单词 | point of contact |
释义 | 例句释义: 接触点,切点,瞬时接触点,连结点,接洽点 1. Now, normal touch sensors that you see, like on a kiosk or interactive whiteboards, can only register one point of contact at a time. 现在注意,一般你们看到的触摸感应器,好比在自动终端机或交互白板上,只能一次注册一个接触点。 www.ted.com 2. This experience, with only a minimal point of contact, would prepare them for any sort of contingency they might face. 这种只有极小的接触点的经验,将为他们可能面对任何种类的突发事件作准备。 cqly186.blog.163.com 3. The reactions(forces)on each sphere were equal and opposite and directed along the diameter through the point of contact. 每个球上的反作用(力)大小相等方向相反,其作用方向沿着通过接触点的直径。 4. Locating the aspirations of the company's point of contact, workforce, and management places them vertically on this landscape. 查明公司的联系人、职工,和管理层的期望,将它们垂直地置于此情景中。 www.ibm.com 5. Concierges have always been , and still are, a key point of contact for the business traveller but their role and appearance is changing . 酒店门房一直是商务旅客与酒店接触的一个关键点,现在依然如此。 www.bing.com 6. A pair of dissimilar metal wires that generates an electrical force at a point of contact that varies in proportion to temperature. 随着接触点的温度不同,一对不同的金属线产生电力不同。 hi.baidu.com 7. Be the point of contact for the business for all R&D and technical supply issues, also in running production. 对于技术研发相关物资供应及生产方面的所有事宜进行联络协调。 www.gao8dou.com 8. The ratio is determined by the distances from the center of the gear to the point of contact. 传动比是由两轮的中心到啮合点的距离所决定的。 www.tianyablog.com 9. Managers can be the point of contact to other departments to explain why a system is down. 管理人员可以是其他部门的联络点,用以解释系统停止的原因。 www.ibm.com 10. These project managers will also serve as the company's point of contact with technology vendors and consultants. 这些项目经理也将充当公司与技术供应商以及咨询顾问的联系点。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Distribution groups are used to consolidate groups of recipients into a single point of contact for e-mail messages. 通讯组用于将多个收件人组合并为电子邮件的单个联系点。 technet.microsoft.com 2. A patient's first point of contact with the NHS is usually their general practitioner (GP). 一位患者通过NHS的首次约诊通常是他们的全科医生。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. It turns white at the point of contact with the tray when it is removed without leaving residue on the flange. 原来在接触点白色时,没有留在法兰残留物托盘。 www.a1pak.net.cn 4. However, in an ideal world, a counsellor would be the first point of contact for all patients presenting for fertility treatment. 然而,理想情况下,咨询师应该是所有寻求不育治疗病人第一个接触到的人。 www.dr163.com 5. The gesture for E is created by touching oneself, and feeling oneself at the point of contact. E这个姿势是通过自己而产生的,感觉自己是接触点。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Doing this helps ensure that her point of contact is out in front of her body. 这样做可以帮助她确保她的击打点在身体的前方。更详细。 dict.bioon.com 7. Notice the point of contact between the shining areas. 注意提示区域里的连接点。 www.missyuan.net 8. Some of the Co-Curricular Activity programme in secondary schools offers flying courses, which should be your first point of contact. 一些中学的联课活动方案中设置有飞行课程,如果你想入会的话,这应该是你首先要关注的内容。 transinex.com.sg 9. The principal point of contact at the client (C), who also understands some of the strategic potential, but is similarly denied visibility. 客户那边的主要联系人(C),也了解一些战略潜能,但类似地被拒绝可见。 www.ibm.com 10. That area is customer service, which is now the only point of contact between a business and the buying public. 那个区域是顾客服务,现在是服务部门在商业和消费阶层之间的接触点。 club.topsage.com 1. The primary point of contact will be a simple device that will act as our window on the world. You will simply talk to it. 联系主要的点是一个简单的设备,它将起到一个交流的窗口,你只要简单的和它谈话就行了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The thickness of this film is very small at the point of contact. 这薄膜的厚度在接触点非常小。 3. For many businesses, a website is the first point of contact for potential customers so it's vital that you make a good first impression. 对于很多业务来说,潜在客户首先接触的是该公司的网站,即:网站是公司的第一门面;因此,网站是否能够给客户留下第一个好印象,这非常关键。 www.fudabiotech.com 4. The primary point of contact is presumed to be the principal inside change agent for the client. 主要的联系人假设为客户的变更代理中的负责人。 www.ibm.com 5. Advertisement audiences are bound to the channel point of contact. 广告的渠道是受众必然接触点。 www.baidubo.org 6. Mr DiPascali was the main point of contact for investors, who ranged from Jewish charities to film moguls. 从犹太人慈善团体到电影业巨头,迪帕斯卡利是联系投资者的核心人物。 www.ecocn.org 7. Serve as the main Point of Contact (POC) for customer service and supplied component expediting. 作为联络点,为客户提供服务和及时的零配件供应; www.carjob.com.cn 8. Overall customer service responsibility as key point of contact for coordination and communication, and issue resolution. 以全面的客户服务职责作为与客户协调、沟通及问题解决的主要要点。 www.lietou.com 9. Turkey's Investment Support and Promotion Agency serves as a single point of contact for all permits, licenses, and land acquisition. 土耳其的投资支持和发展局(InvestmentSupportandPromotionAgency)作为办理所有的许可、执照、获得土地的唯一站点。 www.bing.com 10. The telephone is still most business's primary point of contact with customers. 电话仍然是大多数企业与客户联系的主要方式。 www.bing.com 1. Many carers are isolated and GP surgeries are often their first point of contact for support and resources. 许多老者是孤立的和GP手术往往是他们的第一接触点的支持和资源。 syyxw.com 2. John provided testing, WIP updates, artwork, and served as the external point of contact for the team. 约翰为团队提供了测试、WIP升级,插图,对外联络服务。 wenwen.soso.com 3. before moving to the point of contact. 队员接触球前的准备动作。 bbs.pku.edu.cn 4. A notification should also be sent to the local Human Resources Point of Contact. 同时应发送一份通知给当地的人力资源联络点(员)。 bbs.fobshanghai.com 5. Act as point of contact for other departments for pricing and vendor questions during the proposal process. 在准备投标过程中作为其它部门关于价格和供货商的问题的联络。 www.epjob88.com 6. We also observed that the rat will tend to move, or orient, it's nose toward the exact point of contact. 我们还观察到,老鼠会倾向于移动或者定向它的鼻子朝向准确的接触点。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 7. Service portals typify this pattern, providing a single point of contact for multiple services and hiding the details of internal services. 服务门户是此类模式的代表,它为多个服务提供单一联系点,并隐藏内部服务的细节。 www.ibm.com 8. Staff members in medical offices, who are usually the first point of contact for patients, tend to embrace e-medicine wholeheartedly. 在医疗办公室的工作人员通常是第一时间接触病人的人,一心倾向于采用电子医疗。 blog.163.com 9. Ensure HAT meet customer satisfaction in quality, focal point of contact for H. A. T customer concerns on quality. 确保涡轮增压器产品的质量及关键点控制符合客户对产品的要求; www.05179.com 10. So, that point starts falling back behind the point of contact because the wheel is rotating at the same time as it's moving forward. 这个点开始落到切点的后面,因为车轮滚动的同时也向前运动。 open.163.com 1. The marque's main point of contact with existing and potential customers is through its 74 independently owned dealerships worldwide. 劳斯莱斯与现有及潜在客户的联系,主要是通过它在全球的74家独立所有特许经销商。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Act as single point of contact for Client projects, reporting to Client's Head of Projects, and in Projects Country Director. 饰演与客户项目接触的角色,向项目负责人及新珀捷地区总监报告。 www.job-998.com 3. Is point of contact for process chemist and support functions in all manufacturing related topics. 是化学工艺师的主要联系人,支持所有生产相关事宜。 jobs.zhaopin.com 4. We want to make sure you have one single point of contact in case of issues with your whole gear! 这样的话,您的一整套设备如果有问题的话,只需要给一个人联系就可以全部搞定! www.paracn.com 5. As each family member finds safety, they should call that designee who'll be your single point of contact. 家人安全脱身后,应给该人打电话,这可能是你们联系的唯一途径。 www.elanso.com 6. Greater efficiency with most of the queries dealt with at the first point of contact. 效率更高的服务。大部分查询会在第一次联络时处理。 www.1823.gov.hk 7. In addition evidence shows that private providers are often the first point of contact for health services. 此外,有证据显示,私立医疗服务提供者往往处于医疗服务的最前线。 www.who.int 8. Act as key first point of contact for day to day communications regarding procurements. 作为每天首要的关键做出采购的通信相关联络与管理。 www.meijob.com 9. Act as single point of contact for Client projects, reporting to Client's Head of Projects, and the Country Director. 饰演与客户项目接触的角色,向项目负责人及地区总监报告; search.buildhr.com 10. To act as first point of contact for senior management administration queries. 作为寻求与高层管理人员沟通的行政联系人。 www.gao8dou.com 1. This person is the single point of contact for development activities. 此人是开发活动的单点联系人。 www.ibm.com 2. As your single point-of-contact solutions provider, we can help assure quality and consistency, as well as more effective project control. 作为您单独的方案供应商,我们能保证项目质量和一致性,并进行高效的项目控制。 www5.ncr.com 3. This is like a bouncing ball that gathers more momentum with each successive point of contact. 这就像一个弹跳球,收集更多与每个连续的点接触的势头。 apps.hi.baidu.com 4. Acts as point of contact for emergency response teams as appropriate. 根据需要,作为紧急响应团队的联系人。 jobs.zhaopin.com 5. Tyres are your only point of contact with the road surface. 你只轮胎与地面接触点。 qc.tag100.cn 6. Primary point of contact for customer service. 基层的联系点,为顾客服务。 online.cumt.edu.cn 7. Please select the appropriate Country in your Point of Contact data. 请您选择适合的国家联络点的数据.更详细。 dict.bioon.com 8. The fence or wall now becomes your point of contact. 围墙或墙壁现在变成你的接触点。 www.tennis.ezwell.tw 9. Who will be my single point of contact going forward? 问:今后谁将是我的“一站式”联络人? www.cn.dhl.com 10. A good receptionist is important because they are usually the first point of contact for clients. 有一个好的接待员是很重要的,因为他们经常是客户的第一个接触人。 www.kekenet.com 1. The acceleration of the point of contact of a rigid body rolling without slipping on a fixed surface 刚体在固定面上纯滚时接触点的速度和加速度 www.ilib.cn 2. The goal of the Data Access Object pattern is to provide a single point of contact to a particular data source. 数据访问对象模式的目的是提供到特定数据源的单个联系点。 www.ibm.com 3. The Point of Contact and Penetration Point of the Reading Teaching 阅读教学的切点与切入点 service.ilib.cn 4. Affection Training is the Point of Contact to Build Good Teaching Morale and Custom 培养爱心是创建良好师德师风的切入点 service.ilib.cn 5. Created great ideas that move our brands ahead at each point of contact between the brand and its customers 在品牌和消费者的每个接触点,创造可以让品牌前进的伟大 wenku.baidu.com 6. On the Point of Contact of Strenghthing Leading Cadres'Exercises in Party Spirit 论党员领导干部加强党性锻炼的切入点 www.ilib.cn 7. Strengthening and Improving the Ideological and Political Work by Taking Enterprise Culture as a Point of Contact 以企业文化为切入点加强和改进企业思想政治工作 www.ilib.cn 8. in addition , nsawc personnel function as the navy point of contact for all issues relating to the navy ' s air combat training curriculum 除此之外,nsawc的人员还作为所有与海军空战训练课程相关话题的海军联系单位发挥着作用。 www.ichacha.net 9. If your complaint cannot be resolved at the first point of contact, you should write to 如果您的投诉不能够在第一时间得到我们的解决,您可以写信邮寄至 www.cmcmarkets.com.au 10. Maintenance of relationship at appropriate level of management and provide single point of contact for client issues; 与客户维持良好关系,解决客户遇到的问题。 bt.sozw.com 1. Manage the handling of requests and serves as the initial point of contact 作为初始联系点来管理请求与服务 www.ibm.com 2. Brand management point of contact for customer service operations; 以顾客服务品牌接触点管理为操作手段; www.fabiao.net 3. serve as the first point of contact on accessibility issues at the venue; 担任有关场地在无障碍事宜方面的前线联络人; edblog.hkedcity.net 4. Act as central point of contact for website problem reporting and solutions; 作为对网站问题报告和解决方案的中心联络点; job.01hr.com 5. WCP Write plural point of contact information 写入多个触点的状态信息 www.syboao.com 6. WCS Write single point of contact information 写入单个触点的状态信息 www.syboao.com 7. RCP Read plural point of contact information 读取多个触点的状态信息 www.syboao.com 8. RCS Read single point of contact information 读取单个触点的状态信息 www.syboao.com 9. Singed hair and burned skin at point of contact with ground 与地面接触的部位毛发卷曲、皮肤烧焦 www.ccag.com.cn 10. SPOC SEARCH AND RESCUE POINT OF CONTACT 搜救联络点 wenku.baidu.com 1. 1 Motion and forces at a point of contact 1接触点上的运动和力 wenku.baidu.com 2. A reality point of contact of changing the government's function 政府职能转变的一个现实切入点 www.ilib.cn |
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