单词 | ability to |
释义 | 例句释义: 具有…的能力,能力做某事,不定式,动词原形 1. It is desirable to grant us the exclusive right to sell portable cassette recorders after you know our ability to sell. 希望你方在了解我们的销售能力以后,会考虑给我们手提盒式录音机的独家经销权。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. But somewhere in our passage from childhood to adulthood, the ability to be truly and fearlessly creative is often lost. 但是在我们长大成人的过程中,某一时刻,我们通常就丧失了真正而又无畏地创造力。 dongxi.net 3. Google does not accept pop-up advertising, which interferes with your ability to see the content you've requested. Google不接受弹出式广告,因为这会干扰用户查看所请求的内容。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. He had the ability to move his toes as well as he moved his fingers. He could move his body into almost any position he wanted. 像我们移动手指一样,霍迪尼能同样自如地移动他的脚趾,甚至自由地将身体摆成任何他能想得到的姿势。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. Its ability to understand natural language makes it a valuable tool in many different applications. 它的自然语言理解能力使得它在许多不同的应用价值的工具。 www.englishtang.com 6. It lives in the far wilderness of Rus and is often sought by heroes for its ability to bring good fortune. 它居住在罗斯国遥远的荒郊中,经常有英雄们因为它能带来好运而去寻找它。 dominions.eastgame.org 7. Frederic Oudea, the new chief executive, insisted it had proven its "ability to cope with a serious financial and economic crisis" . 它们新任首席执行官FredericOudea坚持,法国兴业银行已经证明了它们“处理一个严重的金融和经济危机的能力”。 www.bing.com 8. Being motivated is all about knowing what you want and believing in your ability to achieve it. 要有动力就是去知道自己想要什么同时相信自己有能力获得。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 9. If the front of the lotus pond is seen as a significant one live draw, the artist's ability to be really great. 如果把眼前的这一池荷花看作是一大幅活的画,那画家的本领可真了不起。 dxjo.fix163.cn 10. His most conspicuous trait was an ability to scent the wind and forecast it a night in advance. 它最为神奇的本领就是靠嗅觉感知风并且提前一夜做出预报。 www.bing.com 1. Years of stuffing my feelings into a deep, dark hole finally crushed most of my ability to have feelings at all. 多年来我把感情塞进内心幽暗的深洞,此刻终于崩溃,粉碎了我所有的感知。 www.bing.com 2. If you could have either the ability to talk to animals or the power to see into the future, which would you want? 如果你可以被赋予要么可以跟动物说话或者能看到未来的超能力,你会选哪个? blog.sina.com.cn 3. The entrepreneur has often surprised business rivals by his ability to exert influence far beyond the confines of his prison cell. 黄光裕在牢房之外施展影响力的能力,常常令商业竞争对手感到意外。 www.ftchinese.com 4. It also has the ability to run as an icon in the task bar tray, and round call times up to the next minute. 它也有能力来说,作为一个图标在任务栏托盘中,一轮通话时间至明年分钟。 xtdownload.com 5. In fact, I have no doubt about your ability to leave self-doubt in the dust. 实际上,我丝毫不怀疑你摆脱自我怀疑的能力。 www.bing.com 6. I had no idea how much if affected my ability to concentrate until it was gone. 在关掉电视之前,我从来都不知道它对我集中精力的能力有如此巨大的影响。 76563033.qzone.qq.com 7. Aspirin's ability to slow metastasis may be linked to its effect on platelets, the clotting bodies in the blood, said the scientists. 阿司匹林之所以能够使(癌细胞)转移变慢,可能是因为它能对血小板这个血液中的凝结结构发挥作用,科学家们说。 www.bing.com 8. The United States is trying to disrupt the Assad regime's "ability to finance its campaign of violence, " Clinton said. 国务卿克林顿说,美国正试图从经济上削弱阿萨德政权进行暴力镇压的能力。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 9. This effected my ability to father my children properly, but I chalked it up to "being busy for the Lord. " 这影响到我能否恰当地作好孩子们的父亲,不过我把它归结为“为上帝而忙”。 www.bing.com 10. He might have the ability to invent a brilliant piece of engineering that would save us a lot of money. 他或许完全有能力搞出一个非常好的新装置,使我们节约好多钱。 www.jukuu.com 1. What each has, it seems to me, is the ability to turn their personal lives into viral video. 对我来说,她们的本事就是把自己的私生活变成垃圾视频。 www.bing.com 2. Team contributor with the ability to develop teams and work with a diverse group of individuals at all levels of any organization. 激发性的领袖和和-在?之上联成一组有着能力的贡献者在所有层任何的组织发展队而且与不同一群个体合作。 www.8hp.cn 3. And thus, the ability to understand pointers and recursion is directly correlated with the ability to be a great programmer. 因此,是否真正理解指针和递归,与是否是一个优秀程序员直接相关。 feihen1.blog.163.com 4. Since the Fed can basically print money, investors would be wise to respect its ability to cause inflation if it desires. 由于美联储可以自己印钱,如果美联储愿意的话,它是有能力推升通胀的,认识到这一点的投资者是很明智的。 c.wsj.com 5. The ability to customize logging like this provides a great deal of flexibility and control over the Linux environment. 像这种定制日志的能力为Linux环境提供了极大的灵活性与可控制性。 www.ibm.com 6. Listening skills, problem-solving, a sense of fairness, and an ability to trust are just some of the hallmarks of a good boss. 倾听技巧,解决问题,公平感,值得信任都只是一位好上司的标志的一部分。 www.hjenglish.com 7. For a few years now, RPG programmers have had the ability to invoke web services using C stubs emitted by the wsdl2ws. sh tool. 最近几年,PRG程序员已经能够使用wsdl2ws.sh工具生成的C存根来调用Web服务。 www.ibm.com 8. This one requires a bit of courage and an ability to be vulnerable. 这一条多少需要些勇气和对抗挫折的能力。 www.bing.com 9. Have the ability to install, repair, and maintain plant and equipment in two or more maintenance specialties. 具备在两个以上维修专业领域中能进行安装、修理工厂的机器设备的能力。 www.xindianli.com 10. He had been taken in by a family that named Radar for his ability to find his way around. “快乐”被另一个家庭收养了,由于它有识别周围道路的能力,这家人为它起名“雷达”。 edu.sina.com.cn 1. He told me that my ability to find one customer after another was an asset to the company. 他对我说,我能够开发一个又一个的新客户的这种能力是我的长处。 pingpangqiuchang.wto8.cn 2. Doubt about Europe's ability to contain the debt crisis has once more sent markets into a spin and put Italy firmly in the firing line. 投资者对欧洲遏制债务危机的能力存疑,使市场再次下跌,也将意大利置于风口浪尖之上。 cn.reuters.com 3. Your ability to express yourself or to give to the world around you will grow with your persistence in doing whatever that thing is you do. 你表达自己或给予周围世界的能力也会随着你坚持做某事而增长。 www.bing.com 4. The boomerang's ability to return has made it a favourite symbol for the tourism and transport industries. 回旋镖飞去又能飞回,这一特点使它成为旅游业和交通业钟爱的行业标志。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. But you also have the ability to allow the audience to see Dallas, to perform with Dallas as the backdrop of your performance. 同时还能让里面的观众看到达拉斯的城市,将达拉斯当做表演的舞台。 www.ted.com 6. It said the budget deal did nothing to improve the United States' ability to pay its debts. 该机构表示,预算协议并没有改善美国偿付债务的能力。 www.ebigear.com 7. His early training, which is still with him, featured an enhancement of his ability to absorb written information. 他早期的训练-当然现在还在进行-对于加强他(急速)吸收(理解)书面信息的能力起了重要作用。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The protein seems to have been added later, which means the ribosome is "an RNA-based machine that evolved the ability to make proteins. " Berg博士说,蛋白质似乎是后来加上去的。也就是说,核糖体是一个RNA为基础的工厂,进化出制造蛋白质的能力。 www.bing.com 9. Eating while distracted limits your ability to assess how much you have consumed. 吃饭的时候不专心,导致不能准确的判断自己能消耗多少。 www.bing.com 10. Belli Holiday's reputation as a great jazz-blues singer rests on her ability to give emotion depth to her songs. 比利假日的名誉是一位爵士乐歌手的杰作,她在歌中融入了深厚的感情。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Believe it or not, the ability to ask clear, incisive questions is a learned skill and one that most people haven't mastered. 无论你信不信,问出清楚且深刻的问题的能力是一种需要学习的技巧,并且大多数人都不曾掌握。 www.bing.com 2. Hubble's ability to see into deep space has produced one of the most revealing glimpses of the early universe we have. 哈勃的遥望外层空间的能力让我们能够看到早期宇宙的最真实情景之一。 www.yappr.cn 3. As our military leaders have made clear, changes like this affect our ability to respond to threats in an unstable part of the world. 正如军方高层明确表示的一样,如此的改革已经影响到了我们在面对全球不稳定威胁时的应对能力。 www.kekenet.com 4. The ability to expect the unexpected should be considered something of a virtue for public officials. 可以预期未来应当被看作是社会公仆们的一种必备的道德品质。 xiaozu.renren.com 5. They, in turn, admired his ability to put his finger on the flaws in a script that might sink a whole film when it was shown to an audience. 反过来,剧作家也敬仰撒尔伯格的才能,他能正确指出剧本的症结所在,这点可能在上映时拖累整部电影。 www.ecocn.org 6. The Taliban said the strike proved the insurgent group's ability to hit the U. S. -led coalition whenever it chooses. 塔利班说,这次袭击证明了自己可随时袭击以美国为首的联合部队的能力。 chinese.wsj.com 7. But analysts said the greatest value of school vending machines was their ability to capture brand loyalty among young consumers. 但分析师表示,校园自动售货机的最大价值在于,它们能够在年轻消费者中培养品牌忠诚度。 tr.bab.la 8. True leadership will not be measured by the ability to muzzle dissent, or to intimidate and harass political opponents at home. 衡量真正领导能力的尺度不是压制异己或恫吓骚扰国内政治反对派的力量。 www.america.gov 9. Although extra work is required in many situations, your ability to be flexible and solve problems is usually an asset. 尽管你在许多情况下需要额外的工作,但你的灵活变通和解决问题的能力通常很宝贵。 qqly2.cn 10. Being able to run through the values of an enum is nice, but even more important is the ability to make decisions based on an enum's values. 能够在枚举的值之间移动很好,但是更重要的是根据枚举的值进行决策。 www.ibm.com 1. Your ability to see other people's points of view will allow you to come to reasonable agreements. 你能看清别人的观点,这会让你达成理性的一致性意见。 www.hjenglish.com 2. It seems he has no ability to raise himself, but he never thinks he is obliged to do so. 他似乎没有能力养活自己的能力,但他也从来不认为自己有责任这么做。 bbs.kekenet.com 3. Billie Holiday's reputation as a great jazz-blue singer rests in her ability to give emotional depth to her songs. b. h. 作为一歌爵士布鲁斯乐的杰出歌手的名声建立在能够赋予歌曲感情深度的能力。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Schumpeter's ability to see business straight would be reason enough to name our new business column after him. 熊彼得能够以客观的角度看待商业,这一点足以有理由让我们用他的名字来命名该专栏。 www.24en.com 5. We are willing to make progress on these issues, but our ability to move on these issues will depend on how much progress we see from China. 我们愿意在这些问题上取得进展,但我们在这些问题上推进的能力取决于我们从中方看到的具体进展。 dongxi.net 6. When he came to, weeks later, Nakata had lost all his memories, his ability to read and write, and most of his intelligence. 当数个星期后醒来时,他失去了记忆,读写能力,还有大部分智力。 www.bing.com 7. But he himself was proud of his ability to tell a person's character by his or her handwriting. 但他最自豪的是它能根据一个人的笔记来断定其性格。 www.examda.com 8. If I had the ability to be a mind-reader when I was at school I would have been the top student. 上学的时候如果我有能力读别人的思想我就会是学习最好的学生。 www.bing.com 9. For short-run decisions, the ability to predict seasonal fluctuations is often essential. 对于短时期的决策,预测季节变动则是基本方法。 www.kuenglish.info 10. Dr. Haltzman links open-mindedness to a woman's ability to show respect for her mate's ideas, plans, and abilities. 霍斯曼博士将女人的开放性和对伴侣的观点,计划与能力的尊重相结合。 www.bing.com 1. When it is over, ministers will be frustrated at how much this affects their ability to do their job well. 当裁员结束后,部长们发现裁员过程中对公务员工作能力产生多大的影响后,他们必将感到挫败不已。 www.bing.com 2. One is the fact that it will rely, at least for now, on manufacturing by other companies, reducing its ability to drive down costs. 第一,至少现在,戴尔还将依赖其它公司的生产,这削弱了戴尔降低成本的能力。 blog.163.com 3. What touched most was her ability to compassionately point something out to me with her gentle words. 最令我感动的是她竟能用柔柔的话语为我指出问题所在,那是真正发自善良的天性。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The ability to think like an economist is a crucial component of your education. 学会像经济学家那样思考,这种能力对你的教育来说十分重要。 www.bing.com 5. Just as importantly, if someone you know has lost the ability to enjoy anything, take a moment to help that person. 最重要的是,当你认识的人失去了享受生活的能力时,要花些时间帮助他。 www.bing.com 6. Our ability to speak and communicate seems to have its origin in the unlikely pairing of the left brain and the right hand. 我们说话和沟通能力似乎有它的起源在可能的组合,右手左脑。 www.bing.com 7. She said the ability to disagree reflects a "level of trust" essential to a meaningful dialogue. 她说,能够在一些问题上求同存异,反映出“一定程度的信任”,这对有意义的对话来说是至关重要的。 www.ept-xp.com 8. True inner detachment manifests as the ability to think clearly and to be immune to what people think or say about you. 真正的内心超然作为一种能力可以帮助我们去更准确,更成熟的去理解人们所想的或对你说的话是什么意思。 www.bing.com 9. Answer: The support that I got especially in the difficult times of my injuries - has been a vital force in my ability to recover. 在受伤暂离网坛的艰困时期,球迷的支持是我努力恢复健康重回战场的主要动力。 post.baidu.com 10. The researchers said they do not know how this particular virus acquired the ability to infect people. 研究人员表示他们目前还不清楚这种特殊的病毒是如何能够感染人类的。 word.hcbus.com 1. Eve did not take God's words & command seriously so that she did not have the ability to defeat temptation with God's words. ü夏娃轻看神的吩咐与诫命,以致试探面临时没有能力以神的话语抵挡。 mcbchurch.wordpress.com 2. Is unfair to teacher I spoken language ability to be very bad, this topic I cannot answer with the spoken language. 对不起老师我口语能力很差,这个话题用口语我答不上来。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. The ability to recover from the crisis depends on how much confidence can be established. 从危机中恢复的能力依赖于信心恢复的程度。 www.bing.com 4. As a structure of light, a large bridge across the ability to type, Cable-stayed bridge has been a great development in recent decades. 斜拉桥作为一种结构轻盈、跨越能力大的桥型,在近几十年有了很大的发展。 www.fabiao.net 5. The front desk agents' ability to make guests feel welcome and special has a tremendous impact on the quality of a guest's experience. 前台代理人的能力,使客人感到欢迎并具有巨大的影响质量的顾客的经验。 wenwen.soso.com 6. The Australian research team set out to see whether the intensity of these desires affects our ability to concentrate on other things. 考虑到这种渴望的强烈程度,澳大利亚研究人员试图弄明白,将注意力集中到其他事情上的能力是否因此受到了影响。 edu.sina.com.cn 7. If I had to sum up in one phrase what makes a good manager, I'd say that it's that ability to make decisions. 要用一句片语总结好管理者的条件,我会说是做决策的能力。 wen.ssov.com 8. So, is a license for the ability to test your software or to say that your software has been tested? 那么,许可是代表对您的软件进行测试的能力还是为了表示您的软件已经测试过了? www-128.ibm.com 9. One of the key characteristics of dynamic routing performed by an ESB is the ability to be metadata-driven. 由ESB执行的动态路由的一个主要特征是可以由元数据驱动。 www.ibm.com 10. He said that love comes from NH's ability to turn itself around and gradually reduce the size of its losses. 他说,对NHHoteles的热爱来自后者扭转业绩、逐渐缩减亏损规模的能力。 chinese.wsj.com 1. In the passing years, he suffered countless losses: he lost his eyes and the ability to see with pity and affection. 在经过多年来,他无数次遭受损失:他失去了他的眼睛,能够看到与怜悯和爱戴。 zhongguodaixie.com 2. Charm in a man, I suppose, is his ability to capture the complicity of a woman by a single-minded acknowledgment of her uniqueness. 我猜想,魅力对于男人来说,就是如实承认女人的独特,进而博得她们的好感。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. At the heart of the whole process is Zynga's ability to analyze reams of data on how players are reacting to its games. 整个过程的核心,就是Zynga分析有关玩家如何对它的游戏作出反应的大量数据的能力。 chinese.wsj.com 4. Senator Clay did not think Taylor had the ability to be president. But Clay knew well how the voters loved a military hero. 克莱参议员认为泰勒没有能力总统,但克莱知道有大量的选民喜爱一位战斗英雄。 www.bing.com 5. We see that in the long term as part of our ability to offer balanced product across equities, fixed income, property and commodities. 我们把这看作长远计划的一部分,希望能形成股票、固定收益、地产和大宗商品均衡发展的产品结构。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Digital Voltage and Amperage Meters - Easy to read with the ability to interface with automated processes. 数字式电压和电流表——易于读数并能与自动化工艺接口。 www.toglu.com 7. At least, efforts should be made to create a moral authority with the ability to speak the truth and a chance to be heard. 至少,我们应努力建立一种道德权威,具有说实话的能力和有人听取的机会。 www.ftchinese.com 8. If you've ever had a moment of doubt about your ability to reach to the top of a spiritual or intellectual pursuit, today could be that day. 如果你曾经有过一丝怀疑你的能力,达到顶部的灵性或对知识的追求,今天可能是那一天。 www.meiguoshenpo.com 9. Analysts say the sanctions aimed at clamping down on luxury goods will crimp Mr Kim's ability to pamper those who keep him in power. 分析人士表示,上述对奢侈品的制裁措施,将使金正日笼络手下拥戴者的能力大打折扣。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Still, Liddell said he was encouraged by the company's ability to cut costs. 然而,Liddell说他还是被公司巨大的缩减开支的能力所鼓舞了。 www.bing.com 1. If I had to sum up in one phrase what makes a good manager, I'd say that it's that ability to make decisions. 要用一句片语总结好管理者的条件,我会说是做决策的能力。 wen.ssov.com 2. So, is a license for the ability to test your software or to say that your software has been tested? 那么,许可是代表对您的软件进行测试的能力还是为了表示您的软件已经测试过了? www-128.ibm.com 3. One of the key characteristics of dynamic routing performed by an ESB is the ability to be metadata-driven. 由ESB执行的动态路由的一个主要特征是可以由元数据驱动。 www.ibm.com 4. He said that love comes from NH's ability to turn itself around and gradually reduce the size of its losses. 他说,对NHHoteles的热爱来自后者扭转业绩、逐渐缩减亏损规模的能力。 chinese.wsj.com 5. In the passing years, he suffered countless losses: he lost his eyes and the ability to see with pity and affection. 在经过多年来,他无数次遭受损失:他失去了他的眼睛,能够看到与怜悯和爱戴。 zhongguodaixie.com 6. Charm in a man, I suppose, is his ability to capture the complicity of a woman by a single-minded acknowledgment of her uniqueness. 我猜想,魅力对于男人来说,就是如实承认女人的独特,进而博得她们的好感。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. At the heart of the whole process is Zynga's ability to analyze reams of data on how players are reacting to its games. 整个过程的核心,就是Zynga分析有关玩家如何对它的游戏作出反应的大量数据的能力。 chinese.wsj.com 8. Senator Clay did not think Taylor had the ability to be president. But Clay knew well how the voters loved a military hero. 克莱参议员认为泰勒没有能力总统,但克莱知道有大量的选民喜爱一位战斗英雄。 www.bing.com 9. We see that in the long term as part of our ability to offer balanced product across equities, fixed income, property and commodities. 我们把这看作长远计划的一部分,希望能形成股票、固定收益、地产和大宗商品均衡发展的产品结构。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Much will depend on Mr Varin's ability to manage the relationship with the Peugeots, and the Peugeots' handling of him. 这更多将取决于瓦兰处理与标致家族关系的能力,以及标致家族如何对待他。 www.ecocn.org 1. He said that love comes from NH's ability to turn itself around and gradually reduce the size of its losses. 他说,对NHHoteles的热爱来自后者扭转业绩、逐渐缩减亏损规模的能力。 chinese.wsj.com 2. In the passing years, he suffered countless losses: he lost his eyes and the ability to see with pity and affection. 在经过多年来,他无数次遭受损失:他失去了他的眼睛,能够看到与怜悯和爱戴。 zhongguodaixie.com 3. Charm in a man, I suppose, is his ability to capture the complicity of a woman by a single-minded acknowledgment of her uniqueness. 我猜想,魅力对于男人来说,就是如实承认女人的独特,进而博得她们的好感。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. At the heart of the whole process is Zynga's ability to analyze reams of data on how players are reacting to its games. 整个过程的核心,就是Zynga分析有关玩家如何对它的游戏作出反应的大量数据的能力。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Senator Clay did not think Taylor had the ability to be president. But Clay knew well how the voters loved a military hero. 克莱参议员认为泰勒没有能力总统,但克莱知道有大量的选民喜爱一位战斗英雄。 www.bing.com 6. We see that in the long term as part of our ability to offer balanced product across equities, fixed income, property and commodities. 我们把这看作长远计划的一部分,希望能形成股票、固定收益、地产和大宗商品均衡发展的产品结构。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Much will depend on Mr Varin's ability to manage the relationship with the Peugeots, and the Peugeots' handling of him. 这更多将取决于瓦兰处理与标致家族关系的能力,以及标致家族如何对待他。 www.ecocn.org 8. These savings are a direct result of the system's ability to help formulate inks with accuracies that were previously impossible. 这些节省是一个系统的能力,帮助制订与精确度,以前不可能的油墨的直接结果。 www.a1pak.net.cn 9. As a result the children grow up to lack discipline, the ability to achieve things, and the confidence to take risks and work hard. 作为结果,孩子长大后缺乏纪律,缺乏完成事情的能力,缺乏冒险和努力工作的自信。 www.bing.com 10. Digital Voltage and Amperage Meters - Easy to read with the ability to interface with automated processes. 数字式电压和电流表——易于读数并能与自动化工艺接口。 www.toglu.com 1. At the heart of the whole process is Zynga's ability to analyze reams of data on how players are reacting to its games. 整个过程的核心,就是Zynga分析有关玩家如何对它的游戏作出反应的大量数据的能力。 chinese.wsj.com 2. Senator Clay did not think Taylor had the ability to be president. But Clay knew well how the voters loved a military hero. 克莱参议员认为泰勒没有能力总统,但克莱知道有大量的选民喜爱一位战斗英雄。 www.bing.com 3. We see that in the long term as part of our ability to offer balanced product across equities, fixed income, property and commodities. 我们把这看作长远计划的一部分,希望能形成股票、固定收益、地产和大宗商品均衡发展的产品结构。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Much will depend on Mr Varin's ability to manage the relationship with the Peugeots, and the Peugeots' handling of him. 这更多将取决于瓦兰处理与标致家族关系的能力,以及标致家族如何对待他。 www.ecocn.org 5. These savings are a direct result of the system's ability to help formulate inks with accuracies that were previously impossible. 这些节省是一个系统的能力,帮助制订与精确度,以前不可能的油墨的直接结果。 www.a1pak.net.cn 6. As a result the children grow up to lack discipline, the ability to achieve things, and the confidence to take risks and work hard. 作为结果,孩子长大后缺乏纪律,缺乏完成事情的能力,缺乏冒险和努力工作的自信。 www.bing.com 7. The study also raises the question of whether there might be a link between the ability to laugh and obsessive-compulsive disorder. 该研究还引起人们对另一问题的思考,那就是一个人笑的能力是否与强迫症有关。 www.bing.com 8. Digital Voltage and Amperage Meters - Easy to read with the ability to interface with automated processes. 数字式电压和电流表——易于读数并能与自动化工艺接口。 www.toglu.com 9. At least, efforts should be made to create a moral authority with the ability to speak the truth and a chance to be heard. 至少,我们应努力建立一种道德权威,具有说实话的能力和有人听取的机会。 www.ftchinese.com 10. If you've ever had a moment of doubt about your ability to reach to the top of a spiritual or intellectual pursuit, today could be that day. 如果你曾经有过一丝怀疑你的能力,达到顶部的灵性或对知识的追求,今天可能是那一天。 www.meiguoshenpo.com 1. These savings are a direct result of the system's ability to help formulate inks with accuracies that were previously impossible. 这些节省是一个系统的能力,帮助制订与精确度,以前不可能的油墨的直接结果。 www.a1pak.net.cn 2. As a result the children grow up to lack discipline, the ability to achieve things, and the confidence to take risks and work hard. 作为结果,孩子长大后缺乏纪律,缺乏完成事情的能力,缺乏冒险和努力工作的自信。 www.bing.com 3. The study also raises the question of whether there might be a link between the ability to laugh and obsessive-compulsive disorder. 该研究还引起人们对另一问题的思考,那就是一个人笑的能力是否与强迫症有关。 www.bing.com 4. Digital Voltage and Amperage Meters - Easy to read with the ability to interface with automated processes. 数字式电压和电流表——易于读数并能与自动化工艺接口。 www.toglu.com 5. At least, efforts should be made to create a moral authority with the ability to speak the truth and a chance to be heard. 至少,我们应努力建立一种道德权威,具有说实话的能力和有人听取的机会。 www.ftchinese.com 6. If you've ever had a moment of doubt about your ability to reach to the top of a spiritual or intellectual pursuit, today could be that day. 如果你曾经有过一丝怀疑你的能力,达到顶部的灵性或对知识的追求,今天可能是那一天。 www.meiguoshenpo.com 7. Analysts say the sanctions aimed at clamping down on luxury goods will crimp Mr Kim's ability to pamper those who keep him in power. 分析人士表示,上述对奢侈品的制裁措施,将使金正日笼络手下拥戴者的能力大打折扣。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Still, Liddell said he was encouraged by the company's ability to cut costs. 然而,Liddell说他还是被公司巨大的缩减开支的能力所鼓舞了。 www.bing.com 9. And whether in losing the ability to be truthful for the sake of being truthful, we don't lose a little bit of ourselves? 然后无论我们的内心是不是想诚实,我们都失去了诚实的能力,那么这样我们是不是丧失了一点自我呢? www.bing.com 10. It sounds simple, but the ability to reveal a spike for such a small amount of money is a bit of a revolution in the study of neurobiology. 听起来很简单,但花这么少的一点钱就可以形象地展示出尖峰脉冲,这在神经生物学研究领域可算是一次小小的革命了。 www.bing.com 1. At least, efforts should be made to create a moral authority with the ability to speak the truth and a chance to be heard. 至少,我们应努力建立一种道德权威,具有说实话的能力和有人听取的机会。 www.ftchinese.com 2. If you've ever had a moment of doubt about your ability to reach to the top of a spiritual or intellectual pursuit, today could be that day. 如果你曾经有过一丝怀疑你的能力,达到顶部的灵性或对知识的追求,今天可能是那一天。 www.meiguoshenpo.com 3. Analysts say the sanctions aimed at clamping down on luxury goods will crimp Mr Kim's ability to pamper those who keep him in power. 分析人士表示,上述对奢侈品的制裁措施,将使金正日笼络手下拥戴者的能力大打折扣。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Still, Liddell said he was encouraged by the company's ability to cut costs. 然而,Liddell说他还是被公司巨大的缩减开支的能力所鼓舞了。 www.bing.com 5. And whether in losing the ability to be truthful for the sake of being truthful, we don't lose a little bit of ourselves? 然后无论我们的内心是不是想诚实,我们都失去了诚实的能力,那么这样我们是不是丧失了一点自我呢? www.bing.com 6. It sounds simple, but the ability to reveal a spike for such a small amount of money is a bit of a revolution in the study of neurobiology. 听起来很简单,但花这么少的一点钱就可以形象地展示出尖峰脉冲,这在神经生物学研究领域可算是一次小小的革命了。 www.bing.com 7. The value of the peso had been declining precipitously, undermining Mexico's ability to borrow money or to repay existing debts. 比索急剧贬值,损害了墨西哥的借贷或偿还现有债务的能力。 www.bing.com 8. You are evaluated on your ability to communicate clearly as much as you are on any other part of your performances. 对你的评价基于你其他方面的表现,同样也基于你清楚表达思想的能力。 rrting.com 9. And its ability to understand language is more advanced than any other computer ever developed. 并且它的语言理解能力比以往的任何计算机都先进。 tieba.baidu.com 10. Humans have tended to be insular and withdrawn, and yet you have the ability to be outgoing and generous with your friendship to others. 人类已经倾向于保守和孤僻,但是你们也有能力去乐于助人,慷慨的分享你们的友谊给其他人。 apps.hi.baidu.com 1. The value of the peso had been declining precipitously, undermining Mexico's ability to borrow money or to repay existing debts. 比索急剧贬值,损害了墨西哥的借贷或偿还现有债务的能力。 www.bing.com 2. You are evaluated on your ability to communicate clearly as much as you are on any other part of your performances. 对你的评价基于你其他方面的表现,同样也基于你清楚表达思想的能力。 rrting.com 3. And its ability to understand language is more advanced than any other computer ever developed. 并且它的语言理解能力比以往的任何计算机都先进。 tieba.baidu.com 4. Humans have tended to be insular and withdrawn, and yet you have the ability to be outgoing and generous with your friendship to others. 人类已经倾向于保守和孤僻,但是你们也有能力去乐于助人,慷慨的分享你们的友谊给其他人。 apps.hi.baidu.com 5. Duality was always going to be a stern test of your ability to maintain your Light connection. 二元世界一直都是一个严肃测试,你与“光”的连接能力。 www.angozj.com 6. If there was one thing Mrs. Huber was known for, it was her ability to look on the bright side. 如果说Huber太太有什么令人称道的优点,那就是她往往能看见事情令人高兴的一面。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. He said: "He looks like the kind of player we've needed for a while. He's got the vision and ability to unlock a packed defence. " 他说:“他看起来正是那种我们需要的球员。他有良好的视野和扯开防线的能力。” hi.baidu.com 8. The key to delegating is recognizing that your ability to do things perfectly isn't as highly valued as you think it is. 在委派中关键要承认自己把事情做到完美的能力在别人眼里看来没有自认为那么重要。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Wow, maybe it's his ability to relate being a teenager himself, but it was nice to see the youth of entertainment getting real for a moment. 哇,或许这是他作为一个青少年的能力,但是很开心看到娱乐圈的青年真的投入其中。 tieba.baidu.com 10. Ms. Park's ability to set any worries about her gender to rest has everything to do with her personal history. 朴槿惠能够打消对她性别的担忧,个人的背景起到了重要作用。 cn.nytimes.com 1. He said: "He looks like the kind of player we've needed for a while. He's got the vision and ability to unlock a packed defence. " 他说:“他看起来正是那种我们需要的球员。他有良好的视野和扯开防线的能力。” hi.baidu.com 2. The key to delegating is recognizing that your ability to do things perfectly isn't as highly valued as you think it is. 在委派中关键要承认自己把事情做到完美的能力在别人眼里看来没有自认为那么重要。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Wow, maybe it's his ability to relate being a teenager himself, but it was nice to see the youth of entertainment getting real for a moment. 哇,或许这是他作为一个青少年的能力,但是很开心看到娱乐圈的青年真的投入其中。 tieba.baidu.com 4. Ms. Park's ability to set any worries about her gender to rest has everything to do with her personal history. 朴槿惠能够打消对她性别的担忧,个人的背景起到了重要作用。 cn.nytimes.com 5. "Overcapacity and strong competition leaves few firms with the ability to fully pass these higher costs on to final goods prices, " he said. 罗斯曼表示:“由于产能过剩和竞争激烈,没有几家企业能够把这些增加的成本转移到最终产品价格上。” www.ftchinese.com 6. Steerability: The ability to steer a parachute away from an obstacle, or to face oneself into the wind, would be an evident advantage. 可操纵性:具有可操纵能力的降落伞可以使伞员避开障碍,或者能够顶风降落,这是一个显然的优点。 www.wingchina.com 7. If I get good at reading hit books first, I'll end up paying close to nothing but be rewarded for my good taste and ability to sneeze ideas. 如果我独具慧眼最先开始读热门书,那么到最后,我需要付的钱几乎为零,而这是对我良好品味和心有灵犀的奖励。 www.bing.com 8. The flip side of his wondrous ability to focus was his fearsome willingness to filter out things he did not wish to deal with. 他有着强大的集中注意力的能力,但这也造成了他会过滤掉自己不想处理的信息。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The main requirement is a open heart and an open mind. She must have the ability to share her life experiences with me as I would with her. 主要的要求就是要心胸开朗,思想开放,她有和我分享生活经历的能力,就想我能和她这样做一样。 www.chngirl.com 10. While he lacked any scientific expertise, he said, "the one thing I have is the ability to put money to work" . 虽然他没有科学专家,他说“我能做的就是投入资金。” www.bing.com 1. The main requirement is a open heart and an open mind. She must have the ability to share her life experiences with me as I would with her. 主要的要求就是要心胸开朗,思想开放,她有和我分享生活经历的能力,就想我能和她这样做一样。 www.chngirl.com 2. While he lacked any scientific expertise, he said, "the one thing I have is the ability to put money to work" . 虽然他没有科学专家,他说“我能做的就是投入资金。” www.bing.com 3. My ability to adapt to a very strong, has always been able to quickly enter the role, does not need too long to adapt to the process. 我的适应能力很强,一向是可以很快进入角色,不需要太长适应过程。 www.fifl.cn 4. Scientists have found a drug that mimics the effects of a workout by, among other things, increasing the body's ability to burn fat. 科学家们发现一种药能起到许多和肌肉锻炼相似的效果,在这些相似的效果中,包括增加肌体燃烧脂肪的能力。 www.bing.com 5. Time had not robbed her of her good looks and ability to dress meticulously. 时间没有掠走她的美丽和穿着品味。 www.bing.com 6. This gives governments the ability to filter packets at a more surgical level than any of the other techniques discussed so far. 这使得政府过滤数据包的能力达到了如外科手术般精确,这是我们迄今讨论的任何其它技术都无法媲美的。 www.bing.com 7. She said the secrets to their successful marriage include being able to laugh together and his ability to stay calm under stress . 她说他们幸福婚姻的秘诀是经常互相微笑和他那种在压力下镇定自若的能力。 www.showxiu.com 8. Joe has the ability to open up a can of beans. He's a talented footballer and we will try our best to get that out of him. 小乔有着能力去撕开防线。他是一名有才能的球员,而我们将会尽我们所能去让他发挥出来。 www.lfcbbs.com 9. RIM maintains that the geographic location of a server has no bearing on a government's ability to crack encrypted data. 而RIM则坚持说服务器的地理位置对政府破解加密信息的能力没有影响。 www.bing.com 10. It feels optimistic, as if representing Mr Siti's ability to see past Iraq's recent sectarian record and into a unified future. 其蕴含了乐观精神,仿佛代表了斯提对伊拉克曾经宗派分裂的记忆和未来统一的向往。 www.bing.com 1. It feels optimistic, as if representing Mr Siti's ability to see past Iraq's recent sectarian record and into a unified future. 其蕴含了乐观精神,仿佛代表了斯提对伊拉克曾经宗派分裂的记忆和未来统一的向往。 www.bing.com 2. The chasm between the amount of information and man's ability to deal with it may be widening, but that need not be a cause for alarm. 信息总量与人类信息处理能力之间的鸿沟可能会扩大,但我们不必为此过分担心。 www.ecocn.org 3. It was the ability to take the ball and run with it without hesitation or delay. 这是接受任务,并且毫不迟疑或延误地完成任务的能力。 tieba.baidu.com 4. As he said on his Web site, he is keeping the multiple options to "further constrain their ability to engage in monopoly pricing. " 就像他在自己网站上说的那样,他是保持多重选择以“进一步限制他们(指这些公司)进行垄断性定价的能力”。 www.bing.com 5. By how much, will depend on his ability to find these services elsewhere. 反应的界线是多少钱,那取决于他在别的地方找到这些服务的能力。 www.bing.com 6. Even if it wouldn't fly to give users the ability to remove the apps altogether, how about at least letting us hide them from the launcher? 即使它不会突然给予用户将这些程序完全删除的权限,至少也可以让我们不让它们启动吧? www.bing.com 7. The vexing question is: Why? Bats are the only mammal with a better ability to hear changes in pitch than humans do. 但是,有一个令人苦恼的问题是:为什么蝙蝠是唯一的比人类具有更好听力能力的哺乳动物? www.bing.com 8. The ability to keep a smile on your face and proper posture while your horse tries to crow hop , shy and buck his way around a show ring . 当在亮相圈里马又蹦又跳想把你甩下来的时候,你身体要保持适当地姿势、在脸上要保持笑容的能力。 www.bing.com 9. He said he was trying to ascertain whether a newly agreed hotline would give him the ability to talk to Gen Jing. 他表示,自己将设法弄清楚,能否通过两国新达成一致意见的热线电话与靖志远将军进行对话。 www.ftchinese.com 10. She found her former ability to have degenerated to the production of a hollow rush of wind through the lips, and no clear note at all. 她发现她吹口哨的能力已经退化了,只能从撮起的嘴唇中吹出一阵阵空洞的风声,根本就吹不成清楚的音调。 www.hjenglish.com 1. She said the framework of the fashion industry needs to jump off the ability to think, because some solution has yet not been developed. 她表示,时尚产业最需要跳脱框架思考的能力,因为一些解决办法尚未没被发展出来。 uptexchina.61bay.com 2. There will also be the ability to see recently used programs that are still running by holding down the back button. 另外,我们还可以通过按住后退按钮,从而在程序保持运行的情况下,查看当前正在使用的程序。 www.infoq.com 3. We had this ability to be kind of a yin and yang on problems: one guy would say that's unsolvable, and our roles would flip back and forth. 在解决问题上,我们是阴阳相济的:其中一个人可能会说这个问题没法解决,然后我们的角色就会此消彼长。 www.fortunechina.com 4. First, pre-natal testosterone seems to shape brains with quicker reactions and a greater ability to concentrate. 首先,胎儿期的雄性激素似乎使大脑反应更快,更容易集中注意力。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Even though they were made-up by others, they still have their own ability, to think, perceive and even act AS IF they are really you. 即便它们是由别人编造的,它们也有思考、理解甚至作出反应的能力,就好像它们就是真的你一样。 www.bing.com 6. While that's a pretty good deal, the beauty of any programming language is the ability to define your own classes. 尽管这已经相当不错,但编程语言的美丽在于它们能帮助您定义自己的类。 www.ibm.com 7. He said the "crucial test of a financial system" is its ability to withstand failure. 他表示,“对金融系统的关键考验”在于其承受失败的能力。 www.ftchinese.com 8. We do like the ability to upgrade your character's storage capacity though. It gives it a comfortable RPG element. 我们确实喜欢玩家的升级物品空间的能力,这种能力会给玩家舒适的RPG体验。 news.replays.net 9. Since she has spent much of her political life behind the scenes, little can be said about her ability to cope with the limelight. 由于迪尔玛大多数时间都是在幕后进行政治工作,所以无法评判她在聚光灯下的能力。 www.ecocn.org 10. But what if such a treatment reduced that baby's future ability to attend to details, and to understand systematic information like maths? 可是如果它也减少了这个孩子对细节的专注力和对系统性信息(如在数学中)的理解力,这也是好事吗? www.bing.com 1. This gives the motorist an incredible sense of situational awareness and the ability to detect the range and direction of a speed camera. 这是一个给司机一个难以置信的感觉的情景意识和能力的方向检测范围和一台测速相机。 www.bing.com 2. One of the main critiques was that our plays were too static and lacked the ability to branch into other scoring opportunities. 批评声中最尖锐的一个就是,我们的战术太静态了,没有延伸触发其他得分机会的能力。 bbs.baballs.com 3. And meat and poultry companies have been hit by higher feed costs and a limited ability to charge higher prices, at least in the short term. 肉类和禽类企业因饲料成本越来越高、至少在短期内调高价格能力有限而倍受打击。 www.foodmate.net 4. Bannister had broken a belief in the limit of a human's ability to run at such a pace and, consequently, opened a floodgate. 班尼斯特已经打破了人类在这个速度下赛跑的能力的限制,于是也打开了一个闸门。 www.bing.com 5. When I got used to it, I didn't think it was that uncomfortable. People have the ability to adjust themselves to suit the environment. 其实习惯了后,也并不会觉得不舒服,人类是有自动调节身体机能并适应环境的能力。 www.chinadialogue.net 6. As much as I enjoy following along with a story written by others, the ability to carve my own path is just as alluring. 我很喜欢玩别人写好的故事,当然,去塑造出一条属于自己的路也是相当诱人的。 bbs.3dmgame.com 7. If I would coach your daughter in anything it would be the ability to ask for what she wants in a relationship--not just sexually. 如果我能指导你女儿什么事情,那就是在一段关系中,发现对方想要什么的能力,不仅仅是性方面的。 www.bing.com 8. If you take away Chamberlain's ability to locate, the movement on his fastball and his variety of pitches, you know what you get? 如果你牺牲小张的能力,以确定位置,他快速球的移动和多样性的投球,你知道你会得到什麽麽? word.hcbus.com 9. And in assessing Afghanistan's ability to deliver services, Byrd makes the point that the country "started out with very little. " Byrd在评估阿富汗提供服务的能力时指出,该国“是在几乎毫无能力的基础上起步的。” web.worldbank.org 10. Restrictive duties, said the economists, would thwart the foreign debtors' ability to pay interest to American investors. 限制性关税将削弱债务国向美国投资者支付利息的能力。 www.bing.com 1. While good documentation has no substitute, you can offset its absence by having the ability to navigate the process in an abstract fashion. 好的文档是无法取代的,如果没有这样的文档,只要能用一种抽象的方式浏览整个过程,那么也可以抵消一些负面影响。 www.ibm.com 2. He has no ability to relate to people on any kind of normal level. . . He's a bit of an innocent. Vulnerable. 他没有能力用某种正常的方式接近人们…他有点天真和脆弱。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The Eclipse platform is made of several layers and gives plug-ins the ability to listen to what is going on in each of these layers. Eclipse平台是由几层构成的,而且为每个插件提供了侦听其中每一层所发生的事情的能力。 www.ibm.com 4. The project costs are fixed, so your ability to improve ROI will come solely from how much your methodology can drive increased revenue. 项目的成本是固定的,所以您必须通过增加收益来提高ROI。 www.ibm.com 5. Therefore understanding that the unconscious does not require an ability to see per se to be understood. 所以请明白,无意识的情境并不需要灵视力能力才能理解。 www.lingyuan.net 6. Other studies have linked a strong sense of self-worth with a greater ability to withstand pain. 其他研究已经证实,有强烈的自我价值意识的人,有更大的能力来承受痛苦。 www.bing.com 7. His long-range shooting ability and ability to drive (run to the basket) make his game more akin to that of a small forward, however. 无论他的远距离投篮能力,还是驱动器(运行到篮筐下)能力使他的比赛更像一个小前锋而被人们熟知。 www.dltcedu.org 8. Stricken by illness at the tender age of nineteen months, Helen lost her ability to see, hear, and speak. 可在她19个月大时,她得了一场大病,海伦从此失去了视觉、听觉和说话的能力。 www.hjenglish.com 9. And a hilarious mirror of our culture's ability to rationalize any kind of behavior, as long as it boosts the bottom line. 并且,它也是对我们的文化具有将任何行为合法化的能力的滑稽写照,只要这种行为可以提升道德底线。 kk.dongxi.net 10. The security settings affect the ability to call the Microsoft Win32 API or other APIs that cannot be verified by the security system. 安全性设置会影响对安全系统无法验证的MicrosoftWin32API或其他API进行调用的能力。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. She said the Secretary-General's ability to mobilize resources "is extremely vital when the world is under threat of an imminent pandemic. " 她说,秘书长调动资源的能力“在世界受到迫在眉睫的大流行威胁时极为重要”。 www.who.int 2. But the Bank's ability to help "depends crucially" on further replenishing IDA's financial resources, says Zoellick. 然而,世行的援助能力“关键取决于”国际开发协会资金的进一步回补,佐利克表示。 web.worldbank.org 3. Persistence is the ability to save the state of an object into some storage format or to load a previously saved state into an object. 持久化指的是将对象状态以某种存储格式保存起来,或者先前已保存对象状态加载于对象中的能力。 www.blog.edu.cn 4. Posted: One of the key facets to being able to live a simple life is the ability to be thankful for what you have. 想要简单生活,其中最为关键的就是培养一种感恩你所拥有的情怀。 www.bing.com 5. Still, he said the focus clearly remained on Western Europe, and, in particular, Italy because of that market's ability to define trends. 不过他说,重心仍然会明确地放在西欧,尤其是意大利,因为那个市场有能力定义潮流。 cn.nytimes.com 6. I really would like to see the ability to save searches into a list of favorite topics implemented in a future version of this app. 我真的想要看到能够反映搜索保存到一个喜欢的主题列不中,希望在将来的版本中可以实现。 www.bing.com 7. My best work is often almost unconscious and occurs ahead of my ability to understand it. 我最好的作品常常是无意识的,且超出我理解能力之外的。 www.bbstar.com 8. Unfortunately, Wall Street's history suggests that its track record in IT spending is barely better than its ability to stay out of trouble. 这是必须的,也只有这样才能拥有与众不同的优势。可惜从华尔街的历史来看,其IT支出情况比抗风险能力也强不了多少。 cn.wsj.com 9. as if letting it go , which led to an increased ability to grasp the second number , This shows that attention can change with practice. 好像使它去,这导致一种增加的能力抓住第二个数字,这表示注意能以练习改变。 iask.sina.com.cn 10. The only weakness in his game was his ability to shoot the ball consistently, and he's improved in that. 他唯一的弱点就是投篮不够稳定,当然他已经提高了不少。 tieba.baidu.com 1. The ability to take a virtual appliance and run it on VMware, as you could on Xen or KVM, means more opportunities for the appliance. 获得一个虚拟设备并在VMware上运行(正如您在Xen或KVM上所做的那样)的能力意味着该设备有更多利用机会。 www.ibm.com 2. This ability to see through closed eyelids and from different perspectives is often described by projectors and meditators. 投射者和冥想者经常描述这种穿透闭上的眼皮看的能力和从不同的角度看的能力。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. billie holidays reputation as a great jazz-blue singer rests on her ability to give emotional depth to her songs. 作为一个伟大的兰色爵士乐歌唱家,比立假日的名声坚持了她给予深刻感情在音乐中的能力。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. But the end result is often the ability to be far more productive and helpful to others. 但最终的结果往往是能力将更加富有成效和帮助他人。 apps.hi.baidu.com 5. The results show that this kind of resin has strong absorbing ability to direct dyes, and the decolor rate is high up to 98%. 结果表明,该树脂对直接染料有很好的吸附脱色性能,脱色率可达98%左右。 epub.cnki.net 6. The ability to concentrate on those issues at the heart of the negotiation is an asset the CN cannot afford to be without. 全神贯注于那些谈判中的核心问题的能力应成为首席谈判不可缺少的素质。 www.wxlysm.com.cn 7. having initially acquired the ability to undertake scientific research or to engage in a special technical work. 具有从事科学研究工作或担负专门技术工作的初步能力。 www.putclub.com 8. Ultimately, being disconnected from God would make you think you were God with the ability to create your own existence. 最终,与上帝的联系的切断令你觉得你就是神,有能力创造你自己的存在。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The ability to head shot lets you take out most classes in only a few shots and pairs well with your ability to see enemy health. 它所具有的头部爆击伤害搭配你看透敌方生命值的能力,能够让你在几发射击之内射杀多数兵种。 wiki.teamfortress.com 10. In his opinion, Galanz has a strong ability to independent innovation with the quality of its products superior to his Occidental rivals. 他认为,格兰仕的自主创新能力很强,产品的品质很高,比欧美企业的品质更好。 wenwen.soso.com 1. As Christ said, the mark of a Christian is not her ability to parse other's beliefs and actions. 就像基督说的,基督徒的标志不是她有能力分析别人的信念和行动。 www.bing.com 2. How this happens is unclear, but she speculates that the compound may interfere with the body's ability to deal with glucose in the blood. 虽然这种情况是如何发生的还不清楚,但是她推测该药物可能扰乱了肌体处理血液中葡萄糖的能力。 www.ecocn.org 3. An ability to view XML as columns and rows is often important for data-oriented XML. 通常,将XML看作列和行的能力对于面向数据的XML而言很重要。 www.ibm.com 4. Now discovered how much reality in this society, no education, no ability to find good jobs, it is difficult in this society based. 现在才发现这个社会有多么地现实,没有学历,没有能力就找不到好的工作,就很难在这个社会上立足。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. This long-term view animation's ability to think of children and forged, no doubt, is a resistance and obstacles. 这对长期观看动漫的少年儿童的思考能力的培养与锻造而言,无疑是一种阻力和障碍。 www.dw188.com 6. Still, they face a tough challenge in trying to compete in a market well know for its ability to produce knock-off footwear. 尽管如此,他们面临着艰巨的挑战,必须努力在一个以生产仿制鞋出名的市场上竞争。 c.wsj.com 7. The point is to be clear about what you are doing and develop your own ability to guide yourself to where you want to go. 重点是知道自己在做什么,发展自己的能力,引导自己去想去的地方。 bbs.oralpractice.com 8. As the last American troops prepare to leave, such attacks may cast doubt on the Iraqi forces' ability to maintain security. 正值美军最后的部队准备撤离之际,此类袭击时间难免引发对伊拉克军队确保安全能力的怀疑。 www.ecocn.org 9. Money's usefulness is its unique ability to command other goodsand services and to permit a holder to be constantly ready to do so. 货币的效用就是支配其他商品和服务以及允许所有者任何时候都可以这么做的能力。 www.bing.com 10. Your baby wants to talk to you. Our products have been developed to help you give your baby the ability to talk to you before she can speak. 宝宝想要和你说话,我们的产品能帮助宝宝掌握在说话前和你沟通的能力。 www.rich8.com 1. Just as the rebalancing of China's economy calls for a stronger yuan, so the ability to avert bubbles requires a more flexible one. 正如重新平衡中国经济需要更强劲的人民币,防止泡沫需要的是更加灵活的汇率。 www.bing.com 2. I hope this has given you the confidence to give it a shot, and the ability to at least not be mortified with the results! 我希望这给了你自信可以尝试一下,有那种能力至少不会被结果辜负。 www.bing.com 3. Already their ability to stop our progress has been stemmed, and our allies are ready to strike the fatal blow. 而且他们阻止我们进程的能力已经被连根拔起,我们的盟友准备好了给予致命打击。 apps.hi.baidu.com 4. The ability to turn obstacles into opportunities is one of life's best-kept secrets, and the greatest wisdom is bred as a function of pain. 将障碍转化为机会的能力是生命中隐藏最深的秘密之一,而最伟大的智慧是在痛苦中孕育而生的。 www.ecocn.org 5. Super cards: You can use the magic nirvana, with a great ability to attack the enemy over the card. 超能卡:可以使用神奇必杀技,用伟大的超能力来攻击敌人的卡片。 www.dw188.com 6. Except in those cases in which a species is driven to extinction, the Earth's ability to shrug such things off is often underestimated. 除了那些物种走向灭绝的情况,地球把这类问题从肩上抖掉的能力被经常性的低估了。 www.ecocn.org 7. He had more brains and muscles than I thought because he had the ability to understand and throw me across the room. 他的头脑和肌肉都比我想像的要多,因为他有能力理解我的话并把我扔到了屋子的另一边。 bjgdfz.com 8. Humanity has not really lost the ability to speak to the spirit realms, but rather " tunes it out" in their focus upon the mundane. 人类事实上没有丢失掉对灵界倾诉的能力,却是在世俗上的聚焦中“关掉”了它。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. A woman's age plays a key role in her ability to get pregnant, but a landmark study now shows that dad's age may be just as important. 女人的年龄在受孕能力上扮演很重要的角色,但是一个里程碑的研究表明,爸爸的年龄也同样重要。 med.essaystar.com 10. Roy would be on to you in an instant and that ability to drive others to produce their very best was probably his greatest attribute. 罗伊无时无刻不在鞭策着你,那种让队友爆发最大的能量的能力也许就是他最大的贡献。 dictsearch.appspot.com |
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