柔、被动性格中挣脱出来。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. When they finally duty-roundly give up their cause and return household, It is the complete surrender to the patriarchal society. 当她们最后都义无反顾的放弃事业,回归家庭的时候,则是对男权社会的彻底屈服。 www.fabiao.net 6. As women in a patriarchal society in aphasia state, the lesbian novels by male writers to write. 由于女性在男权社会中的失语状态,这些女同性恋小说都由男性作家来书写。 www.fabiao.net 7. for the female characters who lived in a patriarchal society often became the solace of their lives. 找到一个合适的婚姻为女性的社会角色谁住在一个重男轻女往往成为他们生活的慰藉。 wenku.baidu.com 8. She has great sympathy with women who suffer from inequality in the patriarchal society. 她深刻同情女性在男权社会下的不平等待遇。 www.boshuo.net 9. Because of the deep-rooted patriarchal society, this kind of opposition is doomed to lead to a tragedy in the end. 由于父权文化的根深蒂固性,这种对抗往往走向悲剧性的结局。 www.boshuo.net 10. But at that time Chinese ancestors, are also being gradually the transition to the patriarchal society. 只是当时华夏先民,也正在逐步向父系社会过渡。 www.cutpic.cn 1. women's affinity to nature turns out to be one effective strategy for women to survive a patriarchal society; 女性对自然的天然亲近也可以被解读为女性幸存于男权社会的一种策略; www.ceps.com.tw 2. as a victim of the outworn ideas in the patriarchal society , she struggled to gain independence and ego from inferiority 她是男权社会陈腐观念的受害者,挣扎着从自卑中走向独立、自我。 www.ichacha.net 3. The institutional change of Chinese patriarchal society: an explanation by the game theory 中国宗法社会的制度变迁——基于博弈论框架的解说 www.ilib.cn 4. Analogical Thought and Patriarchal Society in Ancient China 中国古代的类推思想与中国古代宗族社会 service.ilib.cn 5. JIA Tan-chun's Existence Tragedy in the Patriarchal Society 贾探春在男权社会下的生存悲剧 www.ilib.cn |
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