单词 | part and parcel of |
释义 |
例句释义: 重要[基本]部分,重要部分,不可缺少的一部分,的重要部分,主要部分 1. The war is part and parcel of everything that we are trying to communicate to people of this country. 战争是我们要对这个国家的人们说明的一切事情的核心。 www.bing.com 2. For bulls, this is all part and parcel of being a paid-up member of the global economy: growth and liquidity cycles wax and wane. 对于看涨人士而言,这些都是作为全球经济付费成员不可或缺的组成部分:增长和流动性周期有起有落。 www.ftchinese.com 3. These five stages are part and parcel of one of the great ordeals of late adolescent life in Britain. 在英国即将成人的青少年所面临的各种严酷考验中,这五步是其中一项的重要组成部分。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Audience: We must discover a state in which perceiver and perception do not exist apart, but are part and parcel of the same phenomenon. 听众:我们必须发现一种状态,在这种状态里感受者和感受是不可分的,属于同一现象的基本特征。 www.douban.com 5. Sometimes I even have belief that this feeling is part and parcel of my self. 有时我甚至相信这种感觉就是自我的一个不可或缺的部分。 www.bing.com 6. These ends were secured during the eleventh century, as part and parcel of a moral reformation of the clergy. 作为僧侣道德革新重要组成部分的这些目标,终于在公元十一世纪中达到了。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Surely, though, planning for such contingencies can reasonably be considered part and parcel of the technology writ large. 虽然这项应急计划可以合理地被认为是一个技术部分,一个大技术包的分包。 www.ecocn.org 8. In time, the established intranet software vendors will begin to include social functionality as part and parcel of their offering. 随着时间的推移,一些原来的内联网软件厂商也开始把社交产品列入必备行列。 dongxi.net 9. Nonalignment is the part and parcel of that country's foreign policy. 不结盟是那个国家外交政策的重要内容。 www.5ykj.com 10. Bookings are part and parcel of the game, Spain picked up a few too. 犯规也好得牌也好都是比赛的一部分,西班牙也没少拿牌。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 1. The worshippers said that the red color has become over the years a part and parcel of the building's identity. 礼拜者说道,红色已经历经多年,是识别该建筑不可缺少的一部分。 www.2muslim.com 2. Food inflation isn't likely to go away, and scams are part and parcel of the commodity market cycle. 食品价格上涨不太可能会消失,哄抬价格是大宗商品市场周期的一部分。 chinese.wsj.com 3. Those rhythms, that powerful vocabulary, that grandiloquence, became part and parcel of the national sensibility. 那节奏,那刚劲有力的词语,那夸张的手法,都溶化在我们的民族感情之中。 www.tdict.com 4. Interviewing, selection, and placement are part and parcel of recruiting and a knowledge of the techniques involved is very important. 面试,选拔和安置员工是招募工作的一部分,其中的技巧十分重要。 www.bing.com 5. Carragher insists the players do not pay much attention to all the rumours and claims it is part and parcel of playing for a big club. 卡拉格强调球员并没有关心太多这些谣言,他表示这是为豪门俱乐部任教的一部分。 www.jczqw.com 6. Constant upheaval is part and parcel of capitalism's creative destruction, but those in the business argue that news is a special case. 对于资本主义世界来说,经常性的市场震荡是其创造性毁灭的重要部分,然而从商的人认为新闻业是特例。 www.ecocn.org 7. President Jiang Zemin's important speech on "Three Represents" is part and parcel of our study program. 江泽民主席“三个代表”的重要讲话是我们学习规划的重要内容。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Yet as long as Washington accepts that China is a strategic competitor, this military rivalry is just part and parcel of power politics. 然而,在将中国视为战略竞争者的同时,华盛顿认为这种军事竞赛只是强权政治中重要的部分。 www.bing.com 9. Wenger acknowledges that injuries are part and parcel of international football but what bothers him is what happens directly after. 温格承认伤病是国家队足球比赛不可缺少一部分,但是让他烦恼的是之后发生的事情。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 10. New products, new processes, and the creation of new markets are part and parcel of the enterprise system. 新产品、新工艺以及新市场的创造都是事业单位体系的重要部分。 www.jukuu.com 1. Urban rail transit is important part and parcel of public passenger transport system, and it has great carrying capacity. 城市轨道交通是城市公共客运交通系统的重要组成部分,是城市大运量的客运交通系统。 www.showxiu.com 2. The first step should be to change people's lifestyles fundamentally so that the car is no longer part and parcel of their everyday life. 第一步措施就是要改变人们的生活方式,并从根本上减弱汽车在我们的生活中的重要作用。 wenwen.soso.com 3. These can also be part and parcel of the mental processes influenced by kamma and the results of kamma. 这些概念可能是受业和业果影响的心法过程的重要部分。 wap.folou.com 4. For Evans, the idea of cyber-harassment is part and parcel of the social networking experience. 对于埃文斯而言,网络骚扰是社交网络经历的一部分。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Boundaries -- geographical or political are merely part and parcel of the terrain we work on. 边界-地理或政治只是一部分的地形,我们的工作。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Isair refrigeration technology limited company is part and parcel of the Isair group. 艾赛尔制冷技术有限公司是艾赛尔集团全球战略的重要组成部分。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Solar wheel axle module is an essential part and parcel of transmission system. 太阳轮轴组件是传动系统的重要部分。 www.boshuo.net 8. Yes. Tips are subject to Salaries Tax as part and parcel of the income of the employees. 由于雇员取得的小费是其受雇工作入息的一部分,故此须课缴薪俸税。 www.ird.gov.hk 9. Working overtime is part and parcel of his job. 他的工作的主要内容是加班。 dict.aiedu.com 10. morality as rooted in the nature of things, part and parcel of the world, as discoverable as the other facts of nature. 换言之,我们认为道德观植根于事物的本性之中,是世界的重要部分,与自然界中其他事物一样,是可以被发现的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. perfluous. How surprising, considering he was part and parcel of my everyday life. 真是令人费解啊,要知道他可是我每天生活的重要组成部分。 25488170.qzone.qq.com 2. Speaking, listening, writing, and reading are part and parcel of learning a language. 学习一门语言包含说、听、写和读。 www.joyen.net 3. Freedom and ownership are part and parcel of the neurochemistry of the arts. 产生自由感和拥有感是神经化学艺术过程中的一部分。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. But within reason, flirting is part and parcel of our daily lives. 但当然了,调情是我们日常生活中不可分割的一部分。 www.bing.com 5. In truth, difficulties , which are part and parcel of penance, are the ladders that lead us to heaven. 事实上,困难只是苦修的一部分,是带领我们通向天堂的阶梯。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. The in-service teacher trainees are part and parcel of the institute. 脱产进修的教师学员是这所学校学生的主要部分。 www.woodbaby.com.cn 7. Metaphysics is part and parcel of the idealist world outlook. 形而上学是唯心主义世界观的组成部分。 chinatiger.blog.hexun.com 8. Words and grammar should be part and parcel of English learning . 词汇和语法是英语学习的主要部分。 www.bing.com 9. Economic and trade cooperation is a part and parcel of China-Europe partnership. 目前,欧盟是中国的第三大贸易伙伴,仅次于日本和美国; igarden.dlut.edu.cn 10. Q: Has blogging being part and parcel of SALC communication strategy? 问:博客一直是贵组织的沟通工具吗? zh.globalvoicesonline.org 1. Much exposure to different cultures is part and parcel of education . 大量接触不同文化是教育的主要组成部分。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Ruin theory is a part and parcel of actuarial mathematics. And it is a kernel of risk theory in the context of actuarial mathematics. 破产论是保险精算学的重要组成部分,在精算数学的范畴内,它是风险论的核心内容。 www.juhe8.com 3. We have to share, we are one body, part and parcel of the whole! 我们必须要分享。我们是一个主体,整体的一部分! www.qiyeku.com 4. Keep ing the accounts is part and parcel of my job. 记账是我的主要工作。 baike.soso.com 5. That is the reason for wars, sieges, and blockades being a part and parcel of the history of this city. 正由于此,战争、围攻、封锁在历史上成为这个城市不可分割的一部分。 www.latvianembassy.org.cn 6. But it remains part and parcel of modern mother love. 但是这些是现代母爱的不可或缺的一部分。 www.bing.com 7. But those become part and parcel of the journey. 但是,那些东西都是爱情之旅的一部分。 www.bing.com 8. What is part and parcel of his lecture ? 他讲座的主要部分是什么? www.bing.com 9. It's part and parcel of playing at our club and it doesn't annoy us because we accept what comes with playing for Manchester United. 在曼联踢球就是这样,这不会影响我们,因为我们知道为曼联踢球就要承受这种压力。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 10. Well, cars and roads are part and parcel of driving. 嗯,车和路对于驾驶来说都是非常重要的。 www.joyen.net 1. We are all of us growing together. We are part and parcel of one personality. 我们都在一起共同成长,我们是一种人格的各部分。 q.163.com 2. Test isn't a separate practice, it's part and parcel of the development process itself. 测试不是一个独立分开的过程,它是开发的一部分。 www.infoq.com 3. Your mind is part and parcel of Universal Mind. 你的意识是宇宙意识的一部分。 rickding.blogbus.com 4. You are part and parcel of the community. 你是这社区的一部分。 www.bing.com 5. E-mails are now a part and parcel of life. 电子邮件已成为生活中不可缺少的一部分。 www.xerox.com.cn 6. But we don't bemoan that - we accept it because it's part and parcel of the game. 但我们不能为此怨天尤人——我们积极的接受事实,因为这就是比赛的一部分。 www.lfcbbs.com 7. A person who thinks she is very exclusive and special should not come to SY, you have to become a part and parcel of the whole. 一个人如果自视孤傲和独特非凡,就不应来到霎哈嘉瑜伽。你要成为整体的一部分。 www.qiyeku.com 8. That is part and parcel of my destiny as object a. 这是我作为小客体的命运的部份跟整体。 springhero.wordpress.com 9. That is fine. It is part and parcel of the game. 很好,这是比赛的一部分。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 10. Taking the Chinese students and scholars staying in Canada for example, they are now part and parcel of the multi-culture society in Canada. 例如,留加中国学生和旅加学者已成为加拿大多元文化的重要组成部分。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 1. Family education is part and parcel of a kid's whole growing-up experience 家庭教育是孩子成长过程中不可缺少的部分 wenku.baidu.com 2. Encourage them to feel part and parcel of the whole, that we are all one and they enjoy the collective oneness. [. . . ] 鼓励他们感受整体的一部分,我们是一个整体,并且他们享受这个统一的集体。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Encourage them to feel part and parcel of the whole, th found on we refriendll one and they enjoy the collective oneness. [. . . ] 驱使他们感受整体的一部分,我们是一个整体,并且他们享受这个同一的集体。 www.qbpd.org |
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