单词 | praise ... for | ||||||
释义 | praise ... for
例句释义: 称赞,因…表扬某人,因某事称赞某人 1. His speeches were full of praise for himself. It was evident that he thought he was the greatest candidate who had ever lived. 在竞选演讲中全是对自己的溢美之辞,很显然,温菲尔德·斯科特自诩为有史以来最伟大的候选人。 bbs.tingroom.com 2. "Yes, I was surprised by the Holy Father's almost praise for Marx, " he said. "I said almost praise. " “是的,对于教父对马克思近乎赞美的言辞,我感到十分惊讶。我说是近乎赞美。” www.bing.com 3. Carlo Ancelotti admitted it was a tough game against Manchester City and had nothing but praise for the Brazilian duo who secured us a win. 安切洛蒂承认对曼城的比赛其实打得非常艰苦,他特别赞扬了巴西二重唱组合。 bbs.qieerxi.com 4. In end of his last article, he said "Do not sing song of praise for King, but say truth for people" . 柏杨最后发表一文的结尾是:“不为君王唱赞歌,只为苍生说人话。” blog.sina.com.cn 5. Mr. Obama's praise for Randolph, which he said had been "one of the worst schools in Colorado, " seems misplaced. 奥巴马表扬Randolph中学时说这曾经是“科罗拉多州最糟糕的学校之一,”但这好像并不属实。 www.bing.com 6. Upstairs Bess, putting down her shabby suit case, said, "I'll sleep like a rock tonight, " without a word of praise for her lovely room. 到楼上,碧丝放下了她寒酸的皮箱说:「今天晚上我会睡得像一块石头。」却一句也没有赞美她可爱的房间。 www.xdf.cn 7. Returning to the chief executive seat, he had only praise for Mr Amelio but made it clear he would run the company differently. 重回首席执行官之位后,他对前任阿梅里奥只有赞誉之词,但也明确表示他将采取不同的管理方式。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Speaking at Sunday's ANC rally, former President Nelson Mandela did not endorse Zuma, and did not offer praise for his party's achievements. 周日在ANC党的集会上,前总统曼德拉没有支持祖马,没有对他的党取得的进步表示褒奖。 www.paper-translation.com 9. The Jury was divided in opinion, but they were all lavish in their praise for the correct conduct of the criminal's wife. 陪审团意见有分歧,但是他们都极力称赞犯罪分子的妻子的善行。 oral.ebigear.com 10. At least after the sinking of the Cheonan he won praise for not rushing into a military conflict. 至少在天安舰沉没后,由于没有仓促掀起一场军事冲突,李明博受到了赞誉。 www.ftchinese.com 1. And once you've done all that, just sit back, relax and soak up all the praise for your newfound football savvy. 一旦你做了这一切,只是坐下来,放松和享受您的新发现的足球悟性各界的好评。 www.englishtang.com 2. JVG had absolutely nothing negative to say, nothing but effusive praise for McGrady, Battier, Deke and Howard for their leadership. 对范甘迪的指挥毫无疑义,对麦蒂,巴蒂尔,大叔和二叔和他们的“领导力”除了表扬还是表扬。 club.sohu.com 3. On the eve of the financial crisis, conservatives had nothing but praise for Ireland, a low-tax, low-spending country by European standards. 金融危机前夕,保守分子对爱尔兰只有赞美之词,按欧洲标准,爱尔兰属于低税收、开支小的国家。 www.bing.com 4. We shocking is the fact that this very often praise for the governor has integrity is a corrupt. 令我们吃惊的是,这位常被赞为十分正直的州长竟然是个贪官。 wenwen.soso.com 5. Well, we don't know about 'best', but Mr. Goh's praise for this version of what is in reality a very simple dish was on the money. 虽然我们并不知道是否是真的“最好”,但是吴先生的赞美只是对这个现实中的便宜简单的饭菜。 www.bing.com 6. The guests had a fine meal, and expressed high praise for the delicious vegetarian food. 客人们在享用了这顿盛餐之后,都对那些美味的素菜极为赞赏。 sm2000.org 7. They lookup severely decent and I have totally nothing but praise for these shoes, jordan shoes, as they are severely fashionable. 他们查找严厉正派和我完全除了赞扬了这双鞋,因为它们是严重的时尚。 internationalsplace.com 8. His boss showered him with praise for everything he had done for the company. 他为公司做的每件事,他的老件都要大加赞赏。 www.hbwy.com.cn 9. Of all the nominees, Natalie Portman has earned the most praise for her role in "Black Swan, " in which she plays a tortured ballerina. 在所有提名人中,NataliePortman凭借电影《黑天鹅》(BlackSwan)中精神扭曲的芭蕾舞演员一角,赢得最高呼声。 www.seftb.org 10. She has starred in a lot of fluffy fun romantic comedies, but received a lot of critical praise for her role as a sex worker in Chameli. 她曾主演过许多浪漫的轻喜剧,但受到关键性称赞的角色是《张美丽》中的一个色情工作者。 www.bing.com 1. She was accorded praise for her composition. 她因那篇作文而受到表扬。 old.100sbs.com 2. He has even won praise for the dignified way he has presented his three current wives (he has had at least five) to the public. 甚至他以庄重的方式将三位现任妻子(一度曾有五位)介绍给民众,还是赢得民众的赞美。 www.ecocn.org 3. All of them insisted that the team had received nothing but praise for their exploits, on and off the pitch. 所有人都坚持说球队当年回国后受到的是对于他们球场上下优异表现的赞扬,除此之外什么都没有发生。 www.24en.com 4. A year ago, the bosses of the world's largest companies oozed with praise for China's handling of the global crisis. 一年前,对于中国处理全球危机的方式,全球最大企业的老板们纷纷表示赞赏。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Now we use that term generally to mean 'trying to get praise for our actions'. 现在当我们想得到他人对我们品行的赞许我们通常用这个短语来表达。 www.remword.cn 6. Since Liar Liar was featured on Liverpoolfc. tv last week, Reds fans all over the globe have been full of praise for the track. 自从上周这首歌出现在利物浦官网上后,世界各地的红军迷都对它提出了高度的赞扬。 www.jczqw.com 7. Positive reinforcement of carries a strong message to your child. Children who receive praise for good acts try harder to behave. 正面引导给孩子传递积极的信息,因为表现好而得到称赞的孩子会更加努力。 www.bing.com 8. Though, the movie didn't perform as expected, she earned praise for her role as the iconic Lady Penelope. 虽然,电影并没有如预期般表现,她赢得了赞誉,她的角色,作为标志夫人佩内洛普。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Ranieri is looking forward to the tournament but he is wary of the opposition and he was full of praise for Arsenal in particular. 拉涅利对比赛充满期待,但他非常谨慎,并对阿森纳大加称赞。 www.juvefans.com 10. But Culp had nothing but praise for those who made her new face possible. 但是卡尔普没有什么,但对于那些谁赞美她新面貌可能。 word.hcbus.com 1. To open kindergarten's conditions, managements efficiency and English education feature, experts gave a highly praise for our kindergarten. 专家组对幼儿园的办园条件、管理效益、英文特色教育等给予了高度评价。 www.cieo.com.cn 2. In the following directives I have no praise for you, for your meetings do more harm than good. 我现今吩咐你们的话,不是称赞你们;因为你们聚会不是受益,乃是招损。 www.ebigear.com 3. They are allowed to tease the girls and they receive praise for sloppy work that would not be tolerated from girls. 他们被允许取笑女生,他们作业做得马虎却受表扬,要是女生做这样的作业就得不到宽容。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. He also had words of praise for Darren Fletcher, a man who's making the most of a mini injury-crisis to stake his claim for a regular place. 他同样赞扬了弗莱彻,后者表示在队伍面临严重的伤病危机时,他要力争主力位置。 www.mufans.org 5. Even the police, one of the most brutal forces in the world, are starting to win praise for pacifying bandit-ridden slums. 即使是里约州警,全球最慓悍的警力之一,亦因弭平盗匪横行的贫民窟而开始赢得赞赏。 www.24en.com 6. Instead, the praise for Mandy at the weekend came from an unlikely source: Gordon Brown. Mandelson is said to be gratified. 相反在这个周末,对曼德尔森的赞扬从一个不太可能的来源传出:英国财政大臣高登.布朗,他对曼德尔森很满意。 www.bing.com 7. He was lavish in his praise for her paintings. 他大力赞扬她的绘画。 wgyxy.hutc.zj.cn 8. Kyrgiakos was unlucky not to get another to make it 3-1 - and afterwards Gerrard was full of praise for the veteran. 基里亚科斯如果走运的话,他还会把比分改写为3-1,赛后杰拉德对这位老兵赞不绝口。 www.lfc.org.cn 9. "I wanted to stay up with Robles but he left us behind. " Payne was full of praise for the young Cuban. 佩恩对这位年轻的古巴选手赞赏有加:“我想紧紧跟住罗伯斯,结果却被他甩在了后面。” www.kekenet.com 10. china gave a cheer to its first miss world on sunday , with internet chat rooms filled with praise for the 23 - year - old beauty queen. 星期日,中国为第一位华人世界小姐喝彩,聊天室内充斥着这位23岁选美皇后的称赞。 www.ichacha.net 1. The opening ceremony stirred up a new wave of admiration and praise for China around the globe. 开幕式典礼激起了全球对中国新一波的钦佩和赞叹。 bbs.xmfish.com 2. At the moment, China is drawing global praise for maintaining growth amid a global slump. 当前,中国因在全球经济下滑中维持增长而赢得国际社会的赞扬。 www.ecocn.org 3. But London-based designers were full of praise for her. 但是伦敦的设计师们却对凯特赞誉有加。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 4. Taiwan has won praise for its waste recycling efforts, and its people are proud of it. 台湾废物回收处理赢得赞赏,民众也引以为傲。 edu.sina.com.hk 5. The city worker won praise FOR his detection of a break in a water pipe. 这位市政工人因发现水管漏水而受到表扬。 dict.ebigear.com 6. Boys receive praise for sloppy work that would not be tolerated from girls. 男生作业做得马虎却受表扬,要是女生做这样的作业就得不到宽容。 wenku.baidu.com 7. The striker operated in a selfless role on the right flank and earned the manager's praise for his "engine and appetite. " 这位前锋在右路扮演了无私的角色,经理赞扬了他的“能量和欲望”。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 8. In a speech at West Point last December, Mr Immelt was full of praise for China's industrial planning. 去年12月在西点军校(WestPoint)的演讲中,伊梅尔特对中国的产业规划大加赞扬。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Her hospitality wins admire and praise for her. 她的好客为她赢得了尊重和赞扬。 kaoyan.hjenglish.com 10. But Mr Locke has won praise for his handling of this year's census and has been responsible for patent reform now passing through Congress. 但骆家辉在处理今年人口普查方面的表现为他赢得了赞誉,他还负责推动目前正由国会审议的专利改革。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Bankers who have dealt with Mr Fang and his colleagues reserve less praise for the description of Hopu as a private equity fund. 与方风雷及其同事打过交道的银行家,对将厚朴描述为私人股本基金不是十分赞赏。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Henry also reserved praise for Manchester United ahead of Saturday's clash between the great rivals. 亨利在周末双红会即将来临前,向曼联表达了自己的敬意。 www.lfc.org.cn 3. Ian Paisley, leader of the Democratic Unionists, was generous in his praise for Mr Blair's role in bringing peace to Northern Ireland. 民主统一党(DemocraticUnionists)领袖伊恩?佩斯利(IanPaisley)对布莱尔在北爱尔兰和平进程中发挥的作用大加赞扬。 www.ftchinese.com 4. And Dalglish was full of praise for the manner in which his players retained their focus amid a busy period of speculation. 对于在遍地是转会传闻的那段时间里,队员们集中注意力保持专注的方式也让达格利什赞不绝口。 www.ept-team.com 5. Beautiful usually refers to classical beauty. I reserve this praise for the top few. A good example of classical beauty is Sophie Marceau. 通常用在古典美人身上,只保留给少数人的赞美。例:苏菲玛索。 blog.tostudy.com.cn 6. They at once started gushing praise for what Gordon Brown, Britain's prime minister, described as a "statesmanlike statement" . 他们瞬间迸发出溢美之辞,英国首相戈登?布朗就将卡尔扎伊的决定形容成一个“有政治家风范的表态”。 www.ecocn.org 7. The praise for Soul Engineers was dancing in the wind. 工程师们称赞的灵魂在风中舞蹈。 bbs.ebigear.com 8. While I've piled on the praise for his creation, please be aware of the following: firstly, Blueberry Garden will not be for everyone. 尽管我使出全身解数来赞这个游戏,但是还是不能忽略以下几点:第一,《蓝莓花园》并不适合所有的人。 www.bing.com 9. A new president could stand on the inaugural platform, sneeze into the microphone, and win praise for his "great force and brevity. " 一个新总统可以站在他的就职演讲台前,凑近麦克风,为他的“伟大的力量和简洁”赢得喝彩。 www.bing.com 10. Such praise for his father is an incentive for Washington, his honesty and gradually develop the habit. 父亲的这种赞许对华盛顿来说是一种鼓励,他的诚实习惯因而逐渐养成。 wenku.baidu.com 1. Just months ago, Ireland was winning widespread praise for the quick and decisive steps it has taken to cut its deficit. 就在几个月前,爱尔兰因采取了快速和果断措施削减赤字而获得普遍赞扬。 chinese.wsj.com 2. On Aulaqi's website on Monday, there was praise for the Fort Hood shooting as a "heroic act" . 奥拉奇的网站周一赞扬胡德堡枪击事件是“英雄之举”。 www.bing.com 3. Hurston received praise for her work by both blacks and whites. But not everyone enjoyed her work. 赫斯特因其作品而分别获得了黑人和白人的称赞,但并非每个人都喜欢她的小说。 www.bing.com 4. The National Arts Council also deserves praise for being much more generous now in sponsoring performances, exhibitions and publications. 国家艺术理事会出钱赞助演出、展出与出书,也比过去慷慨,值得来个掌声鼓励。 www.cqlife.com 5. She had high praise for Dr. Smith , although she complained about his strictness . 她高度赞扬了史密斯医生,但抱怨他过于严格。 www.bing.com 6. Yet since then few have had anything but praise for the finance minister. 但自那之后,人们对于这位财政部长却赞赏有加,鲜有不满。 www.ftchinese.com 7. As a worker in his early 30s at a major carmaker, Mr. Horie won praise for his design work on advanced biofuel systems. 堀江先生三十岁出头时在一家大型汽车制造商工作,他在先进的生物燃料系统方面的设计赢得了人们赞誉。 www.bing.com 8. The profit is the best praise for good product and service, goods service is the improvement of the defect of products. 利润是对好产品和服务的嘉奖,良好的服务是对产品缺陷的补充。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Mr Li sang high praise for her invention. 李先生高度评价了她的发明。 edu.sina.com.cn 10. My "entertaining" object left, my mom to truthfully "report" me today "entertaining work" , mother praise for me, "heavy have rewards" . 我的“招待对象”走后,我向妈妈如实地“汇报”了我今天“招待工作”的情况,妈妈表扬了我,还“重重有赏”。 www.268r.com 1. While it may have got much of its analysis right, it is also remembered for its euphoric praise for Enron. 尽管书中的分析多数都是正确的,但人们也记得,它对安然(Enron)赞赏有嘉。 www.ftchinese.com 2. By the majority of users praise for China's power industry has made some contribution to the building. 深受广大用户好评,为中国电力工业建设做出了一定贡献。 www.tonke.cn 3. Moreover, praise for self-control wasn't confined to the sex-negative Church and its puritanical progeny. 此外,对于自律的嘉许也不会指摘为教会的禁欲,或被划定是清教后嗣。 www.bing.com 4. He had a lot of praise for her work. 他对她的工作大加赞赏。 www.kekenet.com 5. Bonus for team member proposing small management upgrading , praise for team member presenting big plan of excellent management . 加分为队成员建议小的管理升级,为队成员赞扬阐明优秀的管理的大的平面图。 www.bing.com 6. We sing high praise for his contributions to his country. 我们高度评价了他对他的祖国做出的贡献。 blog.163.com 7. You need praise for your efforts and encouragement when it's difficult. 你的努力需要赞扬,遇到困难的时候需要他人的鼓励。 www.bing.com 8. McLeish, though, was full of praise for his side's display. 麦克利什也盛赞他的球队出色的表现。 lfcbbs.fans1.com 9. AT the end of the First World War in 1918, Einstein received worldwide praise for his scientific research. 在1918年第一次世界大战结束时,爱因斯坦由于他的科学研究受到全世界的广泛赞扬。 dict.ebigear.com 10. Giving him a genuine and warm praise for his good behavior and efforts is very important. 针对孩子的优点和努力,给予衷心而温暖的赞美,对孩子是很重要的。 class34.loxa.edu.tw 1. Ferguson was full of praise for the Mexican club for helping keep the deal quiet. 弗格森对墨西哥球队对交易保密的做法给予了肯定。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 2. Einstein received worldwide praise for his scientific research. 爱因斯坦的科学研究受到了世界范围的广泛赞扬。 www.englishcat.cn 3. His servile expression of praise FOR his employer was disgusting to me. 他奉承雇主的那副奴颜婢膝的嘴脸令我恶心。 dict.ebigear.com 4. Skipper Van Persie was also full of praise for the travelling Arsenal fans, who sung their hearts out at Old Trafford. 队长范佩西也称赞了赶到老特拉福德看球的球迷,他们唱出了自己的心声。 page.renren.com 5. Recently Indonesia police received praise for dismantling a terrorist training camp and killing a leading terror suspect. 最近,印尼警方因摧毁了恐怖分子训练营并击毙恐怖主义头目而广受赞誉。 www.kekenet.com 6. I got plenty of praise for my analysis report from the sales department but in the end they ignored my suggestions. 销售部对我的分析报告称赞有加,可到最后的时候他们却对我的建议置之不理。 www.xianzai.cn 7. The reserve team boss also had words of praise for Academy graduate Eccleston who had a memorable first competitive start. 预备队的主教练同时表扬青年学院毕业的埃克斯顿,他在揭幕战的表现让人回味。 bbs.zhibo8.com 8. In the United States and around the world, there was praise for the decision, but also criticism. 在美国和全世界,人们对该决定表示赞扬,但是也有批评声。 kaoshi.alai.net 9. That's enough praise for her! 太夸奖她了。 sfl.csu.edu.cn 10. Newspapers not only a voice of praise for Liverpool, playing their opponents and also felt Liverpool's increasingly strong. 不仅报纸对利物浦赞美声一片,对手和名宿们也感觉到了利物浦的日益强壮。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. He has nothing but praise for the way the Queen has led her country for 60 years. 对于女王60年来领导英国的方式,查尔斯只有赞美之词。 www.putclub.com 2. I pure love you, do not confuse praise for the flattery. 我纯洁地爱你,不为奉承吹捧迷惑。 home.hxen.com 3. He was delighted with his side's display but full of praise for Chelsea and Frank Lampard's "stunning" performance. 他对于他的球队的表现很高兴,但言辞中充满对切尔西和兰帕德精彩表演的赞誉之词。 bbs.qieerxi.com 4. Participating representatives sang high praise for the selection of theop tics and the thoughtful arrangement of the seminar. 与会代表对此次研讨会的议题设置和外交部的精心准备给予了高度评价。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 5. A righteous God worship hall Guan Yu, his righteousness is known, by people praise for supervision business transactions. 殿内供奉着义财神关羽,他以仁义著称,被人们誉为监督商道交易中的守护神。 www.ok06.com 6. Mr. Mao's high praise for the Zhaozhou Bridge summarizes the bridge's features scientifically and accurately. 茅老对赵州桥的高度评价,科学、准确地概括了赵州桥的几个特点。 www.sirt.edu.cn 7. Some amateurs can perform at such a high level that even professionals sing high praise for them. 有些业余爱好者表现得非常好,即使那些专业人员都对他们大加赞叹。 fowindy.cool.blog.163.com 8. If you answer right, you will get a much-too-excited string of praise for answering a question a trained monkey could answer. 答对了的话,等待你的是一连串过分夸张的称赞,只是因为你刚刚回答了一只稍加训练的猴子都能答对的问题。 www.bing.com 9. The president reserved special praise for the Australian troops in Afghanistan, 32 of whom have died. 奥巴马特别表扬了驻阿富汗澳大利亚军队,他们有32人的伤亡。 dongxi.net 10. The giveaway was his praise for the ousted journalist's "steadfast loyalty" . 这个泄密是他对已辞退记者“坚定的忠诚”的赞扬。 www.ecocn.org 1. Teacher, the human soul's engineer. who aren't praise for you ! 老师,人类灵魂的工程师,有谁不在将您赞扬! www.ok06.com 2. Wenger was full of praise for the 17-year-old after an impressive display on the right flank. 赛后温格对在右路给人留下深刻印象的17岁小将充满了赞美之词。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 3. "I thought they wouldn't give him permission to take it, " smiled Mourinho, adding further praise for the right-back. “我想他们并没有允许格雷米去踢那个球,”莫里尼奥笑着说,但接着对格雷米更多的赞扬。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 4. Lucas received plenty of praise for his performance on Sunday. 上周日卢卡斯的突出表现赢得了满堂喝彩。 www.ept-team.com 5. Martin Freeman, who plays Bilbo Baggins, bubbled with praise for his director. 马丁弗里曼,比尔伯巴金斯的扮演者,对导演不吝赞扬之情。 www.bing.com 6. When helping an ADHD child complete homework, be sure to give frequent words of praise for each small accomplishment. 在帮助多动症孩子完成作业的时候,每次他们取得一些小成绩,一定要经常表扬他们。 www.elanso.com 7. The industry has been the trust and praise for the dealer to win more space for the survival and development, to consumers more security. 得到了业界的信赖与好评,为经销商赢得了更多的生存发展空间,给消费者更多的安全保障。 www.tonke.cn 8. Accepting the world's praise for having done nothing looks vain and is not without risk. 一事无成,却接受全世界的赞美,这看上去相当自负,也不无风险。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Ferguson was full of praise for the Bulgarian after the Community Shield, but that was a pre-season stroll in the park. 尽管弗格森在社区盾比赛后对他大加赞赏,但这只是季前的适应比赛而已。 www.bing.com 10. He has also earned much praise for his amazing spoken Chinese and understanding of Chinese poetry and classics. 而他流利的中国话和对中国诗歌和古典作品的理解也广受赞誉。 www.bing.com 1. The panel had praise for and concerns about the Obama administration's online efforts during the transition. 上述研讨会对奥巴马政府于过渡期间在互联网上所作的努力既予以表扬又表示担忧。 www.america.gov 2. The Aquarius praise for freedom, have brilliant talent, treat others well, smart and clever, and posses strong ego. 水瓶座的人崇尚自由,才华洋溢,待人友善,聪明伶俐,主观意识强。 wenwen.soso.com 3. "So Microsoft deserves both praise for stimulating innovation and criticism for stifling it. " “所以说,微软既应该为刺激了革新而被歌颂,又应该为扼杀它而被批判。” www.bing.com 4. International activists and political leaders offered guarded praise for Saturday's move. 国际政治活动家和政府领导人对(缅甸)周六的行动给与谨慎的表扬。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. I continue to read your Guestbook messages and am humbled by your praise for my work. 我会一如既往地看留言本上你们所有的留言,你们对我工作的赞誉真是让我愧不敢当啊。 tieba.baidu.com 6. Heavenly Father, you are worthy of praise for your wise and wonderful works. 天父,你是值得赞扬你的明智和美好的作品。 www.douban.com 7. Instead of punishment, George received praise for telling the truth. 乔治非但未被惩罚,反而因为诚实而被赞赏。 www.ebigear.com 8. And there was warm praise for his former coach. 并且他还带来了给前教练的温暖赞美。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 9. Despite the criticism, Jose Ramos-Horta has been full of praise for Australian soldiers whose donated blood helped to save his life. 尽管提出了批评,但是霍尔塔总统仍然赞扬了为他献血挽救他生命的澳大利亚军人。 www.voanews.com.cn 10. Mr Abbas is winning praise for his boldness, yet problems dog him at home. 阿巴斯因其胆略赢得赞扬,但是国内问题仍然困扰着他。 www.ecocn.org 1. London's regulator, the Financial Services Authority, has won praise for its light, but effective, touch. 伦敦的监管机构英国金融服务管理局(theFinancialServicesAuthority)因其轻便而有效的措施获得赞誉。 www.ecocn.org 2. Benitez also reserved words of praise for Lucas, who put in another commanding performance in the centre of midfield. 贝尼特斯同时表扬卢卡斯,他也在中场奉献了一场精彩的表演。 lfcbbs.fans1.com 3. In the last seven days, have I received recognition or praise for good work? 在过去七天内,我有否因有良好的工作表现而受到表扬或赞美? bbs.fobshanghai.com 4. Your reaction has a great influence on how hard they will try to become good readers. Be sure to give them genuine praise for their efforts. 你对于孩子阅读的反应很大程度上决定了他是否能成为一个阅读高手,对于孩子的努力,就不要吝啬自己的赞美了。 edu.sina.com.cn 5. He also had praise for Brazilian Julio Baptista, who he believes can become a key player for Arsenal. 他也赞扬了巴西人巴普蒂斯塔,另一个能够成为阿森纳关键人物的队员。 www.thefa.cn 6. Is the first book in the history of faith face, calling faith, praise for the atmosphere of faith! 是中国图书史上第一部直面信仰,呼唤信仰,赞美信仰的大气之作! club.edu.sina.com.cn 7. Sven was full of praise for Lennon, who along with 17 year old Theo Walcott, is yet to win a cap at senior level. 斯文对列侬赞赏有加,他和17岁的沃尔科特是第一次被选入成年国家队。 eriksson.blog.enorth.com.cn 8. And Reds boss Roy Hodgson was full of praise for Reina after the match. 而红军主帅霍奇森则在赛后对雷纳满口溢美之辞。 www.ept-team.com 9. The older actor is unbounded in his praise for his co-star . 老演员对他的搭档给予了极高的赞扬。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. A recent graduate likes to receive praise for successfully completing high school or college. 而刚自大学或高中毕业的学生,也很高兴听到别人的赞美。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Today is mother's Day. I'm very happy. Becaues I try to do cook supper . My mother praise for me. 今天是母亲节。我特别高兴。因为我试着给我妈做了一顿晚餐。我妈妈表扬了我。 auto.zhishi.sohu.com 2. Paul had sincere words of praise for each church whenever he could honestly give them. 保罗在写给每间教会的书信中,都会对他们作出真诚的赞许。 blog.163.com 3. He had words of praise for his fellow Democrat, Senator Clinton. 而对他的民主党同伴,参议员希拉里·克林顿赞赏有加。 www.hjenglish.com 4. The Portuguese tactician reserved special praise for match-winner Essien. 这位葡萄牙兵法家为奠定胜局的埃辛保留了特别的赞扬。 bbs.qieerxi.com 5. They are full of praise for his achievements, qualifications and standing in the game. 对于他的成就,他的资力以及他在比赛中的指挥能力都被广为称赞。 hi.baidu.com 6. Muhammad was a merchant, and the Koran is full of praise for commerce. 穆罕默德本人是一个商人,可兰经里到处都赞许商业活动。 www.bing.com 7. Aid workers in Afghanistan, who have long been scornful of American blundering there, are full of praise for these measures. 长期以来阿富汗援助工作者一直鄙视美国人的浮躁,而这次也对这些措施赞不绝口。 www.ecocn.org 8. Suddenly there is praise for Kazakh diplomats, blessed with decent event-management skills and eager to enhance their country's standing. 国际上对哈萨克斯坦外交官的赞许突然多了起来,称赞他们恰当的外交处理方式和热切的富民强国之心。 www.ecocn.org 9. The writing style wins him universal praise for its vivid description and strong local color. 幽默、讽刺、生动的描写和浓郁的地方色彩使其作品脍炙人口。 www.fabiao.net 10. Ms Lagarde deserves praise for spelling out the problem and issuing a call to action. 拉加德直言不讳地指出问题并号召人们采取行动——这一点值得赞扬。 www.ftchinese.com 1. The judges were united in praise for the quality of the shortlist. 评委们对最终入围作品的质量给予了一致好评。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Does he deserve praise for that? 这值得表扬吗? www.i21st.cn 3. Architects give the city high praise for saving the historic buildings. 建筑师们对该市保护历史建筑物的做法予以高度赞扬。 www.hotdic.com 4. He still gives many conservatives fits with comments like his praise for WikiLeaks. 如今他仍然让很多共和党人不舒服,比如他赞扬维基解密的言论。 dongxi.net 5. The photography crew also said that although all 15 models are handsome and beautiful, but are all full of praise for SSH's perfect built. 摄制组还证明,尽管15名模特都是青一色的俊男靓女,但对宋承宪标准身材还是赞不绝口。 www.trulyseungheon.com 6. Bork received high praise for his efforts to cut spending. 伯克因他为削减开支所做的努力而受到高度赞扬。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. Domestic media has also played up praise for the move by foreign leaders, which would surprise no long-time China watcher. 中国国内媒体也着重报道了外国领导人对这一举措的赞赏,对于长期观察中国事态的人士来说,这不足为奇。 c.wsj.com 8. He won praise for his release of the prisoners of war. 他因释放了战俘而获得称赞。 wenku.baidu.com 9. The authorities have achieved much in rebuilding hardware in the quake zone. They deserve praise for their leadership and efforts. 汶川大地震重建,于硬体建设方面,应该看到成绩,亦应该肯定当局的领导和努力; edu.sina.com.hk 10. Texas deserves praise for examining this problem squarely. 德州对于这一问题的正确态度值得赞赏。 dongxi.net 1. In the US, people have been over-egging praise for generations. 在美国,几代人以来一直存在过度表扬的情况。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Fortunately, according to this distinction, I deserve some praise for filing this column. 幸运的是,根据这一差别化原则,我撰写这篇专栏,理应受到点表扬。 www.ftchinese.com 3. All of the staff deserve my praise for their dedication and continued efforts in (achieving) these excellent results. 所有的员工都因为他们的贡献和持续不断的努力实现了这些结果而值得我赞美。 club.topsage.com 4. of praise for women, highlights the women in the dominant position of love marriage . 作者讴歌女性,凸显出女性在爱情婚姻中的主体地位。 www.lunwenno1.com 5. Our report about the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards brought much praise for young artist David Vo. 我们对艺术和文学奖学术报告带来了年轻艺术家大卫武的好评。 www.maynet.cn 6. On every side we have heard people sign high praise for his plan. 我们到处听到对他的计划的高度赞美。 beike.dangzhi.com 7. He deserves praise for what he did a good turn. 他为大家做了一件好事,应该得到表扬。 bbs.ebigear.com 8. Acclaim or praise for exceptional achievement. 名声,威信对杰出成就所作的称赞或颂扬 www.ebigear.com 9. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar deserves much praise for Bynum's development. 贾巴尔因拜纳姆的成长赢得了很多称赞。 bbs.tbba.com.cn 10. Other leading doctors have similar high praise for African Mango. 其他知名医生对非洲芒果也有类似的高度评价。 www.bing.com 1. We have heard too much praise for commercial search engine. 我们已经听够了对商业搜索引擎的溢美之词。 www.bing.com 2. Psalm 111 is a congregational hymn of praise for God's righteous works, faithfulness and compassion. 诗篇第一一一篇是一首信徒赞美上帝圣工、信实、及怜悯的圣诗。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Perhaps, no complaint is the best praise for me. 没有抱怨对我来讲也许就是最大的奖励了。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Next TV said its animated news program had won praise for its innovative format. NextTV说其动画新闻以其创新的形式获得了赞扬。 www.bing.com 5. All we need do in return is give Him the thanks and praise for being with us. 感谢和赞美神与我们同在,是我们唯一需要回报他的。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. No. The youngster won praise for standing gravely to one side. 没有。这位年轻的候选人因立场坚定而受到称赞。 www.ftchinese.com 7. And the goalkeeper also reserved special praise for our travelling support on the night, but knows the job is not done. 这位守门员还特别感谢了当晚前往现场支持球队的球迷们,不过他认为一切还没有结束。 page.renren.com 8. Ugandan government spokesman Fred Opolot had some praise for the former leader. 而乌干达政府发言人FredOpolot则对这位前领导人有赞美之词。 www.bing.com 9. The minister was loud in his praise for Doctor Morgan. 这位部长高度赞扬了摩根博士。 www.jukuu.com 10. We are working very hard with our behavior system and giving him lots of praise for following the rules. 我们很努力的按行为系统对他进行约束,在他遵守纪律时进行大量表扬。 blog.tianya.cn 1. Jefferson responded with praise for Banneker's accomplishments. 杰弗逊以赞扬他杰出的成就做为回应。 www.24en.com 2. Bush balanced his criticism with praise for China's market reforms. 在批评中国的同时,布什同时也找平衡似的表扬了中国市场改革。 bbs.putclub.com 3. Horie won praise for his design work on advanced biofuel systems. 由他设计的高级生物燃料系统,受到了人们称赞。 www.douban.com 4. Don't save the praise for only the top score. 不要只是在他们得高分时才赞扬他们。 www.03964.com 5. There is a relentless murmur of confusion underneath the chorus of praise for quantum theory. 然而,在对量子理论的优美赞颂下,疑惑的声音仍然不断的在人群之中彼此彼落。 lab.es.ncku.edu.tw 6. He was lavish with his praise for the project. 他对那计划赞不绝口。 learning.sohu.com 7. Early Monday , Chinese state media rang with praise for North Korea but also tried to draw a line in the two countries' relationship . 周一早间,中国国有媒体赞扬了朝鲜,不过也试图在中朝关系上划清界限。 www.bing.com 8. He won high praise for his excellent work. 他由于出色的工作而受到高度的赞扬。 english.knna.com 9. He is effusive in his praise for his kids. 在称赞自己的儿子时,他滔滔不绝。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. I don't care if they praise for me or not. For me, most important is that I can do something for my class. 我不在乎老师是不是表扬我,对我来说,重要的是我能否为我们作做什么。 bgy.gd.cn 1. The boss sang high praise for our positive thinking. 老板对我们的积极思考大为赞赏。 learning.sohu.com 2. He deserves praise for this stance. 叶国谦这个态度,值得肯定。 edu.sina.com.hk 3. His speeches were full of praise for himself. 他在自己的演讲中对自己赞不绝口。 www.ebigear.com 4. Winslet and David Kross, who plays the young Michael, have received much praise for their performances. 扮演年轻的迈克尔的温斯莱特和大卫克罗斯由于他们的完美演出而大受赞赏。 wenwen.soso.com 5. Today it is used as a praise for placing strict demands on oneself to serve the public. 现在用这个成语,来称颂严格要求自己,一心为公的人。 chinese.cscc.org.sg 6. The Chinese sing high praise for the doctors and nurses fighting against SARS. 中国人高度赞扬抗击非典的医生和护士。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Give your pet lots of praise for good behaviour. 多赞美您的宠物的良好行为。 www.tianya.cn 8. He won praise for being responsible. 他因为负责任而赢得人们的称赞。 wenku.baidu.com 9. Local flavor foods such as beef balls, pork balls, fish balls and oyster pancakes win universal praise for Chaoshan. 以牛肉丸、猪肉丸、鱼丸“三丸”和蚝烙等为代表的风味食品,脍炙人口。 english.shantou.gov.cn 10. He is deserving of the praise for his work. 鉴于他的工作应受到这表扬。 www.ebigear.com 1. A lot of experience with shooting into Yuri's performance won praise for their field staff. 有着诸多拍摄经验的成宥利的表现赢得了现场工作人员们的称赞。 www.koreanbbs.com 2. He deserves praise for putting them on the table. 他公开提出这些观点的做法值得赞扬。 www.ftchinese.com 3. I answer (in English) honestly, and I receive praise for my honesty. 我如实的用英语作答,并且因我的诚恳而获得了赞扬。 www.putclub.com 4. God inhabits our praise and we should not be inhibited in our praise, for our praise glorifies God. 神栖息在我们赞美中间·所以赞美不应该含蓄,因为它带荣耀给神。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. After several cups of tea and lots of praise for such yummy tea, Mom came home. 喝过几杯茶,爸爸也夸了无数次“真好喝”之后,妈妈回来了。 www.elanso.com 6. Ramsey Rayyis, regional representative of American Red Cross in China, had praise for the Chinese efforts. 美国红十字会驻华代表袁明熙对中国的抗洪工作称赞有加。 www.24en.com 7. I am not afraid of praise, for I have practiced it on myself. 我才不怕赞美因为我在自己身上已多次实践过。 blog.163.com 8. The prime minister first won praise for his government's handling of last year's disasters. 基首次赢得称赞,是因其政府合理应对和处理去年的地震灾害。 www.ecocn.org 9. Hong Kong earns much praise for its laissez-faire policies. 香港宽松自由的政策赢得了很多赞誉。 chinese.wsj.com 10. it is full of praise for the Taliban fighters, in retaliation for the death of Osama bin-laden; 在那里充满了对塔利班为了报复杀害奥萨玛。本拉登奋战者的赞扬; www.miltt.com 1. Messing Earns High Praise for Role in New Romantic Comedy The Wedding Date 梅辛凭借在最新浪漫喜剧《大喜之日》中饰演的角色获高度赞扬 www.tingroom.com 2. Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden 赞美那湿润花园的甜美 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Praise for officers care of residents plants as a value-added service 代业户打理植物,屋苑增值服务获赞扬 www.shkp.com.hk 4. writing on the blackboard the first word of praise for students to whom; 板书的第一个字让学生为之赞叹; quote.psytopic.com 5. praise for the singing , praise for the morning 赞美这歌唱,赞美这早晨; www.ebigear.com 6. accord him praise for good work 称赞他工作做得好 blog.hjenglish.com 7. Education Report: Praise for Advanced Placement Classes, but Also Criticism 教育报道:对于进阶先修课程既有称赞也有批评 www.ilit.cn 8. Sing High Praise for Life 生命的赞歌 www.ilib.cn 9. My dad's praise for my mom 爸爸献给妈妈的话 qifangchristina.spaces.live.com |
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