单词 | ABN. |
释义 | 例句释义: 异常 1. However, they said the deal would give Barclays a credible exit strategy if it were to walk away from ABN. 但他们表示,如果巴克莱想退出荷兰银行交易的话,此举将给巴克莱提供一个可信的退出战略。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The sale of the assets would be also be a step in unwinding the bank's partial acquisition of ABN Amro. 出售资产可能也是苏格兰皇家银行消化部分收购荷兰银行交易结果的一项举措。 www.bing.com 3. Through a smart bit of asset flipping, it was the only bank that profited from the ill-fated takeover of ABN Amro, a Dutch bank, in 2007. 2007年,桑坦德同许多公司一道收购了荷兰银行ABNAmro,并经明智的资产转手倒卖,成为保持盈利的一枝独秀。 club.topsage.com 4. People familiar with the matter do not expect the deal with HSBC to be affected by the ABN Amro China investigation. 知情人士不认为与汇丰的交易会受到荷银中国调查事件的影响。 www.ftchinese.com 5. It was an important step by ABN Amro Group towards the legal merger of Fortis Bank and ABN Amro Bank by the second half of this year. 这是荷兰银行集团对富通银行和荷兰银行在今年下半年的正式合并迈出的重要一步。 word.hcbus.com 6. The Dutch state-owned ABN Amro Bank said Friday that it had completed its legal separation from the Royal Bank of Scotland. 荷兰国有银行荷兰银行星期五宣布它已在法律上完成了与苏格兰皇家银行的分离。 word.hcbus.com 7. The ABN Amro China spokeswoman declined to give further details about the potential irregularities, citing the bank's ongoing investigation. 这位发言人拒绝就潜在的不合格提供进一步的细节,说该行仍在进行调查。 c.wsj.com 8. In 1998, two years after joining ABN, Mr Khosla was headhunted by GE Capital's business development unit in London. 1998年,加盟荷兰银行两年之后,科斯拉被GECapital在伦敦的业务开发部门看中。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Up until 2004 Mr Groenink had tried to turn ABN Amro into a top global bank. Then he scaled back to the group's core businesses. 直到2004年以前,胡宁克还在致力于将荷银打造成顶尖的国际性银行,而后却精简机构,专心经营公司的核心业务。 www.ecocn.org 10. But far from being the next Royal Bank of Scotland-ABN AMRO, or even Time Warner-AOL, the deal looks reasonable in many respects. 但还远不及苏格兰皇家银行与荷兰银行的并购额,甚至还不如时代华纳与美国在线的并购额,此次交易在许多方面似乎都合情合理。 www.ecocn.org 1. The make-up of the consortium that claimed victory this week in the battle for ABN AMRO, a Dutch bank, sounds like the stuff of weak jokes. 这三国的银行组成了联盟,并在本周赢得了荷兰银行收购战,这听起来就像蹩脚笑料。 www.ecocn.org 2. Shareholders yesterday questioned whether this would be enough to win the bid battle for ABN. 股东们昨天质疑巴克莱此举是否足以赢得对荷兰银行的竞购战。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The scale and nature of the potential problems at ABN Amro China still remain unclear. 目前仍不清楚潜在问题的规模和性质。 c.wsj.com 4. Royal Bank of Scotland bid for ABN Amro at the peak of the credit boom and had to be rescued by the state. 苏格兰皇家银行(RoyalBankofScotland)在信贷繁荣鼎盛时期收购了荷兰银行(ABNAmro),然后不得不接受政府救助。 www.ftchinese.com 5. ABN AMRO, named this June by the Financial Times as the Sustainable Bank of the Year, created a virtual network called Eco Markets. 今年6月,ABN-AMRO银行被英国《金融时报》评为“年度可持续银行”,原因是它组建了被称为“生态市场”的有效网络。 web.worldbank.org 6. The Dutch Supreme Court must decide, probably next month, whether the sale can go ahead without a vote by ABN amRO shareholders. 荷兰最高法院可能在下个月决定此次交易是否可以在没有荷兰银行股东投票同意的前提下进行。 dict.ebigear.com 7. The Eco Index itself grew out of ABN AMRO's increasing concern about climate change, says Suellen Lazarus, a senior advisor at ABN-AMRO. 生态指数的诞生源自ABN-AMRO银行对气候变化的日益关注,ABN-AMRO银行高级顾问SuellenLazarus表示。 web.worldbank.org 8. Some investment banks, including ABN Amro, raised their target price for shares in the company. 荷兰银行(ABNAmro)等一些投资银行上调了该公司股票的目标价格。 www.bing.com 9. When RBS accountants got their hands on ABN Amro's books they were confronted by a string of unpleasant surprises. 当苏格兰皇家银行的会计师们拿到荷兰银行的帐簿时,他们面对的是一连串令人不快的意外。 www.ftchinese.com 10. British Chancellor of the Exchequer Darling said yesterday, RBS acquisition of ABN AMRO Bank is the "catastrophic" for. 英国财政大臣达林昨天称,RBS对荷兰银行的收购是“灾难性”的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Deutsche Bank reached a deal to acquire part of ABN Amro Holding NV's commercial-banking activities in the Netherlands from Fortis in July. 今年7月,德意志银行与富通集团达成协议,将从后者手中收购荷兰银行控股公司(ABNAmroHoldingNV)在荷兰的部分商业银行业务。 www.bing.com 2. Banker friends (I still have a few) say that RBS was uniquely reckless in its bid for ABN Amro. 银行家朋友们(我还有一些)表示,苏格兰皇家银行在竞购荷兰银行(ABNAmro)时表现得极其草率。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Shareholders were furious, agreeing that Sir Fred should complete the integration of ABN Amro but be replaced shortly afterwards. 股东们极为愤怒,他们承认,应该让弗雷德爵士完成对荷兰银行的整合,但之后他就应该下台。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Dutch bank ABN Amro this weekend opened a virtual branch alongside commercial operations by the likes of IBM and Toyota. 荷兰银行(ABNAmro)上周末在IBM和丰田汽车(Toyota)等公司的商铺旁,开设了一家虚拟分行。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Some advisers pressed Sir Fred to lower his offer but he told the board that any changes would trigger lawsuits from ABN Amro shareholders. 一些顾问敦促弗雷德爵士降低出价,但他告诉董事会,任何变动都会引发荷兰银行股东的起诉。 www.ftchinese.com 6. and to Santander for emerging from the ABN AMRO transaction, which killed off RBS and Fortis, with a big presence in Brazil at a fair price. 以及桑坦德银行击败苏格兰皇家银行和富通集团从而收购荷兰银行的交易,其以一个合理的价格在巴西得到了举足轻重的地位。 ecocn.org 7. The pressures were building in 2007 when he embarked on his fatal mistake: the takeover of ABN Amro. 2007年,压力在加大,当时他开始犯下一个致命的错误:收购荷兰银行。 www.ftchinese.com 8. In 2007 it tried to buy ABN AMRO, which would have made it one of the world's largest universal banks. 2007年巴克莱银行试图收购荷兰银行,这将使得它成为最大的全能制银行之一。 www.ecocn.org 9. ABN Amro has been disappointing shareholders for years and contriving to hide the real costs of its underpowered global banking operations. 这几年来,荷银不仅辜负了股东们的期望,而且试图隐瞒其惨淡的国际银行业务的实际成本。 www.ecocn.org 10. ABN AMRO, an arm of Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC, arranged an event at which its high-worth clients could hear a variety of views. 苏格兰皇家银行(RoyalBankofScotlandGroupPLC)旗下子公司荷兰银行为高资产净值的客户安排了一次会议,让他们能听到各种观点。 www.bing.com 1. The end of the ABN saga does not herald a rush of dealmaking among banks. 荷兰银行传奇的落幕并非银行并购潮出现的征兆。 www.ecocn.org 2. The bank most in need of extra capital is Royal Bank of Scotland, which rashly bought ABN Amro at the top of the market last year. 急需额外资本的银行是苏格兰皇家银行,该行去年在市场顶端草率收购荷兰银行。 www.ecocn.org 3. Ideally, RBS would like LaSalle for itself, as well as ABN AMRO's global wholesale and markets business. 最理想的方案是RBS苏格兰皇家银行把LaSalle,乃至荷兰银行的全球批发和市场营销业务都据为己有。 www.ecocn.org 4. The move will see RBS take control of ABN Amro's wholesale banking division as well as its operations in Asia. 该财团此后将分拆荷兰银行,苏格兰皇家银行将获得荷兰银行的批发银行部门及其亚洲业务。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Before joining Singapore-based Blackhorse, Duncan was head of investment strategy at ABN Amro Asset Management. 在加入新加坡黑马公司前,邓肯曾是荷兰银行资产管理公司的投资策略主管。 www.bing.com 6. In November 2007, RBS and its partners, Fortis and Banco Santander, completed their acquisition of Dutch bank ABN Amro. 2007年11月,RBS和他的合作伙伴,富通和桑坦德银行,完成对荷兰银行ABNAmro的收购。 www.bing.com 7. Several other foreign banks, including ABN Amro, are expected to soon apply for local incorporation. 预计包括荷兰银行(ABNAmro)在内的其它几家外资银行也将很快申请在中国注册。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Two other ABN Amro workers have been put under house arrest while the police continue their inquiries. 另有两位荷兰银行的员工被软禁在家,警方仍在对他们进行调查。 word.hcbus.com 9. ABN Amro yesterday confirmed it was selling LaSalle, its US banking operation, to Bank of America for $21bn in cash. 荷兰银行昨日证实,准备将其美国银行业务LaSalle出售给美国银行(BankofAmerica),作价210亿美元现金。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Barclays executives are racing to finalise an offer for ABN, which has also attracted interest from other banks. 目前,巴克莱高管正在加紧敲定向荷兰银行提出的最终报价。其它数家银行也对收购荷兰银行产生了兴趣。 www.ftchinese.com 1. JPMorgan Chase and Royal Bank of Scotland are set to shed jobs at Bear Stearns and ABN AMRO's wholesale arm respectively. 摩根大通和苏格兰皇家银行准备放掉各自在熊士坦证券和荷兰银行批发业务部门(wholesalearm不知道有没有翻对)的员工。 www.ecocn.org 2. What is worse, ABN Amro, now a subsidiary of Royal Bank of Scotland, then insured much of the issued securities. 更糟糕的是,如今是苏格兰皇家银行(RBS)子公司的荷兰银行(ABNAmro)当时承保了相当大部分发行的证券。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Moreover it has a much-enhanced physical presence as a result of the ABN Amro takeover, which gave it 18 additional branches in China. 而且,收购荷兰银行(ABNAmro)让RBS获得18家额外分行,在中国的物理版图大为增强。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Meanwhile, ABN Amro, has opened a training academy in Shanghai to polish up raw recruits in basic retail skills. 与此同时,荷兰银行已在上海开办了一所培训学院,以提高新员工的基本零售技能。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Fortis, which is making the biggest leap, will take control of the Dutch retail network and ABN's asset-management and private-banking arms. 富通银行在此项交易中所获最丰,将获得荷兰银行在荷兰的零售网络以及资产管理和私人银行部门。 www.ecocn.org 6. Otherwise, the Seller has to send all the negotiating documents to ABN AMRO Bank, Shanghai for discounting. 否则,卖主必须寄发所有谈判的文件到ABNAMRO银行,上海为打折。 word.hcbus.com 7. The bonds mark the first time ABN AMRO opened up its retail distribution network to an outside issuer for this type of product. 本债券的发行标志着ABN-AMRO银行首次将其零售网络向一个外部发行机构开放,用于发行此类产品。 web.worldbank.org 8. RBS's regional retail banking platform vastly expanded after the 2007 acquisition of the Asian operations of ABN Amro. 2007年收购荷兰银行(ABNAmro)亚洲业务之后,苏格兰皇家银行的地区零售银行业平台实现了大举扩张。 www.ftchinese.com 9. RBS will take over ABN's wholesale business as well as its Asian operations. 苏格兰皇家银行将接管荷兰银行的批发业务和亚洲业务。 word.hcbus.com 10. The most recent event was ABN Amro's decision in July to sell its domestic fund management business in Taiwan to ING. 最近一宗是荷兰银行(ABNAmro)今年7月决定将其在台湾的基金管理业务出售给荷兰国际集团(ING)。 www.ftchinese.com 1. ACA Capital, which selected the securities, lost $900m and later failed (with ABN-Amro assuming liability). 负责挑选证券的ACACapital损失了9亿美元,后来破产了——荷兰银行(ABN-Amro)承担了其债务。 www.ftchinese.com 2. It may also surprise observers who point out that the takeover of ABN Amro, the Dutch lender, has given RBS a wholly owned network in China. 同时这也可能令观察人士感到惊讶,他们指出,收购荷兰银行(ABNAmro)已使苏格兰皇家银行在华获得了一个全资拥有的网络。 www.ftchinese.com 3. But the 28-year-old management trainee at the Dutch bank ABN Amro says he's had no problem fitting in. 但是这个28岁的荷兰银行的管理培训生说他已经没有融合的困难了。 www.bing.com 4. for this flurry of activity was a letter written on February 20th by TCI, a hedge fund holding 1% of the bank's shares, to ABN Amro. 引发这场疾风骤雨的导火索是TCI(一家对冲基金,其持有荷银1%的股份)写给荷银的一封信。 dict.ebigear.com 5. Barclays announced the arrangement this week as part of its revised ? 8bn ($93. 2bn) cash-and-shares offer for Dutch rival ABN Amro. 巴克莱本周宣布的此项安排,是对竞争对手荷兰银行(ABNAmro)修改后收购报价的一部分。修改后的报价为680亿欧元(合932亿美元)现金加股票。 www.ftchinese.com 6. ABN Amro China declined to comment on the scale of the potential losses. 荷银中国拒绝就潜在损失规模置评。 www.ftchinese.com 7. ABN Amro had been mismanaged for years. 多年来,荷兰银行一直管理不善。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Two others have been auctioned off to ABN Amro and Chinatrust. 另外还有两家银行被拍卖给了荷兰银行和中国信托。 www.ftchinese.com 9. In a statement, ABN said it will examine the ruling's implications. 随后荷银发表声明表示,它将仔细审察判决的执行情况。 www.pinggu.org 10. Fortis would take over ABN amRO's commercial and retail business in the Netherlands. 富通将接手荷兰银行在荷兰的商业及零售银行业务。 dict.ebigear.com 1. She is a Financial Management Accountant with international banking company ABN Amro in its London office. 她在荷兰银行的伦敦办公室任职财务管理会计师。 word.hcbus.com 2. The FSA has supposedly thrown up obstacles because of the scars left by Royal Bank of Scotland's disastrous takeover of ABN Amro. 据推测,FSA之所以设置障碍,原因在于苏格兰皇家银行(RoyalBankofScotland)灾难性收购荷兰银行(ABNAmro)留下的伤疤。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The strategic investments enabled Barclays to inject about 37 per cent of cash into its ABN offer. 这两家机构的战略投资,让巴克莱得以为其收购报价注入约37%的现金。 www.ftchinese.com 4. ABN Amro has one of the biggest foreign banking franchises in China, operating 18 retail banking outlets in the country. 荷兰银行(中国)有限公司在中国拥有规模最大的外资银行业务之一,在华运营着18个零售银行网点。 c.wsj.com 5. In 2007 they joined forces again to break up ABN Amro. 2007年,它们再次联手分拆了荷兰银行。 www.ftchinese.com 6. On cue, ABN Amro announced last week that it would cut back its investment banking in America. 有消息称,荷兰银行上周宣布,它会中止在美洲的投资银行业务。 word.hcbus.com 7. Other banks, such as ABN Amro and Citigroup, have also boosted their investments and expertise in fields such as renewable energy. 荷兰银行(ABNAmro)和花旗集团(Citigroup)等其它银行,也在可再生能源等领域增加了投资,并扩充了自己在这方面的专业实力。 www.ftchinese.com 8. That is a huge vote of confidence in Barclays' ability to make a deal with ABN pay off. 这是极大的信心投票,相信巴克莱有能力让收购荷兰银行的交易取得回报。 www.ftchinese.com 9. This made it easier to agree the deal but also meant that RBS was left with ABN Amro's troubled investment banking division. 这令Santander较容易同意收购荷兰银行,但这也意味着苏格兰皇家银行得到的是荷兰银行陷入困境的投行部门。 www.ftchinese.com 10. ABN-AMRO sold about 150 million euro of World Bank Eco 3Plus bonds within a month of their launch September 17. 从今年9月17日世界银行3 生态债券发行起不到一个月的时间内,ABN-AMRO银行就销售了1.5亿欧元债券。 web.worldbank.org 1. ABN AMRO Bank launched its branch in Beijing's . 荷兰银行在北京创办分部。 www.examw.com 2. To be sure, banks such as ABN Amro have good reason to offer a rosy outlook: More investments can mean more business for them. 可以肯定的是,像荷银这样的金融机构当然有理由看好后市,对于他们来说,更多的投资意味着更多的业务。 c.wsj.com 3. Analysts at ABN Amro, a Dutch bank, have estimated that a World Cup victory adds 0. 7% to the winner's GDP, mostly through extra demand. 荷兰ABNAmro银行的分析人士估计,在世界杯上每胜一场,就会使获胜国的GDP增长0.7%,主要是通过扩大消费需求。 www.ecocn.org 4. The consortium announced on October 8th that 86% of ABN's shareholders had accepted its euro72 billion ($101 billion) offer. 该联盟在10月8日宣布荷兰银行86%的股东接受了他们720亿欧元(1010亿美元)的报价。 www.ecocn.org 5. The trigger for the bidding battle was a letter from an activist hedge fund demanding that ABN consider a break-up. 引发此次竞标的是一封来自某家激进型对冲基金的信,其中要求荷兰银行考虑分拆。 www.ecocn.org 6. Joep Gorgels, a senior transport banker for ABN Amro, said part of the solution to the funding shortfall had been to involve Asian banks. 荷兰银行(ABNAmro)高级运输业银行家乔珀?戈吉斯(JoepGorgels)表示,资金短缺的部分解决办法是让亚洲的银行参与进来。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Last year, the award for Sustainable Bank of the Year went to HSBC, while Banco ABN Amro Real of Brazil took the emerging markets title. 去年的“年度可持续银行奖”(SustainableBankoftheYear)颁给了汇丰银行,而巴西的BancoABNAmroReal夺得了“年度新兴市场可持续银行奖”。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Barclays and ABN Amro will almost certainly not be the last international banks with Communist party officials on their boards of directors 几乎可以肯定,巴克莱和荷兰银行不会是最后两家有中国共产党官员进入其董事会的国际银行。 www.ftchinese.com 9. The 19 per cent hike is the second-biggest price jump in 25 years, according to ABN Amro. It follows a record 71. 5 per cent rise in 2005. 据荷兰银行的统计数字,这次19%的提价是25年来第二次大提价。提价幅度之大仅次于2005年71.5%的提价纪录。 www.zjky.cn 10. Industry Oriented and Products Creation Speaker: Branch Manager of ABN AMRO Bank N. V. Shenzhen Branch 行业导向与产品更新演讲嘉宾:荷兰银行深圳分行行长 www.chemba.com 1. Citigroup buys custody operation from ABN Amro 花旗集团从荷兰银行购买托管业务 www.lifeindl.com 2. Rio Tinto Drops After ABN Amro Cuts Profit Estimate ABNAmro利润预期减少后力拓集团股价下降 blog.hjenglish.com 3. ABN AMRO Bank launches first branch in Beijing 荷兰银行创办北京第一家分行 www.kjkao.com 4. ABN AMRO Bank, Shanghai Branch 荷兰银行上海分行Approved learning.sohu.com 5. Rio Tinto's Profit Forecast Cut 36% by ABN on Lower Ore Prices ABN预测力拓盈利将下降36%,因铁矿石价格下跌 blog.hjenglish.com 6. ABN AMRO Bank: Good Look at Chinese Future 荷兰银行:非常看好中国未来 www.ilib.cn 7. The Structure of ABN Classifiers Based on Association Rules 基于关联规则的ABN分类器构造 service.ilib.cn |
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