单词 | abnormal |
释义 |
例句释义: 畸形的,不正常的,反常的,变态的 1. Especially in making large cross-section ductile iron parts, the graphite of the casting center is often abnormal. 尤其是在浇铸大断面球墨铸铁件时,铸件中心的石墨经常出现变态。石墨变态不能简单的用球化衰退来描述。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. An important example is the chaotic behavior of ventricular fibrillation, a severely abnormal heart rhythm that is often life-threatening. 一个重要的例子是心室颤动的混沌行为,严重的经常可威胁生命的心脏节律异常。 www.dxy.cn 3. 'It's not possible that a sheep could become pregnant with a puppy, ' he said. 'It's likely that this is just an abnormal lamb. ' “母羊怀上狗崽,这是件根本就不可能的事,”他说,“看起来这应该是只畸形羊羔。” www.kekenet.com 4. Laryngocele is an uncommon disease defined as an abnormal dilatation or herniation of the laryngeal saccule, forming an air-filled cavity. 喉气囊肿是一种少见的疾病的异常扩张或球囊喉症的定义,形成一个充满空气腔。 syyxw.com 5. I never thought he was that abnormal, he seemed like a typical kid his age. 我从不认为他不正常,他看上去和他这个年龄的孩子一样。 learning.sohu.com 6. When the giant panda to hear abnormal noise, it is often an immediate escape. 当大熊猫听到异常响声时,常常是立即逃避。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 7. I continued pondering these questions after I was released and began to wonder whether mine was an abnormal or special case. 出狱之后,我更不断的探讨,像我这样的遭遇,是不是一个变态的、特殊的例予? www.zftrans.com 8. Engine pure object-oriented encapsulation, interface Jane Jie, adopt the abnormal mechanism and easy to use. 引擎纯面向对象封装,接口简洁,采用异常机制,使用方便。 3333355555.com 9. Rumor is often a series of deep-seated problems of information through non-normal reflection of the abnormal pathway. 谣言常常是一系列深层次不足通过非正常信息途径的畸形反映。 www.zidir.com 10. A child born and brought up in a parents-led family invariably appears to be abnormal in their mental development more or less. 一个生长在父母主导型家庭中的孩子在心理发育方面或多或少都存在着问题。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Cancer is a term used for diseases in which abnormal cells divide without control and are able to invade other tissues. 癌症是用来形容具有异常的失控的细胞分裂,并能侵入其他组织的疾病的一个术语。 www.medlive.cn 2. (director: abnormal interview) with more than six in the morning, cleaner found a young man hanged herself, restore now exhausted. (非正常采访)学生处处长:早上六点多,保洁员发现有个小伙子上吊死了,当时人已经不行了。 www.268r.com 3. But it did not startle the girl, because she had no idea asking herself whether it was abnormal or not. 画中的那两人开端走动了。但是这并没有惊吓到这个女孩,由于她自己并不知道这是不是变态。 bbs.xdnice.com 4. It is often associated with visceral sensitivity and colon motility as well as the abnormal psychological conditions and so on. 普遍认为其发病与内脏敏感性、结肠动力以及异常的精神心理状态等因素有关。 www.fabiao.net 5. One of these books is called Abnormal Psychology, in which some case studies are included. 其中一本书叫《变态心理学》,里面有些案例分析。 hi.baidu.com 6. At the moment, I was astonished by what appeared to me to be his completely abnormal mental state. 当时,我感到非常的惊讶,认为这个人的行为是反常的,一定是头脑有病。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Use half a month later, he began to feel abnormal changes in the body. 使用半个月之后,他逐渐感觉身体出现了一些异常的变化。 www.texclo.net 8. Inside a little abnormal, not allowed to take water into and can only bring their own cup into the air. 里面有点变态,不准带水进去的,只能自己带空杯子进去。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Unfortunately, the material that spills from apoptotic cells of those with lupus, especially the chromosomal fragments, is often abnormal. 不幸的是,狼疮患者凋亡细胞排出的物质,特别是染色体碎片,经常是不正常的。 terms.shengwuquan.com 10. Mr Ghosn says it would be "very abnormal if at least one, if not more than one" of the Chinese carmakers did not emerge as a global player. 高斯说,至少有一家的中国汽车制造商,如果不是更多的话,未能成为有全球影响力的企业,这会很不正常。 www.ecocn.org 1. They were trick to Europe, where the big money of the hope that the end is all abnormal sexual abuse and torture. 她们被哄骗到欧洲,本希望能到那里赚大钱,到头来却是性虐待和种种变态的折磨。 www.englishtang.com 2. Frequent blinking or abnormal blinking is an symptom without significant eye diseases, this symptom is often found in children. 频繁或异常瞬目是指无明显眼病而伴有阵发性频繁眨眼动作的病症,儿童多见。 www.chemyq.com 3. The line between normal and abnormal mental health is often blurred. 正常和异常的精神健康状况的界限常常很模糊。 www.bing.com 4. If have paresis of congenital facial nerve, should undertake two years trailing the abnormal rate that exists with fixing place at least. 如有先天性面神经轻瘫,至少应进行两年追踪以确定所存在的畸形程度。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. At this point, we have the old lady's situation is clear to her before the abnormal behavior to understand. 在此,我们对老小姐的情况就清楚了,对她之前的变态行为也理解了。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. No matter how much thinking you do in advance, you may feel overwhelmed if testing shows that you have an abnormal breast cancer gene. 如果测试显示你有异常的乳腺癌基因,不论之前有多少思想准备,你都会深受打击。 www.bing.com 7. He did not lose consciousness, and initial tests showed nothing abnormal, said a statement released by the president's office. 来自总统办公室的一份声明说,他没有失去知觉,最初的检查没有发现异常。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Heat wave will not subside soon, is expected to abnormal high temperature will continue a week or two. 热浪短期内还不会消退,预料反常的高温将持续一、二周。 www.englishtang.com 9. The coincident rate between the result of patients with abnormal cytology and that of pathological diagnosis was high (P05). 细胞学阳性者与病理活检诊断结果符合率均较高(P0.05)。 www.21mishu.com 10. In catheter ablation procedures, doctors attempt to identify locations of abnormal electrical activity in the heart. 在导管消融过程中,医生尝试识别心脏中异常电活动的位置。 pat365.com 1. Though they're statistically abnormal, startup founders seem to be working in a way that's more natural for humans. 创业者生活得虽自在,却不规律,然而他们的日子好像更贴近自然法则一些。 www.bing.com 2. "Still think it's abnormal? " I asked. She did not. And then she did me, again; but this time all on her own. “还觉得这不正常吗?”我问到。她当然不觉得了。然后她又让我达到了高潮,这次完全是她自己做的。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. That if the symptom being pregnant has leucorrhea is abnormal , the body aches slightly all over , the temperature rises status? 怀孕的症状有没有白带异常,身体全身发酸,体温升高的状况? www.showxiu.com 4. One of the factors affected the result of chromosome automatic analysis system is the abnormal chromosome detection and processing. 影响染色体自动分析系统效果的主要因素之一是畸形染色体的自动检测与处理。 terms.shengwuquan.com 5. Followed by vaginal examination to see whether the vaginal malformations, vaginal inflammation, abnormal vaginal discharge. 其次是阴道检查,看看有无阴道畸形、阴道炎症、白带异常。 www.xiami360.com 6. Method: Is poisoned to a wormwood sends the heart rate abnormal patient to carry on the prompt anti-heart rate abnormal treatment. 方法:对一支蒿中毒致心率失常患者进行及时的抗心率失常治疗。 www.jylw.com 7. That's not abnormal for a youngster. Young people all seem to be crazy about such things. 这对年轻人来说没什么不正常的。看起来他们对这些东西都非常感兴趣。 wenku.baidu.com 8. A woman who did not marry was thought to be inferior and abnormal. 一个不结婚的女人会被视为不正常或低人一等。 www.hxen.com 9. The air around is abnormal dull, this allows me to stand to enter a brief meditation state, for feeling around the information field. 四周的空气异常沉闷,这倒方便了我站着进入短暂的冥思态,去感觉周围的信息场。 www.sciencenet.cn 10. thus, trajectory of object is an important feature and can be effectively used for detecting abnormal events. 因此,物体的轨迹是一个重要的特徵,可有效地用来侦测异常事件。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. The important networks don't function as well because "there are these abnormal retained connections all over the place, " Muller says. 这些脑部的重要连接不工作的主要原因在于“患儿脑袋里满是那些被保持下来的异常的连接”Muller说。 www.bing.com 2. Conclusions: Hysterectomy is an effective procedure for abnormal uterine hemorrhage, but the time of operation should be considered. 结论:孕产妇急症子宫切除对不能控制的子宫出血是行之有效的措施,但应把握手术时机。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. The productive cough of chronic bronchitis is often not regarded as abnormal. 慢性支气管炎的咳痰往往不被认为异常。 dict.wenguo.com 4. I believe that the formation of abnormal costs of the company will result in a significant impact on the need to strengthen control. 笔者认为异常成本的产生对公司将造成重大的影响,必须加强制约。 www.zidir.com 5. Patients taking these drugs are up to three times more likely to die of sudden cardiac death due to an abnormal heart rhythm. 服用这类药物的患者发生心律失常所导致的心脏性猝死的几率高出三倍。 news.dxy.cn 6. During the normal using processing the valve cavity is possible to appear the ash accumulation and cause the valve abnormal. 在使用过程中,阀腔内可能出现积灰现象,导致阀门动作不到位。 www.ch1718.cn 7. Do not use the battery if it gives off an odor, generates heat, becomes discolored or deformed, or appears abnormal in any way. 如果电池发出异味、发热、变形、变色或出现其它任何异常现象时不得使用; bbs.5imx.com 8. Obesity can be defined as an abnormal accumulation of fat in the stores of adipose tissue throughout the body. 肥胖症可以定义为全身脂肪组织储存超过正常量的脂肪。 tieba.baidu.com 9. The first nuclear power plant in Fukushima, said the news of the nuclear power plant normal, not abnormal. 福岛第一核电站的消息说,该核电站正常,没有异常情况。 www.englishtang.com 10. His was a greatness borne out of a work ethic so dynamic and single-minded that the results seem abnormal. 他是职业道德的楷模,朝气蓬勃、一心一意,而结果却出乎意料。 www.mjjcn.com 1. A pacemaker is a small device that doctors place in people with an abnormal heartbeat. 心脏起搏器是医生植入心跳不正常的病人体内的小型装置。 www.kekenet.com 2. The abnormal structure usually appears at the surface layer of nodular iron castings produced by furan-sulfonic acid cured sand mold. 本实验研究查明,当用甲苯磺酸作催化剂的呋喃树脂自硬砂生产稀土镁球铁件时,通常在其铸件表层出现异常组织。 www.dictall.com 3. Trichomoniasis is diagnosed by looking at the abnormal discharge from the sex organs and by examining a sample of it under a microscope. 通过从性器官观察到不正常的脓液和在显微镜下检查到滴虫,便能够诊断。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. I began to fell in love with it, class view, class is looking, progressive abnormal fast. 我开始迷上了它,上课看,下课看,进步异常的快。 www.dota123.com 5. Symptoms include abnormal movements, psychiatric disturbances like depression and a form of dementia. 症状包括不自主的运动、精神紊乱如抑郁和一种痴呆症状。 news.dxy.cn 6. Lymphedema is a medical condition that causes abnormal swelling of the bottom limbs, eventually leading to crippling deformity. 慢性下肢淋巴水肿也称之为象腿症,这种疾病会让下肢肿胀、终至畸形。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Replace the abnormal parts that are not up to standard of the customer requirement book or requirement of the design documents. 保证更换出现异常而不符合用户需求书或设计文件要求的部件; www.china-linguist.com 8. This time, you know already in the abnormal state of the. 这时候,您该知道自己已经处在异常状态下了。 blog.163.com 9. None of those who have had close contact with the infected have shown abnormal symptoms. 目前病例的所有密切接触者均未发现异常症状。 www.bing.com 10. To follow the company warehouse management process to do GR transaction in SAP systems, and generate and submit the abnormal report timely. 遵循公司仓库管理流程,在sap系统中做收料记录,同时及时生成并提交异常报告。 www.u3w.com 1. Even worse is that of these women, one in four experience chronic abdominal pain, infertility or abnormal pregnancy. 更糟的是,四分之一的患者会有慢性腹痛、不孕或不正常怀孕。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. The girls in mind, that shining light of the unusual, abnormal and beautiful, like a pearl issued by the dazzling light. 在女孩的心里,那道光异常的闪亮,异常的美丽,就好像一颗珍珠发出的耀眼之光。 wenwen.soso.com 3. As different blood glucose control before delivery, the rate of abnormal birth weight was no difference. 2. 孕期糖代谢和产前血糖不同,出生体重无统计学差异。 www.fabiao.net 4. abnormal state is divided into a state of emergency and recovery. 异常状态又分为紧急状态和恢复状态。 wenda.tianya.cn 5. This suggests that abnormal metabolism in cancer could also be a consequence of a disrupted circadian clock. 这表明,在癌症的代谢异常也可能是一个破坏生物钟的后果。 www.syyxw.com 6. Abnormal heart excited, I guess few people would know, so out and share with you, so that we long to see! 心情异常激动,我估计没有几个人会知道的,所以拿出来和大家分享,也让大家长长见识! dzh.mop.com 7. Finally, due to abnormal bleeding she consulted me. A pelvic examination revealed an extensive cancer of the cervix. 最终,由于(阴道)异常流血,她到我这里看病。骨盆检查显示广泛性子宫颈癌。 www.dxy.cn 8. i. My boss is a freak, his approaches to problems are always abnormal, but the results turn out to be perfect. 我老板是个怪人,他处理问题的方式通常都很灵类,但结果却出奇的完美。 bbs.ebigear.com 9. This unified value is compared with a threshold to determine whether the session is abnormal. Finally test results are reported. 并用这个值与一个门槛值相比较,以决定是否有异常情况发生,同时给出了一些测试结果。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. The earthquake, before specially the violent earthquake occurs, the general meeting appears. . . 'abnormal phenomena. 地震,特别是强地震发生之前,总会出现…‘些异常现象。 www.7781.org 1. Arteriovenous fistulas are generating abnormal traffic between blood capillary network, across from artery directly into a vein. 动静脉瘘是动静脉之间产生异常交通,使血液越过毛细血管网由动脉直接进入静脉。 uuu120.com 2. The result of study suggests that in patients with primary infertility, the blood flow of ovarian artery is abnormal. 研究结果提示:原发性不孕症患者卵巢动脉供血存在异常。 terms.shengwuquan.com 3. Finally, after the analysis of measured data of two objects, the effectiveness of the method for repair of abnormal data had been verified. 最后对两个目标实物的测量数据进行了分析,结果表明该方法对异常数据的修复是非常有效的。 www.magsci.org 4. Moreover, the Solid-State Disk based on this method can work as a fine resolvent in data recording under the abnormal situation. 利用这种方法设计的固态盘系统为在极限条件下进行大容量数据存储提供了解决方案。 www.asiatest.org 5. Neoplasms are disturbances of growth characterized by an unceasing, abnormal and excessive proliferation of cells. 瘤是细胞生长紊乱引起的,其主要特征是细胞不断地非正常过度增殖。(转译为形容词) www.js120.net 6. It is all the more surprising that so many parents in the world choose to impose such abnormal conditions on their children. 更让人惊讶是世界上竟然有许多家长愿意把这些不正常的条件强加给孩子。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. For me now, there is no doubt: an abnormal event took place at a precise moment in your life. 为我现在,没有疑义:一个反常事件在您的生活中发生了在精确片刻。 wenwen.soso.com 8. Hot Every morning to see whether the equipment inspection workshop, abnormal, if there is abnormal, avoid to handle more big losses. 上班的每天早晨都去车间巡检,看看设备是否有异常,如果发现异常要马上处理,避免更大的损失。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Before a piano is put into use, Its residual sound time needs to be appraised and it should be adjusted to rational range if it is abnormal. 在钢琴投入使用之前,必须鉴别余音时间是否正常并将不正常的值调至合理的范围内。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. The board device can effectively prolong the service life of the air cylinder, and can prevent the abnormal transmission. 本实用新型可有效延长气缸的使用寿命及预防传送异常的发生。 ip.com 1. Something that might be normal in an adult might look abnormal in a child. 某些东西在成人中可能是正常的,但对于儿童可能就不正常。 www.readfree.net 2. If this system is overwhelmed with adrenaline, the heart can go into abnormal rhythms that are not compatible with life. 如果这个系统里的肾上腺素太多,心脏就会出现不适应生命的非正常心率。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. As if only then these abnormal incomplete, the stave thing can cause my a wee bit curiosity. 似乎只有那些畸形的残缺的,破碎的东西才能引起我的一丁点的好奇心。 dict.kekenet.com 4. Conclusion: The side effects of clozapine (eg. abnormal EEG) is associated with it's increase of blood level. 结论:氯氮平副反应(如脑电图异常)与血药浓度的增加有关。 d.wanfangdata.com.cn 5. During digital examination of the rectum, the doctor inserts a gloved finger into the rectum to feel for abnormal growths. 在直肠指检过程中,医生会用戴着手套的手指插入到患者直肠来感觉是否有异常增长。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Methods 45 cases of pleural effusion were examined by thoracoscopy, biopsy took place in the abnormal pleurae under thoracoscopy. 方法45例胸腔积液行胸腔镜检查,直视下取病变组织行病理检查。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Proliferative retinopathy: * is a new abnormal vessels in the retina surface, or the optic nerve in the beginning of a period of the nipple. 增殖性视网膜病变:*乃新生的异常血管在视网膜表面,或在视神经乳头开始生长的时期。 uzmart.com 8. Well-trained operators who are prepared to handle abnormal operating situations can significantly reduce costly plant trips. 经过很好训练的操作员能处理异常的操作情况,可明显减少维修费用。 1718china.org.cn 9. Blood test circumstance, content having a department is abnormal, the doctor says is to have phlogistic card, how should handle? 验血情况,有部内容不正常,医生说是有炎证,应该怎么处理?。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Other parts of the body may also appear numb and may feel abnormal or even paraplegia. 身体其他部位也可能呈现麻木,还可能觉得异常,以至半身不遂。 www.35cai.com 1. Blood test circumstance, content having a department is abnormal, the doctor says is to have phlogistic card, how should handle? 验血情况,有部内容不正常,医生说是有炎证,应该怎么处理?。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Other parts of the body may also appear numb and may feel abnormal or even paraplegia. 身体其他部位也可能呈现麻木,还可能觉得异常,以至半身不遂。 www.35cai.com 3. If anything looks abnormal, the doctor will measure the extent of your visual field by a painless method called perimetry. 如果有什么看起来异常,医生会让你做无痛性的视野检查来测量你视野的范围。 www.bddyyy.com.cn 4. The abnormal rate of electrocardiograms for hemorrhagic cerebral apoplexy was 86. 49%, and that of ischemic cerebral apoplexy was 72. 15%. 出血性脑卒中组心电图异常率为86。49%,缺血性脑卒中组心电图异常率为72。15%。 terms.shengwuquan.com 5. An abnormal condition in which calcium salts are deposited in a part or tissue of the body. 钙质沉着钙盐沉积于体内某一部件或组织的不正常状况。 www.godict.com 6. Moreover, regardless of that the Earth is warming or cooling, the current climate is not too abnormal! 而且,不论地球是在变暖还是在变冷,现在的天气还不算太异常哩! www.elanso.com 7. When the MLL switch is broken, white blood cells do not mature properly, resulting in a dangerous proliferation of abnormal cells. 当MLL开关被破坏后,白细胞就无法正常成熟,并导致一种危险地非正常细胞的增殖。 news.dxy.cn 8. abnormal sound of motorcycle engine expert system is an advanced diagnosis system . it has wide application foreground and developed value. 摩托车异响专家系统是一种先进的诊断系统,有广阔的应用前景和开发价值。 www.ichacha.net 9. But, in the end, 1976 turned out to have a relatively low number of quakes. It was just that an abnormal number hit populated areas. 然而到最后,1976年却是地震次数相对较少的一年,只是袭击人口密集地区的地震异常多而已。 dongxi.net 10. If so, there could be a familial genetic disorder called fragile X, in which a certain portion of the X chromosome is abnormal. 如果有,那么你很可能有脆弱X基因的家族遗传病。也就是X基因的一部分是异常的。 news.dxy.cn 1. If so, there could be a familial genetic disorder called fragile X, in which a certain portion of the X chromosome is abnormal. 如果有,那么你很可能有脆弱X基因的家族遗传病。也就是X基因的一部分是异常的。 news.dxy.cn 2. Abnormal values of these geologic targets depends on the role of conductivity and electrochemical effects. 而这些异常值主要取决于地质目标体的导电性作用及电化学作用。 www.fabiao.net 3. "I think we need to revisit the definitions of 'abnormal' labor, and the timing of the interventions that we use, " she said. 她说,“我们应该重新定义‘异常分娩’的含义,并且斟酌什么时候采用催产素,或实施剖宫产。” www.bing.com 4. The abnormal ECG was more common with myocardial ischemia, prolonged QT and sinus tachycardia. 异常心电图中以心肌缺血、Q-T延长、窦性心动过速多见。 www.bing.com 5. Certain brain regions, such as the frontal lobe and amygdala, seem to have abnormal growth patterns. 论文指出,某些大脑区域,如:前额叶和杏仁核等,似乎呈现出不正常的发育态势。 www.bing.com 6. One of the most challenging topics for radiologists is congenital anomalies arising from abnormal embryogenesis of the branchial apparatus. 其中一个最富有挑战性的议题放射是先天性异常胚胎发育异常引起的鳃器具。 www.syyxw.com 7. There have been many studies to determine the best cutoff levels for tumor markers to differentiate between normal and abnormal values. 为了提高诊断正确率,大量医学研究集中于探讨肿瘤标志物正常值与非正常值的合适划分,即确定分割点。 www3.chkd.cnki.net 8. However, no significant correlation was observed between the existence of coronary aneurysms and abnormal myocardial perfusion. 然而,冠状动脉瘤之病变与冠状动脉心肌灌注之异常并没有统计上之明显相关性。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Is not me, I just have no this kind of habit and besides do so absolutely is an abnormal condition! 不是我,我才没有这种嗜好,何况这么做简直就是变态嘛! www.cpubbs.com 10. Japanese health officials found abnormal amounts of a radioactive substance in spinach and milk grown in areas near the plant. 日本卫生官员发现,福岛第一核电站附近区域菠菜和牛奶中的放射性物质含量超标。 chinese.wsj.com 1. Japanese health officials found abnormal amounts of a radioactive substance in spinach and milk grown in areas near the plant. 日本卫生官员发现,福岛第一核电站附近区域菠菜和牛奶中的放射性物质含量超标。 chinese.wsj.com 2. Other studies have shown that nicotine may help to have attention deficit of the activities of abnormal number of children. 其它的研究表明,尼古丁可能有助于有注意力缺陷的活动异常多的儿童。 wenwen.soso.com 3. However, we must remember that such a truth: When a new idea has been accepted by the old form, the results often appear abnormal. 但是,我们必须记住这样一个真理:当一种新的观念被旧的形式所接纳时,结果往往会出现反常。 jztu.5d6d.com 4. A pacemaker is a small device that's placed under the skin of your chest or abdomen to help control abnormal heart rhythms. 心脏起搏器是安置在胸腹处来帮助控制异常的心率的小装置。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. When the joint is put in an abnormal position, bubbles of these gasses are rapidly released which causes the cracking noise. 当关节错位时,这些气体会迅速释放出来,发出啦啦的声响。 www.bing.com 6. Electrosurgery is a surgical technique in which high-frequency, low_voltage electrical energy may be used to excise abnormal tissue. 电外科学是一种可能使用高频率,低电压的电能来切除异常的肉芽组织的外科技术。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. The experimental results show that the various parts of structural response is smooth, without any abnormal phenomenon. 实验结果表明,结构各部位反应平稳,无任何异常现象发生,实桥结构的动力性能良好。 www.caesv.cn 8. Dupuytren's disease is an abnormal thickening of the tissue just beneath the skin known as fascia. 杜普征氏掌挛缩是称为肌膜的皮下组织异常增厚。 www.youliv.com 9. Suddenly, certain brutish behaviors that used to be overlooked were exiled as abnormal. 突然之间,那些过去常常被忽视的野蛮的行为都被视为不正常。 www.bing.com 10. There was no depression of breath or abnormal hemorrhage in group P. P组无呼吸抑制、伤口异常出血等严重不良反应。 www.bing.com 1. There was no depression of breath or abnormal hemorrhage in group P. P组无呼吸抑制、伤口异常出血等严重不良反应。 www.bing.com 2. The best enlightened range of coordination capability was the abnormal class, the obstacle class, and the common class. 协调性能力的进步幅度以异常等级最佳,障碍等级次之、普通等级较差。 3. Tests revealed Tarun was suffering from Noonans Syndrome, a genetic disorder that causes abnormal development of parts of the body. 化验显示,塔伦患有怒南综合症,一种导致身体部位不正常发育的遗传性失调。 dongxi.net 4. Finally, we made a diagnosis for abnormal wear of tyres as example, which validated that the method was better than the conventional ones. 以轮胎异常磨损的诊断为例,验证了该方法具有良好的应用前景。 www.magsci.org 5. The results show that the causes of the fracture are the abnormal graphite nodulizing, and shrinkage, slag inclusion and normalizing cracks. 结果表明,零件断裂的原因是缩孔和夹渣等铸造缺陷、组织球化不良以及存在正火裂纹。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Toyota, Nissan, Honda and Mazda said separately Thursday that abnormal inflation of passenger-side airbags was the reason for the recall. 丰田、日产、本田和马自达星期四分别表示,副驾驶一侧的气袋存在充气不正常问题,因此需要召回。 www.bing.com 7. Childhood brain tumors are a diverse group of diseases characterized by the abnormal growth of tissue contained within the skull. 童年大脑瘤是一以在头颅内包含的组织的异常的发展为特点的疾病的完全不同的组。 www.tzhealth.com 8. Until now, it was not clear why the disease only affects nerve cells and how the abnormal protein agglutination is triggered. 直到现在位置,人们不清楚为什么这种病只涉及到神经细胞、正常蛋白凝集又是如何触发的。 news.dxy.cn 9. Increasing fatness is the result of a normal response, by normal people, to an abnormal situation. 不断上升的体重是正常人对不正常情况的正常反应。 club.topsage.com 10. Conclusions: The main causes of the failure are the stone migrations , tortuous or narrow ureters and abnormal opening of the ureters. 结论:结石回漂入肾盂、输尿管扭曲或狭窄、输尿管开口异常是手术失败的主要原因。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Conclusions: The main causes of the failure are the stone migrations , tortuous or narrow ureters and abnormal opening of the ureters. 结论:结石回漂入肾盂、输尿管扭曲或狭窄、输尿管开口异常是手术失败的主要原因。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Shrinking away from death is something unhealthy and abnormal which robs the second half of life of its purpose. 对死亡的回避是不健康和异常的,它使生命第二阶段失去目标。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The money only knows spends, does not know the deposit, is also abnormal. 钱只知道花用,不知道储蓄,也是畸形。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Conclusion Psychological abnormal practice nurses tend to have the personality of using psychological recovery mechanism of "flinch" . 结论:心理异常的实习护士具有过多采用退缩型心理防御机制的个性特征。 www.bing.com 5. It is the current research direction to set up the neural network expert system of judging the abnormal state of blast furnace . 因此探索建立神经网络高炉异常炉况判断专家系统是当前的研究方向。 www.fabiao.net 6. Southwest is where the concentration period comes earliest and the concentration degree is relatively weak and easily to be abnormal. 西南地区则是集中期最早、集中度相对最差且易发生异常的地区。 www.fabiao.net 7. The spatial distribution changes are found in the intensity and range of abnormal centers of these teleconnection patterns. 空间分布的变化既体现在遥相关正负异常中心的强度上,也体现在正、负异常的范围上; www.dqkxqk.ac.cn 8. Do not know it is normal or abnormal. 也不知道是正常还是不正常。 word.hcbus.com 9. There is no unusual noise in motor during the progress of changing over the load and on abnormal heat generating in control resistance box. 确保在改变载荷过程中发动机没有不正常噪音,在控制抗阻箱中无反常热量产生。 bbs1.81tech.com 10. The heat is abnormal for this time of the year. 今年这个时候这么热真是奇怪。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. The heat is abnormal for this time of the year. 今年这个时候这么热真是奇怪。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. "Fat makes extra hormones, which lead to extra cell activity and extra abnormal cell activity, " she said. 脂肪产生额外的激素,这又引起额外的细胞活性和额外的不正常的细胞活性,她说。 news.dxy.cn 3. The application shows that the system which has abnormal data detection system can provide high quality personalized service. 实际应用表明,添加了异常数据检测系统的垂直搜索引擎,能够为用户提供更高质量的个性化服务。 www.fabiao.net 4. Results Velocity decrement and wave form alterations were shown in abnormal segmental movements in the CAD group. 结果冠心病组可检出运动异常节段,表现为速度的降低和波形的改变。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Abnormal thrilling game, can escape adversity, harsh environment survival depends on your ability! 游戏惊险异常,能否逃出困境,在恶劣环境中生存下来就看你本事了! 4455.cc 6. Although the findings go sour, however investors intend to obtain abnormal return; the specialized knowledge still must to be promoted. 虽然研究结果令人有些失望,但投资人想获得超额利润,仍需在专业知识上有所提升。 www.cetd.com.tw 7. Mental disorder : Any illness with a psychological origin, manifested either in symptoms of emotional distress or in abnormal Behaviour. 精神疾患:任何有关心理原因的病症,外在表现为情绪失调症候群或异常行为。 dict.veduchina.com 8. The Dashboard will be expanded to other units in a drive to turn abnormal situations into profit opportunities. 仪表板扩展到驱动中的其他单元,把异常环境变成有利的机遇。 www.gongkong.com 9. Methods Electrocardiographic examination were used in all patients. Main abnormal electrocardiogram signs was compared and analyzed. 方法对所有患者行常规心电图检查,对主要心电图异常表现进行分析。 www.bing.com 10. If sling are to be used in chemically abnormal atmospheres or in constant high temperatures, then seek confirmation of advice before use. 如果吊带用于非正常的化学环境中或用于持续的高温条件下,使用前应征求确认建议。 sinohse.com 1. If sling are to be used in chemically abnormal atmospheres or in constant high temperatures, then seek confirmation of advice before use. 如果吊带用于非正常的化学环境中或用于持续的高温条件下,使用前应征求确认建议。 sinohse.com 2. In case of abnormal noise excessive vibrancy during the running, it is necessary to stop the machine immediately to checkremove the faults. 运转过程中,如发现异常噪声或过大振动应立即停机检查,排除故障。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. As he was carrying out the experiment , he found something abnormal . 正当他在做试验时,他发现情况有些不常。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Heterotopia, simply defined, means a collection of neurons in an abnormal location, due to an arrest in migration. 灰质异位,简单的定义就是由于迁移障碍导致神经元位于异常的部位。 www.dxyer.cn 5. Most of the police is collapsed abnormal blood pressure, nothing to do with the weather. 多数晕倒的警察也是血压异常,与天气无关。 www.englishtang.com 6. In this process, the main jet engine anti-abnormal, leading to "dawn" was not enough, and Venus pass slow, failed to enter orbit. 在此过程中,主引擎反喷射出现异常,导致“拂晓”号减速不够与金星擦肩而过,未能进入预定轨道。 www.englishtang.com 7. Disease. This is the point at which an abnormal condition within the host impairs normal physiologic functioning. 疾病。指宿主体内的异常状况已削弱正常生理机能的阶段。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Conclusion The detection rate of abnormal changes of wind wheel tends to increase along with the development of liver depression symptoms. 结论随肝郁气滞证患者症候的发展,风轮形态异常检出率有增加趋势。 terms.shengwuquan.com 9. Accordingly, we and other scientists are working to understand the mechanisms that underlie abnormal vessel growth. 因此,我们两人和其他的科学家正致力于了解血管不正常生长的机制为何。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 10. So far, this is only a correlation. Scientists have not shown that abnormal eIF2a activity causes memory loss. 迄今,仅仅知道这两者之间存在一种相关度,但科学家尚未证明异常的eIF2a活动导致记忆丧失。 www.america.gov 1. The heat transfer behavior of nanofluids has many abnormal properties compared with conventional fluids. 纳米流体热导率实验表明了纳米流体具有不同于常规流体的导热特性。 www.chemyq.com 2. MR imaging of an anterior cruciate ligament tear demonstrates absence, abnormal signal or course of the anterior cruciate ligament. 前交叉韧带撕裂伤在磁共振上常常表现为前交叉韧带的信号异常或消失。 www.xctmr.com 3. Some of the sources of business-driven abnormal situations include fluctuating energy costs, deregulation and changes in product demand. 一些商业驱动的异常环境的来源包括在产品销路好时能量成本波动、异常和变化。 www.gongkong.com 4. The good news, Fan said, is that the neural stem cells in their study did not share any abnormal characteristics associated with cancer. 好消息是,樊国平说,这项研究中的神经干细胞没有任何与癌症相关的不正常特性。 news.dxy.cn 5. After all, we are able to take some management measures to keep the abnormal capital inflows from taking a detour when it actually happens. 在绕道而行的时候,我们毕竟可以采取一些管理措施,尽可能地防止这种行为发生。 www.ecocn.org 6. Some of the most violent children tend to have grossly abnormal electroencephalograms. 某些最暴力的小孩,经脑电图检查,发现其脑波活动非常不正常。 www.rrting.com 7. The next few days, abnormal weather will gradually move east. 接下来几天,异常气候将渐渐往东迁移。 www.englishtang.com 8. In this case, we differentiate the expected from the abnormal, or at least the noteworthy. 在此情况下,我们将预期更改与异常更改(或者至少为值得注意的更改)进行了区分。 www.ibm.com 9. The only 'abnormal' characteristic of BIID sufferers is the compelling urge to amputate or paralyze their limbs. BIID患者唯一的特征一种强迫性的冲动使他们截肢或者麻痹他们的躯体。 www.elanso.com 10. The method of spectrum correlation contrast was used for examination of abnormal data. 利用谱相关对比法对原始谱数据进行数据异常检测。 www.71155.com 1. The method of spectrum correlation contrast was used for examination of abnormal data. 利用谱相关对比法对原始谱数据进行数据异常检测。 www.71155.com 2. Preimplantation genetic testing for chromosomal translocations is able to distinguish between chromosomally normal and abnormal embryos. 染色体易位植入前基因检测能够区分正常和异常染色体的胚胎。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Results The angiographic appearance of 16 cases were local abnormal vessels, extravasation of the contrast medium and pseudoaneurysm. 结果:16例患者血管造影表现为局部异常血管、造影剂外溢及假性动脉瘤; www.chemyq.com 4. Good, this is abnormal, the money only knows takes corruptly, does not know the donation, is abnormal. 不错,这都是畸形,钱只知道贪取,不知道布施,是畸形。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Results Endoscopic manometry was the gold standard for distinguishing normal motility from the abnormal. 结果内镜测压术是临床上鉴别奥狄氏括约肌正常和异常运动的金标准; dictsearch.appspot.com 6. abnormal We do not think such an abnormal phenomenon will last long. 我们认为这样的反常现象不会持续很久。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. cutting the abnormal section with a die to recycle the flexible flat cable to be scrapped. 冲切掉所述异常段,以回收利用该待报废软排线。 ip.com 8. The checking work must assign on an abnormal sector of an area, merge the quality checking and abnormal checking. 检查工作量应布置在有电提取离子法异常的地段上,把质量检查和异常检查合并。 www.dictall.com 9. Limitation of movement, regardless of the underlying cause, can result in a particular pattern of abnormal fetal morphogenesis. 限制运动,无论的根本原因,可能会导致在一个特定的模式异常胎儿形态。 www.syyxw.com 10. Do production planning, production arrangements, tracking the progress of the production, processing production of abnormal situation. 做生产计划,安排生产,追踪生产进度,处理生产中的异常状况。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. To explore the pattern, lesion location and cause of abnormal blood flow of posterior circulation assessed by Doppler ultrasonography. 目的探讨多普勒超声评估后循环血流异常的类型、病变部位及产生原因。 www.zhlnxnxg.com.cn 2. On the background of abnormal climate, the impact of the extreme weather events on agriculture must be attached importance to. 在气候异常背景下应特别重视极端天气事件对农业的影响。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. One characteristic symptom of nephritis is edema which an abnormal accumulation of fluids in the body tissues or cavities. 肾炎的一个突出症状是水肿,这意味着身体组织或本腔内出现液体不正常的积蓄。 wenku.baidu.com 4. Cervical factor infertility is suggested when welltimed PCTs are consistently abnormal in the presence of a normal semen analysis. 如果时间选择合适的性交后试验持续异常而精液分析正常时就要考虑宫颈因素引起的不孕。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. MVD status achieve the monitoring of abnormal state of alarm, the system data acquisition. 实现对MVD状态监测、状态异常报警、系统数据采集。 www.chuandong.com 6. The epilepsy is an abnormal discharge of brain neurons form of the disease. 而癫痫正是一种大脑神经元异常放电形成的疾病。 www.106jsw.com 7. If there arises any abnormal temperature (unusual noises, vibration) , it is necessary to stop the machine and investigate the cause. 如果产生不正常的温升(异常噪音、振动),必须停车查明原因。 bbs.ebigear.com 8. Results show that this model can detect abnormal data packets well, and has a better self adaptability. 实验结果表明,该模型可以较好地检测异常的网络数据包,具有较好的自适应性。 9. though, by the way, there are found in the sea some few bloodless creatures of abnormal size, as in the case of certain molluscs. 尽管,顺便一提,在海洋里发现了少数反常尺寸的动物,如同某些软体动物的情况。 blog.zikao365.com 10. Some experts question the need to treat DCIS at all, since the abnormal growths usually pose no long-term risks. 因为这种肿瘤非正常生长通常并不显示出长期的风险,一些专家质疑原位导管癌(DCIS)是否需要治疗。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. And who has no chest pains or abnormal blood counts, but sleeps a lot and often feels tired. 一个没有胸痛也没有一些异常的血液指数,但是却常常睡不醒常常感觉疲惫不堪。 knowledge.yahoo.com.cn 2. Abnormal chromosome-related malformations mainly included multi-malformation, heart malformation, fetal edema and digestive malformation. 与染色体异常有关的畸形主要包括多发畸形、心脏畸形、胎儿水肿、消化道畸形等。 www.301xuebao.com.cn 3. This support should be rigid and of sufficient strength to prevent "wind-up, " deflection or transfer of abnormal loads to the valve. 这个支撑应该是坚固的,并且有足够的强度防止“卷曲”、偏移或转移不正常负载到阀门上。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Patients with an abnormal PCT should be screened for an infectious etiology. PCT异常的患者需排除传染性的病因。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Amitosis was considered only to exist in lower plants, or abnormal in higher plants, accidental form of the cell division. 无丝分裂常被人们认为是只存在于低等植物中,是高等植物中不正常的或偶然见到的细胞分裂方式。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. His government would use "extraordinary means" to deal with "an abnormal criminal problem" , he declared. 他宣布,他的政府将采取“非常之手段”来解决“异常严峻之犯罪状况”。 www.bing.com 7. They found that fasting plasma glucose (FPG) failed to detect a substantial proportion of patients with abnormal glucose tolerance (AGR). 他们发现空腹血糖(FPG)不能检出糖耐量异常(AGR)患者的真实比例。 dict.ebigear.com 8. A persistent, abnormal, or irrational fear of a specific thing or situation that compels one to avoid the feared stimulus. 恐惧症对某一特定事物或情况持续的、不正常的或不合情理的恐惧,以致于要避开这些引起恐惧的刺激物 dict.ebigear.com 9. I watched Zhang instructors go out and abnormal heart trouble, get out of the house to another in search of packet tea. 我看着张指导员走了出去,心里异常的烦闷,就走出屋子去另一个包间找红袖。 bbs.renyu.net 10. Some rare or more complex abnormal karyotypes, its pathogenesis and clinical symptoms remains to be studied. 一些少见的或者较为复杂的染色体核型变异,其发生机理和临床症状有待进一步研究。 www.fabiao.net 1. Objective To investigate the state of abnormal composition of hemoprotein in myelodysplastic syndrome. 目的探讨骨髓增生异常综合征的患者血红蛋白合成异常的情况。 www.39kf.com 2. Abnormal climate and irrational human activities were the major reason of these changes. 地质勘探活动是人类改造自然获取财富的主要活动之一。 www.bing.com 3. Her miserable childhood didn't cause her to become some abnormal girl. 她苦难的童年并没有使她变得不正常。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Edward unsociable and eccentric , is given to capricious moods originally with regard to the character, psychology is a little bit abnormal. 爱德华本来就性格孤僻,喜怒无常,心态有点不正常。 club.qingdaonews.com 5. Conclusion Order fractional analysis methods for the diagnosis of fetal heart system, exact abnormal structure are of great value. 结论顺序节段分析思路对于系统、确切诊断胎儿心脏结构异常有重要价值。 www.bing.com 6. So the main cause of abnormal high pressures is still the invasion of external liquid into closed formations. 因此,大多数地层的异常高压依然是外来流体的侵入造成的。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. And then it gives the blocking rate of crowd in both normal scenes and abnormal scenes, which confirms the validity of this argument. 随后对含有突发人群聚集现象的场景和正常高密度人群场景的人群阻塞率进行了对比,由此证实了该参数的有效性。 www.fabiao.net 8. bilateral annex has no obvious abnormal mass. 双侧附件暂未见明显异常肿块 zhidao.baidu.com 9. After watching this video, I felt stunningly shocked and considerably worried about certain abnormal developmental trend of our society. 看完以后,我感到无比的惊愕,不禁为我们这个社会的某种变态发展趋势感到忧心。 www.ebigear.com 10. Results: There were no other abnormal reaction except for the decreasing spontaneous activity of the mice, and all the mice survived. 结果:小鼠灌胃后除自发性活动减少外,未见其他异常反应,全部存活。 secwww.lzmc.edu.cn 1. Too little, and the abnormal signals will not be blocked; too much, and serious damage could be caused to nearby organs. 热量太少的话便不能阻止异常信号;但是太多的时候,又极可能会对附近的器官造成严重损伤。 www.ecocn.org 2. Background: Patellofemoral pain syndrome is one of the most common knee problems and may be related to abnormal patellar tracking. 背景知识概要:髌股关节疼痛综合症是最常见的膝关节病变之一,可能和异常的髌骨轨迹有关。 www.oaopdoc.com 3. During running, stop it at once when noise or other abnormal sound is heard to find the cause and settle it. 运转过程中,如发现噪声或其他不正常的声音时,应立即停车,检查其原因,加以消除。 www.china-pump.org 4. Conclusion A portion of the balanced chromosomal translocation individuals have abnormal phenotypes with mental retardation. 结论部分染色体平衡易位个体有异常表型伴智力低下,对智力低下患者可作染色体核型分析。 terms.shengwuquan.com 5. In this paper the annealed structure and its grade of bearing steel with abnormal original structure have been studied. 本文研究了非正常原始组织的轴承钢,退火后的组织及其评级问题。 www.chemyq.com 6. Finally, incorporating horizontal well pressure and temperature abnormal point, the water production interval could be confirmed. 最后综合压力异常和温度异常的特点来判断水平井段的出水层位。 lib.swpu.edu.cn 7. Abnormal levels of blood cholesterol and of triglycerides are powerful risk factors for heart disease. 血液胆固醇与甘油三酸酯水平的异常是心脏病的强力危险因素。 www.360doc.com 8. Conclusion Cerebral hemodynamic status is still abnormal in patients with migraineurs without aura during intermittent stage. 结论无先兆型偏头痛患者间歇期脑血流动力学仍处于异常状态。 www.js120.net 9. Pain synaesthesia may be a symptom of an abnormal, ongoing hypervigilance. 疼痛联觉可以说是一种非正常的、持续性的过度警觉的表现。 www.bing.com 10. Shanbei slope is oil, natural gas, coal and abnormal CBM exploration areas of comprehensive, and a well can explore more. 陕北斜坡是石油、天然气、煤和非常规煤层气综合勘探的地区,并可一井多探; stae.com.cn 1. Effectively avoid the sudden opening of the door cover caused by misuse under abnormal conditions. 有效的避免因误操作引起的非正常状态下的门盖突发开启。 www.zyzhan.com 2. A voltage regulator is provided in which an abnormal operation of an overcurrent protection circuit is prevented. 本发明披露了一种在其内可以避免过电流保护电路出现非正常运行的调压器。 www.patent114.com 3. It has played an important role that the abnormal expression of SNAIL gene in gynecologic carcinoma invasion and metastasis. SNAIL基因表达异常在妇科肿瘤侵袭和转移中担当了重要的角色。 lib.cqvip.com 4. Anger can strangle blood flow in the heart and lead to abnormal heart rhythms, and has been linked to an increased risk of heart disease. 愤怒阻碍心脏内部的血液流动,导致心率失常,增大心脏病发病的风险。 www.bamaol.com 5. Destination: For the preliminary optimization of acupuncture therapeutic regimen on abnormal tension of muscle after cerebral infarction. 目的:对脑梗死肌张力异常针刺治疗方案进行初步优选。 paper.pet2008.cn 6. Conclusion The main reason for abnormal catheter removal are catheter heterotopia and miss top end of catheter. . . 结论导管异位或尖端未达到中心静脉是导致导管非正常拔管的主要原因。 www.chemyq.com 7. Does abnormal, bedlamite have cerebra of neuropathic, discontinuity why to be distinguished? 神经病、间断性大脑不正常、疯子有何区别? dictsearch.appspot.com 8. No abnormal noise and vibration during no load test. Lubrication and seal is in a good condition. No loosen bolts. 空载运转时应无异常振动和噪声,润滑和密封正常,各处螺栓不得有松动现象 wenku.baidu.com 9. Fish abnormal curved while unilateral kidneys began to swell. 鱼体异常弯曲,同时单侧肾脏开始肿大。 task.zhubajie.com 10. fifty percent of the , subjects knew that abnormal triglyceride and cholesterol levels could adversely affect one ' s health status. 在严重性认知方面,两组中约有五成表示血清三酸甘油酯或胆固醇异常时对健康会有影响。 www.ichacha.net 1. Due to the geological condition changes and abnormal earth magnetism behavior, some abnormal deviations happened with the MWD device. 在对接井施工过程中,由于出现了地磁变化异常和地质条件变化,致使MWD导向系统出现了一定偏差。 www.chemyq.com 2. Most criminals surely suffer from an unhealthy and abnormal desire to cause displeasure in their victims. 大多数罪犯肯定都在遭受一种想要让受害者痛苦的不健康、不正常的欲望折磨。 www.ftchinese.com 3. This paper try to discuss "distention and stuffiness" symptoms pathogenesis by the abnormal movements of Yin and Yang of six aspects. 试以阴阳升降失常的角度从六方面论述“痞”证的病机。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 4. The model tests signal data to identify a hazardous area, only the abnormal antigens within the hazardous area would arouse alarm. 该模型使用信号数据的检测结果先确定一个危险区域,只有危险区域内的异常抗原数据才会引起报警。 www.13191.com 5. Study on the relationship between abnormal endometrorrhagia and estrogen, progestogen level and its receptor. 异常子宫出血与雌孕激素水平及其受体关系的研究。 www.ilib.cn 6. End of data analysis will return, if it is abnormal data, the cell will be highlighted. 系统分析完会返回数据,如果是数据异常,此单元格会突出显示。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. Fetoscopic laser surgery is a direct approach to try to stop transfusion in the abnormal arteriovenous connection. 激光治疗书是一种直接阻断胚胎之间非正常动脉静脉之间输血的手术。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Both vaccines also appeared to prevent abnormal, precancerous cell growths found in the cervix, he says. 他表示,两种疫苗似乎都能防止子宫颈内不正常、尚未成癌的细胞生长。 www.med66.com 9. Myopia (nearsightedness) is an abnormal elongation of the eye, causing distant objects to appear blurred. 近视是视力不正常的伸长,使远距离的物体模糊不清。 www.bing.com 10. do not think We such an abnormal phenomenon will last long. 反常的,不正常的我们认为这样的反常现象不会持续很久。 wenku.baidu.com 1. Biology: Some mental illnesses have been linked to an abnormal balance of special chemicals in the brain called neurotransmitters. 生物学特性:有些心理疾病已被链接到一个名为神经递质异常平衡大脑中的特殊化学品。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Both men and women had a higher risk of abnormal cholesterol and men with high body fat were more likely to develop high blood pressure. 胆固醇含量异常的风险无论男女都要更高,而高脂肪男子患高血压的几率则更高。 c.wsj.com 3. This intertexture of abnormal humanity and death narrative is a rewriting of the old themes of "incest" , "revenge" and "destruction" . 这部人性畸态和死亡叙事交织建构的文本是对“乱伦”、“复仇”和“毁灭”母题的重新抒写。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. Equipment used to test for the detection of abnormal and normal lenses and lens samples compared to the following result. 用测试工装对检测有异常的镜头与样品正常的镜头做对比,结果如下。 www.cy90.com 5. Objective: To explore the causes, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of the uterine incision abnormal healing after caesarian section. 目的:探讨剖宫产术后子宫切口愈合不良的相关因素、诊治方法、预防措施。 www.dictall.com 6. If that first test suggests abnormal cholesterol levels, a fasting cholesterol test would be recommended. 如果初步检查表明胆固醇水平不正常,然后再建议进行禁食的胆固醇检测。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Several neuroimaging studies have also demonstrated abnormal activation of the anterior cingulate cortex in subjects with bulimia. 几项神经影像研究也表明贪食症人群的前扣带回皮层活动异常。 www.bing.com 8. Chemotherapeutic drugs were used, singly and then in increasingly lethal combinations to try to destroy all abnormal cells. 化疗药物也试验过,一开始是单一药物,然后慢慢地试验致死性药物组合去消灭所有不正常的细胞。 www.ecocn.org 9. Conclusion Alteration of intestinal flora existed in abnormal parts of ulcerative colitis bowel. 结论溃疡性结肠炎患者病变肠段存在肠道菌群失调。 lib.cqvip.com 10. Debug the valve when the installation is over. The valve can be put into using if there is no abnormal condition. 安装完毕后,试运行阀门,无异常现象方可投入使用。 www.jzvalve.com.cn |
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