单词 | playbook |
释义 | 例句释义: 战术图解集,剧本,黑莓,传黑莓平板 1. In the case of the CRM business process, a UML diagram was created to document the design pattern guiding the creation of any new playbook. 在CRM业务过程的情况下,创建UML图以编制指导新剧本的创建的设计模式。 www.ibm.com 2. The statement followed a report on the Engadget blog Saturday that said the faulty batch of PlayBooks were shipped to Staples (SPLS). RIM公司的声明发布前,著名科技博客Engadget报道说,这批存在问题的PlayBook被发运到了办公用品零售商史泰博(Staples)的连锁店。 chinese.wsj.com 3. The company's recent PlayBook tablet has been a disappointment, and several product introductions this year have been pushed back. 该公司近期推出的PlayBook平板电脑市场反响不佳,今年推出的几款产品也未被市场接受。 chinese.wsj.com 4. Research In Motion (RIMM), maker of the BlackBerry, is expected to go head-to-head with Apple come January with its PlayBook tablet. 生产黑莓(BlackBerry)手机的加拿大RIM公司(ResearchInMotion)将在明年1月推出PlayBook平板电脑,与苹果公司展开正面对抗。 chinese.wsj.com 5. and serious research in both speech and character recognition were all part of the IBM Research playbook. 还有对语言和字符识别上的重要研究;这些都是IBM研究部打的算盘。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 6. the playbook can surf the web, run email and also be used to run third party applications like games and an e-reader. Playbook可以上网冲浪,收发邮件,同时可以运行第三方应用,比如游戏和电子阅读器。 www.bing.com 7. She knew very well that, according to the playbook, she should get together a bunch of product and toss it out the door immediately. 她很清楚,根据剧本,应该准备很多产品,然后迅速整出门。 www.bing.com 8. In fact, it is small and light enough to make the absence so far of a "find your PlayBook" service annoying. 实际上,它足够小也足够轻,这也让人对它至今都未提供“寻找我的PlayBook”服务感到恼火。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Apparently, reading from the well-worn Apple playbook, the company has not commented publicly about the battery complaints. 显而易见,鉴于苹果公司以往一贯的做法,他们是不会公开就用户对电池问题的抱怨作出评论的。 share.bnu.edu.cn 10. By this time, says an employee, "we kind of had the playbook we needed to open in another city, another city, another city. " 到这时,按一名员工的话说,“我们就像有了开辟市场的剧本,一座又一座城市,照做就行。” www.bing.com 1. In fact, if you really want to analyze it, you know, was this out of Karl Rove's playbook? 事实上,如果你真想分析它,你知道,这是否出自卡尔?罗夫(布什总统的竞选顾问)的剧本呢? qac.yappr.cn 2. But when a player isn't moving around, he works with the same playbook and teammates, which can help in the long run, he says. 但是,如果一位球员不转会,他就能在熟悉的环境里和同一批队友配合,从长期来看对他有好处。 chinese.wsj.com 3. Some advice to manufacturers of these music players: Take a page from Palm's playbook and rig your devices to sync with iTunes. 给音乐播放器生产商的一个小建议:借鉴一下掌上电脑的例子,让你们的设备支持通过iTunes同步。 www.bing.com 4. Similarly, RiM says its Playbook tablet computer, due out in Africa in June, is meant to appeal to senior executives and civil servants. 同样的,RiM表示将于六月在非洲出货的Playbook平板电脑,意图吸引的只是高级主管和公务员。 www.ecocn.org 5. When Chris came to summer league, we'd already given him a big playbook and he knew almost half the plays, so he looked comfortable. 当克里斯来到夏令营时,我们已经给了他一份战略思想,他领悟了一大半,所以他能够很快适应。 5.oyiya.com 6. Lazardis showed off the first of that investment, the Playbook tablet, to attendees here at D: Dive Into Mobile today. 拉扎里迪斯在“浸入移动世界”大会上,向与会者展示了在QNX上投资带来的第一个回报:黑莓平板电脑。 www.bing.com 7. The PlayBook touch screen provides the best multi-tasking tools of any tablet. PlayBook提供比任何平板机更出色的多任务处理工具。 dongxi.net 8. Although the word "Play" figures in its tablet's title, the gadget is mainly about work. 虽然它的PlayBook平板电脑名称里主打“游戏”一词,但这款机子主要还是用于工作。 ecocn.org 9. We think this will continue with devices like the Blackberry Playbook and Nokia's new smartphones with Windows Mobile. 我们认为,这种现象在黑莓平板电脑BlackberryPlaybook和搭载有WindowsMobile作业系统的诺基亚新智能手机身上将会得到继续。 chinese.wsj.com 10. Getting PlayBook up and running in many enterprises will not be much more complicated than charging the battery. 要使PlayBook在大量的企业中覆盖并不比给电池充电复杂。 dongxi.net 1. It would not act in a mechanical way, following a playbook written in advance. 该机构不会机械地行动,参照提前写好的剧本进行。 www.ftchinese.com 2. If you're looking for a new gig in a new industry--be it out of necessity or passion--this is your playbook. 如果您也期待另一个行业中的工作机会,出于必要或是出于向往——这将成为你的指导。 www.bing.com 3. why dont the Rocket's organization take a page out of the Maverick's playbook and start spending money to get some bench help? 为什么火箭队的管理层就不能看看小牛队的管理书本,花点钱来加深板凳呢? www.tianya.cn 4. It's easy to criticize him, sitting on the sidelines, but this is straight from a playbook. 作为旁观者,批评他很容易,但实际上,他也只是在‘照本宣科’。 www.fortunechina.com 5. This isn't some new intellectual breakthrough on my part: It's right out of the Warren Buffett playbook. 这可不是我提出的什么新理论,它就在巴菲特的书中。 www.bing.com 6. Oddly enough, Monsanto achieved this apparent miracle by taking a page out of the organic playbook. 奇怪的是,孟山都公司在有机食品的剧本上创造了一次明显的奇迹。 www.bing.com 7. Keeping investors guessing might be part of China's playbook when it comes to the yuan. 让投资者猜来猜去或许是中国在人民币问题上游戏规则的一部分。 chinese.wsj.com 8. It will use a 7-inch touchscreen and look similar to BlackBerry's PlayBook tablet, with which it will also share a processor. 这款平板电脑运行谷歌安桌操作系统,配备类似黑莓PlayBook的7英寸触屏,还将与其采用同一款处理器。 bilingual.huanqiu.com 9. Balsillie said that he liked how Canada-based RIM was positioned with handsets and a "PlayBook" tablet that will take on Apple's iPad. Balsillie说他喜欢加拿大RIM公司的手机和平板“Playbook”的定位,这将取代苹果的iPad。 www.bing.com 10. In head-spinning, mind-numbing fact, though, all of them seemed to be following the same entrepreneurial playbook. 然而让人晕头转向、感觉麻木的是,所有的导演似乎都遵循了同样的展现创业精神的剧本。 chinese.wsj.com 1. For the rest of us, RIM needs to work hard with operators to offer attractive bundles of phones with PlayBooks. 对我们其他人而言,RIM还需要与运营商多做努力,提供能够吸引用户的手机加PlayBook捆绑服务。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The bid also represents a sharp departure from Microsoft's well-thumbed playbook of building new businesses on its own. 这个竞购也代表了微软作为一个首屈一指地自己发展业务范本的一个巨大转变。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The tablet, packed with a speedy 1 GHz dual-core processor, is estimated to weigh less than a pound. PlayBook配有1GHz双核处理器,重量不到一磅。 www.i21st.cn 4. RIM priced the PlayBook like the iPad even though its seven-inch screen is smaller. RIM的PlayBook价位与iPad相同,但前者七英寸的屏幕较小。 chinese.wsj.com 5. As Libya descended into civil war, the spy apparatus hewed to its traditional playbook. 随着利比亚陷入内战,这家间谍组织仍按老法子办事。 chinese.wsj.com 6. "In general, everyone seems to be playing the 2008 playbook, " said Chris Kotowski, a bank analyst with Oppenheimer & Company. “通常情况下,每个人看起来都在玩2008年的策略,”Oppenheimer&Company(译注:公司名)的银行业分析师克里斯·托沃斯基(ChrisKotowski)说道。 kk.dongxi.net 7. A Bluetooth connection to the phone reproduces its BlackBerry Messenger, Calendar, Contacts, Tasks and Memos on the larger tablet screen. 通过蓝牙把PlayBook与黑莓手机连接起来,你就能将手机的BlackBerryMessenger、日历、联系人、任务和备忘录显示在PlayBook的大屏幕上。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Otherwise, in spite of an attractive design and powerful hardware, the PlayBook is hard to recommend as a standalone device. 否则,除了设计很吸引人、硬件很强大之外,PlayBook很难成为一款适合单独使用的设备。 www.ftchinese.com 9. To get the economy moving, Japan Inc took a page from its industrial-policy playbook of yore. 为了推动经济,日本企业从古老的工业政策档案中吸取经验。 jbdzhuxi2010.blog.163.com 10. "The FDIC is dusting off the playbook of the RTC, " said one person involved in the talks. “FDIC捡起了RTC落满灰尘的战略手册,”一位参与讨论的人士表示。 www.ftchinese.com 1. The PlayBook's biggest point of differentiation: it will have tighter security and integration with corporations' back-software. PlayBook最为与众不同的一点是:它的安全性更高,并且集成了公司的备份软件。 c.wsj.com 2. Yet help may be at hand with the PlayBook, BlackBerry's first tablet, which MBO's brand experts believe may spark a revival. 但黑莓首款平板电脑PlayBook的问世,可能会对该品牌有所帮助。明略行的品牌专家们认为,这款产品可能会刺激黑莓品牌的复苏。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Once the video conference is over, you can quit pretending like you're working and go back to your Playbook gaming. 视频会议结束后,你可以假装你还在工作,然后继续玩你的Playbook游戏。 www.bing.com 4. At others, he comes right out of the conservative playbook. 但在其他方面,他则是一个典型的保守主义者。 www.bing.com 5. "The Chinese have read the Apollo playbook, " says Johnson-Freese. "They understand everything the U. S. got from lunar program. " 费里斯表示,“中国人曾读过阿波罗的剧本,他们明白美国从登月计划获得的一切。” www.stnn.cc 6. HTC also took a page from Apple's playbook: Pay as much attention to a phone's design as its innards. 宏达国际还借鉴了苹果的策略,像重视内部零件一样地重视手机的外观设计。 chinese.wsj.com 7. The smartphone delays coincided with a bumpy release of RIM's tablet, the Playbook. RIM的智能手机推迟发布,而其平板电脑Playbook又操之过急。 www.fortunechina.com 8. Sandberg helped to develop much of this basic playbook during her time at Google. 在谷歌时,桑德伯格协助发展了这些基本策略的很大一部分。 dongxi.net 9. RIM's PlayBook was delayed until April and still isn't being offered for sale by the two biggest U. S. wireless carriers. RIM的PlayBook延迟到4月才推出,而且目前仍没有在美国两大无线运营商那里销售。 cn.wsj.com 10. The PlayBook also lacks a finished software development kit for making apps, and won't have native mail, messaging and contacts apps. PlayBook还缺乏完成版软件开发工具包用于制作应用,没法提供原生邮件、讯息和联系人应用。 dongxi.net 1. The software can run on Blackberry PlayBook, Samsung Galaxy, Apple iPad and forthcoming Android platforms. 目前这套软件能在黑莓PlayBook,三星Galaxy和苹果iPad上运行,同时即将支持Android平台。 www.bing.com 2. The old Empire playbook reads like Sunzi's Art of War on how to wage war on all continents in the name of Empire. 这个老牌帝国的历史读来就像一部以帝国名义在各大洲发动战争的《孙子兵法》。 www2.tianyablog.com 3. Unlike Apple's device, the PlayBook supports Adobe Systems Inc. 's (ADBE) Flash technology for the Web. 与苹果公司(Apple)的产品不同,PlayBook支持奥多比公司(AdobeSystemsInc.)的网络Flash技术。 chinese.wsj.com 4. RIM, which bought QNX Software Systems in April, plans to show off the PlayBook again at CES. RIM于4月收购了QNXSoftwareSystems,计划在消费电子展上再次展示PlayBook。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Under normal circumstances, the Fed would open its well-worn anti-inflation playbook and raise interest rates. 在正常情况之下,美联储将会采取老一套的反通胀招数,也就是提高利率。 c.wsj.com 6. Secure email and calendar -- as delivered via PlayBook -- are big enterprise advantages. 安全电子邮件和日历——通过PlayBook传送——是企业的重要优势。 dongxi.net 7. "It's not in the playbook, " Joanna Ruppel, a senior Homeland Security official who also worked on the plan, told me. 另一位参与此规划的国土安全部高级官员乔安娜·拉佩尔也告诉我说:“这并不在我们常规的战略脚本上。” www.bing.com 8. Help is at hand if you are already a BlackBerry user running version 5. 0 or later of its operating system. 如果你已经有了一部使用5.0或更高版本操作系统的黑莓手机,那PlayBook会提供给你很大方便。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Both candidates are taking a page from Mr Obama's campaign playbook by focusing on new media like Facebook and YouTube. 这两个候选人都借鉴奥巴马的竞选经验,把精力集中在像Facebook和YouTube这种新的传媒形式上。 www.bing.com 10. But if Sony takes a few pages from Apple's playbook, we could be telling a different story in the future. 但是索尼能从苹果公司的战术手册中学习到一些内容的话,以后的事情还很难说。 www.bing.com 1. This would require playbook maintenance each time a change is made to the global process. 这会需要在变更全球过程时每次都要维护剧本。 www.ibm.com 2. But RIM is also hoping the PlayBook's features will help it appeal to a broader audience. 但是RIM也寄希望于其playbook的特色会为他们吸引更多的消费者。 www.ecocn.org 3. The highly-anticipated PlayBook launched to lukewarm reviews last month. 上个月,备受瞩目的PlayBook在推出之后市场反应平淡。 chinese.wsj.com 4. An alpha version for the PlayBook was accidentally released by RIM last month, a mistake that was detected by the fan site N4BB. 上个月,某个PlayBook的alpha版本被意外泄露出来,粉丝网站N4BB检测到了其中的一个错误。 www.infoq.com 5. The old playbook may have new, unintended consequences. 老剧本可能会出现意想不到的新结局。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Gartner calls its tablet operating system, QNX, "a promising platform" , and thinks RIM may sell 3m PlayBooks this year. 加特纳将其平板操作系统QNX称为“一个有潜力的平台”,并认为RIM能在今年卖出300万台PlayBook。 www.bing.com 7. The PlayBook global launch is set for the second quarter of the year. PlayBook全球发行要在明年的第二季度。 www.bing.com 8. Most traditional MBA recruiting organizations don't have a set playbook for recruiting anything other than traditional full-time MBAs. 大多数传统上会招聘MBA的机构,都只拟定了招聘传统全日制MBA毕业生的方案。 www.ftchinese.com 9. No cellular connection, which, if you think about it, is a kind of plus because it produces cost savings. Playbook没有手机连接,而如果你仔细想想,这样可以节约成本。 dongxi.net 10. Nike also had to rewrite its playbook for the golf business. Nike也不得不重整其在高尔夫领域上的业务。 www.elanso.com 1. That's the playbook response to a minor reduction in GDP. 这就是应对GDP小规模下降的操作指导。 www.bing.com 2. RIM released their own tablet to the market, the Blackberry Playbook Tablet. RIM向市场发布了自己生产的平板电脑——黑莓Playbook平板电脑。 www.bing.com 3. Already, Washington's whole playbook is being rethought. 华盛顿的整部剧本已经在被重新思考了。 c.wsj.com 4. As a result, we have to rewrite our playbook for the way we do business in these challenging times. 结果,我们得重新制定出工作策略,来应付时代的挑战。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. There are third-party music and book stores from 7 Digital and Kobo, but a film and TV show store is missing. PlayBook上带有第三方音乐商店和书店,如7Digital和Kobo,但还没有电影和电视剧商店。 www.ftchinese.com 6. In the polio fight, his foundation backed a program that was following an outdated playbook. 在抗击小儿麻痹症的战斗中,他的基金会支持的是一个遵循过时游戏规则的项目。 chinese.wsj.com 7. But nonetheless there are reasons -- possibly compelling -- reasons why enterprise CIOs need to take a long look at the PlayBook. 不过不管怎样,我们有可令人信服的理由让企业的信息总管明白需要以长远的目光看待PlayBook。 dongxi.net 8. You can diagram Team Obama's game plan by reversing the Clinton playbook. 把克林顿的执政年表反过来你就可以看到奥巴马团队的执政计划了。 www.bing.com 9. The partner strategy is a page from Microsoft's old playbook. 与这些伙伴的战略关系还是遵照微软的老办法签署。 www.bing.com 10. RIM's first tablet, the PlayBook, has also fared poorly in the market. RIM第一款平板电脑PlayBook的市场表现也不好。 www.bing.com 1. THERE are few trustier gambits in the Brownite playbook than the set-piece parliamentary announcement. 在布朗派的剧本中几乎没有比固式的议会公告更让人信赖的开场白。 www.ecocn.org 2. Next year, BlackBerry maker Research In Motion Ltd. plans to release its 7-inch PlayBook. 明年黑莓手机生产商ResearchInMotionLtd.计划推出自己的七英寸平板电脑PlayBook。 chinese.wsj.com 3. The PlayBook is only a 7-inch tablet and to us it can feel small. PlayBook是7英寸的屏幕,让我们感觉很娇小可爱。 www.bing.com 4. Also Read: iPad 2 vs. Blackberry PlayBook: Of course you realize, this means war. 推荐预读:ipad2对比黑莓playbook:这是一场战争。 www.bing.com 5. The PlayBook also boasts features such as a built-in high-definition camera for video conferencing on the go. 于此同时Playbook同时还具有内置高清摄像头用来在旅途中进行视频会议。 www.ecocn.org 6. Deere & Company, a maker of farm machinery, has produced a detailed playbook on how to design new tractors. Deere&Company(约翰.迪尔)是一家农业机械制造厂,已经就如何设计新型农具而制定了详细的说明书。 www.ecocn.org 7. In addition, Research in Motion, which makes your BlackBerry, has just announced a forthcoming tablet called the BlackBerry PlayBook. 而且,黑莓生产商ResearchinMotion刚宣布即将推出一款平板电脑,名为BlackBerryPlayBook。 chinese.wsj.com 8. You probably already support PlayBook because it piggybacks on BlackBerry's enterprise products. 也许你已经支持PlayBook了,因为它在黑莓的所有企业产品之上。 dongxi.net 9. For employees who have been demanding a tablet because it is the latest new thing, PlayBook should scratch that itch. 对因为平板机是最新的事物而渴望得到的企业员工来讲,PlayBook势必抓住了他们的心理需求。 dongxi.net 10. PlayBook will be priced at less than 500 dollars when it is introduced in North America in the first quarter of 2011, according to RIM. 根据RIM的消息,PlayBook定价低于500美元,将于2011年第一季度投入北美市场。 www.bing.com 1. The 7-inch device features two high-definition cameras. 7英寸的PlayBook带有两个高像素摄像头。 c.wsj.com 2. Here's what you need to know about the PlayBook, in 10 easy steps. 下面用十步列出你需要知道的事情。 www.allwinworld.net 3. Interest in BlackBerry Playbook nearly doubled from 16% to 28%. 黑莓的Playbook感兴趣度几乎翻了一番,从16%上升至28%。 news.cnblogs.com 4. As a result, initial sales started strong and fell off quickly. 结果,Playbook虽然初期销售强劲,但随后很快下滑。 www.fortunechina.com 5. In the past, the army's playbook has featured such tactics. 过去军方就以上演此类剧本为其战术特色。 www.ecocn.org 6. blue stuka: sidalin III panzer, this is stuka. ps2 is a tieba hero now. SHe's got your operations playbook and she's got a blank check. 蓝色斯图卡:林总,我是斯图卡。凉宫已经成为贴吧英雄了。他得到了你的行动计划,并且拿到了一张“空白支票”。 hi.baidu.com 7. RIM hasn't yet indicated how many PlayBooks it has sold to date. RIM公司尚未透露迄今为止已经售出多少台PlayBook。 chinese.wsj.com 8. It's time to change the playbook. 是时候改写历史了。 www.bing.com 9. iSuppli's explanation for how this came to be reads like a page out of Steve Jobs' playbook: (I quote) iSuppli就这种现象产生的原因所作的一番阐释读起来像是直接从斯蒂夫?乔布斯的脚本中抽出来的一页:(引用如下) www.fortunechina.com 10. With Internet Connected television, Yahoo and Samsung try to take a leaf out of Apple's design playbook (雅虎和三星试图效仿苹果的设计剧本,将英特网和电视进行联接。) www.bing.com 1. The ability to build a playbook by reusing content from the standard Global CRM Process and merging global and local content as necessary 通过复用标准的GlobalCRMProcess的内容,并且在需要时合并全球的和本地的内容来构建剧本的能力 www.ibm.com 2. CRISP: The PlayBook's screen is quite pixel dense - largely because it's only a 7-inch tablet PlayBook屏幕像素很高,很大程度上是因为只有7英寸的显示屏。 www.bing.com 3. Write down the beautiful playbook in the world; 写出人世间最美丽的剧本; xiaoxiaolaotou.bokee.com |
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