单词 | acid |
释义 |
复数:acids acid 显示所有例句 例句释义: 酸,酸的,酸性的,酸味的,尖刻的,酸性物质,尖酸的,迷幻药 1. Scientists say the toothpastes do make enamel more acid-resistant -- but not enough to protect you if you guzzle soda all day. 不过,专家同时表示,虽然此类牙膏确实能提高牙釉质的耐酸性,但如果你整天狂饮苏打水的话,牙膏也是没有用的。 www.bing.com 2. Potentiometric Titration In this experiment, the student is given a mixture of a strong monoprotic acid and a weak polyprotic acid. 电位滴定在这个实验中,学生被分给一个由一元强酸和多元弱酸所组成的混合物。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. With microwave technology, microelement amino acid chelates can be rapidly synthesized, which has no pollution and low cost. 而利用微波技术,可以快速合成微量元素氨基酸螯合物,工艺简单、无污染、成本低。 paper.pet2008.cn 4. White wine made from grapes grown in a cool climate is often paler, with a higher amount of acid. 使用在凉爽气候中生长的葡萄酿制的白葡萄酒通常要暗淡一点,而且更酸。 www.94493.com 5. The state of the economy is usually the acid test of any government' s success. 经济情况通常是对历届政府的严峻考验。 www.bing.com 6. He thought that if everybody dropped acid, all the bad stuff in the world would stop. But he wasn't just a soppy guy with long hair. 他认为,如果每个人都沉溺在毒品带来的迷幻中,那全世界的丑恶现象就都会停止了。 dongxi.net 7. For a plate of fine scratches, can be used to dip in a little dilute sulfuric acid with a soft brush on scratch Office for processing. 差于印版上的划痕,可以用细毛笔蘸极众稀硫酸涂在划痕处办理。 www.bing.com 8. We are ready to give up when a person we truly love, only our own hearts of those who understand our plight and acid. 当我们准备放弃一个人我们真正爱的人时,只有我们自己明白我们心中的那些苦和酸。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. When a dish seems to be lacking something and you've already seasoned it with salt, sometimes what's missing is acid. 当一道菜看似来似乎缺少某些东西时,而你已经用盐来调过味了,有时候你缺少的是一些酸。 www.bing.com 10. Boric acid has been used to kill other insects including cockroaches, termites and ants inside homes since the middle of last century. 自上世纪中期以来,硼酸就一直被用来消灭家中的蟑螂,白蚁和蚂蚁等昆虫。 www.tingclass.com 1. Chemical graining The lithographic plate surface is etched to produce a fine grain by the application of a strong acid or alkali solution. 化学磨版用强酸或强硷溶液在平版印版的版面上腐蚀,造成幼细微粒表面。 big5.cgan.net 2. What, you think California's the only place people drop acid? 怎么,你以为只有在加州才有人嗑药? blog.sina.com.cn 3. I want to stress though that it was a nasty place. You know, we say water but this stuff was more like sulfuric acid. 你知道,我们说是说水,但是这种东西更像是硫磺酸,它非常非常咸,就像是浓海水。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 4. Even there is acid rain the sky, poisonous rain, the air fills the air germ to flow and has no oxygen body. 甚至天空下起酸雨,有毒雨,空中弥漫菌流以及无氧气体。 blog.cctv.com 5. Heartburn is usually linked to gastric acid that reaches the esophagus when a weak muscle does not close as it should after swallowing. 胃灼热通常是在吞咽后无力肌无法正常紧闭致使胃酸到达食道。 www.kekenet.com 6. will stimulate gastric secretion, gastric acid too easy to feel bloating, reduce appetite, reduce diet feeding. 二氧化碳会刺激胃液分泌,胃酸过多容易感觉腹胀,降低食欲,而减少日常饮食摄食。 www.qiyeku.com 7. The researchers identified factors in the fatty acid pathway that seem to be capable of preventing plaques from blocking arteries in mice. 研究人员鉴定了脂肪酸通路的细胞因子,似乎能够预防小鼠动脉中斑块的堆积。 www.soudoc.com 8. No marvel that the little dragon is dissatisfied, also not equal to call Cui bloom, straight can ascend acid pickled cabbage. 难怪小龙不满意,还不如叫翠花呢,直接就可以上酸菜了。 www.cxjiaxiao.com 9. great rival, Bill Gates, he suggested, would be "a broader guy if he had dropped acid once or gone off to an ashram when he was younger. " 对于他强大的竞争对手比尔·盖茨,他曾暗示道,“假如他能试着吸一次毒,或者在他年轻些的时候去静修”,他会成为“一个更为豁达的人”。 www.ecocn.org 10. That brownish desire was like opening a shaken carbonic acid drink, which splashed you all over with its sweetness. 那红棕色的欲望就像摇晃过的碳酸饮料转开瓶盖,溅得你一身甜。 mypaper3.pchome.com.tw 1. The retention time of a peak in the HPLC of the sample corresponded to that of ferulic acid. 高效液相色谱表明样品在与阿魏酸相同保留时间处有吸收峰。 www.chemyq.com 2. An acid-base reaction is often called a neutralization reaction. 酸碱反应常常被称为中和反应。 www.94493.com 3. As she worked at her restaurant, an assailant threw acid in her face on behalf of a jealous rival. 当她正在她的餐馆工作时,一个嫉妒的竞争者把一瓶酸仍到了她的脸上。 www.bing.com 4. VLP do not contain viral nucleic acid, which means that VLP has no pathogenicity and suggested as a promising platform for vaccines. VLP不含有病毒核酸,不能自主复制,因此无致病性,在疫苗研发中具有广泛的应用前景。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. Super Collagen is enzymatically processed into its amino acid form with a very low molecular weight, which can be utilized 100% by the body. 超级胶原蛋白是酶加工成的氨基酸形成一个非常低分子量,可被人体利用100%。 www.125366.com 6. In nature, there is usually a somewhat fixed relationship between the sugar and acid contents of a fruit species. 在自然界,水果中的糖和酸的含量具有固定关系。 www.168ee.com.cn 7. Nucleic acid protein, does not the United States and produce no sense of religion. 核酸蛋白不会对美、宗教产生丝毫感觉。 hi.baidu.com 8. Now, this brain region is packed with a type of protein that's activated by acid, and seems to be involved in an animal's response to fear. 这一部分脑区承载着一种可以被酸激活的蛋白质,而这种蛋白质似乎才是动物身体应激反应的来源。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. One cliffhanger episode features the main villainess, Cherry, putting on protective gloves and trying to splash the heroine, Rin, with acid. 其中一个扣人心弦的情节中,重要反派人物Cherry戴上保护手套试图往女主角Rin身上泼酸。 chinese.wsj.com 10. Throughout life, all left-handed aspartic acid in the body tends to slowly convert to the right-handed conformation. 历经人的一生,体内所有左旋天冬氨酸趋于慢慢转换为右旋构造。 www.bing.com 1. Vitamin C namely ascorbic acid was one of the most important nutrients needed for human, and the lack of it may lead to scorbutus. 维生素C又叫抗坏血酸,是人类营养中所需要的最重要的维生素之一,缺乏维生素C会产生坏血病。 airiti.com 2. But, while Google has already removed 'Acid Lover' from its library, the author's requirement of an apology is non-negotiable, he said. 但孙景伟说,虽然谷歌已经从其图书服务中撤下了《盐酸情人》一书,棉棉要求谷歌道歉的条件是没有商量余地的。 cn.wsj.com 3. The acid seeped into her eyes, and streamed down her face into her mouth. 硫酸渗进她的眼睛,顺着脸颊流进嘴里。 www.bing.com 4. Between each sprint, move at a very slow speed for three times the length of the sprint to help minimize lactic acid buildup. 在每次冲刺之间,缓慢地跑过三倍于冲刺时的距离,以使乳酸增加最小化。 3w.hongen.com 5. A process to produce a modified catalyst support including treatment of a support slurry with a solution of monosilicic acid is provided. 提供包括用单硅酸溶液处理载体浆料在内的生产改性催化剂载体的方法。 ip.com 6. What reason is often feeling cervical vertebra acid aches to know? 常常觉得颈椎酸疼谁知道是什么原因吗? dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Yellow humic acid(or fulvic acid FA) was an active constituents of humic acid. Its national resources was more amendment. 黄腐酸是腐植酸中最具活力的组成部分,蕴藏量丰富,萃取方法简便。 www.chemyq.com 8. Ageing resistant: The surface has good acid, alkaline, salt fog resistance. It is suitable to be used in wet and high corrosive environment. 耐候性强:表面具有良好的耐酸、碱、盐雾等腐蚀性,适合各种潮湿、腐蚀性强的环境使用。 detail.cn.china.cn 9. Belluomo rises from the BED of his wife's lover's wife, the kerchiefed housewife is astir, a saucer of acetic acid in her hands. 漂亮男人从他妻子之姘夫的老婆那张床上爬了起来,包着头巾的主妇手持一碟醋酸,忙来忙去。 dict.ebigear.com 10. Because cough may be the only symptom of reflux, I would also initiate more aggressive acid suppression with a proton-pump inhibitor. 因为咳嗽是反流仅有的症状,我也应用质子泵抑制剂着手强酸抑制。 terms.shengwuquan.com 1. Studies have shown that tannic acid can remove the smear layer, but it has not yet been used in clinical root canal treatment. 有研究发现:鞣酸有去除玷污层的作用,但在根管治疗中的应用尚无进一步研究。 www.fabiao.net 2. Dave felt an acute pain; it was as if he was drinking acid. 戴夫都感到万分痛苦,就仿佛喝酸东西一样。 www.mdaxue.com 3. A transaction is often described as ACID -- atomic, consistent, isolated, and durable. 事务经常被描述为ACID--原子性、一致性、隔离性和持久性。 www.ibm.com 4. A white wine from grapes grown in a warmer climate is often yellower, with less acid, though there are exceptions to this rule. 如果使用的是较暖环境里的葡萄,那么酿制出来的酒就会黄一点,没那么酸,尽管在这一点上也有例外。 www.94493.com 5. In discussing titrations of acid and base solutions, it is often convenient to think in terms of milliequivalents. 在讨论酸碱溶液的滴定时,习惯上考虑到的是千分之一等当量。 www.myoops.org 6. So God chooses to use financesas the acid test of how much you trust Him. 因此,上帝选择将如何使用财富作为对你的艰巨考验,看看你有多么信仰他。 www.bing.com 7. The study shows that the heat stability of special fatty acid soaps is superior to that of stearate soaps. 研究结果表明,特种脂肪酸皂的热稳定性能优于相对应的硬脂酸皂; d.wanfangdata.com.cn 8. A woman who was blinded when a scorned lover threw acid in her eyes has the chance to get a gruesome revenge today. 女子因为拒绝求婚被泼硫酸致盲,今天她终于有机会用同样的手段报复凶手。 www.bing.com 9. Well, I was always totally straight when I was doing gigs and I guess it would be a lot better if I was on acid. 是这样的,我在做现场演奏的时候总是会站得笔直。如果我在做酸屋的话情况会好很多。 www.bing.com 10. The excessive uric acid is the result of a higher cellular metabolism due to the light infusion of the cells. 过度尿酸,是由于细胞的光融合而令细胞更高速新陈代谢的结果。 www.lingyuan.net 1. Dormancy may be due to the barrier to water and oxygen presented by the seed coat or to abscisic acid produced by the embryo. 休眠可能是由于种皮阻碍水分和氧气的供应或者由于胚合成的脱落酸而造成的。 jxzy.lynu.edu.cn 2. sauce from having a strong vinegar taste (vinegar is dilute acetic acid), oxygen must BE kept, out of the fermentation tank. 为了防止酱油产生强烈的醋味(醋是稀释的乙酸),必须要使发酵罐隔绝氧气。 dict.ebigear.com 3. It have been found that there was a certain relation between the dyeing properties and crystal phase, particle size of acid dyes. 试验表明酸性染料的染色性能与染料的晶相和粒子大小有着一定的关系。 epub.cnki.net 4. The nicotinic acid preparing process of the present invention has no environmental pollution and is suitable for industrial production. 本方法制备烟酸不污染环境,是一种适合工业化生产的方法。 ip.com 5. The methods of this report should be generalizable to monitor movement of any molecule relative to any nucleic acid. 这一方法的报告应推广监测运动的任何分子相对任何核酸。 www.syyxw.com 6. Start taking a prenatal or multivitamin containing at least 400 mcg of folic acid per day as soon as you know you're ready for babies. 当你准备要一个孩子的时候,你要开始做产前检查,每天服用至少含有400微克叶酸的多维他命剂。 www.bing.com 7. He said it was still unclear how folic acid - the synthetic form of folate, a B vitamin - worked in securing pregnancy. 他说目前仍不清楚叶酸这种叶酸酯的合成形式,是如何在保护妊娠安全中起作用的,叶酸酯是一种B族维生素。 cafe.pconline.com.cn 8. Nitric acid is not stable, easy to see light decomposition, should be in brown bottle in the shadows to avoid light preservation. 硝酸不稳定,易见光分解,应在棕色瓶中于阴暗处避光保存。 www.cpooo.com 9. However, if excess uric acid is being produced or if the kidneys cannot remove enough of it, levels build up in the blood. 但是,如果尿酸产生过多或者肾脏排尿酸的能力不足,血中尿酸水平就会升高。 news.dxy.cn 10. "It would be like trying to dump acid in a marble bathtub, " he says. “它会像尝试在一个大理石的浴缸中存储酸,”他说。 bj.astronomy.com.cn 1. Such a method includes fermentation of a genetically modified microorganism or plant to produce L-ascorbic acid. 这类方法包括发酵经遗传修饰的微生物或植物来产生L-抗坏血酸。 www.bing.com 2. But I was too good state of mind, so I do not have the kind of miserable to the point, but still could not help some of the acid and sad. 只是,我现在心态太过良好,所以我没有凄惨到那种地步,可是还是忍不住的有些酸和难过。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. We then compared how much amino acid was delivered to the leg and how much was leaving it, by analysing blood in the two situations. 然后我们通过分析血液,把运送到腿部的氨基酸的量和离开时的量做对比。 www.bing.com 4. Vitamin C Bioflavonoids (not ascorbic acid) strengthen the walls of the small blood vessels. It may be a helpful supplement for you. 维生素C生物类黄酮(不是抗坏血酸)可以加强小血管壁。这可能对你有益。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. so for that sort of usage buyers of even the lead-acid model should be able to make it home for an overnight recharge. 所以甚至铅酸蓄电池型号的卖家用户在一整晚的重新充电后也能足够回家了。 www.ecocn.org 6. It is often found in people with acid reflux disease and itself increases the risk of cancer. Barrett食管常见于存在胃食管返流病的患者中,并且有癌变风险。 news.dxy.cn 7. I should fancy it was prussic acid, as she seems to have died instantaneously. 我估计是氢氰酸,因为她好象是立刻断气的。 8. The melancholy of it! As if old Euclid had stood up on his hind legs and swallowed prussic acid. 它演奏的调子是那么悲哀,似乎老欧几里得用后腿站着吞下了氢氰酸。 www.bing.com 9. Acid-washed, flux-calcinated diatomaceous earth is often used. 通常使用酸洗的,通量煅烧硅藻土。 zhoushengsuo.blog.163.com 10. Because OJ is pasteurized and citric acid hinders bacteria growth, the door is a fine choice. 因为橙汁是经过了巴斯德灭菌且柠檬酸阻止了细菌的生长,所以(冰箱的)大门是一个很好的选择。 www.bing.com 1. Acid-proof alkali, not putrefied , was not easily live on by the germs, easy to clean the disinfection. 耐酸碱、不腐烂、不易被细菌寄生、便于清洗消毒。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The two countries continued to have difficulties reaching a compromise on a solution to the problem of acid rain. 这两个国家就解决酸雨问题仍然难以达成妥协。 oelc.blog.163.com 3. Read a while, take a helpless, he said while walking his own comfort: "This has not cooked grapes, is certainly acid. " 看了一会儿,无可奈何地走了,他边走边自己安慰自己说:“这葡萄没有熟,肯定是酸的。” www.360doc.com 4. A bit of glacial acetic acid was used to dissolve trimethoprim and its content was determined after dilution by water. 甲氧苄啶易溶于醋酸,用少量冰醋酸溶解甲氧苄啶,用水稀释后测定含量。 www.caesv.cn 5. martin went into the kitchen with a sinking heart , the image of her red face and slatternly form eating its way like acid into his brain. 马丁心情沉重地走进厨房。她那红通通的脸膛和道里遍遇的样子像酸素一样侵蚀着他的心。 www.ichacha.net 6. To understand the folic acid condition among the 1~7 years children of Tianjin, and to raise the children health condition. 了解天津市1~7岁儿童叶酸营养状况,动员全社会关注儿童叶酸营养,提高健康水平。 www.dictall.com 7. The sulphur is collected and is usually sold to chemical companies mainly for the manufacture of sulphur acid. 硫收集起来后通常出售给化学公司,主要是用于生产硫酸。 www.kuenglish.info 8. The concept of relaxed ACID can be applied to short-running transactions as well. 放松ACID的概念也可以应用于短期运行的事务。 www.ibm.com 9. wherein the intermediate reactor feedstock comprises at least one of a fatty acid and a fatty acid ester. 其中中间反应器原料包含脂肪酸和脂肪酸酯中的至少一种。 ip.com 10. And the fact that we're still dealing with lead-acid batteries is sort of a baffling thing to wrap one's mind around. 事实上,铅酸蓄电池的处置仍然是困扰我们的难题,但或许有转机了。 www.bing.com 1. The waste acid from benzol refining is a very complex mass and we has no better method to deal with it for a long time. 精苯废酸组成极为复杂,长期以来对精苯废酸的处理没有合适的解决方法。 www.dictall.com 2. Products with a strong acid-resistant, anti-pollution, anti-aging, over the years do not change color, no peeling. 生产的产品具有耐酸性强、抗污染、抗老化,多年不变色、不剥落。 yp.0595stw.com 3. and (2) an ion exchange step in which at least the acid catalyst of acidic compounds is removed by an anion exchange resin. 离子交换工序,通过阴离子交换树脂至少除去酸性化合物中的酸催化剂。 ip.com 4. The surface reaction kinetics experiments showed that the variable-viscosity acid had a faster reaction rate. 反应动力学实验研究表明,变黏酸具有很高的表面反应速率。 lib.swpu.edu.cn 5. He was accused of ordering his victims to be dissolved in barrels of acid by his henchman, known as "the soup-maker" . 他被指控曾让手下把受害者放到装满酸水的桶里化掉,于是被称为“制汤师”。 www.ecocn.org 6. Acetic acid may also speed up the rate at which glucose is moved out of the bloodstream and into muscle cells for storage. 醋酸也可能加快葡萄糖从血流中移出并进入肌细胞储存的速率。 zhyue195812.blog.163.com 7. Method Uusing biuret colorimetry to determine the content of protein which had been precipitated by trichloroacetic acid. 方法采用三氯乙酸沉淀法结合双缩脲比色法测蛋白含量,并做加样回收率试验。 www.chemyq.com 8. METHODS The drying material was prepared with lomefloxacin, tinidazole, acid and alkali, and was used for pressing the tablets. 方法将洛美沙星、替硝唑和酸、碱组分分别制成干燥品,整粒、混合后压片。 www.zgyxzz.com.cn:8080 9. As with the laser freckle acid, its treatment principle is to remove the face of that layer of the dermis long spot. 果酸祛斑跟激光一样,它的治疗原理是去掉脸上长斑的那层真皮。 99mrw.5d6d.com 10. The Linolenic acid was easy to make oil oxidative and bad, and reduce the nutritional value of the soybean oil. 大豆油脂中的油酸和亚油酸含量高,豆油的营养价值就高。 www.fabiao.net 1. The Linolenic acid was easy to make oil oxidative and bad, and reduce the nutritional value of the soybean oil. 大豆油脂中的油酸和亚油酸含量高,豆油的营养价值就高。 www.fabiao.net 2. Adding sugar helps keep the glue between the cells intact, she said. "It's preventing the leaking of the acid. " 加糖有助于保护细胞间粘合的完整,“有助于防止酸的泄漏。” www.bing.com 3. Sulfur oxides. SOx's are the component of outdoor air pollution that leads to what is referred to as "acid rain. " 硫氧化物。SOx是室外空气污染的组成部分。它导致成为“酸雨”的情况。 www.bing.com 4. The iron-carbon internal electrolysis method has been used to treat the acid red GR simulant dyeing wastewater. 采用铁炭内电解法处理酸性大红GR模拟染料废水。 paper.pet2008.cn 5. Azelaic acid, a prescription lotion used for acne, can calm discoloration and inflammation due to rosacea as well. 壬二酸,用于治疗痤疮的洗液,可以降低变色和炎症(由于酒渣鼻)。 www.tianya.cn 6. This means that when it reacts with the acid, it tends to lose some of its electrons. 这表明,当铅和酸发生反应时,它很可能失去一些电子。 www.bing.com 7. High doses of the acid in its oral form have been shown in studies to cause birth defects and various pregnancy complications. 这种酸的高剂量口服形式在研究中显示会引起生育缺陷和各种孕期问题。 www.hjenglish.com 8. The invention discloses coal water slurry additive of polyacrylic acid series. The general molecular formula is shown in the right formula. 本发明公开了聚丙烯酸系列水煤浆添加剂,其结构通式如右式。 ip.com 9. The result of FT-IR analysis showed that there was copolycondensation between acid-hydrolyzed and oxidized starch and acrylamide. 结果表明,FT-IR证明了酸解氧化玉米淀粉与丙烯酰胺发生了共聚反应; www.ceps.com.tw 10. Ironically, the emission trading scheme initiated from US at the beginning, to combat the SO2 emission and acid rain since 1970s. 具有讽刺意味的是,此项碳排放贸易制度自从70年代开始由美国发起,以抗击二氧化硫(SO2)排放和酸雨。 www.chinadialogue.net 1. They are constituted of a nucleic acid core (made of DNA or RNA) and a nucleic acid coat, or capsid , made of protein. 它们是构成核酸核心(DNA或RNA的组成)和核酸的外衣,或衣壳蛋白制成。 www.bjzkhj.com 2. The concentrationof acid in these products is so low that our digestive systems are easily capable of coping with it with no harm to us. 这些产品的酸浓度非常低,我们的消化系统很容易就能处理它们,不会对我们造成任何伤害。 www.bing.com 3. Changes to the original are not both need to be out of paper or film, sulfuric acid will do not need to resend. 变更原版并否都需给轻新不入硫酸纸或胶片,碰到下列环境不即不需给轻不入。 www.bing.com 4. I listened, towards you with a face, then, close to your chest, listening to you -- that clang strong acid strong heart. 我听了,朝你拌个鬼脸,然后,紧靠你的胸膛,聆听——你那铿镪有劲的心跳。 www.bing.com 5. On the point of effective corrosion and reservoir protection, optimized the best using concentrations of different acid. 从有效溶蚀和储层保护的角度出发,优选出不同酸液的最佳使用浓度。 lib.swpu.edu.cn 6. For more than a year they treated me for acid reflux, heartburn, and nausea. 一年多来,他们接受治疗胃酸倒流,胃灼热我,恶心。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The invention provides a scheme for dipping lead-tin alloy for a copper-core pillar used for a lead acid storage battery terminal. 本发明提供在铅酸蓄电池端子上使用的铜芯柱蘸铅锡合金方案。 ip.com 8. When aqueous hydrofluoric acid concentration is below fifty percent, it has delayed (up to six hours) symptoms of exposure. 当水成氢氟酸的浓度低于50%时,它有延迟(大到6个小时)的暴露症状。 www.24chem.com 9. The Administration's position was that no action on the acid rain problem was advisable until a considerable amount of further study. 政府的观点是,对酸雨问题再做深入研究,先不采取任何行动。 www.dictall.com 10. Its major use is in the production of acetic acid and its derivative acetone and various acetates, and of numerous other organic chemicals. 它主要用于生产醋酸及其衍生物和各种醋酸酯,以及生产许多其他有机化学品。 www.infopetro.com.cn 1. Parts of these transmitters, which are made by carving rather than acid etching, therefore, are more reliable. 这些发射机是刻出的,不是酸洗的,因此器件更可靠。 www.1x1y.com.cn 2. Lactic acid fungus beverage can keep even stable state often, easy to divide into layer and precipitate. 乳酸菌饮料常常不能保持均匀的稳定状态,易分层和沉淀。 www.chemyq.com 3. The abnormal structure usually appears at the surface layer of nodular iron castings produced by furan-sulfonic acid cured sand mold. 本实验研究查明,当用甲苯磺酸作催化剂的呋喃树脂自硬砂生产稀土镁球铁件时,通常在其铸件表层出现异常组织。 www.dictall.com 4. Do not use thinner, sulfuric acid, acid wash paint on the surface. 不要用天那水,硫酸,酸液搽洗表面。 detail.china.alibaba.com 5. I don't know that I would rely on this too often as I'm sure all that acid would do a number on your teeth! 我不确信我可以经常依赖于此,因为我知道柠檬酸会使牙齿不适。 www.bing.com 6. Man you really love to hear him speak of you very "acid" , then, he will be loaded instead of a very serious, in fact, sweet sweet heart. 真正爱你的男人,当听到你对他讲很“酸”的话时,他反而会装得很正经,其实心里很甜很甜。 www.chinavalue.net 7. Sodium chloride and hydrochloric acid are often used to regenerate spent ion exchange resins used in water purification. 氯化钠和盐酸常用来再生水净化中用的废的离子交换树脂。 8. Boric acid is an excellent floater while gibbsite has no native floatabiligy at all. 硼酸是一种极好的漂浮物,而水铝氧却毫无浮动性。 www.jukuu.com 9. As we've previously reported, depressive symptoms seem to be alleviated by increasing omega-3 fatty acid intake, commonly found in fish. 我们之前也说过了,抑郁的症状可以靠多摄入OMEGA-3,这种普遍存在在鱼中的脂肪酸来得到缓解。 www.bing.com 10. The mouse and fish up to retinoic acid contained in the body, which is why snakes, cats, bats, rats born to be their natural enemy. 而老鼠和鱼类体内所含的黄酸最多,这也正是为什么蛇、猫、蝙蝠天生都要跟老鼠过不去的原因之一。 blog.tianya.cn 1. He would win the election to become president of the company, but the acid test is whether he stops acting high-and-mighty . 他可能会赢得选举,成为公司的总裁,但关键是他是否能不再傲慢下去。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The results showed that the catalysis of amino sulfonic acid was more effective than sulfuric acid on the esterification reaction. 结果表明,氨基磺酸是一种比硫酸更有效的酯化反应催化剂。 www.chemyq.com 3. As the nano silver particle is encapsulated by gluconic acid, there was no surface oxidation, as confirmed by XPS studies. 通过光电子能谱同样可以确定由于纳米银颗粒表面被葡萄糖酸包裹在里面,纳米银就不会被氧化。 ce.sysu.edu.cn 4. Ironically, a damaged esophagus may no longer feel the burn of acid reflux, keeping sufferers in the dark. 具有讽刺意味的是,已经受损的食管并不能感觉到酸返流的烧灼而持续遭受酸返流的侵蚀。 hi.baidu.com 5. While rice is able to provide adequate energy, it has an incomplete amino acid profile and contains limited amounts of micronutrients. 米饭能够提供适当的精力,但同时它有一不完全含氨基酸质,而且只包含了有限的微量营养素。 afic.org 6. As a result of propionic acid accumulation, rancidity is one of important factors that restrict stable operation of anaerobic reactor. 由于丙酸积累而造成的酸败问题一直是制约厌氧反应器稳定运行的重要因素之一。 www.dictall.com 7. Unfortunately, the book has none of the acid remarks of her earlier writings. 不幸的是,这本书里丝毫没有她早期作品中的讽刺言论。 8. and a reaction product of a hydrocarbyl substituted dicarboxylic acid or anhydride and an amine compound or salt. 和烃基取代的二羧酸或酸酐与胺化合物或盐的反应产物。 ip.com 9. As an essential amino acid, it is not synthesized by the body and must be obtained from the diet. 作为一种必需氨基酸,它是人体不能合成,必须从饮食中获得。 www.freemerce.com 10. Some people really do seem to think that natural selection is a universal acid, and that nothing can resist its powers of dissolution. 看起来确实有人认为自然选择是一种无所不能的酸液,而且没有任何东西能抵抗其侵蚀的威力。 www.bing.com 1. Previous studies have linked high levels of uric acid and hypertension, but they did not include a large number of blacks. 以前有研究发现高尿酸血症与高血压之间有关系,但是这些研究都没有包括足够数量的黑人。 news.dxy.cn 2. The bile resistance gene of the invention can be used for selection and genetic modification of pro biotics strain of lactic acid bacteria. 本发明的耐胆盐基因可用于乳酸菌益生菌株的筛选和遗传改造。 www.bing.com 3. To carry out the fermentation, the tofu curd is cut into small chunks and dipped into a solution of salt and citric acid. 为了进行发酵,豆腐被切成小块,并且浸入盐和柠檬酸溶液中。 dict.ebigear.com 4. In older skin, they found a decrease in the expression of genes involved in cholesterol and fatty acid synthesis. 研究发现,年长者的肌肤中胆固醇和脂肪酸合成物的基因表达有所衰减。 www.bing.com 5. The sulfur dioxide can be directly used for preparing acid raw gas and the compounds can be directly used as excellent cement clinker. 二氧化硫可直接用作制酸原料气,化合物可直接用作优质水泥熟料。 ip.com 6. Volcanic gases and magma heat the groundwater, turning it in a hot acid that dissolves rock into a slurry of mud and clay. 火山气体与岩浆加热地下水,使之变成一种高温的酸性水,将演岩石溶解为泥浆。 www.bing.com 7. You gently a bit, jujube skin, dental, and fibrillation, suddenly a acid strength channeling to the body. 你轻轻地一咬,红枣皮破,牙酸,口颤,突然一股酸劲窜向全身。 www.bing.com 8. Acetobacter and Gluconobacter can be allowed to oxidize the ethanol to acetic acid and form a wine vinegar. 醋酸杆菌和葡萄糖酸菌可以用来氧化乙醇而得醋酸形成一种葡萄酒醋。 dict.ebigear.com 9. The invention relates to sulfonic acid rare earth catalyst used for preparing polyisoprene and preparation method and application thereof. 本发明涉及用于制备聚异戊二烯的磺酸稀土催化剂及制法和应用。 ip.com 10. Using MRI scans, we have shown a reduction in the size of artery walls in patients after a year of treatment with nicotinic acid. 在经过烟碱酸类药物治疗1年后,通过MRI检查发现,患者的动脉壁的厚度下降。 news.dxy.cn 1. uric acid can not be promptly excreted to sodium the form of precipitation down, easy to trigger the formation of stones or gout. 尿酸不能及时排出钠的形式沉淀下来,容易触发形成结石或痛风。 www.qiyeku.com 2. Conclusion: The results of this population-based study suggest that serum uric acid is a strong and independent risk factor for diabetes. 结论:研究表明尿酸是糖尿病新的独立危险因素。 www.labmed.cn 3. Suddenly, the door has been home, watching the bent bow of his father, and she could not help but heart an acid. 转眼间,已到家门口,望着弯着弓的父亲,她不禁心一酸。 www.bing.com 4. The acid test ratio shows that the company is unable to pay its debts on time. 流动资产与流动负债比率显示该公司不能按时偿还债务。 en.hnuc.edu.cn 5. To make pyroxyle, the cotton must be immersed in the fuming azotic acid for a quarter of an hour, then washed in cold water and dried. 制造棉花火药只要把棉花在发烟硝酸里浸一刻钟,然后在冷水里洗净晾干。 novel.tingroom.com 6. During the treatment, 88 percent of the patients experienced gout flares, which can happen for a while when uric acid levels are lowered. 治疗期间,88%的患者痛风复发,这可以在尿酸水平下降时暂时出现。 news.dxy.cn 7. Due to its fatty acid profile, the Gold formula can be considered closer to breast milk than goat formula. 鉴于脂肪比例,金装配方奶是比羊奶更接近母乳。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. onlookers said the morning talks fails, Pan out of throwing acid. 围观者说,今天上午会谈失败,潘了泼硫酸。 www.qiyeku.com 9. However, due to the hydrochloric acid concentration is too high, right along the river is bound to cause pollution. 然而,由于盐酸浓度过高,正确沿江,势必造成污染。 www.qiyeku.com 10. Researchers also found a positive effect of zoledronic acid on bone markers, measurements of bone loss that are found in blood and urine. 研究者还发现了一个证实唑来瞵酸疗效的骨代谢指标,骨质流失的检测可以在血液和鸟液中发现。 news.dxy.cn 1. Your stomach needs plenty of hydrochloric acid to break down calcium carbonate, so always take your supplement with a meal or snack. 您的胃需要很多盐酸分解碳酸钙,因此请与饭或点心一起服用这些添加物。 www.bing.com 2. Can she bear too see her children cutting down the trees and destroying the grassland, to see the acid rain destroying everything? 她能忍受她的孩子砍伐树木、毁坏草原,让酸雨毁灭一切吗? www.englishtang.com 3. If they can satisfy such demanding users, lead-acid batteries with a dash of carbon could be ready to lead a new charge. 如果这些电池可以满足如此需求的用户,有少量碳的铅酸电池可能导致一个新的收费。 www.ecocn.org 4. phytic acid is a fine industrial product with boom prospect, and its raw material sources are extensional . 植酸是从米糠等原料中提取的一种精细化工产品,具有广泛的应用领域和前景。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Sulfuric acid has many applications, and is one of the top products of the chemical industry. 硫酸有许多用途,是化工产业的优良产品。 www.ebigear.com 6. Sulfur dioxide will form acid rain, can be a strong corrosion of buildings and industrial equipment. 二氧化硫会形成酸雨,可以是建筑物和工业设备腐蚀性强。 www.qiyeku.com 7. The fatty acid salt lubricant can be used for a lubricant of matt enamelled paper primary coat paint. 本发明的脂肪酸盐润滑剂可以用于亚光铜版纸底涂涂料的润滑剂。 ip.com 8. The electric effects could clarify organic compound with acid - base , but it had limitation. 电子效应较好地解释了有机物的酸碱性,但也存在着局限性; www.chemyq.com 9. The suspension is produced, stored, transported and used in the form of an acid cartridge or an acetate cartridge. 该淤浆以一种称作酸性药筒或乙酸盐药筒的形式被制备、储存、传输和使用。 ip.com 10. Suitable for sulphuric acid medium. Can be used for welding same kind of stainless steel and different type of steel lining or clad steel . 适用于硫酸介质,可用于焊接同类不锈钢,也用于衬里异种钢或复合钢焊接。 www.bing.com 1. Shelled creatures, whose calcium-carbonate-rich armour tends to dissolve in acid, suddenly became rare. 贝壳类生物因其壳富含碳酸钙易溶于酸,也突然变得罕见起来。 www.bing.com 2. It had significant difference compared with the lactic acid bacteria fermented soybean milk. 与乳酸菌发酵豆乳相比,口感有明显的区别。 www.chemyq.com 3. Standard solutions for determination of iron pick-up in acid solution are required prior to pickling operation. 酸浸之前应该采用标准溶液确定酸液中铁增量。 www.1x1y.com.cn 4. Uncoating with its release of viral nucleic acid into the cytoplasm can be inhibited if the virion is covered by antibody . 如果病毒体被抗体覆盖,脱衣壳释放核酸这一步就会被抑制。 www.bing.com 5. Californian Tricia Carr says her mother developed complications from acid reflux that killed her. 加利福尼亚人翠西·雅卡尔称她母亲因为胃酸倒流并发症而痛不欲生。 www.kekenet.com 6. GERD is an ailment of the stomach and esophagus that occurs when stomach acid backs up into the esophagus due to a weak valve. 胃食管返流疾病通常由于瓣膜的虚弱而使胃酸倒流至食管,主要的症状为胃灼热。 www.microcard2u.com 7. Mama do not just a cold? people who are afraid of the cold acid. 妈妈不是刚的感冒吗?的感冒的人怕酸。 sh.yingyu.com 8. The preparation, properties and application of humic acid resin acid are introduced in terms of energy comprehensive utilization. 从能源综合利用的角度介绍了腐植酸树脂的制备、性能及应用。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Lipoxygenase pathway of metabolism of arachidonic acid has no significant changes. 而花生四烯酸的脂氧酶代谢途径无明显改变。 www.fabiao.net 10. distinguish between acid-base properties of food to see contained in the main elemental composition. 酸碱性食物区分主要看其所含的元素成分。 www.qiyeku.com 1. So if uric acid builds up, the body cannot easily get rid of it. 因此,当尿酸积聚增多时,机体就不能轻易将其排到体外。 cn.reuters.com 2. frequently eat lemon, milk, and lactic acid bacteria can be transformed calcium citrate and calcium lactate to help bones grow rapidly. 经常吃柠檬,牛奶和乳酸菌可以转化柠檬酸钙和乳酸钙,帮助骨骼快速成长。 www.qiyeku.com 3. The structure, pore volume distribution and acid property of these samples were characterized by means of XRD, BET, NH3-TPD and Pyridine-IR. 以XRD,BET,NH3-TPD和吡啶吸附等方法对它们的构型、孔分布和酸性质进行了表征; www.ceps.com.tw 4. A strong acid, it is toxic and can cause severe Burns. It attacks most metals and is used for etching steel and photoengraving. 硝酸是一种强酸,有毒,并能造成严重烧伤。能与大多数金属起作用,用于蚀刻钢材和光刻。 www.bing.com 5. Treatment of the body after psychro-thermal cycles through in vitro experiments with nitric acid silver staining ammoniation, enhancement. 粘结后的牙体经过体外冷热循环实验,氨化硝酸银染色实验。 www.594wm.com 6. secreted by the kidneys that in mammals is a yellow to amber-colored, slightly acid fluid discharged from the body through the urethra. 尿,小便哺乳动物由肾脏排泄出的排泄物,颜色为黄色到琥珀色之间,为略含酸性的液体,通过尿道排出体外。 dict.veduchina.com 7. It has some sweet lemon, green apple acid than many. As long as you stay around, even if nothing is done happiness. 它比柠檬甜一点,又比青苹果酸许多。只要呆在你身边,哪怕什么也不做都是幸福。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. In studies, participants who took folic acid for a month long time period did much better on memory tests that the group that did not. 研究证实,参与者摄取叶酸一个多月的时间内,记忆力测试的确好很多并没有忘记很多。 www.elanso.com 9. When they dissolve in seawater they are combining with it, in a simple chemical reaction, to produce carbonic acid. 当人们分解海水同时,透过简单的化学反应,人们也融入了二氧化碳于水中藉以生产碳酸。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Franks died soon thereafter. Leopold and Loeb concealed the body and poured hydrochloric acid on it to make identification more difficult. 利奥伯德和勒伯将尸体隐匿起来,并在上面浇上盐酸而使辨认工作更加困难。 www.bing.com 1. Sulfuric acid as one of strong corrosive medium, sulfuric acid is the use of a very wide range of important industrial raw materials. 硫酸作为强腐蚀介质之一,硫酸是用途非常广泛的重要工业原料。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The active component, salicylic acid, originally from willow bark, was used as a folk remedy as long ago as the 5th century BC. 它来自早在公元前五世纪就被用于民间配方的柳树皮,是这种树皮的一种有效成分。 www.bing.com 3. Formulated with a unique Polyhydroxy acid, gluconolactone, to even skin tone and reduce appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. 配方中的一个独特的多羟基酸,葡萄糖酸,甚至肤色,减少细纹和皱纹的出现。 www.wujinggou.com 4. The reaction of an acid with a base is called neutralization. 一个与基地被称为中和酸的反应。 wenwen.soso.com 5. One of the best natural sedatives is tryptophan, an amino acid component of many plant and animal proteins. 最好的天然镇静剂之一就是色氨酸,它是在许多植物与动物蛋白质中都能找到的一种氨基酸。 www.dictall.com 6. Modern writing inks usually contain ferrous sulfate with a small amount of an acid; on paper, they darken and bond, becoming permanent. 现代写字用的墨水通常包括了硫酸亚铁和少量的酸;写在纸上,颜色会越来越深,且能保持永不褪色。 dict.ebigear.com 7. They were able to conclude that the use of folic acid supplements reduced the risk of stroke by an average of 18 percent. 他们能够断定使用叶酸补充剂能将卒中风险平均降低18%。 www.dxy.cn 8. With the post-genome era coming, fully automated nucleic acid molecular diagnostic system has been used widely. 摘要随着后基因组时代的到来,全自动核酸分子诊断系统得到了广泛的应用。 www.instrumentation.com.cn 9. After food, rinse your mouth out with water or chew sugar-free gum to encourage saliva, which neutralises the acid. 吃完后漱口或者嚼无糖口香糖促进唾液分泌,以助中和酸性。 www.bing.com 10. Hyaluronic acid fillers are generally used to treat facial wrinkles and folds and to enhance the appearance of the lips. 透明质酸填充剂通常用来治疗面部皱纹和皱褶,并形成饱满的嘴唇。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The surfactant lowers the surface tension and increases the efficiency of the acid. 表面活性剂用来降低表面张力,并提高酸的效率。 www.infopetro.com.cn 2. At this point yeasts and molds become dominant and degrade the accumulated lactic acid, and the acidity gradually decreases. 此时,酵母和霉菌成为优势菌并且降解积累乳酸,而酸度逐渐下降。 dict.ebigear.com 3. used for paper tube was prepared by cross linked copolymerization of EVA emulsion, VAc and acrylic acid and addition of high quality filler. 以EVA乳液,醋酸乙烯、烯酸通过共聚和交联反应,配以优质填料研制了一种纸管用乳液胶粘剂。 www.jukuu.com 4. The lake seems to be acid because no signs of life are noticed. 这片湖水看似是酸水,因为没有任何生命的迹象。 www.bing.com 5. After the sample had been acidulated and dissolved by soda. P-Mo-V xanthic acid spectrophotometry was used to determine the content of P2O5. 试样经堿熔,酸化后,以磷-钼-钒黄分光光度法测定五氧化二磷; www.ceps.com.tw 6. It indicates that this pigment is stable to heat, sunlight and common additives under acid condition. 结果表明,该色素在酸性条件下,对光、热、常用食品添加剂都比较稳定; www.magsci.net 7. The film is coated with an ethylene-acrylic acid copolymer based coating capable of receiving electrostatic imaging with liquid toner. 该胶片用乙烯-丙烯酸共聚物基、可接受用液体调色剂进行静电成象的涂料涂布。 ip.com 8. Acid rain and heavy metals are only a few of the many pollutants that contaminate rivers, lakes, streams, seas, and oceans. 在众多的河流、湖泊、小溪和海洋的污染物中,酸雨和重金属只是其中的少数几种。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. However, these positions did not display much difference in amino acid polymorphism. 但是,这些位点的氨基酸多态性并没有表现出太大的差异。 www.virol.cn:8080 10. Chongqing city is one of the most serious acid rain areas, the damage of acid rain to the downtown should be paid great attention . 重庆市是我国酸雨较为严重的区域之一,酸雨对市区的危害受到重视。 test.teacher.com.cn 1. The relative retention time and relative peak area of every characteristic principle were calculated by cinnamic acid as reference peak. 以肉桂酸为参考峰,计算各特征成分相对保留时间比和相对峰面积比。 www.fabiao.net 2. The invention provides an organic dye with quinoline carboxylic acid as the receptor and a solar cell sensitized by the organic dye. 本发明提供了以喹啉羧酸为受体的有机染料和用其染料敏化太阳能电池。 ip.com 3. Lytic phages may have genomes of any type of nucleic acid; they transfer between cells by release of infective particles. 裂解性噬菌体可能有含任一种核酸的基因组,通过释放导致感染的病毒颗粒,它们在细胞间传递。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The surface of iron oxide nanoparticles was coated with oleic acid (OA) for better compatibility with organic phase containing the polymer. 当在三氧化二铁纳米颗粒的表面包裹一层油酸后,可以提高其与含有聚合物的有机相的相容性。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Both a strong acid cation bed and a strong base anion bed are required to remove all of the ions in the water. 此工艺需同时使用一强酸性阳离子交换柱和一强碱性阴离子交换柱以除去水中所有离子。 www.dugoogle.com 6. Their amino acid composition resembles that of all the other "soluble" proteins. 它们的氨基酸组成与所有其它可溶性蛋白质相似。 7. Cleveland's condition was likely exacerbated by his heavy drinking, which increases serum uric acid concentrations. 克利夫兰的病情可能由其大量的饮酒加重,这导致了他的血清尿酸浓度增高。 www.bing.com 8. Theoretical value was the theoretical amount of the sulfuric acid reacting with alkali metal like lithium, sodium, potassium in ore. 理论值即硫酸与矿石中锂、钠、钾等碱金属反应生成相应的硫酸盐的理论用量。 www.rm-journal.com 9. Ammonia gas has been used experimentally to neutralize the acid, while other solutions are being researched. 氨气在通常在实验中用来中和酸,而别的解决方法还是研究中。 www.en400.com:8080 10. When I sweated, it felt as if acid was poured all over me. 当我出汗时,感觉就像被酸浇了全身一样。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Gas chromatography was used for the phenotype identification of oleic and linolenic acid content. 运用气相色谱仪对油酸、亚麻酸含量进行表型鉴定; paper.pet2008.cn 2. whereas no similar observations were found in that of broiler feet by acetic acid extraction (FB). 然而用醋酸从烤乌骨鸡脚中提取物中并没有类似的观察。 www.24chem.com 3. Air pollution problems like acid rain have come up during the drafting process, but global warming has not figured prominently. 诸如酸雨之类的空气污染问题已经出现在立法过程中,而全球变暖却未得到重视。 www.bing.com 4. Such a process is particularly useful in the production of difunctional monomers and intermediates in the synthesis of adipic acid. 这样一种方法对于制备双官能单体和合成己二酸的中间体特别有用。 word.hcbus.com 5. I found a certain acid tone in his comments. 我察觉出他的评论中尖酸的言论。 raycn.com 6. Thing of the past will have to put 2% of oxalic acid solution soak a few minutes, then wash with detergent addition. 过去的事便要为2%草酸溶液浸泡几分钟,然后用洗涤剂增加。 www.qiyeku.com 7. The reason given was that the acid in the orange juice would make the milk curdle and become indigestible. 所给出的理由是桔汁中的酸性物质会使牛奶变成凝乳状而难以消化吸收。 word.hcbus.com 8. The influence of temperature and humidity on neutral aroma matter was more obvious than on acid and alkalescence. 温度、湿度对中性香气物质的影响比酸性、碱性更为明显。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. He later ordered an acid attack on the bouncer and was denied legal immunity though the Libyan Embassy accredited him as a diplomat. 后来,他下令对保镖的犀利的攻击,但法律豁免权被剥夺,尽管利比亚大使馆认可他是一名外交官。 kk.dongxi.net 10. Tannic acid, a typical vegetable tannin, is a very valuable natural product used for wild fields. 单宁酸属水解类单宁,是具有重要开发利用价值的天然产物。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. a sparing amount of excess fatty acid, up to 70% of the nanoparticles transferred into the aqueous phase. 过剩脂肪酸不遗余力量,高达70到水相转移纳米%。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. 'He'd be a broader guy if he had dropped acid once or gone off to an ashram when he was younger. ' 要是他嗑药时或者去寺院修行的时候更年轻一些,他会成为更伟大的人。 www.bing.com 3. Of these isolates, A. niger DS 1 was found to be the best citric acid producer and therefore selected for further work. 这些将a尼日尔DS1是发现最好的柠檬酸制作人,因此选择进一步的工作。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. The force that press a gram changes formal name to call methylic acrylic acid armour ester, namely " organic glass " . 压克力化学名称甲基丙烯酸甲酯,即“有机玻璃”。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. They were the victims of an assault when a dude threw some kind of acid on them and burned their faces and bodies really bad. 他们在一次恶性事件中被人用硫酸泼到了脸上,不仅是脸部烧伤,连身体上也被溅到了。 page.renren.com 6. Now , there's another fatty acid , capric acid, which is just like the other two, except that it has two more carbon atoms . 现在,还有另一种脂肪酸叫做羊蜡酸(发酸),与前面提到的两者非常相似,它只不过又多了两个碳原子而已。 www.bing.com 7. Compared with titanate coupling agent, the amount of stearic acid used for modifying calcium carbonate was higher than the former. 与钛酸酯偶联剂相比,硬脂酸改性碳酸钙的用量高于前者。 www.chemyq.com 8. Think of it as an acidic Cabernet Sauvignon; the acid is a perfect match with tomato sauce. 你不妨把它看作一种酸性更强的赤霞珠葡萄酒(CabernetSauvignon),酒里的酸与番茄汁堪称天作之合。 c.wsj.com 9. We end up with a diluted solution of sulfuric acid, various metals (including gold), and waste that then needs to be filtered. 最后我们得到了稀硫酸、各种金属(包括金)和废弃物,它们都需要过滤。 career.51youcai.com 10. Please do not wipe the outer surface with acid, alkali or other corrosive solutions. 请勿用酸、碱或其它腐蚀性溶液来擦拭外表面。 www.28006680.com 1. More nitrogen billows from power-plant smokestacks, blowing in the wind until it settles as acid rain. 从工厂烟囱里翻腾出来的氨气随风漂流然后变成了酸雨。 www.bing.com 2. Methods: The total carbohydrate was determined by Phenol-Sulphuric acid method, single carbohydrate was determined by salicylic acid method. 方法:采用苯酚-硫酸法测定总糖含量,采用水杨酸法测定单糖含量,从而准确测出多糖含量。 epub.cnki.net 3. The intermediate dye can then undergo an acid catalyzed ring opening to produce a colored dye form. 然后中间体染料可进行酸催化的开环,以产生有色染料形式。 ip.com 4. That carbolic acid, although an energetic antiseptic, had little persistent effect due to its volatility and solubility in water. 碳酸虽是一种强力防腐剂,但由于挥发性和水溶性,其持久性小。 dict.ebigear.com 5. The conjugated linoleic acid functions to improve radiance on facial su*ces to which the composition is topically applied. 所述共轭亚油酸作用以改善局部应用了所述组合物的面部表面的光泽。 www.hgpf114.com 6. The liquid flows out the groove and turns into a liquid curtain for better cooling and good carbonic acid gas absorption. 液体流动出槽,并演变成液体窗帘,为更好地冷却和良好的碳酸气体吸收。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The trans-palmitoleic acid compound occurs in the dairy fat of milk, cheese, yoghurt and butter but cannot be made by the body. 反式棕榈烯酸混合物可在奶制品的脂肪中形成,如牛奶、奶酪、酸奶和黄油,但是不能人工合成。 www.cowinfo.com 8. Melamine significant weak alkaline and acid reactions can be generated with a wide range of melamine salt. 三聚氰胺显弱碱性,能够与各种酸反应生成三聚氰胺盐。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 9. DNA is a ladderlike double-stranded nucleic acid that forms the basis of genetic inheritance in all organisms, except for a few viruses. DNA是一个梯状的双链核酸,构成了除少数病毒以外所有生物基因遗传的基础。 www.putclub.com 10. Using rabbits, Dr. Amory said, he discovered the drug blocks production of retinoic acid, important for sperm production. 艾莫里博士说,他从兔子的试验中发现该药物阻止维生素A酸的生产,而维生素A酸正是精子生产的必须物。 www.bing.com 1. Monounsaturated fatty acid(MUFA) is a sort of fatty acids, including a double bond in its carbon chain. 单不饱和脂肪酸(MUFA)是脂肪酸的一种,其碳链上只有一个双键。 www.chemyq.com 2. Most vintners let the wine age a bit so bacteria can turn malic acid into the "softer, " "rounder" lactic acid. 大多数葡萄酒商会将葡萄酒存放几年,细菌即可将苹果酸变成一种口感更加“柔和”、更加“圆润”的乳酸。 dongxi.net 3. Do you think that the sourest feeling jealous, is not the way, the most acid feeling is that you had no right to feel jealous. 你以为最酸的感觉莫过于吃醋,不是的,最酸的感觉是你无权吃醋。 www.qqzhi.com 4. A lie of glass, thin acid transparent, he thought. The chauffeur must certainly be laughing to himself. 想这是撒一个玻璃质的谎,又脆薄,又明亮,汽车夫定在暗笑。 tr.bab.la 5. In the form of a water solution or as litmus paper, it is the oldest and most-used indicator of whether a substance is an acid or a Base. 它的水溶液,或者做成石蕊纸后,是最古老和最常用的指示剂,可以指示一种物质是酸还是碱。 it.bab.la 6. Dibutyl succinate was synthesized catalyzed by a strong acid cation exchange resin from succinic acid and n-butyl alcohol. 用强酸性阳离子交换树脂催化丁二酸和正丁醇的酯化反应,合成了丁二酸二丁酯。 www.dictall.com 7. For proteins, single amino acid residues are removed from one end of the protein and identified one at a time using an automated system. 蛋白质自动测序系统从蛋白质一端每次切下一个氨基酸残基并识别。 www.ebigear.com 8. The effectiveness of acid fracturing is generally evaluated by the efficient length of fracture and the residual conductivity. 酸压裂缝的长度和导流能力则是评价酸化压裂施工有效性的两个主要指标。 www.chemyq.com 9. Waves that ate away the beach; an acid that eats the surface of a machine part. 海浪侵蚀海滩;腐蚀机器零件表层的酸。 www.fane.cn 10. The researchers believe the elevated amounts of ascorbic acid generate hydrogen peroxide in the body that acts against the cancer cells. 研究人员认为,体内维C增加,可以产生过氧化氢来对抗癌细胞。 cn.reuters.com |
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