单词 | perfect fit |
释义 | 例句释义: 完全拟合,完全凝合,完美的搭配,完美紧贴粉饼,非常合身 1. Its compact table-top size makes it a perfect fit in a prototyping lab or rework station. 它结构紧凑,可放置在桌面上,非常适合原型制作或者再加工工作站。 www.e-gtm.com.cn 2. You decided the colour was right and the salesperson assured you it was a perfect fit before placing it in a bag for you to take home. 你决定这是适合你的颜色,售货员确认了这个是你合适的尺寸,然后为你装进袋中,带回家。 www.bing.com 3. He said the breed would be a " perfect fit for the Obama family" , as the dogs have a " can-do and hopeful spirit" . 他说这种狗将会“非常适合奥巴马家”,因为它们拥有“干劲和乐观精神。” www.elanso.com 4. She has a son who began experiencing psychotic symptoms a few years ago, and he might have seemed like a perfect fit for her boss's program. 数年前,她的一个儿子开始出现精神病症状,似乎参加她的老板培训计划是再合适不过了。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 5. After a few days of physical tests suggested she was the perfect fit for a kayaker, she was sent to train with the provincial team. 几天的身体测试表明,她是适合皮划艇运动的完美人选,随后她就被送往省队训练。 www.ftchinese.com 6. When you were 20 your list was "he must be tall, dark and handsome. " Try going against type. It just might be a perfect fit. 当你20岁时,你的理想要求是“他必须要高,黝黑的肤色,还要帅。”抛开这些标准再试试。也许他会成为你的完美另一半。 www.kekenet.com 7. Essentially a highly customizable content management system, many companies are finding it a perfect fit for their internal websites. 本质上来说,它是一个高可定制的内容管理系统,许多企业发现它可以很完美的适用于他们的内部站点。 www.infoq.com 8. After reviewing the data, doctors informed Frank that his wife's heart by some miracle was a perfect fit for Carmen's mother. 在验查了有关数据之后,医生告诉弗兰克,简直是奇迹,他妻子的心脏恰是卡门母亲的完美捐赠体。 helenhelen.ycool.com 9. Courier is another perfect fit for the App Store, with a very "Mac-like" look and a streamlined, stylish interface. Courier是另一个AppStore的完美作品,拥有“很Mac”的外观以及简单,极具个性的界面。 www.bing.com 10. No, it doesn't pinch. It seems to be a perfect fit. But I don't like the color. Do you have gray ones? 不,不夹脚。好像挺合适的。但是我不喜欢这种颜色。你有灰色的吗? www.dyabc.com 1. Ask this to a shop assistant, and he or she may be able to locate one that's the perfect fit. 象以上那样问售货员,他或她就有可能向你提供最合适的着装。 blog.163.com 2. Friends of Mr. Blanco's, and fellow poets, say the president could not have found a more perfect fit. 布兰科的朋友们和其他诗人们说,总统不可能找到比他更合适的人了。 cn.nytimes.com 3. Its oval surface area was a perfect fit for a finger, making it the most comfortable to use, and its center glowed red once attached. 仪器的读取区正好覆盖一个手指,使用起来很舒适,而且一接入电脑读取区中心就会发出红光。 www.englishfree.com.cn 4. Gruff, traditional and hawkish on military matters, he was the perfect fit for his district, a hardscrabble slice of western Pennsylvania. 在军事问题上,他一贯表现出生硬、传统的鹰派作风,这对于他所在的宾夕法尼亚西部的一小块贫困的选区来说,是最合适不过的了。 www.ecocn.org 5. I tend to like the most basic pieces with the perfect fit and fabric, like a simple tank. 我更喜欢合身、针织的基础单品,比如一件简单的背心。 tieba.baidu.com 6. A perfect fit is when top clamp fits firmly down on both steering lever and handlebars while maintaining parallel with the lower casting. 一个完美的结合,是适合时顶部钳位牢固下来都转向杆,把手,同时保持较低的铸造平行。 www.tech-domain.com 7. Tom Hicks has allegedly scuppered at least two 'perfect fit' offers for Liverpool, because of his unreasonable asking price. 希SB让至少两个购买的“完美”出价希望落空,这完全是因为他毫无理由的漫天要价。 www.jczqw.com 8. When he found a piece with the perfect fit. 他好象找到了合适的一角, blog.sina.com.cn 9. Some of you will have certain meditation practices be a perfect fit for connecting you in source, others of you will not. 某些人通过某些冥想训练可以与源头非常完美地相连,但有些人则不会。 apps.hi.baidu.com 10. Sounds like a perfect fit, right? It even fits with long-running reports that Mercedes is looking for a partner for its next-gen compacts. 听起来很完美,对不对?它甚至符合长期运行的报告说,奔驰正在寻找合作伙伴,其次世代协约。 www.showxiu.com 1. The CAT made headlines, and led to a flurry of magazine articles, and a book, The Perfect Fit. CAT曾经成为新闻头条,关于它的期刊文章一度火爆,并出版了《绝配》一书。 www.bing.com 2. The theory was a perfect fit for RAND, an organization that continually sought to impose objective reality on an irrational world. 此理论对于兰德这个总在试图从纷乱的世界中榨取客观现实的机构来说再有用不过了。 www.bing.com 3. The pair co-evolved, so their pollinating parts are a perfect fit, and the night feeder can see the flower in the dark. 协同进化的昆虫和花朵完美的匹配起来,使得夜间采食者在黑暗中也能看清楚花朵的位置。 www.bing.com 4. At the same time I still wanted a dedicated keyboard so when I saw the S710 with its nifty slideout keyboard I knew it was the perfect fit. 同时我还想要一个专门的键盘,所以当我看见带有极好的推盖式键盘的S710时,我确信它再合适不过。 www.elanso.com 5. While not a perfect fit, it may at least create a level of common understanding. 尽管这个模式并不完全合适,但是至少提供了一定程度的共识。 www.ibm.com 6. If you're a people person and don't mind being caught in the middle, the staffing industry might be the perfect fit. 如果你是个好相处的人,不介意被夹在中间,那从事人才中介行业可能很合适。 www.bing.com 7. It was wonderful, and even to my normally critical eye, it looked like a perfect fit for the purpose and audience. 那真是绝妙的设计——即便是在我这通常很挑剔的眼里,其设计也完美切合了其用途和受众。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. They would prefer to be alone with their own thoughts than with a less than perfect fit. 他们宁愿跟自己的思想独处也不愿意身边有个不太搭的伴侣。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 9. The key is that none of these technologies is one size fits all, and thus, none is a perfect fit for all situations. 关键一点是,这些技术都不是放之四海皆准的,所以没有任何技术对于所有场景都是最佳选择。 www.ibm.com 10. The iPad is a visual, design-friendly platform and so the magazine format has been a perfect fit for it. iPad是视觉的且设计友好的平台,所以杂志的形式可谓量身定做。 www.bing.com 1. The customized sonic signature is complemented by a unique fit thanks to the included ear adapters, ensuring perfect fit, guaranteed. 自定义声音签名辅以独特的适应性感谢包括耳朵适配器,确保完美的配合,保障。 www.taozei.cn 2. From sportswear to punk outfits, pet clothes can be tailored for a perfect fit. 从运动风到庞克风,宠物服饰都能量身订做,打造完美的搭配。 wen.namizu.cn 3. To help the situation can be said that seven people with their own experience, a perfect fit concert, "I dream of the shots" . 风云帮的七位新人可以说用自己的经历,完美契合了演唱会“梦想我做主”的主题。 wenwen.soso.com 4. Nixon Mega-Link adjustable shoulder straps with comfort edge for the perfect fit and feel when venturing from destination to destination. 尼克松超级链接与舒适完美契合的边缘可调节的肩带和感到冒险从目的地到目的地时。 test.freemerce.com 5. But he is a perfect fit for a study like this. 但是他非常适合这样的研究。 www.bing.com 6. Modify or add to your email template with a note about why you are a perfect fit for their specific need. 为你的模板邮件修改或添加关于为什么你就是他们所招聘岗位的最佳人选的说明。 www.bing.com 7. If your child finds a college that seems a perfect fit, applying early may be a good idea. 如果你找到了自己认为非常适合你的学校,不妨考虑早一些申请。 www.bing.com 8. Well, let's try a size ten. (He gets another pair and the customer tries a shoe on. ) Looks like a perfect fit. 嗯,那就试穿十号鞋看看。(他拿另一双鞋,而顾客试穿上一只。)它看来非常合适。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn 9. By February of 2008, Zuckerberg had concluded that Sandberg would be a perfect fit. 到2008年2月,扎克伯格已经确定桑德伯格会是个完美的帮手。 www.bing.com 10. I mark the riser (front and back to make sure the riser is a perfect fit) I also mark a center line on both the form and the riser. 我在形式和造反者标记造反者(前面和回到确定造反者是完善的适合)I也标记一条中线。 www.lieku8.com 1. With his business experience, it was a perfect fit. 他的工商经历和我的配合简直完美无缺。 www.kobechina.com.cn 2. We believe that Tasktop is a perfect fit with our commitment to high quality, innovative software and practical solutions for developers. 我们相信Tasktop完全吻合我们对于高质量,革新的软件和对开发者的实践的解决方案的承诺。 www.infoq.com 3. Enough of these moments and we will simply go with what we know, even if it isn't a perfect fit for the task. 一定要摒弃这种想法,按我们所知道的去做,即使那不是最完美的解决方法。 dongxi.net 4. It's rare when someone is the perfect fit for a specific leadership position . 对于特定的领导岗位,几乎很少有人是真正的不二人选。 www.bing.com 5. His transaction ended the decade much as it began, with two media companies combining to form the 'perfect fit' of 'multiplatform' delivery. 这笔交易让这十年的结尾和开头呼应起来:同样都是,两家媒体公司达成合并从而组成“多平台”的“完美组合”。 c.wsj.com 6. That perfect fit could be difficult to find again on your next shopping venture. 在你下一次的购物中,你可能很难再邂逅完美的合身衣服了。 en.cnxianzai.com 7. Full-length memory foam footbed conforms to your feet for a perfect fit. 全长记忆泡沫鞋垫,符合你的脚完美契合。 www.freemerce.com 8. Perfect Fit : Taking out a home equity loan, Lawson and Wetzel pooled about $150, 000 and opened the first location in 2004. 完美的定位:2004年,兰斯和吉姆从银行取得一笔房屋净值贷款,最后共凑出15万美元用来开设他们的第一家时装店。 www.bing.com 9. This book is a perfect fit for medical law and ethics readers. 本书适于关注医疗的法律伦理的读者。 dongxi.net 10. The interview process becomes extremely important in pinpointing that remote worker who is a perfect fit for you and your business. 面试流程对于判断员工是否适合你和你的企业时特别重要。 www.bing.com 1. It's also a near-perfect fit for reporting applications and, most importantly, unit testing. 对于报表应用程序来说,Groovy脚本也是近乎完美的选择,而最重要的是,对单元测试更是如此。 www.ibm.com 2. In many ways the Holmes stories are a perfect fit for Moffat's skill-set. 从许多方面看来,福尔摩斯系列小说与莫法特的技巧是天作之合。 www.bing.com 3. Those experiences made Schmidt the perfect fit when he joined Google as CEO in 2001. 这些经验使施米特在2001年加入谷歌时是适合担任CEO的理想人选。 www.bing.com 4. The flat and regular structure of the atom information makes a perfect fit for traditional relational tables. 原子信息的这种平面的规则结构非常适合传统的关系型表。 www.ibm.com 5. This band's mix of jazz, world music, folk and rock is a perfect fit for the festival. 这个乐队集爵士乐、世界音乐、民族音乐、摇滚乐于一身,与本次盛典相得益彰。 www.unsv.com 6. Therefore it should come as little surprise that XML isn't always a perfect fit for these chores. 因此,毫无意外,XML并非总是非常适合这些需求。 www.ibm.com 7. An accelerometer based game is a perfect fit for this interface. 这样一款基于重力感应的游戏非常适合这一模式。 www.bing.com 8. I treat relationships like clothing. I expect to try a lot on before finding the perfect fit. 我把感情看作衣服。希望在找到最合适的那个人之前多尝试一些。 www.05178.com 9. Yes . Just step inside the fitting room , please . It's a perfect fit , sir . 可以。请到试衣室来。先生,这衬衣很合身。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. For team members who are either new to Java or who don't need full J2EE programming model support, this tool category is a perfect fit. 对于Java的新用户及不需要完全的J2EE编程模式支持的团队成员,这类工具非常合适。 www.ibm.com 1. His leadership, defense, 3pt shooting, ball handling and distributing make him the perfect fit to play alongside Tyreke Evans. 他的领导,国防,3pt投篮,球的处理和分发使他非常适合的搭档Tyreke埃文斯。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Flipboard came the closest to the Onion's needs, but wasn't a perfect fit. Flipboard对于洋葱的需求比较接近,但并不完全适合。 www.ecocn.org 3. The nice gloves were pronounced a " perfect fit " . 那副漂亮的手套被誉为“巧夺天工,正合适。” www.jukuu.com 4. In fact, it worked straightaway, giving a perfect fit with the data. 事实上,引力定律是直接起作用的,跟那些数据资料完全吻合。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. But no programming language is a perfect fit for every job. 但是,没有一种编程语言可以擅长每件工作。 www-128.ibm.com 6. I think about your lips and how perfect they are. . . a perfect fit for my lips and I tell myself I have arrived. . . this is heaven. 我想着你的嘴唇,它是多么完美——那么完美的适和我的嘴唇,于是我告诉自己,我已经抵达了梦想之地,这是我的天堂。 www.kanlouzhu.com 7. Short bouts of exercise bring the same benefits as a single workout that is why they are a perfect fit for any busy person. 短期的、间隔的运动和一次性体育训练的效果一样,所以更适合工作繁忙的人。 www.bing.com 8. The truth, however, is that they don't want to hire just anybody -- they want the perfect fit. 可其实是雇主不是希望“随便找一人”--而是希望一个完全对口的人。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 9. The result is a perfect fit with very little or no wasted space. 其结果是完全符合很少或没有浪费的空间。 zdhyyjs.a1pak.com 10. Viral videos are a perfect fit for VH1, which knows how to repurpose content to make compelling TV on a budget. 病毒式视频非常适合VH1,他们知道如何重新安排内容,以一种平衡的方式制作引人注目的电视节目。 pro.yeeyan.com 1. 9 - A well thought out, organized, good-to-perfect fit resume showing work ethic and qualifications will get you the interview. 一份有组织、有思路,好到完美的简历会表现出你的职业道德跟任职资格,从而使你得到面试的资格。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The statistics sample is not a perfect fit for caching because the data is not re-creatable, which is required for cached data. 统计信息示例并不适合于缓存,因为数据不是可重新创建的,而这一点对于缓存数据来说是必需的。 www.ibm.com 3. People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that's what everyone wants. 人们通常认为,灵魂伴侣就是你的绝配,而且,人人心向往之。 www.bing.com 4. How do I find the perfect fit? 我怎样找到最理想合适的? science.mblogger.cn 5. "The divinity school was perfect fit because it wasn't a fit, " says Mr Choudhry. 乔杜里表示:“神学院曾是个完美的地方,那正是因为它不完美。” www.ftchinese.com 6. The retro style sofa is a perfect fit for the room. 复古风沙发和空间真是完美的契合。 weibo.com 7. My Dedalus to your Bloom, was such a perfect fit 我的德多尔对你的布卢姆,多完美的一对 anyeme.blogcn.com 8. infinite, permanent, perfect fit for you 无限、永恒、适合你 wenwen.soso.com 9. Anderson's a perfect fit in Scholes role 安德森将是斯科尔斯完美接班人 www.imanutd.com 10. The Perfect Fit MCU is Finally a Reality 完美匹配的MCU终成现实 ilib.cn 1. Oh, it's a perfect fit 这很合适他啊 blog.hjenglish.com 2. My father said: this world, some people start, the final enemies, is a perfect fit; 我父亲说:这世上,有的人,一开始山盟海誓,最后反目成仇,是一种完美; blog.sina.com.cn |
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