单词 | acidic |
释义 |
例句释义: 酸性的,含酸的,酸的,〈比喻〉尖酸的,酸度,产生酸的,酸护 1. Anger, un forgiveness and bitterness put the body into a stressful and acidic environment. Learn to have a loving and forgiving spirit. 不知运用宽恕与心存怨恨,会把人变成为一个处于压力和酸性的不良体质。 img01301.zenheart.hk 2. Tempranillo has an acidic edge and is often associated with strawberries, cherries and plums. 丹魄葡萄具有明显的酸味,人们经常把它跟草莓、樱桃和洋李风味联系在一起。 c.wsj.com 3. 'Hot and acidic vents have never been seen in an area like this before, and usually we don't even look for vents in places like this. ' Connelly博士说,“这发现令我们彻底震惊,之前从未发现过喷出滚烫与酸性热流的泉口出现在这样的地方。” www.bing.com 4. Lighter roasts are generally not used for espresso since they produce a sharper, more acidic taste than do darker roasts. 由于它的味道偏酸,所以一般不被用于制作意式香浓咖啡。 www.baristacn.com 5. The reason is: At this point oral bacteria began to break down food residues in the acidic substances, corrosive enamel dissolution. 理由是:此时口腔细菌开始分解的酸性物质的食物残渣,腐蚀性搪瓷解散。 www.qiyeku.com 6. Acidic water bucket solution and a printing plate cylinder surface contact creates on the surface of the plate cylinder rust corrosion. 碱性水斗溶液与印版滚筒暗地隔绝,必定变成印版滚筒体暗地腐冻生锈。 www.bing.com 7. and (2) an ion exchange step in which at least the acid catalyst of acidic compounds is removed by an anion exchange resin. 离子交换工序,通过阴离子交换树脂至少除去酸性化合物中的酸催化剂。 ip.com 8. One of them is to make sure that the body's fluids, tissues and cells aren't too acidic or alkaline, but stay in a healthy pH range. 其中一项就是确保身体的体液,组织还有细胞不能过于酸性或碱性,而是处于一个健康的PH值范围内。 www.bing.com 9. Tao Suoguo enamel contains a small amount of lead, easy to cook acidic food out of the deep, and the best use of white Suoguo wall. 陶沙锅瓷釉中含有少量铅,煮酸性食物时容易深解出来,最好使用内壁白色的沙锅。 wangshirong.nuabc.com 10. Anger, un forgiveness and bitterness put the body into a stressful and acidic environment. 不知运用宽恕与心存怨恨,会把人变成一个处于压力和酸性的不良体质。 www.qgren.com 1. But as carbon dioxide builds up in the atmosphere, ocean water becomes more acidic. And shellfish have trouble growing their shells. 但随着大气中二氧化碳含量的增加,海水变得酸性更强。而甲壳类生物难以生成它们的甲壳了。 www.bing.com 2. Life can be found in scalding, acidic hot pools, in the driest deserts, and in the dark, crushing depths of the ocean. 在滚烫、酸性的热池中,在最干燥的沙漠里,在黑暗、高压的海洋深处,都可以找到生命。 www.bing.com 3. A masked miner walks through a thick cloud of steam and acidic gas, carrying a torch near the blue flames of a burning liquid sulfur flow. 一名蒙面矿工走过的蒸汽和酸性气体的厚云,带着附近的一个流动的液体硫磺燃烧蓝色火焰的火炬。 08062788.blog.163.com 4. The pre-treatment solution can be a strong acidic solution, a strong alkaline solution, or comprise a penetrant. 预处理溶液可以是强酸性溶液、强碱性溶液、或包含渗透剂。 ip.com 5. Chopper cleaning the bathroom easy to rust, especially in summer, cut tomatoes and other acidic foods, more rusty knife. 斩波清洁,尤其是在夏天,浴室容易生锈,切番茄和其他酸性食物,更生锈的刀。 www.qiyeku.com 6. The system comprises a first chamber for storing a solid chemical hydride and a second chamber for storing an acidic reagent. 系统包括用于储存固体化学氢化物的第一室和用于储存酸性试剂的第二室。 ip.com 7. A meat-based diet is acidic, and it is a little better to eat fish and a little bit of chicken, rather than beef or pork. 以肉类为主的食物是酸性的。所以(如果非要食肉不可)只好食少量鱼和一点点鸡肉,而不是牛肉或猪肉。 blog.163.com 8. It was shown from the experiments that these interfering matrix elements might be removed with the strong acidic cation exchange resin. 实验结果表明,样品溶液通过阳离子交换树脂柱后,这些离子的干扰基本消除了。 epub.cnki.net 9. Acidic water dissolves layers of limestone at the surface of the ground, resulting in shallow sinkholes or towering rock columns. 酸性的水对地表石灰层的逐渐侵蚀,有时腐蚀出浅显的岩坑,有时雕筑出高耸的岩柱。 www.america.gov 10. The invention relates to a regenerating method of an acidic gas catalyst filtering material and a device thereof. 本发明是有关一种酸性气体触媒滤材的再生方法及其装置。 ip.com 1. Saponin manufacturing wastewater is of high acidic organic and with plenty of carbohydrates produced in the process of amylum hydrolysis. 皂素生产废水是一种酸性高浓度有机废水,富含淀粉水解产生的大量糖类。 www.chemyq.com 2. But it makes them more acidic, just as turning up the light makes a dark room brighter. 而会使其向酸性发展,就像在一间黑屋里慢慢扭开灯,会使房间逐渐变亮一样。 www.ecocn.org 3. Such a gel would have to cause no irritation, and the active ingredients must thrive in the acidic vaginal environment. 这种凝胶须没有刺激性,并且其中的有效成分要适合阴道的酸性环境。 www.taoguba.com.cn 4. The result of color reactions showed that the crude extract was acidic, and had the positive reaction of phenols and flavonoid. 经显色反应表明,粗提取物呈酸性,其中含有酚类和黄酮类的特征基团; www.fabiao.net 5. Tin can dissolve in a strong alkali solution, In ferric chloride, zinc salt of acidic solution of such will be corrosion. 锡能溶于强碱性溶液;在氯化铁、氯化锌等盐类的酸性溶液中会被腐蚀。 ww2ww.b2b.youboy.com 6. Acidic water bucket solution and a printing plate cylinder surface contact, resulting in a printing plate surface corrosion rust. 碱性水斗溶液与印版滚筒暗地隔绝,变成印版滚筒暗地腐化生锈。 www.bing.com 7. The precautions in chemical planting operation in acidic media conditions were suggested based upon years of experience. 通过多年的实践,总结出了在酸性介质条件下施镀应注意的问题。 www.chemyq.com 8. Think of it as an acidic Cabernet Sauvignon; the acid is a perfect match with tomato sauce. 你不妨把它看作一种酸性更强的赤霞珠葡萄酒(CabernetSauvignon),酒里的酸与番茄汁堪称天作之合。 c.wsj.com 9. Phytotoxicity of aluminum(Al) is widely considered to be a serious agricultural problem limiting crop productivity in acidic soils. 铝的毒害被认为是酸性土壤上作物产量形成的主要障碍因子。 www.fabiao.net 10. Scientists believe that the oceans have already become slightly more acidic over the last century. 科学家们认为海洋的酸性已经比上个世纪稍微大了一点。 www.24en.com 1. Saponification has been a common aqueous cleaning process by chemically reacting with the acidic flux to form soap. 作为常规的水清洗过程,皂化反应主要通过与酸性焊剂发生化学反应以产生皂化的方式完成清洗。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Humans have begun to recognize this truth and understand that all disease may begin with an overly basic or acidic bloodstream. 人类已经开始意识到这一真相,并理解到一切疾病都可能会以一个过碱或过酸的血液开始。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Therefore, how to maintain the weakly acidic nature of our body is the first step for moving far away from diseases. 因此,如何使体质维持在弱碱性就是远离疾病的第一步。 q.sohu.com 4. Guava is an obscure tropical fruit that's subtly acidic, with sweetness that intensifies as you eat your way to the center. 它是一种鲜为人知热带水果,吃起来酸中带甜,促使你吃到果实的中间部分。 www.tesoon.com 5. Marine scientists attribute this to the fact that the ocean is increasingly acidic, as a side-effect of rising CO2 levels in the atmosphere. 海洋科学家将此归结于这一事实:由于大气层中CO2浓度上升的副作用,海洋正在越来越呈酸性。 www.bing.com 6. They found there was an 'unrecognised risk of acidic flavouring in sugar-free candies and beverages. ' 他们发现无糖糖果和饮料中有一种目前还无法确认其危害的酸性食品调味剂。 www.bing.com 7. It finds that carbon dioxide emissions are making seawaters so acidic that coral reefs could begin to disintegrate within a few decades. 据发现二氧化碳的排放正使得海水变酸,从而使珊瑚礁在未来的几十年内分解掉。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. General can be planted in garden, but the best way is to use the rich humus, loose hydraulic permeability , and good acidic sandy loam . 一般园土均可栽培,但以富含腐殖质、疏松透水性好的微酸性砂质壤土最好。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. The Martian environment began to change, however, as sulfur built up, the waters became acidic and the planet's geologic activity waned. 然而当硫形成了之后,水开始呈现酸性,地质活动也减少了,火星的环境便开始改变。 10. Some of these even survive in the highly acidic environment of the Richmond Mine, or as a team led by Maija K. 这些病毒中的一些病毒甚至能够在里士满矿的强酸环境中存活下来,或者如麦加(MaijaK。 www.bing.com 1. Acid Number(AN) Milligrams of KOH required in tests to neutralize all the acidic constituents present in al g sample of a petroleum product. 酸值(AN)也称中和值,指中和1克油品试样中所有酸性物质所需氢氧化钾的毫克数。 dict.bioon.com 2. Looking back down on the mining operation inside the volcano, the burning sulfur, acidic lake and moonlit crater walls. 回首倒在火山内部的采矿作业,燃烧硫磺,酸性湖泊和月光下的陨石坑壁。 08062788.blog.163.com 3. The Cremaq farm could hardly have existed until recently because soya would not grow on this hottest, most acidic of Brazilian backlands. 直到最近克雷马大农场才算存活下来,因为巴西低洼平原酸性最强,最热,大豆难以生长。 www.ecocn.org 4. Such pewter, also called black metal, darkened greatly with AGE, and the lead readily leached out in contact with acidic foods. 这样的白镴,也叫做黑金属,因为铅和酸性食物接触容易流失,白镴随着年月会变得很暗。 dict.ebigear.com 5. All of it is growing alarmingly acidic, as the carbon dioxide spewed out by modern activities finds its way into the briny . 随着现代活动排放的二氧化碳在海洋找到了“归宿”,海水渐渐发出变酸的警示。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Offset printing plates used in the base of the main ingredients are aluminum, thus making it unstable in acidic media. 胶印洋搁置的印版版基的次要成不不分是金属铝,不新它在碱性介质洋不安定。 www.bing.com 7. Double orphaned kind, like two armor pair of muscle, because is the acidic medicine. 双孤类,如二甲双肌,由于是酸性药物。 www.guahaozhan.com 8. Cells in each group were positive for neuron enolase, neurofilament protein and nest in, and negative for glial fibrillary acidic protein. 各组细胞神经元烯醇化酶、神经丝蛋白、巢蛋白均呈阳性表达,胶质纤维酸性蛋白呈阴性。 www.showxiu.com 9. "The calcium carbonate in the pearl neutralizes some of the acid, so the resulting drink is not as acidic as vinegar, " said Jones. Jones同时表示:“珍珠中的碳酸钙反应掉了部分醋酸,所以那杯饮料喝起来不像醋那么酸。” www.bing.com 10. It is persistent, long-lasting and flavorful, ending pleasantly in the mouth due to its firm tannins and good acidic quality. 持久口感来自于它优质的丹宁所带来的酸味,香醇美味,收尾完美。 dict.bioon.com 1. Water sensitivity of rock would be controlled by acidic medium, while it would be enhanced by alkaline medium. 酸性介质能抑制岩石水敏性而碱性介质会增强岩石水敏性。 d.wanfangdata.com.cn 2. Laboratory-based evidence shows acidic maintenance solutions can be effective in dissolving encrustations. 实验室为基础的证据表明酸性维护的解决方案可以有效地溶解结壳。 www.syyxw.com 3. Nanometer copper powders were prepared from acidic waste etching solution containing copper using hydrazine hydrate as a reductive agent. 以酸性蚀刻废液为铜源,水合肼为还原剂,采用液相还原法制备纳米铜粉。 www.chemyq.com 4. Among them, ZrO_2 has been paid much attention and has been used as acidic catalyst and catalyst support. 氧化锆由于具有酸性和碱性表面活性中心,作为催化剂和催化剂载体受到广泛关注。 paper.pet2008.cn 5. In clinical applications, the coating protects the nanoparticles from leaching in an acidic environment. 对于临床应用,包覆层阻止了酸性环境对颗粒的侵蚀; www.ceps.com.tw 6. The invention provides the fabric one-bath deoiling agent with favorable deoiling effect under acidic conditions and an application thereof. 提供一种在酸性条件下也具有良好除油效果的织物同浴除油剂及其应用。 ip.com 7. Batteries consist of two different metals suspended in an acidic solution. 在使用酸的电池制造方式中需要两种不同的金属。 www.bing.com 8. a toxic white soluble crystalline acidic derivative of benzene; used in manufacturing and as a disinfectant and antiseptic. 一种白色的有毒可溶性晶状酸,苯的衍生物,用于制造和作消毒剂和杀菌剂。 www.hotdic.com 9. Acidic phosphatase is most sensitive to dimehypo; Neutral phosphatase was more bluntness to dimehypo. 酸性磷酸酶对杀虫双的反应最敏感,中性磷酸酶则最迟钝。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. Equalization involves mixing wastewater streams of acidic and alkaline nature in an equalization basin. 均衡即是在均衡池中将酸性和碱性废水混和。 www.jukuu.com 1. To protect its vital organs from this acidic waste, the body converts the acid into fat and stores it safely away from the organs. 为了防止重要的器官被这些酸性垃圾腐蚀,我们的身体就把这些酸转化成脂肪储存起来,达到与重要的器官隔离的目的。 www.bing.com 2. Proponents of alkaline diets claim that when the body's pH is too acidic, your risk for many conditions, including cancer increases. 碱性食谱拥护者宣称,如果你身体内的PH值太低,你就会增加患很多疾病的风险,包括癌症。 www.bing.com 3. in the chest caused by acidic backflow from the stomach irritating the esophagus; symptomatic of an ulcer or other disorder. 酸质自胃倒流而刺激食道引起的胸部发热疼痛的感觉;有溃疡或其他失调的症状。 dict.veduchina.com 4. the minerals in the rock show that the water was not just salty , it was also extremely acidic. 岩石中的矿物表明水中不仅含有盐份,还是酸性的。 www.ichacha.net 5. For a type of modified guar gum being used in acidic and CO2-foam fracturing, its main properties is evaluated in this paper. 为使一种改性胍胶能用于酸性压裂和CO2泡沫压裂,对其主要性能进行了评价。 www.dictall.com 6. When one is out of balance, or overly acidic, weight gain, chronic illness, allergies, cancer, heart disease and even Diabetes can result. 当一个人体液达不到平衡或者过酸,就会出现超重,慢性疾病,过敏,癌症,心脏疾病甚至糖尿病。 www.bing.com 7. Plate culture method combined with PCR-DGGE was applied to monitor the bactericidal efficacy of acidic electrolyzed water on shrimp. 利用平板培养结合PCR-DGGE技术监测酸性电解水对虾的杀菌效果。 8. Sulfur and sulfur-bearing minerals can dissolve in water, and the resulting solutions can be quite acidic. 硫与含硫的矿物可以在水中分解,所形成的水溶液可能具有一定程度的酸性。 9. However, acidic environment significantly retarded the catalyzed decomposition of hydrogen peroxide. 而酸性环境对过氧化氢催化分解有明显的抑制作用。 lib.cqvip.com 10. Part of the ginger family, gives a good Blend with other Thai ingredients. Distinctive acidic taste helps reduce the smell of meat. 属于姜类之一,能和所有泰国香料融合搭配在一起,口感酸性,也能去腥味。 bbs.jysq.net 1. It is considered that acidic corrosion takes up a great proportion in heaters, especially in square chest furnaces. 认为酸性腐蚀在加热炉,特别是在方箱炉中占很大比例。 www.chemyq.com 2. Orange, lemon, lime, and grapefruit juice or essential oils cleanse and create an acidic base that does not promote the growth of mold. 甜橙、柠檬、莱檬、葡萄柚汁或精油有清洁作用,并能产生一种不会促成真菌生长的酸性。 www.qiyeku.com 3. To prevent protein denaturation, do not mix with acidic fruit juices or liquids above room temperature. 为了防止蛋白质变性,不与酸性果汁或以上的室温液体混合。 www.vvcha.cn 4. Sharp: Tasting term used to indicate an acidic or bitter taste. Usually uncomplimentary. 尖锐的:品尝术语,用来指酸或者苦的味道。通常作为贬义词语使用。 www.best789.com 5. Heart disease and strokes are other diseases that is the result of an overly acidic system due to toxins in the environment. 心脏病和中风是因环境毒素产生了身体过酸性系统从而导致的其它疾病。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Never brush immediately after an acidic meal or drink. Always wait at least 30 minutes. 不要在吃完含酸的餐食或饮料后立即刷牙。记住至少30分钟后。 www.bing.com 7. Synthetic detergents, however, may be soluble in both acidic and alkaline solutions and don't form insoluble precipitate in hard water. 合成洗涤剂,然而,可能是溶于酸性和碱性两个解决方案和不形成不溶于水的沉淀在困难的水。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. METHODS Acidic dye colorimetry with bromothymol blue as ion pair reagent was employed to determine the alkaloids in samples. 方法用溴麝香草酚蓝同川芎生物碱形成稳定的有色离子对酸性染料比色法测定总生物碱的含量。 www.magsci.org 9. Additionally, the reverse reaction of sulphonation and hydrolysis of the aromatic sulfonic acidic resin is prevented. 而且避免了芳香族磺酸树脂的磺化水解逆反应。 www.hgpf114.com 10. Many fruit teas are acidic and eat away at tooth enamel, with lemon and blackcurrant among the most damaging. 很多果茶都是酸性的,会慢慢侵蚀掉牙表面的釉质,其中要属柠檬和黑加仑的腐蚀性最强。 www.24en.com 1. It requires the extraction in chloroform of an ion-pair formed between thiocyanate ions and methylene blue in acidic medium. 它要求在氯仿萃取的离子对之间形成硫氰酸离子和亚甲蓝在酸性介质。 www.syyxw.com 2. Thus, acidic conditions are stabilized by the cycling of iron which inhibits fermentative and sulfate-reducing activities. 因此,抑制发酵和硫酸盐还原反应的铁离子循环可以稳定酸性环境。 www.1x1y.com.cn 3. Objective: To establish a simple, rapid, accurate method for the determination of uronic acid and neutral sugar in acidic polysaccharides. 前言:目的:建立一种操作简单、快速、准确地测定酸性多糖中糖醛酸和中性糖含量的方法。 www.chemyq.com 4. Mixing of basic magma and acidic magma during moving up resulted in the formation of the intermediate rocks including diorite and monzonite. 基性岩浆和酸性岩浆在上升过程中发生混合,闪长岩及二长岩可能是它们混合的产物。 www.geojournals.cn 5. The yeast Saceharomyces exiguus, with a Lactobaeillus species, produces the characteristic acidic flavor and aroma of such breads. 酵母菌和一种乳杆菌混合发酵使生产的面包具有特色的酸味和香味。 www.dictall.com 6. The VHMS lead-zinc mineralization occurred in the early acidic volcano-sedimentary stage, and corresponds to the acidic volcanic eruption. 在早期酸险性火山-沉积阶段,主要表现为英安质一流纹质酸性火山活动及VHMS型铅锌成矿作用; www.ceps.com.tw 7. The acidic hydrolysis and enzymatic hydrolysis are the main methods of hydrolysis. 水解主要有酸水解法和酶水解法; www.ceps.com.tw 8. Analysis methods of nickel, zinc and boric acid in an acidic zinc-nickel alloy plating bath were established. 制定了酸性锌镍合金镀液中镍、锌和硼酸的分析方法。 lib.cqvip.com 9. Acidic and alkaline fluid's dissolution is the main mechanism of the formation of volcanic reservoir in this area. 酸性和碱性流体叠加溶蚀作用是本区火山岩储层形成的主要机制。 stae.com.cn 10. The acidic condition of the catalyzed iron inner electrolysis process was recommended in the practical engineering. 在实际工程应用中推荐采用酸性条件下的Fe-镀Cu催化内电解工艺。 www.13191.com 1. The acidic condition of the catalyzed iron inner electrolysis process was recommended in the practical engineering. 在实际工程应用中推荐采用酸性条件下的Fe-镀Cu催化内电解工艺。 www.13191.com 2. If necessary, nylon, acrylic and polyester fibers may be bleached with sodium chlorite under acidic conditions. 在必要时,尼龙、丙烯腈、涤纶纤维可在酸性条件下用氯化钠漂白。 dict.ebigear.com 3. Any of a class of weakly acidic organic compounds ; molecule contains one or more hydroxyl groups . 酸性有机合成物,分子中含有一个或更多羟基。 www.bing.com 4. Ammonia and 5 organic amines are found to be effectively adsorbed by the self-made weekly acidic ion-exchange fiber. 利用自制的弱酸性离子交换纤维对水中的氨和5种有机胺进行了吸附实验研究。 www.dictall.com 5. Allyl groups are removed by isomerization to the vinyl others with rhodium or palladium catalysts, followed by acidic aqueous hydrolysis. 烯丙基可通过异构化形成丙烯醚来除去,用铑或钯催化剂的乙烯醚,酸性水解。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Improperly digested food moves slowly through the digestive tract, where it becomes increasingly acidic. 没有被正确地消化的食物在消化道中缓慢移动,然后酸性变得越来越强。 www.bing.com 7. It is thought generally that dissolution of acidic fluids is an important controlling factor for forming carbonate reservoir. 普遍认为酸性流体的溶蚀作用是碳酸盐岩储层形成的重要制约因素。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Heartburn and indigestion are one symptom of an overly acidic system; as is flatulence and excessive burping. 胃灼热、消化不良是过酸系统的症状,还有就是胃气胀和过度打嗝。 dict.kekenet.com 9. The final structures of PUF resins were different when acidic condition was in different stage during the preparation. 合成过程中酸性环境所处阶段不同,最终树脂结构出现差异。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. Its advantages are * process, convenient operation and reaction system adapting to alkaline, neutral and acidic reactions. 本发明的制备过程简单、操作方便,反应体系适用于碱性、中性、酸性。 www.bing.com 1. The pigment had good stability under light illumination or acidic pH value, strong reduction resistance, but poor antioxidant capacity. 该色素在光照及酸性条件下,稳定性较好; 2. It's changing the chemistry of seawater, making it more acidic and otherwise inhospitable, threatening many important marine organisms. 它改变了海水的化学性质,使海水的酸性增加而不适宜生物生存,威胁到到很多重要的海洋生物。 news.dxy.cn 3. two of three group's acidic volcanic rock's elements in Carboniferous were in tension stress, the one was in extensive environment. 石炭系的三组酸性火山岩成分中有两组处于挤压应力状态,一组处于应力拉张状态。 www.13191.com 4. The resulting thickened clear acidic aqueous formulations are also part of the invention. 以这种方式增稠的透明酸性含水制剂构成本发明最终目的。 ip.com 5. If the element other than oxygen is a nonmetal, the oxide is classed as a nonmetal oxide or an acidic anhydride. 如果元素以外的氧气是非金属,氧化作为一种酸性非金属氧化物或酸酐归类。 wenwen.soso.com 6. The solid waste in landfills is typically at a pH that's considered too acidic to host methanogens, methane-producing microbes. 通常认为垃圾填埋场的固体废物是典型的过酸环境,这并不利于产烷生物的生存。 www.bing.com 7. The retentate after pervaporation, which has rich nutrition and plenty of organic acids, can be made into acidic beverage. 膜上渗余液营养丰富,含有大量的有机酸,可用于生产苹果酸性饮料。 www.chemyq.com 8. Wear occurs through metal-to-metal contact, acidic corrosion, rusting, and abrasive action of the oil's contaminant load. 磨损发生在金属表面接触、酸性腐蚀、生锈和机油污染之处。 www.52jxs.com 9. Vinegar, wine and alcohol, although they feel acidic actually turn basic as the digestive system breaks them down. 醋、酒和酒精,尽管它们感觉是酸性的,但其实当消化系统将其分解时,它们就会转为碱性。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Furthermore, the product produced by the acidic precipitation method has good quality, contains protein polysaccharide as high as over 95%. 而且酸沉淀法生产的产品质量好,蛋白多糖含量高达95%以上,这是目前任何生产工艺所无法达到的。 ip.com 1. Furthermore, the product produced by the acidic precipitation method has good quality, contains protein polysaccharide as high as over 95%. 而且酸沉淀法生产的产品质量好,蛋白多糖含量高达95%以上,这是目前任何生产工艺所无法达到的。 ip.com 2. Notes: 1. acidic product, please store in a place where cool and keep out of reach to children. 2. wear rubber gloves in working. 注意:1、本品属酸性产品,存放于干燥阴凉及儿童触及不到的地方。2、专业人士使用,使用时戴好胶手套及不要接触到眼睛、皮肤。 www.f557.com 3. This treatment would be particularly applicable in acidic soils. 这种处理在酸性土壤中特别适用。 www.1x1y.com.cn 4. Using fish wastes as raw materials, the hydrolyzed animal protein(HAP)powder was produced by enzymatic hydrolysis and acidic hydrolysis. 以鱼类下脚料为原料,经生物酶解、酸解制备了风味水解蛋白粉。 www.chemyq.com 5. In general ionic polymerization can be initiated through acidic or basic compounds. 一般来讲,离子型聚合可以被酸类或碱类化合物所引发。 dict.veduchina.com 6. Provided are system of value resource in acidic corrosion waste fluid and a recycling method. 一种酸性蚀刻废液中有价资源的回收方法及回收系统。 ip.com 7. And the hydrothermal vents were in an acidic environment. 而热泉就处于一种酸性的环境。 www.ted.com 8. Acidic granite intrusive rocks are not developed suggesting the tectonic magmatic belt was not well developed. 酸性花岗岩类侵入岩极不发育,构造岩浆带不发育。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Unfortunately, this crude is highly acidic, is insoluble with petroleum-based fuels and contains only half the energy content of gasoline. 可惜的是,这类原油的酸性极强、不溶于石油燃料,而且其能量含量仅为汽油的一半。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 10. However, whether a drug is acidic or basic, most of its absorption occurs in the small intestine. 然而,不管一种药物是酸性还是碱性,大多数吸收都是在小肠内进行的。 www.51edu.com 1. Isopentyl lactate was synthesized from lactic acid and isopentyl alcohol in the presence of strongly acidic cationic exchange resin. 在强酸性阳离子交换树脂存在下,由乳酸和异戊醇合成了乳酸异戊脂。 www.dictall.com 2. The welder can use various specifications and the electrode material, including acidic, alkaline and cellulose-based electrode. 该焊机可使用各种不同规格和材质的焊条,包括酸性、碱性及纤维素型的焊条。 meilihu.com 3. the major products are toluene sulfonyl chloride, toluene sulfonamide and mild acidic and direct coupling serial products. 主要生产对甲苯磺酰氯、对甲苯磺酰胺、邻甲苯磺酰胺等弱酸性和直接黑系列产品。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Many scientists have confirmed acidic blood environment is the main cause of degenerative diseases. 很多科学家证明了酸性体质是衰竭性疾病的元凶。 www.investalks.com 5. Even worse, excessive consumption of this acidic citrus fruit could lead to a stomach ulcer. 更糟糕的是,过多的消耗这样的酸性水果可能导致胃溃疡。 www.elanso.com 6. Objective To observe the effect of acidic Polysaccharides on the accelerations of the healing of fracture and lowering serum cholesterol. 目的研究酸性多糖口服对骨缺损愈合和降低血胆固醇的影响。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Sod should also be fertilized. And it should be treated with limestone if the soil is acidic . 还要对草皮进行施肥,如果土壤酸度过大,还要施以石灰。 club.topsage.com 8. Working people of this area, after long experience, found that eating acidic foods helps to reduce the stones and other diseases. 这一带的劳动人民,经过长期的实践经验,发现多吃酸性食物有利于减少结石等疾病。 www.bwbd.info 9. RESULTS The contents of acidic succinyl groups and acetyl groups in HPMCAS were related with the addition of two anhydrides. 结果HPMCAS中酸性丁二酰基、乙酰基的含量与加入酸酐的量密切相关; www.zgyxzz.com.cn:8080 10. Tea and Coffee lovers must be aware that these two drinks are acidic in nature. So are soda and alcohol. 茶和咖啡爱好者必须注意,这两种饮料都呈酸性,同时苏打水和酒也是酸性的。 www.soudoc.com 1. "Such high levels of correlation between phosphorus and sulfur can likely only be obtained under acidic conditions, " they note. 研究人员指出,只有在酸性环境下,磷和硫磺才可能达到如此高度的结合。 huzhangao.blog.163.com 2. The sugar composition of the polysaccharides were determined by TLC after acidic hydrolysis. 利用酸水解和TLC测定多糖的主要糖组成。 www.ilib.cn 3. Climate change poses the biggest threat to reefs however, as emissions of carbon dioxide make seawater increasingly acidic. 气候改变是珊瑚礁所面临的威胁中最大的一部分,因为二氧化碳排放导致海水酸性升高。 www.bing.com 4. Synthesis and pharmacological evaluation of oxime and acidic head group structural variations. 肟的合成和药理学评估以及酸性端基的结构变化。 www.bing.com 5. Lighter colors were achieved by the ancient Roman women who used acidic plant extracts and sun to bleach their colors. 为染成浅色,古罗马女性提取酸性植物侵出物,晒在阳光下漂泊发色。 www.elanso.com 6. Chemical burns to the eyes can be devastating from either alkaline or acidic agents. 眼球的化学烧伤(不论酸碱)对于眼睛来说都可能是灾难性的。 www.bing.com 7. Acidic soil can be neutralized by adding lime, but that's too expensive for poor Chinese farmers. 通过在土壤中添加石灰来中和土壤的酸性。但是对于中国贫苦的农民来说这耗费太大了。 www.bing.com 8. In this paper, the removal methods of heavy metal ions, lead, zinc, antimony, contained in the acidic mine underground water were studied. 对矿山酸性地下水中所含铅、锌、锑三种重金属离子的去除方法进行了试验研究。 www.chemyq.com 9. The damage to materials caused by acidic matter in atmosphere is the main portion of the economic loss caused by acid precipitation. 大气中的酸性物质对暴露在大气中的材料的破坏是酸沉降经济损失中的重要部分。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The acidic hydrogen (or its equivalent metal) is connected to the hydrocarbon chain through an oxygen atom, . . . 酸性氢原子(或者等效的金属原子)通过氧原子与碳氢链相连,……捕收剂二 wenku.baidu.com 1. According to researchers, the little fish live in dark, tea-colored water at least 100 times more acidic than rainwater. 研究人员说这种小鱼生活在黑暗、茶色的水中,水的酸性比雨水强至少100倍。 www.kekenet.com 2. The pretreatment technology for removal of high-content impurity elements in copper anode slime in acidic medium is studied. 对高杂质铜阳极泥在酸性介质中的预处理脱杂工艺进行了研究。 www.chemyq.com 3. Protect A is resistant to various chlorides , oils, sulphur compounds, chlorine compounds and weak acidic media. 保护能抵抗各种氯化物,油,硫化合物,氯化合物和弱酸性介质。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The cultured cells were stained immunocytochemically with neuron-specific enolase(NSE)and glial fibrillary acidic protein(GFAP)antibodies. 诱导后细胞呈神经元样细胞改变。神经元烯醇化酶和胶质纤维酸性蛋白染色阳性。 www.chemyq.com 5. Changes to ecosystems due to wildfire, the ocean becoming more acidic, flooding and drought. 山林大火、海水酸化、洪水和干旱会引起生态系统的变化。 www.bing.com 6. In acidic electrolyte, the porous anodic aluminium oxide(AAO) template was obtained using anodic oxidation. 在酸性电解液中,用阳极氧化法制备了多孔阳极氧化铝模板。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. In Korea, we have an acidic soil with a pH level similar to that found in swamps. 在韩国,我们拥有酸性土壤,他的PH值和沼泽地的土壤相近。 voa.hjenglish.com 8. to improve the acidic: Spring to eat more alkaline foods to acid in the body, relieve fatigue. 改善酸性体质:春季要多进食碱性食物,以中和体内酸性物质,解除委靡。 www.citynoon.com 9. Acidic: Used to describe wines whose total acid is so high that they taste tart or sour and have a sharp edge on the palate. 酸的:用于形容葡萄酒的总酸度过高以至于尝起来具有辛辣或酸腐味且在口腔中具有锋利的边角感。 www.richleader.hk 10. Induced accumulation of the acidic pathogenesis-related proteins (PRs) in tobacco leaves by ningnanmycin was studied. 研究了宁南黴素对烟草酸性病程相关蛋白的诱导表达。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. When carbon dioxide dissolves in seawater, the concentration of hydrogen ions increases, making it more acidic. 当二氧化碳在海水中溶解,氢离子浓度会增加,使海水变得更酸。 www.bing.com 2. But research shows that brushing too soon after meals and drinks, especially those that are acidic, can do more harm than good. 但是研究发现每次吃完饭或喝完东西都刷牙,特别是那些能产生酸的东西只会带来更多的不益。 www.bing.com 3. A process that applying ST-1 as an activator to activate H2O2 at low temperature in a neutral or weak acidic medium is recommended. 提出应用活化剂ST—1,在弱酸性或中性介质中,于低温下使H_2O_2活化的方法对兔棉针织物进行温和漂白。 www.chemyq.com 4. According to a study of body fluid of 600 cancer patients, 85% of the patients are in acidic physical condition. 根据一项六百位癌症病人体液分布的研究,显示85%癌症病患属于酸性体质。 acctc.com 5. N- butyl lactate was synthesized from lactic acid and n- butyl alcohol in the presence of strongly acidic cationic exchange resin. 在强酸性阳离子交换树脂存在下,由乳酸和正丁醇合成了乳酸正丁酯。 www.dictall.com 6. Why does the body physical condition turn acidic? 为什么会形成酸性体质? q.sohu.com 7. As a result, the sea is 30% more acidic than it would have been without man's new activities. 结果,海洋的酸度比过去没有人类新近的活动时高30%。 www.bing.com 8. They have also pumped pesticides into land that was already acidic, destroying the soil and cutting into the yield, foreign agronomists say. 他们还往地里喷洒杀虫剂;据外国农学家说这种杀虫剂呈酸性,毁坏土壤,削减收成。 www.bing.com 9. And the oceans are becoming more acidic, with probable negative consequences to many coral reef and calcium-bearing organisms. 此外,海洋酸性越来越高,有可能给许多珊瑚礁和含钙有机体带来消极后果。 www.fao.org 10. To sensitivity skin can choose acidic taste, more cleansing cream to supplement vitamin C, avoid oil-control formula. 对治敏感性皮肤可选用微酸性洁面品,多补充维他命C,日霜忌用控油配方。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Soluble in chloroform and acidic solution, slightly soluble in ethanol or alcohol, almost insoluble in water. 溶于氯仿和酸性溶液,略溶于乙醇或丙醇,几乎不溶于水。 wenwen.soso.com 2. The analyses show that most of the soils are a bit acidic and rich in OM that is related to the manure applications by farmers. 经测定分析得出:重庆烟区土壤大多呈酸性,有机质含量较高,与农户施用有机肥有关。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. Ink binders used in mainly alkali soluble acidic resin pH control matters. 水墨中使用的连结料主要是碱溶性酸性树脂,所以pH值的控制显得非常重要。 www.bing.com 4. They can be greatly reduced by acidic or basic polycondensation process, a certain amount of phenolic resin can also be recovered. 酚醛树脂生产废水含酚量和含醛量都较高,采用酸性缩聚法或碱性缩聚法处理,能大大降低酚和醛的含量,而且能回收到一定量的树。 www.dictall.com 5. Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides also cause acidic precipitation, commonly called acid rain . 二氧化硫和氨氧化物引起酸性降雨,常称为酸雨。 www.jukuu.com 6. Over-the-counter antacids may ease a sour or acidic stomach, which can cause halitosis when you burp. 非处方药抑酸剂可以减少胃酸,后者也能引起饱嗝时溢出的口臭。 www.soudoc.com 7. The result shows that the content of non-basic nitrogen of neutral, basic and acidic fractions is high. and the weak basic nitrogen is less. 结果表明,四种渣油的中性份、碱性份和酸性份中,均以非碱性氮含量最高,弱碱性氮含量最少。 www.chemyq.com 8. By the end of the century, the entire Arctic Ocean will be corrosively acidic. 到本世纪末,整个北冰洋将会呈腐蚀酸性。 www.bing.com 9. Acidic components were precipitated from waste ester solution according to the differential solubility of components in water solution. 利用废酯液中各组分在水中溶解特性的不同,水洗沉降对酸性物质与酯进行初步分离。 epub.cnki.net 10. Ridges of peat and pools of dark, acidic water form a patterned peatland near Moon Point. 月亮峰附近,隆起的泥炭和黑色水潭、酸性水形成有图案的泥炭地。 www.bing.com 1. Al and Fe toxicity is a major disadvantageous factor on acidic soils that causes the reduction of rice production. 铝毒、铁毒是导致酸性土壤稻作区水稻减产的主要非生物胁迫因子。 www.keyanjijin.cn 2. The asphalt mixture composed of acidic aggregate needs a pretreatment of the asphalt. 酸性石料组成的混合料,必须对沥青进行改性处理后才能满足水稳定性要求。 www.magsci.org 3. Corrosion resistance of anodic oxide film with and without post treatment was tested in acidic and alkaline media. 测量了氧化膜在酸、碱介质中的耐蚀性。 www.chemyq.com 4. Using normal alkalic shower gel will destroy the weak acidic environment and weaken the protective action. 但使用一般碱性沐浴露,会破坏私处的弱酸环境,减弱保护作用。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The main catalysts used are PTC, strong acidic ion-exchanging resin, solid super acid, etc. 主要的催化剂有季铵盐、强酸性离子交换树脂、固体超强酸等。 www.chemyq.com 6. Acidic, basic, polar, and nonpolar residues, and special properties of specific amino acids. 其酸性、碱性、极性与非极性分子基,以及特定氨基酸的特殊性质。 www.myoops.org 7. Acidic value and the concentration of the sodium molybdenum greatly influenced the process of phosphatizing. 酸度及钼酸钠的浓度对磷化过程影响较大。 www.chemyq.com 8. Acidic fibroblast growth factor accelerates dermal wound healing. 酸性的纤维原细胞生长因素加速治愈的皮肤的创伤。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The corrosion behavior of austenite stainless steel weld joint in the different acidic medium was studied. 研究了奥氏体不锈钢焊接接头在不同酸性介质中的腐蚀行为。 www.dictall.com 10. The gland in which the glue is generated is mildly acidic. In these circumstances the glue remains liquid. 产生这种粘液的腺体呈中度酸性,中度酸性时粘液呈液态。 www.ecocn.org 1. Mr Zhang, I would suggest that starting from now you reduce your intake of the acidic meaty dishes. 张先生我建议你从现在起少吃酸性的荤食类, q.sohu.com 2. A micro-column packed with PDDA-wrapped MWNTs in sequential injection system facilitates selective sorption of acidic protein species. 阿微柱挤满PDDA包裹碳纳米管的顺序注射系统促进选择性吸附酸性蛋白物种。 www.syyxw.com 3. Bio-oil is a renewable liquid fuel . It is highly acidic, very vicious and has lower stability, thereby restricting its direct use. 生物油作为一种可再生的液体燃料,由于它本身具有酸性大,稳定性差以及粘度大等缺点,从而限制了它的直接应用。 www.chemyq.com 4. The transfer medium in this pipeline is liquid ammonia (process air , soft water, alkali liquor, acidic gas). 这条管线的运送介质为液氨(工艺空气、软水、碱液、酸性气体)。 www.ppmai.com 5. The protective agent may be an acidic solution, a salt solution or a mixture thereof, or an inert gas. 保护剂为酸溶液或盐溶液或它们的混合液,或者为惰性气体。 ip.com 6. eat more vegetables, fruits, yogurt and other acidic foods, the water, adding calcium and vitamin C, to reduce static electricity effects. 多吃蔬菜,水果,酸奶和其他酸性食物,水,添加钙和维生素C,以减少静电的影响。 www.qiyeku.com 7. The effects of lipase, acidic protease and flavor protease on shortening ripening period of fermented mutton sausage were investigated. 对脂酶、酸性蛋白酶和风味蛋白酶缩短羊肉发酵香肠成熟期的效果进行研究。 8. Strongly acidic food: egg yolk, cheese, cake baked with white sugar or persimmon, mullet fish roe, dried cod, etc. 1强酸性食品:蛋黄丶乳酪丶白糖做的西点或柿子丶乌鱼子丶柴鱼等。 acctc.com 9. They prefer slightly acidic conditions, and are typically disseminated by spores. 他们喜欢略带酸性的条件下,通常是散发孢子的。 bbs.wpc.cn 10. In acidic conditions, calcium and magnesium ions show little effects on the dispersion of minerals. 在酸性条件下,钙镁离子对铝、硅矿物的分散性影响很小。 www.fabiao.net 1. Aims Malabsorption of thyroxine has been described in patients treated with drugs that modify an acidic environment. 曾描述接受改变酸性环境药物治疗的病人对甲状腺素吸收不良。 word.hcbus.com 2. And thereby settlement for embrittlement was suggested as follows: activation with acidic salt instead of pickling for degreased products. 从而提出了解决方法:产品除油后用酸盐活化替代酸洗。 www.dictall.com 3. Is helpful in because, except that the version strength forms acidic friend product. 有助于除去因版力形成的酸性朋产物。 www.77down.net 4. Ci Yuan written: "The vinegar in this for 'Health' is an acidic condiments. " 辞源记载:“醋本作‘酢’,是一种酸性调味品。” www.qiyeku.com 5. Mildly acidic food: ham, bacon, chicken meat, squid, pork, eel, beef, bread, wheat, butter, horse meat. 中酸性食品:火腿丶培根丶鸡肉丶鲔鱼丶猪肉丶鳗鱼丶牛肉丶面包丶小麦丶奶油丶马肉等。 acctc.com 6. Acidic water could have destroyed the bulk of the carbonates but surely not all of them! 酸性的水可能破坏碳酸盐,但总不至于一点也不剩。 7. A preferred strong acidic solution is an acid peroxide solution. 优选的强酸性溶液是酸过氧化物溶液。 ip.com 8. The State Guest Da Hung Pao in particular is not only strongly aromatic, it's also less acidic and less bitter than other da hung . 国宾大红袍更是大红袍当中的绝品,不仅芬芳四溢,酸涩之味也不像其它大红袍茶叶那么强烈。 chinese.wsj.com 9. The same is true lipids, lipid oxidation process will produce some acid substances, these acidic substances is detrimental to our health. 也是同样的道理血脂,脂肪氧化过程会产生一些酸性物质,这些酸性物质,不利于市民的健康。 www.qiyeku.com 10. All nanocontainers reveal an increase of the benzotriazole release in aqueous solution at alkaline or acidic pH. 所有的纳米容器揭示出一种在在碱性或酸性水溶液中苯并三氮唑释放增加。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. This acidic, vitamin-rich fruit appears in face and body care in both mass-market and selective distribution. 这种酸性富含维生素的水果出现在脸部和身体护理保养品里,已经在大量市场和选择性的分布区域都有出现。 hungkuangtv.ning.com 2. This paper made study on gold extraction by leaching plating sludge with acidic thiourea solution. 研究了酸性硫脲溶液从电镀污泥中浸提金的方法。 www.chemyq.com 3. He adds that briny , acidic water would dissolve through alkaline basalt rock, not create puddles. 他认为那种盐水,产生的酸会溶解碱性的玄武岩岩石,不能产生水池。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Alkaline condition is preferred to neutral and acidic conditions in the results of degradation. 碱性条件下电解效果明显优于中性和酸性条件。 www.jukuu.com 5. The declining pH does not actually make the waters acidic (they started off mildly alkaline). 但PH值的降低并不会使海水真的变成酸性(海水原属弱碱性)。 www.ecocn.org 6. We studied the different synthesis mechanism of molecular sieve in the basic and acidic conditions. 研究发现在酸、碱性介质中,介孔分子筛合成机理的不同。 www.google.com.tw 7. Solution of a copolymer with acidic groups . 含酸性基的共聚物溶液。 www.bing.com 8. Then, the sodium silicate solution will produce gel reaction in acidic environment. 其次,水玻璃溶液遇到酸性环境会产生胶结作用。 9. Strongly acidic food: egg yolk, cheese, cake make with white sugar or persimmon, mullet fish roe, dried cod. 強酸性食品:蛋黃、乳酪、白糖做的西點或柿子、烏魚子、柴魚等。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The egg shell is calcined into powder, reacted with acidic juice, the mixture was dried into solid products. 鸡蛋壳经高温煅烧成蛋壳粉,再与酸性果汁进行中和反应,最后烘干得到固体果汁钙产品。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. RESULTS: Vitamin C was most stable in buffer solution, more stable in acidic solution, less stable in water. 结果:维生素C在缓冲溶液中比较稳定,其次为在酸性溶液中,在蒸馏水中最不稳定。 www.zgyxzz.com.cn:8080 2. Methods: Acidic dye spectrophotometry for their release, were studied under different prescription drug release. 方法:采用酸性染料染色分光光度法对其释放度进行测定,考察不同处方下药物的释放情况。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 3. Each of the hydrophilic segments contains acidic groups. 每个亲水链段包含酸基。 ip.com 4. Gastric juice contains hydrochloric acid to provide an acidic solution for pepsin. 胃液内含有盐酸给胃蛋白酶提供酸溶液。 tr.bab.la 5. Acidic soil is paradise for nematodes, parasitic roundworms that destroy crops. 酸性土壤是线虫和寄生蛔虫的乐土,而这些害虫会将农作物摧毁。 huzhangao.blog.163.com 6. pack a powerful acidic punch, but we never thought we'd see one lighting up a room! 我们都知道西红柿富含酸性物质,但从没想过它可以点亮一间屋子! www.bing.com 7. Within years, however, powdery salts formed on the wood surfaces, and the wood started becoming soft and acidic. 然而这些年里由于船提表面的盐粉末,木材已经开始变软并呈酸性。 www.en400.com:8080 8. Blueberries thrive in acidic soils, so we amended their beds heavily with compost made from pine trees. 蓝莓在酸性的土壤中会长得很茂盛,所以我们给苗圃加入了大量由松树提炼出的混合肥料。 www.elanso.com 9. Acidic pollution has been reduced in the gel heat-treated process through choosing appropriate inhibitor. 选择了合适的抑制剂,降低了凝胶热处理过程中醋酸等原料带来的环境污染。 www.juhe8.com 10. Industrial regions of the world suffer much more acidic fall-out than they did before the industrial revolution. 现在,世界上的工业地区比工业革命前遭受到更多酸性沉降物。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. acidic yellow hair: and the acidic toxins in the blood increase, and over exertion and over-eating sweets, fat-related. 酸性体质黄发:与血液中酸性毒素增加,也与过度劳累及过食甜食、脂肪相关。 99mrw.5d6d.com 2. The same metabolic pathways that permit the anaerobic breakdown ofglucose to energy perform poorly in this acidic environment. 利用葡萄糖在无氧下分解来生成能量的代谢途径,也缺乏效率。 edu.taisha.org 3. Salts (acidic liquids) corrosion and magnesium salt corrosion. 酸盐(酸性液体)腐蚀和镁盐腐蚀。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Meanwhile, it demonstrates that sterical hindered amines are a kind of fine acidic gas absorption solvents. 实验同时证明了空间位阻胺是一种优良的酸性气体吸收剂。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. Research work on the solvent extraction for palladium recovery from acidic solution developed in recent 10 years was described. 概述了近十多年来溶剂萃取法从酸性溶液中回收钯的研究工作。 www.chemyq.com 6. Cancer cells thrive in an acidic environment. 癌细胞在酸性环境中生存。 blog.163.com 7. Protein precipitation has been an important factor influencing the quality of acidic beverages. 蛋白沉淀一直是影响酸性双蛋白饮料质量的重要因素。 www.bimag.com.cn 8. When that happens, even healthy foods can become acidic and the food allergies will become more prevalent. 到这个时候,甚至健康的食物都会被转化成酸性物质,食物过敏会越来越严重。 www.bing.com 9. Leaching of copper from chalcocite with acidic acetonitrilecopper sulphate system was studied. 研究了用酸性乙腈硫酸铜体系从辉铜矿中提取铜。 www.dictall.com 10. An acidic material is added to the cellulose acetate solution, and the filtration is preformed. 将酸性材料加入到乙酸纤维素溶液中,和进行过滤。 ip.com 1. The effect of reverse pulse parameters on porosity of nickel electrodeposits from bright acidic nickel bath was studied. 研究了酸性光亮镀镍体系中,双向脉冲参数对镀层孔隙率的影响。 www.chemyq.com 2. Raw optical glass. Resistance to attack by aqueous acidic solutions at 25 degrees celsius. Test method and classification. 光学玻璃坯件.25℃时的耐酸溶液腐蚀性.试验方法和分类 www.mapeng.net 3. Most crops thrive in soils that are neutral, with a pH value of 7, or slightly acidic. 适宜大多数农作物茁壮成长的土壤是中性的,其pH值为7或略小于7。 www.bing.com 4. under normal vaginas , vagina s acidic environment helps keep yeast from growing. 在正常的情况下,女性阴道的酸性环境有助抑制念珠菌增生。 www.ichacha.net 5. daily life, eat fish, meat, poultry, eggs, cereal, etc. are physiological acidic. 日常生活中所吃的鱼、肉、禽、蛋、粮谷等均为生理酸性。 www.qiyeku.com 6. The precipitates were highly stable both in weak acidic and alkaline environment. 螯合沉淀物在弱酸性和碱性条件下很稳定,不会产生二次污染。 www.cjee.ac.cn 7. An acidic chemical reaction is produced which turns the paper brittle and discolored. 会出现一种酸性化学反应。这种反应会使纸变脆和褪色。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 8. You can pour the left over coke (minus the bugs) onto plants that like acidic soil like azaleas and gardenias. 之后,您可以将用过的可乐(除去虫子的)浇灌喜欢酸性土壤的植物,像杜鹃和栀子。 www.kekenet.com 9. Phytotoxicity of aluminum ion (Al(superscript 3 )) is a serious problem limiting crop production in acidic soils. 酸性土壤上铝毒是限制作物产量的一个重要障碍因子。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. Acid Rain----The atmospheric deposition of acidic substance. 酸雨——大气中沉积的酸性物质。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Weight acidic foods cause body fluids and blood lactic acid, uric acid levels increased. 重量酸性食物会使体液和血液中乳酸、尿酸含量增高。 www.qiyeku.com 2. The particulates have more acidic pollutants with strong acidity and have the corrodibility to grottoes. 细粒子中有较多的酸性污染物并比粗粒子酸性强,这些细粒子对石窟有侵蚀作用。 www.chemyq.com 3. On Heilongjiang basin volcanic rock mainly for basic, acidic lava, pyroclastic rocks, may divide 5 volcanic rock belts. 上黑龙江盆地火山岩主要为基性、中酸性的熔岩、火山碎屑岩,可划分5个火山岩带。 lib.cqvip.com 4. The researchers also report that Spanish honeydew honeys tend to be darker and more acidic than clover arietis. 同时,报告指出,西班牙甘露蜜比三叶草蜜颜色更深,酸性更强。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The preparation of waterborne acrylate hydrosol, which is stable in acidic or alkaline environments , is introduced. 介绍了一种在酸性、碱性条件下稳定的水性丙烯酸水溶胶的制备; dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Use of acidic or alkaline water or the use of conditioning salts and other materials has caused cylinder failures when used in water baths. 不推荐把在水槽中直接浸泡钢瓶作为加热方法。在水槽中使用酸或碱水,或使用调节盐和其它物质已经导致了钢瓶的失效。 www.tdict.com 7. While dentists agree toothpastes can help protect enamel , you should still drink acidic beverages in moderation . 虽然牙医们承认这些牙膏有助于牙釉质的保护,但你饮用酸性饮料的时候还是应该适可而止。 www.bing.com 8. Ordinary vegetables are alkaline, but the onions are rich in sulfur, acidic foods belong to. 普通蔬菜是碱性,但葱含有丰富的硫磺,属于酸性食品。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. From a scientific standpoint, we know that in order for meats to be broken down, an acidic environment in the stomach is needed. 从科学的观点来看,我们知道为了使肉得到消化,需要胃中的酸性条件。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Stylolite structure is widely distributed in deep burial acidic volcanic rocks in the northern Songliao Basin. 松辽盆地北部深层的酸性火山岩中广泛发育缝合线构造。 geology.nju.edu.cn |
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