单词 | phone lines | ||
释义 | phone lines
例句释义: 支援电话线 1. With e-mail, IM and two different phone lines pinging you all day, it's no wonder if you end up a bit frazzled. 每天被e-mail,IM和电话困扰着你,你到最后很疲惫一点也不奇怪。 www.bing.com 2. In a LAN, modems and phone lines are not required, and the computers should be close enough to run a network cable between them. 在局域网中并不需要modem(调制解调器)和电话线,而是通过网线相连。计算机之间的距离必须足够近才能够保证网线正常工作。 www.ibm.com 3. And it isn't that easy to call or fax from the office: the waiting list for phone lines has from one to two million names on it. 在办公室打电话或发传真并不容易,待装电话名单上有一百万到两百万人。 drilong.blog.163.com 4. Then he took his gloves off to gag her with duct tape, cut the phone lines, and left with a pair of her panties. 接着,他摘下手套用胶带封住了她的嘴,切断了电话线,拿起她的内裤然后离开了(离开时拿走了她的内裤)。 www.bing.com 5. as the slow surfing of the Web on analog phone lines is often dubbed. 通过模拟电话线进行的慢吞吞的网上冲浪。 tr.bab.la 6. The money will be used to boost Ghana's communications infrastructure by increasing the number of phone lines and improving Internet access. 这笔贷款将通过增设电话线路以及改善网际网路等,加强加纳的通讯基础设施。 ept-cn.com 7. They announced that the phone company would be cleaning the dirt out of the phone lines that afternoon. 他们声称,电话公司将在当天下午将污垢从电话线路中清理出来。 www.bing.com 8. Verify that you are connected to an analog phone line, like the standard phone lines installed in most homes. 请确定连接的是模拟电话线,就如大多数家庭所安装的标准电话线。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 9. meaning I stayed off the phone lines, ate sensible meals, exercised regularly and told no one that I'd ever been fat. 这么说的意思是,我不再打那种电话,开始合理膳食,规律锻炼,从来不告诉任何人我曾经胖过。 bbs.internet.org.cn 10. where were all the phone lines and wireless communication? 有线无线通讯在哪里? dongxi.net 1. Fax, or facsimile, machines are used to transmit a reproduced image of a document over standard phone lines. 传真,或传真,机器被用来传送繁衍标准电话线文档的形象。 wenwen.soso.com 2. The only television was state television, and the primary contact with the outside world was via sketchy phone lines. 唯一的电视是国家电视台,埃及人主要通过粗大的电话线与外界进行联系。 www.bing.com 3. The residents of Libya's east remain angry, particularly as accounts of ongoing massacres in Tripoli spill across the spotty phone lines. 利比亚东部的居民仍然生气,特别是因为在利比亚首都的黎波里进行的屠杀账户上的参差不齐电话线泄漏。 www.englishtang.com 4. In the White House there is a well-established system of military aides and special phone lines standing by, ready for an emergency. 白宫中有一个完善的军事辅助和特别电话线路系统,严阵以待,为紧急事件做好准备。 www.bing.com 5. Networks and phone lines can be used to transport data to other sites, often more easily than with removable disks. 网络和电话线可以用来物理地将数据传输到其他站点,并且通常比可移动的硬盘更容易。 www.jukuu.com 6. Phone lines were either down or busy, making confirmation of damage difficult elsewhere, especially further south toward the epicenter. 另外,电话线路中断或是出现忙音,使得地区的破坏程度难以确认,特别是离震中较远的南部地区。 www.hjenglish.com 7. Computers connected together in a wide network, larger than a LAN, usually connected via phone lines. See also LAN. 由广域网连接的计算机群,比局域网范围更大,通常通过电话线连接。 adminbar.com 8. Buildings collapsed and phone lines and electricity were down, making the extent of the damage difficult to determine. 地震造成大楼倒塌,电话线和电力中断,造成的巨大损失无可估量。 www.hjenglish.com 9. PINpass can recognize up to ten (10) different phone lines belonging to your account. PINpass可以识别十个(10)不同的登记在您帐户名下的电话号码。 www.pingo.com 10. The system transmits information over digital phone lines. 这个系统通过数字电话线发送信息。 dxwy.sru.jx.cn 1. international phone lines were available only under restricted circumstances. 国际电话线路只有在受到限制的场合下才会接通。 www.bing.com 2. More importantly, if direct communications were destroyed, the packets could reroute themselves through phone lines anywhere in the world. 更重要的是,如果直连的通信受到破坏,数据包能够在遍及世界的电话网中重新为自己指定新的路径。 www.bing.com 3. Baran proposed sending messages via phone lines and changing words into numbers to avoid noise and distortion. Baran打算通过电话线发送消息并将词汇转换为数字来防止噪音和失真。 www.bing.com 4. Bell Labs transmits first stereo sound, a symphony concert, over phone lines from Philadelphia to Washington. 贝尔实验室首次传输立体声,通过电话线将交响音乐会从费城传往华盛顿。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. On encrypted phone lines, the speech of both parties is scrambled to prevent eavesdropping -- by the Feds or anyone else. 而在加密电话线路上,双方的谈话会被加密,防止电话遭人窃听——无论是联邦探员还是别的什么人都没辙。 www.fortunechina.com 6. They have made work ever more efficient and knit the world together in a web of information and phone lines. 它们使工作空前高效并使世界在信息与线路组成的网络中紧密结合起来。 kurtkurtcobaintg.spaces.live.com 7. Phone lines started to jam and the lap-tops that could have aided communication remained useless. 电话线路开始应接不暇,手提电脑本可帮助通信联络,但此时却仍然无法使用。 www.america.gov 8. Tribal, professional and collegiate relationships of trust are harder to shut down than phone lines. 要破坏部族成员,专业人员以及大学同学之间的信任要比切断电话线难得多。 www.ecocn.org 9. Internet connections through conventional phone lines are fairly slow. 通过传统的电话线上网连接是相当缓慢的。 wenku.baidu.com 10. Not derivatives, mortgage-backed securities or even job security. It's encrypted phone lines. 不是金融衍生工具,不是抵押证券,甚至也不是工作保障,而是加密的电话线路。 www.fortunechina.com 1. Will the establishment shut down the press and cut the phone lines to keep panic down? 权势集团会关闭报刊新闻,切断电话线,以阻止民众恐慌吗? blog.sina.com.cn 2. Companies that are laying off workers aren't exactly rushing to order new phone lines. 那些正在裁员的公司并不会急着预定新的电话业务。 www.bing.com 3. The silos were rigged with phone lines and calls could be placed and received. 地下还接上了电话线,这样队员们在地下也可以打电话了。 www.bing.com 4. To transmit text messages, these devices use traditional phone lines, which can transmit a maximum of 56 kilobits per second. 这些设备使用传统电话线发送文字信息,最多每秒发送56kb。 www.bing.com 5. The lines that carry cable television are much faster than standard phone lines or even ISDN. 运载有线电视的线比标准电话线甚至ISDN快速。 blog.tianya.cn 6. On Tuesday, callers jammed phone lines on both sides of the Capitol. 周二,国会两党的电话线都因为打电话的人太多而堵塞。 chinese.wsj.com 7. It expanded slowly into rubber, making boots, cables, and phone lines. 后来公司业务慢慢地扩大到经营橡胶,制作皮靴,电缆和电话线生意。 www.elanso.com 8. Analogue phone lines are being replaced by faster digital lines(ISDN). 模拟电话线被取代更快的ISDN)数字线(。 www.ecally.com 9. Then there's glass, which is used to make optical fibers , thin as human hair, carrying a thousand times more information than phone lines. 其次是玻璃,它用来制作光纤,如人的头发一样细,能传输比电话线多一千倍的信息。 www.tianya.cn 10. The 6. 9 magnitude quake toppled buildings, destroyed roads and knocked out power and phone lines in Qinghai province, which borders Tibet. 在青海玉树,6.9级地震倒塌的建筑物,摧毁道路和电力中断,电话线路。 xzj.2000y.net 1. Electricity and phone lines are out, but friends from Saida and Nabatieh tell me their families are tense, but fine. 电线和电话线被切断了,但Saida和Nabatieh的朋友告诉我,他们的家人都很紧张,但安然无恙。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 2. The day has become hugely popular and in several countries phone lines witness maximum traffic. 这一天已成为广受欢迎,在一些国家的电话线路证人最大流量。 www.ebigear.com 3. Jack phones Nina to search for phone lines at the 18166 San Fernando Road address. 杰克打电话给尼娜,叫她查查圣费尔南多路18166号旁边的电话线路。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Based on the same technology as ARPanet , the sites were physically linked by special phone lines. 基于与ARPAnet相同的技术,各个站点是通过专用电话线连接起来的。 dict.ebigear.com 5. Electricity has been cut, as have all mobile and fixed phone lines. 另外,电力供应以及手机、固话通信都被切断。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Dial-up modems work only with analog phone lines. 拨号调制解调器只能使用模拟电话线进行工作。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 7. Using phone lines to connect more than two people so they can all hear a conversation, meeting, or presentation. 使用电话线路与两人以上保持通话,使全体人员都可参与交谈、会议和演讲。 blog.163.com 8. The man said, "Yeah, I've come to activate your phone lines. " 那人说,“有事,我是来给你开通电话的”。 en.eol.cn 9. After 48 hours, the phone lines are not working again. I sit and wait. 48小时后,电话又打不通了。我静坐以待。 www.bing.com 10. " The man said, " Yeah, I've comeactivate your phone lines. 那人说,“事,我来给你开通电话”。 www.english767.com 1. The phone lines run from this pole to the house and the closest distance to the hfs is approximately 30 feet. 该电话线从这一极的房子和最近距离的痉挛大约是30英尺。 www.tech-domain.com 2. The Times doesn't have encrypted phone lines, or a Cone of Silence. 时报既没有加密电话,也没有无声区。 www.bing.com 3. GSM phone lines and some land lines were also cut out and very diffficult to contact even in local. GSM手机线路和室内电话线也剪掉,即使是在当地彼此联络也非常不易。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 4. "I couldn't speak to the missus, to Jessie, because the phone lines weren't working in Japan, " Button said. 由于日本的电话线路无法工作,我没办法和我老婆杰西卡说上话。 www.bing.com 5. Electricity firms reported that in northern Japan, many homes were without power or phone lines; 电力公司报道称在日本北部,很多家庭的能源供应和电话服务已被切断。 www.ecocn.org 6. A remote supervisory and control system by phone lines 利用电话网的远程通讯监控系统 www.ilib.cn 7. Who's gonna eat all of our food and tie up our phone lines 是呀,谁来吃光我们的东西占用我们的电话… www.bing.com 8. Separate Phone Lines for Teens 孩子单独的电话线 www.diandian.net 9. And the army cut the phone lines 和军队切断电话线 zhidao.baidu.com |
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